#neirin the nirnroot
rootedincuteness · 3 months
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This idea is definitely being floated among the rootlings, and they love it so far! They don't want to go around picking flowers for hats because they'd rather see them bloom each day instead, but fashionably posing with them on their heads? Absolutely! Here are just a few examples of that. I think this is a very adorable trend. =)
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rootedincuteness · 3 months
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This hydrangea, which usually sports magenta or pink flowers, has been blooming for a couple weeks now with deep purple and blue flowers. Well, it's still blooming with big pom-poms of flowers, despite the heat wave. Neirin thought it deserved some extra recognition and love for how much color it's brought to the yard. You might not think plants are hard workers, but this bush has gone over and above to bring some beauty into our lives. Let's join Neirin in appreciating it! =)
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rootedincuteness · 2 months
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Neirin saw Prickles' photos with the Rose of Sharon at sunset and decided he wanted to give the same photographic love the purple butterfly bush. In addition to appreciating the many tiny purple blossoms, we were able to get some beautiful camera flares from the setting sun. All in all, Neirin is very happy with how these came out. =)
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rootedincuteness · 1 year
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The blurple butterfly bush is blooming! It really is blurple, too, because there’s a magenta pink version and a dark purple version as well, so this is right in the middle. Neirin loves the color and the sweet smell of the flowers, but what he loves even more is how it attracts insects! In addition to butterflies, the candy scent attracts honey bees and bumbles. Neirin was lucky to see a couple of them, and they both had big collections of pollen sticking to their wee bee leggies. =)
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rootedincuteness · 11 months
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Neirin was delighted to find some flowers out on the Greenway today that were the same color as him! There are plenty of white and yellow flowers that dot the Greenway's borders, but to find purple flowers was a rare treat. We're not quite sure what they are, but they look like little daisies. Whatever they are, Neirin loved them... and so did the bumble bees. =)
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rootedincuteness · 3 months
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Many plants in the backyard this year have been flowering more than they have in previous years, and this gorgeous purple clematis vine is no exception. These are the most flowers we've gotten on this vine in about three years! Morley and Neirin, both purple aficionados, were so excited to see how much glorious purple the vine was contributing to the landscape. Morley joked that there was even more purple now that Neirin had shown up. Where's the lie? XD
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rootedincuteness · 4 months
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The allium is blooming! And they're almost as bright magenta-purple as Neirin is himself. That's what tickles him so much about these whimsical pom-poms full of tiny flowers. The bees seem to love them too, so if you happen upon any in your travels, make sure you check them before lowering your nose to smell them. XD
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rootedincuteness · 6 months
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It's St. Patrick's Day Eve! Is that even a thing? The Roots & 'Shrooms Gang thinks so, as does Dave the ghost. There's already so much celebrating to do as they reflect on family, friends, and of course, good times. Spreading their cheer to others is half the fun! =)
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rootedincuteness · 7 months
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Everything suddenly seems greener around here today, and it's no wonder why. The Root's & 'Shrooms Gang is already saying goodbye to the season of love and getting ready for the wearing of the green. Personally, I think they're very fashionable with either look. =)
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rootedincuteness · 9 months
Bakin' the Blues
Resident Human: "Alright, who's up for some blueberries & cream cake?" Neirin: "Me, me!"
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Neirin: "I can't wait!"
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Resident Human: "You got those eggs beaten?" Neirin: "Yep! We're good to go!"
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Neirin: "Mmm... it already smells good. But what about the blueberries?" Resident Human: "We'll add them after the batter is in the pans."
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Neirin: "How will we mix them in, though?" Resident Human: "We won't. We'll just lay them on the top and they'll bake right into the cakes." Neirin: "Ohh..."
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Neirin: "Ooooh, you bought the jumbo kind!" Resident Human: "Of course! They're juicier!"
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Resident Human: "Hmm... one of us is a lot more random with their berry placement..." Neirin: "What do you want from me, I've got only tiny nubs for arms!" Resident Human: *chuckles* "No worries, friend. They'll move around when the cake bakes anyway."
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Neirin: "Into the oven they go!"
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Neirin: "Oh no! We've got a problem!" Resident Human: "What? What's wrong?" Neirin: "The blueberries are all gone! Someone stole them!" Resident Human: "No, no... They're in there somewhere, don't worry."
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Neirin: "Are you sure? Because... I really don't see any blueberries..." Resident Human: "Yes, I'm sure. Let's cut into the cake and find out."
