navienmateca · 3 months
Top Rated Electric Mattress Heating Pads in 2024
Discover the top-rated electric mattress heating pads in 2024 at NavienMate.ca! Whether you're in Canada or anywhere else, our curated selection of electric mattress heating pads and electric heated blankets ensures you find the perfect blend of comfort and quality. 
Electric mattress heating pads are designed to provide soothing warmth and enhance your sleep experience. They come with various features such as adjustable temperature settings, plush materials for added comfort, and safety certifications for peace of mind. 
We prioritize customer satisfaction and offer products from trusted brands known for their reliability and performance. Our website provides detailed product descriptions and customer reviews to help you make an informed decision. 
For those chilly Canadian nights, an electric mattress heating pad or electric heated blanket can make all the difference, providing consistent warmth without the hassle of traditional blankets. They are also energy-efficient, helping you save on heating costs during colder seasons. Explore our range of top-rated electric mattress heating pads and electric heated blankets today at NavienMate.ca and transform your sleep experience with warmth and comfort. 
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idiotbuyonline · 5 years
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➡ Navien Mate Bed Warmer
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navienmate · 4 years
How to Get a Good Night's Sleep During Pregnancy
Pregnant women often struggle to get comfortable at night. This may be due to discomfort caused by their stomach, leg cramps, or frequent bathroom breaks due to their bladder being compressed by their womb. However, when you’re growing a new life inside you, it’s more crucial than ever that you get a full eight hours of quality sleep - or more. From changing your diet to sleeping with a water-heated mattress pad here are few tips on getting a good night’s sleep during pregnancy!
The Importance Of Good Sleep During Pregnancy
It is extremely important that pregnant women get a good night’s sleep for the sake of their own health and the health of their unborn child. Pregnancy puts a strain on the body and it needs to rest and recover each day. Here are a few reasons why good sleep is important during pregnancy. 
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Improves Mom’s Health
Getting quality sleep during pregnancy is good for your mental and physical health. Women who suffer from sleep problems during pregnancy are more likely to have longer labor, more pain, and higher rates of preterm birth. 
Good sleep patterns can also help prevent hypertension. If a pregnant woman’s blood pressure gets high, she can suffer from preeclampsia, a condition that can cause immense discomfort to her and even cause a preterm birth. Sleep can help reduce stress levels and hypertension.
Sleep is also necessary for keeping your white blood cells at healthy levels. Getting plenty of sleep will help keep your immune system working properly so it can fight off illnesses that could affect your or your baby. 
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Improves Baby’s Health
The health of the mother can affect the health of the baby. If you aren’t getting enough sleep, you could experience numerous health problems that could negatively affect your baby.
Women who get the right amount of sleep are less likely to develop sleep apnea, a condition that can cause you to stop breathing while sleeping. The resulting lack of oxygen can be dangerous for the developing baby. 
Women who have sleep problems are also more likely to have a reduced amount of growth hormone released during pregnancy, which can cause growth problems for the unborn child. 
Further, the stress hormone cortisol increases when you don’t get enough sleep. High levels of cortisol in pregnant mothers are linked to lower birth weights and lower IQ scores in their children.
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Fewer Complications
The risk for complications during pregnancy is higher when you aren’t getting a good amount of sleep. When you aren’t getting enough sleep you may suffer from mental confusion, high blood pressure, a compromised immune system, sleep apnea, and even gestational diabetes. Getting a night of good sleep can help reduce your risk and susceptibility to these conditions and others. 
Tips To Improve Sleep During Pregnancy
If you are pregnant and having a hard time sleeping at night, there are a few things you can do to improve the quality of your sleep. Here are a few ideas. 
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Body Pillows
A body pillow can help make you more comfortable at night. They can add support to the stomach and align your knees and arms during sleep. It can help take the pressure off your back and abdomen and help you find a comfortable position that makes it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep.
  Bed Warmers
You can find a bed warmer that can be added to your mattress to provide gentle heat that helps keep you comfortable and soothes your sore muscles.
The heat can also be soothing for the baby and help put it to sleep. This means the baby will kick and move less at night so you can sleep longer without any interruptions.
Non-electric bed warmer are available for any size of bed and are safe to use in all stages of pregnancy.
