#nh: Dunceville
jellymeduza · 5 months
1250 followers gift - take a peek at my medievalish fantasy game (part 6/?)
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5
Today we visit two households of the Monk family.
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In the first lot live the elders. They gave away their earthly possessions and live a live of members of a parish guild. Recently they returned from their mission in the Far East.
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left to right: Old Sarah, Jan, David, Julia
Old Sarah is David's wife and Faustyna's mother. Her personality is 5/7/8/3/3 and her aspiration is family, even though she'll never have a grandchild - her only child is a nun.
Jan is Julia's husband and father of Francesco. His personality is 2/8/2/6/7. Just like Sarah, his aspiration is family, however chances of having a grandchild are slim - his only son is a monk.
David is Sarah's husband and Faustyna's father. His personality is 4/10/4/4/3 and aspiration is family.
Julia is Jan's wife and Francesco's mother. Her personality is 5/6/3/8/3. Despite her personality being pleasure, she lives a pious live.
Their children - Faustyna and Francesco - live in a monastery and run an orphanage.
There's a rumour of ginormous treasures hidden in the monestery's basement.
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Faustyna is a daughter of Old Sarah and David. She's a friend of Julia Kajet. Her personality is 9/2/6/3/5. She is charismatic (6 points) and logical (7 points). Her aspiration is knowledge.
Francesco is Jan and Julia's son. He's friends with Benedict Bigfoot. His personality is 5/5/5/5/5 (the blandest man to ever live 😉). He is charismatic (9), which is quite useful for preaching sermons. His aspiration is knowledge.
Aside from their service to the Watcher, they take care of poor children. At first they hosted Brother and Sister Beggar during colder days, but let them live again with their mother when it got warmer. Soon they realised their mistake as Brother became a common thief and Sister is working hard to support her family. They wanted to take them once more, but Brother and Sister refused as they were not children anymore.
Monks decided not to repeat their mistake with Brother and Sister's siblings and took five kids to the monastery to offer them a chance at better live. They are not cruel - children are allowed to meet with their parents, be in at their mother's place or in the monastery.
The children were baptised and given proper names - earlier they had been named a various variations of "little girl" and "little boy".
Margaret (the blonde girl) is the eldest of the children living in the monastery. She is a daughter of Wench Beggar and Caligula Claudius. She is a record setter when it comes to the number of siblings: she's got 6 half-sibling from her mother's side and 10 half-siblings from her father's side. She is friends with Arthur Magic, her half-brother, and with Anna Bona Darius, her cousin (the relationship between the girls is one of many excuses for Władysław's dislike for his daughter). Of course, Margaret is not aware of the blood bonds she shares with her friends. Her personality is 10/7/4/5/9, artistic, heavy sleeper.
Maria (held by Francesco) is a daughter of Wench Beggar and Blind-Eye Beggar, and one of quadruplets (yes, quadruplets! This neighbourhood has so many multiple births. Too many. 😅). Her personality is 2/7/4/7/6.
Magdalena (sitting next to Francesco) is a daughter of Wench Beggar and Blind-Eye Beggar. Her personality is 4/8/10/5/6.
Michael (sitting next to Margaret) is a son of Wench Beggar and Blind-Eye Beggar. His personality is 1/8/6/8/10.
Teofil (held by Faustyna) is a son of Wench Beggar and Blind-Eye Beggar. His personality is 9/4/4/7/6.
Next up - the Bourgeoisie!
part 7 | part 8
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jellymeduza · 6 months
1250 followers gift - take a peek at my medievalish fantasy game (part 5/?)
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4
After a break, we move on to the Magic household, or actually both of them. Elders and their children live separatedly.
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On this lot live two elderly couples: Baltazar and Salamandra, and Gargamel and Hogata.
I use @midgethetree's edit of aging controller, so witches live longer than regular Sims.
I also use hereditary supernaturalism, so children inherit powers when they age to teens.
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Going left to right:
Gargamel is Hogata's husband and father of Janka, Barbara and Łucja (or Lucy, I can't make up my mind about translating this name). He is evil wizard. His personality is 6/5/3/9/2 and his aspiration is fortune.
Salamandra is Baltazar's wife and mother of Eugene Magic (the wizard at the court of the Dariuses). She is good witch and works in alchemy (a.k.a. science). Her personality is 5/8/6/3/3. Her aspiration is knowledge.
Hogata is Gargamel's wife and mother of anka, Barbara and Łucja/Lucy. She is neutral witch. Her personality is 5/8/6/3/3. Her aspiration is knowledge.
Baltazar is Salamandra's husband and father of Eugene Magic. He's evil wizard. His personality is 4/7/8/3/3 and his aspiration is fortune.
Turquoise (on Baltazar's shoulder) is their dragon pet.
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The second Magic household is much more crowded. It is inhabited by three sisters and their children.
The sisters run a magic shop, where they sell potions, cures and magic artefacts.