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Resident Human: "See? There they are." Neirin: "Wow! Neat!"
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Resident Human: "Look at that gorgeous blueberry cake." Neirin: "Ohh... I want to eat it nooooow..."
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Resident Human: "Hold your horses, there, little one. We need to add the cream to this blueberries and cream cake. A little vanilla icing should do the trick. There we are!" Neirin: "Mmmm...."
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Neirin: "Now we can eat it, right?" Resident Human: "Yep! We'd better eat it before Mudpie does." Neirin: *giggles*
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rootedincuteness · 9 months
On a Roll!
Neirin: "I love cinnamon rolls! And these are so easy to make!" Resident Human: "They are, and fast too."
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Neirin: "Who do you think is cuter? Me, or the Pillsbury Doughboy?" Resident Human: "Definitely you." Neirin: "Aw, thank you." *giggles*
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Neirin: "Oh... They um... don't look so good." Resident Human: "They will once they're cooked, trust me."
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Nierin: "Alright, well... I guess let's get them into the oven and hope for the best."
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Resident Human: "See? Much better." Neirin: "Like night and day! You can really smell the cinnamon!"
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Resident Human: "Now we just melt some sugar over the tops of all of them, and they're ready to eat!" Neirin: "Mmm... sugar..."
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Neirin: "Now that's what I'm talkin' about!"
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Resident Human: "Yes, we can eat them now." Neirin: "How did you know I was going to ask that?" Resident Human: "Oh... just a hunch."
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rootedincuteness · 11 months
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Berries at the Greenway? You bet! It was another beautiful day for walking and discovery today, and Neirin was eager to stretch his tiny little legs. This was the first time he'd spotted berries there, especially at this time of year. Of course, he loved their purple color and thought they were very cute. I reminded him that he's pretty cute himself. =)
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rootedincuteness · 11 months
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@knitwittykninja, referring to this post.
Neirin: "Hmm... you know what? I don't know. Let's ask an expert!"
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Neirin: "Hi, Marshmallow! Can you answer a question for us?" Marshmallow: "Happy to help, my friend!" Neirin: "Well... can vines get really big and woody like trees, or do they only grow as little green tendrils?"
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Marshmallow: "Vines can get quite big, alright. It just takes a very long time."
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Marshmallow: "You see... they start out really thin and pliable, like our friend here..."
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Marshmallow: "This is a very young vine called creeping myrtle. It dies off every year in Autumn and then comes back in the Spring, but some vines never die off and keep right on growing. The really twisty 'tree' that wrapped around the other tree in your photos might very well have been a vine that's decades old, Neirin!" Neirin: "Wow!"
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Marshmallow: "The other dead giveaway that it's a vine is the way it grew towards the other tree and twisted itself all around it. Trees... don't often grow like that. Vines search for things to cling to and climb as they grow, like this twisty fellow here..."
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Marshmallow: "If left long enough, vines can grow very thick and become woody, just like trees. So it is possible to have one be mistaken for a tree. And along the Greenway, some of those vines and trees haven't been disturbed for a very long time, not since the railroad in that area was active decades ago. The rail line was abandoned in the 90s, so some of the plants there have been undisturbed for almost thirty years. That's plenty of time for a vine to reach a nice thick size and for its green stem to turn woody."
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Neirin: "Thank you for explaining, Marshmallow! You're so knowledgeable and smart!" Marshmallow: *blushes* "Anytime! And ah, thank you. I try."
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rootedincuteness · 11 months
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On the Greenway today, Neirin spotted this pair to trees that had twisted up together. Well, he's not really sure if they're two trees, or if the one on the right is just a really old vine plant, but even so, he thought the twistiness was very cool. As a rootling who likes to express his unique personality, Neirin always likes to encourage his mundane plant friends to do the same. =)
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rootedincuteness · 1 year
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Neirin had heard so much about the bluebell explosion in this section of the garden from Mudpie that he simply had to check it out. There were even more flowers open today than yesterday! It’s like a wee little forest of flowery bells, and it’s adding such lovely color to the sea of greenery in the yard. Neirin had a wonderful time, and he hopes the bluebells stick around for as long as possible. Also, don’t mind the witch at the end of April. Neirin was just feeling his witchy, wizardy self today. =)
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rootedincuteness · 1 year
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𝓟𝓾𝓻𝓹𝓵𝓮 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮™
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