daybr43ks-lam8 · 1 year
Ah..s.. s.. sh.. shit shit shut he. He . He s. G.og .g ogin. God .kto. ncnb .k I. Kill m.r. go..cfor re. Ralt gis Tim. Fime he she dhejfb
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archiveofaffinities · 5 years
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Harry Wolf, North Carolina National Bank, 6th Floor Plan, NCNB Offices, Tampa, Florida, 1983-1988
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thebowlercapfairy · 6 years
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Better lucky than smart # 2
 I am at the JCCA as usual at 6 am on the Stairmaster reading the front page of the WSJ.  At the bottom there is a tidbit of a question. “Guess who owns 25% of the Dallas Cowboys?” Answer: The FDIC. Bingo, I call them.  But they say that really it is a loan foreclosure being handled by North Carolina National Bank (NCNB) in Dallas.  I call the SVP of NCNB in Dallas and pitch him on selling that ownership at auction.  I guarantee him it will bring top dollar and tell him about the BofA and FDIC loan auctions. His response is that he believes me, but it won’t work because every NFL owner has to approve any new owner. However, do I think I could sell boat, car, and other secured loans at auction for him?  You know my answer and so began 6 NCNB auctions at the Adolphus Hotel in Dallas.  After number 3, I get a call from a guy named Mike Colby  who says he is with the Resolution Trust Corporation (RTC) and they are handling the sales of NPLs from all of the failed savings and loans that are failing at unprecedented rates across the US. He asks if he can come to our next auction, and would I walk him through what we do?  Sure, and he brings 16 RTC people with him.  Bottom line we do a 90-million-dollar loan auction for the RTC in Denver.  We really never did NP first mortgages before. We got in a Denver cab, found some of the houses, and asked the cab driver what they were worth. We then had Nathan Wolfstein, who was doing our marketing and making the auction brochure, group the mortgages into packets of 10 and by zip code. It proved to be a brilliant strategy and the loans sold for 65 cents on the dollar, which was way above what we all expected.  The third RTC auction brought 85 cents on the dollar as the original buyer’s began to work them out and saw their real value.  A lot of the borrowers weren’t paying, just because the S&L no longer existed or maybe their spouse lost their job, and no one would renegotiate the monthly payment for them. I have a Lucite tombstone on my desk from the RTC saying thanks for being on the auction team that sold 4 billion dollars of loans from September of 1992 (our first auction) to December of 1995.  All of that from selling a ferry boat for the FDIC in San Francisco. But it gets better. Stay tuned for #3.
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the-record-columns · 5 years
Feb. 12, 2020: Columns
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A friend first, then a banker…
(Editor’s note: This column was written by Ken Welborn shortly after the death in 2010 of his longtime friend, Ronald “Ron” Shoemaker.)
Record Publisher
I simply do not know to express the sadness I feel as I write today about my friend, Ron Shoemaker.
For my entire adult life, Ron was there whenever I needed him with wise counsel, patience and understanding.  Anytime I had the opportunity to introduce Ron, I would always do so as “…my friend, Ron,” and the fact that he was my banker would only come up if appropriate or necessary.  While he made his entire career in the realm of finance, his true legacy is that of an honest man, a good family man, a brother like no other — and a trusted friend.
Ron Shoemaker was what I like to refer to as an old-line banker, one who could read people as well as financial statements, and who would place character ahead of collateral when circumstances called for it.  Ron truly cared about his customers, never more clearly evidenced to me than the time, back in the old NCNB days, when he didn’t loan me the money.
I had gotten myself involved in a circumstance (the proverbial good cause) that had gone south and I had been convinced by the gentleman in charge that I had no choice but to ante up $10,000 as my part to clean up the mess.  I went to see Ron, explained what had transpired to him, and asked to borrow the money. 
He then asked me several questions about my involvement in the deal, studied about it a minute or two and then leaned forward and said, “I’ll loan you the money, I promise, but I want you to do something for me first.” 
He then went on to tell me that he didn’t think what was going on was fair to me; that I was being scammed, and that I should see an attorney before I agreed to pay a dime.  I kind of hesitated, so, without another word, he picked up his phone and called Jim Moore, asking him if he could see Ken Welborn for a few minutes. 
About an hour later, as I left Jim’s law office in the old Northwestern Bank Building, he told me I was fortunate to have a friend like Ron looking out for me, because I had no liability whatever in this deal, and if anyone argued with me to simply tell them “…you’ll see them in court.”
When I went by to thank Ron, he smiled broadly and said, “I have heard your daddy the preacher say many times that there is no right way to do the wrong thing, and this is plainly wrong.”  
That was my friend Ron talking — clearly the banker Ron took a back seat that day.
I followed him when he went to Southern National Bank (now BB&T), and was as happy as anyone in the county when, some years later, he told me he and a group of directors were forming what came to be Wilkes National Bank and then Northwestern National Bank.  They made a great success of that company, catering particularly to small businesses and individuals; and by understanding just how personal folks take a banking relationship.  Simply put, they treated their customers the way they would want to be treated. 
That attitude came from the top down, from Ron Shoemaker.
After his retirement, I mostly saw him when he was out to eat with his wife, Jane — who always looked as though she just left the beauty shop.  I would tease him about still dressing up like a banker, even after retirement, and he would remind me he needed the coat pockets to hold the fifty or so pictures he always carried of his grandson; his newest pride and joy.
Ron’s health had been failing for the past few years, and I cannot even imagine what he went through, but clearly he didn’t have to go it alone — his family stood by him steadfastly.  He remained positive and upbeat, always finding the best in whatever circumstance he was facing. 
He was a man at peace with himself, with his family, and with God. 
I am a better man for having known him.
                                               Ron Shoemaker                                   May 1, 1940—February 12, 2010                                                Rest in Peace
The Perfect Valentines Gift Does Exist
Record Reporter
Disclaimer: I’m that girl.
I would rather spend the day curled up with a good book and a warm beverage instead of going out in public.
Contrary to popular belief, people like us do exist outside of fairy tales and movies, and there’s nothing supernatural about it. Think about it: Books are so much better than the blasé “flowers, chocolates, and promises you don’t intend to keep” on the most commercialized day of the year, posing as a holiday.
Last summer, my two daughters and I spent the day at Biltmore. We toured the house and gardens, and then went to the shops. They made a bee line for the candy store and I perused for a bit at the other treasures before going into the bookstore. (Side note: If I ever win the lottery, I will have a library that puts Mr. Vanderbilt’s to shame.) After about 30 minutes I heard a familiar voice echo in the hallway. It was my youngest. “TOLD you mom would be in the bookshop!” They came in and we looked over books together, discussing the history, language and Edwardian clothing surrounding the primary books in the shop, as well as swooning over the calligraphy sets. As I made my purchase the shopkeeper said “I couldn’t help but overhear your conversations. You have such well behaved and intelligent children. Thank you for that.”    
I told her it was generational- my mom instilled that same love for history and leaning in her children, and I am grateful that my kids have inherited that as well. Of course they have inherited my tenaciousness as well and more than once a letter has been sent home about them debating in the class when the information about something historical has been inaccurate. (Guess the administration wasn’t ready for a first grader to know about the Celts, or a third grader to know her Greek gods.)  
I say all this because there is an invaluable opportunity here in Wilkes next week to get that perfect Valentines Day gift. The Friends of the Library Used Book Sale is Thursday, Feb. 13, 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., Friday and Saturday, Feb. 14 and Feb. 15, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
So go ahead and lay out a candlelit table, with favored beverage and lots of candy, but don’t miss this opportunity to wow and amaze your significant other by placing a book they would love at the table setting.  
 Collusion in disguise?
