#need more charlotte content cause she and all of my other OCs/ideas are keeping me afloat right now
starfolk7 · 6 months
Gnawing at my enclosure because I wanna draw Charlotte so badly but that requires energy and a pencil I can't find hhhhhhh
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husbandograveyard · 4 years
Meet The Squad?
Contemplating posting this for such a long time now, I am pretty private when it comes to selfship, OCs (be it self insert ones or nah) and OC ships and such. But you all have been pretty supportive, and I wanted to share a little bit.  ╰(*´︶`*)╯Still a little self conscious cause these are nowhere as fleshed out or cool as some of the OCs I see pass by, so please bear with me as I carefully tiptoe back into properly creating OCs, something I haven’t even done properly since I was 16 or so UwU. 
Anyhowwwww... heres my 4 One Piece Ocs, some half worked out, some actually getting super fleshed out. Eventually I want all 4 of them to be 100% fleshed out with their own story. Most of these were born out of RP Ideas or something similar. (Or I just wanted a certain DF, oops) All these visuals were made with the Missangest Avatar Creator (in the google app store). 
Click keep reading for a short introduction of my 4 girls and a kawaii a/f picrew I did today UwU. See this as a teeny introduction to their general looks and stories, and Im pretty sure you will get to know them all better soon! (but one in particular). 
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Top Left: Tae 
Fox Zoan user (I wanted a Kitsune actually, but then that was taken in series, I’ll probably die mad about it) - she is blind, and an absolute brat. Lives for mischief, and loves small time crimes. Is attracted to the pirate life for the freedom (and the crime). 
She has a big mouth that gets her in trouble often, usually cause she does not know when to shut up exactly. She likes playing pranks on the wrong people, is a master at thievery, and prefers snacks over dinner. Playfighting > actual fighting, but no worries, she will rip your throat out if needed. Actions over words, and 20/20 hindsight. oops. 
Top Right: Mayu 
Mayu is an ex-slave Doctor. She’s never been treated horribly since she and her medical knowledge were always useful to the troops occupying her island, but she has definitely seen enough death and misery to last her a lifetime. 
Her story definitely involves some revolutionary freedom fighters and she’s going to join them as a medic for the Revolutionary Army. 
More of a strategist and a thinker than a fighter. Only way she can fight is with a scalpel, knowledge of where the arteries are and enough luck to actually launch an attack because if she’s overpowered, which is 100% easy, she’s helpless. She’s not meant to be fighting anyway. Calm and generally quiet, definitely a pessimist, but how would you be after a good few years living oppressed? 
Bottom Left: Charlotte -  call her “Lott”  
Okay I have a love-hate relationship with this OC, cause much like Tae, she’s born out of a Devil Fruit Idea more than a character idea, but Lott’s DF idea is a bit more complicated. It’s a paramecia temperature type of fruit and I have yet to figure out the exact uses and limits for it. 
Even though she’s a devil fruit user, she’s not much of a fighter, and has very little interest in becoming one. She’s the mom (tm) on board of a pirate ship. Initial thought was getting her to be part of the Spade pirates, I’ll hopefully be reading the novel to make sure that is even possible. (or make it possible lmao). 
She’s a little naïve, but it’s mostly because of young age. Other than that she’s a little ball of sunshine. Which is why I am very inclined to throw a big bucket of angst on there, nothing like some trauma to give your OC more character. Who knows, she’s the least worked out I’d say out of all these 4. 
Bottom Right: Layla ‘backstabber’ Thornes 
Saving the best for last, Layla is actually my most fleshed out character so far, and simultaneously the one I am most eager to write about. She has that full on backstory, as well as half of a huge a/f character sheet filled in. She was born for a DnD campaign tryout and well, for that you already gotta give them more specific skills and such, and thus, the train of thoughts started and never really stopped.
Layla is an ex-marine, who was trained from a very young age to become at the very least a marine captain, hopefully even a Vice-admiral. It was all fun and games until she started thinking more and more about the cover-ups the marines did for the world government and vice versa and how the whole justice system may not be as full of justice as it seemed. I’ll spare you the details (for now) but one day, she rather dramatically made her exit and has been on the run ever since. 
From there on out, Layla’s story is still open, there’s a few directions I’ve got in mind for her, but she can go many a way. One thing is for sure. She’s not going back to the marines. 
She was raised to be polite, soft spoken, well mannered while being ruthless yet feminine on the battlefield. Needless to say, she went the ENTIRE other direction the minute she ‘left’ home. A foul mouth that gets her into trouble and manners that only manifest out of habit than her own volition. Like hell she’s going to be polite in a world where pirates distrust you and marines chase you. Quite confident in her abilities, even though she is not a devil fruit user. Very proficient in haki and sword fighting though. She is also rather small, especially for One Piece standards, which helps in dodging attacks. speed over power, but don’t think shes weak, hecc she’ll punch you in the face and break your nose for a cornchip. Oh, and a random fun fact, she’s a terrible drunk. It’s hilarious. 
Once I get the time to properly write, Ill be spending a good few hours filling in those xxl OC sheets and maybe do some OC ask game... If y’all would be interested in that, that is? Most I have for all ‘cept layla is looks, personalities and a vague sense of powers and I’ll be working that out soon! 
Oh! And before you ask, they all do have potential love interests to go into their stories, but I am not sure if I want them all to have a love interest in the end? So there’s some ideas floating around, but nothing set in stone? This will probably come as I write and think about it more? yall can try and guess though lol
For now, enjoy this picrew that I made this morning of these lovely ladies!  (its cut off but Layla is definitely giving yall the finger, Im sorry she’s rude)  https://picrew.me/image_maker/321535 
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Hope y’all liked this teeny tiny introduction a bit? Expect more content with Layla for sure! And I know myself, once I write out the backstories for the other three I will fall in love as well, as I do with all my DnD characters now, and Ill have a whole collection of fictional characters living in my head that I am needlessly emotionally attached to. *sighs dramatically* such is life... 
Stay safe, healthy and hydrated my loves!  Sending you all much love, and kisses and all the good vibes you may need!!  Hazel out! 
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nikkzwrites · 4 years
Yesterday Once More | Dark Fix-It Fic Series | Chapter 4
A/N: This fic is one that I started with my OC because honestly, I personally didn’t like how season 3 ended. So I am rewriting all of Dark with my OC Annalise Dahlheim. I hope you all like it. Some things will be expanded more on just for more depth to Dark that season 3 kinda skipped over so…. yeah.
CW: Canon Typical Triggers: Smoking, Sex, Language, Drugs, Drinking, Death, Violence, Suicide Mentions, Cutting, Violence.
Word Count:  6.7k
[First Chapter] [Previous Chapter][Next Chapter]
Black holes are considered to be the hellmouths of the universe. Those who fall inside disappear. Forever. But whereto? What lies behind a black hole? Along with things, do space and time also vanish there? Or would space and time be tied together and be part of an endless cycle? What if everything that came from the past were influenced by the future?
Helge sat in his tree of life chair repeating, “Tick-tock. Tick-tock.” The old man with a damaged eye trying to come to terms with the man standing in the entrance of the caves looking out into Winden.
The forest was still. The town was still until Franziska stormed out of her room. “That sneaky little bitch,” she whispered to herself before she screamed across the house, “Ellie! Where’s my lipstick?!”
This caused both Charlotte and Peter to emerge from their rooms across from each other. They awkwardly greeted each other. Peter explained he was going to stop to see Helge before work. Charlotte nodded and agreed to take Elisabeth to school in that case. Then they both walked to follow their elder daughter to try and break up the fight.
Annalise tossed and turned in her bed. She was still having nightmares, but at least she was trying to sleep on her own. She couldn’t stop getting the images of Mikkel, Erik, the boy the found, and her father out of her head. Everything kept feeling connected and she had no idea why, but her nightmares kept stringing them together in each exaggerated way after the next. Her phone had other plans for her though and started to go off with notifications. Annalise shot up in a cold sweat and panted. She turned slowly to her phone and stared at it. She slowly picked it up to reveal that Bartosz was bothering her about Martha again. 
‘I know you are probably shoving some Kahnwald sausage down your throat, but don’t let that be the reason you don’t reach out to Martha. She definitely probably needs you.’ The boy had texted her.
Annalise’s nose scrunched at his lack of decency. She silently thanked him for waking her up from her horrible sleep though. She texted her friend’s boyfriend back with a slight tint of pink across her cheeks, ‘Please don’t assume inappropriate things about me.’ She stood up though and started to get ready for the day.
Jonas stared at the maps of the caves of Winden. It lay there sprawled on his crossed legs. ‘Where is the crossing?’ kept calling to him. He had no idea what this meant, but a part of him felt as though this was very familiar. He decided to fold up the map and put it into his bag.
Elisabeth was reading an astronomy book when her sister yelled at her, “There you are, you stupid cow!” Franziska ripped the book away from her and yelled while signing, “Where is my red lipstick?”
Elisabeth signed back, “I don’t have your stupid lipstick. I’m only eight. I don’t use lipstick.”
Franziska argued, “You may be able to fool those two upstairs with your puppy dog eyes and your pitiful deaf-and-dumb act, but I don’t buy it.”
A coy smile grew on the younger sister’s face as their mother walked in. Charlotte looked to Elisabeth and asked, “Have you packed your backpack? I’ll drive you.” She turned to her older daughter and asked, “Shall I take you too?”
“Am I a baby or what?” Franziska snarked. 
Elisabeth signed to her mother, “Because of Mikkel?”
“Yes, because of Mikkel,” the mother signed back.
Elisabeth asked, “Do you know who stole him?”
Charlotte replied, “I won’t discuss police work with you.”
“I don’t like Mikkel,” Elisabeth signed to her mother, “He’s a show-off and a jerk. I don’t really care if he ever comes back.” She crossed her arms and fell back more into the sofa.
Hannah threw her phone down as she smoked in the kitchen. Her legs tucked inside of her red sweater. She smiled seeing Jonas come down the stairs, “Hey!” She cheerfully greeted her son. Annalise had left a little earlier so Hannah was grateful for this time alone with Jonas. “Where are you going,” she asked.
“To school,” Jonas lied.
Hannah shrugged and offered, “You don’t have to go if you don’t want to. I can call them.” 
“I’m fine,” Jonas told his mother.
Hannah started to rock herself holding in tears, “Jonas?” She then tried to offer, “We could also do something nice together. Just the two of us.”
Jonas stared at his mother. It was such a tempting offer. He rarely had got the opportunity where he could just spend time with her. “Mom,” He complained. He hated this feeling of having to decline the offer, but he needed to see about the map he had found in his father’s studio.
“Okay,” Hannah let the subject drop and allowed him to leave.
Peter sat next to his father in his retirement home. Helge was acting quite strangely. He called his father, “Dad? You can’t keep walking out.” 
“I have to tell him,” Helge muttered to himself.
Peter sighed and asked, “Tell who what?”
Helge just repeated, “I have to tell him. It has to stop. It has to stop. It has to...”
Peter reached out his hands and clasped them around his father’s shaking ones. He felt so guilty, but he pushed a little bit and asked, “What has to stop?”
“Tick-Tock,” Helge replied, “Tick-Tock.” Peter pulled away from his father and sighed. He placed his hands in his lap and stared at them. Helge slowly reached out his hand to caress his son’s cheek, “Don’t be sad.”
Jonas walked through the woods trying to get to the caves. He wanted to have enough time where no one would suspect anything so he walked quickly. A sweet almost like a lullaby of a song stopped him though. Someone was singing. He stood there frozen in terror as he just listened to the melodic tune. It was a feminine voice. It was singing in English. He sighed realizing who it was.
Annalise sat on a large rock humming and singing to herself. With the birds chirping all around, she decided she was going to try and sing hoping that Mikkel would hear it and follow it back to her. She closed her eyes as she started, 
“Why do birds suddenly appear
Every time you are near?
Just like me, they long to be
Close to you
Why do stars fall down from the sky
Every time you walk by?
Just like me, they long to be
Close to you.”
Leaves crutched and scurried away causing Annalise to stop. She looked towards the noise to see Jonas standing there. Jonas looked at the girl. He knew this wasn’t too far into the sun’s rise, but for some reason, he felt as though the sun was making its way back down to go to sleep. The dewy morning light glistened off of her. He felt as if he had walked into a scene where a guardian angel was trying their best to look after their chosen human. The light from above also cast a darling halo on her hair. Her tender tears rolled down her beautiful face and reflected the distilled light from the canopy of leaves above. Jonas swallowed his hitched breath and asked, “Are you okay?”
Annalise slowly raised her hand to touch her cheek suddenly understanding that she was crying. She swallowed and nodded, “Yeah… I’m just…” She stared up at the leaves above them for a second and said, “I was just singing a song my Bube sang to my Zayde who sang it to my mom who sang it to my dad who sang it to me. It’s one of my favorite songs.”
“Do…” Jonas paused and tried to gain his courage back up again, “Do you want to continue?” He sat down next to the rock so that way they could look up at the beams of sunlight together. His head basically being near her lap level due to the height of the rock.
Annalise nodded and took a deep breath. She closed her eyes again as she started to sing once more.
“On the day that you were born the angels got together
And decided to create a dream come true
So they sprinkled moon dust in your hair of gold And starlight in your eyes of blue.”
Jonas’s eyes closed as he listened to her sing. Her family had the right song to pass down. He leaned his head against the rock.
While singing, Annalise ended up readjusting on the rock to lay on her stomach. She held herself up with her elbows and kicked her legs up into the air, her ankles hooked together, to let them sway with her. Her hands and face not too far from the blond’s head now.
“That is why all the girls in town
Follow you all around
Just like me, they long to be
Close to you”
Annalise slowly absentmindedly gently combing her fingers through the boy’s sand-colored hair. Her eyes closed allowing her heartache about losing Mikkel and her father flow through her crying. Jonas let the tune envelop him and soon found himself humming along. His breathing slowed as a small smile crept across his face. Lost in the moment with each other in the stillness of the forest.
“On the day that you were born the angels got together
And decided to create a dream come true
So they sprinkled moon dust in your hair of gold And starlight in your eyes of blue
That is why all the girls in town
Follow you all around
Just like me, they long to be
Close to you.”
Jonas slowly found his voice and sang along with the girl trying his best to not seem too far off. He was about a beat behind, but he still tried and actually got the repeat.
“Just like me, they long to be
Close to you.”
The two sat in quiet while Annalise pulled her hand away from playing with his hair. She turned over onto her back and looked up at the sparkling tree cover around them. Jonas sighed contently. Longing for her contact once more, he leaned his head against the top of her head. It wasn’t too long before he heard the whimpering of Annalise’s soft sobs. He slowly stood up and wiped her tears from her face, “Hey… Annalise.” He waited until she looked at him. Jonas smiled gently and said, “You should do that more often?”
Annalise laughed. She looked up at him with a small smile, “Sing or cry?”
Jonas shrugged, “Both?” He wiped her cheeks with his thumbs once more. He leaned down and pressed his forehead against hers. He left it there as he whispered, “I need to go. Will you be okay?”
Annalise swallowed her sorrow and nodded against his forehead. A small squeaked voice replied to him, “Sure. Yeah.”
Jonas asked, “Are you sure?”
“Yeah, I’ll be okay,” She smiled gently at him and started laughing a little bit.
Jonas pulled away gently and slowly, “What?”
Annalise’s eyes filled with tears, but she wiped them away as she explained, “I used to do the same thing to Mikkel when he was upset because my Zayde and mother did it to me.”
Jonas chuckled and said, “I’ll see you later, okay?”
“Yeah,” Annalise waved him off as he walked back going to the caves once more.
Jonas took the map out of his bag as soon as he was out of sight of Annalise and made his way to the cave. He looked around now more paranoid hoping that no one had followed him. He looked down at the map then peered upwards once more. He pulled the police line up and walked into it unknowingly being watched by the bearded stranger.
The man looked down at his watch then looked back up towards the caves.
Charlotte knelt in front of her daughter and explained that she was going to be the one to pick her up after school. She noticed her daughter trying to look past her at another young boy. She looked at Elisabeth and asked, “Who’s he?”
“Yasin,” Elisabeth replied, “We’re dating.”
Charlotte stood up a little surprised at what her eight-year-old was telling her, “You are doing what?”
Elisabeth rolled her eyes thinking to herself that she shouldn’t have to explain what that meant to her mother, “Yasin is my boyfriend. That’s how you say it nowadays.”
“Well then…” Charlotte started.
Elisabeth smiled and pulled her mother’s forehead against her own and held Charolette there for a moment before kissing her head and running to meet up with the boy.
“A web of symbols and references runs through the novel,” the professor lectured his literature class. Franziska sat in the front doodling instead of taking notes. “The ‘sycamores by the sea’ are an example of symbolism. A special form of Goethe’s work is what we call doubling. The characters consciously and unconsciously…”
The door opened interrupting the lecture. Magnus walked in and stared at Franziska for a second before moving to take the seat behind her.
“Magnus, this isn’t your class,” the professor scolded.
Magnus stared at him and commented, “Won’t you continue?”
“Where was I…” The instructor continued as Franziska turned to look at the boy behind her, “Symmetry is a special kind of doubling. The repetition is mirrored along a central axis. So the repetition begins at an imaginary center point and branches off in two opposing directions. There are several encrypted references to later events in the novel.” Franziska looked down at her phone to check the time and saw a message there. “Ottilie’s starvation, for example, is referenced in the third chapter part one, as her “excessive abstemiousness in eating and drinking.” This reference is again repeated later.”
Franziska stood up and explained, “I have to go to the bathroom.” The teacher excused her. Franziska hurried out the door and put on her bag looking back at Magnus.
Magnus waited until she was completely out the door before he started to follow her.
The medical examiner opened up the bird after a few notes. She asked Charolette about the boy that they had recently found.
“Mikkel,” Charlotte asked before replying confused by the other woman’s intention, “Disappeared off the face of the Earth.”
“No, not Mikkel,” She clarified, “The dead boy.”
“Oh. Yes,” Charlotte realized, “No. We ran everything through the missing persons database. No match.”
The examiner then asked if everything as alright with her police chief. 
Charlotte said yes at first then recanted. She then explained how all of this felt exactly as it did 33 years ago.
Jonas sat in the dark with his flashlight looking at his map. He looked up at one of the openings and decided he should try and take that one. He walked through terrified as if something was going to jump out at him like in those campy horror movies they always played on Halloween. He looked back down and checked his map again before continuing on.
Charlotte walked through the station when Woller stopped her. They had a very short conversation about trying to find out the boy’s identity and to start checking the database for a longer period of time than they initially had checked. He did give her a small clue about a red soil that must have come from the scene of the crime before Charolette had stormed off.
Katharina sat in her son’s room. She was trying to hold herself together and her family together. She watched as Ulrich finally woke up from sleeping in Mikkel’s bed. He blinked and looked around.
“What time is it,” Ulrich asked panicked.
“Just past ten,” Katharina replied. As Ulrich sat up Katharina told her husband, “Charlotte called. She still doesn’t have a search warrant for the power plant.” Katharina sighed and told her husband, “It’s been nearly 36 hours, Ulrich.” She had been an officer’s wife long enough to know the time span of these sorts of incidents.
Ulrich stood up and stormed out of his son’s room.
Martha looked to Annalise and whispered, “Tomorrow is my dress rehearsal, Lise.”
Annalise smiled at her friend and asked, “Do you want me to go?”
“Yeah,” Martha nodded, “I’ve been working really hard on it and I just want…” She sighed and asked, “May you come to watch me?”
Annalise’s brow scrunched up in confusion, “Yeah.” She whispered noticing that their professor was starting to catch on, “I am here to support you through whatever.”
Martha nodded and asked, “Can you move back home? The house just feels too empty without you there too.”
Annalise smiled, “Of course.” She clasped her hands around her friends and used her thumb to stroke her friend’s hand. She interlaced her fingers with Martha’s and let it hang down. 
Franziska walked through the forest to make well on her deal with Benni. She walked vert deliberately through going to the train tracks. She could feel herself being watched, but could not be able to find the person responsible. Magnus walked on the higher part of the land mirroring the way she walked to keep a close eye on her. This wasn’t an uncommon practice for him. Being the eldest of two other siblings plus a host to a new foreign friend, this skill was honed in with near perfection. He watched as Franziska bent down and took a package from a tin that was covered with leaves. Franziska gently placed the tin back and recovered it.
Ulrich walked up to the fence of the nuclear power plant determined to have his son back. He had his bolt cutter hidden with a drop blanket so that the cameras didn’t catch him and alert the guards immediately.
