#nct u shotarto
kfanopinions · 3 years
[SHOTARO] first date scenario
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Warnings: None [aside from cute fluffiness] lol Summary: Shotaro and you [Y/N]/Reader, are on your first date in an unexpected but expected location 😉
You didn't expect to find out that your first date with Shotaro would be at a dance studio. Yes, he's a dancer — an incredible and beautiful and fantastic one at that, but your idea of a first date was something normal. A picnic in the park, a movie, or just chatting over coffee - nowhere in your mind did you think 'dance studio.' Then again, this is Shotaro and his passion lies within the walls of this studio.
He stands next to the door that he's just opened a gentle smile on his face. How you ended up going on a date with Shotaro was unexpected.
You were waiting backstage for your friend, Ami who had just finished her performance for her University's dance program, aka her final exam of the semester. She was just coming offstage when you moved towards her ready to give her a hug when you bumped into a young man. A rather, handsome man at that. Quickly, you bowed your head sending out apology after apology towards him. When you didn't hear a response you peeked up at him to find him staring at you with wide eyes.
"Um, I hope you can forgive me," you continue with your apologies.
"Shotaro!" Someone calls out gaining the young man's attention. "Come on, you're up next."
"[Y/N]!" Your friend calls you, clinging to your arm. "Did you see my performance? What did you think?" She jumps up and down excited. "Oh, hi, Shotaro!" She beams.
"Sorry," the young man named Shotaro finally speaks, bowing his head. "I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking. I hope you're not hurt."
You wave him off, "I'm fine. No worries. Plus, I wasn't looking where I was going either."
He nods then turns to your friend, "sorry, Ami. I can't chat, I'm up next." He points to a door that leads up to the stage.
"Good luck and break a leg!"
"Thanks and uh," he looks at you confused.
"Her name is [Y/N]!" Ami volunteers. "She's my best friend, she's single and she's looking," she winks at him.
"WAIT! WHAT?!" You shout tearing yourself from her.
Shotaro watches you two scobble before clearing his throat.
"It was nice running into you [Y/N]. I hope to see you around."
With that he waves and rushes through the door.
Little did you know that small ‘bump’ would lead to your friend forking over your number without you knowing and Shotaro's friend sending you a text message — that's led you to the University's dance studio. Honestly, you weren't going to come on this date, but after a good bit of convincing on Ami's part you ended up agreeing and setting up a time and place to meet.
So, here you are, walking through the halls of the dance studio and entering a room where there is no one around. Shotaro closes the door before going to another door, opening it. Inside, he pulls out a blanket, a basket commonly used for picnics, and a small portable speaker.
"I thought we'd have a small picnic here, I hope you don't mind."
Maybe it was a little harsh to judge him so quickly, this is actually cute.
"Sure.” You nod awkwardly. “May I ask why the dance studio?"
He rings out the blanket before settling it on the floor.
"I was really nervous about this. I didn't expect Ami to hand me your number and I REALLY didn't expect her boyfriend to send a text message to you. I hope you weren't pressured to do this," he runs a hand through his hair nervously.
"No, it's alright," you sit down on the blanket and glance around the studio. "So, how long have you been dancing."
Shotaro sits down next to you, a decent enough of space between the two of you - pulling the basket of goodies forward, a smile appearing on his face.
"For a very long time. It's my life, my passion, everything to me."
"What do you plan on doing after you graduate? Ami told me she's going to work at a local dance studio back where we live as a choreographer. Do you wish to do the same?"
He pulls out two bento boxes and immediately your heart swells with adoration. Many times you've seen bento boxes being made on tiktok by mothers and wives and they all looked so adorable. Never once did you think someone would make one for you.
"I'm hoping that I'll be able to join a dance company that mainly focuses on hip-hop. I don't mind contemporary or jazz but hip-hop is so much fun to dance to. Hitting the moves a certain way to express the aggressiveness of the song is something I love."
He places one of the bento boxes in front of you a light shade of pink appearing on his face, "I hope you'll like it. Ami told me what your favorite food was and I tried my best." He chuckles nervously.
