#never drew a chubby dude like that? could be good practice yeah?
storyafterdark · 2 years
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in no au of mine does mike survive to reach his 30s but. hey. musing.
as per usual. its out on twitter @/Story_AfterDark
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ashleyisdeviant · 5 years
I had a dream the other night where Arin was a sex worked and Dan hired him bc he wanted to experiment with guys... I would write a fic about it, but I’m afraid of writing smut owo” so you can use the idea if you want!
Second, I’ve already gotten a little too carried away with this so I’m probably going to post it in sections because it will be at least 4 parts or longer at the rate it’s going right now. For some reason I’ve gotten so lost in this prompt.
I love the idea and I love you for sending it to me.
There isn’t any smut in this part of the story but there will be plenty in the next.
So without further stalling, here is the first part of what I’m calling...
————Finding myself in you————
(Part 1)
“What the fuck am I doing?” Dan questioned as he fingered the rim of his mug, fighting the urge to look up at every jostle of the bell above the door. He was in his favorite coffee shop, having some hot herbal tea, waiting on a man he’s never met before to come through the doors. Nerves were getting the better of him and he found himself slowly loosing the battle within as he wondered how the fuck he let himself get to this point.
He had to keep reminding himself that he wasn’t doing anything wrong. Everything was completely legal and he paid in full for this service. He felt an involuntary shudder at that word. “Service” made him feel like some kind of man whore or pervert. Still, that’s what it was. They were a company and they needed customers. He was just one of their customers
Another flow of hot tea passed his lips and warmed his throat as he thought about the man he had yet to meet. Dan wondered what the man would be like. The company he used had the option to request specific people based on their picture and a short description, but Dan chose not to do that. He wanted a genuine blind experience to really get an idea as to what he was feeling as of late.
Dan had always been one to try and be as truthful with himself as possible and lately he’s been feeling things changing about himself. Or rather, changing about what he was interested in. He has never be one to shy away from the thought of being gay or bisexual or anything like that, he had just never been interested in anything but girls so he always assumed he was straight. Lately he doesn’t know if that’s completely true anymore.
It started with a stirring in his stomach when he caught a glimpse of his band mate’s bare shoulders and back, broad and strong, muscles rolling beneath skin as he pealed off one shirt to replace it with another. He found he liked the feeling of a strong arm grabbing his shoulders. He shivered when a large palm pressed firmly on his lower back, warm and secure. It all got him thinking, got him wondering, got him wanting.
Dan bit his lip as a slow shiver worked it’s way up his spine. Glancing down at his cup he wondered what the man would look like? What would he sound like? The only pictures that would come to mind were very fit very muscular men, the kind that you would likely see at a male strip club or something. At that Dan felt his chest clench.
It’s not that there was anything wrong with those kinds of men, but he was having trouble seeing himself over top of one, or beside one, or maybe under one...
Dan was rooted so deep in that thought that he didn’t even hear the chime of the bells above the door, or see the figure of a man walking in his direction.
“Excuse me?”
Dan whipped his head up at the sudden voice.
“Yes?” He asked as his eyes were met with a warm brown stare.
“Are you Daniel?” The long haired man before him asked.
Oh shit, Dan thought as he realized who this man must be. He looked nothing like Dan would have thought a male sex worker to look like. He didn’t have rippling muscles or a short fancy hair-do. This guy was by no means chubby, but he had a fuller more delicate figure. His jaw wasn’t chiseled but rather soft and dotted with a thin layer of copper colored hair. His rich brown hair fell to just past his shoulders and he sported a light blonde streak. Full, pink lips curved into a humored smile as Dan finally snapped to attention.
“Uh, yeah.” Dan replied, wiping his palm roughly on his jeans before reaching across the small round table to offer up a hand. “And you are?”
The younger man hesitantly accepted Dan’s hand, giving it a small shake. Dan tried not to focus too much on how soft the other man’s hand felt in his.
“I’m Arin, I was sent by Evening Elation.”
“Right.” Dan said awkwardly.
A few silent seconds ticked by as Dan mentality cursed himself. He wrote music for a living. He studied improv. Why is it now, all of the sudden, Dan couldn’t think of a single thing to say?
Arin shifted his weight back and forth for a moment, then loudly cleared his throat.
“So, is that tea or coffee in your cup?”
Thank god they weren’t both idiots.
“Oh, it’s tea. This place has an amazing forest blend. Dan said as he picked up his cup and gave it a swirl. “Helps to fight off this cold weather.”
Arin nodded.
“Would you like something?” Dan asked gesturing towards the counter.
“Nah,” Arin declined as he made himself comfortable in the chair across from Dan. “Thanks though.”
The tightness in Dan’s chest eased as the conversation began to flow more naturally. He took a long sip from his cup.
“Oh dude, is that a mega man T-shirt?”
Dan glanced down at his oldish looking navy blue mega man shirt, the figure starting to peel off slightly.
“Oh yeah man, that games a classic.”
“It’s my all time favorite game.” Arin added as he shifted in his seat. Dan caught a glimpse of the shirt he was sporting beneath his grey jacket and couldn’t help but smile a little.
“Hey, your shirts pretty sweet too.”
Arin glanced down at himself and placed a hand over the print of two anime style girls in pink and blue fighting attire.
“Oh, thanks man.” He looked a little bashful as he added. “I drew them myself.”
“No way! Really?” Dan leaned closer to get a better look. “That’s so cool.”
He heard Arin give a breathy chuckle.
“Yeah, I wanna create an anime for them one day. I think they’re really cute.”
Dan’s eyes flicked back up to Arins.
“Yeah,” Arin shrugged a little. “I do a little bit of animation and I really wanna try it out.”
“You animate?” Dan asked as he leaned back in his chair. “That’s really cool. Me and my band mate Brian are thinking about getting a portion of our next music video animated.”
It was Arin’s turn to be impressed.
���You’re in a band?”
Dan chuckled a little and shrugged.
“Yeah. It’s a comedy band. Just a bunch of silly music and dirty jokes. Not what you would normally think of when you hear the word ‘band’ I’m sure.”
“That’s even better.” Arin grinned. Dan couldn’t stop the smile that split his own face. Arin really was kind of beautiful. “Do you mind if I look you up?” Arin asked as he pulled out his phone.
“I don’t mind.” Dan said truthfully. “Just don’t feel obligated to or anything.” Arin shook his head.
“No, I’m really interested.”
Dan placed his elbow on the table and laid his chin in his hand as he watched Arin. The younger man’s hair slowly falling down around his face as he leaned towards his phone. He heard the sound of his own voice singing as Arins mouth turned upwards into a smile. He bobbed his head in time with the beat and occasionally let out a small laugh.
“This is really good, Dan.” He praised. Dan felt his heart warm.
“Thanks so much.”
“Woah, check out that view count!” Arin snapped his eyes up to Dans overtop of his phone. “You’re a bit of a YouTube star, dude.”
Dan didn’t really know what to say to that so he nodded and dropped Arins gaze. He knew that Arin was still staring. He felt it like a hot iron on his skin. Eventually Arin slid his phone back into his pocket.
“So what other games are you into?” Dan asked to fill the silence. Arin took a moment to think.
“I like the first Zelda game pretty good. Recently played shovel knight and really enjoyed that.”
“Punch out?” Dan asked with a raised eyebrow.
“I haven’t actually played that one yet,” Arin confided. “But I really want to.”
“Oh dude!” Dan beamed, a smile spreading widely across his face. “That’s my favorite game! I have it at my place. You should come by and play it.”
That’s when Arin’s posture changed. It was only slightly but it still caught Dan’s attention. Arin’s smile slid into something more practiced as he nodded.
“Yeah man, I’m ready to go when you are.”
For just a moment Dan was confused in the sudden change in the air between them, then he remembered why he was even talking to Arin in the first place, why he was even sitting in this coffee shop right now.
Dans stomach began to feel heavy again with nerves. He could back out right now if he wanted to, just tell Arin he changed his mind. But then he thought about how that might hurt Arin’s feelings. He really didn’t want to do that, and there was a huge part of him that still needed answers. Dan took one more steadying breath before standing and offering a unwavering hand to Arin.
“I’m ready.”
There you have it. I hope you enjoy it and what’s to come! I will update within the next few days.
