#niall horan onehot
Hiya! I was wondering if you could write a Niall imagine for me something like we hate each other and then on a trip we have to share a room and we get into this huge fight and he calls me a stuck up bitch and then all of our true feelings come out? Sorry it was long btw my name is Lauren:)
No it isn’t too long I like having more to work with!:)
I am so sorry this took so long!
You wouldn’t classify this as the worst weekend of your life but it was definitely going to be up there. The boys invited you and Eleanor to go on a camping trip with them and you agreed because you thought it would be a good time, none of them were expert campers so it was bound to be interesting. 
"Alright you and Niall go look for some firewood while we set up camp," Harry said unloading the car. You looked over at Niall and he was glaring at you.
"Oh," you said, "I can go by self its ok," you didn’t know what his problem was but he hated you, and to be honest you weren’t his biggest fan either. His attitude was awful, sure to other people he was a fun and nice guy but around you he became such an ass.
"No it is better if we stay in pairs," Zayn said, "Plus Niall can not set up a tent to save his life," You looked back at Niall trying to give him a look as mean as the one he was giving you. 
"Fine," you sigh getting off of the log you were sitting on and walk a few steps behind Niall as he sets off onto a path.
"Don’t go too far, we don’t want you two to get lost," El said over her shoulder.
"I have an excellent sense of direction," he said tossing a smile her way, you scoffed remembering the time he got the group lost in downtown London. 
"Shut up," he said knowing what you were thinking, "that was one time,"
"did I say anything?" you smirked.
"I know what you are thinking," he said picking up a branch to use as a walking stick.
"Wow someone call the scientific journals, psychics exists," you said picking up a piece of wood you thought was decent for a fire.
"Ha-ha Lauren, you are SOO funny, when does a network pick your comedy show up again? in a few months from never,"  he said looking back at you.
"Yeah you can be my first guest," you wink knowing he wouldn’t like that.
"whatever," he picked up a few logs. The two of you walked the rest of the way in silence until you felt like you had enough wood. Heading back to the campsite you dropped a piece of wood and it rolled away.
"shit," you mumbled trying to pick it up and failing. Niall looked back at you struggling and let out a sigh of exasperation and came over to pick up.
"I got it," he said leaning over to pick it up, when he leaned over you couldn’t help but notice how muscular his back had gotten.
"thanks," you say quietly since you did not really want to say it. 
"mhmm" he mumbled continuing to walk back towards the campsite. When you got there you laid down the logs and looked around. 
There was one tent, yours and Nialls stuff and nothing else; nobody else was there. 
"Where the fuck is everyone?" he shouted when he saw that the boys were gone with the car, he dropped the wood and pulled out his phone to call them. You sat down on the log and called El.
"What the hell," you say angrily when she says hello, "Why did you leave us out here," 
"because we are tired of the fighting and the tension and you guys need to work it out because it makes the rest of us just as miserable as you two, so we will be back for you guys in two days. We left plenty of food and all the supplies you need, but if you are in serious trouble call me,"
"I am in serious trouble," you say looking over at Niall shouting angrily at his phone as well, "I am in the middle of the woods with a psycho,"  
"Oh please," she says, "he isn’t that bad, just try and get along," 
"I am so angry with you right now," you say before hanging up without saying bye. You look over and Niall is off the phone trying to set up the logs to build a fire. he boys must have told him the same thing; just get over it. 
"Do you know what your doing?" you asked hoping that at least one of you knew how to start a fire. He looked up at you with narrow eyes and continued to build the fire without a response. 
"You know you are going have to talk to me because there is nothing else to do," you sigh passing him a log.
"or we can enjoy the sound of nature for two days and think of it as a retreat from humanity," he said taking the piece of wood from you. 
"Right because talking to me is THAT painful you would rather shut up for two days. We all know how difficult that is going to be for you," you say moving to sit on the other side of the fire pit. 
"Yeah it is that painful," he said avoiding looking at you, "it psychically pains me," 
"don’t be such an ass," you say rolling your eyes.
"impossible," he said standing up done building the frame for the fire.
"Not really," you say staring at him.
"yeah it is as impossible as you not being a snobby bitch," he said turning to go through his backpack.
"yeah whatever," you say rolling your eyes, "I have never been snobby to you," 
"but a bitch?" he says looking back at you over your shoulder. You shrug. 
"I just don’t get why you hate me so much. Ever since I met you, you never said one nice thing to me," you say staring at him.
"I don’t hate you," he sighed, "we just don’t mesh well," 
"mesh well? you don’t have to ‘mesh well’ to be nice to someone," you say watching him try to ignore you.
"yes well," he said finally, "it isn’t like you have been particularly nice to me either,"
"true," you sigh, realizing that this mutual hate had been going on so long you didn’t even know how it started. 
"Well we might as well and try to get along," you finally say.
"Ok," Niall says shrugging and walking away, you didn’t expect to get much else form him, "I am gonna just go take a walk," you nod and watch him leave. You got inside the tent and started setting it up trying to create a barrier in between the two sides so you could make it not as awkward tonight when you got tired. 
When you come back outside Niall has got the fire going. You sit down on the log opposite from him and notice- not for the first time- just how attractive he actually was. The way his eyebrows furrowed slightly when he was upset..it was hot.
"What?" he asks catching you staring at him.
"nothing," you say quickly looking back at the fire, you heard Niall sigh quietly and try to sneak another look. But when you look up he is already looking at you, instead of looking away you give him a small smile. He smirked and then looked down.
"So I guess this is where we apologize and realize we are soulmates or something," You laugh, he stood up and chuckled coming over to sit by you.
"Yeah something like that," he smiles and sits down to watch the fire.
"I am sorry," you say nudging his arm, "you aren’t an ass, you actually are pretty nice," 
"Yeah I am," he smirks and then looks to see what your reaction is before continuing, "and I am sorry too, you aren’t actually a snobby bitch. I actually think you are really funny," he paused again and looked down into your eyes, "and pretty," you looked down and felt the heat rush to your face.
"To be honest, When i first met you I didn’t hate you at all," he said, "I really liked you and I guess my horrible attempt at flirting came off so badly that you thought i hated you,"
"Oh," you say softly, "well…"
"can you imagine how different our relationship would be if we had just talked to each other,"  he laughed.
"Yeah, maybe we could have been friends," 
"Maybe more," he smiled.
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