pinkchanelbag · 3 years
haikyū boys + positions.
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sending him a really fucking weird sex position saying you want to try it out.
includes: suna, atsumu, kenma, kuroo, sakusa, ushijima, bokuto, kyōtani, and oikawa.
cw: not sfw images and themes. minors do not interact.
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pinkchanelbag · 3 years
haikyū boys + drunk confessions, part two.
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prev. he drunk texts you and accidentally tells you he likes you.
includes: bokuto, daichi, oikawa, kenma.
cw: mentions of alcohol + drugs.
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pinkchanelbag · 3 years
pining (in peace). — kenma.
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a.k.a., kenma “i’d tell her i like her but i’m sleepy” kozume.
— because things are actually pretty good how they are. because he likes (and really only has the energy for) taking care of you in those subtle ways. because he hasn’t begun prepping for the emotional charge and crippling fear of a confession. and he's in no rush. because, if he's honest, kenma feels like you'll be the one he ends up with regardless.
— constant hangouts that don’t feel like hangouts anymore. “hanging out” implies a start and an end to kenma’s presence in your day, which is like saying you pull all the hairs on your body out of their follicles at the end of every day and then re-place them in the morning. being around kenma doesn’t feel like hanging out with a friend. it feels the way blinking feels. 
— anyone wants to “talk to you in private”? their eyes will look over the brown-yellow mop sitting next to you, a short distance from you, or blended into the background, bent over a PSP or nibbling on some gummies or blinking at them like a people-watching cat. and they’ll have to mind him, as is clear when you say “huh? oh, it’s just kenma.” 
— he only realizes something is different with you when kuroo makes a joke about how kenma looks after you the way kuroo looks after him.
— in fact, it sticks with him so much that it idly wanders through his mind as he games into the night, and the next day when he sees kuroo, he asks him if his caring for you is unusual.
— “is that...bad? like, does that mean something?” and kuroo is grinning fondly at his oblivious best friend.
— like a good coach, though, he doesn’t just give kenma the answer. he points out that he (kuroo) takes care of everyone, pretty much, so there’s nothing unusual about him doing it. he points out that kenma isn’t like that, but vagues about how just because something is unusual doesn’t mean it’s bad.
— and that’s that...yeah, kenma thinks about it often and eventually does go “ohhh.......” but strangely enough, his realization that he has more-than-friends feelings for you doesn’t panic him much. he’s kinda like, “...weird.”
— don’t get me wrong; for a little while after he realizes, when he’s around you he becomes silently flustered for no reason other than his own feelings. he’ll catch himself thinking about how nice your hair looks that day and how you’re really nice to look at, then be like “yo stop.”
— but he falls easily into it, because kuroo is right: he does take care of you, and he enjoys doing it.
— like when the two of you are at your house after school and he’s looking through your fridge for a snack while simultaneously picking out packable-looking foods and tossing them at you, telling you to put them in your backpack. he doesn’t say—doesn’t need to say—that it’s because he knows you’ll forget to pack a lunch for tomorrow’s school day.
— or how he’ll never say it, but he prefers that you stay after school and wait for him to finish practice because he (usually with kuroo in tow) wants to make sure he accompanies you on the train.
— (especially after the time you called him right before practice, and how he got no response to his hello? but could hear the bustling of the train and your little voice responding to another—an older man’s. kenma couldn’t hear the man’s words, but his tone was casual, friendly. too friendly. too old. and you sounded scared. in an instant he hung up and called you back so that you had to visibly pick up a call, then told you to excuse yourself and move to the other side of the car, then get off at the next stop. and to stay on the phone with him , all the way home.)
— it’s why, now, he gets slightly frowny every time you say you’re heading home before him. you notice it, and it’s why you end up spending most days after school in the library or the picnic tables on the front lawn until the two boys come out to take you home.
— at school, in those free periods where you’re on the verge of passing out and kenma is playing his PSP, he’ll take off that practically statement oversized red hoodie so you can bunch it into a makeshift pillow and sleep next to him on the bench (he definitely doesn’t pause to look at you every now and then).
— kenma who has a cat (furudate told me himself) and when the two of you are at his house and you seem to be in a sad mood, he’ll lightly shove his cat’s bum in your direction so it’ll go cuddle with you.
— and when on the train or in free period or sitting on the grass somewhere, he notices the way you idly watch him play and he adjusts his hold on the PSP and his sitting position, sort of brings himself closer to you so you’re right at his shoulder with optimal view to watch his screen.
— he can’t help the sickly smiley feeling inside when you start asking questions about the gameplay, and he happily answers them in a soft voice close to your ear. if you really wanna make his heart ache, the way you lay your head on his shoulder after craning it weirdly to watch for so long will have him letting out the tiniest of lovesick sighs.
— kenma who won’t facetime you himself but will text you consistently and for long enough that you get tired of typing and call him yourself, and his heart stutters when he sees incoming call on the screen.
— he won’t talk much on those calls, instead choosing to listen to your voice as you go on about absolutely anything. if he feels like you’re becoming self conscious about how much speaking you’ve been doing, he’ll ask a question about the topic (he was listening to every word) to let you know he was invested, or bring up his own conversation topic so you wouldn’t feel like you didn’t let him “say his piece.”