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chogiwank · 6 years
Internship - CEO!Jaehyun Smut
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Pairing: (sort of Fratboy!Jaehyun)CEO!Jaehyun x CollegeStudent!FemaleReader/SecretaryIntern!FemaleReader
Warning: not 100% proof read smut smut smutty smut smut like its pretty rough, dirty and long i apologize i got carried away jaehyun stans this boy really makes my dirtiest fantasies come out including doyoung and johnny SKSKSKSK
a/n:here’s a really overdue post LOLLL thank you for the wait loves,, we appreciate your support!! also i can finally drive a car!! WOOT WOOT i got my G1 (practice licence) and coincidentally finished this smut today as well so seems like a really good day to celebrate loll ; ))) enjoy reading you freaky deakies - Doyoung’s Darling
College parties were truly overrated: filled with the stench of booze, drunk, horny students trying to get into each other’s pants and really shitty EDM. Oh god, the first year of getting into college as a freshman I expected a whole life-changing experience, really it was better than high school but still just as shit. Nothing really changed, there was still the huge workload and the parties seemed more lame, of course maybe it wasn’t the party, maybe it was just me - I was probably boring but in all honesty I was never fond of partying, the whole reason I’m even sitting in the middle of a frat house is because of my friends forcing me. All of them pretty much party animals and I was the one who was always kind of left out, just followed along for the sake of them being my friends, especially because I didn’t have many, only two of my high school buddies - Lisa and Ten.
Both of them very much alike, kind, bubbly, funny, and dancing freaks with great style. Being the new kid at high school in the junior year they were the first ones who offered to show me around and hang out until I got adjusted to the school. Having Ten in art class was fun since we drew silly pictures of each other and sometimes our teacher who kind of looked like Batman, he had the voice too - although he was always in a shitty mood and would complain about his personal life instead of teaching which was really annoying and ruined Batman for me so fuck that.
Lisa, I’d met at lunch when Ten told me to come to sit with him, she and I got pretty close in a short amount of time, developed our trust really fast - it was almost instant. We’d end up telling each other many things in the span of a month or two from crushes, gossip to even some family problems which happened throughout the year. I never regretted meeting either of them that day, in fact, it was possibly the best moment.
“Y/N! c’mon get up!” Lisa shouted over the loud music as I denied her request shaking my head. “No! Get up and dance, your man is on the floor too!”
“My man?” I shouted back, “I do not have a man for your information!”
“Oh stop lying to yourself,” Ten voice came from beside me as he bent over the couch startling me. “You love him, you’ve been in love with him since you first saw him on the first day of college.”
“Damn right you’re spurting bullshit if you keep denying it now, up you coward!” Ten said pulling me up from the couch, Lisa helped out grabbing my arm and tugging me into the middle of the dance floor. Sweaty bodies bumped against each other and occasionally made contact with me, cringing from the strong scent of alcohol mixing with the utterly horrible stench of sweat,
“ugh this is so gross.”
“Don’t be such a party popper girl, go walk up to your man, dance with him!” Lisa encouraged shoving me from behind.
“Nonono please I don-“
“Y/N if you don’t do this I’ll cancel our friendship and call you a pussy for the rest of your life.” Ten said raising an eyebrow.
“You wouldn’t-“
“Try me.” He said sternly.
“Okay, okay fine! I’ll do it just don't-“ I let out a shriek as I fell forwards from a strong push, crashing into someone else falling down on top of them. My shirt became soaked from the spillage of alcohol on it, causing me to groan from the unexpected incident.
“You okay?” The stranger who became my accidental pillow asked, the voice sounded oddly familiar. I sat up getting off of the stranger’s lap looking at them, and that’s when I realized this stranger was more than just a stranger - Jung Jaehyun. The most popular senior college kid, the stereotypical frat boy I swore to never fall for but his looks drove me in another direction. He was really handsome and cute. His body was built all muscular but his face had soft features and dimples with chubby cheeks, it was odd but that’s what intrigued me to him. The difference between his interior and exterior made me curious, I wouldn’t say I’d want to date him but surely wanted to spend a night with him see the type of man he was - cold fuck boy, or a genuine sweetheart.
“Y-yeah I am, thanks for breaking my fall.” I snapped myself out of my thoughts.
“Well it wasn’t really my choice but at least you’re not hurt.” He chuckled. “Ah but your shirt.” He pointed.
“Oh yeah, I guess I’ll be up cleaning it tonight.” I sighed.
“I could help you out..” Jaehyun trailed off.
“Well I mean, it’s not really-“
“I don’t mean I’ll pull moves on you and try to have sex, I could just help you bc that’s gonna be a hard stain to get out.”
“Y-yeah sure.”
“Follow me.” He smiled getting up from his spot on the ground leading me off the dance floor upstairs. I looked over my shoulder to see Ten and Lisa making kissy faces towards us, I rolled my eyes. They were so childish, but I’m guessing that what everyone thought now the scene sort of looked like that. They all looked pretty busy sucking each other’s faces off so hopefully, nothing spreads around. Walking up the stairs he made small talk asking my name and such if I was enjoying the night.
“Here,” Jaehyun said opening a bedroom door and walking in. “You can borrow one of my shirts while I clean yours.”
“I...” hesitantly stepping into the room I nodded at the boy.
“Take this.” He tossed over a plain yellow shirt. “Hand it back to me next time we meet.” He opened up the bathroom door gesturing me to walk in.
“Thank you.” I smiled at him, closing the door behind me switching the shirts and handing my dirty one to him. “This is such a big shirt.”
“Really? No way!” He laughed. “I thought we were the same size but I guess not.”
I rolled my eyes and giggled at his sarcasm. “It’s awfully nice of a fuck boy to share his clothes and not make intentions to fuck.”
“A fuck boy?” Jaehyun put a hand over his chest pretending to be offended. “Is that how you see me?”
“Kind of what you’re labelled as.” I shrugged.
“Well just so you know I may dress like one but I’ve only had sex with one girl.” My eyes widened at his confession.
“No way, that’s a lie!”
“Yes way, I’ve made out with some but never fucked them.” He slightly smiled. “What about you kid?”
“two dudes...” I shifted my gaze to the ground.
“Whoa, two? Who’s the real player here?” He teased elbowing my shoulder.
“Well the first one was my ex-boyfriend during sophomore year and the second was this dude from the beginning of senior year, just a little fling.” I blushed in embarrassment. Jaehyun laughed at my reaction, and wow his laugh was really pleasant I could’ve listened to it all day, possibly made it my ringtone.
“Were they any good for you.” He winked.
I shook my head. “Maybe it's just me but in all honesty not really.” I giggled. With that Jaehyun’s demeanour changed, from the giggly atmosphere to a tense one. He walked closer to me as I stepped back slightly intimidated. Eventually falling back onto the bed, his body hovered over me.
“Are you a challenge?”
“What?” I furrowed my brows.
“You’ve never had a man please you properly, either they were shit or you’re a challenge,” Jaehyun smirked.
“Oh..” suddenly becoming bold I answered his question. “Why don’t you show me how a woman should be pleased.”
“Don’t regret it, pretty girl,” he whispered.
“Only if you suck.” I teased.
“Don’t underestimate me, you’ll be screaming and clawing down my back pretty girl.”
“Prove it.” I bit my bottom lip.
“Get on your knees.” He whispered placing a wet kiss on my neck. “And for now, call me daddy.”
“Yes, daddy.” I obeyed his orders and that night was possibly the most memorable during my first year involving one of the best orgasms I’d had in my life, Jung Jaehyun surely knew his ways in pleasing a woman and boy was he right about not underestimating him.
Although that was the only memory I had with him, basically a one night stand. The handsome senior who’d left during my second year because he’d graduated and was never to return again, lucky him. Loser me because I‘m stuck in this place for four years working on my Masters for Business, not even sure if it was a good idea but my best option I had.
Here I was now last year college completing a Business major along with an internship to be a secretary. It was my first day as a student intern, I wanted to gain experience before heading into the work field but it didn’t seem to go so well, the day barely started and I was 7 minutes late to meet my boss - so much for a good first impression.
Running through the front gates of the company and informing the desk lady she guided me towards the room I thanked her following her directions.
Stopping in front of the office letting out a sigh, I stared at my blurry reflection in the frosted glass door, straightening my skirt and blazer I turned the handle stepping in with a smile and apologized to the man who sat at his desk jotting something down on paper, I could only get a view of his head top but continued to introduce myself.
“Hello sir, my sincerest apologies for being late transportation trouble really messed up for today- I’m sorry if this makes me seem sloppy but I shall do better every other day.”