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Left to right:
Łucja (Lucy) is the youngest daughter of Gargamel and Hogata. Even though, she is Eugene's wife, they live apart. They have three kids: Alice, Merlin (red-head boy with short hair) and Magus (red-head boy with long hair). She is infallibly good witch with her magic skills maxed out. She's got great relationship with Janka but doesn't get along with Barbara. She's got 10 points in logic and 5 both in creativity and cleaning. Her personality is 4/10/4/4/3, socially awkward, family-oriented, workaholic, virtuoso. Her favourite colour is white. Her first personality is knowledge and secondary is family.
The boy sitting in front of Łucja is her nephew, Arthur. He is son of Janka and Caligula, and elder twin of Octavian. He's also a half-sibling of his cousin, Arcadius (weird family relationships, let's go!). His personality is 10/10/1/8/0, snob, loves to swim, hates the outdoors.
Alice is the eldest child of Łucja and Eugene. She is a teenager who only recently unlocked her powers. She's learning magic and once she's old enough she will study at the magic university - Artes Magicae. She reached her rebellious teen phase as she fears casting good spells. xD Her personality is 7/4/9/8/1, hates the outdoors, love to swim, family-oriented, absent-minded. Her favourite colour is blue. Her aspiration is knowledge.
Merlin is the younger twin of Magus (yes, there are two sets of twins in this family. No, it wasn't on purpose) and the youngest child of Łucja and Eugene. His personality is 4/10/10/2/9, night owl, family-oriented, loves the outdoors.
Next to Merlin, his elder twin Magus is playing with a cat, Fang. Magus' personality is 4/5/6/10/10, brave, artistic, heavy sleeper.
Janka is the eldest daughter of Gargamel and Hogata. She is a mother of Arthur and Octavian. She's a neutral witch. She had a brief affair with Caligula Claudius, which resulted in twin pregnancy. Of course at the same time her sister Barbara had an affair with Caligula as well, bruh. Anyway, Janka gets along with both of her sisters. She works in medicine and is a licenced physician. She's got 6 points of cooking skill, 7 points of both mechanical and cleaning, 10 points of body skill. Her personality is 2/8/2/6/7, adventurous, workaholic, bookworm, kleptomaniac, artistic. Her favourite colour is brown. Her aspiration is knowledge.
The boy hanging on the chandelier is Octavian, younger twin of Arthur. He is son of Janka and Caligula, and half-sibling of his cousin Arcadius. His personality is 5/7/4/8/10, artistic, ambitious, genius.
Then we've got Arcadius, son of Barbara and Caligula. He spent his infancy and early toddlerhood living with his maternal grandparents, only then Barbara took care of her son. Like his half-siblings, he doesn't know they are so closely related. His personality is 4/9/9/8/5, heavy sleeper, bookworm, good sense of humor.
Barbara is the middle daughter of Gargamel and Hogata. She is a mother of Arcadius. She's an atrociously evil witch and has a familar cat called Fang. She had a brief affair with Caligula Claudius. She works in entertainment. She's got 6 points of mechanical skill, 7 points of creativity, 8 points of cleaning and 10 points of body skill. Her personality is 7/5/9/3/1, over-emotional, loves the outdoors, heavy sleeper, supernatural fan, socially awkward. Her favourite colour is black. Her aspiration is knowledge.
Fang is mid between genius and doofus, mid between lazy and hyper, independent, cowardly and mid pigpen between finicky.
Next up, the Monks!
part 6 | part 7 | part 8
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jellymeduza · 8 months
1250 followers gift - take a peek at my medievalish fantasy game (part 2/?)
part 1
And we return to Dunceville to pay a visit to the royals. I'll try to give this time my characters a longer backstory as this neighbourhood is much older than Darkville. Let's start with Claudiuses.
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Until recently the head of the house was king August the Mad. His wife was queen Bona.
They both died of old age - Bona died first having reached her lifetime want - to have 6 grandchildren. She achieved it pretty early as her younger son has 11 children (all out of wedlock). She never met those kids, but she ordered her servants to inform her. She was happy her bloodline is so strong, so she pretended she didn't know about Caligula's affairs. Her aspiration was family (obviously). Personality: 7/4/1/8/5, light sleeper
August the Mad surely deserved his nickname - his wife died during their golden jubilee and he still deemed it the best party ever. 🤣 He was also flirting during that party with Victoria the Elder Darius. Why not? 🤷‍♀️He outlived his wife by mere few days. His first aspiration was family and second fortune. He's maxed his logic and charisma skills, and had 5 points of condition and creativity. Personality: 5/9/3/8/0, insane
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forgive me an outdated picture - I bought them a new throne with a blue sitting
August and Bona had got 3 children: Arthur, Cecylia and Caligula.
Following the death of August the Mad, Arthur became new king and shares his kingdom with his father-in-law, Konrad the Ginger. He's dutiful and noble, but a bit naive. He loves his wife dearly - she's probably the only person for whom he's willing to bent the law. He admires her for the strength of her character, independence and wit. He also cares for his sister, Cecylia Darius.
