#niall horan witing
horansqueen · 4 years
Stuck With You - Chapter 9
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Chapter 9 : I Don’t Wanna Go To Bed
🡪chapter 1  🡪chapter 2  🡪chapter 3  🡪chapter 4  🡪chapter 5  🡪chapter 6   🡪chapter 7  🡪chapter 8
College Enemies To Lovers AU
characters // masterlist // instagrams // mood board
I gotta tell you the truth I'm full of broken pieces And all my nights are sleepless
And I don't mean to intrude The secret can you keep it?
I don't wanna go to bed without you
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                                          We stayed together in silence for a while and I could feel the palm of my hands getting sweaty as I gripped the counter harder. I didn't want this to become awkward but the truth was, it was always a bit awkward and tensed between Niall and I. I had to admit I was also scared his mood would just suddenly changed and he would start getting mean again. I knew there was probably a reason behind it but not knowing why made it even more hurtful. Besides, having a reason to be mean doesn't give him the right to be. Still, I didn't want to be on the defensive every single time he was around me. It didn't mean I wanted to open up to him, though, but something was pulling me towards him, something strong that I hadn't felt in a very long time.
"How hammered is my friend Louis?"
I chuckled low and shrugged, glancing at him. "So hammered that I decided to sip on the same beer all night in case he'd need me."
Niall's lips curled slightly and he licked his bottom one. "You're a good friend, Devie." he let out in a gentle tone, making me chuckle low. "That means we're both sober, I'm one of the designated drivers tonight."
I frowned and turned my head to look at him. "For who?"
"Anyone who needs me." he replied, his smile getting bigger.
"So you're telling me you're not gonna drink at all?"
"Not a drop." he shook his head.
"But you're irish!" I joked, making him laugh. "Besides, you're not really useful, locked in here."
This time, Niall raised his eyebrows and moved his upper body close to mine, making me hold my breath. "Who's fault?"
I chuckled but my smile faltered a bit before I started nibbling on my bottom lip. His amused expression changed suddenly and he let his eyes roam on my face and stop on my lips. I held my breath and he cleared his throat, moving back as I filled my lungs with air again.
"Sorry for locking us here." I just said, feeling suddenly very stupid. I knew he meant it as a joke, but it was still the truth.
"Naa, don't be, it's fine." he shrugged, crossing his arms on his chest. "You're quite an entertaining person."
I smiled despite myself, bringing one of my shoulders up and turning my head slightly. It made me a bit shy to hear him say nice things about me and I felt my heart skip a beat. I couldn't even blame it on alcohol so once again, I blamed it on good old lust.
"So I'm not intriguing anymore, I'm just entertaining."
His eyebrows raised again and his head turned my way but this time, a small smirk appeared on his lips. Ever since he had told me that, I had been wondering what he meant. I watched him and he turned his whole body around, leaning his side against the counter to face me. I didn't dare to move at all and he just stared at me for a while before letting out a cute chuckle.
"You can be both."
I didn't tell him but I found him intriguing too, probably way more than I could be in a lifetime. I didn't understand his behavior, and I could never guess what he was thinking about. He was a mystery and I had no idea how to solve it. Perhaps, I never would.
I jumped slightly when my phone rang, taking me out of my thoughts immediately, and blinked a few times before searching through my pockets. I felt my heart skip a beat when I noticed Louis' picture on the screen, not really sure if I was relieved or disappointed.
"Hey Lou, we're stuck in the bathroom on the second floor." I heard Louis start laughing loud in his phone and I raised my nose up in a grimace. "Please, can you help?"
"Wait wait," he said, laughing again. "Who are you stuck with?"
I licked my lips and glanced at Niall before clearing my throat. "I'm with Niall."
I waited for a few seconds, hearing nothing but silence, until Louis burst into laughter so loudly that I had to move my phone away. My eyes met Niall's and I saw him roll him eyes with a small smile, telling me that he could hear Louis too.
"Did you do that on purpose?"
This time, I could swear my heart stopped completely. Did Niall hear that, too?
"No, of course not!" I argued, bringing the phone back on my ear. "Why would I do that?"
"You know why!"
I was about to answer something when Niall moved closer. His scent reached my nose and I blinked a few times. I thought I was used to his smell from sharing a room with him, but having him so close made me realize that his natural odor made me feel slightly woozy. He took my phone gently from my hands to put it between us and clicked on the 'hands free' button as Louis' laughter echoed on the bathroom walls around us.
"Louis, get your ass here now."
