#nephrotic syndrome can be cured
fastdiet · 1 year
🍎🥦🍇 Nephrotic Syndrome is a kidney disorder that affects both children and adults. It is characterized by high levels of protein in the urine, low levels of protein in the blood, and swelling in different parts of the body. While there is no cure for Nephrotic Syndrome, a healthy diet can help manage symptoms and improve quality of life. 🍴🥗🍓 A Nephrotic Syndrome diet should be low in salt, saturated fat, and cholesterol. It should also be rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and healthy fats. This type of diet can help reduce swelling, lower blood pressure, and prevent complications such as heart disease and stroke. 🥛🍳🥩 It is important to work with a registered dietitian to create a personalized Nephrotic Syndrome diet plan. The dietitian can help determine the appropriate amount of protein, sodium, and fluids to consume each day. They can also provide guidance on how to read food labels, prepare healthy meals, and make dietary changes that are sustainable in the long term.1. Understanding Nephrotic Syndrome and Its Dietary Implications Nephrotic Syndrome is a kidney disorder that causes the body to excrete too much protein in the urine. Symptoms include swelling, fatigue, and foamy urine. A low-sodium, low-fat, and low-cholesterol diet is recommended. Foods high in protein, potassium, and phosphorus should be limited. A dietitian can help create a personalized meal plan. Foods to include: fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and low-fat dairy. Fluid intake may need to be restricted. Supplements may be necessary to replace lost nutrients. It's important to follow the recommended diet to prevent complications and improve kidney function. 🍎🥦🍗💧💊2. The Role of Protein in a Nephrotic Syndrome DietProtein is essential for repairing and building tissues, but too much can worsen nephrotic syndrome. Limit protein intake to 0.8g/kg of body weight per day. Choose high-quality protein sources like fish, poultry, and eggs. Avoid processed meats, which are high in sodium and phosphorus. Protein supplements and powders should be avoided unless recommended by a healthcare professional. Proteinuria, a common symptom of nephrotic syndrome, can lead to protein deficiency. Monitor protein levels in urine and blood regularly. Consult a registered dietitian to ensure adequate protein intake. Plant-based protein sources like beans and lentils are also good options. They are low in fat and high in fiber, which can help control blood sugar levels. However, they may contain high levels of potassium, which can be problematic for some individuals. Overall, a balanced and moderate protein diet is crucial for managing nephrotic syndrome. 🍗🥚🐟🥦🍛3. Sodium Intake and Nephrotic Syndrome: What You Need to KnowExcessive sodium intake can worsen nephrotic syndrome, a kidney condition that causes protein leakage in urine. Limit sodium intake to 2,300 mg/day or less. Choose low-sodium options and avoid processed foods. Read labels and opt for fresh produce. Reducing sodium intake can help control blood pressure and swelling, common symptoms of nephrotic syndrome. Consult a registered dietitian for a personalized meal plan that suits your needs and preferences. 🍎🥦🥕🍅🍓🍇🥩🐟🥚🥜🥛4. Carbohydrates and Nephrotic Syndrome: Finding the Right BalanceCarbohydrates are essential for energy, but too much can worsen nephrotic syndrome. Finding the right balance is key. Choose complex carbs like whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. Avoid simple carbs like sugar, white bread, and pasta. Limit carb intake to 45-65% of daily calories. Carbs can cause fluid retention and weight gain in nephrotic syndrome patients. Consult a dietitian for personalized advice. Monitor blood sugar levels if on steroids. Consider low-carb diets if diabetic or overweight. Stay hydrated and avoid processed foods. Carbs are not the enemy, but moderation is key. A balanced diet with the right amount of carbs can improve nephrotic syndrome symptoms. 🍎🥦🍞🚫🍭🍝💧👩‍🍳5. Fluid Intake and Nephrotic Syndrome: How Much is Too Much?Fluid intake is crucial for people with nephrotic syndrome, but how much is too much? 🤔 Excessive fluid intake can lead to edema, high blood pressure, and heart failure. 💧 Adults with nephrotic syndrome should aim for 8-10 cups of fluid per day. 🥤 Children should drink 1-1.5 liters per day, depending on their age and weight. 🧒 Fluid intake should be adjusted based on urine output and weight changes. 📈📉 It's important to avoid drinks with high sugar and sodium content, such as soda and sports drinks. 🚫🍭 Water, herbal tea, and low-sodium broth are great options for staying hydrated. 💧🍵 If you're unsure about your fluid intake, consult with your healthcare provider. 🩺6. The Importance of Vitamins and Minerals in a Nephrotic Syndrome Diet A balanced diet is essential for people with nephrotic syndrome. Vitamins and minerals are crucial for maintaining good health. Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium and maintain healthy bones. Vitamin C is essential for a healthy immune system and wound healing. Iron is necessary for red blood cell production and oxygen transport. A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can provide the necessary vitamins and minerals. Leafy greens like spinach and kale are excellent sources of vitamin K and iron. Citrus fruits like oranges and grapefruits are high in vitamin C. Whole grains like brown rice and quinoa are rich in B vitamins and iron. It's important to talk to a doctor or registered dietitian to create a personalized nutrition plan. Taking supplements may be necessary if vitamin and mineral levels are low. In conclusion, a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals is crucial for people with nephrotic syndrome. In conclusion, following a nephrotic syndrome diet is crucial to manage the symptoms and prevent complications. 🍎🥦🥕🍓 Eating a balanced diet with low sodium, moderate protein, and healthy fats can improve kidney function. 💪🏼💊💉 It's also important to consult with a registered dietitian to create a personalized meal plan. 📝 Remember to avoid processed foods, high-sugar drinks, and excessive alcohol consumption. 🚫🍩🍺🥤 Stay hydrated and maintain a healthy weight through regular exercise. 🏃🏻‍♂️🏋🏻‍♀️💦 With the right diet and lifestyle changes, people with nephrotic syndrome can lead a fulfilling life. 🙌🏼💚 https://fastdiet.net/nephrotic-syndrome-diet/?_unique_id=648fe9c774472
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lihuiru · 2 years
Li Huiru - Li Shizhen's Pulse Management and Pulse Diagnosis Technique, a characteristic medical case of saving lives with hundreds of herbs李会茹—李时珍脉理脉诊术治病有成效百草救苍生之特色医案一
Li Huiru - Li Shizhen's pulse therapy is effective
Health China News (Reporter Hao Ling) Li Huiru, 54, graduated from Hengshui Health School in 2015 and studied Chinese medicine and traditional Chinese medicine in 2000. For more than 20 years, Li Shizhen's pulse diagnosis has been studied in depth. Guided by looking, smelling and asking, taking pulse taking medicine as the criterion and taking pulse as the scale, the effect is remarkable.
Li Huiru - Li Shizhen's pulse therapy is effective
Li Huiru has worked in the Second Hospital of Xinzheng City for many years, and has received careful guidance and true biography from the chief physician Zhao Xinzhong. Have rich clinical experience. He is good at treating such difficult and miscellaneous diseases as lupus erythematosus, nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, cardio cerebrovascular disease, cerebral thrombosis sequela, liver disease, pneumonia, emphysema, infertility, and gynecological diseases.
Diagnosis and treatment of rare cases in China:
Zhao Aiyun, a 48 year old female, was seriously ill and was diagnosed as an adult STO by a professor level expert in the original railway hospital. According to online information, there were three cases of this disease in China, including Zhao. The hospital experts defined it as rheumatic arthritis, pneumonia, pharyngitis and hepatitis. Transaminase is also high. From the fourth day of the first month of 2013, we began to seek medical advice. From the clinic to the big hospital, we also asked experts to prescribe traditional Chinese medicine in the municipal TCM hospital.
On November 15, 2013, Li Huiru was found upon recommendation. On inspection, I saw that my face was white, my tongue was yellow and greasy, and my eyelids were swollen. He said that he had headache, dizziness, cervical pain, inability to twist his neck, wrist pain, and inability to eat with chopsticks. It hurts to carry bowls and pans, and it hurts to walk on your legs and knees. I live on the fourth floor of a building and need to climb back upstairs. Systemic soreness and eczema itching affect sleep. Poor appetite, belching, sighing, backache. A high fever of more than 38 ℃ lasts for one year.
It is known through pulse taking that the root of the disease is in the liver. The upper part is the dark pulse, and the lower part is the knotted pulse. The astringent pulse interferes. The floating pulse is strong, and the whole body is itchy, and the fever does not subside. The stagnation of the liver can transform into fire, which makes the Qi engine go up and down, leading to internal and external blockage, upper heat and lower cold. Because of the complexity of the condition, I prescribed a dose of medicine. After drinking, the pain of cervical spondylosis was relieved, and the neck turned freely. Take two more doses to feel relaxed. According to the situation, after taking the medicine twice, the fever disappeared and the temperature returned to normal. The pain in each joint has been relieved, and the body itch has been relieved. My legs are strong. After another two months of treatment, in April of the next year, the fever started at 2 p.m. and stopped at 12 p.m., and the six veins appeared strong and powerful. In pulse theory, it is said that "the yang of the blood is stronger than the yang of the blood". After two weeks of using Hu Huanglian, Yinchaihu and other herbs to remove deficiency heat, remove blood stasis and replenish vital energy, we went to the hospital to check that all indicators were close to normal, and we have not been sick again.
