jasmineinherhair · 6 years
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I haven’t posted anything to my feed in a long time and to be honest I just haven’t felt like it. Ive been working a ton and none of the work I’m doing is thought provoking or interesting. I haven’t felt creative or inspired. I’ve felt so tired and a little exhausted by the grind. Even more so by the pressure I put on myself to feel inspired when I don’t. I’d like to think it’s just that it’s winter but who really knows. I think it’s just reality that sometimes bouts of life are really rather mundane. There is a lot of truth to the whole happiness is a journey thing. It does take patience to find inspiration in the slower times of life. In the words of #bigmoneysalvia “I guess life is just a quick series of bursts of happiness that you have to hold onto as hard as you can before they fade away.” The holidays can be tough so reach out if you need to talk to someone ♥️ . . 🌞 . . #holidaze #retail #fakeittillyoumakeit #mundane #everydayspaces #work #natureofwinter #winter #struggleofwinter #happiness #internetcommentetiquette #salviaerik #commentiquette
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