— he’s sort of 😦😐 about the idea of romantic affection or intimacy mostly because he can’t see himself doing it; it’s a big factor of why he doesn’t make a move. the thought of him planning dates and kissing openly and saying things like “yeah, i was with my girlfriend.” it’s too unlike him. he couldn’t be that person.
— that was before you’d ever dozed off while on the phone with him.
— before he ever heard your sleepy voice that made something inside him go warm with a realization that hit him harder than when he realized he had feelings for you: he realized he wanted to hold you.
— or something like it. he wanted to be there with you as you fell asleep. instead of a speaker, he wanted to hear your voice through your own mouth. and if he thinks about your mouth, he knows he’ll wither away entirely.
— that was how he discovered the difference between liking someone and wanting them. not in a sexual way; feelings so strong that they could make someone want to cross the line between a crush and something more. to want someone enough that not being with them, not feeling along the lines of their existence and not being able to say all the things you think about them, hurts.
— kenma discovers what it means to ache for someone, and this is what panics him, because now, how can he not tell you?
— because he’s not the type of guy to hold hands in public or give compliments or consent to meaning something to somebody. but he knows, wearily, that he’d do it. if it’s you, he’d do it in a heartbeat.
— (yeah...maybe not so peaceful after all.)
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pinkchanelbag · 3 years
could i have 'the lovers' w kenma? screams i love video games very much too much and uh i think we'd PROBABLLLYY play them together :0 also hmm i have frequent headaches all the time and uh idk kenma would probably murder me for it even tho he probably has them a lot too KJASDFGH. thank you again lovely and congrats !! also take your time :)) ilyy <333
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— this lil hypocrite is constantly chastising you in a low voice for using screens and stuff while your head hurts like he’s not this close to being legally blind because of gaming. 
— texts like “hey” “hi” “why tf are u awake it’s 4am” “KEN U TEXTED ME.”
— when you guys are apart/talking via online kinda thing, he’ll be asking you to take time away from your screen and anytime you get pouty because you wanna keep talking to him, he’ll just have you call him so you can hear his voice without using your phone. 
— forced naps on his thigh if y’all are hanging out in a chill setting like in someone’s backyard with kuroo. 
— you guys would def play together too. i feel like you’d also get each other into games that the other one of you hasn’t gotten around to playing yet, or him letting you play using his saved games with their stacked-as-fuck inventories. 
— the console he plays with has his controller plus some spares but there is Your controller and he’ll bite a person’s finger off frown a little and trade them with a different one saying “no use this one” if they try to use yours. 
— when y’all play for a loooooooong time and you start blinking hard or rubbing your head, he of course notices and he’ll catch you redhanded by flicking your forehead and watching you wince. then go, “why don’t we take a break?” 
— wandering down to the kitchen while holding your hand and bringing you along like a bag dragging on the floor behind him, getting you some snacks and water before perching himself up on the counter and just watching you eat.
— he sits across from you on the island with his arms rested and folded on the surface, back slouched, and his face half-tucked into his elbows, kind of watching you like a tired but intrigued cat and you have to go “ken you’re watching me eat really hard right now” so he starts snacking with you a little. 
— one good thing about your headaches is that they indirectly make him take care of himself a little better too.
— after nourishment he pulls you back up to the room and turns the lights low and turns off any external sound and gets you comfy in his bed and forces you to relax all your senses and muscles. the most he offers is the quiet purr of his voice as he makes simple conversation into your hair.
— needless to say, it helps you sleep pretty well. 
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note: bless ur souls y’all are made for each other. love u zumi!
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pinkchanelbag · 3 years
playing: love is only a feeling 
ok lol so friday nights in bed with kenma, surrounded by snacks and playing minecraft on the console in his room. mm complaining about the food crumbs and making sure to have your special ko’s room playlist streaming softly through his speaker, chill alt r&b, rap and etc. also doubling as a sex playlist. and maybe his led lights are a soft blue or orange and he barely tears his eyes away from the screen but still pulls you into his legs by your torso so that you’re between his legs, laying back into his own slouch body that resembles a caveman. and he rests his face in your hair—he chose to play minecraft because it takes the least concentration so he can relax into your touch and smell. and he loves the way the outside of your thighs press into his legs, your lil sleep shorts revealing your legs to him and his hoodie that you wear but zip only about two-thirds of the way so your cleavage is easy to see from his position above you. and he looks down at you with those cat eyes when you turn and look up at him and poke his nose and kiss the corner of his mouth and feed him skittles. 
and when you get sleepy and wanna wrap up for the night while kenma continues playing, you push your controller and the snacks to the side and put a hand on kenma’s chest to push him further up the bed to the headboard, where he rests his back to continue playing. he’s turning on a different game to play while you cozy up in his lap, curling up into a ball like a cat and laying your cheek on his thigh (and hehe aren’t you a lil close to the print in his sweatpants?) and his hands find the soft flesh that peaks out of your shorts while his game is launching. he looks down at you, your eyes that are closed to prep for sleep, one hand resting on top of his thigh and one curled underneath it, sandwiched between his leg and the mattress. these nights always walk the line between adoration and arousal, and he can never get over how comfortable it all is; how he can be turned on by the way you’re inches from his crotch, but not feeling the need to do anything about it—for now. it feels like being secure, like having a chest full of warmth. it feels like having all the time in the world. 
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