Special to The Record
On March 2, Israelis will go to the polls again for the third time in one year to elect, or re-elect, their prime minister.  One week ago, MSNBC audiences were told by Bill Kristol, a NeverTrump propagandist, that if Prime Minister Netanyahu is defeated, then the Democrats have a better chance of winning the White House.  Given the Democrat’s deep-in-the-gut hatred for Donald Trump, is it beyond the realm of possibility to think their operatives could have a hand in helping to swing the election against Netanyahu?  On this we must keep a close watch for even a hint of collusion. It’s interesting to note the players on Team Gantz, better known as the Blue and White party - Netanyahu’s major opposition. More on this later.
With Trump’s newly unveiled peace plan, Netanyahu is in an awkward and difficult position. Attached to that plan was a map. After the peace plan was published, Israelis noticed problems with the attached map.  Large sections of Highway 60 which crosses Judea and Samaria from north to south, is placed outside of Israeli jurisdiction.  Without correction, entire Israeli communities, equaling approximately 700,000 individual Israelis, will be isolated outside of Israeli jurisdiction. 
Israel has always insisted that any viable peace plan must make clear provision for defensible borders.  As unbelievable as it is, the map was crafted in error.  Netanyahu’s team is now working on the corrections.  If not completed before the March 2nd elections, Netanyahu will be in political trouble.  
Last Monday, Gantz, along with two of his senior campaign advisors and strategists, traveled to Washington to meet with President Trump.  Prior to Gantz’s arrival, light was shed on his two traveling companions, Ronen Tzur and Joel Benenson.  Both have Tweeted numerous vicious attacks on President Trump even going so far as to compare him to Hitler.  After meeting with President Trump, Gantz left Washington with Trump’s peace plan tucked underarm and knowing of the errors on the map.  As Israel’s former Chief of Staff for the Israel Defense Forces, Gantz is a superb strategist.  As such, he returned to Israel and announced that he intended to present the plan to the Knesset for approval.  Knowing that Netanyahu’s base of support, which are the Likud, right-wing lawmakers and the right-religious bloc, could not pass the plan with errors, even though they support it overall.  Forcing them to publicly oppose the plan would serve the best interests of both Gantz’s party and the Democrats.  With Netanyahu supporters opposing the plan, both the plan and Netanyahu would be discredited in the eyes of voters.  This would force many to simply stay away from the polls on March 2nd.All of this, the defeat of the plan and the defeat of Netanyahu, would bode well for the Democrats.  
Now, a word about the players.  Who are Joel Benenson and Ronen Tzur of Team Gantz?  Both are currently serving as senior campaign advisors to Gantz. As it turns out, Benenson helped shape the policies and positions of the Democrat Party.  He served as Obama’s senior political strategist in the 2008 and 2012 elections and he also served as Hillary Clinton’s senior political strategist in 2016.  The Israeli left is clearly intertwined with the Democrat Party.  Gantz’s announcement that he intended to present the plan to the Knesset for approval, along with the faulty map, was not a sign of his support for the peace plan but rather a cleverly disguised attempt to discredit Trump and Netanyahu.  It seems foul play may be underway.  Dare I suggest collusion?  
 Leather Britches and a good talk
Life in the Carolinas
I think it’s safe to say that food has the unique capacity to nourish the body as well as relationships of all sorts.
During lunch with a friend not long ago, our lunch included among other things a tasty Amish potato salad which was made with chunks of potato with easy blending to leave good amounts of the potato structure intact. Based on its flavor profile, I do believe that the traditional Amish recipe was followed.
As the meal progressed, my friend looked up and said, “While this is a good potato salad, my mama made the best I have ever eaten. Hers was creamy and had a yellow tent to it.” He went on to share memories about his sweet mother and how well she treated him. He is confident that he was her favorite child.
The stories progressed to when he was invited to a Homecoming at the Hinshaw Baptist Church. As is tradition, there were all sorts of good foods to enjoy, including a potato salad that appeared to be creamy and had a familiar yellow tent to it.
With modest expectations, he spooned out a good helping and when he set down to eat, was instantly flooded with memories of his mama’s potato salad. He could not believe what he was tasting. He immediately went on a search to find the maker of the dish that had stirred so many memories.
He found her and to his delight she not only knew his mother but had learned from her how to make that creamy potato salad that featured a hint of yellow mustard for flavor and color.
The maker could not have been more pleased to know that a recipe learned long ago, brought forward such wonderful and meaningful memories on that day.
I attended an event not long ago where the Appalachian Song Writer, Singer and Storyteller William Ritter presented a program titled “Songs, Stories and Seeds.”
I had met Will several years prior during a gathering of the storyteller’s series “Liars Bench” which was being hosted at Western Carolina University. The series was produced by the renowned and colorful storyteller Gary Carden. We had cameras rolling for the evening and it was a great event.
On this day, however, he shared stories about Appalachian inspired music and the not so talked about seed sharing system of the Appalachian Region.
Much of Will’s talk was around the culture of seed sharing and some of the music was about the same thing. I loved his story about “Leather Britches” and the song he penned titled “Greasy Beans.”
I liked the “Leathers Britches” because they brought back memories of my grandparents stringing the beans on a thread and hanging them to dry. In the cooler months when fresh beans were not growing, they were rehydrated and cooked. The have a very different flavor; some folks like them and some do not. I like them because of the memory. They are hard to find these days because it’s easy to get fresh food year-round. However, there are some folks who still make them.  
Will’s song about “Greasy Beans” talks about the love people have for the unique aspects of the bean. The plants run long, and the beans are best eaten big and plump.
After Will’s program, we set and talked about music, heirloom seed sharing, and good mountain stories for about three hours. It was a good time and it all started around food memories.
When I think about all the great conversations I have had around food, I am confident that if food or a good beverage were not involved, the visits would have been much shorter. Sometimes a quick visit is good, but often, a little lingering is much better.
 Carl White is the Executive Producer and Host of the award-winning syndicated TV show Carl White’s Life In The Carolinas. The weekly show is now in its 11th year of syndication and can be seen in the Charlotte market on WJZY Fox 46 Saturday’s at noon and My 12. The show also streams on Amazon Prime. For more information visit www.lifeinthecarolinas.com. You can email Carl at [email protected].
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dranthonyraju · 5 years
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ALL INDIA COUNCIL OF HUMAN RIGHTS, LIBERTIES & SOCIAL JUSTICE (AICHLS) is founded by Dr. Anthony Raju - Advocate , Supreme Court of India, Dynamic Internationally accredited Human Rights Defender, Inspirational, spritual and motivational speaker , Peace Activist & Social Worker and is one of global's foremost voices of Human Rights and powerful voice for voiceless people globally. All India council of human rights, liberties & social justice has been added as signatory to UNITED NATION GLOBAL COMPACT . The world's largest corporate responsibility initiative with nearly 12,000 business and non-business participants in 140 countries. That All India Council of Human Rights, Liberties & Social Justice (AICHLS), is a duly registered Society under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860, and is functioning with commitment to the Noble Cause of Human Rights Protection and Promotion, Justice for All, Economic Upliftment of the Underprivileged, Education, Love, Peace, Harmony and Friendship, National & International Integration by Exchange of Ideas & Ethos in India and also amongst the neighboring countries and the people of the rest of the World at large. Dr. Anthony Raju Advocate , Supreme Court of India. Global Chairman , All India Council of Human Rights, Liberties & Social Justice. Chairman - National Legal Council International Convener, Universal mission for Peace and Human Rights. Chairman, National Council of News and Broadcasting. Secretary General  : Asian Human Rights Council International Peace keeper
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Who is the present chairman of Kerala Human Rights Commission?
