#never forgot the deportation story of 2018 or whatever lmfao
wanderingblindly · 8 months
Yay tag game time!!!! Thank you @borntogayz and @ravenrage27 <3333
what color are your eyes?
Medium brown?
tell me about your pets. or your dream pet.
THE LOVE OF MY LIFE, MY TEENY TINY LITTLE CAT HONEY!!!! She's a total coward, I love her more than anything in the world. I adopted her at six months old <3333
share some interesting fact about yourself.
My go-to fun fact is that I won a FIFA medal when I was in my teens, but a vaguely more recent fun fact is that I was almost deported from Japan during my study abroad after being PROFILED AS A DRUG DEALER????
what was the first fandom you were a part of?
Visual Kei in like, 2011? After that was Dan and Phil (shame, shame)
do you have any phobias?
Not a phobia per se, but I couldn't touch cardboard for most of my life; I still can't bring myself to touch Styrofoam and Sherpa. Oh, and the national alarm systems/automated alarm voices make me cry/physically ill.
are you a picky eater? if so, what food can't you stand?
Not really! I'll try anything once, at least. But, unfortunately, most nigiri or sashimi -- the texture of raw fish doesn't work for me.
do you eat the burger and fries at the same time? or one after another?
One after another, but the fries are going in a milkshake whenever possible.
winter or summer?
Winter!!!! I'm too sweaty for summer and it sucks!!!!
what fanfiction tropes are your favorite?
SWEET FLUFFY STUPID AUS!!! Coffee shop AUs? Bookstore related AUs? College/University AUs? Inject them directly into my bloodstream.
are you studying or working? what did you study, what is your job?
I work full time! I'm a data analyst/UI sort of mess.
what is the last country you visited?
Italy, 2018 (jesus christ has it really been that long?? changing this asap)
what country would you want to move to after retiring?
Hmmm maybe somewhere in Scandinavia? I haven't thought much about this.
who was your first crush?
I think Bill Kaulitz when I was like, 11. Strong start.
how did you get into f1 fandom?
I looked up f1 tags on AO3 as a """""""joke""""""" one time, then realized f1blr existed after devouring all the sebchal available to me. And now I'm here, thriving.
Idk who hasn't been tagged!!! maybe @ocontraire, @jennarations, @albonoooo, @creabirds???
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