However, his got terrible realtionship with his brother - they are enemies. After Bona's death family stopped ignoring Caligula's affairs, which resulted in numerous arguments. One day Caligula tried to flirt with his sister-in-law, which Fiona didn't take lightly. Although heavily pregnant at the time, she drew a sword and started a fight with Caligula. Unfortunately, defending himself Caligula accidentally killed her and ran away in panic. Distraught, Arthur called for the wizard serving at Dariuses' court, but it was too late to help Fiona. Wizard, Eugene Magic, consulted his family and they came up with a way to bring the queen back. Fiona was brought back, but something went wrong during the rite (probably due to the blood curse) and she returned as a vampire. Wizards are afraid that reverting vampirism might also revert bringing the queen back, so they can't currently cure her. While Arthur's love hasn't faltered, his wife's condition scares him. The first days were especially difficult as she was trying to bite him all the time, not being able to sate her thirst. Luckily, smart plantman living in the rural area is growing special fruit that works as a substitute for blood. Fiona's vampirism is a strictly confidential information known only to the Claudiuses, the Dariuses and the clan of witches.
Arthur's personality: 5/3/7/3/7, good, hopeless romantic. His first aspiration is family and second is popularity. He's got condition maxed, 8 points of charisma and 5 points of logic and mechanical. His favourite colour is blue.
Fiona was born to the royal house of Darius and was married into the house of Claudius. She's daughter of Victoria the Elder and Konrad the Ginger and sister to Władysław IV. At first she was highly sceptical of her engagement to Arthur (she's got red memory). She was worried he would perceive her the way her brother does - as someone weaker and dependent, while she is certain she would make a much better ruler than Władysław IV - he only had the luck of being born a man. But eventually Arthur gained her respect (and heart) and they make a pretty happy marriage. Fiona likes reading about new inventions and sparring duels with her husband. Thanks to plasma fruit and potions that allow her to walk in the sunlight her vampirism is quite bearable. She hates Caligula with burning passion, but is friends with Cecylia Darius and the noble house of Watch.
Fiona's personality: 5/8/6/3/3, adventurous, brave, ambitious. Her first aspiration is family and second is knowledge. Her favourite colour is black. She's logical (7 points), she also has 6 points of condition and 5 points of creativity.
Arthur and Fiona have got 4 children: Julia, Agrippa, Victoria and Kunegunda. All kids are friends with their royal cousins of house Darius.
Julia (the girl in blue dress) is the eldest child. Personality: 10/10/4/4/7, brave, good, snob. Her favourite colour is blue.
Agrippa is the second child and only son. Personality: 5/8/6/3/3 (he takes after his mother), brave, good, animal lover. His favourite colour is blue.
Victoria (the girl in red dress) is the third child and as a part of peace agreement wears the colours of house Darius. She doesn't mind that as red is her favourite colour. Personality: 5/3/7/3/7, heavy sleeper, absent-minded.
Kunegunda is the fourth child and is still a baby. She was born after Fiona's revival (technically she was revived together with her mother) and she was born with red eyes. Personality: 10/1/10/3/3
Claudiuses have got a cat - Alegra. They bought her when she was a kitten. Alegra is genius, mid between lazy and hyper, mid between independant and friendly, cowardly, finicky.
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Following the accident (he didn't mean to kill Fiona! It's not his fault she's hot and he saw her everyday, alright?), Caligula ran away, grew long hair and a beard to avoid being recognised. He now lives in the rural area outside the city. Even though he is not only banished, but also highly wanted (both kings want him dead for his deed), he sometimes goes to the city to have a drink in the inn or to pick up on some lady. He was his mother's favourite child, and she accepted that he didn't want to marry. He remains a single to this day.
His job at the court was to attend ceremonies and parties (his job was slacker), but he managed to slack off even in that to go on a date with a lady. Basically, he was useless as he never had any ambition to take his brother's seat - Arthur had responsibilities and Caligula could live the pleasant, carefree live of a royal younger son.
He is father of 11 children with 8 women - there was a set of triplets and a pair of twins. What can I say, he's very fertile. xD Surely he's not prejudiced - he's slept with noble women, he's slept with burgher women, he's slept with peasants. He also slept with a mermaid, two witches and a fairy. He tried to woo an elvish lady, but she clearly wasn't interested,
As soon as a lady becomes pregnant, he quits a relationship. Sometimes he ends an affair even sooner.
One day he found a basket with a baby and a note "Jocasta Samurai". The girl is dark-skinned, but Caligula is willing to believe she's his own. The problem is, he doesn't recall meeting with a woman with last name being "Samurai" and he's slept with 5 dark-skinned women at least three of them were literate.
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Personality: 5/9/3/8/0, commitment issues, heavy sleeper. His aspiration is pleasure and second is romance. He's got high condition (8), he's also creative (7), charismatic (6) and quite logical (5).
Jocasta Samurai is the only child of Caligula that got to meet its father. She was abandoned by her mother, Berta Watch (5th on the relationship view above). Personality: 4/8/6/10/7.
Next up: the Dariuses!
part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8
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jellymeduza · 20 days
1250 followers gift - take a peek at my medievalish fantasy game (part 8/?)
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7
Today we pay a visit to the Potters (a.k.a. Garncarscy).