Jonas continued his way through the caves. His mouth was wide with awe and wonder. When he realized he had reached a dead-end, he cursed to himself. He checked his map again to see what he was missing.
Helge sat and repeated to himself, “The beginning is the end, and the end is the beginning.” His eyes closed as he repeated the phrase. He, then, heard two voices of nurses talking about having found a boy in the woods.
Annalise forced a smile as she watched Martha go to her next class. This was one of the ones they actually didn’t share. She walked into the class to see Bartosz smirk and motion for her to sit with him. The girl rolled her eyes but sat next to him anyway, “What Bartosz?” 
He laughed and pulled a dead leaf from the girl’s hair. Annalise squinted, had she had that the entire time and no one else noticed? Bartosz leaned on his elbow looking at her. “I was wondering if you talked to Martha today,” He chuckled.
“Yeah,” Annalise nodded, “But what am I? My best friend’s keeper? You are getting really creepy about this.” She turned to face forward.
Bartosz’s face dropped. His heart sank knowing that she was right. He was acting a bit obsessive, but no one was talking to him since the accident. Martha had Magnus, Magnus had Franziska and vise visa, Jonas and Annalise also had each other. Why should he be left out? His chair squeaked as he leaned over to her. He hoarsely breathed into her ear, “Is it wrong that I want someone, the person I am supposed to have this with, to share my feelings? To hold them while we watch the world crumble around us?”
Annalise turned to look at the boy in surprise. She could understand that feeling on some level. A tightness clenched her chest. Maybe she should talk to Jonas when they got home to try and get him to spend time with the boy that was supposedly his best friend.
Franziska made her way back into the school. She walked into the locker room, put away the money in her bag, and changed to get ready for her class. 
Jonas, having given up for the day, walked back to his bike. He noticed something strange about it. He knelt down and pulled a red string off of the handlebar. Two ends dangled from a knot about halfway up the loop. The boy stood up and started to look around anxiously trying to find a suspect to who may have left this. 
Magnus followed the girl back into the school. He watched as she exercised in her dance class. He tried to formulate what he was going to tell her.
After a series of clues, Charlotte found her way to the family’s cabin. She knelt down realizing that this road had the red dirt one of her investigators had told her about. She cleaned her hands of the dirt and answered a call from her medical examiner. The birds had burst eardrums on both sides. All the birds did. Apparently, the Electromagnetic fields interfere with the bird’s sensory systems. 
Elisabeth sat talking to Yasin after school. She was telling him about what she had learned about the reproductive habits of snails that she had learned from a documentary on television. Yasin laughed with her until he heard his mother calling to him that it was time to go. 
Yasin’s mother looked worried at Elisabeth and asked, “Do you need a ride home?”
Elisabeth shook her head and replied, “My mom’s picking me up.”
“I’ll drive you home,” The mother tried to insist, “It’s not a problem.”
Elisabeth shook her head again, “My mom will be here any moment now. She’s the chief of police.”
Yasin’s mother nodded accepting the girl’s answer and walked to her car with her son trailing behind.
Meanwhile, Charlotte broke into her husband’s cabin. She looked around for any clues. Seeing nothing out of place, she walked out to the bunker. She opened it up and walked down. While she was down there, she got a call about Ulrich.
Franziska walked into the locker room after her class. She walked to her bag noticing instantly that something was off. She turned to see Magnus standing there with the money in his hand.
“Franziska, what is this,” he asked motioning towards the money in his hand.
Franziska angrily replied, “Money, you idiot. My money.” 
“Why do you have so much money,” Magnus questioned, “Are you dealing drugs? Is that why you were at the caves?”
Franziska grabbed the money from him and turned to put it away, “How I earn my money is none of your damn business.”
“What are you going to do with it,” the boy asked walking closer to her again.
“What am I going to do with it,” Franziska yelled, “I’m getting out of this phoney shithole. Behind everyone’s friendly smile there’s nothing but lies.”
Magnus chuckled and shook his head, “You’re no different. You pretend to be the straight-A student, but that’s not you. Maybe you should start telling the truth.”
Furious, Franziska asked, “Do you want the truth?” She shrugged and said her voice getting louder and louder as she continued, “Fine. My parents have slept in different beds for over a year. My mom found out my Dad’s actually into dicks. Their marriage is over, but no one will say it.” Her voice started to lower in frustration, “Instead, this big fat secret is always with us at the table. It eats our bread rolls, the butter, the homemade jam. It gets fatter and fatter until there’s no space left in the room.” She pushed the boy away, “Until you can’t breathe.”
Magnus looked at the girl. He had never felt so tied to someone before. He knew exactly what she was talking about. He wandered closer to her and placed his hand on her cheek. The boy looked at her silently asking if she wanted to do the same. She leaned closer to him giving him all he needed to know. Magnus leaned down and kissed her. Their passionate kiss fueled with this sense of finally curbing a craving they had long harbored. They were hungry to feel each other to fully have someone that truly understood and loved them.
Peter worked at his desk. He answered a call from his wife and asked, “Did you forget something?”
“No,” Charlotte replied, “You have to pick Elisabeth from school. I can’t make it.”
“I have a patient,” Peter pleaded, “I have to go to the office.”
“Just pick her up, okay?” Charlotte asked him, “She can wait at your office. I have to go to the power plant.”
Peter nodded, “Okay. I’ll pick her up.” He was just about to leave when Charlotte brought up a very painful memory. He couldn’t handle that on top of lying to her about not knowing anything about the boys so he made an excuse and went to try and pick up his daughter.
Elisabeth, bored, pulled out a small tube from her pocket. She played with the tube in her hands before opening it to reveal that it was the same red lipstick that Franziska was yelling at her about earlier that morning. Elisabeth put some of it on, then put it back into her pocket. Now frustrated from how long it was taking, she stood and started to walk her way home like she normally did before Mikkel went missing.
Rain fell across Winden giving Helge a perfect opportunity to slip out of the building. He walked back into the woods trying to find himself.
Elisabeth skipped through the rain. She stopped noticing an old Raider wrapper. She had never seen this before. It looked nearly identical to Twix. She wondered if it was just some kind of a ripoff.
Peter jogged up to his daughter’s school and asked one of the teachers if she had seen Elisabeth because he was there to get her. The teacher seemed confused and told him that school had let out early so she thought the girl had already gotten picked up. Peter panicked hearing this information and jogged back to his car in hopes of trying to find his daughter.
Aleksander walked with Charlotte explaining, “Security found him on our grounds, close to the caves. He must have climbed over the fence.” Charlotte nodded as she followed the director to his office to reveal Ulrich sitting, bloodied, guarded by an armed security guard. Charlotte turned to Aleksander who explained, “He hasn’t been very cooperative.”
Charlotte turned to the man and forced him to get into her car with him so that way she could drive him home. They sat in silence most of the way until Charlotte couldn’t hold it in anymore, “You’re lucky Aleksander isn’t pressing charges. Everyone understands your situation. Everyone! But climbing over the fence?”
“Understanding is nice, thank you,” Ulrich sarcastically remarked. He continued, “But it’s not enough.” He felt as if he was back 33 years ago. His heart ached. He looked at Charlotte and growled, “My child is gone, okay?” He didn’t know if he was actually saying it to her or himself or to Egon, “This isn’t just some file on your desk. It’s my child.” He looked out the window, “Why Mikkel? I keep asking myself that. Why him? Why my son? Why not his son? Why not his?” He sighed, “I’m being punished. And all I get is fucking sympathy. Well, you can take that and shove it. Where’s the search warrant? Why is no one doing anything? Should I tell you why? Because it’s not his kid. And because it’s not your kid.” He stopped and then said, “Stop here. I want to get out.”
Charlotte ignored him figuring he was just trying to be more emotionally dramatic.
“Stop the car,” Ulrich demanded.
Charlotte safely stopped the vehicle allowing the man to get out to walk in the rain. She watched him go for a second. She noticed her phone ringing. She answered it and asked, “Yes?”
A panicked Peter replied to her, “Elisabeth wasn’t there.”
“What do you mean she wasn’t there,” Charlotte asked growing concerned.
“She wasn’t at school,” Peter sobbed into the phone, “Mrs. Clemens is sick. She wasn’t waiting there. I’ve been up and down the forest road twice already and she’s not here.”
Charlotte tried to reason with him, “Maybe someone from school took her home? Maybe Yasin? Go back home. Maybe she went a different way. Call everyone in her class. I’ll be there in 15 minutes.”
Martha and Annalise laughed as it started to rain on them. They ran down the sidewalk trying to splash each other. Annalise had wanted to walk Martha home just to make sure Martha wasn’t alone. Now they were taking this time to let out some frustration they couldn’t around everyone else. They were screaming and laughing just like they used to do. The two girls danced around each other trying to just have fun with the other. Soaking wet from just messing around in the rain, they listened as their feet caused more splashing. Their hearts felt connected and cleaned for the first time in days. Martha, at one point, slipped and dragged Annalise down with her laughing. The two girls illuminated the world with their smiles. The gray hue didn’t disturb their vibrancy of life. Eventually, they tired themselves out and walked together arm in arm to Martha’s.
When they got back to the Nielsen home, Katharina rolled her eyes and called to the girls as they ran upstairs to go and get into dry clothes. She offered for Annalise to wait out the rain or to wait until Ulrich came back so that he could drive her back to Hannah’s.
“Can’t she stay,” Martha complained.
Katharina shook her head and said, “We can’t have her just moving around so much. I am just going to text Hannah to let her know what’s going on. In fact, this is the perfect time for Annalise to finish picking up her things.”
Annalise pouted. Martha just rolled her eyes as they went up to fully strip out so they could get into warm clothes. Slowly, the darkness started to creep back. They both silently did their own thing as they tried to prepare themselves for the loneliness to settle in again.
Jonas spread the map down on the floor of his father’s studio to try and figure out where he went wrong. He was growing really frustrated with it. He sighed as he sat on his heels looking down at in almost in a trance until he heard Hannah call from downstairs. He jogged downstairs and asked, “Yeah?”
“Annalise got stuck at the Nielsen’s because of the rain,” Hannah explained, “So Ulrich will probably be dropping her off soon. Can you...” She trailed off.
Jonas shook his head and threw on his raincoat. Right now was possibly the worst time for his mother to be pulling what she normally did. So he grabbed an umbrella and said, “I’ll just go get her. Don’t worry about it.”
Hannah tried to call after him, “She is going to have a bag! It’s probably best if you just let Ulrich bring her.”
Jonas waved to his mom as he braved the rain to go and get the girl.
Charlotte drove down the forest road one more time. She went painstakingly slow to try and scan around looking for any sign of her daughter. She ended up spotting something. There lay on the moss-covered ground was an orange fox beanie that Elisabeth always wore. Charlotte stopped the car and rushed over to pick it up. She looked up and started to try to find if there were any more clues to where her daughter possibly had gotten off to. Her heart started to panic praying that Elisabeth wasn’t taken and instead just with one of her classmates.
Jonas slowly dredged his way to the Nielsens’. He took a more direct way. His yellow raincoat was the only color with him. He tried to debate if this was truly actually the best idea. He had no clue what he was going to say if he ran into Martha. Were they even going to have a conversation if Annalise was standing there? As he contemplated, he found himself at the doorstep.
Katharina opened the door with a small smile, “Hello Jonas.”
“Hello,” Jonas bowed his head as a slight greeting.
The woman stood back from the door and asked, “Why not come inside and I’ll call for Lise for you.”
Jonas nodded. He listened to Katharina call upstairs for the girls. He took a deep breath as he watched Martha descend down the stairs after Annalise.
Peter thanked the last parent on the phone. No one had seen his daughter. Misery started to grow over in him. He turned to see his wife had returned home. He stared at her trying to hold back his tears, “I called everyone on the list. Nothing.”
Charlotte’s eyes widened in fear. She couldn’t hold in her woe. Her face contorted with sadness as she showed Peter Elisabeth’s hat in her hand. 
Peter took a deep breath. Realization hit him hard. He looked up at his wife and walked to her to wrap himself around her. He hadn’t held Charlotte like this in such a long time, but he couldn’t even enjoy the feeling. He just wanted his daughter back.
Annalise walked up to the boy with a cheery smile. She giggled and said, “Hey Jonas.” A small blush formed across her cheeks, “Thanks for coming to get me.”
Jonas nodded. His eyes never leaving Martha, “Yeah. It’s no problem.” He darted his eyes to Annalise then back at Martha.
Martha rubbed her elbow nervously, “Hey.” She forced a small smile.
“Hey,” Jonas breathlessly replied.
Katharina, tired of the awkwardness of the moment, urged Jonas and Annalise out. “Thank you, Jonas, but you two should go before it gets worse.” She urged them out the door and said before closing it behind them, “Thank your mother for me.”
Jonas and Annalise stared at the door for a second. Annalise huddled under the small awning to keep her new dry clothes dry for the moment. Seeing Annalise do this snapped Jonas out of his trance. He smiled gently and opened up the umbrella before handing it to her. “There you go,” He said confidently.
Annalise giggled as he and her started to walk home together. The pavement shined with the moonlight. They stayed silent as they walked. Annalise daydreaming about how romantic it was to be sharing an umbrella with such a cute boy. Also, the fact that he went out of his way to come and get her. She tried to run through conversations she could try to have with him.
Jonas took this time to look at the misty lights through the rain. He tried to figure out what to say to Martha the next time he saw her. He really didn’t know what he wanted to do about it. He blinked hearing a car driving down the road and pulled himself closer to Annalise. He wrapped an arm around her as he pulled himself closer to her and not into the street.
Starlight filled the trees. Annalise’s face blushed as Jonas pulled himself closer to her. Her breath hitched in her throat. She licked her now dry lips. She smiled and asked, “What made you come and get me?”
“I didn’t want my mom to try anything with Ulrich,” Jonas answered honestly. He didn’t even notice Annalise’s nervousness and pink hue.
“Oh,” Annalise said disappointed. She looked out in the darkness. Everything seemed a bit less bright.
They continued in silence again. A cold wind brushed past the two in the walkway. Jonas noticed out of the corner of his eye that Annalise started to shiver. Her hair was still soaked from her earlier escapades with Martha. He took pity on her and moved closer so that the could share his warmth. Annalise gave him a small smile and rest her head against his shoulder as he took the wield of the umbrella instead. 
Once they got back, he ushered her inside then watched as she climbed the stairs going into her room. He knew he wanted to say something before she walked away for the night, but he couldn’t think of what to say to her. His heart gnawed watching her knowing how silent they were walking home. She normally was so brilliant. Everything brightened around her, yet tonight it seemed as if they were strangers once more.
Jonas walked upstairs and gently rest his head on his pillow. He stared up at the ceiling wondering if or where he had gone wrong.
Ulrich returned home to Katharina vacuuming the carpet from the mess Martha and Annalise had made coming inside from the rain.
A dark figure opened up the Doppler family cabin just as Franziska returned home to find her mother crying into her father’s lap. Her father looked up at her as a light came on within the cabin. Helge walked to the police searching for Elisabeth trying to warn them of the upcoming danger so that way they could stop what was going on. Franziska really didn’t need to be told what had happened. The look on her parent’s face was enough for her to know that her little sister had now disappeared as well.
Ulrich sighed as he made his way upstairs to once again go sleep in Mikkel’s bed.
The Doppler family’s door slowly unlocked causing Peter’s head to perk up to look towards the noise. He grabbed onto his wife who then also looked towards the door. Soon, Elisabeth walked in. Charlotte couldn’t contain herself and rushed to hug her daughter. She held the girl in her arms. When she pulled away, Elisabeth signed, “I lost my hat.”
Ecstatic, Charlotte signed, “Where were you?”
Elisabeth sneered, “You didn’t pick me up so I walked.”
“And that took you this long,” her mother asked frustrated from being left in such a state of distress.
“I met someone,” the girl explained. She held out a gold pocket watch to her mother then continued, “He gave me this.” 
Charlotte pulled her daughter to her and asked, “Who did?”
“Ouch,” Elisabeth winced, “You’re hurting me.”
Charlotte let go of her daughter and asked again, “I want to know who gave this to you.”
“Noah,” Elisabeth replied.
“Who is Noah,” Charlotte asked.
Elisabeth, annoyed, explained, “He said it used to belong to you.”
Charlotte looked down at the watch as Peter took his daughter into his arms to hold her. She felt freezing.
“Elli,” Franziska called relieved to hear her sister was back home. She rushed into the room and pulled the girl away from their father so that she could hold her. “I was so worried about you,” Franziska admitted. She pulled her sister away and asked, “Where were you?” Franziska then noticed red lipstick on Elisabeth’s lips. She wiped it away just to be sure then slapped her sister across the face. With tears streaming down her face she told her sister, “Hands off my stuff!” She turned away and stormed to her room.
The phone rang. Peter walked to answer it telling the officers that Elisabeth had returned home only to here about his dad being in the woods. He hung up and explained to Charlotte the situation before leaving. Charlotte looked down at the pocket watch. On the inside, there was an inscription of, ‘For Charlotte.’
The next morning, the bearded stranger stood in a very familiar room to him. He walked over to the map inside of Jonas’s desk and marked a location with a red marker. He thought back on Ariadne’s thread; how we are all searching for it, the one that is meant to guide us along the right path. A beacon in the darkness. We’d love to know our fate. Where we’re headed. But the truth is, he thought, there is but one path through all times. Predetermined by the beginning and by the end, which is also the beginning.
Helge bolted awake and took the nurse’s wrist. He stared up at her and earnestly said, “He needs to be stopped. I need to stop him.”
The nurse asked, “Who?”
“Noah,” he simply replied.
Yasin walked though the woods walking to school. He vented to himself, “I’m not a baby anymore. I can go to school on my own.” The poor darling boy had no idea how wrong he was as he walked into a tall man with a large hat.
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hoseokmylovesworld · 5 years
Picture of Love | 14 (M)
Pairing: Photographer!Hoseok x OC x Producer!Yoongi
Genre/Warnings: Hoseok AU/Yoongi AU/Includes strong language, anxiety attacks, violence, mentions of death, fluff, smut, dirty talk, rough sex, deep throating, choking, oral and vaginal sex.
Words: 9,464
Summary: Charlotte Galloway is the leader of the up and coming girl band, “She-Bang”, with a side hustle as a photographer for anyone who will hire her.  She meets a fellow professional photographer named Jung Hoseok who helps “She-Bang” realize their dreams and Charlotte to make a love connection along the way.
A/N: This is the longest one yet, but please read to the end, it’s a doosey
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“Leyah this is serious, come on.” I chide, yanking her back from flicking the blinds with her fingers in the empty apartment. After browsing the internet and newspaper idly for more adequate living situations for the last few weeks, the girls and I finally decided to actually take a look at some of them.
“I was just checking if the blinds were up to par...they’re not.” She flicks them again and they shake wildly, proving her accusation.
“We can always replace the blinds Leyah, what do you think about this place?”
“I think it’s way too small.” she responded curtly, looking up and around in an unsatisfactory way.
I sigh in defeat. “It’s one of the only ones we can afford so it’s gotta count as a definite maybe right now.” Leyah just hums and rolls her eyes.
The apartment we were viewing was much like the others we looked at this week. Two bedrooms, a small kitchen and a small living area. Everything was just small and as much a we needed a space to accommodate all of us and our belongings, we all made the same living and it just wasn’t enough.
“Well, maybe if you asked your loaded boyfriend nicely, he might pitch in.” Leyah muttered with her hand against her cheek as if she were telling me a secret. I slap her arm quickly.
“That’s not funny, Leyah. I wouldn’t ask him to do that, we’re not even like...together, together yet.” Leyah whips her head around to face me with a shocked expression.
“Are you serious? You guys haven’t talked about making it official yet? It’s been like...over two months.” Leyah’s eyes went out of focus as she did the math in her head.
“No, we talked about it.” I share as she follows me to check out the master bedroom once again. “He didn’t really understand why I didn’t want to be called his ‘girlfriend’, it sounds really selfish now that I’m telling this to someone else, but he understood. Like he does everything. We agreed to just be together without any actual labels. It’s like our own little ‘official’.” I shrugged, thinking back to that awkward conversation.
My breakdown in his kitchen, prompted many questions about our relationship from Hoseok that I couldn’t ignore. After going into detail about my strong aversion to the word girlfriend and relationships altogether before I met him, he decided he was content with simply being mine and vice versa.