  Diet Change
Sometimes the foods you eat can have an effect on the way you sleep. It can be a good option to cut out food and drink that can keep you awake at night, like those that contain caffeine and high amounts of sugar. You can also try to add more things to your diet that promote better sleep including, nuts, warm milk, cottage cheese, and tea. 
Go Dark
Some people are extremely sensitive to light, and a bright room can make sleep difficult. If you can’t fall asleep or stay asleep, try making the room as dark as possible.
Turn off the TV, anything that brings light into your room. Pull your curtains or consider getting room darkening curtains to help keep your room dark if there are outside lights. This can help improve your sleep. 
  Start A Routine
Sometimes the reason you can’t sleep is that it’s hard to wind down after a long day of stress. You need to find a way to relax and let your mind know that it’s time for bed.
Start a routine that includes certain things that lead up to you falling asleep. This may include such things as taking a warm bath or shower, drinking warm milk, reading a couple of chapters of a book, or even listening to soothing music.
Try to start the routine at the same time every night. This will give you time to wind down and prepare to relax. After a few weeks of repetition, your body will get used to shutting down once you begin the routine. 
Also read The Importance of Good Sleep for Pregnant Women
  Are Mattress Pads Safe During Pregnancy?
Heated mattress pads are safe for pregnancy and can be used in all trimesters.
The heat does not generate radiation, so it won’t harm the baby. There are also no risks of getting tangled in wires or burnt by hot portions of the pad, as everything is contained and secure. The mattress pads can help ease pregnancy pains and create a more comfortable temperature so it’s easier to fall asleep. 
If you are having trouble falling asleep at night and are pregnant, you need to find the cause of the problems so you can find a solution. If you aren’t sure why you aren’t sleeping well, you can try different things to see which one works best.
If you are ready to try a mattress warming pad for your pregnancy, be sure to check out the NavienMate website. We have a variety of different mattress pads that can help you sleep better during these crucial months. View our selection online to make your purchase! source https://www.navienmate.com/blogs/navien-mate-heated-mattress-pad-news/how-to-get-a-good-nights-sleep-during-pregnancy
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Zelah got to try out her new @navienmateusa heated mattress pad and loves it!! This gifted #mattresspad is digitally controlled and safe because it's non-electric and water powered! It also has a child safe mode parental control feature so we can set adjustment restrictions for her. You can even control the #Navienmate with a remote or WiFi control from your phone where you can use lots of features including fast heating, sleep mode, child lock, and voice guidance. We like it way better than a #heatedblanket because its safer, doesn't have bulky wires and the water heating technology ensures an even heat without the risk of fire or overheating. I plan to get a king sized one for my bed and love how it has the separate heating zones so you control your side of the beds exact sleep temperature. Heat is such a great way to get relaxed and ease aches and pains too!. Another plus is how this #ecofriendly technology saves up to 50% on electricity compared to electric heating mattress pads because this one recirculates water. 🛌 To learn more visit ➡️ www.navienmate.com
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navienmate · 4 years
Keep Your Baby Cozy in the Crib with NavienMate
If you are looking for a way to increase the comfort of your baby or infant, a non-electric mattress warmer could be the perfect solution. Not only is a water bed warmer completely safe to use for babies and infants of all ages, but they can also increase the child’s comfort throughout the night.
A baby will be able to demonstrate to you when it is overheating by growing red in the face and sweating more than usual. These signs should be watched out for as you begin using the heating pad to ensure that you are picking a temperature for the pad that is right for your baby.
You may also wish to place a fan inside your baby’s room, which is a great counterpart to the heated mattress pad. When used together, these will help regulate your baby’s temperature and prevent your baby from either getting too hot or too cold.
What is a Water Bed Warmer?
Our water bed warmer is safe and simple to use so you never have to worry about the blanket overheating or burning your child in their crib. This type of mattress heating pad heats up when water circulates through the tubes that are inside the pad.
After flowing through the tubes, the water will return to the heating unit, which sends the water back out at the proper temperature — which you have the ability to choose. While it might sound complicated, our mattress pads are very easy to use and ensure that the temperature is always perfectly regulated.
There is no need for unsafe electric coils to be used, which are known to cause burns when left unmonitored. This means that your child can have a cozy and warm bed without electric blanket. 