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The family lives in two buildings placed on one lot. One building was owned by the elders (on the right) and the other by adults with their children (on the left). As Michalina is the only remaining elder and Julian got married, Michalina moved onto 'adults' building, now living with Janusz and Patricia. Julian and Antoinette live in the what previously was 'elders' building with their son, Jerzy, and Joanna - Julian's youngest sister, who is a toddler.
The family is not so reputation and money oriented as the Burgeoisiees, so they live solely off their pottery shop.
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Michalina (elderly woman holding a toddler) was Hugo's wife. She's Janka's mother. Life didn't go easy on her - first her husband died, then she witnessed the death of her daughter. Now she peacefully awaits her turn, but Death doesn't seem to be in hurry to claim her. Her personality is 4/7/8/3/3, absent-minded, adventurous, coward, night owl, workaholic. She's got 4 creativity points and 5 cleaning points, a golden pottery badge and a bronze sewing badge. Her first aspiration is family and secondary is knowledge. I suspect she will die of old age the next day.
Janusz (the man on the left) is the son of Barbara and Zdzisław. He was also Janka's husband, but he became a widower when Janka died during childbirth with Joanna. He still cannot cope with the loss of the love of his life, who returned as a ghost. He blames himself for her death - he's always wanted a big family and after the couple had two children - Julia and Julian, they tried for years for another one. When their eldest children were already teenagers, Janka gave birth to Patricia and Janusz couldn't be happier. However, a rumour quickly spread that Patricia wasn't his child, but Caligula's. Janusz doesn't believe that - Janka would never cheat on him, they were happily married, after all. Nevertheless, his pride was hurt and he started dreaming of another child. This time Janka managed to get pregnant relatively quickly, even though she was already a middle aged woman and people didn't belive she could get pregnant anymore. Unfortunately, there were complications when Janka was giving birth to the youngest one - Joanna, and she died due to them.
His personality is 4/7/8/3/3, artistic, genius, snob, vegetarian. He's got 3 cooking points, bronze cashier badge, bronze seller badge, bronze restocking badge and gold pottery badge. His aspiration is family.
Janka (green ghost) is the daughter of Michalina and Hugo. She was Janusz' wife. She also had an affair with Caligula and Patricia is the outcome of the affair. Before her death she had attended her eldest children weddings and met her first grandson - Daniel. After she died, she returned as a ghost, not able to leave her grieving husband and her youngest children alone. Her personality is 4/10/4/4/3, genius, hot-headed, hydrophobic, loves the cold, supernatural sceptic. She's got 3 cooking points and 3 creativity points, bronze seller badge and golden pottery badge. Her aspiration is family.
Julia is Janka and Janusz eldest child. She's not present on the picture, as she married Barbossa Kajet and lives with him and their children by the seashore. She's already got two sons - Daniel and Bogumił.
Julian (black-haired man) is Janka and Janusz' second child. He married his teenage sweetheart - Antoinette. The couple has a son - Jerzy. He is also friends with his brother-in-law, Barbossa Kajet. His personality is 6/8/3/4/3, loves the cold, snob, vegetarian, virtuoso. His got a golden pottery badge. His aspiration is family.
Antoinette Garncarska (Potter) née Bourgeoisie (woman holding a baby) is the eldest child of Jan and Anna Bourgeoisie. She's Julian's wife and Jerzy's mother, who is held by her. Her personality is 6/2/10/3/3, artistic, brooding, genius, loner. She's got 5 points of creativity and a silver sewing badge. Her aspiration is family.
Patricia (the girl in green dress) is the daughter of Janka and Caligula, but she doesn't know the banished prince is her father. She's friends with Victoria Claudius, her royal cousin, and Alice Magic. Her personality is 5/9/4/7/2, heavy sleeper, hydrophonic, lucky.
Joanna (the girl held by Michalina) is the youngest child of Janka and Janusz. She never got the chance to meet her mother in her corporeal form, but the ghost sometimes comes to play with the child. Joanna's personality is 10/7/2/3/3, evil, genius. Visits from her dead mother surely had and effect on her upbringing and contrary to what Janka tried to achieve, not a positive one.
Jerzy (infant held by Antoinette) is Antoinette and Julian's son. His personality is 10/2/3/8/3.
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Three eldest members of the Potter family have already passed away.
Hugo (on the left) was the first one to die of old age. He was Michalina's husband and Janka's father. His personality was 2/8/2/6/7. He had a golden pottery badge. His aspiration was popularity.
Zdzisław (in the middle) was the second elder to pass away. He was Barbara's husband and Janusz' father. His personality was 5/8/6/3/3. He had a golden pottery badge. His aspiration was family.
Barbara (on the right) was the third to pass away. She was Zdzisław's wife and Janusz' mother. Her personality was 4/4/4/7/6, ambitious, animal lovel, hydrophobic, loves the cold, workaholic. She had a golden pottery badge. Her aspiration was family.
Next up, the Spies!
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jellymeduza · 9 months
1250 followers gift - take a peek at my medievalish fantasy game (part 1/?)