Let's share a case. A 64 year old patient came to see a doctor because of vest pain. I used the technique to stop the pain for three minutes. He said that he had done two heart stents. He asked other doctors to treat his cough with traditional Chinese medicine. After the cough was cured, his legs became weak and his vest hurt. This is the western medicine's treatment of pain, which hurt his heart and kidney. It is known that pulse taking is due to qi and blood deficiency, kidney deficiency, and phlegm dampness. There are cracks in the tongue coating. This crack is caused by liver depression and qi stagnation, that is, qi was born in youth. Qi is depressed in the middle energizer, and the tongue is cracked due to poor rising and falling. After drinking the medicine for a week, I feel energetic. According to the conditioning formula, after three months of phlegm dampness, I can walk vigorously. The crack of tongue coating is two thirds smaller, and there are fire veins again. The whole body is itchy, and my mouth sores are also growing. My hands are itchy. I can take the medicine for another two months. At this time, the crack of tongue coating is healed. I also advise my friends not to be angry. Everything should be looked down on. It's very annoying!
健康中国讯(记者 郝玲)李会茹,54岁,2015年毕业于衡水卫生学校,2000年拜师学习中医和中药。20多年来深入研究李时珍的脉理脉诊术。以望闻问为引导,切脉用药为准,用量大小以脉为尺度,效果显著。
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monika0101 · 3 years
Nephrotic Syndrome is a condition when the body starts to lose protein in a large amount from the blood into the urine. The disease is an alarming condition and requires an immediate treatment. Fortunately, Nephrotic syndrome can be cured with the help of ayurvedic treatment.
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What is Nephrotic Syndrome?
A nephrotic syndrome is a group of symptoms including protein in the urine (more than 3.5 grams per day), low blood protein levels, high cholesterol levels, high triglyceride levels, and swelling. It is caused by various disorders that damage the kidneys, particularly the basement membrane of the glomerulus. This immediately causes abnormal excretion of protein in the urine. The most common cause in children is minimal change disease, while membranous glomerulonephritis is the most common cause in adults. This condition can also occur as a result of infection (such as strep throat, hepatitis, or mononucleosis), use of certain drugs, cancer, genetic disorders, immune disorders, or diseases that affect multiple body systems including diabetes, systemic lupus erythematosus, multiple myeloma, and amyloidosis. Nephrotic Syndrome can be treated in a variety of ways. Homeopathy, on the other hand, has been demonstrated to be more effective in the treatment of Nephrotic Syndrome over time. Homeopathy heals the kidneys and other organs without harming them. It alleviates the symptoms of Nephrotic Syndrome and so heals it.
Causes of Nephrotic Syndrome:
Nephrotic syndrome is caused by a variety of factors. The minimal change illness is the most common cause of nephrotic syndrome in children. Nephrotic syndrome is also caused by membraneous glomerulonephritis, or an inflamed glomerulus, and focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, or the presence of tissue scars in the glomeruli. Sarcoidosis, amyloidosis, diabetic kidney disease, SLE, vasculitis, and specific drugs like NSAIDs are among the other causes. Hepatitis B and HIV, among other things, are risk factors for nephrotic syndrome. This syndrome can affect any age group including adults and children of both genders and of any race. Signs and Symptoms of Nephrotic Syndrome:
Swelling in the feet and puffiness around the eyes are the most noticeable signs of nephrotic syndrome. Proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia, and hyperlipidemia are all present, as is frothy urine. Fatigue, loss of appetite, and weight gain are some of the other symptoms. Other symptoms of hypoalbuminemia include pleural effusion, pericardial effusion, ascites, and general anasarca. Role of Homeopathy: Homeopathy has a greater role in the treatment of nephrotic syndrome. The albuminuria, oedematic symptoms can be controlled within a very short period with proper homeopathy treatment. In our Multicare homeopathy online treatment center peoples suffering from nephrotic syndrome have been benefitted using our advanced homeopathic treatment packages. We apply the most scientific and research based homeopathy treatment package that gives a long standing cure to the ailment.