My friend started laughing even louder and I looked up in Niall's eyes, feeling slightly shy suddenly. I knew Louis was drunk but I didn't enjoy the fact that he was teasing me. It's not like I ever told him much about Niall anyway, so I was not sure what he actually meant with all the teasing.
"Tommo!" Niall repeated in a serious and slightly louder tone.
"Yea yea. I'm coming."
We heard a 'click' telling us Louis had hung up and I pressed my lips together, still looking at Niall. He sent me a small smile and handed me my phone back before leaning against the counter again.
"I guess we'll be out of here soon." he just said in a soft tone.
I could swear I heard disappointment in his voice but it was probably just my own feelings making me imagine things.
"You never know. He's probably so drunk he'll have a hard time just walking up the stairs."
Niall's eyes found me and his lips curled more before he chuckled. "Guess he's gonna need a ride home, what do you think?"
If I wanted to be honest, I had thought about it, but I wasn't sure I had the guts to actually ask Niall for help. It was not technically for me, it was mostly for Louis, since I hadn't had a drop, but I had sort of expected to go back home with him, so it would benefit me, too.
"That's what you didn't drink for, isn't it?"
"You're right." he laughed slightly. "Louis is exactly why I didn't have a drop."
I laughed too and licked my lips, feeling my heartbeats accelerate. I wanted to say something nice but clever at the same time. I wanted Niall to think I was funny and at the same time, I wanted to let him know that I liked it when we actually got along. Probably was, I didn't know how to say things like that subtly. I had always been more the straight-forward and direct kind of girl.
"It was not so bad of an evening, after all." I finally let out. It didn't really say everything I wanted to, but it could have been worse.
"Yea?" Niall laughed again. "Being locked for hours in a bathroom with me? You're easy to please."
I felt my cheeks burn slightly but cleared my throat, trying not to draw too much attention to me. I couldn't help my palms from getting wet though and I wiped them on the back of my jeans. For some reason, his words brought in my head an image of him on top of me and I felt ridiculous for even thinking about it.
I was thinking of a good answer to give him but we heard a knock at the door and without thinking, we both rushed to it.
"Are you guys dressed?"
"Don't be an ass, Tomlinson, and let us out." Niall replied quickly with a rough tone again.
Louis just laughed and we heard sounds from the knob. It took about half a minute before the door opened only to show us Louis, a smirk on his face and holding himself against the frame, probably because of how intoxicated he was.
"Have you ever thought that maybe it was fate?" he just asked in an amused tone, his eyes sparkling as he looked at Niall and then at me.
"How many drinks did you have?" Niall asked, grabbing his arm and ignoring his question.
"Oh, just a few."
"Sure, I believe you." I let out with sarcasm. "That's why it took you literally fifteen minutes to get upstairs. Can you even walk on a straight line?"
"Lou, can you even walk?"
My lips curled and Louis grimaced, making Niall sigh. "Okay, party's over, time to go back home!" he added as Louis complained.
It took us forever to bring Louis to Niall's car and we put him on the back seat with his seatbelt on. After only a few minutes, Louis was already sleeping, mouth open, and I took place on the passenger's seat as Niall started the car.
I thought Niall and I would keep talking but I was not sure what to tell him and he kept looking at the road. I couldn't help but glance at him a few times and when he stopped the car at a red light, he licked his lips.
He hadn't asked meanly, or roughly. In fact, his voice was soft and gentle and I turned my face his way, leaned my head on the seat.
"Why were you so mad at me, Niall?"
"I'm not mad." he just replied with a shrug.
"Then, why are you avoiding me?" I asked calmly before nibbling on my bottom lip.
"I'm not."
I could feel him getting a bit annoyed but I had to ask him anyway. I had to know.
"You are. You even though I locked you in the bathroom on purpose to force you to talk to me, or acknowledge me."
He simply sighed and the light turned green. I waited as he kept driving but I could see his jaw clench, as if he was trying to use the right words, or not to talk at all.
"Do you honestly think I don't know that you rushed to Louis' room when I was in the shower? Do you think I don't know that you spent the night there? I mean how could you do that? After what I told you?"
My lips parted at his tone. I didn't expect him to be rude and after a while, I realized he was not really mad, he actually seemed slightly hurt? His words confused me though and I frowned, shaking my head a bit.
"I... I'm not sure I understand."
I noticed his hands grip the wheel harder, the sound of the leather squeezed in his palms making me hold my breath.
"Forget it." he replied after a while. He sighed again and I saw his shoulders fall as he relaxed. "I'm sorry."