I've reached 1250 followers milestone way faster than I expected. Curiously enough, there was influx of new followers after I opened my poll regarding the gift. Has the promise of a showcase of my game lured you in? 😉
The showcase of my game won by the vast majority of votes. Hardly anyone wants me to build a lot. That is probably a right decision. xD
As my medievalish neighbourhood is much older than my modern gameplay, it'll be divided into more parts - there are more Sims, more backstories etc. Translations are going to be inconsistent once again, some names will be probably difficult to translate as some of them are made up to be puns and don't exist in the real world.
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I'll start with explaining the rules and lore for this neighbourhood. This is my only neighbourhood that has any rules.
The kingdom is called "Ciemnogród", which can be literally translated into "Dark castle", but has also other meaning: it is used to depict a place or a group of people as superstitious, xenophobic, intolerant and of conservative beliefs. According to the Great Polish Dictionary it's a neologism created by Polish writer Stanisław Kostka Potocki. Wikipedia tells me that the word used in his work has been translated into "Dunceville" and let's stay by this option.
So, backstory for this neighbourhood is that there are two royal houses in the kingdom: Dariuses (red banner) and Claudiuses (blue banner). The houses have fought over the throne, leading the kingdom nearly into a collapse. Economic repercussions of that civil war are felt by every social class: nobility is even scarcer, once prosperous merchants dress not much wealthier than those who used to be middle class merchants. Crime is on the rise.
August the Mad of house Claudius and Konrad the Ginger of house Darius decided to put an end to the madness started by their fathers and agreed to diarchy. Moreover to make the houses more bound, they agreed that their eldest sons would marry their daughters. After the marriage daughters are allowed to keep wearing the colours of the house of their maiden name. Additionally, the third child of each couple, should they have so many children, shall wear the colours of its mother's maiden name house.
The problem is that the kings who signed the pact are dying out and their children can hardly remember the atrocities of the war as it was ended when they were still very young. The royal children, soon to become co-rulers are hungry for power and co-ruling brother-in-law can be an obstacle. Not to mention that the loyalties of their wives are uncertain - will they choose houses of their maiden names or houses of their husbands should a new war start?
Humans and supernatural creatures live in peace, however supernaturals are not allowed to live within city walls. They can own a business and work in the city. The only exception are witches and wizards who can live in the city. Royals respect wizards as they are useful servants and make good advisors. Some people speculate there are more reasons why wizards are treated favourably, especially by the Dariuses - it is said there's a blood curse cast on the house, hence some of its members have red eyes (e.g. Konrad the Ginger and his daughter Fiona). Some say it were the wizards who cast it and Dariuses in fear went lenient on wizards. Other say wizards played a positive role and earnt the privilege by fighting off the curse, red eyes being curse's last remnant.
The kingdom is divided into sections. At the center there is royal district. Between the castle of Claudiuses (on the left) and the castle of Dariuses (on the right) there are gardens of reconciliation, built to commemorate the end of civil war. Opposite the gardens there are public baths.
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The main part of the city is filled with merchants' houses and their businesses. It is also inhabited by wizards, monks, knights and beggars. There's the central town square, a church, a library, a pub, training fields, fisher's shop, buthcer's shop, tailor's shop, potter's shop, greengrocer's and a store with magical artefacts.
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The third part is only partially a part of the city as it is divided from the rest of the city by inner city walls, but is has its own city walls as well: it is the seashore. The only living family in this part of the city are the fishermen (who when fish don't want to be caught resort to piracy). There's also a public beach with docks.
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Now onto parts of kingdom that aren't parts of the city. There are woods outside the gate guarded by a noble family of knights. In the forest lives a family of werewolves and a family of bigfeet. Further towards the borders of realm there's a settlement of fairies and elves - they are uninterested in the affairs of humans and tolerate the short-lived specimen as long as they don't bother them too much. They are also suspicious of elves of other settlements.
In this part of map can be found a cemetery just outside the gate, a lake, fairy park and a forest.
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Last but not least, rural area on the other side of the city. It is inhabited by a family of an elf of another settlement than the forest elves and a plantsim. In the furthest part of the are there's a single man who is trying to run away from responsibilities (and the consequences of his actions).
There are some empty settlements busy with farmers before the war. The only public lot in this part is a wooden temple.
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There's also university district and vacation destination - far east. I'll show them once I'm done with the main map.
I hope you'll find the journey through my neighbourhood interesting. 😊
part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8
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jellymeduza · 2 months
1250 followers gift - take a peek at my medievalish fantasy game (part 7/?)
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6
It took me a while, but today we're paying a visit to the the Bourgeoisies!
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This house (or rather two houses on the same lot) are inhabited by 8 Sims: 3 elders, 2 adults, a teen and 2 kids.
Before the civil war the family were wealthy merchants and tailors, high-ranking members of Dunceville's burgeoisie. During the war the family lost the majority of its wealth and some of its status. Now it's working hard (well, some of its members are) to regain their lost status.
Jan runs a tailor shop, where he sells goods made by the family members.
