iheardarumorxxx · 5 years
The new year was inching closer and closer, the ticking clock on the wall ticking off the seconds before midnight would strike and the world would turn over. At least, that’s how Davis’ mother had always described the new year. The world turning over, settling into a new position. It had never really been a big deal in the Whitfield house, and Davis still didn’t think it was such a big deal, but he was staying awake for once, actually making it to midnight instead of just slipping off into sleep and waking up to the new world order that the new year never brought.
This year, he had a reason to stay awake. Kissing at midnight was supposed to be a big deal, and while he wouldn’t put much in it, he assumed that Sorin would, and he wouldn’t deny that man anything he asked for.
Davis managed to keep himself busy by taking down the Christmas tree, pulling off the ornaments carefully and wrapping them, twisting the string lights off the branches with a few hitches when they tangled. Occasionally he would glance over at Sorin and offer him what he hoped was a reassuring smile, though he wondered if the man was even paying attention to him. 
“I can feel you worrying from over here, ya know.” He finally offered as he managed to grab the star from the top of the tree, wrapping it and tossing it in the box beside him. “Wanna talk about it?” He had a feeling he knew what the worry was, where it was coming from. Didn’t mean he really understood it. Felix was a big boy, but Sorin was bound to worry in spite of that, so it seemed pointless to tell him not to worry. “Or do you wanna talk about something else to get your mind off it?” Didn’t mean he wouldn’t try to make the man feel better in any way he could.
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iheardarumorxxx · 5 years
Today was the day. It was New Years Eve, the day he’d been waiting for for months. Halloween passed, and it would have been a good opportunity, too, but the night had been too loud, too silly, it didn’t feel right. Christmas had been more intimate, had been more quiet and would have been a nice time, too, but his sister had been out of town and he didn’t want to do this without her nearby. Just in case. She was back for the party tonight, and all of their friends would be there, it was the celebration of a new start, a new year and so many new chances to do something fun and exciting.
Planning a wedding was fun an exciting, right? Peter could only imagine. He’d spent the better part of the last two years planning the proposal, surely the actual wedding planning would be fun, too.
If Kolya said yes, that was. If he said no, Peter wasn’t quite sure what he would be doing after that. As sure as Peter was about them, about the relationship they had, there was a chance that Kol wasn’t ready for this, for marriage and for forever and whatever the hell else marriage meant. He would be heartbroken, sure, but he would absolutely understand if Kol wasn’t ready. He wouldn’t push it. 
He wasn’t quite sure he would manage to stick around the party if that was the case, though, so having Marisol there was a blessing. She could get him out if things went south.
The ring box felt like it was burning in his pocket, he was so sure that there was a spotlight on the thing all night long as he laughed and drank and went over the speech he had planned in his head for when the clock struck midnight. He made sure that he didn’t let himself get too far gone, and he was extremely careful that Kolya didn’t press too closely to the side of him that hid that box, lest his cover get blown early.
There was no telling if Kol knew what he was planning, no telling if the man was suspicious of his behavior in the slightest, but considering their relationship and how well the man could read him, he wouldn’t be surprised if Kolya had at least some idea of... something.
A phone call from Tate came at the wrong time, too close to midnight, and he was as polite and jovial as he could be while trying to rush his friend off the phone, disappointed that he wouldn’t make it in time for the big moment, but not pressing too much. Because the moment he hung up the phone, the countdown had started and he only had 7... 6... 5...
His nerves set on fire. Every word he had rehearsed in his head was gone and he had no idea what to say, just knew that he was supposed to get down on one knee now, and he did, squeezing Kolya’s hand to get his attention, vaguely aware that people had caught wind and had pulled out phones to start recording this as his mouth opened and words just started tumbling out. “Kol... I had this whole speech planned. I remember something about like... new year and new beginnings and all that jazz but it doesn’t matter, does it? The words? Because what matters is that I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you and I want that to start right now, for the beginning of this year to be the beginning of the rest of forever.” His other hand fumbled in his pocket, finally managing to pull that box out, to open it, and his tongue got all tied up again before he finally managed to get out, “Marry me?”
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