neetemp · 8 months
Best template for your business
Through our great experience in the field of business and development, We have transferred our expertise through digital product templates that will help you in your business, As these templates are specialized in detail in several areas (Feasibility studies, Business, Financial models, Reports, marketing plans, Project management, identity products Design business) Also, These templates are easy to use, Customizable & modified, Tutorial how to use it , Thus will reducing costs and achieving profit to reach your goals
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baluciarz · 7 months
muszę jednak chodzić na tą uczelnię nie odpuszczą mi tak łatwo (otworzyli więcej grup)
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justyokorebirth5 · 2 days
Stara ugotowała 320 g fasoli i ją zjadlam jakieś 30min po (zbyt) dużym śniadaniu, po prsotu jest coś w fasolce szparagowej co robi ze mnie jakiegoś świra, muszę jej powiedzieć żeby chowala ja do mikrofali bo jak jest na stole to zaraz amniamniamniam
Strasznie satysfakcjonująca materia organiczna hmmmm a jutro muszę wstać o 6 30 do szkoły 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 matka kazała mi zostać 5h ale ja chyba tylko podpisze listę i spierdalam, ja nie wytrzymam tam ehhh jeśli nie mam adhd to nie dostanę leków jak nie dostanę leków to nie będę mogła mieć normalnej pracy bo będę chciała się zabic albo być bezdomna, Boże jak ja bardzo chciałabym być 30letnim neetem jak mój kuzyn ale moja stara ma tylko ok 3500 emerhturay a rachunki za dom to dziadek płaci a on ma z 86 lat xd więc to over mojego marzenia, mogę jedynie być w żałobie myśląc o nieosiągalnej przyszłości, ja nawet nie dam rady poznan bogatego męża bo 1 brzydota 2 za rzadko wychodzę z domu i to małe miasto a nie smierdzonca warszawka z całą śmietanką nowobogackich patusow, doslownie jak nie m adhd to nwm jak ja będę żyć doslownie bezdomność smakuje lepiej niż praca 8h ehhh pamiętam jak rok temu grabiła liście i robiłam jakieś gowna w ogródku i bylsm taka wyczilowana i sobie słuchałam muzyczki ehhh I pomyslam że może bym dala rade w takiej pracy ale takie coś to raczej bycie konserwatorem w miejscach publicznych no i nie jest się samemu a tak to bym musiała mieć samochód ehhh dobra self dox ale mieszkam blisko goluchowa, mogłabym tam doslownie sprzątać gowna żubrów, to by było milion razy lepsze niż jakakowliek praca biurowa plus bym nie zdziczała bo bym musiała wychodzić z domu kurwa ty jebany śmierdzący patusie co od roku robisz prawo jazdy OGARNIJ SIE DEBILU AAAAAAAAAAAAA BLAGAM NIECH JAKIS BOGACZ MNIE UTZYNUJE jA NIE DAM RADY DOSLOWNIE MINIMUM EGZYSTENCJONALNE MI WYSTARCZY
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justyokorebirth5 · 7 months
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On nawet ze mna nie gadal tylko z moją mamą ale i tak jakoś mi smutno bo pewnie i tak w myślach, może nawet podświadomie zostałam porównana z kuzynem neetem
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justyokorebirth5 · 10 months
Śniło mi się że jakiś znany polski aktor (w moim śnie przynjamoej) wszedł jak się kapalam i powiedzial ze chce seggs i miałam mu dać znać do jakiegoś tam dnia chyba czy chce czy nie i mialam burdel w kibly zajebisty a potem byla rodzina u mnie i kuzyn powiedzial ze dobrze wygldam jak ja stalam w tym brudnym kiblu i bylo mi wstyd ze jest burdel xd I wujek mi zniszczył pianino jak się dowiedział że nie studiuje i że to przez pianino i był wkurwiony bo przez to że nie studuije to nie będę mieć pracy i będę u niego mieszkać jako neet z kuzynem neetem
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neetemp · 2 years
A Quick Overview of the Feasibility Study Process: What You Need to Know
When you’re thinking of launching a new product or service, it’s important to get all the information you need upfront. That way, you can make informed decisions about how to proceed with your business venture. At some point, almost every company considers launching a new product or service as the next logical step in their growth strategy. Before moving forward, however, it makes sense to conduct a feasibility study first. A feasibility study is an in-depth analysis of the potential business proposition. It provides an indication of whether such a launch is likely to be profitable and whether the necessary resources can be found at an affordable price. If you’re considering launching a new product or service soon, read on for more details about what a feasibility study involves and why it’s so important.
What is a feasibility study?
A feasibility study is an in-depth analysis of the potential business proposition. It provides an indication of whether such a launch is likely to be profitable and whether the necessary resources can be found at an affordable price. Once you’ve decided how much money you’ll need to invest in order to make your new product or service profitable, you can then begin to find the resources and resources needed to make the business a success. During a feasibility study, you’ll look into the market size (how much and where), the type of product(s) you’re aiming to sell (i.e., are you looking for a specific type of customer or is your product targeted at a specific audience?), the stage of development you believe your product or service will be at (i.e., is it a finished product, a prototype, a design, a concept, or some combination of all of these?), and costs of production (i.e., are your product costs more than average, do your costs fall within a certain range, and do your product requirements fall into certain categories?). You can also look into marketing plans, opportunities for distributors, and product pre ordering to help decide if your study has anything to recommend it.