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Granny (woman holding teddy bear) is Gramps' wife. She's mother of Jan. Her personality is 4/10/4/4/3, adventurous, hopeless romantic, kleptomaniac, loves the heat, socially awkward. She's got 6 cooking points. Her aspiration is family.
Gramps (long-haired elder) is Granny's husband and Jan's father. His personality is 2/8/1/6/8, brooding, good, light sleeper, lucky, snob. He works in the slacker career. His aspiration is family.
Rabies (elderly woman in brown dress) was married to Old Fart, who recently passed away due to the old age. She's Anna's mother. Her personality is 10/5/10/0/0, hot-headed, no sense of humor, snob, socially awkward, technophobe. She's got 5 cleaning points, 3 points of creativity and a silver sewing badge. Her aspiration is family.
Anna (woman with a book) is daughter of Rabies and Old Fart, Jan's wife and mother of Antoinette, Loafer, Kaśka and Maciek. Her personality is 6/3/6/4/6, bookworm, brooding, family-oriented, socially awkward, supernatural fan. She works in the slacker career. Her aspiration is family.
Anna had a fling with Caligula Claudius (who didn't?), but this time it didn't result in pregnancy (that's a surprise for once). However, when Antoinette and Loafer have been already teenagers she got pregnant again. The pregancy was a surprise for the couple as they thought Anna was too old to have children. They were even more surprised when she gave birth to twins: Kaśka and Maciek (seriously though, I need to re-adjust Trips&Quads chances. I've got too many multiple births in my game). Jan and Anna weren't prepared for two new children, especially being already middle-aged people. Between preparing for Antoinette's marriage and trying to force Loafer to stop slacking, get to work and find some nice girl instead of that beggar girl, they haven't got much time to pay attention to their youngest kids.
Jan (moustached man) is Granny and Gramps' son, Anna's husband and father of Antoinette, Loafer, Kaśka and Maciek. His personality is 4/4/4/7/6, brooding, hydrophobic, light sleeper, lover the heat, loves the outdoors. He's got 5 points of body skill and 5 points of charisma. He also has a silver cashier badge, a gold sales badge and a bronze restocking badge. He works in the business career and also owns a tailor's shop. His aspiration is family/fortune.
Antoinette Garncarska (Potter) née Bourgeoisie, Jan and Anna's eldest child, is not included in the picture, because she's an adult married to Julian Garncarski (Potter) and lives with the Potter family.
Loafer (teenager sitting on the table) is the elder son of Anna and Jan. His girlfirend is SIster Beggar and, to but it mildly, his parents aren't supportive of the relationship. He's got awful grades at school. His personality is 1/3/10/7/4, eco-friendly, hydrophobic, supernatural sceptic. He's got a silver sewing badge. His aspiration is popularity.
Kaśka is the elder twin. She's friends with Wanda Watch and Octavian Magic. Her personality is 6/8/8/7/6, hot-headed, loves the heat.
Maciek is technically the youngest child and Kaśka twin. His personality is 4/9/6/7/8, genius, hydrophobic.
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Old Fart died of old age, widowing Rabies. He was father of Anna. His personality was 10/5/10/0/0, hot-headed, no sense of humor, snob, socially awkward, technophobe. He had 5 points of cleaning, 3 points of creativity and a silver sewing badge. His personality was family - luckily he lived long enough to meet his first great-grandson. :)
Next up, the Potters (Garncarscy)! 🏺
part 8
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jellymeduza · 7 months
1250 followers gift - take a peek at my medievalish fantasy game (part 4/?)
part 1 | part 2 | part 3
And in today's edition we pay a visit to the noble house of Watch.
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This household is pretty crowded. Its inhabitants are members of Dunceville's nobility and knights. They work in military and in law enforcement.
They live in a close proximity to the city gate leading to the forest and the cemetery. The job of protecting the realm oftentimes comes at the cost of live.
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Victoria Watch (the woman in the middle) died of old age, heartbroken by the loss of her sons - Corporal (on the left, with the sword) and Private (on the right). She was Zbyszko's sister and Little Eye's wife. Her personality was 4/7/8/3/3, evil, bookworm, loves the outdoors, snob, brave. She had 4 points of mechanical and 5 points of body. Her aspiration was family.
Corporal died a death of childless single in a fire accident as he was trying to save poor citizens. His personality was 4/7/8/3/4. He had 3 body points. His aspiration was popularity.
Private was killed by Brother Beggar as he was trying to arrest him for theft. He left two sons: Warcisław Sawa (his illigitimate son with Lilith Sawa, a drama student; his family doesn't know of Warcisław's existence) and Mikołaj Watch (his son with his wife Berta). Following the untimely demise of his brother, Private decided he wasn't going to die childless as Corporal had - his lineage was at stake. He found a lover - Lilith Sawa, but he knew his family wasn't going to approve his choice of partner, so he wooed a lady of noble birth - Berta Samurai. His affair lasted until he got married. Soon Mikołaj was born, but he didn't have a chance to get to know his father, as Private died when Mikołaj was an infant. His personality was 6/2/4/7/6, loves the heat, light sleeper, virtuoso, adventurous. He had 3 points of body skill and 3 points of mechanical skill. His aspiration was family.