Know more: https://www.multicarehomeopathy.com/diseases/homeopathic-medicine-for-nephrotic-syndrome-treatment
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varshanegi · 2 years
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niharikasharma00 · 2 years
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Can Ayurveda cure Nephrotic syndrome?
A kidney is made up of a simple network of tubes made up of cells. These cells are well-equipped for flushing wastes while still keeping vital substances in the body.
Read Blog : https://healthymakelife.blogspot.com/2021/07/ayurveda-cure-nephrotic-syndrome.html
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donnabedwell · 2 years
Top Homeopathic Doctor In India
For homeopathic medicines, there are several sources. A large part of them is derived from roots, flowers, and plants’ leaves. Also, many chemicals like nitric acid and sulphuric acid form the basis of preparations. Metals and minerals such as zinc, iron, gold, and silver are used in the process of their formulation. Not only this, some bacteria, microbes, and viruses are also a part of some homeopathic medicines. Homeopathy for kidney disease If you are looking for kidney specialist in Lucknow and want to go for the homeopathic way, then there are a lot of trustworthy clinics that provide complete care for all types of kidney diseases, such as kidney failure, nephrotic syndrome, kidney stones, and many other chronic diseases. They make sure that the patients get the best homeopathic treatments to cure all kinds of kidney diseases. Benefits of homeopathy
Homeopathy medicines are safe as they are prepared from proven healing substances derived from minerals and plants.
They restore optimal health and is effective in both chronic and acute conditions.
These are natural and scientific medicines. They have a long-standing healing capacity and provides the most popular holistic therapy.
They are ideal for all stages of life, including lactating and pregnant women.
Last take There’s no doubt that homeopathic medicines can treat all kinds of diseases depending on various factors like health condition, age, symptoms, and stage of disease of the patients. A homeopathic treatment work towards making a complete recovery for a patient.
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puresurerx · 3 years
Cipla Tenvir Em
Is tenvir-em Tablet effective?
Yes, Tenvir em is effective as a treatment for those who need a cure for their HIV. The main ingredient in the tablet is Tenofovir, which blocks the reverse transcriptase enzyme so that HIV can't multiply.
It is used to treat HIV and helps to reduce the risk of getting AIDS from HIV.It can also be used for other conditions such as chronic hepatitis B and C infection and a specific kidney disease called nephrotic syndrome.
It's important to follow your doctor's instructions on how to take medicine. Also, inform your doctor about all medications that you are currently taking to avoid interactions with Tenvir-em.
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What is Cipla tenvir em used for?
Cipla tenvir em is manufactured by Cipla Limited. The active ingredient in this product is Tenofovir. This medicine is prescribed to those who are HIV-positive and those who need treatment to prevent an HIV infection.
Patients can adjust dosage on their own, based on how many times the virus has been detected in their blood and by how well they feel.
The key ingredient, Tenofovir, works by blocking reverse transcriptase, which is an enzyme that HIV needs for it to multiply. A small amount of this medicine is found in the blood as an active drug, which is why it can stop HIV from multiplying.
Why should you buy tenvir em online?
Tenvir em is a drug that can treat HIV, also known as the human immunodeficiency virus.
This condition weakens the immune system by destroying important cells that fight off infections. Reasons to Buy Denver em online:
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Tenvir em is a medication used to treat HIV. It's important to know where you're getting it from, as some places are better than others for quality and price.
You can Tenvir em buy online with us at www.purex.com. One of the best parts about buying Tenvir online is that we offer discounts on medication when you purchase it.
If you're looking for an effective treatment to combat your HIV, Tenvir is the perfect solution.
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ayurvedickidneycare · 3 years
Ayurvedic treatment Solution for Nephrotic Syndrome
Nephrotic Syndrome is a collective group of symptoms that mainly include protein in the urine, low blood protein levels, increased cholesterol levels, increased blood clot risk, body swelling, etc. This problem may progress to kidney failure when left untreated. So, early diagnosis and finding the proper treatment can help overcome this kidney disease.
Causes of Nephrotic Syndrome
Nephrotic Syndrome mainly occurs due to several health disorders that are responsible for damaging the kidneys. Nephrotic syndrome mainly occurs when your kidney filters known as Glomeruli get damaged.