Still not looking up from his papers the man spoke,
“So you’re the new intern?” His voice didn’t sound cold nor annoyed, it sounded soft surprisingly.
“Yes,” I replied brightly.
“I’m surprised.” Raising his head up to look at me, I was shocked at the realization of who I was interning for, “nice to meet you again, y/n.”
He gave a warm smile extending an arm out for a handshake.
“Wow...I can't believe this. It’s been so long...” I stammered. “Great to see you again, Jaehyun.” I smiled back at him.
Jung Jaehyun...the senior college boy, my one night stand I’d never thought to see again was now my boss - the CEO I was to be a secretary for.
“Small world.” He brightly smiled revealing his dimples. They were so deep just like I remembered four years ago, he looked exactly the same, his body still fit and his kind interior still existent. “I won’t count this as you being sloppy, I’ll let you get away with it this once,” he raised an eyebrow. “But please keep a steady schedule and be on time.”
“Of course.” I gave him a nod and apologetic smile.
“Now, I’ll get you adjusted to the building from the help of my secretary,” Jaehyun buzzed and called in for his secretary, Kira.
“Kira, please show our new intern Y/N around. Get her familiar with everything before she starts her actual work here in a year, from the morning routines to where every file is, all the way down to our closing and overwork routines.” The tall tanned brunette flashed him a smile and “yes sir.” Before leading me down to her office and around the building. For a month she helped me around until I got to know the place and by the end of it, I got to know the building as well as her. I’d help her out as her assistant and attend to matters Jaehyun would assign her to. She was a really kind person to be around and a fantastic talker, I swear she’d be talking 9/10 times every day - not hearing her voice once would make everything seem very off. It was nice though, great company to have sadly she would be moving onto a different company once my internship was over and I took her place.
Sitting in Kira’s office she chatted about watermelon being the superior fruit i apologize i was thinking about that dumbass mark lee and idk why, it was an odd topic but she made it sound like this genuine world issue. her comments were hilarious, I’d almost fell off my chair crying with laughter. She’d finished her last sip of tea, setting the papers back into files, and files back into the cabinets.
“Well, I’ll be off early today, Can you inform Mr.Jung? I’ll be in an hour early in the morning to finish everything off. Close the front doors for me?”
“Yes of course. I’ll see you tomorrow!” I waved off Kira as she walked out of her office and waited for the sound of the elevator ding signalling she was gone. I picked up the keys she’d left on her desk slipping the lane yard around my neck. Heading to walk out the office door I’d heard the intercom ring, I went to go attend it as it’d obviously be Jaehyun...uh Mr.Jung in need of some assistance. Of course, I already had to go meet him to inform him about Kira’s absence, and so I answered the intercom.
“Kira, I need you in my office please.” His voice rang through, I’d heard it almost every minute I was in the building but hadn’t seen him for a while, more specifically since I’d started the internship. It was kind of a bummer really but every time Kira sent me in to drop off files to his office he’d be at a meeting or such, so we never really talked or met after that day. Nothing much happened between us, despite our past history... maybe we just grew up, maybe it was us being normal horny teenagers back then, we were just more professional now. Although, was he still as good? I wondered a little too excited, expecting a little too much. he didn’t even know his secretary left, he’d have no intentions to really do anything, but would it change since this would be our first time alone in years? Would lust take over us once more?
Standing in front of his office door I opened the top button of my blouse and fixed my skirt just a little in hope of intriguing him - a little cleavage never hurt anyone. Twisting the knob and pushing open the door I stepped in to see him sitting on the red leather couch focusing on reading through documents.
“Kira...” he spoke without looking up. “I need you to keep these documents with you and give them to me tomorrow morning, it’s for the finance-“ he’d cut off his speech at the sight of me and not his secretary he’d been expecting. “Oh sorry I.. I thought-“
“Kira left,” I told him pushing a strand of hair behind my ear.
“Oh, she did? That’s weird she-“
“she told me to tell you but you called her in before I could.”
“Alright alright, that’s fine.” Jaehyun looked down and up my body subtly biting his lip as his gaze landed upon my boobs which peaked out from my unbuttoned blouse. “Why don’t you head home.” He cleared his throat.
“I was, but again you called in.”
“Oh yeah, sorry please don’t let me stop you.” He gestured for me to walk out. Disappointed I nodded and bowed down as a goodbye, walking towards the office door I stopped as he spoke,
“Wait but if you don’t mind, can we have a small chat.”
I smiled. “Of course, why not?” I turned around walking over to where he sat on the couch. “Could I sit?”
He chuckled. “Why do you have to ask? You’re not some slave I’m gonna treat like shit. Just sit.” He pats the empty spot beside him, I laughed sitting down one leg over the other. An awkward silence washed over us not knowing which one should speak and about what, because talking about the past would just mention that night.
“So how have you been?” Jaehyun asked his tongue dart out licking his lips.
“I’ve been well, it’s been a while I’m surprised you work here...” I fiddled with my fingers. “Surprised you ended up my boss.”
“Well I never really expected the girl I had a one night stand with to be my soon to be secretary. “ he laughed. I blushed at his mention of the one night stand, my face turning a tint of pink caused him to laugh harder.
“Hey, hey! It’s not funny! “ I playfully pushed him. “You can’t expect  me to not blush after you mentioned...that.”
“Well, what else would I say? There’s not much.”
“That true..” I nervously smiled covering my face as it got redder.
“Gosh was it really that embarrassing, why are you so red?” He said. “From what I remember you really fucking enjoyed it.”
“shut up!” I said slapping his arm and grabbing the pillow placed on the couch to bury my face in. He laughed at my reaction.
“I’m joking!” Calming down from the laughter and embarrassment he nervously spoke, “am I out of line to say I missed you?”
“W-what?” My eyes grew wide from his confession. “You missed me?”
“Yeah...” he chewed his bottom lip. “Not because of the sex... well that yes but also because I wanted to get to know you as a person. You seemed really different and kind rather than all the other girls at college.”
“In all honesty, I wish I got to know you more too. Kind of had a really big thing for you...”
“I know” he chuckled.
“Huh?” My brows furrowed in question.
“Your friend, Ten told me.”
“Seriously? That asshole!” I sighed. “I‘m gonna beat him when I see him” I mumbled.
“No, no please don’t do that! When he told me I started to take interest in you more.” His gaze shifted to the ground. “I wanted to talk but I got shy every time, I have no idea why you made me nervous.”
“Me? Make you nervous?” I raised an eyebrow. I made Jung Jaehyun nervous? He nodded his head ‘yes’, his cheeks turned pink and dimples prominent from his embarrassed smile.
“You were gorgeous.” He mumbled but clear enough for me to hear.
“no I...” I trailed off.
“Still are, and hell of a lot sexier. If I could have you like that again I would-“
“Why don’t you?” I spoke up placing a hand on his thigh, gently squeezing it. He gulped, his Adam's apple bobbing. “C’mon why don’t you? You said it yourself.”
“I know but...”
“Hmm” I hummed as he hesitated on an answer, unbuttoning my blouse enough to reveal the lacy red bra underneath. His breath hitched in his throat as his eyes landed on my chest. “I guess you’re just not as fun you used to be, you were less of a pussy actually had some know how’s and now you're just such a bummer.” I teased to get him to make a move. His jaw stiffened and eyebrows furrowed.
“What you think I don’t know how to please a woman anymore?”
“A little...” I shrugged a shoulder and smirked, “Prove me wrong, I dare you.”
“Don’t talk so much, it’ll get you in trouble.” His aura changed as he stood up looking down at me.
“Punish me for it.” I breathed out. “Fucking-“ I felt a sharp sting on my cheek as Jaehyun slapped me.
“You shouldn’t use such profanity with a pretty mouth like yours.” Tangling his fingers through my hair he roughly pulled back. Cupping my chin with his other hand he tapped his thumb on my bottom lip, “ open” he commanded. I obeyed as he roughly shoved two fingers in my mouth hitting the back of my throat prompting a gag. He let out an evil chuckle from the reaction. “Suck” I bobbed my head up and down his slender fingers, swirling my tongue around them as I looked up at him through my lashes to see him smirking. Releasing his grip on my hair he moved his hand down to my neck, tracing my collar bones and back up to where my neck joined my jaw squeezing hard but enough to allow air to pass through. The breath play elicited an accidental moan. “You like that, don’t you?” His voice deep and teasing. Jaehyun lets go of my neck allowing me to take proper breaths and removes his fingers from my mouth, now glistening in saliva.