Electric blankets might also produce radiation, which you of course do not want anywhere near your baby. Instead, our water generated heat, is completely safe without any risk to your child, no matter how young they are.
Our mattresses are also a convenient option because they can easily fit any bed or crib. Simply place the mattress warmer under or over the sheet and any other blankets you might have in your baby’s crib.
There are also several convenient options that will increase your own comfort as a parent. For instance, you can control the temperature and other settings on the mattress warmer from your phone. After a long and exhausting day, this means you can ensure your child is comfortable and happy without rushing to their room or crib and adjusting settings manually.
You can also use the mattress warmer on your own bed for those times when you might want to nap or sleep in the same bed as your child. The dual temperature controls mean that you and your child can both have a custom temperature to encourage sleep and comfort.
It is clear that a heated mattress pad will keep your baby cozy and calm all year round. Rather than relying on bulk blankets, which can cause your baby to fuss and feel trapped or entangled, a mattress pad will keep the crib and your baby perfectly warm.
How NavienMate Can Help Your Baby Sleep
Beyond being a safe way to create a cozy sleep environment for your child, heated mattress pads come with many other benefits for your baby’s sleep.
Regulate Temperature
It is known that babies struggle with thermoregulation, which means they cannot properly keep their internal temperature and external temperature balanced through the delicate process of heat retention and heat loss.
Due to the low amount of body fat and lack of metabolic development, babies are prone to losing too much heat. As we mature and grow, our bodies take on more fat and can produce heat through certain mechanisms, like shivering. But for a baby, blankets and body warmth are the best options.
During the night, one of our water heated mattress pads will be able to stay warm, but not too hot. This will ensure that your baby retains heat and will not become too cold or fussy.
An electric blanket may not be the best option due to the potential for burns or for metal coils to break through and harm your child. Equally, heavy blankets can weigh down too much on your baby and harm him or her.
Ease Distress or Discomfort
Babies that suffer from colic or digestion issues can often become distressed at night, which interrupts their sleep as well as your own. A heated mattress pad can actually ease some of the symptoms of colic, such as stomach pains as well as fear or distress that babies with colic often experience.
Similarly, a baby that is struggling with digestion could also be comforted by a heated mattress pad. The warmth will soothe the stomach muscles, which often clench or experience spasm when dealing with issues such as gas or stomach aches.
Not only will your baby feel cozier and less fearful, but you also might get more sleep as well because your baby will not wake up as often throughout the night.
Increased Relaxation
Even for babies who do not suffer from stomach issues, a warming mattress pad will be a source of comfort and will soothe them when they are in distress. Not only will they feel calmer at night, but you might even discover that it takes less time for your baby to fall asleep with the assistance of a mattress heater.
Find the Best Water Bed Warmer for Your Baby
All parents want the best for their babies and this includes giving them the best sleep to help them grow into a healthy child. If you’re looking for the best water bed warmer for your baby, contact us today and help your baby achieve the perfect sleep.
source https://www.navienmate.com/blogs/navien-mate-heated-mattress-pad-news/keep-your-baby-cozy-in-the-crib-with-navienmate
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navienmate · 4 years
The Importance of Good Sleep for Pregnant Women
Sleep problems during pregnancy are exceedingly common, especially in the first and third trimesters. Insomnia in early pregnancy can be attributed to see-sawing hormone levels. Meanwhile, late pregnancy sleeping troubles are due to various discomforts brought about by your large belly - such as heartburn, a compressed bladder, leg cramps, and back pain.
Apart from the uncomfortable physical toll sleep deprivation takes on pregnant women, lack of sleep can also harm the developing fetus. Overcoming the hurdles to sleep during pregnancy is of utmost importance.
Here are a number of reasons why, and also a few tips - from changing your mattress to sleeping with a heated mattress pad - on how to score that much needed shuteye during pregnancy.
Why Is A Good Night’s Sleep Important?
Your body needs to sleep so it can rest and heal itself. Without sleep, the brain and body can become overwhelmed and fail to work as they should.
Pregnant women need to get at least eight hours of sleep a night, but it’s recommended that you get more than that. After all, growing a tiny human takes a strain on the body and mind! Here are just a few of the reasons pregnant women need to get a good night’s sleep.