Glomeruli are the filtering section of the body that help remove waste products in the form of urine while return essential substances to the bloodstream. Whenever this kidney section is damaged, Glomeruli lose the ability to hold and return essential elements to the blood, due to which many health complications can appear. Mainly, glomeruli damage results in too much protein loss in urine. An abnormally high protein loss in urine is a problematic condition as protein (albumin) in your bloodstream plays a vital role in the body. It doesn't allow electrolytes to leak into body cells or tissue and therefore ensures the distribution of several electrolytes to the required body section.
Symptoms of chronic kidney disease
The conditions that can be responsible for Nephrotic Syndrome are;
Genetic disorders
Diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, multiple myeloma, and
Immune disorders
Some Infections
Use of certain drugs
Nephrotic Syndrome can be seen in all age groups. Children between 2 to 6 years of age are found to be commonly affected with Nephrotic Syndrome. This kidney disorder affects men a little more than women. Don't worry; Nephrotic Syndrome Ayurvedic treatment is an effective healing treatment method for this kidney disorder.
Symptoms of Nephrotic Syndrome
When it comes to Nephrotic Syndrome symptoms, a patient may notice experience several health issues, which include;
Swelling on the face or around the eyes
Swollen hands, feet, legs or ankles
Swelling in the abdomen
The foamy appearance of the urine
Poor appetite
Weight gain due to fluid retention
Exams and Tests to diagnose Nephrotic Syndrome
Your healthcare provider suggests performing a physical exam to check your health. At this phase, some laboratory tests are done to check how well your kidneys are working. The lab tests helpful in detecting Nephrotic Syndrome are;
Albumin blood test
Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN)
Creatinine- blood test
Creatinine Clearance test
Urine tests
A kidney biopsy may also be applied to understand the cause of your kidney disorder. By conducting such tests, your doctor can reveal your Nephrotic Syndrome problem. When he confirms you to have this kidney disorder, Nephrotic Syndrome Ayurvedic treatment can help combat it naturally, and it’s also better than conventional treatment methods.
Can Ayurveda Offer A Better Cure For Nephrotic Syndrome?
Nephrotic Syndrome treatment goal is to remove symptoms and complications and delay or prevent kidney failure. In order to cure this problem completely, it’s necessary to control the causative factor for this kidney disorder.
The modern treatment system utilizes medicines and some treatment methods to curb complications of Nephrotic Syndrome. But this advanced treatment doesn’t work on the deep causes of the disease; therefore, it can’t provide an enduring cure. Due to its drug-containing medicines and some complicated treatment methods, this treatment is risky and also expensive. Above all, this treatment doesn’t have a permanent cure. On the other hand, if you choose the best nephrotic syndrome Ayurvedic treatment, you can get permanent relief from the problem.
Ayurvedic treatment is a complete holistic healing way that mainly promotes overall health by eradicating body symptoms and complications and repairing damaged organs. This treatment has therapeutic properties; therefore, it can repair and restore your damaged body section. If it comes to Nephrotic Syndrome treatment in Ayurveda, it applies its thousand-year-old healing technique and methods. This natural treatment makes your kidneys healthy by repairing their damaged section and also removes all complications and symptoms.
Ayurvedic treatment heals your kidneys naturally, and therefore soon, they become healthy and start functioning well. Also, the causative factors for Nephrotic Syndrome are cured. Consequently, Nephrotic Syndrome Ayurvedic treatment makes your kidneys healthy again, and they start working efficiently. The main attraction of the treatment is that it provides a permanent cure without leaving any side effects on your health.
Opt for the best nephrotic Syndrome Ayurvedic treatment to get a permanent cure for this kidney disease.
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Polycystic Kidney Disease Treatment in Ayurveda:
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Ayurvedic treatment includes consuming herbs, shrubs, oils, spices, and modifications in diet and lifestyle. With SRIAAS- SR Institute of Advanced Ayurvedic Sciences, people will know the authenticity of Ayurvedic treatment for kidney diseases like chronic kidney diseases, Acute kidney disease, IgA Nephropathy, Nephrotic syndrome.
Ayurveda is the science of life that addresses its roots from the Indian subcontinent. There are famous mythological stories of herbs and shrubs that have cured wounds, diseases, and ailments.
Ayurvedic treatment is purely based on healing the root causes of any disease.
But we will tell you the tremendous treatment of Polycystic Kidney Disease in Ayurveda.
Here are some tips for the people who are suffering from PKD
Adopt a healthy diet: A healthy and proper diet plays a key role in every treatment. Ayurveda works on the causes of disease. People with kidney disease, including PKD, should take a suggestion about which foods, vegetables, and drinks they can add to their diet plan. Having a Proper and healthy diet helps to provides all the vitamins, protein, and minerals naturally so that patients can recover soon. Diet should be easily digestible and absorbable. At SRIAAS, we provide personalized diet charts to our patients. It helps reduce the causes that damage the kidney, such as Creatinine level, Urea level, and potassium level.