“Wow, you are officially the luckiest girl alive.” She drawled, looking quite impressed with Hoseok herself. “Thank you, but I’m aware.” I smiled to myself and we moved onto the next apartment on the list.
After hopping all over town from Ocean Avenue to Daly City looking for apartments, Leyah and I crash as soon as we enter the apartment around 7:30 PM. I plop down onto my bed, lazily removing clothing items from where I lay and drifting to sleep easily.
“No, Char! Are you dumb or something?”
“Should you still be eating? Gimme that, you’re gonna get fat.”
“I should’ve known you wouldn’t be able to do it on your own!”
“Why do I even bother? You never do anything right!”
“God! Have you always been this dense?”
“I literally said the opposite. Fucking listen for once!”
“Gak!” I gasped as I was jolted out of my sleep by yet another nightmare. I look up at the ceiling, focusing on it’s squiggly pattern, trying to calm my heaving chest and my racing mind. The room was pitch black in most places, the only light being offered was by the moon in lines of white along the walls. I lie awake, convinced that if I attempt to go back to sleep, I’ll only be able to see his face barking at me for all of my defects and faults.
The sudden need to need to vomit that will never be relieved takes over my gut and the heaving of my chest has increased and as it was constricting tighter and tighter.
Instinctively, my hand flies to cover my mouth when the familiar sting behind my eyes begins. The last thing I want is to wake any of the girls and have them worry about me. I try and try to shake the nasty voices, but the tears keep coming and I can’t find it in myself to be silent any longer as it was getting harder and harder to breathe.
I quietly make my way to the bathroom, shut the door and climb into the tub where I hugged my knees and allowed myself to sob, but somehow still keeping the volume to a minimum.
This had to be the fourth one this week.
It would surprise no one that I am no stranger to nightmares and I that usually handled them better than most people did. That is, if you can call suppressing my own emotions and traumas handling it, then I’m your girl. But this recurring shit storm that I was experiencing was different than any of the nightmares I’ve had previously. The reason being: they were all about my past. And almost all of them were about Yoongi.
Whether the dreams were pleasant or brutal, I was always an emotional mess afterward, feeling empty from reflecting on my past. I would get them often after Yoongi left. That’s when the panic attacks started getting serious. Knowing that I was actually alone in the world with no one to call a friend or even care that I existed unleashed a lot of dark thoughts and I had to learn how to make it on my own for real this time. If I had known opening up to J-Hope was going to send me spiraling back down that dark hole, I would have shut up and ate my pancakes.
But, I can’t put the entire blame on him. He didn’t force me to say those things or revisit the past and as cheesy as it sounds, the nightmares only come when he’s not sleeping next to me. I’ve noticed over the past couple of weeks or so that J-Hope is my personal dream catcher and tonight has solidified the fact that if I didn’t have him by my side as I slept, I was royally fucked.
The pounding in my ears softened and eventually slushed to a holt. The vice grip on my heart faded at a devastatingly slow pace and my breathing evened out as I counted the tiles on the shower wall. I let out a thankful sigh once the room stopped spinning and I was painfully aware of the silence in the room. I let my body fall back and I turned to lie on my side, still letting the tears fall from my eyes silently. I debated calling J-Hope during the aftermath. Hoping my personal ray of sunshine would pull me from my depressed funk as usual.
It’s gotta be at least 3 am, he won’t answer anyway.
He might, we have to try.
And say what? Hi, I’m sad. Drop everything to make me happy?
Obviously not, but he cares, he’ll want to help.
He’ll want to go back to sleep and wish we never called.
Don’t do this. We need it.
It felt like my conscience was wrestling with itself or with me, knocking against my skull in the battle causing a pesky headache. It took all of my strength to peel myself off of the floor of the tub and drag myself back to the room, to the bedside table where my phone was. It was indeed 3:36 AM and the confirmation made me place the phone back on the desk and forget the idea of calling J-Hope entirely.
We need to sleep Char. Come on. My conscience scolded me again.
I wanted to fight back at least for the sake of my pride. I made it a point not to need anyone for anything after that asshole broke my heart and here I am needing someone else to be able to sleep. I felt pathetic in plain terms. But at this point I knew I needed to try.
I take the phone and a room key, sneak into the hall and slide down the nearest wall. I glare at the screen a while longer, hurriedly dialing the number before I could change my mind. After the third ring I moved to hang up and throw away this half-baked plan, but then I heard his beautifully, groggy voice through the phone.
“Charlotte?” he rasped. I gasped slightly, not expecting him to pick up.
“Uh, yeah. Hey.” I spoke brokenly. I didn’t take into account the condition of my throat and voice sounding like I just gargled glass. I sniffle subconsciously.
“What’s going on? Are you alright?” He sounds more awake now, coming to with concern.
“Yeah, I just…” I choked, not knowing what to do or say in this situation. I felt lost. My words were trapped in my throat that seemed to be closing in on itself again as I wipe more fresh tears from my face. “No.” I finally whimper.
“What’s wrong? Are you crying?”
I don’t answer as I am too overcome with emotion, my words being turned into snivels and moans. After a moment he tries to get a response again.
“Charlotte.” He calls out, making sure I’m still there.
“I’m sorry...for calling so late. I just didn’t know what else to do.”
“It’s fine, just tell me what’s wrong, baby.” The pet-name sends warmth through my chest and a fractured smile to my face.
“I’m…” How does one tell another ‘I’ve just had a panic attack and I need to sleep next to you’ over the phone? I scour my brain for answers.
“Uh...are you home?” I squeak through the phone.
“Yes, I am.”
“Can I...can I come over? I’m really sorry, but I-I just need to see you.”
“Of course, Charlotte.” I close my eyes and let out a thankful sigh.
“Where are you? I’ll come pick you up.” I could hear movement on his end, probably him getting dressed to get me.
“No! You don’t have to do that. You just woke up, I don’t want you to get into an accident. I’ll just call an uber.”
“It’s ten minutes, Charlotte. I’ll be there in no time-”
“No, please, just stay, I’ll be fine on my own.” I said sternly, not willing to budge this time. He figured as much. There was a beat of silence.
“You’re sure?”
“Yes.” I reply automatically.
“You know what, I’ll call it, just so I know you’re safe.” He decided.
I roll my eyes, but smile at the sentiment. “Fine, Jay.”
“Okay, I’ll see you when you get here.”
I tiptoed back into the hotel room, to change into something more decent, but ready to sleep in and grab my necessities to head down to the lobby. A good amount of my clothes were already at J-Hope’s apartment, some makeup and toiletries as well so I didn’t need to bring much. I began staying over so often that it would be silly not to have my belongings over there. The girls made fun of me for it of course, but for once I didn’t buy into it. I was comfortable with our arrangements.
In no time I was knocking on J-Hope’s apartment door. I could hear faint footsteps before the door swung open in front of me to reveal him. He was shirtless and wore navy blue, checkered pajama bottoms and a comforting smile. I immediately threw my arms around him and buried my face in his neck. He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me into the apartment and closing the door behind me. We just stood there for a long while until I separated us. With no words yet to be exchanged, J-Hope led me to his bedroom and basically tucked me in and watched as I got comfortable.
“Do you need anything?” He asked, still standing off to my side of the bed. “Water? Tea?” He added. I look up at him through tired eyes.
“Water sounds great, actually.” I all but croak. All the crying I did took a lot out of me and I realized I needed to rehydrate. He nodded, scampering off to the kitchen.
He made it back in record time, handing me a glass of water after I sat up a bit. He finally got in bed himself and I could feel him watching me. Studying me to see if I would break down again.
“You don’t need to watch me like that you know?” I say glancing up at him, he suddenly looks down when our eyes meet. “Like I’m gonna break at any moment.” I mutter.
“I’m sorry...it’s just when I heard you crying I got worried.” He looks me up and down again while I look at my already empty glass. “Thank you...for worrying. I really didn’t know who else to go to. I’m sorry.”
He grabbed my hand from my lap and squeezed. I looked at his wide eyes.
“Charlotte, you have no idea how glad I am that you came to me. I’m always gonna wanna make sure that you’re alright. Please don’t be afraid to come to me with things like this. You can trust me...Okay?”
I looked up at his deep brown eyes so full of emotion and nodded, believing in every word. I was still very much in shock that he’s not acting like I inconvenienced him or that he didn’t turn me away in the first place.
“Okay. With that being said...Are you alright?” He asked carefully, caressing my hand in his. I think about it and I find myself nodding slowly, once more. “Yeah.” Now that I finally have you next to me, yes.
“Good. What happened?”
“Uh, I had a nightmare.” I admit hesitantly. J-Hope knows about my recent night terrors and most of their contents. No matter how much I wanted to hide it from him, it’s like he has the power to get me to talk about these things. Like a vampire using compulsion. But he doesn’t know that he’s the antidote.
His shoulders drop and he sighs disappointedly. “Again?” I nod. “And then I kind of had a panic attack.”
He makes a pitiful face and clenches his jaw. He motions for me to put the glass down and then to get under the covers. We cuddle up to one another, facing each other and he rubs my back soothingly.
“Do you wanna talk about it?” I sigh as the familiar words leave his mouth. It always seemed to help to get these things off my chest to J-Hope so I threw myself back into the mess that started this whole ordeal.
“He was yelling at me again...barking more like. All those obnoxious things he used to say whenever I did something wrong...And then I was running. Down this pitch black street that never seemed to end. Until I get to this weird looking building with one white door on it...Y-” I wince as I almost uttered his name.
“He came out and just stood by the door like he was waiting for me or something. And then I turned around to see Maeve behind me...she looked like she was waiting for me too...It was like I had to choose. And I didn’t want to, but...I chose him.” I laugh bitterly before continuing. “It was so real, like a fucking slap in the face...No matter what happened between us or what horrible things he did or said to me, I always went back to him...all while pretending like Maeve never even existed. I turned my back on her, just like I did five years ago.”
“That’s not true.” J-Hope interjected immediately. “I know you feel like what happened to Maeve was your fault, but we both know that it wasn’t. And you were coping with her death in your own way.” I let out another harsh laugh.
“Well, thanks for seeing it that way.” J-Hope suddenly scooched down to my level and tilted my chin up to look him in the eye.
“You don’t know this, but I have made it my personal mission to get you to stop beating yourself up this way and to, instead, make you smile whenever you do. You’re so much better than that. I just wish you saw yourself the way I see you.” He said sincerely. I let the corners of my mouth slide up one at a time at the statement, knowing that, that is literally what he’s been doing and well. My heartbeat increased and small currents of electricity found a home in my fingertips. I had no words and so I settled for a slow, searing kiss to get my message across. “Mission accomplished.” He whispered when we broke the kiss. We giggle and actually settle in for bed, turning off the bedside lamps.
“Night, Charlotte.”
“Night, Hobi.” A few moments of silence passed before I decide I have a confession of my own.
“You don’t know this, but...you’re my dreamcatcher.” I say into the darkness.
He delivers a kiss to my wild hair and I smile once more before drifting off into a glorious, dreamless sleep.
I opened my eyes lazily, adjusting to the change of scenery. I find a strong sense of comfort in Hoseok’s arms wrapped snugly around me and I nuzzle myself into him further. He does the same, pressing our bodies together firmly and tightening his hold on me. I attempt to fall back to sleep when I feel a soft kiss planted on the back of my neck, signifying that he was awake. He continued to kiss along the side and make his mark on my cheek and jaw causing me to giggle helplessly.
I turn in his arms to face him and kiss his lips hard, both of us smiling into it like maniacs. It’s not long until he tries to get on top of me and caress my body with his strong hands. I allow him to do as he pleases and arch my body into his, inviting him to grind his core into mine.
“I can’t even stretch my limbs before you’re trying to ravage me.” I laugh into his perfect mouth.
“Haha, well I had to try before you left me for the girls.” He goes to plant another kiss to my neck as my eyes widen with adrenaline. I dodge him, turning to look at the alarm clock that read 4:47 PM.
“The girls!” I push him off of me and run to the dresser in record time while Hoseok watches, cluelessly. “I totally forgot, we have a fucking gig today!”
The show today starts at eight o’clock and usually waking up in the evening doesn’t compromise that, but seeing as I only have three hours to shower, dress, beg the girls for forgiveness and travel all the way to a venue in Bodega Bay, I’m beginning to panic slightly.
I race to grab some of my own clothes in his dresser, scamper into the shower and crank up the hot water. When I return I throw on the fullest face of make-up I can manage while moving at lightning speed. I manage to buff out my foundation and concealer, slap some brown and gold eyeshadow on my lid and brush on some mascara while Hoseok finds something and freshens up.
“Uh, I’ll drive you.” He decided in his sleepy stupor.
“Thank you. I’m sorry bout this Jay, I’ll pay you back, I promise.” I peck his cheek on the way out the door. He just laughs, rushing with me to his car in our pajamas. “Don’t worry about it Charlotte, let’s just get you back.”
“Thanks, Hoseok!” I kissed him on the cheek once more before I’m flying out of the car and racing up to the hotel room, hoping to God the girls aren’t too mad at me.
I slipped into the room silently, not wanting to be seen out of embarrassment. The suite looked empty. Did they leave without me? The room was mostly silent, save for the whispering of two voices coming from the bedroom. My shoulders drop in relief as I approach the slightly ajar door, but I froze when I hear the deep, broken voice of Darren.
“So, what do you want me to do? Just stop feeling the way I do?” He huffed in his usual low register. What is he doing in our room?
“Don’t say it like that Darren, you’re making me sound like the bad guy.” I heard Leyah’s smooth voice join his and my eye brows furrow, my curiosity spiked even higher.
Darren replies, sounding defeated. “That’s what you’re saying though...isn’t it?” Leyah sighs and by the way the bed released a noise of pressure, I can tell she sat down. “Well, yeah...I guess I am...I’m sorry.” There is a moment of silence before Darren speaks up again.
“It’s just...it sounds stupid Leyah, but I can’t hold it in anymore.” My head cocks in interest at his ambiguous words.
“And I’m sorry, but I’m asking you to do exactly that.” I found myself leaning closer to the door as the conversation went on, hoping to get closer to what Darren was getting at.
“I just told you, I can’t. What do you want me to do?” He asked sarcastically with a bitterness to his voice. More silence.
“Look, I just want this to work out for everybody and in order for that to happen, I need you to-I don’t know, just somehow keep this to yourself, okay? I know I’m probably asking too much of you, but I promise you, it’s for the best.”  
“So this works out for everybody but me, huh?”
“Listen to me, I know you want a second shot or whatever, but telling Char how you feel is going to help, literally no one, trust me.” Leyah pleads with her best friend in a soft, reassuring voice and my eyes widen immensely.
Holy fuck.
They were having this deep, arduous conversation about me the entire time. So, Darren really did have genuine feelings for me and knowing Darren, that’s probably what he meant to tell me the night of our fight. That was weeks ago. By then, I already knew Darren had feelings for me, but hearing that his feelings were so deep that he literally couldn’t hold back anymore was daunting. I try to keep my breathing under control and not give myself away as I continue to eavesdrop for more answers.
“Besides, Char is really into that J-Hope kid and...they’re good together.”She spoke with an apologetic tone. “You telling her how you feel would just complicate things. Or it might get you hurt and I don’t wanna see either of my friends hurt. I…I just want you all to be happy.”
“Happy-what about my happiness, Leyah? Every time I see them together, I just want to punch something. I thought you were trying to help me in this-”
“That’s all I’ve ever done, Darren! And this time is no different.” Leyah suddenly yells, causing me to jump back from the door and almost lose my footing.
“You may be blind to it because of your feelings for her, but it’s obvious he’s it for her...and vice and versa. I know you see it, you just refuse to believe it and I’m sorry, but there is no way an apology and a confession is going to win her over when all she can see is him. The way they look at each other...even Char refuses to see it, but I know you do...I am trying to help you...this is me, trying to help you. Please don’t do this.”
I couldn’t help the corners of my mouth slowly turning up into a smile when Leyah said Hoseok and I were good together. I knew the girls didn’t mind him, but I never asked them what they thought of the two of us together. I’m glad my best friend approves because I intend to keep him around for a while. And despite how much I wanted to grimace at her saying he was it for me, I couldn’t fight the butterflies that erupted in my stomach at the thought. Day by day, I’ve been exposing myself to the wonderous world of monogamy that once disgusted me and coming closer to embracing it. It only took the most awkward encounter of my life to realize that Hoseok may actually be the one. I huffed out a laugh to myself at the revelation when Darren finally speaks.
“Damn, Leyah. Why don’t you tell me how you really feel?” He spat angrily followed by the sound of his footsteps heading towards the bedroom door. My eyes widened tenfold and I panicked slightly before tip-toeing to the hotel room door at lightning speed. By the grace of God I was able to open it and slam it before Darren barged out of the bedroom and directed his heated gaze at me, pretending I had just walked in. It quickly turned to shock and relief as he recognized it was me, his mouth opening and closing like he wanted to say something, but changed his mind. I had trouble controlling my own facial expressions, not expecting to face him this quickly.
“Darren-oh, Char. You’re here.” Leyah said, closing the bedroom door behind her and joining Darren and I. She exchanged her frown for an emotionless line.
“What happened to you last night?”
“Oh. I, um...decided to go to Hoseok’s last minute and I got...caught up-uh…I’m really sorry I’m late.” I stammer, trying to give Leyah an excuse that won’t trigger Darren in turn.
“It’s okay, Char. I called, they pushed us back, it’s all good.” She shrugged. I sigh heavily and practically throw myself at her, wrapping my arms around her.
“You are the literal best. Why are you not in charge?” I whisper into her neck. She just chuckles and says “Because you’re much better at it.”
I continue to hug her, recalling what she said about my relationship with Hoseok, helping me to realize what was literally in front of my face the entire time. “Thank you.” I whisper once more.
“Anybody coulda done it Char, it’s nothing...come on, stop being weird.” he began to shrug me off, the longer we embraced and I broke away from her smiling. I turn around, remembering Darren was directly behind me and immediately avoiding eye contact. “Okay. Where is everyone? We should head out, right?”
“They’re in the garage, waiting for us.” Leyah shares, leading us out of the room.
“What were you guys doing?” I glance at the floor, trying to play dumb.
“I spilled something in your room, while I was waiting for Leyah to get ready. She helped me clean it up. Sorry.” Darren told me robotically as we got on the elevator. The excuse created another batch of questions I could have asked, but knowing the truth, I just left it alone for fear of being found out.
My friends were all waiting in the van in the garage and had many questions for me once I finally showed up. I just apologize repeatedly and dodge their questions as much as I can until they get that I don’t have any interest in discussing what exactly happened to me last night.
The atmosphere during the gig lacked that usual feeling of giddiness and excitement due to the events that occurred in the past 24 hours. My mind was full of thoughts of Darren and this incredibly uncomfortable situation he unknowingly put me in. It was obvious that Leyah and Darren were feeling it as well, their gazes always glazed over and far away whenever I laid eyes on them, which wasn’t often as I avoiding Darren again. Whenever he happened to be standing near me, I quietly slipped away to busy myself or when our eyes met, my eyes would dart elsewhere immediately. The other members seemed as lost as ever and skeptical, like they hadn’t been let in on a juicy secret.
When the option to visit the bar at the venue presented itself, I jumped at the opportunity, in desperate need of a drink after our set was over. I take a seat at the bar by myself, not bothered or surprised that the band left me alone. I see Darren do the same at the opposite side of the bar.They most-likely noticed me acting off and decided to give me space. I actually prefer it.
I had just downed my fourth shot and was starting to feel the effects when Darren took a seat on the stool on the right of me. I tense up involuntarily. I continue to look at the counter intensely, not acknowledging him until he speaks first.
“Hey, Char.” I turn to him slowly and glanced up at him from under hooded lids. He looked worried, for which one of us I couldn’t tell, but it made me antsy. I just nod at him. “You okay?” He followed up. I just nodded again, wishing to be anywhere, but here.
“Okay, um, I was hoping I could talk to you for a minute.” He stammered.
I made a face before responding. “You are talking to me.” I drawled. He just laughed, his pearly whites on full display, reminding me how painfully beautiful his smile is.
“In that case...I wanna apologize again for everything I put you through in the past couple of weeks-”
“You didn’t put me through anything Darren, you...were trying.” I cut him off, not wanting him to beat himself up over something he couldn’t control.
If you wanna apologize for something, apologize for sticking your nose in my business all the time.
“Well, I’m thankful you see it that way, but I’m sorry for the way I’ve been acting.” He said sincerely.
Then why are you doing this?
