#never ever goes badly and makes me want to. crimes. or maybe Kill and Maim
funky-lil-ghost · 11 months
literallly going to learn 2 new coding languages for a new project i like to call: Nerd (writing a private wiki for my and my siblings’ minecraft OCs but using pollen and racket instead of just html and css) (bcause im indie and cool like that ig idk)
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makeste · 6 years
BnHA Chapter 050: Hunting Down Villains
Previously on BnHA: Deku and Gran Torino had a fierce fucking fight, during which Deku successfully utilized One for All LIKE A MAN, bouncing all over the damn place and increasing his body’s strength and speed. It was very badass, and he even managed to graze Torino’s cheek, although he was tired out afterward. Over at the Villain Bar, Stain rassled with Tomura and lightly stabbed him a bit to test his mettle, and apparently he was impressed enough to hold off on killing him for now. Then he headed back to Hosu, presumably to fuck up Iida’s shit ffffff.
Today on BnHA: Deku and Gran Torino hop on a bullet train trip to do some training in the city. Iida’s field training mentor Manual warns him not to try anything stupid like hunting down the guy who maimed his brother. Stain and Tomura arrive in Hosu. Tomura is annoyed and craving some mayhem, so he goes and summons THREE FUCKING NOUMUS to go wreck some shit. Deku and Gran’s train is attacked by one and Gran flies off to fight it. Iida spots Stain about to kill a dude in an alley and ignores everything Manual said and goes to confront him, announcing that he’s the hero who’s come to take down Stain in his brother’s stead: Ingenium.
(As always, all comments not marked with an ETA are my unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’ve read up through chapter 123 now, so any ETAs will reflect that.)
apparently we’re already on day 3 of the internship! we’re also just about a quarter of the way through the whole series now which is also cool!
this chapter is titled “Kill ‘Em Dead” so. that promises to be fun
looks like Deku has gotten his ass kicked again. but he wants to keep going!
“time for phase two... the actual internship!” oh yeah, that. I was wondering if he was ever going to actually do something hero-related. he hasn’t gotten much in the way of practical day-to-day experience thus far
off they go to hunt down some villains
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bad villains, really bad villains, talkative villains, mysterious villains, fabulous villains, lame villains, surprise villains, tragic villains... there are a lot
Deku doesn’t think his heart is ready for this. even though he already fought like three of the worst ones out there
even Gran points that out, and says this won’t even come close to how bad that was. well, good
(ETA: this just goes to show that YOU CAN’T SEE THE FUCKING FUTURE, GRAN TORINO)
apparently there isn’t enough crime in this quiet neighborhood, so they’re taking a taxi and then the bullet train
there’s a whole map explaining where they are in Japan, and I’m ashamed that I don’t know enough about the geography of Japan for it to mean much to me. I do know that Shibuya, where they’re headed, is basically the Times Square of Tokyo, though
apparently they’ll be passing through Hosu on their way, which gets Deku thinking about Iida again
he’s thinking to himself that maybe he’ll get in touch with him later, so clearly something terrible is about to happen
“meanwhile in Hosu City” oh lord. bracing myself
the guy Iida’s interning with is apologizing that things aren’t more exciting. but Iida says it’s better that way
because this guy was not, in fact, born yesterday, he finally asks Iida if he’s after the Hero Killer. since it’s pretty obvious that this kid, who recently tied for third place in the sports festival and is the younger brother of a bigshot like Ingenium, probably had a few more exciting prospects than his little agency
he’s telling Iida not to be motivated by personal grudges. I’m sure Iida will take all this to heart and drop the whole thing immediately
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actually that’s interesting to hear that they don’t have authority to make arrests. basically they just capture the bad guys and then let the cops and the courts deal with it from there
(ETA: although the way this rule is applied at the end of this arc is frankly mind-boggling to me. it should have been “thank you, children, for apprehending this serial killer who’s been terrorizing the country, and for saving Apache Chief’s life. we’re incredibly grateful to you and so very sorry that we fucked up so badly our own selves so as to make your actions necessary to begin with.” but nooooo, they get chewed out for having the fucking gall to take action in a life or death situation. and they’re told their actions can’t ever be made public or else they’d have to be punished since they broke! the! rules!! oh gosh. really the cops just didn’t want to deal with this on top of everything else and this was the laziest way they could sweep it under the rug.
sorry for that impromptu rant lol.)