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Little Eye (the elderly man in black armor) is Victoria's husband and father of their sons: Corporal and Private. He's lost almost everyone - his wife and both of his sons, leading to his dire state of mind. Now he looks over his only (to his knowledge) grandson. His personality is 2/8/2/6/7, hot-headed, unlucky, evil, eco-friendly. He's got 4 points of mechanical skill, 4 points of body and 5 points of creativity. His aspiration is family.
Berta (née Samurai, ex-townie, the dark-skinned woman) was married into noble family. She feel sorts out of place, even though the Watchs are friendly towards her and Zuzanna is very supportive. When Private died, she sought comfort in arms of another men. She had an affair with Caligula, shortly before his banishment, which resulted in pregnancy. Terrified, Berta managed to hide it from her new family and dropped the infant at Caligula's hut in exile doorstep, leaving only a note with girl's name: Jocasta Samurai, giving her daughter her maiden name. Her personality is 4/4/4/7/6, loves the cold, loves to swim, loves the outdoors, socially awkward, artistic. She has 4 points of mechanical skill and 4 points of creativity skill. Her aspiration is family.
Mikołaj's (held by Berta) personality is 9/10/8/7/1, good, brave. He's a son of Private and Berta, and grandson of Little Eye and Victoria.
Zbyszko (the elderly man in light-grey armor) is a brother of Victoria and husband of Jagienka. He's Janko's father. His personality is 3/3/3/8/8, light sleeper, hopeless romantic, hotes the heat, good sense of humor, socially awkward. He's got 7 points of logic skill and 4 points of creativity skill. His aspiration is family.
Jagienka (the elderly woman in dark blue dress) is Zbyszko's wife and Janko's mother. She's a dutiful woman, who cares for her family's reputation. Her personality is 5/3/7/3/7, workaholic, animal-lover, good, technophobe. She's got 5 points of cooking skill and 4 points of logic. Her aspiration is family.
Janko (the man with long black hair) is Zuzanna's husband and the father of their children: Wanda and Dominic. His personality is 0/6/3/8/8, hates the outdoors, snob, absent-minded, light sleeper. He's got 5 points of body and 4 points of logic. His aspiration is family.
Zuzanna (the red-head) is a shieldmaiden that married a knight, Janko. She's the mother of Wanda and Dominic. She sympathises with Berta as she knows how difficult it is to move in and start a new life with new family. She's friends with queen Fiona Claudius and Jagna Spy, and hopes to marry her daughter off to one of princes. Her personality is 6/5/8/3/3, loves the cold, natural cook, hopeless romantic, workaholic, loves to swim. She's got 4 points of mechanical skill and 6 points of body skill.Her first aspiration is family and secondary is popularity.
Wanda (the girl with horn hairstyle; DO NOT even think of pronouncing it the English way, my ears bleed every time I hear someone say "Łonda" 🤮. Wiki tells me it's ˈvanda, fyi) is a daughter of Janko and Zuzanna, and granddaughter of Zbyszko and Jagienka. Her personality is 1/10/4/10/10, absent-minded, loves the cold, workaholic. She on friendly terms with young Claudiuses and young Dariuses.
Dominic (the boy held by Zuzanna) is a son of Janko and Zuzanna, and grandson of Zbyszko and Jagienka. His personality is 3/7/10/7/3, genius, loves the cold.
Next up: the magical house of Magic. 🧙🏻‍♀️🧙🏻‍♂️
part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8
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jellymeduza · 8 months
1250 followers gift - take a peek at my medievalish fantasy game (part 3/?)
part 1 | part 2
In today's edition we're paying a visit to the royal house of Darius of the red banner.
tw: child negligence
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The head of the house is king Konrad the Ginger (even though nowadays he's grey-haired). He's charismatic (8 points), creative and athletic (7 points of creativity and condition) and pretty good with mechanical stuff (6 points). His personality is 4/10/5/2/4, over-emotional, evil, coward, technophobe, no sense of humor (wonderful set of traits for a king, isn't it?). His favourite colour is red. His aspiration is family.
His wife is Victoria the Elder. She's good at cooking and creative (7 points of each skill). Of course Dariuses have servants that cook for them, but she likes to prepare a meal from time to time. Who's going to stop a queen, anyway? Her personality is 5/8/6/3/3, adventurous, vegetarian, heavy sleeper, ambitious. Her aspiration is family as well.
Konrad and Victoria have two children: Fiona and Władysław IV. As a part of peace treaty Fiona married Arthur Claudius and Władysław IV married Cecylia née Claudius. Konrad the Ginger used to rule the realm with king August the Mad of house Claudius, but following his death, Konrad's co-king is his son-in-law Arthur of house Claudius.
Konrad encouraged his daughter to take more 'manly' activities, such as science and fencing, much to his son's dismay. Truth be told, Konrad favourises Fiona over Władysław IV since only she inherited his red eyes, which are seen as a signature trait of the Dariuses.