“I forgive you...I still haven’t apologized for those things I said to you weeks ago. I’m not gonna lie and say they didn’t come from a place of truth, but I really shouldn’t have said them, especially like that.” I ramble drunkenly.
“You didn’t say anything that wasn’t true, just pills I had to swallow, I guess.” He shrugged. I just shake my head, thinking back to that night and how nasty I was to him. But I don’t speak on it anymore, knowing he would take my side every time.
“I also wanted to tell you something that’s been on my mind for a while.” He spoke slowly.
I turn to look at the counter again and sigh heavily and my heart beat speeds up significantly. Even after listening to Darren and Leyah earlier, I’m not ready to hear it from him for real, face to face.
“I know you were listening to Leyah and I earlier.” My head snaps up at him and the room spins slightly, my eyes widen. He just chuckles at my reaction. “I saw you run by the door to make your escape.” I wish I could laugh like him, but the severity of the situation still has me on edge.
“I guess there’s nothing to say then.” I say still trying to escape this confession.
“I wish there wasn’t” He replies.
“There doesn’t have to be.” I look up at him with furrowed brows and eyes that read ‘don’t do this.’
He makes a face, signifying that he recognizes my rejection, but he goes on.
“I know you’re into this Hope kid, but like you said, I’ve waited long enough, I have to try and I don’t know what I’ll do if I don’t get this off my chest to you now.” He says with a passionate stare.
My body I moves before it has time to recognize the command form my brain, getting up and walking past Darren. I just had to get away in that moment. I stumble back when I feel his strong grip on my arm, turning me to face him. My eye twitched and my hands balled into fists. “Char, wait.” he pleaded.
“Darren let me go right now.” I feel my breathing quickened as I tried to free myself.
“Char, I love you.” His intense eyes meet mine, his voice was deep and fierce. His words immediately filled me with a sense of dread and my heart pounded in my chest, I was struck again with the need to escape.
“This isn’t happening, please let me go, now.”
“No, please, just listen to me. There is no one for me, but you, I need you to know that.” I work on unwrapping his hand from my arm when I made eye contact with the bartender behind Darren. He looked me over and his face lit up with concern. He took off to the front of the club and I was left to fend for myself against my friend in this sea of people who seem blind to what’s happening in front of them.
“Darren, let me go, I need to get out of here.” I growled at him. His grip only tightened.
“Char, don’t be like this. Please, just give me a chance.” He urged, staring me down with desperate eyes.
“I don’t want to! I don’t want you!” I shout above the music.
“Darren, what the fuck!” Leyah’s voice shot from behind me. I turn to see her enraged face and a burly bouncer making his way towards us in the distance, the bartender leading him to us. I feel stinging behind my eyes as so many emotions came over me  all at once because this situation has gotten way too out of hand.
“What are you doing? Let her go, you idiot!” Leyah joins in trying to separate us.
“Char, you can’t leave until you hear me out, please!”
“You’re hurting me!” I screamed just as the bouncer took hold of Darren’s arm and yanked it. Finally, I was free and clutching my arm, tears flowing down my face.
“Why are touching me? I didn’t do anything!”
The bouncer tried to restain Darren, but he fought back and the bouncer didn’t take kindly to that. In no time a fight broke out and we all backed away. Leyah tried to comfort me by wrapping her arms around my shoulders and I shrugged her off instantly, not wanting to be here anymore.
I slipped through the bodies and made my way out of the building onto the street, gulping in all the fresh night air that I could. I bend down, touching my hands to my knees, trying to get my breathing under control, counting backwards from ten. When I have enough confidence to roam, I quickly walk around the corner and hope the band doesn’t think to look for me here.
I never expected to want to hide from my friends in a time like this, but recently I’ve done it more than I would like to admit. I used to run to them for stuff like this and they would help however they could. It was never enough though. Before them I would bottle everything up because it felt like no one understood. No one does. Except Hoseok.
I would deal with the issue the only way I knew how. Sex and alcohol. I got the alcohol part down seeing as I’m still slightly woozy, leaning on a cement structure near the bar. The only thing I need now is an orgasm and all my problems should be solved.
I laugh bitterly and rub at the dry tears on my face.
You can’t fix this.
I can try.
I ignore my conscience and seek out my old method of numbing the pain as I pull out my phone and call uber to Hoseok’s place. I get myself together as much as I can in the back of the car, avoiding calls from my bandmates. My whole demeanor changed once I arrived and took the elevator up to his apartment.
I knock sternly on Hoseok’s apartment door, biting my lip in anticipation and restlessness. Thoughts of tonight's events playing over and over in my mind, making me jittery and somewhat uneasy. I shake it off, knowing Hoseok would give me just what I needed in a time like this.
He opens the door steadily, not expecting any visitors, and brightens when he sees me. “Oh Charlotte. Come in.” I do more than that.
I leapt into his arms, immediately attaching my lips to his in a feral manner, my fingers splayed out, running along the expanse of his muscular body.
“Mm, hello to you too.” He mumbled against my needy lips, but going along with it, kissing me back and caressing my body as well.
“I need you.” Is the only excuse I give, making brief eye contact before leaning down to suck at the juncture of his neck. He moans and plants kisses near my ear. I push him backwards in the direction of his bedroom, sitting myself on his lap, legs on either side of his hips as soon as he touches the bed.
“Have you been drinking?” He panted.
I suck his bottom lip into my mouth, nibbling on it hungrily as I grind my hips into his quickly hardening dick. I’m interrupted from my magical state when Hoseok takes a hold of the hair at the crown of my head and pulled gently. “You okay?” He asked slightly out of breath from our make out, seeking out my eyes.
I cup his face with both my hands and look him in the eyes intensely. “I will be…” My tongue slides out of my mouth to lick a slow stripe up his parted lips. “Once you fuck the shit outta me.” I look down at his glazed over eyes, raised eyebrows and sexy agape mouth, finding no signs of resistance, but of course everything about it said he saw right through me. But I could care less if it means getting what I want in this moment. He just nodded understandingly. “Okay.” He let his sinful tongue wet his lips before forcing my face to his to devour my mouth and the rest of my will power.
He made quick work of his plain white t-shirt, throwing it behind me and then unbuckled the overalls of my dress. I help the rest of the way, removing my shirt, leaving just my black lace bra. He takes a moment to admire the view and then he rips the cups of my bra down to suck my nipple into his mouth, flicking his tongue against it and repeating his actions on my other breast. I moan out, arching my back into him, continuing to gain brilliant friction from grinding my crotch into his.
I kiss my way down his neck and chiseled front until I’m on my knees, in between his legs. I fondle his dick through his sweatpants graciously and all-but rip the garment from his hips. He cooperates, lifting his hips and pushes down his underwear as well. I waste no time with teasing, taking his head into my mouth as soon as it is presented to me. Hoseok instinctively threads his fingers into my thick hair and tugs slightly.
“Fuck, Charlotte.” He hissed through his teeth and began fucking into my mouth. I invite him in further, relaxing my throat and jaw, letting it go slack to feel him hitting the back of my throat repeatedly. I let him do as he pleased with my body, enjoying the feeling of making him feel good. I celebrate the fact that the tears that sting the back of my eyes are the result of mutual pleasure and not from being triggered by too many built up emotions. No. The only emotion I feel now is extreme euphoria  thanks to my affection for Hoseok. The yearning, the adulation, the complete infatuation I have with him. I look up through teary eyes at his angelic, gyrating form.
“Goddamn.” He groaned. “Such a dirty girl, looking at me like that while I fuck your little throat.” I moan around him and nod in agreeance as well as I could.
“You like that? Nngh...huh, baby?” He questioned as he forces my head down on his cock, my nose nuzzling his pubic hair. I gag trying to still manage a nod, my nails scratching at his thighs. He suddenly pulls my head back up by my hair, not giving me time to breathe as he captures my lips with his. Wetness pools in my underwear when he pulls my hair roughly to break the kiss.
“I almost came so hard down your throat just now.” He said heatedly, almost as out of breath as me. I whimper at the husky drawl of his voice and his fucked out gaze staring me down like he’s about to wreck me. “No, I got somewhere else I want it to go.” He looks me up and down, likcing his lips like he would tear me apart piece by piece any second now. And I was patiently awaiting that moment between his legs, loving the anticipation of it all.
“Where is that?” I rasped seductively, stroking his spit covered cock with both hands. He threw his head back quickly and regarded me cooly, almost scolding me for my actions with his eyes.
“Get on the bed.” He ordered, ignoring my question completely. I wanted to disobey, to rebel just to see what he would do. But my lust for him controlled me, forced me to rush to the top of the bed and remove the rest of my clothing at lightning speed. He just turned around and crept towards me slowly.
His hands glided along my legs smoothly, parting them further to make room for his glorious, naked body in between. He licked pleasant patterns into my thighs, moving deeper towards my incredibly wet core. He sucked one lip into his mouth before he spoke.
“Is this what you want?” I nodded eagerly. “What you barged in here demanding?” He cocks his head to the side and smirks a if to reprimand me.
“Yes.” I utter, guiltily.
“Not so bold now. Hm.” He sucks my other pussy lip into his mouth and pinches my thigh causing me to gasp.
“You know, dirty girls don’t usually deserve to get their pussy eaten. Do you?” He licks a swift stripe straight up my slit, slowing down once he reaches my clit. My breath hitches and I feel myself getting wetter at the filthy words falling from his mouth.
“Yes.” I breathed immediately. “Please eat my pussy, Hoseok. I need you, I need your mouth, making me feel good...you always make me feel so good, Hobi, please.” I pleaded, gyrating my hips into nothing in front of his face, just looking for some kind of relief and I was so close.
Hoseok seemed pleased with this performance and swoops down to flick his tongue against my clit at a vicious speed, making me throw my head back into the bed and wrap my legs around his head. He invites the gesture, dipping lower to take the bud into his mouth and attacking it that way as he held my thighs down.
“Jesus fucking Christ, Hoseok! Argh-oh my-yes!” I cried out helplessly, letting the immense pleasure take me away, his hair now in my vice grip. “Your fingers.” I blurted out, on the edge, my climax in sight. “Please give me your fingers.”
He didn’t hesitate to give me what I asked for, plunging two fingers into me and curling them forward to hit that spot that made my legs shake.
“Ah! Yes...I’m gonna cum.” I announce, the feeling of earth shattering pleasure fast approaching. Until Hoseok stopped what he was doing.
“What the fuck?” I whipped my head to look down at him and before I have time to register what’s happening, his cock was sinking into my heat and his hips were snapping into mine.
“Awk! Nnnnngh, fuck!”
I immediately fell off the edge, my body jerked as Hoseok’s dick collided with my g-spot, igniting violent explosions in the pit of my belly. My eyes cross and my vision goes blurry as I spasm against the sheets, focusing on the breathtaking pulsing of my hole around his cock. I arched my back into his chest and reach for anything to hold onto. Finding his neck, I wrapped my fingers around it and squeezed.
“Oh, shhhhit...that’s it baby, cum on my cock, just like that. So fucking good baby girl.” He growls into my ear, his gravelly voice sending vibrations through my fingers around his neck, causing warm electricity to course through my body. I gurggled mindlessly and subconsciously squeeze his cock at the erotic words.
He continues fucking into my lifeless body at a steady pace, breathing life into it with every thrust. My body recovers from before, but is inviting more overstimulating pleasure from Hoseok’s efforts to cum himself. So, I gather the energy to get him there.
I finally release my hold on his neck and grip his face to look me in the eyes. He gulps for air, still slamming into me steadily. “You fuck me so good, Hoseok. You made me cum so hard, baby. Only you.” Hoseok grunts, heavily. His thrusts becoming harder and faster, burying his dick inside me, staring into my eyes sensually.
“I can feel you pulsing inside me, ready to blow.” I purr, caressing his arms as they work and flex to propel him forward into me. He abruptly takes my legs to hike them over his shoulders, his dick delving deeper into me, creating a new delicious angle that has both of us moaning like mad.
“Holy mutherfuckingshit, you’re gonna make me cum again, fuck.” I spew, not being able to hold back with another intense orgasm barreling towards me.
“Can I cum in you baby?” He pants, his hips sputtering with how close he was to finishing.
“You can do whatever the fuck you want-uugh! Mother of fuck! No one’s ever fucked me like you do. I swear I could fuck you for the rest of my life. Oh my fucking God, I want you forever.” I whimpered, so fucking close to that white light.
“Argh, fuck!” He cums into me with so much force, I’m sent flying through time and space, frozen in this one moment dissolving into pure euphoria forever. I let out a shriek, my tense, jerking body unable to contain the pleasure coursing through it.
Hoseok collapsed onto me briefly, catching my lips in a passionate kiss before giving me room to drop my legs back down onto the bed. We couldn’t keep our hands to ourselves afterwards, neither of our mouths wanting to leave the other’s body. Moments later he pulled away from me and looked me over thoughtfully.
“What?” I whisper, the silence in the room making itself known now. He doesn’t answer immediately, still weighing whatever it was.
“Nothing.” He decides and places the covers over us, cuddling me. “We’re talking about that in the morning.” He points to the new bruise on my arm that Darren created and closed his eyes while I tried to formulate an excuse for what happened.
I woke up to Hoseok tracing light patterns into the skin of my shoulder from behind me. I could feel his eyes on me, but not in a creepy way. I turn to lie on my back and regard his beautiful face with appreciation.
“Good morning.” He said, now tracing patterns on my sheet clad stomach on his side and resting on his head in his hand. His eyes were focused on what he was doing, almost like they were distracting him from something else.
“Morning.” I replied, studying his face. He looked deep in thought, his brows slightly furrowed and his lip tucked itself under his teeth as he thought of his next words.
He opened his mouth to speak, pausing in even more thought before he found the words. “Last night was very fun for me, but...what exactly happened?”
Jeez, so soon?
I too, distracted myself with his movement on my body as I tried to figure out what to say.
“What made you come over here...like that?” He wondered, concerned.
I sigh. “Uh, at the gig yesterday...Darren, he…” Hoseok’s movements stop momentarily at the mention of my guy friend/roadie and then continue again. I glance up at his face that was now filled with malice. A look that didn’t look good on his angelic features. “What did he do?” He whispered sternly.
I swallow nervously. “He...he told me he loved me.” I force out in a small voice. The words sounded so foreign coming from my mouth, a person who doesn’t even deserve love. It was like I was finally coming to terms with it after running from it since it happened.
Hoseok’s movements stopped again and his hand lifted off of my body by millimeters, in shock. He rested his hand on the bed and I look up at him to see his reaction. His face is disgruntled and conflicted. I can just see the gears turning in his head.
“And do you...do you feel anything for him?” He spoke, not meeting my eyes.
“No.” I say immediately. “Of course not...not in that way. Not when I have you, how could you even think that?” I asked incredulously, grabbing his hand and placing our joined hands on my stomach.
He just shrugs, his bothered expression gone. “Because he’s built, good looking and you could have anyone you want.” He forces a laugh.
I lift my hand to stroke his soft cheek. “Well I want you so none of that matters.” He finally looked into my eyes and smiled genuinely, swooping down to kiss me firmly. “And for the record, you’re the most handsome man I’ve ever met.” I say when we part. He blushed slightly and smiled wider in thanks.
“So that’s why you came all the way here so...excuse my French, out of it? And what happened to your arm?”
“Yes. I didn’t exactly react too well when he told me...I tried to leave, but...he held onto my arm to keep me there.” I relay calmly, analyzing the bruise that’s only gotten worse since last night. Hoseok’s look of animosity was back.
“He did this? What a fucking asshole! Who does he think he is?” Hoseok spewed a few more insults before I climbed my way on top of him. He was now on his back, my hands on his bare chest not caring to toy with the sheet that fell from mine.
“Hey, forget about him. The bouncer took care of him...I think. He just got a little passionate, we were drinking and hey, I’m fine.” I smile to convince him.
“But he hurt you and you’re okay with it?” Hoseok asked hesitantly.
“I didn’t say I was okay with it, he and I will have words, but I am fine.” I leaned down to kiss him. My lips moved against his and his hands reacted by gripping my butt. I let go after a few moments. “And I would like if we stopped talking about this for a while.” I request, giving my best puppy dog eyes.
“Okay, fine.” He relented, stroking my face with his hands and staring into my eyes. “May I ask one more hard hitting question, though?” His profound features didn’t match his joking tone, I had no idea what to expect.
“Go for it.”
“Did you mean it? What you said last night? About...forever?” His eyes were intense with curiosity, like he had everything riding on this. I do some quick thinking of my own. Hoseok is everything I’ve ever wanted in a man, that much is obvious. And as much as I say I have trouble with commitment and intimacy, I’ve already committed myself to Hoseok. We weren’t seeing anyone else, nor did we want to, plus we were infatuated with each other. I can’t ignore this fact. Even though I have some issues that needed work, that doesn’t mean I have to let it hold me back from life.
“Yes...I don’t know about forever, no one does, but...” I answer, honestly. I watch him smile brightly in front of me, basking in his warm glow. “I wanna be with you, Hoseok.” His eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
“You are with me.” He grabs my hand and squeezes.
“Like be with you, be with you.” I thread our fingers together in the air, gazing into his beautiful brown eyes.
“But I thought you said you didn’t want to...you know...labels?” There it was, that look of hopeful curiosity that Hoseok wore best and that always made me grin.
“I know, I know...I’m just done with letting my issues control me.” He smiles proudly, resting a hand on my cheek and stroking, gently. “So, Hoseok, if you’ll have me, I would love to be your...your g-girlfriend.” I fought back the bile building up with the sound of Hoseok’s comforting laughter. He grasps my cheeks and brings me down to his level, putting our foreheads together fervently.
“I think I’m supposed to ask you that.” He laughed.
“Well, when you do, I’ll say yes. Easy as that.”
He nods happily. “Are you sure about this? I don’t want you pushing yourself too far.”
I shake my head. “It’s the only way I’ll learn...and I wanna learn with you.”
Hoseok regarded me with a look of longing in his eyes and kissed me once again with so much emotion, it spread warmth throughout my entire body and tendrils of electricity to the tips of my fingers and toes. “Okay....okay.”
The two of us lay there whispering sweet nothings until I heard my phone buzzing from across the room and I sigh, figuring it was time to stop ignoring my friends. Hoseok properly stretches and I dangle my body off the side of the bed to reach for my phone and check my messages.
Several calls and texts from each of the girls riddled my screen, but I was surprised to find no messages or calls from Darren. I settle back into bed and Hoseok attaches himself to me again as I call Leyah back to check in.
“Char, hey, are you okay?” She picks up right away and her troubled voice filled my ears.
“Yes, Leyah, I’m fine.”
She sighs in relief. “So I can assume you’re with J-Hope right now?”
“Yes, I’m at Jay’s right now.”
“Okay, well, you might want to get back soon.” She said nervously.
“Why is that?” My skeptical tone caused Hoseok’s eyes to pop open in intrigue.
“Uh, Darren kinda got arrested last night after you left and we’re gonna go bail him out.”
I rolled my eyes and rubbed a hand around my face in annoyance. Well that explains the lack of messages. “No, you all can go bail him out, I’m going to stay here.” I say sternly. Hoseok moved to rest on his elbows beside me, studying my stressed out face.
“Are you sure? He mentioned wanting to see you.”
“I could give a fuck what he wants right now.” I spat. She just sighed. “Okay. I guess I’ll see you...later then.” She said dejectedly. I groan, hoping I don’t regret what I’m about to do. Her depressed tone shot right through me.
I know Leyah just the best for her friends and for me to just stop hiding and get this over with, so I figured I’d do her a favor.
“Wait, Leyah...I’ll go. I’ll be there soon.”
“Okay. See you then. Thank you.” We hung up and I ran my fingers through my hair roughly.
“Is everything okay?” Hoseok asked rubbing my arm comfortingly.
“No.” I answer easily, knowing the truth. “But I have to go. I’m just gonna take a shower first if that okay?”
“Yeah of course. Is it okay if I join you?” I just pecked his lips and nodded.
The shower was quick seeing as I had somewhere to be and I threw on a white t-shirt, black skinny jeans and the Doc Martens I wore last night.
On our way out, I see the glass on the nightstand from yesterday in the same place that I left it and decided to clean it up. Hoseok continues to gather his things in the bedroom as I make my way to the kitchen. I stop in my tracks when I see a familiar figure standing at the counter with his back to me. His height, shoulders, back muscles and even his hair (that was now a tinted, dark red) were all very visceral, creating flashes of so many memories in my brain.