Iida says he appreciates the warning. like I said,this gives me a ton of confidence that he’ll just go ahead and let this go
he is staring off into the sunset and clenching his fist
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this kid got bitten by the vengeance bug real bad
now we’re back on top of that water tower where Kurogiri first met up with Stain
for whatever reason, Tomura has decided to tag along
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“sacrifices” oh lord
Stain says the title of “hero” should be reserved for only the truly great, and that too many of them are just in it for the money and are undeserving
(ETA: Stain’s Annoying Rant Counter: 4)
now he’s jumping off, presumably to go kill some more of those money-grubbing heroes
as soon as he’s out of earshot Tomura immediately starts dissing him
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(ETA: it’s amazing how much I sympathize with Tomura in this arc)
but Kuro says the other cities Stain has appeared in have actually seen drops in their crime rate, and that it seems to tie in with “an increase in hero awareness”
Tomura’s like, great, isn’t that the exact opposite of what we, the evil villains, are shooting for
and he wants Kuro to bring out Noumu so they can go on their own rampage
wtf. Noumu who’s supposed to be in police custody right now?
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oh my god, fuck you and your s-less plurals you stupid misleading sneaky Japanese language
so these guys just have Noumus by the barrel, just lying in wait ready to be used at a moment’s notice, then??
one of the Noumus has FOUR FUCKING EYES because WHY NOT
so basically these guys are their fucking Sentinels
back to Deku and Gran on the train!
it’s going to be nighttime by the time they make it to Shibuya. awesome. Gran is happy because there should be more crime to put a stop to now
oh my god Deku is waiting for Iida to reply to his text. omg. I’m having a “millennial reads a gen z manga for the first time” moment once again
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FIRST OF ALL, I didn’t post the panel right before this, but basically Gran is like, “ON YOUR PHONE AGAIN?! KIDS THESE DAYS,” and OH MY GOD. GRAN IS LITERALLY NINETY PERCENT OF ALL BABY BOOMERS I’VE EVER MET
also, Iida read that shit and didn’t say a damn thing. that’s some shady fucking shit, Iida. up to no good
(ETA: I would also like to take this opportunity to complain about this translation, because in this version Deku has abbreviated the word “you” as “u” and ARE YOU KIDDING ME Deku would never)
oh shit they’re making an emergency stop
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...okay yeah, I would say that is a yes.
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yep. same
oh SHIT, it’s the Noumus. of fucking course they got those guys rather than Stain
so Deku immediately recognizes the familiar exposed-brains-and-vacant-expressions aesthetic, but before he can do anything, Gran shouts at him to stay put. and now he’s springing off into action
fucking shit. even All Might was only just barely able to beat the last Noumu, and that was with him using his full power and then some
oh shit the train hasn’t stopped yet!
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so now Deku, looking out at the city which is aflame, realizes that they’re still in Hosu, and...
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and now we’re cutting back to Iida and his pal. and his pal is telling him to get a move on and that they need to head toward the scene, but all of Iida’s attention seems to have become focused on this random dark alley nearby, and now he’s taking off in that direction
(ETA: what a fucking coincidence though that Stain just happens to be in the alley right next to them though. like, come on)
and it’s Stain... he’s looking towards the explosions? presumably? and complaining to himself that “that idiot” is being too flashy
so the explosions were what was drawing the attention of Iida’s hero pal, but Iida himself probably saw this guy. and just ran over without thinking
I mean, Stain’s clearly about to end this guy though
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the poor hero dude apparently can’t move. just like Kurogiri in the last chapter
and Iida’s appearing in the frame behind Stain now
oh godddd
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now Stain is asking Iida who he is. does Stain not watch the U.A. Sports Festival broadcast along with the rest of the country
wow he’s telling Iida to leave
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I left out “honorable villain” from my previous list of villain types, but this guy increasingly seems to fall under that category
(ETA: nope, already had him covered under “talkative villain”)
hoh boy Iida has his rage face on
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but while he’s busy being dramatic, Stain cuts him off and points his katana right in his fucking face omg
he says he can tell from his eyes that he’s out for revenge. OH CAN YOU. YOU DON’T SAY. THOSE EYES, REALLY? THEY’RE SO FRIENDLY THOUGH
“watch your mouth or your age won’t be enough to save you”
I didn’t mention this before because I was too caught up in everything, but Stain must be the first ever person in history to look at Iida fucking Tenya and immediately think, “child”
maybe it’s the lack of glasses. if Iida still had his glasses on he’d have immediately been pegged as forty and would now be fucking dead
now Iida’s pissed off all over again because Stain doesn’t consider him a threat
look at this fucking monologue
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and Stain is all “oh really? time to die then”
and the chapter ends
why are heroes so brave and stupid
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oh cool, I think this is Iida’s hero pal and I was wondering what his name was
“Manual” omg. like manual as in training manual? instruction manual?
“favorite things: equilibrium.” favorite color: beige. favorite food: oatmeal. favorite musician: phil collins
I actually love him now and I hope we get to see him more and that he somehow manages not to become collateral damage during this arc
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