I nodded my head biting my bottom lip seductively, “Yes daddy, is it too dirty for you?” I innocently spoke. He scoffed, bending down face-to-face with me.
“Not dirty enough.” He placed a rough kiss on my lips, shoving his tongue into my mouth exploring every inch. Eventually breaking the heated kiss, our lips still connected by a thin line of saliva, which ultimately broke as Jaehyun stood back up. I heavily panted in an attempt to catch my breath. “You better put that pretty mouth of yours to work,” he pushed my head forward, my lips landing on his clothed erection. “Take daddy’s cock in your mouth.” I began to lick and suck his bulge through the fabric of his pants, beginning to get needy to have the familiar taste of his cock in my mouth I pulled back to unbuckle his belt, surprisingly Jaehyun didn’t move from his position - his hand tangled in my hair while his other lay on his side. Opening the button and pulling down the zipper his pants dropped down to his ankles. His white boxers had a wet spot from his pre-cum, I yanked them down to pool at his ankles and he stepped out of the material. His cock sprung up leaking with pre-cum, it was hard and big the perfect fucking size and fuck I was ready for it, for him. 
Taking it into my mouth I pushed my head down his length, taking him all into my throat causing me to let out a gag and muffled groan. Jaehyun let out a deep sigh throwing his head back, “fuck I didn’t think you would do that.” I moaned around his cock and began moving my head up and down, his grip tightened in my hair as he controlled my actions to what he desired- the faster or slower he wanted. I grabbed onto his thighs my nails digging into his skin as he forced my head down on his cock at a fast pace. Tears welled up in my eyes threatening to fall from his rough actions until he slowed down stopping at the tip of his cock. I didn’t let go just looked up at him facing down with a devilish smirk. He brought his free hand to my face, his index and thumb placed on my nose pinching my nostrils closed. He continued his before rough action moving my head down his length, the tears which I previously held in my eyes fell down my cheeks coloured black from the now ruined mascara. The lack of oxygen caused me to see stars as my eyes rolled back, my nails still deep in his thighs bound to leave crescent marks. Taking his cock out of my mouth and releasing my nose i tried to take in a deep breath causing a cough.
He roughly pulled me up from my seat on the couch, bending me backwards onto the glass table in front of it.
“You asked for this, better not be regretting it y/n.”
“Not one bit,” I croaked out due to my sore throat. “use me like a toy, all yours.”
“what a dirty slut.” Jaehyun slapped my cheek, I gasped from the sting. I felt my blouse rip open, a button or two popping off to land elsewhere in the office. My bra now exposed and my blouse bunched up around my waist. He began to roughly massage my breasts and kiss along my neck down to my collarbone, leaving a red mark on it. One of his hands snuck around to my back to unclasp my bra, I arched up to help him a little. Opening my bra with one hand he pulled it off throwing it onto the couch. He stood up above me staring down at my half-naked figure, biting his lip causing me to blush.
“I’ll repeat once again,” he breathed. “Fucking gorgeous.” He hovered back over me placing a passionate kiss on my lips, kissing back I placed a hand on his nape and the other played with his locks. Moving back from the kiss he smiled brightly, both of his deep dimples appeared on his cheeks. 
Leaving a trail of wet kisses from my neck to the valley of my breasts, he sucked and bit on the skin underneath one of my breasts, creating a purple bruise and slight teeth marks. He licked up to my nipple, nibbling and swirling his tongue around the sensitive bud - a moan eventually escaped my mouth. His lips felt so good on my skin, sucking and kissing every exposed inch, I panted occasionally moaning at the feeling of his teeth sinking in.
Finishing up toying with my breasts, he fixed himself to place his cock in between them.
“Squeeze ‘em.” he ordered. I squished my boobs around his cock as he began to thrust back and forth, giggling at the thought of someone walking into the naughty scene - as I laid backwards on Jaehyun’s glass table half naked, his cock between my chest as he jacked off. “What? You like that dirty slut?”
“Yes daddy,” I bit my lip. “I love it, I can’t wait to have your big cock in me.” I played innocent, arching my back as Jaehyun pinched my nipples.
“Shit..shit” he breathed, running his hand along his length his juices spurting out I opened my mouth attempting to get a taste failing to get most as his cum rolled down my chin or landed on my chest. “I don't know if I want you as my secretary”
I pouted up at him, “why is that?”
“I don’t trust myself, I won’t be able to hold myself back...” he held onto my arm walking me over to his office door, pushing me hard against the glass. “I’d have you like this all the time, fucking you senseless. The whole office would know about it, about how filthy of a slut you are.” I felt a shiver down my spine as he dragged a finger along down to the zipper of my black pencil skirt. He dragged it down and pulled down my skirt, helping me out of it kicking it across the room. I felt a breeze on my wet pussy since I hadn’t worn panties today, and oh boy what a marvellous day to not. “No panties?” Jaehyun smirked. “Did you plan this?”
“I forgot, daddy.” I whimpered out feeling a hard smack against my ass cheek, muttering a ‘fuck’ underneath my breath. he ground his semi hard-on against my ass,
“I’m gonna have you such a mess after this.” placing kisses on my neck as he adjusted himself at my entrance. “ready?” I nodded my head to allow him to continue his actions, and at that, he roughly thrust into my pussy. In and out, in and out at a fast pace, sound of skin on skin mixed with the wetness of my cunt. I let out a chain of moans and profanities hearing him whisper lewd things into my ear. 
“Fuck daddy, I’m so close.” I was breathless, his thrust practically knocking the air out of me. 
“Then cum, cum all over my cock baby girl.” Sneaking his hand around to the front of my body he rubbed my clit harshly. I screamed out as my orgasm took over me, his name leaving the tip of my tongue from the pleasure washed over me. Jaehyun continued helping me ride out my orgasm but didn’t stop even after, 
“Jae…jae please.” I whimpered. “Please stop I cant.” 
He wrapped an arm around me supporting me up, “Yes you can, please baby girl, for daddy.” I let out a gasp from the sudden sensitivity I’d begun to feel from my previous orgasm. 
“Then eat me out.” I panted. 
Jaehyun slowed down his thrust, stopping with his tip in my entrance, “what was that?” He spoke smugly. 
“Eat me out and I’ll cum for you, daddy.” Jaehyun obliged, carrying my limp body bridal style to the couch. 
“But last orgasm daddy, please no more after.” He nodded his head in understanding and dove down his head between my thighs. Trailing wet kisses up to my heat he took in my already sensitive nub into his mouth, I swear I would’ve orgasmed right then and there - his mouth worked wonders. 
He began to play with my clit, sucking and flicking it around, eventually inching down and licking up my slit. He continued his actions causing whimpers to escape my throat and fingers tangling tightly into his messy hair. Reaching the peak of my second orgasm I let out his name like a prayer, whispering profanities coming down my high. He cleaned up my remaining juices and his mouth where it dropped down to his chin. 
He smirked, “you taste-“ 
“please don’t.” I heavily sighed, trying to control my breathing. Jaehyun chuckled, gently lifting up my body to be on top of his as he laid down on the couch. Playful, chaste kisses were left all over my face by him, making me giggle. 
“I can’t believe we’ve done that…” Jaehyun trailed off. 
“Again.” I cheekily added. “And it’s still the best I’ve ever had.” 
“You better be serious about that, y/n.” 
“Why wouldn’t I be?” I asked confused. 
“Because, I was hung up over you after leaving college I don’t know why, it was dumb really dumb but I’m glad I did since I didn’t regret you one bit.” He flashed a loving smile. “Not then, not now.” 
“What’re you saying?” 
“You idiot. “ he rolled his eyes. “I’m saying, I wish I did this before but it may have not been the right time - maybe now isn’t the right time either but you feel right to me so…will you give me a chance?” 
“dangerous business” I laughed. “but sure.” After pressing a soft, passionate kiss upon his lips Jaehyun and I laid on the couch, our naked sticky bodies against each other for a while until we split apart to get dressed and he dropped me off at home. Let’s just say that saying yes to the so-called fuck boy, my new boss and CEO was probably the riskiest but best decision, concluding as a very happily ever after. Not the best way to reference a fairytale ending but hey you all know what I’m saying anyways
a/n: not sure if the ending is shitty but for real, I had no idea how to end it after the sex OOPS
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princess-zzuko · 5 years
Let the Right Movie In
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Believe it or not there is a connection between adaptation and youth in film. So let’s talk about it. Let’s talk about horror movies and children.