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Who is the present Human Rights Commission?
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Kerala - Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative https://www.humanrightsinitiative.org › programs › rti › india › states › ke... State Level RTI: Kerala. Background. Until recently, Kerala had no comprehensive access to information law. The State Government did prepare a draft Right to ... Kerala Archives - Amnesty International India https://amnesty.org.in › india-region › kerala Kerala: 25,000 voices demand justice for raped and murdered Dalit student Jishamol ... Kerala police must immediately release Human rights activists Jaison C ... Kerala Human Rights Commission members in Pamba ... https://www.oneindia.com › News › India Nov 20, 2018 - Pamba, Nov 20: A three-member team of State Human Rights Commission reached Pamba on Tuesday to stock of the facilities provided to the ... 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Introduced to the commission staff and other members. Asked to ... 'Theyyam' ritual in Kerala - New Indian Express https://www.newindianexpress.com › states › kerala › nov › shrc-seeks-rep... Nov 24, 2019 - KASARGOD (KERALA): State Human Rights Commission (SHRC) ... SHRC member K Mohandas told PTI on Sunday that he has asked the ... Search Results Web results State Human Rights Commission registers case on Attappadi ... https://keralakaumudi.com › news › kerala › general › state-human-rights-... 3 days ago - THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: State Human Rights Commission registers a ... committee member and the head of Bhavani Dalam-Manivasakam. International Human Rights Council Team - International ... www.ihrc.in › team INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL ... Member. Phone Number: +91 9932083033. Email: [email protected] .... Kerala State Incharge. Centre for Human Rights (CHR) - National University of ... www.nuals.ac.in › Centre-for-Human-Rights The Centre for Human Rights has been established at NUALS to stimulate ... Studies (NUALS) H.M.T. Colony P.O Kalamassery,683 503 Kerala State, India. Maoists killing: Kerala Human Rights Panel asks DGP to probe https://www.business-standard.com › PTI Stories › National › News Oct 30, 2019 - The Kerala State Human Rights Commission on Wednesday issued notice to ... Commission member P Mohandas asked the DGP to conduct a ... Sabarimala row: Kerala Human Rights Commission visit Pamba https://www.aninews.in › news › national › general-news › sabarimala-row... Nov 20, 2018 - Sabarimala (Kerala), November 20 (ANI): A three-member team of Kerala Human Rights Commission (KHRC) reached Pamba in Sabarimala ... National Human Rights and Humanitarian Federation (NHRF ... https://in.linkedin.com › company › national-human-rights-and-humanitaria... See who you know at National Human Rights and Humanitarian Federation (NHRF), leverage your professional network, and ... KERALA ,, Kerala 568 followers. National Human Rights Commission: Latest News, Photos ... https://www.ndtv.com › Topic A seven-member team from the National Human Rights Commission or NHRC on Saturday ... Kerala News | Press Trust of India | Wednesday October 23, 2019. Human Rights Commission orders probe into 10-yr-old Kerala ... https://www.thenewsminute.com › Kerala Nov 22, 2019 - The State Human Rights Commission in Kerala has ordered a probe into the ... P Mohandas, the judicial member of the State Human Rights ... National Human Rights Commission - Previous Question ... https://www.youtube.com › watch Video for human rights membership in kerala▶ 9:27 Mar 21, 2018 - Uploaded by GKPSC Question Answer National Human Rights Commission - Previous Question Answer Kerala PSC Coaching Class Malayalam#105 ... International Organization For Human Rights Protection - Kerala https://www.facebook.com › pages › category › International-Organization... International Organization For Human Rights Protection - Kerala. 82 likes. The main aim of the Organization is setup branches all over the world for... Search Results Web results human rights commission | India Judgments | Law | CaseMine https://www.casemine.com › search › q=human+rights+commission JUDGMENTPetitioner challenges Ext.P4 notice issued by the Kerala Human ... ...by an order passed by the Member of the Maharashtra State Human Rights ... Gross violation of human rights in Sabarimala: Kerala Human ... www.uniindia.com › south › news Nov 18, 2018 - Gross violation of human rights in Sabarimala: Kerala Human Rights ... are denied all basic amenities, Commission member P Mohanadas said ... Justice Antony Dominic to be Human Rights Commission ... https://m.dailyhunt.in › india › english › kaumudiglobal-epaper-kglobal May 29, 2018 - THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Justice Antony Dominic, who would be retiring as the chief justice of the Kerala High Court, would soon be ... [PDF]participatory justice and human rights protection in little ... www.cds.ac.in › krpcds › report › sankaran Jayachandran, Secretary, Kerala State Human Rights Commission, ... members of Pothencode Grama Panchayat etc deserve acknowledgment for their active ... Human Rights Act - State Human Rights Commission, Tamil ... www.shrc.tn.gov.in › files › humanrightsact (g) "Member" means a Member of the Commission or of the State Commission, as the case may be, and includes the Chairperson; (h) "National Commission for ... List of NGOs in Kerala - GiveIndia https://www.giveindia.org › all-ngos › kerala Find the most comprehensive list of NGOs in Kerala. ... Aashraya Charitable Society, Human Rights, Aashraya Charitable Society, Sreerenju, Mannottukonam, ... Kerala State Human Rights Commission | Topics | Latest ... https://english.manoramaonline.com › Topics Kerala State Human Rights Commission. News Topic Updates and ... Police cruelty on show at Sabarimala: Rights panel member. NOVEMBER 18, 2018. Images for human rights membership in kerala Image result for human rights membership in kerala Image result for human rights membership in kerala Image result for human rights membership in kerala Image result for human rights membership in kerala Image result for human rights membership in kerala Image result for human rights membership in kerala Image result for human rights membership in kerala Image result for human rights membership in kerala Image result for human rights membership in kerala Image result for human rights membership in kerala View all More images for human rights membership in kerala Report images Web results Coca-Cola lawsuit (re India) - Business and Human Rights https://www.business-humanrights.org › coca-cola-lawsuit-re-india In February 2011, the state legislature of Kerala passed legislation establishing a three-member tribunal to adjudicate compensation claims related to Coca ... Attappadi encounter: State Human Rights Commission ... https://english.mathrubhumi.com › News › Kerala Oct 30, 2019 - SHRC judicial member P. Mohanadas demanded the state police chief to ... Thiruvananthapuram: The Kerala State Human Rights Commission ...
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rocketwerks · 7 years
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National Bank of Virginia
1018 East Main Street Built, after 1865 Demolished, 1930
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[RVCJ03] — intersection of Eleventh & Main Streets, circa 1903
A bank that became a power house.
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(LOC) — Custom House & Capitol after the Evacuation Fire  — 1018 East Main Street out of shot to the right
The National Bank of Virginia building was constructed in the wake of the Evacuation Fire that swept through the city in 1865. Richmond’s payback for letting the Confederate government and retreating soldiers escape across the James, was to have the armory, bridges, and warehouses torched by those selfsame Confederates on a windy night in April.
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[Library of Virginia] — [MCR] — shaded areas showing Evacuation Fire destruction
Predictably, it didn’t end well. In a day when fireproof construction was still an elusive vision, the smoking crater that emerged where the city’s commercial district had been was surprising only for its enormity.
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(LOC) — Beers Illustrated Atlas of the Cities of Richmond & Manchester, 1877 — Plate K
The fire was catastrophic, but also a boon for business, sparking a rebuilding frenzy that required both lumber and capital. In this regard, National Bank of Virginia was fortunate to be one of the eleven banks authorized by the Union to lend money in 1867. [COC]
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(LOC) — Beers Illustrated Atlas of the Cities of Richmond & Manchester, 1877 — Plate K
Indeed, the bank itself was a kindred spirit in this frantic building program. Needing a place to call home, the headquarters at the corner of Eleventh and Main Street was raised, which interestingly enough, shared a number of similarities with the Richmond Dispatch building one block to the east.