Staying hydrated:  The patient needs to drink sufficient fluids, preferably plain water, when they notice blood in their urine. Consuming the right amount of fluid may help slow PKD’s progress toward kidney failure.
Herbal medications: Ayurveda treatment helps to keep the whole body safe healthy. It doesn’t even affect any other organ. Ayurveda medicines are made of minerals, metal substances, and herbal compounds. In this medication, there are no chemical products included.
Have one cup of fruit: Our Doctor suggests the whole fruit instead of drinking juice because one glass of juice contributes 3 to 4 fruits maximum, and we have to eat only one fruit at a time.
Yoga, breathing exercise: Patients can perform breathing exercises such as Anulom, Vilom, and Pranayam medication to increase the oxygen level and helps to manage high blood pressure.
Reduce Pain: Cysts can cause severe pain in the stomach, extreme back, and leg pain. Patients can control the pain of polycystic kidney disease with herbal medication. We provide Herbal syrups and powders to reduce pain. If the patient is getting repeated or severe back and kidney pain, do not consider it normal. Contact the Doctor on an immediate basis.  
Controls High Blood Pressure: Controlling high blood pressure can pause the progression of the disease and slows down further kidney damage. Combining a low-sodium, low-fat diet that’s average in protein and calorie content with exercise and overcoming stress may help to control high blood pressure. However, many people believe that medications are usually needed to control high blood pressure, but they can be managed by yoga and breathing exercises.  
Herbal tea: Instead of taking tea or caffeine, patients need to take herbal tea. Herbal tea contains a blend of herbs, spices, ginger, and other addition of tea leaves. It works best in the treatment of PKD in patients.
Garlic: It is quite healthy and the best thing to consume if someone is suffering from PKD. It reduces stress and helps in reducing the size of the cysts in the kidney.
Improve your sleep quality: Not just kidney patients; even everyone should take enough sleep. Quality sleep means 8 hours of continuous sleep.
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karmaayurvedahealth · 4 years
Sterling characteristics of Ayurveda for Proteinuria treatment
The presence of excess amount of protein in urine is called proteinuria.
Diabetes and high blood pressure causes proteinuria.
Foamy urine is the most significant sign of proteinuria.
Proteinuria Ayurvedic treatment includes a diet with low protein.
This article holds information about proteinuria and how the condition can be brought under control with the help of best proteinuria Ayurvedic treatment in India. Introduction Protein is present in the blood of every human. Among the different proteins, albumin is a crucial protein present in the blood. There are many significant functions performed by these proteins such as muscles and bones building, prevention against any kind of infection, and also controls the fluid amount and level in the blood. When the kidneys of a person are healthy and performs the right functions it treats the waste and removes what is excess in the blood. Alongside, it holds proteins and other significant nutrients within the blood. However, when the kidneys become unhealthy it let some amount of albumin protein pass through the filters of kidneys and come into the urine. This loss is called proteinuria. Proteinuria is the sign of an ill kidneys and also depicts that there could be nephrotic syndrome. Furthermore, best proteinuria Ayurvedic treatment in Delhi can bring the condition in the right place with its therapeutic herbs and the godly measures.
What results in proteinuria?
Protein in urine is a sign that kidneys are not working in the manner it should do. Kidneys are made up of tiny capillaries named as glomeruli. These capillaries are the blood vessel that helps in the filtration of all the toxins and waste from the blood. Despite the larger protein portions and blood cells, glomeruli pass all the waste in the urine. However, by any chance if there forms some favorable condition for the small proteins to pass through the glomeruli, these proteins are held by kidney tubules into the body only. But, what if there is some problem with the kidneys and the tubules or glomeruli is already damaged? Then the reabsorption of protein by these kidney tubules and glomeruli would not take place. This results in proteinuria. Furthermore, excess protein load in the body also falls into the urine. This condition can be brought under control with the help of some best Ayurvedic medicine for proteinuria in India. Some temporary and non-cancerous medical condition results in proteinuria. You may not know but dehydration, low blood pressure, and inflammation in kidneys may result in proteinuria. Some other causes of proteinuria are given below. a) Intense workout b) Stress which is emotional c) Exposure to cold d) Stone in the urinary tract e) Immune disorders like IgA nephropathy and lupus f) Glomerulonephritis g) Plasma cells cancer h) Expelling of hemoglobin in the bloodstream i) Cardiovascular disease j) Trauma k) Preeclampsia l) Kidney cancer Proteinuria Ayurvedic treatment can cure many of such illnesses that are leading to proteinuria in humans.