Julian Petley’s essay, The Monstrous Child introduced me to the terms “changeling” and “childling”. This describes the portrayal of children in horror films. These innocent, wide eyed, chubby cheeked, adorable little monsters will be wise beyond their years. In some cases, they’ll look human but are truly something else.
Take Let the Right One In, directed by Tomas Alfredson, for instance. (Spoiler) the girl’s a vampire. (More spoiler) the girl’s a dude. (Last spoiler) the girl dude is super old.
Changeling and childling takes that line most Hollywood movies place between good and evil and mushes it together until you don’t/ can’t decide if a character is inherently bad or not. Eli kills to survive. She has no choice but to hunt for blood. But she doesn’t enjoy doing it. She morns over her victims, but that doesn’t make her actions any less sinister. Of course she could choose to end her life by subjecting herself to sunlight or going into a house uninvited. Does the fact that she chooses to live make her a bad person? It’s hard to say. She was turned into a vampire and castrated as a child. I can only imagine that the thought of death terrifies her as does life itself. I’m getting too deep here. Back to the broad topic of monster children.
These kidos are often the product of their corrupt parents and/ or society. These films are often a criticism on the social injustices of this world and how they lead to the downfall of our children. We are the producers of evil and that evil will destroy us. Parents must pay for their sins, we must pay for our failures, the academy should’ve given Leo more awards. I am getting too deep again.
These children are often gender ambiguous. Girls may dress tomboyish or have gender ambiguous names. Much like Eli who blurs the two genders together. Monstrous children are the “bad seed” (56) of the bunch. Macaulay Culkin’s portrayal as Henry in The Good Son comes to mind.
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 The child looks sweet as pie, but underneath lies a young boy with serious psychological problems. Deceivingly sweet. Unapologetically dangerous.
Female characters are often displayed as a portal. Take Firestarter staring Drew Barrymore. She is a portal from which fire goes through. She is the gateway to destruction.
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It’s interesting to see children in horror movies. They can be horrifying, even more so than adults. Perhaps it’s the fact that we normally associate children with innocence and purity. So when we see what should be pure and lovely act the opposite, the imagery is astoundingly philosophically scary.
But concerning Let the Right One In, a clear distinction between the good and bad is blurred. Eli is the vampire, but who is the real monster? I have a few ideas.
Oskar. He, unlike Eli, finds pleasure in hurting others. At least that’s how it appears in this scene 
 and this scene 
 And I’m sure you’re thinking “Well yeah he wants to hurt them, they are bullies.” But see Oskar doesn’t just want the bullying to end, he wants their lives to end. His clear joy at seeing that bully fall to his knees as the blood fell from his ear was the scariest part for me. This is because for a split second I was looking into the eyes of someone who doesn’t hurt to defend. This is someone who hurts because to him it feels good.
And what about Eli’s caretaker? An older man who kills for Eli in exchange for her devotion and affection?
Or how about Jimmy? The bully’s older brother who threatens to stab Oskar’s eye out if he doesn’t hold his breath underwater for three minutes? In that scene we see a distinction between Jimmy and his younger brother, who knows Jimmy is taking things too far.
Or what about the vampire that started it all? The vampire (not shown in film) that not only turned Eli into a blood sucking monster but castrated him?
Yes, the “monster” is Eli. But she is not the only one who acts like one.
Which leads us to a different monster.
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If you’ve seen Let the Right One In, you may have also seen the remake Let Me In directed by Matt Reeves. Thomas Leitch wrote an in-depth essay about remakes entitled, “Twice-Told Tales: Disavowal and the Rhetoric of the Remake,” Dead Ringers: The Remake in Theory and Practice. In it he claims that there are rhetorical problems with remakes. You can’t exactly copyright films shots and you can’t stop someone from making a remake of your film.
There’s also the conversation about the audience for remakes. Remake may be attempting to lure in a new set of audiences by offering a twist on the story. It could be a remake for veteran audiences who saw the original.
Leitch argues that there’s a parasitic relationship between the remake and the original. It can be close to the original and not the be original at all. Just like Let Me In. Let Me In appears to be a shot for shot adaptation of Let the Right One In. And this caused a lot of controversy, understandably. What was the point of the remake? Who was it for? Was it good? I’m not sure about any of those questions, but what I do know is that I learned a new word.
Disavowel: a model of intertextuality that suggests one must be open minded about remakes, but still keep in mind that it is not the original and it will never be.
In the words of Thomas Leitch, “The goal of the contemporary  remake is  to translate not a language but a culture, appealing to the aura of their originals as European, serious, complex, adult, art-house films while domesticating  exactly the  elements  that created  that  aura in  the  first place” (Leitch 56).
So if you want to watch Let the Right One In or it’s remake Let Me In...
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Thank you for reading
Sources used: 
Julian Petley, “The Monstrous Child,” The Body’s Perilous Pleasures (1999), 87-107. 
Thomas Leitch, “Twice-Told Tales: Disavowal and the Rhetoric of  the Remake,” Dead Ringers: The Remake in Theory and Practice (2002), 37-62.
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neriede · 8 years
Kingdom Hearts Other Diamonds - The Twilight (KH Novel Translation)
So @moeblob drew a little doodle of my rare pair, and it inspired me to just go ahead and translate the chapter in the novel that the doodle’s based on. Enjoy Namine being a sad and a cute (also Hayner being a lil’ shit).
I did take some liberties with some weird pronoun usage, and in a couple places to make it flow better in English, but it’s for the most part a direct translation.
The light of the sun was flowing in from the large window.
Namine opened the curtain just a bare smidge, gazing absent-mindedly at the outside.
This house was said to be haunted, and so the townspeople hardly went near the place—it was for this reason that there was practically no sign of any human presence. Occasionally the cries of birds from the forest in front of the mansion could be heard, but that was about the extent of it.
The sunlight properly lighting up the room, the ability to look over the forest and see how it was doing—this was the only room where that was possible. The room was the same pure white as that of Castle Oblivion, and yet being in this room was different, wasn’t unpleasant.
Before her very eyes, Riku and Axel would leave the castle, often and immediately. Time and time again—that was the state of things.
And because they never brought her along with them, she drew pictures in her sketchbook, alone in this room, and then stuck them to the walls. Today she was attempting to draw the two of them.
It wasn’t Riku in Ansem’s form—it was the Riku from before, in his original form. Axel was eating ice cream.
Together like that, they were on the verge of laughter.
It had somehow come to the point where Riku and Axel really got on well with each other. Since Riku was unfortunately in Ansem’s form, he normally didn’t speak much. However, whenever he was eating ice cream with Axel, he would laugh like a changed man. In those moments, even though Axel would say things like, “Don’t laugh with that creepy face!” it was the closest he was to being himself.*
Of course, Axel loved sea-salt ice cream.
If left to his own devices while he was in the mansion, Axel would be eating sea-salt ice cream the whole time. It didn’t seem like he ever got anything like an upset stomach, and he was always thinking about eating it, always in the mood for it. The refrigerator in the computer room was stuffed full of them, never empty, even though he ate them every single day.
When she had met Axel for the first time in Castle Oblivion, she never imagined he might have this sort of side to him.
He had seemed like such a terrible person.
But being acquainted with Roxas’ memories, she didn’t consider him to be that terrible person anymore.
Namine closed the curtain and sat herself in the chair.
On top of the table in front of her, the drawing of Axel and Riku she’d just been working on smiled up at her.
No matter how much she said she loved to draw, this was a bit tedious.
She’d gotten accustomed to the passing of time, all alone.
Even in Castle Oblivion she’d mostly been left all on her own, and even though DiZ had been at the mansion during the one year when Sora had been sleeping, they almost never met face to face.
Things like this were why she didn’t feel particularly lonely.
But it was tedious.
When Riku and Axel were both here, things weren’t very boring at all.
I tell those two all about Sora and his friends, spread out over all kinds of worlds.
And the three of us, we discuss the dealings of the Organization in those worlds.
Sora, Donald, Goofy, Roxas, and even after all that the Replica who was my precious friend … I’ve never been able to just talk with anyone, not like this.
Ever since I was born—well, I don’t really remember the moment of my birth, but I’d always been in Castle Oblivion. Surrounded by Organization members, I was alone.
