#necron girlies
darthcatboy · 5 months
#oh my god the cryptek=priest thing could make zeph and metek and phillias' thing SO MUCH WORSE#esp since metek didn't really get inducted into the mysteries until *after* she was sworn to zeph#that whole dynasty is messy lesbians
[kicks down your door] I heard a dynasty of messy lesbians and I came running as fast as I could! Tell me, everything.
ok ok i see u found the fics but yes my dynasty is all girlies and they are all very sapphic and they are SO DRAMATIC there are SO many schisms
they're called the mahaedrekh dynasty, ruled by phaerakh zepharati (insert the literal full page of titles here) and her precious wife, high phantomancer metek
this is already contentious bc metek is a street urchin who stole shit from the actual royal crypteks to teach herself stuff so THAT went over so well with the nobles nothing bad there at ALL
this also radicalized zeph
homegirl wanted to abolish her dynasty's monarchy but biotransference got in the way
and that's just the surface, not even getting into the weird obsession with deathmark cults and how they got mixed up in carrying out a bunch of official triarchal business during the war in heaven OR anything post-awakening with the phaerakh/cryptek/praetorian throuple
god there is too much to throw in an answer omg lmao
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utane · 4 months
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Quick Yenekh and Oltyx
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while I wasn't posting I bought way to much minis, so the total count for my admech army is:
15 sisters of battle (with 1 extra baby)
5 gene stealer cultists (on bikes)
1 very big necron
5 tau pathfinders (I got them for free)
18 actual admech minis (2 of which are vehicles)
so in the end most of my army just ended up being way to many kitbashes and conversions, which does feel very admech tbh...
still not sure if this is a good idea, but i have to make my army a bunch of cool girlies you know
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utane · 2 years
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Trazyn, probably: “I want that twink obliterated”
Orikan is just a funky little dude... and ofc I had to sexify him as well. You know how it goes.
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