#new york traffic ticket lawyer
lfnewswire · 2 years
CDH Law Partners with New York Traffic Ticket Lawyers
CDH Law Partners with New York Traffic Ticket Lawyers
Syracuse, NY (Law Firm Newswire) November 01, 2022 – CDH Law announces they are partnering with New York Traffic Ticket Lawyers. New York Traffic Ticket Lawyers is a law practice that defends drivers throughout New York against traffic tickets. Law enforcement may have an unfair advantage regarding traffic violations, but we have the skills and experience to level the playing field. Located in…
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kristineciganek · 1 month
How to Handle a Speeding Ticket in Clarkstown
Handling a Clarkstown speeding ticket involves understanding your options, gathering evidence, and possibly contesting the ticket in court. By following the steps outlined above and being aware of common traffic violations like unsafe lane changes in Clarkstown, you can navigate the process more confidently. Remember, maintaining a clean driving record and being informed about traffic laws are key to avoiding future tickets and staying safe on the road.
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gepgep2 · 11 days
The entire system is entirely different from what they say... every pound of the government debt they pay off, there has to be a pound of private debt created. It's actually a perfect balance... as soon as the government pays off its debt, private debt has to go up. The only way they can balance the budget is if you can't. Which is really interesting because the entire idea of austerity is to convince you it's the other way around...
Politicians don't actually know this. They don't know where banks create money...
'Banks create money by making loans. All that stuff they teach you in economics 101- it's not right.' So they admitted that, but nobody paid any attention and they just carried on pretending that this wasn't the case. But the implications of this are enormous.
We can make up money. Money is just promises that we make to each other. All a debt is, is a promise. It has no moral difference than any other promise... this is the real point of my 500 page book on debt; the punch line is: society itself is just a bunch of promises we make to each other. So is money. That's all it is. But normal promises- if I promise to meet you at 5:00, and then my mother dies, you're not going to expect me to show up. We readjust those promises when circumstances change. And with rich people that's still true. If rich people lend each other a lot of money, something happens- the economy collapses, there's a crisis- you know, if you're Donald Trump they'll say 'oh nevermind.' They'll wipe it out... They bail them out all the time.
Even in 2008 they bailed out American Insurance Group, they bailed out all the banks that said they were too big to fail, they didn't bail out mortgage holders. Well why is that?
...The bad debt was based on bad mortgage loans. If they just paid the mortgage owners and bailed them out, that money would've gone to the banks and bailed out the banks. Instead they chose to bail out the banks directly and leave the mortgage holders dangling in debt. Why was that?
Because they don't want you to know any of this. They don't want you to know that debts can easily be renegotiated any time they like. It's not a problem. They do this for each other all the time. But they want you to think that this is some absolute moral obligation. Even though they don't think it's an obligation to each other at all- they readjust this stuff all the time...
[debt] permeates our lives in ways we don't realize. For example, one of the most unexpected things I found was the case of Ferguson, Missouri. Famous case where they had this incredibly racist police enforcement where basically every black person in the city- which was most of the city- had been arrested at least once and had outstanding warrants, and they were constantly making the laws as complicated as possible so that you'd miss your court date for a traffic ticket, and be locked up. It turns out that the police were basically extracting money from the poorest parts of the population to pay the debt, because the amount they got in fines every year was exactly equivalent to the municipal debt of Ferguson. So the police were basically paying off the city debt by shaking down the most vulnerable people- basically people who didn't have lawyers. They figure if you're black you probably don't have a lawyer so they can just round you up and extract the money. And they just put them in jail and say 'okay you owe us $500 for that broken tail light.' and after a week if you couldn't get the family to pay they'd say 'okay, $250?'
and they'd like, negotiate until they got as much money as they thought the family had. And they'd just do this to everybody regularly.
This is the way policing works in America and increasingly in other places once municipal debt takes hold.
In New York at one point the cops were mad at the mayor so they went on strike, and they said that they were only going to do 'essential police work' which basically meant they were only going to fight crime, which is about 5% of what they do.
But they just didn't harass people and round them up to do fines to pay off the city debt. So city income collapsed, it was the most effective police strike ever.
... and the other thing about debt is that it makes everyone ashamed. Everyone thinks that this is something that happened to them...
There's no one who isn't actually involved in the artificial creation of debt because that's how our economy works: basically the way our economy works is rich people bribe politicians to create policies which are intentionally calculated to put people in debt. It's the same way that most banks actually nowadays make most of their money off fees and penalties. They make the rule so complicated that they know a certain percent, usually a majority of people, will make mistakes. And then they say 'well it's not our fault if you can't balance a checkbook.'
and they fine you and extract the money, and that's their main source of profit. Similarly they're constantly calculating how to make rules that seem reasonable but will make sure that everyone ends up in debt, and then they sell the debt to each other.
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persephsmultimuse · 1 month
Chapter 1
Word Count: 879
Warnings: The use of the word douche like once
Two households both alike in dignity(in fair New York City where we lay our scene). From ancient grudge break to new mutiny. Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean. From forth the fatal loins of these two foes a pair of star-crossed lovers take their lives. Whose misadventured piteous overthrows doth with their death bury their parents’ strife. The fearful passage of their death-marked love, and their continuance of their parents’ rage. Which, but their children’s end, naught could remove, is now the two hours’ traffic of our stage. The which, if you with patient ears attend, what here shall miss, our tale should strive to mend.
