#newmoon horoscopes journal takealeap
Full Moon in Virgo
You never know what you are capable of becoming until you are capable of finding out.
You don’t have to know what to do. Al that you need to know is that you are capable of learning how to.
I don’t know if I believe in plans anymore. I have always relied on blueprints to calm my anxiety. The unknown has always unsettled me more than it has intrigued me. But this past year has seen my heart shift more toward the idea of uncovering my destiny day by day, choice by choice. I have seen that I can make plans for a lifetime only to find myself grasping for straws several years later. Strangely, I do not feel a sense of disappointment. There is something life-affirming about the fact that my plans, for the most part, haven’t “worked out”. And how lucky, I think I must be, that the person I was yesterday doesn’t get to decide what all my tomorrows look like.
But I still want to be able to believe in the idea of a promise. I have to believe that there is some way we can make promises to ourselves and to each other that can expand and contract with us over time. I want to believe that every day we make and remake promises, and it in that daily (re)imagining that promises’ strength lies.
You don’t have to know what to do. All that you need to know is that you are capable of learning how to.
I’ve been thinking a lot about work and what it means to me, what role I need it to play in my life. I have never been happier with the work I am doing. And at the same time, there is an impulse in me to follow new paths to see where they lead. I never want to be afraid to sacrifice who I am for who I might become.
I am so different than I was two years ago. I knew nothing of this world, and now I feel (most days) like it is my oyster. And that makes the idea of leaving it seem so scary. But if this world could transform me (and I, it) in such a short time, how can I not want to walk toward the horizon in search of what happens when I fall off the edge? I am not afraid. Fear is always in me, but it does not become me. I am ready to explore new possibilities, expand to new territories, make new goals for myself and my life’s work. I have never felt so confident, so capable, so bruised and so resilient. I must just be sure to stand in my light, be clear and kind and intentional. I feel nothing but warmth around me as I walk toward the sun. I give myself permission to forge ahead.
You never know what you are capable of becoming until you are capable of finding out.
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