"Thank you, Shotaro. I'm sure it'll be delicious. If I know Ami she probably sent you an instruction list a mile long of how to make whatever it was she told you."
He laughs nodding, "it was hard to mess up when she was so detailed." He gestures eagerly. "Please, eat."
You open the box to find the cutest meal you've ever seen. There was a bottom section that held rice - a carrot salad and snow peas that were in cupcake wrappers. On the top compartment a couple pieces of fried chicken laid over a bed of lettuce with some spinach in another cupcake wrapper. There was even your favorite gummy packet for dessert.
"Shotaro..." you whisper a few tears coming to your eyes. "This is so sweet..."
"It was all Ami," he smiles opening up his food and separating his chopsticks. "She's the mastermind behind the food."
"It might have been her helping you, but you still went through the effort to make it," you quickly say a small prayer, "thank you for the food," you whisper.
Diving head first into the fried chicken you take a piece and bite into it, immediately your mouth flooding from the scrumptious flavor. This was your all-time favorite lunch. When you were younger your mom would always pack you fried chicken whenever you needed a little extra confidence boost.
A smile spreads across your face as you take another bite. This is probably why Ami chose this meal. Last night you were two seconds from backing down on meeting Shotaro, but Ami kept saying how sweet and kind he is. She said all you needed was to be confident in yourself. She truly is a one-of-a-kind friend.
Shotaro leans forward anxiously, "h-how did I do?"
"It's delicious!" You giggle, "seriously it's yummy!"
You both eat in a comfortable silence enjoying the meal that Shotaro so kindly prepared. Even though this date was in a closed room and not outdoors under the sun, it was still a perfect first date. Come to think of it, this dance studio, is probably Shotaro's Fried Chicken lunch. A place where he feels the most at home, where he feels comfortable and confident.
Peeking over at him you giggle as he chews happily on a piece of chicken. Ami was right, he does seem kind.
"Can I pick the second date?" You ask him with a cheeky smile.
Shotaro looks up shocked, "s-second date? For real?"
"That is if you want to," you pop the last piece of fried chicken into your mouth.
"Yes!" He practically jumps towards you. "I mean, yes. I'd love to! Hearing about you from Ami makes me want to know more about you."
You pause, some of your rice falling from your chopsticks. "Exactly what has Ami told you?"
He gives you the cutest smirk before leaning close to you, "maybe I'll tell you by the third date," he places a kiss on your cheek. "Some of it was pretty embarrassing."
"Eh?!! No! Tell me now!!" You start to whine.
Shotaro doesn't say a word. The only thing he does is laugh every time you ask him to tell you and that you'd give juicy information on your friend and her boyfriend if you can hear what she said to him. When you were finished with your meal, despite your grumbles of him being mean to you, he stood up offering you his hand.
"Dance with me?"
Pouting you turn from him, "not unless you tell me what she said."
"She honestly didn't say much. I was just joking around."
Turning slightly you eye him skeptically before sighing in defeat. "Fine, but I'm already going to warn you," you frown deeply. "I'm a terrible dancer."
He pulls you to your feet and away from the blanket. Reaching into his pocket he pulls out his phone clicking on a rather slow song.
"She might have told me you had two left feet," he pulls you close to him.
"Okay, no more talking to Ami!"
Shotaro laughs and guides you through the entire song allowing your mind to escape from your friends utter betrayal. It was like you were skating across ice the way he led you across the floor. Not once did your inexperience seem to hinder the dancing itself. Either he was an incredible dancer and a wonderful partner to dance with, or you weren't exactly 'terrible.'
When the song came to its end, Shotaro spun you around before dipping you. It was the first time a guy actually did that. When you were brought back, you all but wrapped your arms around his neck and placed a gentle kiss onto his lips.
Staring up at him like a lovesick puppy you lay your head against his chest, "there will definitely be a second date," you giggle.
Shotaro leans his head against yours smiling brightly. "I can't wait," he pulls you closer to him allowing the next song to sweep you guys away.
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*👆Okay the gif was just perfect!! I hope you enjoyed it! Seriously Shotaro is a cutie pie! 😉*
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