Lavanya Kamini was getting ready for the first of many important events being held this week. Well, it was the only one she was truly excited for. The release of her first line at her parents’ boutique since graduating from college with a double degree in fashion and in business. The other event that was to take place was her pre-arranged engagement to Henry. Henry was the son of one of her father’s good friends. He was an ivy league graduate. She had to fight the urge to roll her eyes, her father felt that having Henry and his family tied with theirs was a good idea. Henry was a young lawyer and while they hadn’t done anything to get them into bad ties with the law, he felt they were the best route to go.  
She was wearing a saree that she custom made herself. The design part of her exclusive line, along with the patented mint green dye used for her fabrics. Along the bottom of the skirt, were pairs of peacocks with ornate line work in between. A slightly darker mint blue was paired with silver in tassles that wrapped around her waist. Her mother insisted she went all out for the occasion, even spoiling the two with henna designs that matched the patterns on some of the clothing she designed. She had that done two days in advance so it had time to dry properly, and so no henna ink would get onto the fabric, staining it. 
  When Lavanya was in college, she began using social media more to promote what she created in her classes and on her own time in the apartment she’d shared with the friends she’d had since high school. She’d grown from being niche to being worldwide within the four years she was in school. Her mother saw the opportunity to use what skills she had to promote the family brand, and in turn promoting her part of the brand. 
  Avyan was there to help make sure nothing happened, more specifically that the August family didn’t try to ruin the big event. The line had been years in the making, and wanted his cousin’s big day to go as flawlessly as it could. Though, Henry on the other hand wasn’t too keen on sitting, or standing, and looking pretty. Henry was neutral grounds for the time being. One of Micah August’s friends, Elias, happened to work for Henry. Avyan had hoped that he wouldn’t do anything that would trigger Lavanya or the other members of the Kamini family by doing something stupid. Both Avayan and Lavanya had been Henry and Elias’ classmates during high school, all four having gone to a private school. While the Augusts attended the public school a few blocks down. He observed the boutique, which was more or less the size of a Nordstrom or Saks Fifth Ave department store. The official opening seemed to be going well so far. He could see his aunt and uncle dotting on Lavanya and her accomplishments. He also saw some of Lavanya’s friends, and fans waiting to talk to her and get pictures with her. 
“Guess what I got us tickets to,” Thomas August exclaimed as he walked into the apartment he’d shared with his cousin and their friend, Elias. He waved the tickets in the air before walking over to Micah, and grinned cheekily. He wiggled his eyebrows as he set the tickets down onto the small coffee table in the kitchen. “I got us tickets to the Kamini boutique opening. Well, it was more like Elias got us tickets through Henry. But I’m the deliverer of the tickets. I know that you’ve been dying to go. You’ve had a crush on that girl since third grade! Now’s your chance, maybe you can sweep her off her feet. Save her from that douche Henry.” 
Micah knew that Thomas meant well, but sometimes his plans of trying to play matchmaker were a little too on the nose. “You know they’re going to be engaged right? Elias has talked about it before. In fact, he was taking notes during the business meeting where her father had proposed the idea. If it’s happening this year, it would be at this event.” Thomas let out a scoff as he rolled his eyes, and pointed at Micah before pointing at the tickets. “You say that but things are different, don’t ask me why I feel this way or how I would know. Cause the answer to both would be I don’t know. But trust the universe for once, Micah. What’s the worst that could happen?"
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jamesmedows · 1 month
Careless Driving in New York: Tips to Avoid Costly Mistakes and Legal Consequences
Here in this blog article aims to delve into the specifics of careless driving in New York, including the regulations and how they compare to those of other states. By exploring the common scenarios that often result in careless driving citations in New York, we can provide valuable insights and tips to help drivers navigate the complexities of the road safely and responsibly.
The significance of this research lies in its potential to raise awareness, promote safer driving practices, and ultimately reduce the incidence of careless driving in New York.
For More Visit us at :- https://trafficticketlawyernewyork.com/ Or Connect us at 917-856-1247
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dollstravel · 2 months
New York traffic ticket lawyers my source: https://linkz.myimplace.com/best-new-york-traffic-ticket-lawyers
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donovanmorini271 · 5 months
New York Traffic Ticket Lawyers
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New York Traffic Ticket Lawyers
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kristineciganek · 5 months
Navigating Traffic Laws with a Clarkstown New York Traffic Lawyer
If you find yourself blinking in disbelief at a traffic ticket in Clarkstown, New York, you are not alone. Traffic violations can be more than just a nuisance; they can have serious implications on your driving record and wallet. That is where having a lawyer for ticket violation comes into play. To read more click on the link.
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lynwooddannard514 · 5 months
New York Traffic Ticket Lawyers
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New York Traffic Ticket Lawyers
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kandicesobenes490 · 5 months
New York Traffic Ticket Lawyers
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New York Traffic Ticket Lawyers
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weinstockjtomas · 5 months
New York Traffic Ticket Lawyers
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New York Traffic Ticket Lawyers
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sydneyspoleti781 · 5 months
New York Traffic Ticket Lawyers
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New York Traffic Ticket Lawyers
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jamesmedows · 2 months
Experienced Stop Sign Ticket Lawyer in New York – Fight Your Traffic Ticket
Received a stop sign ticket in New York? Don’t let it impact your driving record! Our experienced stop sign ticket lawyer specializes in defending motorists in NY. We use detailed knowledge of traffic laws to challenge tickets effectively, helping you avoid fines and points on your license.
Contact us today to discuss your case and explore your legal options. Visit our website for more information and to schedule a consultation.
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robdreherty · 5 months
New York Traffic Ticket Lawyers
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New York Traffic Ticket Lawyers
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pattiecuriel692 · 5 months
New York Traffic Ticket Lawyers
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New York Traffic Ticket Lawyers
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colemangiffith257 · 5 months
New York Traffic Ticket Lawyers
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New York Traffic Ticket Lawyers
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