My heart rate accelerates and my world begins to spin when the stranger finally turns around and I find that he’s no stranger at all.
His gorgeous face scrunches up in confusion and complete awe at the sight of me. “Charlotte?” His rugged yet celestial voice traveled over to me, sending a sinister chill down my spine.
“Yoongi?” I whisper brokenly.
“Oh, Yoongi hyung, you’re back!” I straighten up and blink away the blurriness in my eyes at the sound of Hoseok’s voice behind me.
“Charlotte, I see you’ve met  my temporary room mate, Yoongi. Yoongi this is my girlfriend, Charlotte.”
My heart leapt into my throat as the glass I was holding clattered to the floor, exploding into pieces.
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birger-wuvs-elsa · 6 years
Frozen OC Exchange
@wintryspice I got yours, and decided to focus on Hannah with mentions of Charlotte. I was very nervous about this, as I usually am when writing...literally any character at all I didn’t make myself, lol. I cheated a little, called in the good ass himself for backup; but he’s in disguise in a human rendition, so it’s okay. =P
Modern AU, because why not? X3 I hope you like it... (=^w^=)>”
P.S. Birger has a soft spot for literally any OC who’s Elsa’s kid, so I’m not surprised at all he made this easier to write, lol.
“You need to go visit him, Hannah; whether you want to is beside the point.”
Hannah stubbornly refused respond, or to meet her mother’s eyes. Though the reflection of her mother, Elsa, in the mirror before her certainly made that tricky. The young girl, with blonde hair a shade or two darker than her mother’s, decided to focus instead on her hands folded upon her lap. Despite the many words a part of her wanted to say that churned deep inside, Hannah kept them at bay. They would help matters…not with how complicated they’d become.
Not after losing her dad, only to find out she’d had an estranged uncle she never knew the whole time.
A man who’d apparently, despite his supposed “great love” for his younger sister, distanced himself thoroughly due to his personal loathing of her father. Because of this, and how her uncle had purposefully avoided his own family, Hannah wasn’t sure she wanted anything to do with him. He didn’t attend the ceremony of her parents’ marriage, had moved away not long afterwards, and she’d never heard tale of him until just a few days ago.
Her uncle had made it clear he hadn’t been willing to stay close, so shouldn’t he be the one who reached out to her?
Before she’d even noticed Elsa had finished brushing her hair, she felt a hand lay gently on her shoulder. Against her previously stubborn wishes, Hannah couldn’t help but look up and meet her mother’s eyes through the mirror. Though her own eyes were a tad greener than her mother’s, they still held a similar spark as they met through the glass.
“I know that learning of his avoidance of us because of your father hurt you, and you have every right to feel that way. But these are mistakes of the past made long before you were born that you’re judging him for. It’s not as if he absolutely abandoned us, anyway.”
Hannah’s eyebrows shot up, and her eyes widened. “How do you mean, mother?”
Elsa smiled a soft, bittersweet smile. “Dear Hannah, how did you think all of those gifts you and your siblings received without a From filled out came about? Or that college fund that mysteriously showed up when you came of age to use them, with others awaiting your siblings to be old enough?”
Her mother paused to give Hannah a moment to process this revelation, and process she did. Many of her (secretly) favorite gifts had been those mystery gifts with no From name, and the college fund reserved for her had been a great boon for her pursuing a medical degree. These blessings that she simply thought were subtle gifts from her parents, or family or friends that she knew and loved dearly…had come from him?
“In fact, if I’m being honest…the only reason I had the idea to get you Misha, is because Branko suggested it.”
A soft gasped escaped from Hannah, but she was all too in shock to care. Misha? Misha? Her precious husky, who currently laid curled in a fluffy, adorable mass on her dog bed in the corner of the room, snoring away, was also from him? The dear dog whom she shared with little Charlotte…
“B-but…” Hannah started, hesitant, the walls she’d built around her uncle slowly beginning to crack.
Elsa, patient as ever, began to tie her daughter’s hair in a loose French Braid as she gave Hannah time to continue. Not only did her daughter like this style, but it was one that Elsa commonly used herself. As such, the lighter blonde had sly motivations for tying Hannah’s hair this way for today. What better way to visually help her older brother to feel more comfortable around the niece he never meant, than to show how much like her mother she was?
Elsa only hoped it worked that way, and that it didn’t instead remind Branko of what he’d lost…
“But mother, if…if he cared that much about us, about you, then why?” Hannah implored as she stared at the reflection of her mother’s face, and ignored the pinpricks at her eyes that forewarned tears. “If he loved us why would he stay away?”
Elsa took in a deep breath through the nose, and sighed. “It’s both simple and complex, sweetheart. Branko was so terribly conflicted, he was not at all alright with my and Hans’ relationship. For reasons I’ll not disclose right now, suffice it to say those two did not have the most amenable relation. That would be even harder to explain, honestly, but Branko let us be because, in the end…he didn’t want to jeopardize our happiness, even if he didn’t like half of the involved party.”
“As for why he stayed away from you, the twins, and Charlotte? It was pretty much the same reasoning, really, but a tad different. Branko was scared to death of ruining what he had, he didn’t want to risk us having issues that would never have happened had he remained uninvolved. To put matters simply?”
Elsa gripped Hannah’s shoulders and squeezed gently. “Your uncle was afraid his very presence would ruin our happiness, and sacrificed getting to see you all grow up to ensure you grew up happy.”
Hannah took a shuddering breath before she turned to meet her mother’s eyes directly. “But, that means…did he also stay away from you?”
The young woman didn’t miss how her mother gulped, and how her eyes grew unfocused as she sighed. “Indeed, he did…it pained him as much as it had me, it seemed, from his letters.”
Hannah sat up in attention, “Letters? When did he send you letters?” She then frowned. “Who even sends letters anymore, these days?”
Elsa actually laughed, a hand coming to cover it before she spoke. “Branko is about as stubborn as you are, plus he loves the feel of paper beneath his hand and under a pencil. As for when, he always sent them along with the gifts. Other times as well, sure, but typically along with a package of some sort.”
Hannah let her eyes drift down as she sighed. This was a lot more revelations about her estranged uncle than she expected, and they certainly changed things more than she thought they would. She was initially more than willing to keep Branko at arm’s length, since he’d seemed content to do the same for decades. But of course, the situation just couldn’t be that clear cut, could it? No, of course not…black and white would make it too easy, of course there’d be grey.
The hands that were still on her shoulders squeezed gently once more, and Hannah looked back up at her mother.
Elsa smiled gently as she brought up one hand to caress her daughter’s temple. “Please, go see him, I know for a fact he’s equal parts eager and scared to meet you.”
With a gulp and a tentative nod, Hannah Marie agreed.
A few hours later…
Hannah nervously entered the high-end bar where her mother had dropped her off to finally meet her uncle. While Elsa herself remained outside in the car, to be there for Hannah for whatever she needed, the younger woman had entered alone. The bar was by no means a shoddy establishment, and certainly had its fair share of wealthy patrons. Whatever it was her uncle did for a living, between the presents he’d sent and the college funds he’d set up—and the bar he chose for them to meet at—Branko clearly did not have much to want for.
Despite knowing what her uncle looked like, Hannah still took her time to search for him. Mostly because she was still terribly nervous to see him, let alone meet him, but partially because of the many strangers in the bar. It wasn’t a busy crowd at all, exactly, and was hardly bustling. But it was a greater number of strangers in one place than Hannah liked, that was for sure.
“Just focus on why you’re there, find your uncle, and stay close to him. He will protect you, I swear it.”
Her mother had told her because Hannah had exited the car, along with a reminder she’d be just out in the car if needed. Knowing that she had two points of safety greatly comforted her, even if one of those points were technically foreign. But if even half of what Elsa had said was true, then Branko had loved his nieces and nephew without even having met them.
On the drive over, Hannah’s mother had shared many tales of her and Anna’s childhood growing up with their elder brother. They’d been lovely and sweet stories indeed, and certainly helped to give Hannah a better impression of who her uncle was. Apparently, upon the respective births of his younger sisters, Branko had sworn to keep them safe—even at what was a young age, having been only four when Elsa had been born. That protective only grew stronger with him, even if the events caused those urges to be shaken and called into question.
But now, as Hannah slowly strode through the bar and searched for shaggy hair the color of her aunt’s but styled like her mother’s, the young girl hoped that same protection still counted for her now.
Especially when Hannah felt an unwelcomed touch on her shoulder from behind.
“What’s a small thing like you doing here, milady?”
The voice was far too high and scratchy to be her uncle’s, and so fear quickly rooted itself in Hannah’s stomach. Elsa had described even Branko’s voice, a comforting baritone that seemed like it could suit a noble dragon. This voice sounded more like it suited a snake, and Hannah was afraid that comparison would become all the truer.
She slowly turned around, and indeed, the man who loomed over her did not seem overly compassionate. His black hair was too thick with product, thin smile too fake, green eyes too lit with a sheen that all but made Hannah sick. The fact he was tall enough that she had to look up to meet his eyes didn’t help; he was probably a whole half-a-foot taller!
Hannah gulped as she struggled to remain calm. “I’m looking for someone, sir. If you’ll excuse me, I don’t wish to be late.”
As she tried to pull away, to Hannah’s mounting horror, the man’s grip only tightened. “Now now, whoever they are can wait a tick. ‘Sides, they can’t be all that great if they left a pretty thing like you all alone.”
Hannah’s eyes narrowed. “They didn’t leave me alone, I am here to meet them. Please, sir, he’ll be worried if I don’t find him.”
She tried to pull away again, but the grip just tightened more. The growing pressure caused Hannah to suppress a wince; either against the pain of the grip itself, her fear, or the pain in her chest…Hannah wasn’t sure anymore.
“Don’t be in such a hurry to leave a nice man, missy! You’re lucky I’m even–“
“Pray tell, why is she lucky, Gerald?!”
Hannah’s eyes widened at the voice that shouted out, and the fear melted as hope warmed her chest. That voice sounded almost exactly how she imagined it would. It had to be him, oh please, please, let it be him!
Both Hannah and the man, Gerald, looked up to where she’d initially been headed to see a beast of a man approach. The eyes of both widened, for different reasons; awe and fear, respectively. Hannah couldn’t help but be amazed that this man was the brother of her mother and aunt. He was so tall! Taller even than Gerald, and with a muscular frame that put every man in the bar to shame.
His auburn hair was loose and wavy, not unlike Elsa’s own blonde hair behaved, but was trimmed where it would’ve fallen into his sharp blue eyes. Those he certainly shared with his big little sister, though he’s all but burned as he glared at the man who now shrank away from Hannah. As he got closer, the young woman noted how the auburn hairs were accented by dusting of blonde, almost like how grey hair was, but…this was less grey and more platinum blonde, startingly similar to Elsa’s hair. They even both had dark eyebrows…
Hannah wasn’t sure if this strange mixture of red and blonde hair was natural, or, given how the colors mixed, if Branko’s hair was naturally blonde and it’d just been awhile since he re-dyed it red. Either way, it harkened to both of his little sisters, and the familiarity eased Hannah’s fragile heart. As Branko all but snarled at the man who was getting farther and farther from her, Hannah noted the blonde goatee and beard combo that encompassed almost all of her uncle’s face.
None of the facial hair had hints of red; perhaps, then, he had once dyed his head red?
That mystery was irrelevant, though, as Branko protectively got in-between Hannah and Gerald, the latter all but relieving himself before the greater man.
“I-I just meant, er, um–nothing! No reason, Branko, I swear! I was just, uh, helping her! Yeah! The little lady was just looking for someone, and I–”
Branko cut him off with a dismissive wave and a growl, the former action further likening him to Elsa in Hannah’s eyes.
“Don’t even bother, Gerald! That was the laziest bloody attempt at fabricating and excuse I’ve ever heard. Now, get your skinny, useless ass out of here, before I show you the meaning of my own personal definition of gobsmacked!”
Without another word, Gerald scurried out of the bar, his metaphorical tail all but one with his legs.
The crowd, strangely enough, had paid no heed to the show beyond a few scattered chuckles. Apparently, this was normal, and ended how everyone expected. With the sorry man taken care of, Branko sighed, only to mysterious stiffen as Hannah watched. His back was still to her, and just now the blonde noticed he was dressed far more causally than most of the bar’s patrons. While most all of them wore suits, Branko was clad in fine black jeans, a dark blue long-sleeved collared shirt—the sleeves of which were rolled up, its collar pressed down—and a deep red ascot.
When Branko made no move to turn around, for reasons Hannah could easily guess, she decided to make the first move. She carefully approached him, and raised a hand to gently touch his strong forearm. The man all but startled at her touch, but didn’t whirl around suddenly. Rather, he slowly, oh so slowly, turned his head to glance at her other a broad shoulder. As their eyes met, his eyes to very blue compared to her greenish blue ones, and Hannah’s heart melted at what she saw in his.
He almost seemed afraid…but she could swear she saw hope somewhere.
Hannah took a deep breath and smiled her gentlest smile. “Hi…I’m Hannah Marie…A-Anderson.”
Branko sucked in a sharp breath, and held it for so long Hannah feared he was going to pass out. But then he slowly let it out, and smiled wide a she did so. Finally her turned to properly face her, and to Hannah’s surprise he bowed, so not terribly deeply.
“Branko Kasun Anderson, always at your service.” As he rose from his bow, his smile wavered. “If you’ll have me, that is…”
Without wasting a moment, Hannah leapt forward to hug the strong, barrel chest of her long-lost uncle.
“Only if you’ll forgive me for trying to hate you…” She whispered softly, fearfully, pleadingly against his shirt.
To her great relief, she felt strong arms gently shelter her as she clung ever tighter.
“Forgive me for letting my pride keep me away, and for daring to wait till now to meet you, and you have a deal, my little princess.”
Thanks to the stories Elsa’d shared in the car, Hannah knew immediately the source of the pet-name. Growing up, the trio of Branko, Anna, and Elsa had played games of royals when they were young. No doubt, Branko now saw Elsa as a queen to the princess she’d been when they were kids. Now, Hannah was his princess…a title she never knew she wanted till now.
An idea came to the blonde, and she excitedly pulled back and looked up at Branko’s face. “Good sir! Your service is needed outside, this instant!”
A big, almost smug grin arose on her uncle’s bearded face. “Lead the way, your highness.”
Hannah watched happily from the passenger seat as she had her own private viewing of a reunion long in the making. The sight of her mother clinging desperately but oh so happily to her dearly missed brother all but made Hannah cry herself. Yes, her mother was crying; but they were tears of relief and joy, shed as well by the brother who held her tight. As she watched the precious reunion, it occurred to Hannah…she was the only one of her siblings who yet knew of their uncle. Rynar, Eira, and Charlotte had yet to be told…she only knew because she’d picked up hints of Branko’s existence, and asked.
But Hannah knew which of her siblings would most love to meet their reclaimed uncle.
I can’t wait to tell Charlotte…
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5 of the prompts. You choose the OCs. I love all.
“Seriously! I just put that pie out, who took it? ”
When Lottieheard frenetic footsteps coming up the stairs she just knew it was Eugene. She didn’t feel the need to turn around toconfirm it. She has lived with the boy for ten years now, she knew hisfootsteps. Rushed, noisy, as if they were shouting: “Here I am!” every time Gene entered a room. No, Lottiedidn’t need a confirmation; and she also didn’t need to know what washappening. As usual, she just knew it.
“Lottie. CodeRed. Code fucking red.”
Charlottewas trying to finish a painting she had been working on for days… But asalways the inspiration seemed to be laughing in her face. She couldn’t find theright shapes, the precise colors, and her shadows couldn’t be worse. Maybethat’s why her cousin thought it would be an excellent idea to invite Rileyover. According to Gene “It was going to help her to relax.” To befair, he had a point. Her best works came to her when Lottie was having fun. SoRiley was more than welcome to their home … but when the girl proposed tocook a pie, Lottie knew deep downthat it wouldn’t end well. Riley was a horrible cook, and Eugene an even worsekitchen assistant. There was no way that combination would end up well. For thatsame reason Charlotte excused herself saying that she preferred to continueworking on her painting, leaving them alone to take care of the pie.
Hissuspicions were confirmed when Eugene ran into her room, messy hair andirregular breathing, panic reflected in his blue eyes. Charlotte put the brushon the easel and gave him her full attention.
“What kindof code red?”
“What kindof code red? A code red! How many kinds of code red do you know?”
“Last weekyou started shouting “code red” around the house because you couldn’t findyour green socks. Forgive me for thinking that you may be exaggerating again.”
“They aremy lucky socks …! Whatever, there’s no time to talk now.”
Eugene ranto the window and opened it. The hot summer air flooded the room and Lottiewrinkled her nose, annoyed. She didn’t like to use the word “hate” asif it meant nothing, but she hatedthe heat.
“Umm…Gene?Do I want to know what you’re doing?”
Her cousin,who seemed about to throw himself out the window, turned to see her, smiling.
“From hereI can reach the branch of the tree … God, Lottie, you’re wasting thestrategic advantage of your room. If you wanted to, you could totally sneak outat night and nobody would notice.”
“Sneak out?And go where?”
“I don’tknow, there are plenty of cool things out there.”
“Andwhy would I need to sneak out to see them? Why can’t I go during the day?”
“You arenot getting it.”
Lottieopened her mouth to answer but a noise on the first floor caught the attentionof the cousins. Someone had just closed the oven with an exaggerated force; asif that person was full of anger.
“Where thefuck…?!”
 Theunmistakable voice of Riley traveled through the walls, and Charlotte tried toremember the moment when she naively thought that this time it would bedifferent, this time they would really have fun together, without fights,without arguments without … whatever Eugene and Riley did every time they hangtogether. Charlotte looked at Eugene, waiting for an explanation, but hercousin kept looking towards the stairs, as if he expected Riley to appear atany moment, looking for him, chasing him like a dog to his prey. Geneswallowed.
“What didyou do now?” Lottie asked tiredly, forgetting completely about her painting.
“In mydefense…” Eugene said finally looking her in the eyes. “Her pie sucks. Ialmost threw up the whole thing.”
“The whole…?How much did you eat?”
Eugeneshrugged and opened his mouth, looking for a credible excuse, but Riley’s footstepscoming up the stairs, made the boy completely forget about the conversation andhe literally threw himself out the window, landing on the oak branch, and thennimbly jumping to the ground. Charlotte would have been impressed if she didn’tknow that her cousin was capable of even flying if necessary to run away fromhis problems.
"Seriously!I just put that pie out, who took it? ”
Riley,still wearing an apron, entered Lottie’s room, emanating an aura of pure fury.In his hands she had a plate with a tiny pie portion. The image was funnywithout a doubt. A rude girl like her was wearing a pink flower apron, afterbaking a pie, while at the same time her eyes reflected thirst for blood.
“Where ishe?”
“Oh…” Lottie took a few seconds to look around her room, and finallyreturned her attention to Riley as she shrugged.
“You knowyou’re my best friend, but you suck at lying.” Lottie gave her a humble smile,and she prepared to take her brush again, determined to stay out of the fightbetween her friend and her cousin. “Only this was left.” Rileycontinued looking sadly at the plate.
“Looks yummy.”Lottie encouraged her, dipping her brush in red paint for simple inertia.Actually, she was pretty lost.
“Doyou want a bite?” Riley asked hopefully with an uncertain smile.“It’s the first time I try. My grandma is the family cook, but I think Idid a decent job.”
Charlottelooked at the piece of pie, in the hands of her friend, for a few seconds,deliberating if it was worth it to accepting the offer or not. On one hand shewanted to make Riley feel better, but on the other she didn’t want to end upthrowing up an hour in the bathroom. Finally she looked up and denied.
“No thanks,I’m … busy right now.” Riley shrugged and Lottie refocused on her painting,but before the brush touched the blank canva her hand stopped. It was useless. Shesighed. That wasn’t her day…
“Riley, doyou think I have talent …?”
Before shecould finish the sentence her friend began to cough exaggeratedly. His eyesfilled with tears and she grimaced. Lottie watched her in silence, bewildered,waiting for Riley to recover the composure.
"Shit…” Riley said observing the remaining piece of pie with repulsion.“I think I feel sorry for Eugene now.”
Lottiestared at Riley astonished for a few seconds, analyzing her face until her faceslowly began to form a smile, until she finally burst into laughter.
“What?”Asked irritated and confused Riley “What’s funny?”