Władysław IV's aspiration used to be family when he married Cecylia. He wanted a big family with many sons. He loved his tender wife, gentle as a true noble lady should be, unlike his sister. Now his aspiration is popularity/family (popularity is supposed to be read as power since there's no such an aspiration 😥). His personality is 7/4/1/8/5, loves the heat, loves the cold, coward, hot-headed, loner. His favourite colour is red. His higher skill is charisma (5), he's got 4 points of both condition and logic.
The couple had a pair of twins at first: Virgilius (the elder twin, the one with wooden sword) and Elisabeth (the younger twin, the one in red dress with short curly hair). He was proud that he was the first one to have a son - Fiona had a child earlier than Cecylia, but she gave birth to a daughter. He loves the twins with all his heart - Virgilius will be his heir and a king one day, while Elisabeth is daddy's little girl.
Virgilius' personality is 10/2/1/3/10, absent-minded, insane, eco-friendly (he may be the heir of Dariuses, but August the Mad's blood surely is strong). His favourite colour is red.
Elisabeth's personality is 6/10/1/8/10, loves the heat, artistic, hates the outdoors. Her favourite colour is red.
The couple soon was happy to expect another child. This time there was only one child, a girl Anna Bona. Since she's the third one, she wears the colour of the house of Claudius - blue. Władysław IV wasn't happy with the girl - he wanted another boy. Additionally she dresses in blue, the colour of their rivals. Therefore the relationship between him and his daughter is rough, he usually takes his anger out on her. She also received the worst chamber of all of her siblings. Her personality is 10/6/4/3/5, loves the heat, unlucky, brave. Her favourite colour is blue - she sees it as a colour of riot against her unjust father. The worst thing is that she used to look up to him.
Cecylia used to be madly in love with Władysław IV. The engagement and future marriage reminded her of knightly romances she used to read as a young girl. She couldn't be happier when she gave birth to the twins. Everything seemed to be like a wonderful dream - she had healthy children and Arthur had beautiful children as well and kingdom seemed to be getting back at right tracks. Then Anna Bona was born and Władysław IV started acting strangely. He wasn't as courtly as he used to be, he often had tantrums and yelled at Cecylia and Anna Bona. Cecylia found her refuge in writing romances, similar to the ones she'd read. The novel was a bestseller and now every person of noble birth owns it. After that she was scared of having another child. Unfortunately, she was pressed by her husband on the matter of having another child and she got pregnant once more, much to her horror. The unwanted pregnancy depressed her highly and she lost the interest in her children altogether, dedicating her time only to writing. She gave a birth to another girl - Catherine.
Catherine (the girl in red dress with long braids), unwanted by her mother and ignored by her father, doesn't have a close relationship with them. She spent her toddlerhood overlooked by her grandparents Konrad and Victoria, and the servant-wizard Eugene. Her personality is 1/1/10/3/10, brave, light sleeper. Her favourite colour is red.
Wanting to make up for her negligence, especially the cold treatment of Catherine, Cecylia wanted to have another child. She promised herself this time she will be a doting, loving mother. And she got pregnant again, even though her relationship with her husband has highly deteriorated. While Cecylia still loves Władysław IV, she's lost the crush on him. This time she gave a birth to a boy, Charles, and Władysław IV adores him, but she feels it's not enough to save her marriage. She's started as an optimistic young lady, but she's growing bitter - her marriage is ruined, she's lost her connection with her children and her sweet, funny brother Caligula killed her best friend and sister-in-law Fiona (who returned as a vampire) and now he is a fugitive. Cecylia's personality is 9/2/6/3/5, light sleeper, adventurous, loves the cold, eco-friendly, no sense of humor. Her favourite colour is blue. Her aspiration is family. She's creative (9 points) and pretty charismatic (5 points).
Charles (held by Eugene Magic) is an infant. His personality is 9/10/9/5/2.
All the children are friends with their Claudius cousins. They are attending a private school, just like the young Claudiuses. And it looks that all the kids inherited their father's sad expression. 😆
The royal family is assisted by the neutral wizard Eugene Magic. He's responsible for all kinds of duties: teaching young princelings reading and writing, overlooking them, curing diseases etc. He's friends with Fiona Claudius and Cecylia Darius. He's highly respected by Arthur Claudius for saving Fiona (well, doing it as well as he could) and by Konrad the Ginger. He's a son of Baltazar and Salamandra Magic. Even though he lives in the castle, he's got a wife Łucja (Lucy) Magic. They have three children: Alice (teen) and twins Magus and Merlin (there are lots of twins in this kingdom, you'll see). Seeing the disaster that is Cecylia and Władysław IV's marriage and their relationship with their children, he made a vow to look after his own children. He visits them daily and is friend with all of them. He often takes his wife on dates. His kids are also allowed to visit him, so they know young princes and princesses. He also has a great relationship with the Darius children. His personality is 7/4/1/8/5, night owl, supernatural fan, loves the heat, hates the outdoors, artistic. His favourite colour is green. He's maxed out his wizarding skills. He's quite good at mechanical stuff, logic and creativity (6 points of each) and at cleaning (5 points). His aspiration is knowledge.
Lots of drama, huh?
Next up, the noble house of Watch!
part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8
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