That’s why the times when it’s the three of us are so fun.
I thought I wasn’t lonely, but maybe now … is this what loneliness feels like?
I don’t have a heart, but this … somehow I get the feeling I understand what loneliness is now.
Namine breathed a small sigh, hanging the weight of her body on her back, causing the chair to tilt.
Come to think of it, it hadn’t been too long ago—Axel had tilted this very chair, and had fallen right on his back.
Namine remembered it and laughed, feeling her own small voice resounding throughout the quiet room.
Ah … perhaps … of course … I really do feel lonely.
I don’t know when Riku and Axel will come back.
Even though I believe that they have to return eventually, the possibility remains that they don’t come come back.
We are pursuing the Organization, after all.
As Namine stopped moving, likewise the chair stopped tilting.
If the two of them ever disappeared, what would I do?
I don’t really know for sure.
The way I am now, the thought of them not existing anymore is unimaginable.
Namine gazed at the Riku and Axel in her sketchbook.
Suddenly, she could hear the sound of someone’s voice from outside the mansion, and she raised her head.
Somebody’s … coming?
Quietly, Namine stood up and looked down on the garden from the crack in the curtain.
“Weren’t we told not to come here?”
“There’s no such thing as ghosts.”
“Won’t you quit it already?”
Somewhere in between the girl’s warning and the other boy’s reply, the chubby boy’s expression became troubled. Hayner, Pence, and also Olette—that’s who was down there.
Namine knew about these three people. In that fake town they’d been “assigned” as Roxas’ friends, and prior to that she’d known very little about them.
“Come on, Hayner!”
“If you’re gonna be like that, then maybe it’s not such a good idea for you to tag along.”
Angry, Olette turned her face away, and likewise Hayner turned his head in a similar manner. Even from so far away, Namine could understand what was happening, and she let out an unintentional chuckle.
Now that she thought about it, these guys were also a three-person group.
Her and Riku and Axel—and then there was Sora, Donald, and Goofy. Sora and Riku, and Kairi as well, they were all a three-person group.
Her group wasn’t as lively as Sora, Donald, and Goofy, nor were they as close as Sora, Riku, and Kairi. But she thought they were friends, and had goals and things in common that bound them together.
“Would you two stop fighting?!”
Flustered, Pence looked back and forth at the other two’s silent backs.
“Well then. Guess I’m going home.”
It was Olette who broke the silence. She briskly headed back in to the forest alone.
“Is she gonna be okay…?” Pence asked Hayner as he crossed his arms, watching Olette’s retreating back with worry.
“Let her be, that one. Seifer and his gang wouldn’t come out all the way here, and like I said, there’s no such thing as ghosts!”
“If you say so…Oh!”
Pence lifted his head up, looking like he’d just seen something, and Hayner rushed over to him in a panic.
“J-j-j-j-just now, the curtain moved!”
At Pence’s words, Namine hid behind the curtain.
“Now wait, isn’t that the one we said was just swaying in the wind?”
“It moved again!”
Hayner gave a resigned sigh, and Pence pointed at the window as he spoke once more, “But look, that window’s completely closed!”
“Oh really? Woah! It moved!”
This time it was Hayner who jumped. Namine peeked outside the curtain, placing her hands on her chest and breathing deeply.
“You know that reminds me—there’s that rumor about a suspicious guy coming and going around,” Pence crossed his arms.
“The black coat guy? The old lady at the sweets shop was saying something about that, right?” Hayner also crossed his arms.
Namine smiled wide at their conversation.
The black coat guy the sweets shop lady had mentioned was probably Axel.
From time to time Axel would leave the mansion all on his own and set out towards the town. Riku’s expression was never good in response to such behavior, but nonetheless, based on what she was hearing it didn’t seem like Axel had stopped going out.
“Now wait a minute,” Hayner scratched his head as he spoke, “Isn’t that old lady at the shop going a bit senile lately?”
“You think so…? I don’t think that’s it though.”
“But wouldn’t it be weird for a black coat guy to just show up out of nowhere?! And the old lady hasn’t said anything about anyone actually looking suspicious, has she?”
“Yeah...well, that’s certainly true, but…I mean, have anyone of us seen a black coat guy anywhere around?”
At Pence’s question Hayner stopped moving. His head tilted to one side and his eyebrows knitted together, “Don’t we know every single person in this town?”
“Yeah,” Pence resolutely nodded at Hayner’s words.
“You know of any black coat dudes in this town?”
“I don’t, but...what about someone who came from the train station?”
“If a stranger came from the train station, wouldn’t we immediately know about it?”
“I suppose that’s true, but...”
“I’ve never seen seen any black coat guy!”
At Hayner’s clear assertion, Pence began to seriously think about it, “Is that...really so…?”
“That’s what I said! Maaan, now I’m hungry,” Hayner started a long stretch.
“Sea-salt ice cream again?” Pence suggested, lifting his head.
“Would it be anything else?” Hayner replied, quickly running towards the forest.
Pence gave chase after him, breaking in to a run.
Namine’s face peered out of the curtain, watching their retreating backs.
Now that she thought about it, she’d only ever gotten ice cream out of the fridge in the computer room—she’d never purchased and eaten the ice cream from this town’s shop. More than likely the taste was the same, but perhaps if she ate the ice cream outside, it’d have a different flavor than before.
“Just a little...should be fine,” Namine murmured reassuringly to herself.
Axel had done it, there were no signs of any Nobodies or Heartless on the mansion grounds, and in case of emergency she could always use a corridor of darkness—
Namine clenched her fists.
She abruptly turned around, making to run for the door.
Namine walked the gloomy forest with her head hung low.
In her tightly closed fist was gripped a single 50 Munny coin. To be honest, this was the first time in her life that she’d ever held money. She had gathered this precious token from the first floor drawing room, where someone had been left it behind. She knew there was still money that hadn’t been used up in the safe in the basement laboratory, but that was DiZ’s money, and so she hadn’t felt right about using it.
But if it was money she had happened to find...well surely that was okay, right?
Namine raised her face, surveying the depths of the forest around her. It had a bit of a gloomy and scary atmosphere, but it had been a long time since she’d breathed the outside air, and it felt really good.
As she kept walking the winding and twisting road, she ran in to a wall. She passed through an opening in it, and found herself right inside the tram common.
Namine blinked her eyes, flooded by light after having been inside the dark forest.
And just like that, she saw a trolley passing by her.
Despite the fact that she shouldn’t have a heart, her chest quickly started pounding triumphantly, and she understood what it meant for one’s own heart to start jumping for joy.
Namine held the hand that carried the coin to her chest, squeezing it once more, and started to walk with just the barest of nimble steps.
If she wasn’t mistaken, the old sweets lady’s shop would be just beyond this point if she just went straight ahead.
She knew every inch of this town, and yet she’d never actually walked inside the real town for herself before.
In the space between the buildings, the old sweets lady’s shop appeared.
“I’ll have two!”
Beside Pence, who was already nibbling away at his own ice cream, Hayner held up two fingers as he gave the old lady his order.
“For Olette?” Pence asked.
“Uh...yeah, you got a problem with that?!”
“Noooo~?” Pence smirked at the way Hayner had shouted, “I’ll pay half too. Here ya go, 10 Munny.”
He placed a 10 Munny coin on top of the counter.
“Oh my. Who gets the change, then?” the old lady tilted her head to one side.
“He’s doing me the favor, so I’ll just take the 10 Munny.”
“Oh sure, sure,” the old lady slid the coin over to Hayner, who stowed it away in his pocket, before she handed over the two ice creams.
“If we don’t find Olette soon, it’s gonna melt!”
“I know that!”
With one ice cream in each hand, Hayner started to dash off when he looked back over his shoulder...and saw Namine standing there.
Without thinking about it she froze, and for a single moment Hayner didn’t move either, before he once more set out in a run.
Pence, who hadn’t been as quick, turned back and also noticed Namine. He looked restlessly back and forth between Namine’s face and Hayner’s back, before scrambling to catch up with the boy who had already left.
“Wait up, Hayner!”
Namine calmly watched their retreating backs, breathing a sigh of relief. Then, with one more deep breath, she slowly began to walk towards the shop.
“Um, excuse me...”
“Who’s there??” the old lady lifted her head, “Oooh, a first-timer, eh?”
“Um, sea-salt ice cream, one please,” Namine gave her order, her fist still closed over her chest.
“Sure thing! Give me a sec.”
