#nct dteam headcanon
yakuly · 2 years
So was I
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〯₊ ¡Mark Lee! (NonIᴅᴏʟ!Mark x !NonIdol!ꜰᴇᴍᴀʟᴇ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ). Words: 994 words Warning: mention of food.  〯₊
A/N: Hello there my beautifull people! How's goin? Just wantted to let you guys know, that I changed the title for the english version. Previously it was suppouse to be: "Slow", but I decided for the best, that "So was I" it fit better (but don't worry, it is the same content!), so Hope you guys enjoy!
If God exists he hates me. If Allah exists, he hates me. If any Deity exists, I'm sure they hate me. The fact is, no matter your religion, your God probably hates me. And if you're an atheist, well then, life hates me.
Because seriously, besides being into the guy he has to be my best friend and still be hanging out non-stop with my roommate? Can it get worse?
Today, Friday night, and once again I’m in my room getting ready for another night out. Moletom and pizza have always been the best choice for a septic tank at home. Park Mina, my partner yells from the hallway as I leave, and I just listen, my brain working artfully to finish me off, making me wonder what your night with Mark Lee will be like. Are they going clubbing? To a restaurant? Karaoke? Will they kiss? Are you going to buy things for each other?
I sigh trying to ignore the annoying little voice in my head and play on my beautiful Chanyeol Dorama. But I can barely concentrate on the adorable giant and his glasses without looking at my cell phone waiting for some notification from the guy inviting me to a game night we used to have.
Finally, my doorbell rings telling me that the delivery boy has arrived. My serotonin level rises minimally at the prospect of eating my broccoli pizza. I open the door ready to play with the boy, who could easily be Heechan, the neighbor’s son who always delivers my orders, but I’m scared seeing Mark Lee standing there right in front of me. I freeze at the sight, and for a moment I think I’m hallucinating, but the brunette chuckles, probably nervous.
“Hey! Anybody home?” His voice is a little low and a little unsure.
“Oh hi. Why are you here?”  It’s all I can manage, after all, he is the last person I expected to see there. Even more wearing what I am: sweatshirt.
“I came to see you, it’s been a while since we’ve spoken” Mark was still talking in a low voice, looking at me uncertainly, and I still don’t know what to do. “So can I come in?  It’s kinda little cold here...”
I let him pass and only then do I notice my pizza, his bags in hand. We go back to the bedroom and try to act normally. We sit on the bed and he spreads what he brought: candies, chocolate, snacks, and soju. We open the drink and your face when you see the pizza taste is the best.
“Broccoli? Seriously?”
“Yah! Don’t judge me!” I say a little louder, “and if I knew it you was coming, I’d order even more broccoli!” I point out, taking a slice. “I thought you’d be with Mina.”
“No, you know that club is not mine thing.” Lee replies as if it’s obvious. I let out a disbelieving laugh.
“You guys are so close nowadays that I didn’t doubt you’d go with her.” I let out a little acid before taking a big sip of Soju.
“Is that jealous?” he asks, smiling sideways. I want to scream yes, wanted to scream that he was blind, slow and dumb, but I just roll my eyes and drink some more. “Wow! Take it easy!”
“I deserve this divine drink, okay?” I complain, taking the bottle that was taken from me and finishing it at once.
I manage to keep him quiet while we watch Dorama, and as always his comments are the best and make me laugh, even though I want to be mad.
“Oh! Chanyeol, why so beautiful?” I let out low, but apparently, Mark hears me and nudges my leg. “What? He is. He raps, dances, sings, composes, acts, is cute, funny, intelligent, speaks English, and even knows how to build a bar.” I list my utt’s qualities under my friend’s tedious gaze.
“I know how to do all that too!” He answers me looking offended.
“Um, I wouldn’t leave a drill to you.” I imply, laughing, but realize I’m the only one who does so, so I stop, averting my gaze from his, super intense.