Lottiecould only shake her head, unable to utter a word. The situation wasridiculous. It always was when the three of them got together. But thatparticular day was being extremely weird. Eugene had jumped out of the window,terrified that Riley would take revenge on him. For what? So that she feltsorry for him? Lottie struggled to breathe; laughter was preventing her frominhaling properly. Meanwhile, Riley stared at her in silence, frowning, waitingfor answers. Charlotte tried to find the words but her cell phone distractedher. Eugene’s name flashed on the screen and the redhead took the phone withoutfirst glancing at Riley, who just rolled her eyes.
“Answer tothe jerk.”
Lottiechuckled before giving her full attention to her cousin’s message: "Hey, Lottieee, sorry for leaving. Mylife depended on that. How are things there? Has the beast calmed down yet? I’mat the park. If Riley doesn’t want to kill me anymore, would you two like to gofor ice cream?” The girl looked up and Riley raised an eyebrow.
“And? Whatdoes he want?”
“He …He’s saying sorry … And he asks if we want to go with him for ice cream.”
“Sorry? Really?Let me see the message.”
"No,”Lottie answered immediately, and Riley nodded, smiling, knowing perfectly wellwhat the content of that message might be.
“Okay …”Riley surrendered after meditating for a moment. “We’re going for ice cream, orwhatever.”
Lottiesmiled but looked at her painting, still unfinished, a constant reminder thatinspiration had left her.
“Hey.”Riley interrupted her thoughts. “You need a break. You have been locked inthese four walls for hours now; it is time for you to go out and breathe freshair. What do you say?”
Silenceflooded the room for a few seconds, while Lottie struggled internally betweengoing out to have fun and keep working. She looked at the blank canvas one lasttime before looking around the room. It was full of drawings and pictureshanging on the walls, she couldnt help but smile.
The drawing of a golden fish swimming in black water,illuminating everything around him was the fisrt thing that caught her attention;  she had painted it after a visit to theaquarium with Gene and Riley, two months ago. And the drawing of the girl witha green balloon and her dog … Lottie was inspired after Eugene dragged themto the fair. Riley and Gene were competing in a shooting game, trying to win asilly and giant teddy bear. But then, this little girl appeared from nowhere,carrying a puppy in her arms, and asked if she could play with them. Lottiecould see in the faces of the two friends that the rivalry had been forgottenin a matter of seconds, and now both of them were decided to let the littlegirl win. Eugene because he loved kids, and Riley… well, Lottie was prettysure that she did it cause of the dog… Oh! And her painting  of the swing inthe sunset of a spring day! She had painted it the night of her birthday. Afterall the guests at the party left the house, Lottie, Riley and Gene went for awalk. The three of them ended up at the park and saw the sunset. Lottie sittingin the hammock, Eugene on the top of the slide and Riley on top of a monkeybar. They didn’t talk for a few minutes, just watching the sun disappear. Thathad been a great birthday for sure.
Lottieput her brush on the easel, and took a deep breath, directing her attention toRiley, who was still there, waiting patiently for an answer.
“Maybe youare right.”
“Of courseI am.”  Riley smiled and offered her a hand andLottie accepted it without hesitation.
That nightLottie´s white canvas was flooded with bright colors.
My previous drabble about a young witch trying practiced her magic on secret:
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letmewritefreely · 6 years
By You Side: Part 5
Demetri Stevens had spent the last few years of her life in the skybox for a crime she didn’t commit. One morning she woke up to a huge commotion in her cell block and before she knew it, she was on a dropship. She was sent from the Ark, a space station that had spent the last 97 years in space, down to Earth to see if it is inhabitable with 99 other prisoners. Once on Earth she reconnects with her old best friend, makes new friends, steps on some toes, and helps the 100 survive as they have returned to what was their home once before. With each test and trial; things change, people change, and feelings change. This is a new start for the 100, will Demetri allow it to be a new start for her as well? Or will ghosts of her past keep her stuck, well, in the past?
A The 100 fanfic written by letmewritefreely Bellamy Blake x OC: Demetri Stevens warnings: based off the tv series; gore, mentions or implications of sexual content, angst, fluff, violence, death, gets darker as the series continues.
A/N: Shit’s been crazy but I’m back. I hope to post every Tuesday & Friday, let’s go! I hope you’re looking forward to my adaptation of the 100 with my OC!! Anyways feedback, any feedback, is good feedback! Let me know your thoughts! And I’ll bet getting on a semi-regular schedule as I continue to work on the series! <3 ((This is a mix of S1:E6 & E7))
Parts: Prologue Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
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Once they were far enough away from the group Clarke stopped them with a tug on Demetri’s arm. She turned towards Demetri and pulled her into a tight hug, so tight the air was knocked from Demetri’s lungs. After a few moments, Demetri let out a puff of air and hugged Clarke back just as tight. The pair stood like that for a few minutes, holding each other together, before Clarke pulled back and looked at Demetri, really looked at her. She noted the knots at the end of her friend’s messy braids, she noticed the smudges of dirt and the still beaded sweat along her hair line. But Demetri’s eyes were still alive, they were still bright and though hurt clouded them, they were still the eyes of Clarke’s best friend.
“I’m sorry for earlier, I shouldn’t have been so in your face, or Bellamy’s face.” Clarke stared up at her friend, trying to offer a small smile.
“No Clarke,” Demetri sighed, “if I had stopped Bellamy it all wouldn’t have happened like that.” Demetri ran a hand through her bangs, messing them up. “But you need to understand, we all make choices we think are right. He was scared and did what he needed to do to protect his sister, you can’t completely fault him for that because that’s who he is. He’s spent his whole life protecting her.” Clarke nodded, noticing a twinkle of fondness in Demetri’s eyes.
“Kind of like you’ve spent your whole life protecting me?” Clarke’s voice was thick with emotion.
“Hearing that makes me glad I’m an only child.” Demetri teased, knowing she could never stay angry at Clarke for long, she’s all Demetri’s got after all.
“Can we go back to our tent and just talk. Like old times, when we’d stay up all night talking about the trouble we caused and the cute boys we saw up on the Ark.” Clarke suggested, looping her arm with Demetri’s. “Because I think it would be therapeutic for both of us.”
“That sounds like a wonderful idea.” Demetri smiled a full smile at her best friend.
The pair headed off towards their tent, they removed their shoes, and Demetri realized she was still wearing Bellamy’s jacket. She took it off and draped it over one of the chairs they’d moved into their tent. Demetri stripped down to her boy shorts and tee with Clarke following suit. If this were the old days they’d put on their pajamas but that wasn’t a luxury they had now. They settled on Clarke’s mat on the ground, Clarke’s head resting in Demetri’s lap, and just started talking.
Clarke talked about Wells, her mom, and even Finn. She revealed that she’d slept with Finn only for his girlfriend to crash to Earth the next day, which made a lot of sense to Demetri. She got it all out, her confusion and frustration. The regret she felt and the shame. Demetri comforted and commented when she needed to. She listened dutifully, not to answer, but to understand. If there was one thing Demetri knew about Clarke is that other than her strong sense of what’s right or wrong, Clarke had a huge heart and cared for everyone. As Clarke explained in detail what had happened with her father, Demetri knew Clarke was worried about everyone back on the Ark because her Father had died wanting to protect everyone. Demetri knew now that that definitely influenced Clarke’s role as co-leader and why she did what she did. Clarke had bared her soul to Demetri, it had happened plenty of times as they grew up, but this time it felt so much more real and raw. They’d spent years apart, each growing up in their own ways before being thrown to Earth as part of an experiment.
Listening to Clarke made Demetri realize how much her friend had grown without her, and she ached for the years they missed. Clarke was no longer the little girl that Demetri had seen her as for most of their life, needing Demetri’s helping hand. Clarke was older, wiser, and a great leader and it made Demetri feel extremely proud of her best friend. As Clarke finished ranting and getting everything off her chest she sighed. She sat up, wiped her tears, and moved to sit behind Demetri. She mumbled around rebraiding her hair while Demetri talked and she carefully let out the braids and started finger brushing the knots out. Typical Clarke behavior, get everything out then do something to distract from what just happened. It almost made things feel normal between them.
Demetri took a deep breath and then she opened her own flood gates. She talked about what happened when she was arrested, the visits from Abby and the few from Kane, and how it all made her feel. She recalled the last time she saw both of them, what Kane had given to her and told her. She talked about the different situations they’d run into, her mixed feelings about people on the Ark. Demetri found herself breaking down and telling Clarke things that happened a long time ago that she never felt comfortable talking to her about, just because of how old they were and how much she wanted better for Clarke. Then she bounced back to Wells, and how she felt bad about disliking him up until the end and explained why she felt that way, to which Clarke seemed to understand as she had picked up on the tension between the two. Demetri talked about Murphy and how she felt guilty for not trying harder and maybe if she had talked to him more or done something else maybe things would have turned out different. She mentioned Charlotte and how she had a feeling after Clarke had told her about the girl and her nightmares that something didn’t feel right, on top of her seeing Demetri killing Atom. Then Atom, Demetri could still see the look on his face when she put the knife in his neck. Demetri talked about how those events were affecting her, that she was starting to have nightmares. Demetri talked about how scared she was about the grounders and how she didn’t want to die, not just yet. She confessed she was so confused about Bellamy, before her wall up about him shattered. Before Clarke knew it, Demetri shared everything that had happened between them, all the times they were together when Clarke wasn’t by her side. She told Clarke about the literal make out session, about the times she’d walk by Bellamy’s tent and girls were leaving it. She was all confused and Clarke listened well, absorbing it all. Demetri knew that no matter what she told Clarke, her best friend would always accept her and vice versa, it was why she valued Clarke so much. Because without her, Demetri felt she’d never find anyone else to accept her for who she was, a broken girl still learning to pick up her pieces herself.
After what felt like hours they had everything off their chests and they sat there holding the other, just basking in the peaceful silence. It had been entirely too long since the last time they had just talked like that, so much had happened. They really weren’t pre-teens anymore who only had to worry about boys in their class and learning about the Ark and it’s rules. They were adults who were just trying to survive till the next day in a world they never thought they’d get to experience in their lifetime. Earth had proven to really keep them on their toes and it was exhausting.
“Now what do we do?” Demetri’s voice was thick from the earlier tearshed.
“I have two questions for you Demi.” Clarke started, twisting her body to look at her friend.
“Go for it.” Demetri sat up to face Clarke, crossing her legs.
“One, have you read your dad’s letter? And two, have you talked to Bellamy about the whole kissing thing?”
“No and no.” Demetri shrugged. “I haven’t had time to read Dad’s letter, frankly I’m terrified. What it confirms everything I have already worked through? What if it just tells me that it was my fault?” Demetri shook the thoughts from her mind. “And I don’t know how to bring it up, I don’t know what I feel for Bellamy. Do I feel something for him? Where we just together when emotions were running high?”
“Demetri.” Clarke scoffed, “You don’t really think that.”
“But I do Clarke. You know I get attached to people easily, it’s why I drew back from others when we were teenagers. What if what I feel for Bellamy comes from the stability he gives me? What if it’s not anything real? I don’t want to use him for my own needs.” Demetri shook her head, she didn’t deal well with people and relationships of any kind. She blamed it on her lack of having a mother and her father always working when she was little.
“Don’t lie to yourself Demi.” Clarke gave her friend a weak smile, “Anyone who couldn’t see how much you two genuinely care for each other is blind. He may be a little rough around the edges but he means well when it comes to you.” Clarke nudged her. “What did you say to me earlier? Something like, ‘he likes you, give him a chance’ or something along those lines?”
“Okay, I get it.” Demetri scrunched up her nose as what Clarke was referring to. “I’ll talk to him once things settle down and we’ve talked to the Ark.” Demetri leant back on her hands. “You should talk to Finn too.” Demetris head bobbed to the side, looking at Clarke at an angle.
“His girlfriend is back, why would I want to ruin their happiness?” Clarke shrugged, not making eye contact as she wrapped her arms around her knees.
“Clarke, he made the choice to pursue you. It takes two people to tango and he’s the second person here. You can’t just not talk about it.” Clarke didn’t say anything. “Look, I get where you’re coming from, you don’t want to ruin what they have. But things are different down on Earth. This was a new start for us, we thought we were gonna die and we didn’t. You should at least allow yourself the closure of talking to him about it.” Demetri mirrored Clarke’s position and folded her arms on top of her knees as she leant over and bumped her elbow against Clarke’s.
“I’ll think about it.” Clarke finally nodded, seeing the reason behind Demetri’s words, like usual. “Are you ever wrong Ole Wise Demetri?” Clarke teased again, poking Demetri in the side.
“Since we’ve landed here on Earth? Nope.” Demetri shook her head, laughing at herself.
The pair settled down once again enjoying the serene quiet as the giggles died down. Demetri looked up when there was a shuffling outside their tent. They saw torch light move along one wall before it doubled back and stopped outside the flap to their tent, there was a light tapping on the outside.
“Are you two up?”
“Yea, just talking, what’s up?” Clarke answered, Bellamy’s head popping into their tent. Speak of the devil.
“Have you seen Octavia?” Bellamy realized his mistake of disturbing a girls’ tent the moment he realized they were half dressed, his face reddened.
“No, we haven’t seen anyone since we came back here.” Demetri thought back, “I haven’t seen Octavia all day.” Demetri had leant back on her hands before he disturbed them, her shirt was resting high on her hips.
“She’s probably off chasing butterflies, Octavia wanders off a lot.” Clarke suggested, completely unbothered by Bellamy being right there.
“I’ve checked the whole camp, I can’t find her.” Demetri saw the panic in his eyes.
She stood up and grabbed her pants, they were half way up her calves when Clarke followed her lead. Clarke looked up to see Bellamy looking up at the ceiling of the tent as the two girls slipped back into their clothing, a pink tinge still coloring his face.
“Alright, we’ll help you look, right Clarke?” Clarke nodded, both girls grabbed their jackets, and slipped on their boots.
Bellamy watched Demetri hesitantly put his jacket on and zip it halfway up before they followed him outside. Clarke walked a little in front of Demetri who naturally fell in step beside Bellamy.
“You two check the dropship and around it, I’ll check the tents again.” Clarke instructed before she took off towards the other end of camp with a torch in hand.
“I’ll check the top two levels for her.” Demetri headed towards the ladder, she was three rungs up when Bellamy’s quiet voice stopped her.
“Thank you.”
“Anything for Octavia right?” Demetri gave him a weak smile before she continued up.
When nothing turned up from the second, more thorough search, Bellamy was on the verge of a mental break. Those still awake were rallied and another rescue group was created. Bellamy set out a bag of manmade weapons from dropship parts and repurposed items broken in the descent in the middle of the main level of the dropship. He informed everyone going out that Octavia had been out there for at least 12 hours now and that they weren’t coming back without her. Demetri stood back and waited for everyone to get ready, she watched Jasper shakily move towards the group and weapons.
“Hey Jasper.” Demetri grabbed his shaking hand. “If you can’t handle this it’s okay.”
“We need everyone we can get.” Bellamy spoke over her.
“It’s fine.” Jasper assured her when he saw her glare towards the older guy. “I need to do this.” Demetri had picked up on the crush Jasper had on Octavia early on because he was quite obvious about it. She knew that’s why he was doing this, since he’d barely left camp after he was speared in the chest and brought back from the brink of death.
“Then stick close alright?” Jasper nodded and moved to grab a weapon, falling back by her side.
“We still need a tracker, C’mon Finn! We’re leaving.” Bellamy ushered the group towards the gap in the wall.
Demetri watched Finn jog up to Clarke with a serious look on his face. There was a moment between them before she turned away from him and focused on the small group gathered by the wall. Demetri turned towards Bellamy, moving to stand by his side as he split the group into two smaller groups to cover more area as they searched.
“Wow, look at that!” Someone called, everyone’s attention following where they were pointing.
“It’s so beautiful!” A girl gasped.
Looking up there seemed to be a meteor shower happening. At least a lot of somethings were burning up in Earth’s atmosphere. Demetri wished she could believe it was a meteor shower but with the recent events her hopes weren’t high.
“The flares didn’t work.” Clarke gasped, staggering forward a step as if that would help her see clearer.
“You can tell from a meteor shower?” Bellamy asked, unconvinced with a skeptical look her way.  
“It’s not a meteor shower, its a funeral.” Clarke mumbled, “Hundreds of bodies returning to earth. This is what it looks likes from the other side.” Clarke looked away from the sky to Raven who walked out from a tent to see the commotion.
Demetri grabbed Bellamy’s hand when she saw how rigid his body went in response what Clarke said. She saw Raven moving towards Bellamy before anyone else could react and she stepped forward almost shielding him from her.
“This is all your fault.” Raven spat, hand jutting out to poke him in the chest over Demetri’s shoulder.
“He knows.” Demetri spat back, challenging Raven to do something.
“And now he has to live with it.” Clarke held Raven back, trying to prevent a fist fight.
“All I know is my sister is out there somewhere and I’m gonna find her. You coming or not?” Bellamy stepped back, his hand falling from Demetri’s.
“Yea, I am.” Finn answered, he turned to Raven. “I have to do this, you stay here and fix the radio. I know you can do it.” His hand cupped Raven’s cheek for a moment.
“I know where you may be able to find some parts you were talking about, let’s go.” Clake pulled Raven away in the opposite direction of the search party.
“Be careful.” Finn called after them as they ran off.
He looked between the retreating pair and Demetri waiting for him, then he nodded to the latter. They both turned to see Jasper waiting for them to join him at the edge of the gate. They walked out with Jasper and moved up towards the front of the group with Bellamy. Demetri walked alongside Finn as he did his tracking thing, moving along in front of the group trying to track Octavia. She followed silently letting him get his bearings. Her mind went back to her talk with Clarke and everything they had discussed, her mind went to Bellamy. It was incredibly obvious how distraught he was with Octavia going missing, it had basically consumed him. She didn’t know how to comfort him or if she could, he had done so much for his sister for so long. Bellamy had lived for Octavia his whole life, she was his life. Demetri kept stealing glances at him as they followed Finn, she was trying to appear indifferent but even that was difficult for her at the moment.
It didn’t take long before Finn discovered a seatbelt Octavia had used as a belt tangled in a bush in the middle of a decline down a ravine. Bellamy nearly  knocked a kid over as he rushed down to examine the belt and once he was sure it was his sister’s he tied rope to a tree at the top of the hill and went down the ravine it lead to first. Demetri followed after Jasper climbed down and Finn followed after her. Finn started to look around as everyone else started to make their way into the ravine when noticed blood on some rocks and difference in depression of footsteps leading away. He told Bellamy and in seconds everyone moved out in the same general direction as the footsteps in a bit of a line to search for more clues. Everyone moved quietly and followed behind Finn, Bellamy, and Demetri as they lead the search. They had made it a ways into the woods when Finn froze and gasped before he could stop himself, causing everyone else to freeze and look for what made him do that.
“This is definitely a warning.”
There were skeletons, mummified and decaying, hung up on poles and trees all looking rather old in a menacing way. Some had aged chains around them, some were missing limbs, some had no head. The scene sent a chill down Demetri’s spine. It was definitely creepy and it worked in scaring about half of the group. Demetri looked over her shoulder to see many of the kids that had followed Bellamy all the way out there suddenly looking fearful and unsure. Bellamy looked back when she tugged on his arm, he sighed quietly before he faced forward again.
“If you want to go back, then go. But she’s my sister so she’s my responsibility.” Bellamy marched forward, swallowing the anxious feeling bubbling up in his throat.
Demetri looked after him and followed without a bit of hesitation. She twisted and turned, avoiding touching any of the warnings no doubt left by the Grounders. She didn’t look back as she moved up by his side in the next moment, stepping lightly to keep quiet. Bellamy visibly relaxed a little when he saw Demetri next to him, sporting a determined look and he felt instantly thankful she had come along.
“I’d walk through hell for her.” Jasper muttered as he followed Demetri’s lead.
“I think we’re already here.” Finn tried to lighten the mood as he fell in step with Jasper.
Only a few followed, the rest talked amongst themselves before turning around and backtracking to camp.
Those who continued looking, about half the original group, fanned out a few feet from Finn and Bellamy who stood at the head of the group. Finn found that there was no real trail to pick up as they kept walking out into the forest. And when Finn told Bellamy that Bellamy once again made it very clear he wasn’t going back without Octavia. He was getting so visibly worked up over his missing sister now that it was putting everyone on edge.
“Bellamy, we’ll find her.” Demetri soothed, stepping up to stand between the two leading men. “I’ll look with you for as long as it takes.”