With slow movements, the old lady produced an ice cream from somewhere near her feet, and handed it to Namine.
She took it with the hand that wasn’t gripping her money and asked, “How much is it? The ice cream?”
“That’ll be 20 Munny!”
Namine stretched her hand with the money out in front of her, holding it straight out and opening it for the old lady.
“You’re change is 30 Munny.”
The old lady received the coin from the flat of Namine’s palm and replaced it with her change.
“Come again!” she smiled so sweetly.
“…again. I’ll come back,” Namine returned the smile, and slowly turned on her original path, starting to walk with ice cream in hand.
That’s when she realized.
Where was she going to eat this ice cream…?
“Um, excause me!” Namine quickly turned back towards the shop, once more troubling the old lady.
“What is it?”
“Is it okay if I eat this here?”
“That is definitely okay!” a smile floated on the old lady’s face.
“Thank goodness!” Namine leaned against the counter wall and took a mouthful of ice cream.
The salty sweetness spread throughout her mouth, the same taste that sea-salt ice cream always had.
But there was something special about it, Namine thought.
“Tasty, no?” the old lady asked.
“It’s delicious!”
“That’s good.”
As Namine nodded a black cat nestled up near her legs and gave a small purr.
“You want some?” she squatted, stretching out the sea-salt ice cream to the cat.
In response the cat snuggled up against her feet and purred again.
“Oh ho, looks like the little fellow likes you,” said the old lady happily.
“Really?” Namine asked the cat.
At this the cat meowed once more.
Inside the warehouse underneath the train tracks—in the Usual Spot, Hayner and his gang were eating sea-salt ice cream. It seemed as though Hayner and Olette had managed to patch things up.
Sitting on top of the wooden boxes that had accumulated in a corner of the warehouse, Hayner at his ice cream the way he always did.
“Hey, Hayner.”
Pence, who had already finished his ice cream, looked Hayner in the eye, “That girl, where do you suppose she came from?”
At Pence’s inquiry, Hayner stopped moving.
“What do you mean ‘that girl’?” Olette asked the two of them.
“Just a little while ago in front of the old lady’s shop, there was a girl,” Pence answered, in lieu of Hayner’s deer-in-the-headlights state.
“A girl you didn’t know?” Olette moved closer with great interest, all the while eating her ice cream.
“And had never seen before! She had golden hair and was wearing a white dress. Tell her, Hayner!”
“Y-yeah,” Hayner nodding curtly.
“You think she moved in to town?” Pence looked up at Hayner.
“If that’s the case, maybe we’ll meet her at school when the new term starts,” Olette said, looking delighted.
“That would be nice,” Pence nodded.
“Hayner, are you listening even a little?” Olette asked Hayner, who was being a bit distant.
At his surprised response, Olette sighed dejectedly, “Could it be...that girl was really cute?”
“She was! Maybe you’re on to something, Olette,” Pence once again answered.
“Maybe that’s why Hayner’s spacing out.”
“Th-that’s not it!” Hayner practically flew up and off the wooden box.
It was true, that girl had been pretty cute, but that wasn’t the reason he had zoned out.
That girl had had a kind of mysterious atmosphere about her.
“Good grief...” Olette said, resigned.
Hayner hung his head, down-hearted, then suddenly raised his head as if resolved about something, “You think we’ll see her again?!”
“When school starts up again, yeah,” Olette said, shrugging her shoulders and exchanging glances with Pence.
Namine had eaten her ice cream, said goodbye to the old lady, and then booked it back towards the mansion. She slammed the door of the white room completely shut, trying to gain control of the throbbing beat in her chest, and took one, large breath.
She could still hear the sound of her physical heart.
Namine sat in her chair and took out her sketchbook. Then she took out her black crayon and began drawing the black cat.
That was the first time she’d had that kind of conversation with someone, and it was the first time she’d eaten ice cream in such a place.
New things were fun—new places were fun.
She had gotten a sense from Sora’s memories—they were things that had touched her heart, but this was the first time she was feeling it for herself.
And furthermore, she’d met Hayner’s friends.
They hadn’t actually spoken to her, but—just meeting them had been nice.
“I should...definitely go again, don’t you think?” Namine whispered, as if speaking to the cat within the sketchbook.
She got the feeling the cat was purring, and she smiled.
It was the next day.
Namine quietly left the mansion, holding tightly on to her 30 Munny. Sea-salt ice cream cost 20 Munny, so she was still able to buy it one more time.
Riku and Axel still hadn’t come home last night.
But that was actually probably a good thing.
If they had met up yesterday, she would’ve definitely told them all about her time outside the mansion.
Axel would’ve certainly been scolded by Riku, who was somewhat prone to being a worrywart.
Moreover, worst case scenario, if the Organization learned of their existence here from the townspeople gossiping, it would be a grave situation indeed.
That’s why should couldn’t tell them about yesterday—she was sure of that, at least. But if she only dealt with the old lady from the shop, then surely that would be alright.
Namine made her way through the gloomy forest, passed through hole in the wall, and exited in to the town.
Today after buying her ice cream, she had plans to stroll through a little bit of the town.
She hadn’t had the chance to see the real clock tower at her own leisure yet.
Namine was going to go along a different path than yesterday, one that curved right from the hole in the wall, and she started walking parallel to the trolley tracks. Turn at the bulletin board, then straight ahead. After that, pass through under the overhead road. Exit on to the plaza where all the shops were lined up in a row. Namine’s feet stopped in front of the sweet shop lady’s store.
“Good day, ma’am.”
“Oh my, hello.”
The old lady smiled sweetly, the black cat on the counter purring just like yesterday.
“Sea-salt ice cream, one please.”
“Sure thing! Give me a sec.”
Namine placed two 10 Munny coins on the counter. That left her with 10 Munny. She wouldn’t be able to buy another sea-salt ice cream.
“There we go, don’t drop it now,” the old lady handed Namine the ice cream with a smile.
“Thank you,” Namine smiled as she replied, the cat purring softly.
“Come again!”
Namine bowed her head towards her, eating her ice cream as she entered the street in front of the train station. If she kept going up the slope from here, she’d arrive at Station Plaza after a bit of a hike. As she watched the children playing at the foot of the hill, Namine began to climb the hill with light steps.
If someone were to turn right at some point along the route, they’d reach Hayner and the gang’s Usual Spot.
Her feet stilled for a moment, and Namine peered in to the opposite side of the alleyway, before once again starting to climb the hill. The hill from this point on was a bit steep, and arriving here would lead one to a garage.
As she neared the garage, Namine had completely finished up her ice cream. Now, if she turned right at this garage and kept going straight ahead, she’d reach the Station Plaza. The moment she entered the plaza, the light of the setting sun flooded down upon her.
“So radiant...” she muttered before she could stop herself, holding one hand up to shade her eyes.
As if to get closer to the light she started walking, and birds scattered and took to the sky around her feet.
“Who’s that?” at the sudden shout, Namine turned her head.
Sitting on the steps in front of the station was Hayner. Before a motionless and surprised Namine, Hayner also sported a surprised face, completely stock-still.
“...are you alright?”
She seemed to have said it instinctively, and Hayner stood up awkwardly, “I’m okay!”
“Oh, well then, that’s good,” Namine smiled, turning her head back to gaze at the setting sun.
This wasn’t her first time seeing the setting sun of Twilight Town. She had just the one memory of it, from when Axel had saved her. It had been lovely then as well, but today it was even more beautiful than ever.
At that moment, Namine’s vision was interrupted as Hayner rushed up in front of her.
“We met yesterday in the Tram Common, right?”
Namine didn’t know what to say in response to suddenly being talked to like that, and just stared fixedly at Hayner’s face.
“What’s your name?”
Her voice was small when she answered, and it made Hayner avert his eyes and scratch his head for a moment.
“My name’s Hayner. Where are you from?”
Namine looked away when questioned.
Even she didn’t fully understand where she’d come from.
She’d come from the haunted mansion today, sure—
But where did I really come from?
Seeing Namine’s troubled expression, Hayner walked closer, flustered. He had just one mouthful of ice cream left, and a drop melted and fell to the ground.
“Ummm...Sea-salt ice cream! I really love the stuff. Do you like it too?”
Namine quietly nodded.
“Guess it’s all melted though, huh?” Namine responded, pointing out the last bite he had.
At this Hayner stared, and took a deep breath, “So, y-you know...”