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[RVCJ03] — Interior View, circa 1903
National Bank of Virginia was still going strong when the Chamber of Commerce published Richmond Virginia, The City on James in 1903, boasting $631,828 in Capital and Surplus; $2,374,100 in Deposits, and $3,593,428 in Resources.
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[RVCJ03] — circa 1903 — W.M. Habliston & Tucker K. Sands
At that time, the local business world was completely incestuous, with executives working across multiple institutions. In this, National Bank of Virginia was no exception, with both its President, W.M. Habliston, and Cashier, Tucker K. Sands, pulling double duty at Broad Street Bank as President and VP, respectively.
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(ProQuest® Sanborn Maps Geo Edition™) — Sanborn Insurance Maps of Richmond 1924-1925 vol. 1, 1924 — Plate 11
Still, all good things come to an end. In 1912, National Bank of Virginia merged with First National, prompting the construction of the handsome First National Bank Building at 825 East Main Street in 1913. The facility at Eleventh Street continued to serve as a bank in the years following, but was inexplicably renumbered as 1016 East Main.
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(ProQuest® Sanborn Maps Geo Edition™) — Sanborn Insurance Maps of Richmond 1919-July 1950 vol. 1, 1924-Apr. 1950 — Plate 11  
Even that did not last. The Customs House adjacent to the old bank building, had expanded twice, in 1889 and 1918. It did so again in 1930, consuming the entire city block, and elbowing that portion of Eleventh Street between Main and Bank Streets into a new life as a drive way.
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October 2017 — former intersection of Eleventh & Main Streets
Merchants National Bank wed First National in 1926, and First & Merchants Bank was the fruit of their union. In 1983, F&M merged with Virginia National Bankshares of Norfolk to beget Sovran Bank, who then merged with Citizens & Southern National Bank in 1990 to stave off a merger with the omnivorous NCNB. It only delayed the inevitable, and C&S/Sovran merged with NCNB to form NationsBank in 1991, ultimately becoming Bank of America when it acquired BankAmerica in 1998.
Quite the lineage.
The Customs House itself transformed into the main Post Office, a role it served until 1970, when the new main office was built on Brook Road. Today it has been converted to a federal courthouse, the US Court of Appeals.
[MCR] Map of the City of Richmond, Virginia, 1861-65. Richmond Civil War Centennial Committee. 1961.
[RVCJ03] Richmond, Virginia: The City on the James: The Book of Its Chamber of Commerce and Principal Business Interests. G. W. Engelhardt. 1903.
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Feb. 27, 2019: Obituaries
Charles Ratliff
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       Rev. Charles Albert Ratliff, age 67 of North Wilkesboro, died Friday, February 22, 2019 at his
       Funeral services were February 26,   at Bethel Baptist Church with Rev. Donnie Shumate and Rev. Rodney Blake officiating. Burial was in Yellow Hill Baptist
Church Cemetery.  
       Rev. Ratliff was born on January 18, 1952 in Wilkes County to Howard Thurmond and Nora Ruth Anderson Ratliff. He had retired as pastor of Yellow Hill Baptist Church after 32 years of service.
       He was preceded in death by his parents, and two brothers, Howard Ratliff and David Ratliff.
He is survived by his wife, Brenda Sue Harrold Ratliff, of the home; one daughter, Alisa Diane Ratliff Church and husband, Jody; and one son, Jason Scott Ratliff and wife, Angela; five
grandchildren, Christina Nicole Church, Joshua Ryan Church, Hunter Isaac Ratliff, Garrett Scott
Ratliff, and Carson Phillip Ratliff; and one sister, JoAnn Ratliff Reavis and husband, Larry, of Hays.
Flowers will be accepted or memorials made to Yellow Hill Baptist Church, 5160 Summit Road, Purlear NC 28665, or to Mountain Valley Hospice Care, 401 Technology Lane, Suite  200, MountAiry NC 27030.
 Elizabeth  Weatherman,  63
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Mrs. Elizabeth Stacy Brewer Weatherman, age 63 of North Wilkesboro, passed away Thursday, February 21, 2019 at her home.
       Private family services will be held at a later time.
       Mrs. Weatherman was born June 27, 1955 in Wilkes County to Stacy and Ola Whitley Brewer. She was a Homemaker.
       She was preceded in death by her parents and a brother; Mickey Shawn Brewer.
       Mrs. Weatherman is survived by her husband; Randall Gray Weatherman of the home, a son; Alexander Brewer Weatherman and wife Jessica Leigh of North Wilkesboro, two grandchildren; Jasmine Leighann Weatherman and Chase Alexander Weatherman, two sisters; Fonda Pendry and husband Danny Joe of Hays and Shellia Simmons and husband Gary of Westfield NC.
Charlie McGrady,  84
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TSgt (Ret) Charlie Clay McGrady, age 84 of Hendersonville, TN passed away Friday, February 22, 2019 in Hendersonville, TN.
       Funeral services were held  February 26,   at Old Roaring River Baptist Church with Reverend James Pardue and Mr. Walter Hutchinson officiating. Burial with full military honors by Pope Air Force Base Honor Guard was in the church cemetery.  
       Charlie was born August 28, 1934 in Wilkes County to John S. and Mary Frances Hutchinson McGrady. He was one of nine children, sharing a small log cabin with his parents and paternal grandparents in the foothills of Western North Carolina. Charlie recalled many great memories growing up working with his brothers and sisters on his parents farm and he continued his love of gardening throughout his life.
       Charlie graduated from Traphill High school in 1952, when he met his sweetheart Doris.  He enlisted in the Air Force in 1952 and was stationed in France for three years. After he returned home from France, Charlie married Doris on March 2, 1956.
       Assignment highlights took Charlie to South Korea in 1961 on a "hardship tour"  where he was chosen as administration aid to the Commander of The Air Force, receiving a Commendation letter from the Commander for his "outstanding performance of duty", which included his off duty time where he formed a country music/bluegrass band playing for thousands of troops across South Korea.
       During his reassignment to Charleston Air Force Base in 1961, Charlie with his guitar and two other friends with their banjos entered the military's World Wide Talent Contest, naming themselves "The Lazy Mountain Boys" eventually winning their way to the finals at Edwards Air Force Base in California. The Lazy Mountain Boys performed "The Ballad of Jed Clampett", dressed in overalls, jug and all, winning the runner-up trophy and getting a kiss on the cheek by actress Connie Stevens.
       In 1964, Charlie was honored to be nominated and selected for reassignment to a prestigious administrative position at the Pentagon in Washington, DC where he became a member of The Joint Chiefs of Staff, having one of highest security clearances at that time.  
       Charlie retired from The Air Force in 1972 and spent the next 20 years in the manufactured home business in Bristol, Tn later moving his family back to North  Carolina and the mountains where he said his heart always remained.
       Charlie loved the Lord, his church and listening to his favorite preacher Dr. R.C. Sproul on the radio every night.  Charlie and Doris became members of Old Roaring River Baptist Church in 1956 where they were baptized in the river together after they were married. Charlie's love for music remained throughout his life, as he continued singing and song writing, while later singing in his church choir.  
       Charlie spoke of Doris being his "everlasting love". During the final 15 years of their marriage, Charlie selflessly dedicated all of his time taking wonderful care of Doris who was diagnosed with Chronic Pulmonary Obstructive Disorder (COPD). Charlie and Doris moved to Indian Land, SC in 2013 to be close to their daughter Melissa and son-in-law Chad and grandchildren Drew and Delaney, where Charlie recently moved with them to Hendersonville, Tn.
