digigal-transbian · 7 years
So I had some ideas for books...
I have so many ideas for books and such, but part of me doesn’t know if I’ve really got anything that would be worth my time. I’m gonna list a bunch of ‘em below because I need some reassurance on them. If I write anything though, it’ll be on my side blog for writing, @nasosbooks
Clichetus: In a world where everything is extremely cliche, one man becomes self-aware and notices that the world is held together very loosely. So loosely in fact that once he achieves this awareness, everything begins to collapse. He approaches the Higher Power (literally just a plot device) who tells him about the only way to save the world.
Creator’s Despair: The story of a being that wakes up in a strange world, alone. Or are they? One day, the small world grows to be seemingly infinite in size. Are there other sentient beings in this new, expanded world? And why did the world so suddenly increase in size?
Cthulhu.edu: A group of high-school freshmen, at a party they shouldn’t be at, summon the Great Dreamer of R’lyeh to win them a game of beer pong. The Eldritch being grows an odd fondness for the mortals and eventually becomes their classmate. Can Cthulhu handle the terror that is Lunch Lady Gertha, Prom, and the new Assistant Principal, Nyarlathotep?
Jackson Solvé: The amateur private investigator who never purposely solves a case. A complex criminal underground. A legendarily good bean dip. Can the rookie rid Charleston of its criminal underbelly, or will he fail to realize that there even is one?
Once and Forever: A sequel to the Epic of Gilgamesh, where the god Ea offers King Gilgamesh immortality, so long as he completes one single task. There has been a… thing, travelling through time and creating havoc. It is now time for the hero once forgotten to set things right and kill this mysterious temporal corruptor.
Parallelism: Two worlds, parallel to one another, of matter and anti-matter, discover the other’s existence simultaneously. However, these two worlds can never meet, lest there be the total annihilation of both universes. Is there a way for these star-crossed worlds to meet, or will there be two fewer universes in the cosmic order?
Precursor’s End: A Halo Fanfic that centres around the collapse of the Precursor race, the creation of the Flood, and the Precursor-Forerunner war.
Resurrected Power Galactic (RPG): The story of four galaxies, each with a piece of the key that could unleash the ultimate evil, and the stories of worlds in said galaxies. Each world holds a secret and a story to be told. It’s just a matter of saving everything from the sealed evil.
Secret of the Ancients: A Thing (I think it was supposed to be a Temple Run fanfic) that @shadowpelt-d-neko and I worked on a while back, revolving around an adventurer in the vein of Indiana Jones stumbling upon some ancient ruins with a dark secret.
The Child of Sorrow: A prelude to Timeless that focuses on Gaius Gasona as a child on the Niale homeworld. The child forsaken by the rest of his species must learn to be strong and control his emotions in order to survive the abuse wrought upon him by the people he thought he could trust, lest his unfathomable power eradicate everything.
Timeless: The tale of Gaius Aeterna, Niale born Temporal of Order, and the struggle to come to terms with his own past. To top off the problematic sundae, an inter-dimensional terrorist organization known as the Void Council has started becoming more active. Will Gaius have the strength to face the weight of his past and the Void Council, or will he crumble under the weight of his own mind?
Truest Pacifist: An Undertale fanfiction @shadowpelt-d-neko and I worked on a while back, revolving around Frisk and Asriel going back through the underground to tie up a few loose ends. (Gaster and followers, REDACTED, Chara, and the Human Souls)
Stories in Obscure Foreign Languages: Tales written in a variety of languages covering the general history of the civilization, tell the tale of a specific individual, tell of the gods, and recount a war(real or fake for all). Languages included would be: Babylonian, Cherokee, Chinese, Japanese, Middle Egyptian, and Proto-Indo-European. A few Con-langs that would also get this treatment would be R’lyehian, Nasovian, Nialish, Revap, and Audium.
Various HP Lovecraft inspired stories, which would centre around various encounters with the Outer Gods.
A bunch of short stories that I can’t really summarize here because I haven’t really thought much more about it than that I want to do some.
And like 8… steamy novels ifyouknowwhatimean.
Oh, and I’ll do short stories on request. Can’t forget to mention that. I do that on @nasosbooks
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