Improves Mental Health
When you are about to become a mom, you have a lot on your mind. You are planning for changes in the household’s routine, preparing the nursery, and driving yourself crazy with questions about various birthing scenarios.
Your mind works hard and it deserves a rest. Sleep allows your brain to reset and process all the knowledge you gathered during the day. This helps you retain information and problem-solve better during your waking hours.
Being rested and clear-headed also puts you in a better position to respond to challenges during the day, decreasing stress levels and risk for mental health issues such as depression. 
Strengthens the Immune System
If you aren’t getting enough sleep, your immune system can suffer. Studies show that sleep deprivation can cause a decrease in a kind of white blood cell called natural killer cells, weakening your immune response. 
When you are pregnant, you have to stay healthy for yourself and the baby. You want your immune system to be as strong as possible so you can fight off illnesses and help keep your unborn child safe and protected from viruses and infections.
Prevents Gestational Diabetes
Annually, 2-10% of pregnant women are affected by gestational diabetes. Gestational diabetes occurs only during pregnancy, in women who otherwise do not have diabetes.
Lack of sleep can lead to weight gain and higher blood glucose levels, which can result in gestational diabetes. A Chicago study found that an average sleep duration of less than six hours was associated with an increase in the risk of developing gestational diabetes. 
How Does Good Sleep Affect The Growing Fetus?
Sleeping doesn’t just help you feel better, it can actually benefit your unborn baby as well. When you don’t sleep or are feeling tired and stressed, it can have an effect on your baby too. Sleeping can help your baby grow better in your womb. Here’s how getting good sleep can affect your growing fetus.
Boosts Growth Hormone
During pregnancy, the placenta secretes a variant of human growth hormone that is necessary in the growth of the fetus. Getting plenty of sleep ensures that normal levels of growth hormone are produced to support the development of your baby. 
Prevents High Blood Pressure
High blood pressure can be very dangerous for pregnant women as it can cause a condition called preeclampsia. Preeclampsia poses a number of risks, such as impaired liver and kidney function, fluid in the lungs, and even maternal and infant death. Sleeping can help lower blood pressure and keep it at safe levels.
Sleep Apnea
Pregnant women who do not sleep well at night are more likely to have sleep apnea. Sleep apnea occurs when a person stops breathing while sleeping. This can be dangerous for pregnant women and their babies because it can reduce the blood flow to the placenta, thereby also decreasing oxygen supply to the developing fetus.
Stress causes an increase in a hormone called cortisol. High maternal levels of cortisol in can cause lower birth weights and lower IQ scores in their children.
Tips To Get A Better Night’s Sleep While Pregnant
Pregnant women who are having trouble sleeping can find things that improve their sleep. Understanding the reason or cause of your insomnia can help you find the right way to treat it. Here are a few tips that can help improve your sleep during pregnancy.
New Mattress
Sometimes your mattress can be uncomfortable. This can cause you to toss and turn and wake up from body pain during the night. Changing your mattress can make you more comfortable and help you sleep better.
Heated Mattress Pad
Feeling cold at night can cause your muscles to stiffen in sleep, resulting in an uncomfortable night’s sleep. In this case, you may want to consider buying a bed warmer pad. A bed warmer can be placed on top of your mattress to add the perfect amount of heat that helps soothe and heal sore muscles.
Change Your Diet
The foods you eat can have a big impact on the way you sleep. Certain foods can cause you to stay up longer, have nightmares, or just toss and turn all night.
If you aren’t sleeping well at night, you should try cutting out caffeine, refined sugars, spicy foods, and other foods that can cause digestive problems. Once your diet improves, you will find that your sleep improves as well. 
If you are pregnant and having trouble sleeping, consider adding a bed warmer pad to your bedtime routine. The ultimate goal is to make you more comfortable so you can get the sleep you and your unborn baby need. 
Visit the NavienMate website to view our selection of heated mattress pads and other sleep products we have to offer! source https://www.navienmate.com/blogs/navien-mate-heated-mattress-pad-news/the-importance-of-good-sleep-for-pregnant-women
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navienmate · 5 years
The Best Heated Mattress Pad to Keep Warm in Bed
If you are looking for a way to improve the comfort of your bed and your overall sleep, a mattress pad may be a good option. Navien mattress pads are designed to fit on top of your mattress and under your blankets. They warm you quickly and naturally so you don’t have to worry about electricity or wires connecting to your bed. And if you ever decide a heating pad is right for you, you will want to choose the best one for your bed and your needs. 