       Mr. McGrady is preceded in death by his parents; his wife, Bessie Doris Gambill McGrady; one daughter, Michelle Doris McGrady; two sisters, Dawn Osborne and Pearl Brown; and three brothers, Vaughn McGrady, Glenn McGrady and Clyde McGrady.
       He is survived by his daughter, Melissa Emerine and husband, Chad, of Weddington; his son, Charles Anthony McGrady of Hays; his six grandchildren, Shannon Slone and husband, Jason, of Hampstead, Matthew McGrady of Hampstead, Mitchell McGrady and wife, Caitlyn, of Columbia, MD, Brandon McGrady and fiancé`, Lucinda Bennett, of Elkin, Drew Emerine and Delaney Emerine of Weddington; six great-grandchildren; two sisters, Mary Esther Burnette and husband Bill, of Columbia SC  and Ella Mae Vires of Bristol,TN  and one brother, Carl McGrady and wife Revely, of Bristol, TN.
       Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Old Roaring River Baptist Church Cemetery, 11156 Longbottom Road, Traphill NC 28685.
Helen  Marsh,  86
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Helen Marie Marsh, age 86, of Wilkesboro, passed away Friday, February 22, 2019 at Curis of Wilkesboro. She was born November 8, 1932 in Caldwell County to Dixon and Mary Ayers Taylor. Mrs. Marsh was a member of Beaver Creek Advent Christian Church. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Newel Herman Marsh; a daughter, Lila Jean Phillips; and a brother, Delton Ayers.
       Surviving are her children, Morris Marsh and wife Beverly of Blowing Rock, Doris Wingler and husband Paul of Millers Creek, Joyce Wheeling and husband Clyde of Ferguson, Mitzi Caudill and husband Gary of Lenoir, Shelly Wood of Athens, Alabama; sisters, Hazel Setzer of Lenoir, Edith Watson of Hudson; twelve grandchildren; fourteen great grandchildren; and one great great grandchild.
       Funeral service was February 25,   at Beaver Creek Advent Christian Church with Rev. Allen Marsh and Pastor David Blythe officiating. Burial  followed in the church cemetery.   The family has requested no food. Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Beaver Creek Advent Christian Church, 11665 West NC Highway 268, Ferguson, NC 28624. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.  
 Frances Grant,  97
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Mrs. Frances Elizabeth Clark Grant, age 97, of North Wilkesboro, widow of PGA golf pro, Robert Ross Grant, died Saturday, February 23, 2019 at Villages of Wilkes.
       There are no services planned at this time.
       Mrs. Grant was born June 9, 1921 in Audrain County, Missouri to Junius Edward and Jane Victoria Roberts Clark.  In her early life while living in Jefferson City, MO, Mrs. Grant was a member of Central Church and active in the Girl Scouts, the Rainbow Girls and was a member of the Order of the Eastern Star.  Later in life she was a member of the First United Methodist Church in Boca Raton, FL for forty years. She worked in the church office and was also a choir member. Mrs. Grant retired from NCNB Bank. She was presently a member of Wilkesboro United Methodist Church.  
       She was preceded in death by her husband, her parents, and one brother, Cecil Clark.
       She is survived by her daughter, Janey Jones and husband, Thomas, of North Wilkesboro; her grandson, Aaron Ross Jones and wife, Amanda Tomlinson Jones, of Wake Forest; her sister-in-law, Dorothy Clark of Jefferson City, MO; and several nieces and nephews.
       In lieu of flowers memorials may be made to Wilkesboro United Methodist Church, P.O. Box 197, Wilkesboro NC 28697.
Shirrell  Holbrook,   72
Mr. Shirrell Dean Holbrook, age 72 of North Wilkesboro, husband of Vicki Waddell Holbrook, died Friday, February 22, 2019 at Wake Forest Baptist Health - Wilkes Medical Center.
       Memorial services will be held 2:00 p.m. Thursday, February 28, 2019 at Oak Grove Baptist Church (Hwy. 268) with Pastor Joel Blevins officiating. The family will receive friends from 12:30 until 1:45 PM at the church before the service.  
       Mr. Holbrook was born November 5, 1946 in Wilkes County to Everette Carson and Wilma Irene Blackburn Holbrook.  He was a member and deacon at Oak Grove Baptist Church. He was a veteran of the U.S. Air Force and retired owner of Holbrook Security Systems. He loved visiting with friends and fishing with his grandchildren.
       He was preceded in death by his parents.  
       He is survived by his wife, Vicki Waddell Holbrook, of the home; two sons, Andy Holbrook and wife, Stephanie, of Roaring River, and Jason Holbook and wife, Kara, of Maiden; four grandchildren, Morgan Andrew Holbrook, Marlie Grace Holbrook, Sawyer Nathaniel Holbrook, and Katie Sage Holbrook; and one sister, Carole Barlow of North Wilkesboro.
       In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to the donor's choice.
  Howard  Ward,  91
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Mr. Howard Lee Ward, age 91 of Ferguson, husband of Louise Triplett Ward, died Saturday, February 23, 2019 at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center in Winston-Salem.
       Funeral services will be held 2:00 PM Wednesday, February 27, 2019 at Elk Baptist Church.  
       Burial with military honors by Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1142 will be in the church cemetery.  The family will receive friends from 1:00 until 2:00 PM at the church before the service.
       Mr. Ward was born November 2, 1927 in Guilford County to George Vernon and Mary Nicholson Ward.  He had retired from Lowe's Companies as a crew chief on the inventory crew. He served in the United States Army.
       He was preceded in death by his parents.
       He is survived by his wife, Louise Triplett Ward, of the home; one daughter, Martha Ann Pierce and husband,
 Lewis, of Ferguson; four grandchildren, Dakota Ward, Kenneth Pierce, Hunter Pierce, and Cheyenne Pierce; and one sister, Mae Hancock of Highpoint.  
 Ray  Whitley,   82
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Mr. Ray McCoy Whitley, age 82 of North Wilkesboro passed away Thursday, February 21, 2019 at Wilkes Senior Village.
       Graveside services with military honors by Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1142 Honor Guard were held   February 24,  at Maple  Grove Baptist Church Cemetery with Pastor Jesse Whitley and Mr. Ronnie Cleary officiating.  
       Mr. Whitley was born March 2, 1936 in Wilkes County to Dewey and Lula Yale Whitley. He was retired from Asplundh Tree Service as a Foreman. Mr. Whitley was a veteran of The United States Army having served in the Korean War. Ray was an avid outdoorsman, loved nature, fishing, birds, loved spending time with his family, meeting people and talking, loved to make canes. His world was his granddaughter, Jordan.
       In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his wife; Wanda Sue Cleary Whitley, a son; Timothy Scot Whitley, two sisters; Virginia Holbrook and Ruth Wiles and three brothers; AC Whitley, Raymond Whitley and Buel Whitley.
       He is survived by a son, Michael Ray Whitley and wife Chrissie of North Wilkesboro; a granddaughter, Jordan Rae Whitley; a grandson, Justin Miller (Kristina) of Hays; two great grandsons, Greylin and Carter; a sister, Dallie Vinson of Welcome NC; and two brothers, Johnny Whitley and wife Shirley of North Wilkesboro and Jesse Whitley of Hays.
       Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to the Alzheimer's Association 4600 Park Road Suite 250 Charlotte, NC 28209.
