#never beating the himbo allegations once again
kenniko · 10 months
that guilty side eye from Kenny is so cute😭
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alicepao13 · 6 months
It's been 84 years but anyway. S06E12. I liked it and I also thought it was good. Gets bonus points because it will certainly upset folks over at UPtv. And let’s not forget the one flashback scene with younger Sarah and Joe (although while I add points for that one, I immediately have to remove them again because they make the timeline so much harder. Let's just assume for the sake of everyone that Charlie and Rex were also on Major Crimes but had been busy with like, a double homicide).
Oh my god, can that detective be more instantly unlikeable? What do you mean, stating the obvious? Her job is literally to state facts!
Then I had to decide, was he just a condescending prick, was he a sexist prick or a racist prick?
Obviously I wasn’t rooting for a quick resolution on the hostage situation but the promo had made it clear that there would be one so I wasn’t holding my breath.
“I heard you on the podcast”. Once again, we’re famous, people. I can’t imagine that this will hinder any undercover ops.
Rex was making all his empathetic doggo noises again. He has already exonerated Gabriel.
“I don’t think he would have hurt me”. Yeah, Sarah, but maybe cops would have killed him regardless if it came to that. As much as I like Sarah’s empathy, Gabriel’s intention in that moment didn’t matter. And when Charlie says, “I didn’t know that”, that’s what he meant. He would have certainly shot Gabriel for putting a knife to Sarah’s throat. You know, if he was allowed to kill anyone in that show. I’m still waiting for the moment that he will be forced to kill an actual bad guy lol
Oh, hey, it’s a scene at home. Hi, home. Missed you.
I saw a comment about how Sarah needs to learn how to hold a wine glass properly. I’m like… would a forensics expert really need to know that? Really? This is shit you usually learn if you have to attend too many formal events. I personally found out only because it was an odd thing I’d noticed on Castle. And does Sarah really need to uphold such etiquette rules when she’s at home with Charlie? I’m always the one pointing that shit out, by the way. But mostly in the right situation. Someone from an upper class family would probably know that. Anyone else, not so much. So, it would make sense if no one from the Hudson and Rex characters knew that.
“He’s never been my favorite detective to work with”. Oh, who’s your favorite detective? Does his name start with Charlie and end with Hudson?
I think that as Sarah started working more with Charlie and Rex and they started getting in all those ridiculously dangerous situations, that probably also made her more self-assured. What better way to believe in yourself and not care about ruffling some feathers than managing to get out of multiple potentially lethal situations?
“You do know that dogs can see color, right?” Charlie Hudson is never beating the himbo allegations. Dogs can see colors in their own way. Putting in front of him differently colored cups, he obviously won’t see them as the vibrant colors that they have (these must be cups that Sarah bought, by the way), but dogs see them in their own way, mostly in shades of blue, yellow, brown and grey apparently (researched).
That asshole detective definitely mentioned Charlie and Sarah dating to throw Charlie off.
“Charlie, Porter is not going to like you for this”. Why would we care what another detective thinks? Also, we’re the A-Team! We don’t care what anyone thinks.
Whoa there, did you lose a button, Charlie? Or several? XD
Seriously, it’s unethical to treat your significant other’s tooth as a dentist? This sounds wild to me. It’s not open heart surgery. And what good is having a doctor to the family if you can't use them?
How much powder does it take to dust a magazine? That’s A LOT.
“I heard the dog found the murder weapon”. Come on, say that in front of Rex.
“It’s about professional respect and I thought I had yours” “Nothing’s changed on that front”. lol Joe.
Honduras is actually in Central America. Who wrote that script? If you want to slam a racist, make sure you actually know where the country is located. It couldn’t be more in the middle of Central America. And it’s annoying that this went through quite a few people and no one caught the mistake.
This is an incredible display of unprofessionalism from the immigrations lady. I mean, mentioning that she had tickets for a show so the SJPD should rush the case? I understand it was done for comedic purposes but wow.
The resolution of the case and the motive behind the murder were wild. And yet, while it was clearly the mother’s fault, I couldn’t help but think that the dead woman was incredibly nosy. Obviously the punishment for that shouldn’t be death, but still. She was up in everyone’s business.
“What’s the golden boy told you this time?” You’re jealous as fuck, dude. On top of being incompetent.
They didn’t tell us why Porter was transferred out of Major Crimes, right?
Hopefully Gabriel will sue the police.
I have noticed overly good critics about this episode and while as I said I liked it… I’m not of that crowd. What I mean is that I firmly believe that we’ve been consistently getting good episodes lately, and this was also good, in tone with the others. It was also a bottle episode, there was literally one outside location they went to. It was a pleasant surprise that they had a trans actor play a trans character because I’ve seen trans characters being portrayed too often by cis actors, and to have this show get it right… let’s just say that there’s no excuse for American shows after that. Hudson and Rex must have 1/10 of the budget and 1/100 of the actor pool of a regular American crime show.
Promo: I’m curious to see how the next episode will work. Especially since the promo barely gave away anything important. Also, did they go to another city to pretend that they were in Toronto? Because I think I remember that they'd film in another city. If so, that’s hilarious as Toronto has been masqueraded as various US cities. Karma :P
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