elissavetazerdeva · 6 years
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Nature as a poem
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sim1dm · 10 years
This gorgeous bliss in the morning mist on frozen fingers hunger lingers we sit patiently  watch the day begin watch the light change and end again my comfort is knowing what awaits a single moment of warmth or embrace Any one single force can change this just one look or lift makes me not want to engage in this the ground appears helpless on it's last legs surrendering itself to a few seldom warm days I want to hold all of this collect it in my thoughts bundle it in my arms to carry with me through the months the feeling of it's daily care the kind look that takes away all of my despair I will open my soul to it love as it should be done, rightly take this and bury it deep to keep me sane whenever there is darkness or need to be afraid it will wrap me in its sheath and hold me until I can recapture serenity that wholeness of being.
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