Kenneth  Pilkenton, Jr.,  49
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Kenneth Darrell Pilkenton, Jr., age 49, of Tennessee, formerly of Wilkes County, passed away Wednesday, February 20, 2019 at Bristol Regional Medical Center in Tennessee. He was born July 4, 1969 in Wilkes County to Kenneth Pilkenton Sr. and Jeanetta Greene Pilkenton. Mr. Pilkenton was a member of White Oak Baptist Church and loved music. He was preceded in death by his mother.
Surviving are his father, Kenneth Pilkenton, Sr. of Millers Creek; sister, Evelyn LeFever and husband Randy of Wilkesboro; nephew, Justin Cahill and wife Kara of North Wilkesboro; niece, Taylor Barnes and husband Daniel of Purlear; two great nieces and five great nephews.
Memorial service will be held at a later date. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements. Online condolences may be made to www.millerfuneralservice.com
  Betty Isabelle Brown Cockeran, age 88
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Mrs. Betty Isabelle Brown Cockeran, age 88 of North Wilkesboro, passed away Tuesday, February 19, 2019 at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center.
Funeral services will be held 1:30 PM, Saturday, February 23, 2019 at Pleasant Hill Baptist Church with Rev. James Ferguson and Dr. Harold Hudson officiating. Burial will be in the church cemetery. The family will receive friends from 12:00 until 1:15 prior to the service at the church.
Mrs. Cockeran was born January 15, 1931 in Wilkes County to James Hubert Brown and Ruby Smith Brown. She was a Registered Nurse and a member of Pleasant Hill Baptist Church.
In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband; Sylvester McKinley Cockeran, a grandchild; Sonya Jamette Cockerham and a sister; Beulah Marlette Hatcher.
She is survived by a son; James (Buster) Cockerham and wife Catherine of North Wilkesboro, two grandchildren; Brandon James Cockerham and fiancé Amber Rhodes of North Wilkesboro and Gregory Michael Cockerham and two sisters; Billie Sue Hudson and husband Dr. Harold Hudson of Columbus, OH and Bobbie Jean Hunt of Roaring River.
Flowers will be accepted.
Online condolences may be made at www.reinssturdivant.com
  Dorothy Mary Grasmehr, age 86
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Dorothy Mary Grasmehr, age 86, of North Wilkesboro, passed away Monday, February 18, 2019 at Forsyth Medical Center. She was born January 29, 1933 in Wilkes County to Grover Estel and Maude Byers Chatham. Mrs. Grasmehr was a member of Center Baptist Church and a US Air Force Veteran. Dorothy enjoyed quilting and was a member of Silver Strides walking group at Wilkes Senior Center. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Joseph Fritz Grasmehr; son, Wayne Grasmehr; and brother, Colbert Chatham,
Surviving are her daughter, Donna Shew and husband Johnny of North Wilkesboro; brothers, Wade Chatham and wife Margaret of Hays, Fred Chatham and wife Callie of North Wilkesboro; grandchildren, Johnathan Shew, Laura Shew and Michelle Shew; great grandchildren, BreAnna Dancy, Dezirae Dyson, Isaiah Dancy, Lillian Shew, Sophia Martinez.
Graveside service with military honors by Veterans of Foreign Wars Honor Guard Post 1142 will be held 1:00 p.m. Thursday, February 21, 2019 at Mountlawn Memorial Park with Rev. David Key officiating. Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Wilkes Senior Center, 228 Fairplains School Road, North Wilkesboro, NC 28659 or to Center Baptist Church, 205 Center Baptist Church Road, North Wilkesboro, NC 28659. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements. Online condolences may be made to www.millerfuneralservice.com
  Mrs. Mary Hayes Call
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Mrs. Mary Hayes Call, age 59 of Wilkesboro passed away Tuesday, February 19, 2019 at Woltz Hospice Home in Dobson.
Graveside services will be held 3:00 PM Thursday, February 21, 2019 at Mt. Sinai Baptist Church Cemetery with Rev. Brian Poindexter officiating.  The family will receive friends from 6:00 until 8:00 PM Wednesday evening at Reins-Sturdivant Funeral Home.
Mrs. Call was born July 27, 1959 in Wilkes County to Bertha Bell Hayes.  She previously worked for Tyson Foods.
She was preceded in death by her mother and brother Clyde "Timmy" Hayes.
She is survived by a daughter; Keisha Jones and husband Joseph of Wilkesboro and granddaughter; Madison Bell Jones and fiance`; Clarence Allen Phillips of Wilkesboro.
Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to the American Cancer Society, PO Box 9, North Wilkesboro, NC 28659.
Online condolences may be made at www.reinssturdivant.com
  Cardinal Jerome (CJ) Alexander, age 40
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Mr. Cardinal Jerome (CJ) Alexander, age 40 of Wilkesboro passed away Saturday, February 16, 2019 at Wake Forest Baptist-Wilkes Medical Center.
Funeral services will be held 2:00 PM Saturday, February 23, 2019 at Reins-Sturdivant Chapel with Pastor George Barber III, Rev. Casey Walker and Rev. Richard Watts officiating.  Burial will be in Scenic Memorial Gardens. The family will receive friends from 12:30 until 2:00 PM prior to the service at Reins-Sturdivant Funeral Home.
Mr. Alexander was born June 28, 1978 in Wilkes County to William Jerome "Billy" and Carol Lee Harris Alexander.  He worked for Lowe's Companies.
He was preceded in death by his parents.
He is survived by a sister; Vestula (Tula) White and husband Rex and nephew; Lathan Cannaday all of Statesville and his fur babies; Dolly and Sassie.
Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Rickard's Chapel AMZ Zion Church, PO Box 1689, North Wilkesboro, NC 28659.  
Online condolences may be made at www.reinssturdivant.com
  Mr. Harmon Green Pike
Mr. Harmon Green Pike, age 73 passed away Thursday at Westwood Hills Nursing and Rehab.
Funeral services will be held 1:00 PM Thursday, February 21, 2019 at Reins-Sturdivant Chapel with Rev. Wiley Boggs officiating.  Burial will be in the Union Chapel Baptist Church Cemetery. The family will receive friends from 12:00 until 1:00 PM prior to the service at Reins-Sturdivant Funeral Home.
Mr. Pike was born September 16, 1945 in Wilkes County to John Henry and Laura Victoria Wagoner Pike. He was a member of Union Chapel Baptist Church.
He was preceded in death by his parents.
He is survived by a daughter; Wanda Ann Pike, two half-sisters; Gracie Davis and husband Bartley of Moravian Falls, and Mary Taylor of North Wilkesboro and one half-brother; Alfred Pike and wife Ruby of North Wilkesboro.
Flowers will be accepted.
Online condolences may be made at www.reinssturdivant.com
Church and loved music. He was preceded in death by his mother.
       Surviving are his father, Kenneth Pilkenton, Sr. of Millers Creek; sister, Evelyn LeFever and husband Randy of Wilkesboro; nephew, Justin Cahill and wife Kara of North Wilkesboro; niece, Taylor Barnes and husband Daniel of Purlear; two great nieces and five great nephews.
Memorial service will be held at a later date. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.  
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lilliedaviis · 4 years
Northern California National Bank Announces New Board Member
CHICO, Calif., May 27, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Board of Directors of Northern California National Bank announces that John Nelsen, DDS has been selected as an independent director of the Bank.  “Dr. John Nelsen is an accomplished dentist and community leader with an award winning dental practice,” said Todd Lewis, NCNB President/CEO.  “We are … Continue reading “Northern California National Bank Announces New Board Member”
The post Northern California National Bank Announces New Board Member appeared first on .
source https://www.financeattitude.com/blog/northern-california-national-bank-announces-new-board-member/ source https://financeattitude1.tumblr.com/post/619333299205242880
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Better Lucky than Smart
It is around 1985. I am living in St. Louis, MO. I just left a large machinery and equipment (M&E) auction company, as a partner, because I refused to go along with what I considered unethical tactics. I was depressed, because this was going to be my new great career after 13 years in recycling. 