“Where’d Jack go?” One of the girls Demetri had seen leave Bellamy’s tent once before, named Roma, caught everyone’s attention.
“He was just there.” Jasper nodded towards the empty space just behind him.
“Spread out, let’s find him.” Bellamy instructed, not wanting to lose anyone else.
Nobody had taken more than two steps when Jack’s body fell from above and landed in the middle of the group. Roma jumped back, latching onto the closest person, much to Demetri’s delight it wasn’t Bellamy. The group dissolved into a somewhat organized chaos as everyone turned their backs to the middle and looked around them. Their weapons were all up in a ready position while they all looked around a bit frantic.
“They use the trees.” Finn explained as he looked around, “There!” He pointed out a large grounder far off in the distance. Demetri could see who he was talking about and that Grounder could easily have crushed the skull of a member of the 100 in each hand.
“There’s another one!” Another large, bulky grounder was to the left of the first holding a bigger and scarier sword.
“We need to get back over the boundary.” Diggs called, already inching backwards.
“Run!” Finn yelled and everyone obeyed, they took off and the Grounders gave chase.
As they were jumping over fallen trees and ducking under branches, everyone was having trouble keeping up with the sudden direction changes from Finn and Bellamy. Demetri stayed a little further back running with Jasper as they moved, very aware of the wound in his chest still giving him issues. She noticed what Finn must have been noticing. The grounders kept cutting them off and making them change directions. Demetri found it difficult to keep her panic down and keep her strong front up.
“I can’t keep running.” Jasper gasped as he leant on Demetri for a moment when the group stopped to get their bearings.
“He’s not fully healed.” Demetri’s voice was a little panicked. “Jasper you need to tough it out till we get back to camp.” Demetri wrapped an arm around his waist ready to drag Jasper back if she had to.
“I’m not stopping for him.” Diggs yelped as he left the pair behind.
“I’m tired of running anyway, they know where O is.” Bellamy stopped and looked around him.
Diggs suddenly took off to the right of the group deeper into the woods and the girl named Roma, took off after him. Bellamy huffed out a labored breath before he followed after them with the group jogging after him. Her scream a few minutes later made everyone run a little faster till they found what startled her. Diggs was dead, he had sprung an old trap and a swinging platform with metal spikes had impaled him. There was no hope in even helping him, the impact had more than likely killed him instantly. Finn walked over, careful of any more traps, and closed Diggs’ eyes before he turned back to the group with a questioning look.
“They were leading us here.” Jasper panted, still leaning on Demetri.
“It’s the only way we could have gone.” Demetri shared a worried look with Jasper. “Shit.”
“Where’d they go?” Finn’s eyes darted all around them, the fight or flight response going into overdrive. “They’re not chasing us anymore.”
“Roma.” Bellamy turned towards the direction they’d head her yelp and ran off in the hopes of finding her before the Grounders did.
They were quiet as they came out of a heavily wooded area to one that was more of a meadow with a few large trees. Roma’s head could be seen poking out from behind one of the larger trees still a little ways ahead and Demetri saw her first.
“Roma!” She ran past Bellamy up front only to skid to a halt and nearly tripped over her feet when she registered the spear sticking out of her chest. This spear was straight through the heart and lodged into the trunk of the tree deep enough to hold Roma there.
Bellamy picked her up by her upper body seconds later before looking up to see Roma. He walked over and closed Roma’s eyes. He had been worried about people dying while looking for Octavia, this was three already. But he couldn’t turn back and just leave his sister out here in the wilderness alone. If she died now everything he had done to get down to Earth to protect her would go to waste, he’d committed so many wrongs for nothing.
“She only came because of me.” He sighed, his head falling down. In that moment, Bellamy wanted to bash a grounder’s face in with a rock.
“They’re playing with us.” Finn’s eyes were still flitting around watching out, taking notice of everything around them. “But I don’t see any one.”
“If they’re gonna kill us,” Jasper muttered. “Just get it over with!” He screamed the last part with tears brimming in his eyes.
“Jasper! Don’t do this!” Demetri rushed over to calm him down, she grabbed his face to get him to focus on her and relax a bit. “Shhh, shhh.”
“Bellamy, they’re here!” Roma’s friend, Monroe, backed up into Demetri. She held a spear out in front of her with shaking hands.
They readied to fight with weapons in hand, backs covered by the others. They were easily outnumber 5 to 11 and the odds of them making it back to camp were slim. Demetri had just come to the conclusion that she’d take as many grounders down with her when her thoughts were interrupted. A loud horn sounded from far off in the distance once. The kids watched the grounders freeze, they listened to the horn blow a second time, and then the Grounders just disappeared back into the forest.
“What was that?” Demetri asked shakily, her hands aching from her grip on her axe.
“That’s a warning.” Finn started to wrestle something out of his backpack, the noise loud in all their ears.
“For what?” Bellamy kept an eye out around them.
“Acid fog.” Finn shook out an intact tent and motioned for everyone to get inside. “Get in, quickly.”
Demetri was wedged between Finn and Bellamy as they tucked themselves inside the tent, sealing the only opening by tucking the material under their hands and holding the opening closed, hoping it worked. And if it didn’t they’d all die much like Atom had. After a few minutes of lying there Jasper spoke up.
“How long do have to wait?” He was the other end piece, his knuckles were white from how tightly he was holding the tarp together.
“Will this even work?” Roma inquired, looking from Jasper to Finn.
Finn didn’t get the chance to answer them because Bellamy let out a short breath through his nose and threw the top of the tent back. They saw there was nothing around them, no fog. He did notice someone running away in the distance. A lone Grounder retreating.
“There.” Bellamy pointed. “He’s alone. I’m gonna follow him.” Bellamy jumped up, not waiting for anyone else.
“And what? Kill him?” Finn asked, already standing, starting to roll the tent up messily.
“No, catch him. He may know where Octavia is.” Bellamy called back a few feet away. “Then kill him.”
“Bellamy, we’re not killing him.” Demetri groaned as she jumped up to follow Bellamy.
“How do we know we’re not being lead to another trap?” Jasper whispered as he stood up.
“We don’t Jasper, let’s go.” Finn shoved the tent back into his backpack and followed his stupid friends with Roma and Jasper a step behind him.
They followed the Grounder until he disappeared into a small cave. As the group followed them they discovered a little cave system. They tried to keep up with the Grounder but he moved quickly and quietly, barely making a sound. They snuck in after him in single file because of the small spaces of the route he had taken. They stayed far enough back to not make any noise or get caught. When they came up to the mouth of the larger, main area of the cave Bellamy held everyone back as he crept forward, trying to get an idea of the situation. There was what sounded like a scuffle a few feet ahead and Bellamy bolted towards the noise. Demetri stayed a step behind him, axe at the ready. Bellamy made it to the large open area first to see Octavia chained to a wall and the Grounder they had followed on the ground, not moving. In the moment, his heart swelled so much he thought it was going to burst. He felt his breath leave his body when Octavia’s frightened eyes landed on her brother and a small smile broke out and tears gathered in her eyes.
“Bellamy?” Her voice cracked.
“Octavia!” Bellamy rushed towards Octavia and helped her unlock the chains as Demetri and Finn looked around the cave. “Roma, watch the entrance.”
The moment Octavia’s hands were free she flew to Bellamy wrapping him up in a hug, tears falling from her eyes. Bellamy held her tightly to him, the fear of almost losing her making his chest hurt. Octavia let go of Bellamy and rushed to hug Jasper than Demetri. She had never felt more loved in that moment to know they’d all came looking for her, but it faded quickly as she came back to the situation at hand.
“We need to go, before he wakes up.” Octavia had already moved towards the way her friends had came from, ready to lead them back out of the cave.
“He won’t wake up.” Bellamy grabbed a metal spear from the wall and stepped towards the grounder.
“Bellamy, stop.” Octavia gasped. “He didn’t hurt me.” She stood in front of Bellamy, hands up to keep her brother at bay.
“Bellamy, you’re not killing him.” Demetri repeated herself, loudly enough for her voice to bounce around the cave.
Finn crouched down to look at the man on the ground. He was buff, covered in tattoos and furs, and could probably easily kill everyone in the cave in a minute flat. There was a horn on his hip that caught Finn’s attention, when he mumbled something about it Demetri also noticed it. Finn’s hand started to move towards the horn.
“Finn, mo-” Bellamy started.
The grounder moved as fast as a heartbeat. He stabbed a small knife into Finn’s chest and had knocked Bellamy onto his back before anyone realized he was awake. Bellamy jumped to his feet and rushed the Grounder, aiming the spear at the Grounder’s chest. Octavia dropped down to help Finn and Demetri moved to help Bellamy. She tried to tackle the Grounder and knock him off balance but he just brought his elbow down on her back and knocked Demetri to the ground with a thud. In the next moment, the Grounder had knocked Bellamy to the ground again and had the head of the spear inches above his throat. Demetri’s head jerked over to watch Bellamy struggle at holding the spear just behind the head, trying to keep it from piercing his throat. She scrambled over. Demetri just started wailing on the grounded, hitting his legs and abdomen as much as she could. It wasn’t doing anything because the Grounder just used his foot and punted Demetri back a few feet. The fight left the grounder when Jasper popped up behind him and hit him in the back of the head with his own spear. The Grounder hit the ground and Bellamy scrambled to use the chains that had one been around Octavia’s wrists on him. Once the grounder was unconscious and chained up, Jasper fell to his knees beside Finn. A new wave of panic swept over the group and they quickly fell into a new kind of disorganized chaos as they scrambled out of the cave and towards camp with a now going unconscious and losing blood, Finn.
They moved quickly as Demetri ran forward supporting Octavia, who had injured her ankle, yelling for Clarke the closer they got to camp. It felt like since they landed all they did was run, but now was not the time to complain about it. Demetri tightened her grip around Octavia’s waist and pushed on as Octavia limped along at her side.
“Clarke! Get out here!” Demetri called, after a guy named Miller, the gate opened for them. “Clarke?” Her voice was tired and strained.
The familiar blonde head bounded down towards the gate to find Demetri and Octavia both out of breath. Clarke was happy they had found Octavia and approached them with a warm smile. Then Clarke noticed the wild look in Demetri’s eyes and it caused a sinking feeling in her chest.
“What is it Demi?” Her voice cracked a bit.
“Finn.” Demetri gasped. “Finn needs help.”
Clarke looked up to see Bellamy and Jasper carrying Finn into the camp very carefully with a small knife sticking out of his chest and some cloth wrapped around the blade. She rushed to him as some of the guys took Finn from Bellamy and Jasper and held him horizontal to the ground. Demetri barely noticed Roma entering camp after them, watching their backs before she rushed to check in with someone. Demetri saw Raven leaving the dropship about this time, no doubt perking up at hearing Finn’s name earlier.
“He’s alive.” She said after checking his pulse. “Get him into the dropship. Good call leaving the knife in or he would have bled out.” Clarke’s voice shook a bit as she instructed them to move Finn.
“Good call Blake.” Demetri nudged Bellamy, trying to slow her racing heart.
“Can you save him?” Raven rushed up to Clarke fighting tears when she saw the knife sticking out of Finn.
“My mom can, I need to talk to her Raven.” Demetri was worried about having the supplies Clarke would need to help him, they didn’t exactly have access to a medbay or anything down here.
“But the radio--” Raven stuttered, unable to see or think of anything that wasn’t Finn in that moment. “I need more time.”
“Raven, fix it.” Clarke spoke calmly. “I know you can do this.” Raven just nodded, she took off towards the dropship to get back to what she had been working on.
“Are you okay Octavia?” Clarke turned to her, giving her a quick once over.
“Yea, worry about Finn right now.” Octavia straightened her back and stepped away from Demetri after thanking her.
As Clarke took off towards the dropship, Bellamy turned towards his sister wearing a stern look only a brother would have on his face. Demetri felt the tension rise around the siblings, she watched everyone else quickly leave the immediate area. She wanted to give them their space too, but she couldn’t move from her spot. Something inside told her to stay and it overpowered everything else telling her to leave.
“Why did you defend him?” Bellamy growled.
“Bell, he saved my life. That spear meant for Roma was--” Octavia started, ready to explain.
“O, he could have saved your life only to use you as bait later!” Bellamy’s eyes were huge as he stared at his sister, the fear from earlier bubbling up.
“Bellamy, calm down.” Demetri took a tentative step forward, she learned early on that both of the Blakes were hot-headed and things could easily get blown out of proportion.
“Stay out of this Demetri.” He growled.
“I don’t think he wou--” Octavia started, getting Bellamy’s attention back on her.
“That’s your problem, you don’t think! We lost three people today looking for you. And if you had let me kill him, Finn wouldn’t be in there dying.” Bellamy barked, he had taken a step closer to Octavia and stared down at her.
“Stop blaming me for your mistakes Bellamy.” Demetri watched Octavia step up to her brother, a hateful look in her eyes. “I wanted to leave, if Finn dies that’s on you. Everything that’s gone wrong is because of you.” Octavia growled, she pushed against his chest. “You got me locked up, you wanted me to go to that dumb dance, you got mom killed.” This was about more than just what happened, that much was clear.
Demetri gaped at Octavia, she’d never seen the younger girl so angry. There were the times that Demetri worried about them, when both of them were angry for different reasons. But this was family matters, these were real personal matters between the Blake siblings she felt she had no say in. But she also felt that if she didn’t step in, things would blow out of proportion and someone could get seriously hurt. Demetri’s hand started to reach for Bellamy but stopped and jerked back to tug at her bottom lip as she watched them continue.
“Me?” Bellamy sniffled, “Mom got floated for having you. That was her choice, I never had one. My life ended the day you were born.” Bellamy’s voice was empty as he stared coldly down at Octavia.
“Bellamy.” Demetri’s voice was quiet, she wanted to help, she wanted to stop the fighting but she didn’t know how.
Octavia let out a humorless, dry laugh as she glared up at Bellamy. She spun on her heels and went to walk out of camp before Bellamy grabbed her arm and yanked her back over the barrier. Demetri watched Octavia rip her arm from his grasp and trudge off into camp somewhere, heading in the direction of the dropship. Demetri approached Bellamy carefully, she watched his face with every move she made. He didn’t shrug her off when she placed her hand on his shoulder. Bellamy looked up from the ground to see a member of the 100 still outside the wall.
“Get inside, go!” The kid scurried past Bellamy, sparing Demetri a look before he darted off somewhere into camp much like Octavia had.
“I wish I knew what to say Bell.” Demetri started, watching him close the gate and lean his head against it.
“Just let me have a moment?” He asked, looking up at Demetri she saw the unshed tears in his eyes.
Demetri nodded and Bellamy closed the gap between their bodies and wrapped his arms around her. She felt his shakily breathing, his bones rattled as he held her tight enough to keep himself together. Demetri wrapped her arms around his neck hiding him away from the world, letting him have a few moments of solace alone. His hot breath warmed her neck as he stood there, head down in the space between her shoulder and neck. Goosebumps rose over her skin as his breath tickled her neck and sent chills rippling through her body. He took a few deep breaths and got to a place where he was much calmer.
“Why do I feel so safe around you?” He asked the air, letting Demetri’s soft hands bring him to a place of peace.
“I should ask you the same thing.” She teased, playing with his hair.
“I don’t have an answer for you sweetheart.”
“Neither do I.” She gave him one last squeeze before pushing his head back a bit. “Let’s go see if we can be any help?”
“Sure.” Bellamy nodded, wanting to feel close to Demetri a little longer he held her hand as they walked towards the dropship. When they’re outside the door he stopped. “I’ll be back shortly okay, you go help. I need to do something.”
“Sure, be careful.” Demetri gave his hand a squeeze before he ran off, she hoped he wouldn’t do anything reckless.
Demetri got to the dropship in time to hear a voice coming from the radio, a voice Demetri knew well. Abby Griffin’s voice echoed through the radio. Clarke relayed the important information to those on the Ark, those around knew that at least Abby and Jaha were listening but Demetri knew Kane was there too. She waited until the news about Wells was passed on before she stepped forward and offered her hands to help Clarke. Octavia ran back into the dropship with a thermos of Monty’s moonshine as the signal started going in and out. Demetri watched Raven climb down from the top level with a needle and she handed it to Clarke probably to sew Finn’s wound shut. The oncoming storm had left the surrounding area drenched in rain and as the radio signal went in and out again, Clarke and Raven visibly got more anxious. Clarke made the call to shut the dropship doors just as Bellamy showed back up, soaked through to the bone, with Monty and Jasper dumping the grounder from before on the floor.
“What the hell is this Bellamy?” Octavia drops from the second rung of the ladder. “Revenge?”
“Intel.” He corrects her. “We’re getting answers. Get him upstairs.”
“This isn’t who we are.” Clarke turns to Bellamy, ignoring her mom’s voice for the moment.
“It is now.” Bellamy looks between Clarke and Demetri, his gaze focusing on the radio setup for a moment.
“Demi, go with them. Me and Raven can take care of Finn.”
Demetri nodded and followed Bellamy and two guys, Miller and Johnson, up the ladder much to Bellamy’s displeasure. She crawled up to the top of the dropship and settled in a spot back by the wall. She wouldn’t interfere unless she had too, because she was honestly curious as hell. The grounder started to wake up as Octavia’s popped up through the hatch. Both Demetri and Bellamy watched the way the grounder reacted to seeing Octavia before him.
“Octavia, get out of here.” Bellamy turned to his sister.
“He was protecting me, you don’t have to do this.” She almost begged.
“This isn’t about you. I’m doing this for all of us. We need to know what we’re up against, how many there are, and why they’re killing us. And he’s gonna tell us.” Bellamy turned towards the Grounder who was strung up before them on his knees.
“Bellamy, no, don’t!” Octavia started fighting against Miller as he moved to stop her.
“Get her out of here.” Bellamy’s focus didn’t leave the grounder.
“Don’t touch me.” Octavia shoved Miller away, she sent Demetri a knowing look. “I don’t think he’ll even understand you.” She said before she started down the ladder.
“Oh I think he will.” Demetri saw the look in Bellamy’s eyes as he approached the Grounder.
Demetri stepped forward, side stepping Miller and Johnson who were making sure Octavia went down the ladder. She stopped beside Bellamy eyes on him before he looked away from the Grounder at her.
“Don’t do anything stupid Bellamy.” Demetri grabbed his arm.
“I won’t.” Bellamy glanced away from her. “I won’t.” He repeated to try and reassure her. “Go check out his stuff okay?”
Demetri nodded as she went over to his bag and started poking through it carefully. She noticed the Grounder looking at her rather than Bellamy. As Bellamy started asking basic questions, his eyes would go back to Bellamy for a brief moment before drifting back to Demetri. She slowly pulled things out, a cloak, a few daggers and knives all that seemed to be handmade, a metal tin full of tiny glass bottles full of various things, a notebook.
The Grounder showed a reaction when Demetri opened the notebook and Bellamy spun around to see what caused the only reaction he’d given them. He took the notebook from Demetri and started flipping through the pages. There were a lot of sketches, like those Demetri drew and one of the last ones resembled Octavia quite a bit. The look Bellamy shot the Grounder could have put him six feet under. He kept flipping before he found a page marked by a single black feather. The left side of the spread was a rough sketch of the front of their wall, and the right had 102 tick marks, with a few crossed out.
“Our camp. I bet if I counted those marks crossed out it’d match the 10 we’ve lost. You’ve been watching us since we landed haven’t you.” Demetri perked up at that.
That time, after saving Jasper and the leopard, someone was watching them. It was like the Grounder knew that Demetri had connected the dots as he stared right at her. He had been watching them, and he knew that Demetri had noticed him at least once. He had known right away he had to be careful of her, she seemed to see everything. Bellamy continued to flip through the pages standing right in front of the Grounder who was still focused Demetri, when the hatch opened and Clarke stepped up into the room.
“Let her through.” Bellamy commanded Johnson, who went to stop her, and he stepped aside.
Before Clarke could talk there was loud clap of thunder outside and the dropship shook. Demetri imagined something might have hit the side of the ship with the way it jerked around. Those up on the Ark had told them a hurricane was working its way over where they had landed. Since Bellamy had gotten back with the Grounder there had been little bumps into the dropship, but nothing as big as what just shook them. Demetri didn’t care much for storms, while they were new to experience here on Earth, they seemed dangerous and scary and lately she was not fond of that combination.
“If they don’t hate us, they will now.” Clarke muttered, glaring at Bellamy for a moment.