I turn around about to ask why he’s ignored me for the past few weeks when I’m startled by his hand on the back of my neck, and he pulls me in for a kiss. But it takes me a while to process and when I see it, Mark looks at me apprehensively.
“What was that?”
“I like you. More than a friend, and I was afraid of what I was going to think, of your reaction, and of ruining our friendship, so I asked Mina for help on what to do because I can’t bear to hide my desire from you any longer.”
Once I have my answer, I stare at him, wondering whether I’m hitting him for making me believe he was interested in Mina or kissing him because I finally know the feeling its mutual.
“Mark Lee!” I let out angrily slapping him on the arm. Yeah, looks like my hot blood acts faster than mine. “I can’t believe you did this to me!” I slap him lightly, and the idiot falls back on the bed complaining. “I thought I was into Mina, you bastard!”
“What? Why?” the brunette manages to hold my arms looking very confused. He then stops to think and his mouth forms na “O” in a clear sign that he understands what happened. “No, I never liked her like that!”
“Really?” I need to confirm so I can take my next step, and when he nods, I throw myself on top of him, pressing our lips together.
It’s his turn not to understand what happened, but when his eyes meet mine and he sees that I feel the same way, we finally kiss intensely and wonderfully.
At the end, it wasn’t just Mark who was slow. So was I.
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[Masterlist ] • [NCT 127 Masterlist] • [NCT Dream]
🍵🌿🖇..⃗. buy me a coffee?
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yakuly · 2 years
— [♡]; Nakamoto Yuta
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⿴ ≡ ¡Gif isn't mine! / ¡O Gif não é meu! ⸾ ⸽ Nakamoto Yuta (Nonɪᴅᴏʟ! Yuta x Nonɪᴅᴏʟ!ꜰᴇᴍᴀʟᴇ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ) Words: 447 words Warning: mention of food, (very very slightly angust as well), slight mention of sex .  ≡ ⿴
He’s the love of my life. Definitely, and with no turning backs. The funniest thing about it, is that when I realized that, the little me inside of my head, grabbed her soda with her straw and sarcastically said “Uh Oh! Are we like that already?”. But I couldn’t answer her, I was too busy checking the way that my apartment it was at that moment.
My living room it had a lot of pillows, some plats were at the center table, and I could see that my favorite ‘cheesy horrible day’ movie was waiting for be played. I was so chocked that I barely saw when he came from the hallway with his perfect smile saying with his sweet voice “Finally my baby’s at home! Go rushing to your especial bathtub shower while it still warm. I just finished there!” And once again, I was so absorbed by his smell, his strong arms holding me close to his perfect ‘home’ body, that I could found my typical tease me to make up with na a answer.
So I asked him, how does he knew? And once again he opened his smile and said “You forgot I’m your Super boyfriend? My sense told me this morning something was wrong. So I knew that I had to come and save your day!” And it turns out, that he was right. That it was na a Horribly terrifying extraordinary bad day.
That night while we watch to Dr. Frank-N-Furter singing about his blonde sex machine, I had his body as my perfect pillow, while his heart was beating in my ears, his delicious warm food recently cooked was on my stomach, he was the only thing I could think. How he knew without hear a word coming out from me, how he played the most gay movie and is watching and enjoying ever single moment of it. And suddenly I wasn’t afraid of love anymore. I felt like I could get whatever I wanted as long he was with me.
“You are the love of my life” I whispered to him, when his was sleeping on the bed with me. That was the first time I said that, even though he had said for a very long time a go. I was a coward, but he respected that, he waited for me, for my own time. And when I had shore he was just pretending to be sleeping, I whispered into his ears ‘I love You’. His smile never been so big, and I probably never had such a good night as that one. And I knew, that I would never love anymore the way I love Nakamoto Yuta, and that was okay. Even if he Brak my heart into leaves later, because he showed me what love supposed to be, and teached me that I shouldn’t never accept less that that.
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