I am working out of the den in our home and have two young men working for me. We were looking for deals for 3 auctioneers: Rabin, Gagliardi and Ross Dove. Within a year, Ross Dove asked us to open an office for his company in St. Louis on a commission basis. What we worked out is if I can create deals in a category where he is not established then he will pay me 30% commission versus the standard 10%. I could only come up with commercial real estate (CRE) and non- performing loans (NPL). He said they never sold NPLs but once sold an apartment building in the Bay Area many years ago.
Better lucky than smart I always say.  
Two days later, I get a post card notification from the JBS Auction Company in Chicago announcing a small sealed bid auction on NPLs owned by the FDIC. I had recently convinced an FDIC sales officer in Tennessee to let us auction a ferryboat that they foreclosed on sitting tied up at the Embarcadero in San Francisco.  He said if the boat did not sell his boss told him to face west and keep walking until his hat floated.  It did sell and he was grateful. So I called him for a contact at the FDIC for loans. He said that there was an FDIC person, Mr. Chen, in San Francisco who was getting ready to sell a small package of loans.  I called him and Ross and I went to see him.  
Typical of so many of our groundbreaking meetings, we would BS our way through it with so much certainty that they hired us.  Mr. Chen asked two questions that we agreed to, not knowing what they meant at the time. “Will you bundle loans 4 and 14 together and do you think you should bifurcate loan 16?” Outside Ross turns to me and says, “Fischer, what the hell does bifurcate mean?” “I don’t know but I am pretty sure when he said bundle 4 and 14 together he wasn’t talking about us using twine.” We got the deal, and attending this successful auction was the head of disposition from BofA who bought a loan and asked us if we thought we could auction non-performing, charged off credit cards? You already know what I said.  We did that first ever-open outcry credit card auction and it brought them back 3.5 cents on the dollar versus their previous 1 cent on the dollar.  It forced all of their buyers to bid competitively, which is the whole purpose of a public open outcry auction. They were delighted with the results.
It is 6 am and I am on the Stairmaster reading the front page of the WSJ.  At the bottom, there is a tidbit of a question. “Guess who owns 25% of the Dallas Cowboys?” Answer: The FDIC. Bingo, I call them.  However, they say that really it is a loan foreclosure being handled by North Carolina National Bank (NCNB) in Dallas.  I call the SVP of NCNB in Dallas and pitch him on selling that ownership at auction.  I guarantee him it will bring top dollar and tell him about the BofA and FDIC loan auctions. His response is that he believes me, but it will not work because every NFL owner has to approve any new owner. However, do I think I could sell boat, car, and other secured loans at auction for him?  Duh, you already know my answer and so began six NCNB auctions at the Adolphus Hotel in Dallas.  
After number 3, I get a call from a man named Mr. Colby. He is with the Resolution Trust Corporation (RTC) and they are handling the sales of NPLs from all of the failed savings and loans that are failing at unprecedented rates across the US. He asks if he can come to our next auction and would I walk him through what we do?  Sure, and he brings 16 RTC people with him.  Bottom line we do a 90 million dollar loan auction for the RTC in Denver. We never did NP first mortgages before. We got in a Denver cab, found some of the houses, and asked the cab driver what they were worth. We then had our marketing guy who was doing our marketing and making the auction brochure, group the mortgages into packets of 10 and by zip code. It proved to be a brilliant strategy and the loans sold for 65 cents on the dollar, which was way above what we all expected.  
The third RTC auction brought 85 cents on the dollar as the original buyer’s began to work them out and saw their real value.  Many of the borrowers were not paying, just because the S&L no longer existed or maybe their spouse lost their job and no one would renegotiate the monthly payment for them. I have a Lucite tombstone on my desk from the RTC saying thanks for being on the auction team that sold 4 billion dollars of loans from September of 1992 (our first auction) to December of 1995.  All of that from selling a ferry boat for the FDIC in San Francisco. However, it gets better. 
The next thing I try is Commercial Real Estate (CRE) at auction from banks.  I convince a bank in Texas to give us two apartments in College Station, TX, and we auctioned an entire western ghost town; Winkelmann, TX. All three auctions failed miserably and Ross’s brother Kirk said to me, ´Ken, you are a great salesperson, but you don’t know crap about real estate.  Get a CRE partner for these auctions.”  So, I called a Grubb & Ellis broker friend in Chicago.  We had sold the M&E from a General Electric plant for him on one of his listings.  I told him what I wanted and he said that it just so happens that his boss in NY was contemplating an auction partnership with a Chicago auction  company and since my friend didn’t like that company, he said he would call his boss Stan and ask him to speak to me.  
I wound up flying to NY the next day, and shook hands on a deal with his boss Stan over dinner.  The Grubb & Ellis – Ross Dove Real Estate Auction Partnership did very well selling everything from the famous French Lick Resort, to the Las Vegas Paddlewheel Hotel, to the old Playboy Hotel in Miami, to a church in Chicago.  In 1991 we convinced the FDIC to do the first ever CRE interactive satellite (before the Internet) auction with satellite hooks ups in NY, Miami, Dallas, Denver and Los Angeles. We sold and closed 238 million in CRE that day and 13 months later in a 2-day auction on December 1stand 2nd, 1992 sold and closed $418,836,100 in CRE. 
Obviously, those were the three biggest earning years of my life. Moral of the story? Pick one: one door closes and another door opens, timing is everything, or better lucky than smart. 
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jefferygriiggs · 4 years
Northern California National Bank Announces New Board Member
CHICO, Calif., May 27, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Board of Directors of Northern California National Bank announces that John Nelsen, DDS has been selected as an independent director of the Bank.  “Dr. John Nelsen is an accomplished dentist and community leader with an award winning dental practice,” said Todd Lewis, NCNB President/CEO.  “We are … Continue reading "Northern California National Bank Announces New Board Member"
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Via https://www.financeattitude.com/blog/northern-california-national-bank-announces-new-board-member/
source https://financeattitude.weebly.com/blog/northern-california-national-bank-announces-new-board-member
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the-record-columns · 6 years
Feb. 6, 2019: Columns
A friend first, then a banker…
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(Editor’s note: This column was written by Ken Welborn shortly after the death in 2010 of his longtime friend, Ronald “Ron” Shoemaker.)
Record Publisher
I simply do not know to express the sadness I feel as I write today about my friend, Ron Shoemaker.
For my entire adult life, Ron was there whenever I needed him with wise counsel, patience and understanding.  Anytime I had the opportunity to introduce Ron, I would always do so as “…my friend, Ron,” and the fact that he was my banker would only come up if appropriate or necessary.  While he made his entire career in the realm of finance, his true legacy is that of an honest man, a good family man, a brother like no other — and a trusted friend.
Ron Shoemaker was what I like to refer to as an old-line banker, one who could read people as well as financial statements, and who would place character ahead of collateral when circumstances called for it.  Ron truly cared about his customers, never more clearly evidenced to me than the time, back in the old NCNB days, when he didn’t loan me the money.
I had gotten myself involved in a circumstance (the proverbial good cause) that had gone south and I had been convinced by the gentleman in charge that I had no choice but to ante up $10,000 as my part to clean up the mess.  I went to see Ron, explained what had transpired to him, and asked to borrow the money. 
He then asked me several questions about my involvement in the deal, studied about it a minute or two and then leaned forward and said, “I’ll loan you the money, I promise, but I want you to do something for me first.” 