Demetri watched Bellamy drag Clarke away by her wrist. She stayed by the grounder, trying to speak to him with just eyes. She watched him react to what the pair a few feet away were talking about. He looked up when they talked about him, looked away when they mentioned his people. The smallest reactions told Demetri what she needed to know. Just when she was putting the pieces together she noticed he was watching her now. It wasn’t anything other than the grounder just observing her, reading her movements like she was reading his earlier. Everyone’s attention jerked to the open hatch when Raven yelled for Clarke, telling them Finn was seizing. Clarke rushed down the ladder without a second thought. His attention turned to the still silent grounder as Bellamy moved towards the him. His glare changed when he saw the way the grounder was looking Demetri, it was a look of intrigue and interest. He pushed Demetri back by her shoulder before stepping between them, feeling protective of the young woman. The grounder’s eyes moved from Demetri to Bellamy calmly, in no rush or panic.
Before anything could happen there was pounding on the hatch again and Clarke started yelling. Miller let her up and she stormed straight up to the grounder, the knife from Finn’s chest in hand.
“What’s on the blade? Is there an antidote?” She was frantic, eye pleading with the man before her.
“What’s going on?” Demetri stepped around Bellamy and up to Clarke’s side, ready to step in in things got too chaotic.
“He poisoned the blade. He knew Finn would die no matter what we did.” Clarke waved the knife around in front of the grounder’s face, who seemed completely unfazed.
“He doesn’t understand you.” Octavia tried to calm Clarke down, Demetri believed otherwise but she had realized he wouldn’t talk if he didn’t want to.
“The vials.” Bellamy rushed to pull the metal tin Demetri had found over to the grounder and Clarke as Demetri mentioned them.
Clarke dropped the knife and started eying the little glass bottles. She was getting more frantic as she asked which one could help Finn and the grounder just stared at her. Things were going nowhere fast. Bellamy stepped forward with a fire in his eyes.
“No Bellamy.” Demetri grabbed his arm firmly, “We’re not doing it like this.”
“If we don’t find out which is the antidote, Finn dies. Do you want that?” Bellamy faced Demetri. “Every life matters down here.” He threw her words back at her, watching her face scrunch up in displeasure.
“Of course not.” She replied, watching him. “But beating someone into submission? Torture? Is that a bridge you want to cross because you might not come back.” Demetri held onto his arm tightly, pleading with her eyes for Bellamy to think about this.
“What about you Clarke?” Bellamy turned to the blonde off to the side, who was waiting. “Do you want Finn to die?” Demetri knew what she’d say, hell Bellamy knew what Clarke would say. He just needed someone to back him up, or else he wouldn’t be able to do what he was about to do.
“Do it.” She gave him the green light.
The guys dragged Octavia back as she cried and yelled at them, till she was far enough away. Clarke stepped aside with the tin in her hands as Bellamy moved away from Demetri and towards the side of the ship. He cut a seatbelt at the base of the chair so the metal buckle could be used. Demetri watched in silent trepidation as Bellamy cut through the grounder’s shirt and ripped it from his body. With his eyes Bellamy apologized to Demetri for doing this, he begged for her understanding. Bellamy didn’t want to do this, but to save Finn he had to.
Then he swung the makeshift whip, the buckle making contact with the grounder’s stomach with a meaty thud. Everyone in the room flinched. Bellamy steeled his nerves and hit him again. Demetri looked away as Clarke dropped to her knees and dumped the vials out before the grounder. The grounder only stared hard at Bellamy, never sparing Clarke even a flicker of a glance.
“Please, which one?” Tears ran down her cheeks as she lifted vial after vial, looking at the grounder for anything.
When he didn’t answer, Bellamy slowly pulled Clarke back so she wasn’t in the way. The Grounder looked at Octavia in the back crying and Demetri on the side with her mouth covered, trying to keep herself together. Bellamy started to swing at the grounder more and more until Demetri couldn’t take it anymore.
“Stop! Bellamy, stop! This isn’t helping!” Demetri shook as she begged him, “You’ll just kill him at this rate and then Finn dies too. Just stop!” Demetri ran to stand in front of Bellamy, making sure he stopped.
Bellamy looked at the way Demetri’s face contorted with fear, for Finn, for the grounder and he couldn’t do it anymore. He dropped the seat belt and Demetri sighed with relief but it was short lived. Bellamy ignored Clarke pleas to the Grounder and grabbed a piece of metal in a T-shape and shoved the long end through the grounder’s hand. Demetri watched as the grounder fought to keep quiet, wincing as the metal rod pierced straight through his palm. Raven busted through the hatch in more of a panic than Clarke had been. She looked around to see the pandemonium and after being told that the grounder wasn’t talking she went to jerk two wires from the wall. Demetri had never seen a more pure and raw fear in anyone’s eyes and it scared her.
“I’ll make him talk.” Raven’s voice shook. “I’ll show him something new.” She tugged on the wires again.
“Raven! No.” Demetri shoved her away from the wires as Raven started wrestling with her, trying to get free of Demetri’s solid hold on her. “We’re not doing this.”
“He’s all I have! He can’t die!” She sobbed, finally collapsing into Demetri’s arms. “Please, help Finn.”
Octavia was gasping for breath near the hatch when the knife Clark threw down earlier caught her eye. She picked it up and walked right up to the grounder. Before everyone in the room, including the Grounder who had saved her before, she sliced the blade down her arm leaving a long shallow cut in its wake. Her hands shook as she kneeled before the vials and pointed the knife at each one before he nodded at the one furthest to the right. As soon as Octavia got the confirmation needed she handed it off to Clarke. Demetri blinked and both Raven and Clarke were down the ladder to save Finn. Octavia just stared at the grounder with a look of awe and wonder.
Demetri rushed over with a clean cloth to wrap around Octavia’s arm after Raven was occupied with Finn downstairs. Demetri watched Octavia shrugged Bellamy off when he tried to check on her as she turned away from him and towards Demetri. He quickly masked the hurt on his face before he mumbled about going to check the storm damaged and he disappeared down the ladder. Demetri held tightly to Octavia’s arm before she sighed. One problem had been taken care of, she wondered how long until the next one came up.
“Thank you.” Demetri said quietly to the Grounder who nodded, just the tiniest bit then turned his attention back to Octavia. “Octavia, let Clarke go look at that, okay? And make sure you get some of the antidote. I’ll watch him.” Octavia nodded and she slowly descended the ladder after looking at the man tied up before her.
Demetri moved to get the tub of water and some cloth that had been brought up earlier, before kneeling in front of the grounder. She looked at the mess her people had created, the things they’d done to the man before her. She stood up again after a moment unsure of where to start as guilt riddled her chest.
“I guess the first thing to do is get this out of your hand.” Demetri carefully removed the metal rod Bellamy had shoved through his hand, watching his face as she pulled it out in hopes of not hurting him too much more.
She was shocked when the grounder didn’t resist. He let her clean the wound on his hand and wrap it with some clean bandages. He watched her clean the blood off his face and the blood that had trickled down to his chest. She was gentle, trying desperately to show him that they weren’t who was just beating him, they weren’t like that. He was watching her so closely she didn’t know what to think or say, she could feel his eyes on her.
“I’m sorry this happened.” She looked up at him and spoke quietly, aware of Miller who sat on the other side of the top level. “This isn’t who we are, this isn’t what we do. You saved Octavia and this is how we thank you.” Demetri laughed dryly. “I’m so sorry.”
“Thank you.” His voice was quiet and gravelly.
Demetri just stared at him, processing the two words he just spoke. Demetri knew he understood her, this changed things but she knew she couldn’t tell Bellamy or he’d lose his mind. Demetri gnawed on her lip as she tried to work out what to do when Octavia popped into the room a few moments later. She slowly approached them, her focus solely on the Grounder.
“I cleaned his hand, and wiped the blood from his face. There’s not much left to do but you can finish up if you want.” Demetri turned towards Octavia, she leant forward so Miller couldn’t hear, “He understands us, I’ll distract Miller so you can talk to him.” Demetri turned to Miller, “Hey, she needs clean water and I have to go help with the damage check since the storm’s over, help her for me.” Demetri smiled up at Miller, hoping the sweet smile would persuade him.
“I’m not supposed to leave him alone.” Miller’s eyes harden as he stared at the grounder, a deep hatred burned in them. “Bellamy’s orders.”
“It will take you thirty seconds Miller, I’ll take care of Bellamy if he says anything.” Demetri stood and crossed her arms over her chest.
Miller reluctantly nodded and went down the ladder before Demetri with the tub of bloodied water. She sent the two one last look, seeing a conversation being said with their eyes and smiled to herself. Demetri climbed down the ladder in search of something to do so she wasn’t completely lying to Miller. She hit the bottom floor in time to see Clarke wake a snoozing Raven because Finn had finally woken up and was doing much better.
She snuck past them and out of the dropship in search of a particular person. Bellamy was surveying the damage as some of the 100 were picking up camp in the wake of the storm. She stopped beside him with the metal rod resting heavy in her grasp. He looked down at her before the blood stained rod in her hand caught his eyes. It looked so out of place with her, a tool used for something gruesome in the hands of someone who was only trying to stop it all. He took it from her and gave Demetri a sad look when they locked eyes.
“Demetri, who we are and who we need be to survive are totally different things.”
“What happens when they overlap Bellamy? You know that wasn’t who you are, I know that wasn’t who you are, but what about everyone else? What about Octavia?” Demetri stopped herself when she saw the pain flash through Bellamy’s tired eyes. “We can’t hold him here forever.” Demetri changed directions.
“We’ll figure something out.” He assured her, mostly speaking to himself. “C’mon, let’s help clean up.” Bellamy quickly ended the conversation because he would not have any answers to any of  Demetri’s questions. With the grounder just a little while ago he acted on instinct and nothing else, and he couldn’t explain any of what he had done. He guided her towards a pile of mess with a hand on the small of her back, hoping desperately that things would start to look up soon.
They worked in silence at first, moving stuff broken from the storm to one pile and moving stuff still intact to another. Demetri was being incredibly obvious that she was stealing looks at Bellamy, a lot had happened in the last few hours and she was worried about the older male. Normally, Demetri wouldn’t pry about something because she hated sharing about herself and hated it even more when people asked too many questions, but the argument between Bellamy and Octavia before really stuck to the front of her mind. She couldn’t get the words they had thrown at each other out of her head. When the Blake siblings had separated they both looked equally distraught and hurt by the other. She gnawed on lip as she thought about what to do, if she should do anything as she cleaned up. Bellamy finally told everyone to take a break and Demetri figured it was now or never, when she tentatively tugged on his arm.
“Wait here for a minute.” Bellamy nodded curious about her change in demeanor, Demetri ran off to get their canteens and walked back to Bellamy who sat up on a pile of logs waiting for her. “Here.” She handed his canteen over and smiled.
“Thanks.” Bellamy took a few gulps before he turned to Demetri. “What is it? You have that look on your face.”
“What look?” Demetri’s hand moved up to her cheek, like she could figure it out.
“The look that tells me you want to say something but you’re not sure about it.” Bellamy took another sip and watched Demetri’s face contort into one of slight shock. “You’re not the only one observing things.” Bellamy enjoyed the way Demetri’s cheeks tinged pink.
“Fair enough. But you’re not gonna like it.” She warned, not looking at him.
“If you haven’t noticed,” Bellamy turned away from her as he cleared his throat, “I can’t stay mad at you for long.” Demetri tugged on Bellamy’s red ear.
“Hide your face all you want, your ears give you away.” Demetri giggled, enjoying how his face was a deep red when he turned back around.
“Go on with your question sweetheart.” The pet name still caused Demetri to wrinkle her nose at him.
“When you were arguing with Octavia, both of you said a lot of things. I had a question about that.”
“I figured as much, I’ve been waiting for you to ask about me.” Bellamy was a lot more calm than Demetri thought he’d be. “How about I give you the abridged version and when we’re not waiting to die I’ll tell you again in more detail?” He watched the way Demetri’s brows furrowed in thought.
“Whatever your comfortable with Bellamy, I don’t want to force anything out of you.” Demetri peeked at Bellamy to see him looking way too relaxed as he leant back against the log behind him, watching her.
“I’m relieved your asking about me, I thought you hated me after what happened in my tent.” Bellamy watched Demetri’s face flush.
“I don’t hate you, I was just surprised.” Demetri cleared her throat, “Tell me about yourself first, whatever it is you wanted to share. Then we’ll talk about that.” Bellamy nodded, then took a deep breath.
“I wasn’t very old when my mom had Octavia, she had her in our room. I didn’t understand at the time why having a second kid was so bad, it made no sense why we had to keep O a secret but we did. Mom, she did what she needed to do to know about surprise inspections ahead of time and things of the like.” Demetri watched Bellamy’s hand squeeze into a fist, she used hers to loosen it and one of her hands held his. “You know the solar flare masquerades? I thought it would be the perfect time to let Octavia out of the room, so she could see the Ark for the first time after 16 years spent locked in our room. I hated having to help mom keep her there. No one should have to live like that. But I messed up, I wasn’t able to protect her. Even though my cadet unit was watching over the dance I wasn’t able to protect my little sister. The guards found out Octavia didn’t have an ID card, then they found out what my mom had done.” Bellamy sighed, his eyes focusing on Demetri’s hand in his. “Mom was floated for breaking the law and Octavia was locked up all on the same day. I keep thinking if I hadn’t come up with that stupid idea we’d still be living in that room together right now.”
“But you freed her.” Demetri turned her attention to the clear blue sky above them. “She’s no longer living in a hole in the floor of the Ark, she’s alive on Earth. Your mother made the choice to keep Octavia and she put a lot of pressure on you but she knew what she was doing.” Demetri locked eyes with Bellamy for a moment, “You’re a good brother, Bellamy. Octavia is lucky to have you looking out for her, even though you’re a little overbearing.” Demetri grinned at him, hoping he’d smile back.
“I fell right into his hands though, he knew I’d risk my life so I could keep an eye on Octavia.” He looked down at his boots. “Shumway knew exactly what to say to get me to do his dirty work.” Bellamy’s glare could have pierced the earth below his feet.
“Commander Shumway?” Demetri knew that name and the rumors surrounding him. “He’s one of the few people who have followed Kane his whole time in office. He’s been conspiring with Guards in the skybox for months.”
“What do you mean?”
“The Guards talked a lot around the solitary cells knowing we had no one to talk to and no one would believe us. They planned to stage something but they never used names. Maybe that’s what it was. Maybe they needed someone to take the fall for the plan.” Demetri perked up. “We can trade this information for your immunity.”
“What?” Bellamy turned to Demetri with wide eyes.
“We trade the name of who wanted Jaha dead for your being pardoned for your crimes. You were coerced into it Bellamy, they preyed on your devotion to your sister.” Demetri nodded along as she talked.
“They’ll never go for it.” Bellamy brushed off the idea, preferring be realistic versus hopeful but Demetri preferred the latter.
“You don’t realize who it is you’re talking to, that’s cute.” Demetri teased as she squeezed his hand.
Bellamy watched the determined look pass through her face before it was replaced with a more solemn look. Demetri sat her canteen on the ground beside her backpack before she let go of Bellamy’s hand and pulled a notebook out of her backpack. Bellamy watched quietly as Demetri opened her notebook and pulled an envelope from the blank pages and held it out before her. She didn’t know why talking to Bellamy about his mom made her think of her dad, maybe it’s because it deals with parents but her chest felt heavy. Demetri felt entirely too comfortable around Bellamy and found herself wanting to trust him with more about herself. She wanted to open her heart up to him even if it could come back to bite her later.
“We’re a lot alike.” Demetri turned the envelope around in her hands as she talked. “Just trying to protect those we care about, to protect people in general but we manage to fall short.” She paused, “This is the last thing my dad left me. It was given to me just before we were sent down here, the person who gave it to me had held onto it for over a decade because he didn’t think I could understand the situation.”
“What happened Demetri?” Bellamy gave her knee a squeeze, sensing she wanted him to ask.
“I think this letter will probably fill in a lot the blanks I have, but what I know is that he took his own life. I came home after walking back with Clarke after class to find my dad hanging in the middle of our room.” Demetri zoned out as she spoke, unaware of Bellamy’s hand on her knee. “I just ran back to Clarke’s place, I was crying when Abby opened the door. When she went with me to check on him she noticed he had used enough morphine to kill three people. I guess the wire around his neck was an extra measure.” She laughed dryly. “Instead of just sending him off, he was floated for theft of medical supplies. I’m sure if I hadn’t been so young I could have taken the fall for his crimes.”
“I’m sorry Demetri.” Bellamy’s voice pulled Demetri back. She suddenly felt bad for oversharing, like she shouldn’t have said anything at all.
“It’s all in the past.” Demetri shrugged, “I’ve worked through a lot of issues in my time in the skybox. For a long time I thought it was my fault that maybe I’d done something that pushed him over the edge, but I always knew in the back of my mind that he wasn’t in a good headspace. I couldn’t have helped him no matter what I did. So, he left me.” She couldn’t stop the words as they tumbled out, the comfortable feeling Bellamy gave her made her spill all her secrets.
Silence surrounded them as if they were in a bubble. They still heard the outside noises, the other kids just on the other side of the piles of rubble and the birds in the trees. But they were swallowed in the silence that followed their heavy conversation. Each of them letting the other’s story sink into their bodies and take root in their bones. Demetri was just about to apologize for making the mood so dark when Bellamy opened his mouth first.
“You promised me a few days ago that you’d always be by my side.” Bellamy pulled her face towards him by cupping her cheek. “I feel like I should be the one to promise that to you. I can’t even imagine having to try and understand all that happening when you were so young. This makes things about you more understandable. You stick to Clarke because she’s all you know and you always run away when I’ve tried to get close to you.” Demetri wouldn’t look at Bellamy as he pieced her together, as he started to figure her out. “Will you give me a chance to prove to you that I won’t leave? Will you let me in?”
“I can’t make any promises, but I can try.” Demetri answered him after a minute.
“That’s enough for me, because your trust right now is already a big step.”
“Okay.” Demetri sighed, “Can this serious moment be over? I can’t take it anymore.” She grinned at Bellamy, who could only shake the disbelief away. A weight having been lifted from both of their chests after opening the closet and clearing away some skeletons. A weird calm feeling settling between the pair.
“As long as you don’t run away next time I kiss you.” Demetri’s eyes snapped over to Bellamy to see the coy smile on his lips.
“I guess I can make that promise.” Demetri feigned surrender, trying to hide her warm cheeks.
Bellamy’s smile made Demetri’s thumping heart settle. She knew he was going to kiss her, he wouldn’t have made her promise to not run if he wasn’t going to make a move. In the next moment Bellamy’s lips were on her’s again. This kiss was slow and rather short compared to the last time they found themselves in a similar position. Bellamy didn’t want to scare Demetri away like before so he settled for one simple kiss. He was delightfully surprised when Demetri grabbed his shoulders and pulled him back to her for another kiss, this one a little more satisfying for both parties.
“Thank you for telling me about yourself, I promise it won’t change anything between us.” Bellamy’s forehead was pressed against Demetri’s, the words passing in a whisper.
“I hope it changes one thing between us.” Demetri rolled her eyes, “Clarke and Octavia already think there’s something going on here. I’m sure the rest of the camp has their own ideas about us.” Demetri hid her face in Bellamy’s neck for a moment.
“Let them. We’ll take things slow and let them think what they want.”
Demetri nodded. She put the envelope back in her notebook and went to put it in her backpack when Bellamy stopped her. He saw the hesitation when she put the letter in her notebook and he wanted to encourage her like she always encouraged him.
“You should read it.”
“I will, but it doesn’t feel right right now.” Demetri shoved the notebook into her backpack and zipped it up before shouldering it. “We’ve got more important things to deal with right now. Once things have slowed down I will.” She paused, before looking up at Bellamy. “Can you be with me when I do?”
“Of course. I just don’t know when things will slow down Demetri.”
“We won’t be running a marathon every day.” Demetri looked away from Bellamy. “And you’re probably on Demi level now.”
“Hm, I prefer Sweetheart.” Bellamy smirked.
“Moment definitely over.” She jumped up and headed back towards people trying to fight back a smirk.
“You said you wouldn’t run away!” Bellamy chuckled.
“You didn’t kiss me just then!” Demetri replied, only to blush after realizing what she had said so loudly.
Bellamy stood, shouldered his bag, and followed after her. The smile he saved only for her felt like a permanent addition to his face. He knew now that no matter what obstacle he faced, if Demetri was by his side, he would be okay. The sense of security she gave him was indescribable to anything he has ever felt.
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