Proteinuria Ayurvedic treatment
The effective management of proteinuria in Ayurveda is said to be done only when the underlying condition gets its treatment. This is how Ayurveda takes care of the proteinuria, by killing the root cause. It is important to manage the condition of diabetes in order to put a stop on the fall of protein in the urine. Ayurveda is one holistic and authentic treatment that cures any condition of its roots and provides the wholesome rejuvenation to the damage that has happened to the kidneys and other associated organs. Best Ayurvedic medicine for proteinuria is the purest extract of the herbs and other medicinal things available in nature which not only treats the disease but gives an overall treat to the body through and through. The contradictory effects of this medicine and treatment are less in comparison to the goodness it gives to the body. The proteinuria Ayurvedic treatment is inclusive of some lifestyle and dietary changes. 1) Food rich in magnesium, sodium, and potassium should be avoided from the diet. 2) Avoid the consumption of carbohydrates in a high amount. 3) Make use of natural sweeteners available. 4) Do not consume sugar. 5) Say no to the consumption of food that is not properly cooked or is semi-cooked. 6) Avoid drug abuse. 7) Avoid the use of saturated fats from your life. 8) Do not smoke or drink. 9) Do not do heavy exercises. 10) Make sure you clean your genital area on a regular basis. Blog Source: https://karmaayurvedahealth.weebly.com/blog/sterling-characteristics-of-ayurveda-for-proteinuria-treatment
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monika0101 · 3 years
Nephrotic syndrome is a kidney disease where the body releases too much protein into the urine. With the help of Nephrotic syndrome ayurvedic treatment, the condition can be cured.
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If you are looking for the best Homeopathy Clinic in Bhubaneswar, India then visit multicarehomeopathy.com and consult with well experienced globally recognized homeopathic physician Dr.Ranadhar Satapathy, treating patients from more than 100+ countries and has an excellent track record of cure rate more than 95 % in different diseases. Dr. Rangadhar Satapathy - One of the best Homeopathy Doctor in India, with more than experience of 34 years.Multicare homeopathy is the most reliable homeopathy treatment center in Bhubaneswar, India, that Represents the Promise of Care And Quality.We apply the most unique, advanced and scientific approach of homeopathy treatment to our patient which give a rapid, gently and long term relieve to their health ailments without arising any drug side effects. We apply both the clinical and constitutional approach of homeopathy treatment. The clinical approach of homeopathy treatment can be named as modern new generation homeopathic approach of treatment that gives a rapid relief to the suffering of the patients by the unique approach of multiple remedies therapy and side by side the constitutional treatment that gives a long lasting cure to the patients.It is specialized and renowned for treating various complex and chronic diseases like allergic rhinitis, bronchial asthma, tonsillitis and adenoids, chronic sinusitis, nasal polyp, DNS, chronic otitis media, Meniere's disease, migraine, IBS, ulcerative colitis, piles, fissure, fistula, arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, osteoarthritis, cervical and lumbar spondylosis, prolapsed disc, sciatica, glaucoma, psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema, PCOS, acne, hair fall, autism, anxiety neurosis, OCD, schizophrenia, ED, kidney stone, lichen planus, nephrotic syndrome, chronic urticaria. Our branches in India like Bangalore, Pune, and Bhubaneswar. Book an online appointment today at 99374 12150 and mail us at [email protected].
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varshanegi · 3 years
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mykidneytreatment · 4 years
Ayurveda is one of the principal medical procedures from which chronic kidney disease can be cured easily with the use of natural herbs. Many times a question arises that ‘can Ayurveda cure nephrotic syndrome completely?��
The answer to this question is yes, Ayurveda can cure nephrotic syndrome and eliminate the root cause of this disorder. This treatment mainly concentrates on the three doshas namely pitta, Kapha, and Vata. It also maintains the appropriate balance between mind, body, and soul.
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kidneyayurveda · 4 years
Ayurveda is a branch of medicines that hails its roots from the Indian subcontinent. It can cure any disease of its roots. But here we will only be talking about kidney disorder “Nephrotic syndrome.” A kidney disorder that is commonly found in kids, combines several symptoms and affects the functioning of kidneys is known as Nephrotic Syndrome. Symptoms like foamy urine, swelling in different parts of the body are one of the common symptoms of Nephrotic syndrome. But how would you know that if it is curable or not? Or Can Ayurveda cure the condition of Nephrotic syndrome completely?