He then went on to tell me that he didn’t think what was going on was fair to me; that I was being scammed, and that I should see an attorney before I agreed to pay a dime.  I kind of hesitated, so, without another word, he picked up his phone and called Jim Moore, asking him if he could see Ken Welborn for a few minutes. 
About an hour later, as I left Jim’s law office in the old Northwestern Bank Building, he told me I was fortunate to have a friend like Ron looking out for me, because I had no liability whatever in this deal, and if anyone argued with me to simply tell them “…you’ll see them in court.”
When I went by to thank Ron, he smiled broadly and said, “I have heard your daddy the preacher say many times that there is no right way to do the wrong thing, and this is plainly wrong.”  
That was my friend Ron talking — clearly the banker Ron took a back seat that day.
I followed him when he went to Southern National Bank (now BB&T), and was as happy as anyone in the county when, some years later, he told me he and a group of directors were forming what came to be Wilkes National Bank and then Northwestern National Bank.  They made a great success of that company, catering particularly to small businesses and individuals; and by understanding just how personal folks take a banking relationship.  Simply put, they treated their customers the way they would want to be treated. 
That attitude came from the top down, from Ron Shoemaker.
After his retirement, I mostly saw him when he was out to eat with his wife, Jane — who always looked as though she just left the beauty shop.  I would tease him about still dressing up like a banker, even after retirement, and he would remind me he needed the coat pockets to hold the fifty or so pictures he always carried of his grandson; his newest pride and joy.
Ron’s health had been failing for the past few years, and I cannot even imagine what he went through, but clearly he didn’t have to go it alone — his family stood by him steadfastly.  He remained positive and upbeat, always finding the best in whatever circumstance he was facing. 
He was a man at peace with himself, with his family, and with God. 
I am a better man for having known him.
                                              Ron Shoemaker                                May 1, 1940—February 12, 2010                                                 Rest in Peace
 Murder for hire
Special to The Record
Most people believe that the conflict in the Middle East is a complicated matter.  Well, it’s not.  What it all boils down to is one side, namely the Palestinians, wants the other side, namely Israel, dead.  All Muslim countries share this common goal and according to the Pew Research Center, there are 50 Muslim majority countries in the world yet there is only one, very tiny, Jewish state.  Muslims comprise over 23 percent of the world’s population while Israelis represent only about 0.11 percent.  Quite a contrast but Israel is strong and able to keep her enemies in check however her job is made easier with support from the United States. Please don’t misunderstand.  The aid Israel receives from the United States benefits the U.S. more than it benefits Israel and here’s the reason.  U.S. dollars sent to Israel are for the purpose of giving Israel the ability to purchase new and advanced weapons for defense however these weapons, whether they be planes, guns or missiles, must be purchased from the United States.  Once Israel purchases these weapons, she then adapts them to her own needs thus improving already sophisticated technology.  In turn, Israel shares with the United States the improvements she makes to the U.S. weaponry.  Since much of Israel’s combat needs are for desert climates and terrain, the United States gains knowledge from Israel on how to effectively operate such regions.  This is but one of the strings attached to the aid Israel receives from the United States but in all instances, the United States benefits as much, if not more, than Israel. Now for a quick look at the aid the United States has been sending to the Palestinians which, as of Jan. 31, 2019, has been terminated.  A few days ago in a press release, the Palestinian Authority issued a statement attempting to mislead the world into believing that the United States has cut off aid to the Palestinians in order to pressure the PA leadership to compromise on their “right to self-determination.”  In other words, they are attempting to convince the world that this cessation of aid is a punitive measure designed to derail the efforts of the Palestinians to establish a state of their own.  They also claimed that the loss of U.S. aid would result in many Palestinians becoming unemployed thus adding to the misery of the Palestinian people. This is an outright fabrication and the truth must be told. The United states stopped providing aid to the Palestinians because the Palestinians refused to stop their “Pay for Slay” policy whereby hundreds of millions of dollars of U.S. aid were being used to incentivize and reward terrorism and pay the families of jailed and dead terrorists a significant monthly stipend. Remember American veteran Taylor Force who was murdered by a Palestinian terrorist while visiting Israel?  When it became known that the PA was giving money to terrorists and the families of martyrs, the U.S. passed the Taylor Force Act which made U.S. aid to the Palestinians contingent on them eliminating their “Pay for Slay” policy.  However, instead of choosing the moral, ethical and peaceful route which is to stop paying for murder, the Palestinian Authority elected instead to decline all U.S. aid.  This is clear evidence that the Palestinian leadership places rewarding terrorists above the well-being of the Palestinian population.   So, while it is true that the United States has discontinued giving aid to the Palestinian Authority, it is not true that the U.S. is responsible in any way for additional Palestinian suffering or hardships.  What is true is the PA leadership is continuing its blame game attempting to deflect responsibility for the sad state of affairs of the Palestinian citizenry.  Instead of choosing the pathway of peace by halting their “Pay for Slay” program, they have instead elected to throw U.S financial aid in the trash can along with the welfare of the Palestinian people. 
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dranthonyraju · 5 years
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Please Congrats Ms.TESS MARTIN for Nomination and Selection
Most Respected Ms. TESS MARTIN - AUSTRALIA (https://www.linkedin.com/in/tess-martin-623b64bb/) , Global Thinker, Motivational Speaker, Dynamic. Published Author. Leadership , empowering new Global initiatives..
Adelaide,has been nominated For Prestigious 9th International Human Rights Award'2019    
being conferred upon on 9th December’2019 At 5.00 Pm at India Islamic Centre Auditorium, 87 - 88, Lodhi Road ,New Delhi - 110 003, With High Tea/Dinner
May God bless you with tones of blessings, to serve his people with love and compassion.
Dr. Anthony Raju
Advocate , Supreme Court of India.
Global Chairman , All India Council of Human Rights, Liberties & Social Justice.
Founder : International Human Rights Awards
Founder President , International Human Rights Advisory Council
Chairman, Board of Global Ambassador for Human Rights & Peace
Cell – 9873005424 / 9873087903
#humanrights #peace #socialjustice #education #leadership #humanitarian #ihrac
#gahrp #dranthonyraju #ambassador #NCNB # AICHLS #IIHRS #HUMANRIGHTSAWARDS
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financeattitude1 · 4 years
Northern California National Bank Announces New Board Member
CHICO, Calif., May 27, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Board of Directors of Northern California National Bank announces that John Nelsen, DDS has been selected as an independent director of the Bank.  “Dr. John Nelsen is an accomplished dentist and community leader with an award winning dental practice,” said Todd Lewis, NCNB President/CEO.  “We are … Continue reading "Northern California National Bank Announces New Board Member"
The post Northern California National Bank Announces New Board Member appeared first on .
source https://www.financeattitude.com/blog/northern-california-national-bank-announces-new-board-member/
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cynthiiacraig · 4 years
Northern California National Bank Announces New Board Member
CHICO, Calif., May 27, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Board of Directors of Northern California National Bank announces that John Nelsen, DDS has been selected as an independent director of the Bank.  “Dr. John Nelsen is an accomplished dentist and community leader with an award winning dental practice,” said Todd Lewis, NCNB President/CEO.  “We are … Continue reading "Northern California National Bank Announces New Board Member"
The post Northern California National Bank Announces New Board Member appeared first on .
source https://www.financeattitude.com/blog/northern-california-national-bank-announces-new-board-member/ source https://financeattitude.blogspot.com/2020/05/northern-california-national-bank.html
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lmortgages158 · 5 years
Barbara Hines Benson, 86, <b>mortgage</b> officer at NCNB for 25 years
Loved by many, she was known in the community for her 25 years working as a mortgage officer at NCNB, now Bank of America. She was also very ...
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