He was cut off by the resounding toll of a bell. They both reflexively looked up at the clock tower.
Across the way from them, the two chimes told them what time it was.
“Say, do you know the rumor about the ghosts that come out from the clock tower?”
“Huh?” Namine fixed her gaze on Hayner.
“That clock tower, the guard came to sweep up just like he does every half month, so nobody should’ve been able to climb up there. But sitting in front of the clock face were these two shadowy figures. They were standing next to each other and they looked like they might be people.”
The moment she heard Hayner’s story, she looked up once more at the clock tower, surprised.
“No one should be able to sit up there, right? That’s why people are saying it was a pair of ghosts.”
“A pair of ghosts...” Namine muttered, giggling a little.
Yeah, it definitely had to be those two.
She found it amusing that they were the same as her, getting mistaken for ghosts.
“Ya like ghost stories? Well then, here’s another one. On the outskirts of town, there’s this huge mansion...”
“Oh I know that ghost story. You can see a shadow of a girl on the second floor, right?”
“That’s right!”
At Namine’s smiling answer Hayner returned his own relieved smile, “That’s good, I got you to smile.”
“Hayner~!” from far away the sounds of restless footsteps mixed with Pence’s nearing voice.
Olette was right behind him.
“I have to go home,” Namine said, coming to her senses and taking a step back.
“What, already?”
“Sorry. Thank you.”
“Wha—What?! But I wanted to introduce you to everybody...”
Namine broke in to a run, leaving behind a surprised Hayner, his mouth hanging open.
“Oh dear?”
When they realized Namine had fled, Pence and Olette also watched her go with shocked expressions.
At Olette’s voice, Namine’s feet stopped for just a moment.
“Come and hang out with us!”
She could feel Pence’s voice on her back as well.
But she started running once more, without even looking back.
Namine slammed the door to the white room shut, breathing heavily with heaving shoulders, her eyes closed.
She really should not have spoken with townspeople like that.
If the Organization ever found out about it, there would be no going back from that.
And yet Hayner’s story had been interesting. She’d never spoken with a boy her own age before in such a way. Whenever she spoke with Sora it was always in such serious situations, and Riku didn’t really feel quite the same in age as her. It couldn’t be helped though—it was because Sora and Riku were special.
But Hayner was different.
He lived in the town and he was just a simple boy.
Pence and Olette too, they were an ordinary boy and girl.
They were different from her and her usual crowd.
Namine placed her hands on her chest, looking down in shame.
Her chest was still beating.
She really shouldn’t have left the mansion.
Namine was walking quietly by herself in the forest on the outskirts of town.
She hadn’t slept much last night.
Because she didn’t have another mere 10 Munny, she couldn’t buy any sea-salt ice cream.
Through that hole in the wall was the same town as always, Twilight Town—a special town.
Namine started walking, looking nowhere in particular.
It was then that she heard a voice.
“Don’t kick it there!”
“My bad, my bad!”
“You’re doing it wrong!”
That was Hayner, Pence, and Olette’s voices. Namine’s feet stopped.
The three were kicking a ball in front of the old lady’s shop.
Penced kicked the ball and it rolled to a stop at Namine’s feet.
“Hello,” As Hayner rushed over, a smile floated on to Namine’s face.
“Man, I thought we wouldn’t see you again.”
“I’m sorry for running off on you yesterday,” Namine picked up the ball from her feet and handed it to him.
“But you came back,” Hayner said relieved, smiling.
“What are you doing, Hayner?”
Olette ran up to him from behind, followed by Pence.
“Nice to meet you,” Namine quickly bowed her head at the two of them.
“Oh hey, you’re Namine!”
“I’m Pence!” he stretched his hand out and Namine shook it.
“I’m Olette. Nice to meet you,” Olette smiled fondly, and Namine nodded as she spoke.
“Did you just move here?”
At Pence’s question, Namine just smiled quietly.
The three of them traded worried glaces.
“So...Wanna eat some ice cream?”
Namine shook her head at Hayner’s invitation, “I’ve only got 10 Munny.”
“Then I’ll spot you half!”
“Me too, I’ll lend you some money!”
“And me!”
The three of them spoke all at once and exchanged smiling faces. Namine just couldn’t say no to that and giggled a little.
“Today will be our treat!”
“Thank you,” Namine looked down a bit at Pence’s words.
They all headed to line up in front of the sweets shop lady’s store.
“Yes, welcome! Oh my, I’ve got quite a crowd today!”
The old lady was, as always, smiling sweetly. The black cat was lying on top of her lap.
“Ice cream, ma’am. Four in total! For Namine’s share, you can charge me 10 Munny, and charge Pence and Olette 5 Munny apiece.”
“You’re fine with paying that much?” Olette looked a little concerned as she peeked in to Hayner’s coin purse.
“I said it’s fine!”
Hayner laid a collective 30 Munny on top of the counter, 20 for his own portion and 10 for Namine’s. Pence and Olette followed and laid down 25 Munny each.
“Alright, here ya go,” the old lady handed out ice cream to everyone.
“Thank you.”
Namine immediately took a bite, “…It’s sweet and salty.”
“That’s sea-salt ice cream for ya!” Pence answered, leaning his back against the same counter that Namine herself had leaned on the day before yesterday. Hayner lined up next to him, and Olette after that, and before long Namine also joined their side as a train crossed in front of them. Namine took advantage of the moment to open her mouth.
“I’m really glad I was able to meet you all.”
“We’ll meet up lots after this too!” Olette looked Namine in the eyes.
“Summer’s gonna be over soon though,” Hayner followed up.
Namine took another bite of ice cream and stepped in front of Hayner.
“Thank you, for the ice cream.”
“Don’t worry about it, it was nothing,” Hayner turned away, embarrassed.
Olette and Pence watched him with smirks on their faces.
“Today I came to say goodbye.”
“Huh?” Hayner stopped leaning on the counter and looked at her.
“Why?” Pence also stopped leaning and stood at her side.
“And after all we went through to finally meet you,” Olette also stood next to Namine.
She was completely surrounded by the three of them like this.
“We can’t meet up anymore.”
“I’m sorry. I’m a witch—just a phantom.”
Namine took Hayner’s hand and placed her half-eaten ice cream in it.
“W-wait a second!...Namine?”
“And that’s why, we can’t meet again. Thanks, for the ice cream,” Namine smiled quietly and let go of Hayner’s hand, “Even if the chains of memories come apart, the fragments don’t disappear. Even if you all forget me, I won’t forget you.”
“What are you saying, Namine?”
“I’m sorry—goodbye, and thank you.”
Behind Namine a corridor of darkness opened—and just like that, it swallowed her up and disappeared.
At the sound of a small cat’s meowing, the three of them came to their senses and looked around them.
Since when was I standing next to the old lady’s shop?
“Hayner, were you daydreaming or something?”
Hayner turned at the sound of Olette’s astonished voice.
“Did you buy two ice creams without even realizing it?” Pence’s face appeared from behind Olette.
Pence spoke has he gazed at the other boy’s hands, where Hayner was gripping the two half-eaten sea-salt ice creams.
Why did he have an ice cream in both hands?
“I...I guess…?” Hayner tilted his head.
Hayner and Olette both gripped the ice creams in their hands.
From far away the sound of a bell could be heard, and Hayner lifted his head.
That’s right—ghosts coming out of the clock tower...hadn’t he just discussed that rumor with someone recently?
But he couldn’t remember.
Hayner absentmindedly bit in to his ice cream.
It was as sweet and salty as it ever was.
At his feet, the black cat snuggled up against his legs and meowed softly.
Namine was silently drawing a picture.
In the very middle of the sketchbook was a smiling Hayner, and after that were Pence and Olette.
These were her secret memories that she couldn’t share with anyone.
It would make her so happy if she could eat ice cream again in that town someday, but that was something beyond her control.
Because of her power to manipulate memories, they’d completely forgotten about her.
But even so, she wouldn’t forget.
She wouldn’t forget how they’d treated her to salty-sweet ice cream.
She raised her head at the voice.
“Welcome back.”
“We’re back, Namine,” at Namine’s smiling face, Riku unfastened his hood as he replied.
“I’m here too!”
And there was Axel, sitting in the opposite chair. In his hand was already a sea-salt ice cream.
For now, if it was the three of them here, then that was fine.
My precious friends—Riku, Axel.
“How are Sora and his friends doing?” Namine asked the two of them, closing her sketchbook.
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