A feasibility study can help you decide if launching a new product or service is likely to be profitable
At the end of the feasibility study, you’ll likely receive a report outlining the results. You’ll likely be given three main report objectives — profitability, scalability, and innovation — and reviews will be distributed on the type of business that received the highest profit. All things considered, a feasibility study is only as useful as the data collected to support it. It’s important to consider your overall business plan, make sure your finances are in order, and make sure you have the right resources at your disposal.
Why is a feasibility study so important?
A feasibility study is a valuable first step in the process of considering your new product or service as a profitable business. It helps you decide if launching a new product or service is likely to be profitable. That being said, a feasibility study doesn’t prove that a certain product or service is actually profitable. Instead, it serves as a basic overview of the business’s financial standing from start to finish. This information can help you see where you need to improve your sales, marketing, and revenue to remain profitable.
How to conduct a feasibility study in free time
A feasibility study can be conducted at any time, but it’s usually done during the course of a company’s growth strategy. The key word here is “at”. A feasibility study is basically a mid- and long-term study, meaning it’ll examine the business’s future in the short-term. You’ll conduct the feasibility study at different points in your company’s life cycle — from idea to market, from launch to launch, and beyond. It’ll likely begin with a brief market research study to get a general understanding of the market size, type of product(s) you’re aiming to sell (i.e., are you looking for a specific type of customer or is your product targeted at a specific audience?), and stage of development you believe your product or service will be at (i.e., is it a finished product, a prototype, a design, a concept, or some combination of all of these?). You’ll then conduct extensive market research to get a feel for the needs and wants of potential customers. You’ll also conduct customer surveys to get feedback from your target customer base.
Key questions during the feasibility study
Here are some questions you should ask yourself when conducting a feasibility study: - Is it possible to do better? How can I make this product (or service) better so that it becomes profitable? - How can I get the right amount of people to buy my product (or services) from me? - How can I determine if my customers’ needs or wants are exactly what I’m designed to provide? - Is it worth the time and effort (and money) it would take to do this type of study on my own? - Is it worth the effort and resources it would take to acquire the expertise and tools necessary to do this type of research for me? - Is it worth it to spend the money (or time) to learn the ins and outs of new technology or business model?
Final Words
As you can see from the information above, a feasibility study is an important part of the company growth process. It helps you decide if your new product or service is likely to be profitable, and it helps you get a general idea of how many customers you’ll need in order to make your product or service profitable. Once you’ve completed a feasibility study, you can begin to make some strategic decisions about your future growth strategy. One thing is for certain: Your new business is going to need the best possible chance of success. If you want to grow your business, you’ll need to figure out how to make the most of your new found resources — and that means conducting a feasibility study.
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neetemp · 2 years
Buy Feasibility studies template for a training center
Buy Feasibility studies template for a training center on @Gumroad https://neetem.gumroad.com/l/trainingcenter
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neetemp · 2 years
Feasibility study template in excel for non financial for small businesses
Buy Feasibility study template in excel for non - financial for small businesses on @Gumroad
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neetemp · 2 years
Feasibility studies template for a training center
Through the template, you can prepare a complete feasibility study for a training center in various fields, in addition to more than 40 financial and technical schedules for your project with best Dashboard .
There are many training centers that stumble, Whether they provide their services online or in the halls, So this template is designed specifically for those who are about to open projects in the field of training centers .
First Step : Market study
Before open a training center Project , you should Prepare a market study, And this should be based on clear foundations that allow you to open the project. There are many training centers that provide many services, including administrative, agricultural , training diplomas, Industrial, crafts , business certificates, and these centers can increase the skills of people.
the next step , search for the best courses that you will offer in your center, then search for competitors in the region, in addition to how to determine the pricing of each course, get the average cost of the course.
Second Step : technical studies , Financial studies
Purchase excel file for ( fesibility studies template for a training center ) , you will be able to prepare an integrated feasibility study in the following aspects:
Dashboard for Summary feasiblity studies
Investing in training courses
One trainee data from costs
Technical Courses
total operating costs
Technical data for training courses
Maximum capacity of training centers
Capacity of one hall
Expected courses
Available from investment for centers
The absorptive capacity of the number of students
the coach
The cost of one intern
Expected revenue according to training
The number of expected trainees
Project cost (tools and equipment, furniture, others, establishment expenses)
Revenue from the first year
Operating costs from the first year
introductory budget
Projected income statement for the first year
Expected income statement for 5 years
Statement of cash flows for the first year
5 year cash flow statement
budget for 5 years
Investment evaluation (project payback period, rate of return on investment)
Full project information
Upon completion of the file, you will be able to accurately determine the pricing of your course, in addition to enabling you to prepare an integrated feasibility study in the field of training centers and knowing whether your project is feasible or not .
you can copy the information in excel and transform to the dox file
Beneficiaries :
Training center owners
professional trainers
Audit offices
Entrepreneurship trainers
Online trainers
training centers
Who wants to start a business
How will you benefit?
You will be able to prepare a feasibility study without the need for a consultant
You will be able to determine the cost of the trainee and trainers
You will be able to determine the feasibility of the project
You will be able to achieve profits through an organized feasibility study
You will be able to set your priorities at work
Note :
Currencies supported in the study (dollar, euro)
In the event that you develop the excel file, you will be notified of obtaining a free copy
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neetemp · 2 years
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