Advantages Of A Heated Mattress Pad
Heated mattress pads are a great way to stay warm in the cold months or when you are cooling your home with an air conditioner, but they have many other benefits as well. If you are thinking about buying a heated mattress pad consider some of these advantages of owning one:
More Stable Sleep
If you are hoping to go to sleep easily and stay asleep longer, you may benefit from a heated mattress pad. When you are able to maintain a constant body temperature while sleeping, you are less likely to be woken up and will have a more stable sleep. A water heated mattress pad can help you feel more rested and make you more productive the next day. 
Therapeutic Relief
Heat is proven to help heal the body. When you are sleeping, your body is repairing itself and healing and when you add a heated mattress pad to your bed you can heal your body much faster. It can help muscles relax so you feel less stiff and sore in the morning when you wake up and even give you more energy throughout the day.
Safe Heating
While there are plenty of ways to heat your mattress or bedding, most of them require wired blankets and heating pads. Wires can wrap around you and cause injuries. Electric heating pads can cause burns and are considered a fire hazard. And anything that has current flowing through it creates an electromagnetic field (EMF): you’re practically sleeping right in the center of an electromagnet! With a heated mattress pad, you simply do not have to worry about these risks. 
How To Choose The Right Heated Mattress Pad
Once you’ve decided to purchase a heated mattress pad or bed warmer you may be wondering how to choose the right one. There are a variety of different types of heated mattress pads made to fit all bed sizes and the needs of everyone. Here are a few things to consider when choosing a bed warmer that is right for you:
You need to find a heated mattress warmer to fit your bed regardless of the size. You can choose a smaller one to only cover one half of a larger bed. You can also choose a perfectly-fit one that matches your bed so the entire mattress stays warm and comfortable. When choosing the size, consider how you will use the heater so you can choose the one that will best fit your needs. 
Believe it or not, there are heated mattress pads for all segments. You’ll find that even on a budget, you can still find a bed warmer that will work for you. Decide what you want or need in a bed warmer and then find one that meets both your needs and your budget.
Different heating pads have different features and it’s important to choose one that has the features you need. You may want one with Wi-Fi, one with a timer, one with auto drain, one with fast heating or even one that holds different temperatures on each side. There are many different features available so choose the ones you like best and find the mattress pad that offers them. 
Why Choose A NavienMate Heated Mattress Pad?
When you’re ready to buy a heated mattress pad and want to make sure you are choosing the best option for your money, consider choosing a NavienMate bed heater. Our heated mattress pads are unlike any others and are sure to keep you warm and help you get a better night's sleep. Here are a few reasons to choose Navien mattress pads:
Easy Set-Up
We know that you want to get started using your heated mattress pad immediately and you don’t want to take a lot of time setting up the system. Our systems are easy to set up and ready to use in just a few minutes. The equipment is small and lightweight so you can move it around and take it practically anywhere you go. You can be warm and comfy in your bed in no time at all.
Affordable Prices
You don’t have to spend a lot of money to get a great product. We make sure our products are not only top of the line, but also affordable. We offer different mattress heating pads to fit every budget. Whether you just want something simple to keep you warm at night or want something that has a lot of impressive features and technology that can make your sleep better and your life more convenient, you can bet we have something for you.
Numerous Product Options
We know that everyone has different needs and wants when it comes to their sleep and comfort. We want you to have a lot of bed warming options so you can choose the product that is right for you. Other companies may only offer one or two products or models, but our lineup features several choices so you can find one that offers everything you need.
Satisfied Customers
We work hard to make sure our products make customers happy. We stand by our bed warmers and want customers to enjoy them as much as possible. Call our friendly customer service line now so you can get answers to any of your questions and get help with any problems that may arise with your mattress pad warmer.
And even when you are ready to choose a mattress pad for your bed, don’t forget to check out our wide selection of products and compare them to each other before making your choice. We know that a good night’s sleep can make a big difference and we definitely want to help you choose the best heated mattress pad for your bed.
source https://www.navienmate.com/blogs/navien-mate-heated-mattress-pad-news/the-best-heated-mattress-pad-to-keep-warm-in-bed
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