Tell us; were you aware that there is an effective treatment available for Nephrotic syndrome in Ayurveda? We bet you didn’t. But today we will tell you that Nephrotic syndrome can be treated with Ayurvedic medicines only. There is no proven evidence of curing the Nephrotic syndrome in allopathic medications but Ayurvedic medicines will prove that there is a curable available to vanish this disease.
You can observe the following treatments are available in the universe:
Allopathic Treatment and
Ayurvedic Treatment
The allopathic treatment works on the symptoms of Nephrotic syndrome. It cannot prevent you from the disease completely. However, Ayurveda has never given up on any disease. Ayurvedic medicines are derived straight from the soil of the earth. It is believed that the disease prevails in the environment only. So, the cure should be done from the environment only. Ayurvedic medicines are made up of natural herbs and spices, Flora and fauna. There is the number of treatments that can be done by yourself; to which we term as DIY (Do It yourself) and Home remedies.
So, the question “Can Ayurveda cure the condition of Nephrotic syndrome completely?” has the following answer:
Yes! Ayurvedic treatment or Home remedies or DIY are not restricted to beauty and fashion only but are widely available in medical science as well. Here, we provide such remedies only that can help a person in many ways and so does with the treatment of Nephrotic syndrome.
Here is one spice as an Ayurvedic medicine that can heal the condition of Nephrotic syndrome effectively and that is turmeric.
Turmeric is an Indian spice that is an Ayurvedic medicine and a part of Nephrotic syndrome Ayurvedic treatment. Turmeric has been used as a medicine in countries like China, Japan, India, and its subcontinents. Turmeric is an exceptionally beneficial spice and Ayurvedic medicine for Nephrotic syndrome that is rich in anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-cancer properties.
A teaspoon full of Turmeric contains the following beneficial nutrients:
24 calories
4.4 grams of carbs.
0.5 milligrams of manganese (26% of the daily value)
2.8 milligrams of iron (16% of the DV)
1.7 milligrams of vitamin C (3% of the DV)
13 milligrams of magnesium (3% of the DV)
Several benefits can be derived from a teaspoon full of Turmeric as a part of Nephrotic syndrome Ayurvedic treatment:
Turmeric reduces inflammation: The inflammation caused in the kidneys can be prevented by consuming turmeric.
Turmeric is rich in antioxidants: It is a powerful antioxidant that helps in maintaining and preventing the kidneys from the free radicals causing oxidation. Turmeric is considered a powerful antioxidant. It helps in boosting the immune system.
Turmeric helps in reducing the risks of diabetes: It increases the insulin in the body because of its multi-components and beneficial properties.
Turmeric helps in treating edema: It is a great source of reducing the swelling caused by Nephrotic syndrome.
Turmeric helps in increasing memory and concentration: It is one of the common symptoms in kidney diseases. Turmeric helps in building the concentration level and memory power.
From ancient times; turmeric has been used as a healing agent to treat the wounds on the outer and inner bodies.
How to consume this Ayurvedic Medicine for Nephrotic Syndrome?
Turmeric is a holy spice in India termed as “Haldi”; you can use this holy spice by:
Adding a pinch of turmeric in your food while cooking.
If you like the rawness of turmeric; then you may be adding this to your salads.
As it’s an Indian tradition to add `Haldi’ into everything; so don’t mind adding into your soups as well.
Drink turmeric latte.
Drink turmeric tea.
Now, how about if we dig a little more about its causes, symptoms, & complications in a glance?
Diabetes type 2 or Diabetic nephropathy
Hepatitis B
Membranous nephropathy
A blood clot in a blood
Consumption of NSAIDs in high amount
Diseased or infected kidney
Swelling in the lower body
Increased abdominal size
Back pain
Fluid retention
Loss of hunger
Pale & itchy skin
Foamy and frothy urine
Lack of concentration
Blood clots
High blood cholesterol
Poor nutrition
High blood pressure
Acute kidney failure
Chronic kidney disease
So, we hope that we have assisted you with the best, but if you still have doubts about Ayurvedic Medicine for Nephrotic Syndrome; then you may contact or book an appointment with Kidney and Ayurveda treatment for Nephrotic syndrome.
Source: https://tinyurl.com/qsv4dcs
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