He parked the car and turned around to look at Louis on the backseat. Everything became silent except for the light snore from my best friend and it made my lips curl a bit on the left.
"Come on, let's bring him to our room." Niall added, putting an end to the other conversation we were having. "I'm not letting him out of my sight tonight."
I didn't answer anything but we got out of the car and managed to bring Louis to our room together. We let him fall on Niall's bed and he turned him on his stomach, just in case.
"Neil." we heard Louis mumble before we both got closer. "I didn't sleep with her, Niall."
I frowned and heard Niall sigh low, pulling the covers over his friend.
"I promise, Niall, I didn't." Louis stammered again. "And I won't do it."
"Alright, Louis, you're talking non-sense, you sleep now."
I stared at them both and Louis groaned low before squirming a bit in bed. His body relaxed completely as he fell back asleep and Niall took a few steps back to stand right next to me.
"What the hell is he talking about." I asked, shaking my head.
"No idea. He's pissed, that's it."
I glanced at Niall and licked my lips, shrugging as a smile draw itself on my face.
"Does that mean you're going to sleep with Louis tonight?" I asked, slightly amused, as I let out a small chuckle. "Or maybe you want to sleep with me in my bed?"
I smiled more, completely sure he would refuse, but he finally shrugged and put his hands on his waist, still staring at Louis sleeping.
"Yea, good idea."
I held my breath and my jaw dropped at his answer. This is not the answer I expected and I closed my mouth again when he turned to me to raise his eyebrows at me.
"Is that alright?"
"Y-Yea, yea of course, I just... I'll get changed."
Without waiting for his answer, I grabbed sweatpants and a t-shirt and rushed to the bathroom, as if I hadn't spent long enough in a bathroom on that night. I quickly got changed and brushed my teeth before getting out. Niall sent me a smile before walking past me and going to the bathroom too. I walked to my bed, sitting slowly on it as I stared at Louis again. I had been close to Niall but laying in the same twin bed was about to be awkward. I was not even sure I'd be able to sleep and it reminded me of that night at the library when I woke up with his head leaning on my thighs.
I pushed the thought out of my mind when I heard the bathroom door open and he walked to me as I pulled on the covers of my bed to get under them. He joined me and we both lied down on our backs in silence until we heard Louis snore louder and laughed.
"Can't believe he snores like that." I whispered, making Niall turned his head to me and raise his eyebrows.
"Sorry Devie but you snore louder than that." he chuckled. I hit his arm lightly and it made him laugh. "It's true!"
"Shut up!"
Our laughters faded and he turned in bed to face me. I was getting used to the darkness and I noticed he wasn't even smiling anymore. He was just staring at me, holding his head with his hand as I looked up at him, my head on my pillow. He looked even prettier, illuminated by the soft light of the moon, and when he moved closer, I could swear my heart jumped in my throat. I swallowed it back just in time to feel Niall's lips against mine. He kissed me gently as my eyes fluttered close, and all I could focus on was how good he smelled and how relieved I felt from feeling his mouth press against mine. He deepened the kiss so slowly that I had time to anticipate it and even long for it. I had never tasted something or someone better than Niall and it was scary. I couldn't seem to stop though and when he moved closer and wrapped his arm around me, I let out a short whimper.
What brought me back to reality was Louis groaning a bit too loud from the other bed. Niall broke our kiss and turned around slowly before finally getting up quickly and helping Louis sitting up.
"I swear, Tommo, if you puke in my bed..."
He helped Louis get up and I frowned, sitting up.
"No, It's cool, you stay here." Niall told me, holding Louis with his arm around him. "I'll bring him back to his room, just so he doesn't throw up in our room."
I nodded slowly without talking, a bit disappointed. If Louis slept in his own room, did that mean that Niall would get back in his bed and I would sleep alone in mine? And why did it bother me so much?
"Do you need help?"
"No, don't worry." he replied as he grabbed the knob and opened the door.  "Oh and, uhm." I turned to him and he did the same before shrugging a shoulder. "Don't wait for me, I'll spend the night with him."
"Oh. Okay."
I waited until the door closed behind them and sighed, closing my eyes. I could still feel my lips on fire from the kiss we just had had and I couldn't seem to get over it. If there was one thing I would have never thought Niall would do, it was to kiss me, especially not in the way he had kissed me. It was not rough and full of lust. It was gentle and deep, and I couldn't remember if I had ever been kissed that way. Probably not.
It took me about twenty minutes to lay back down in my bed. I ran my tongue on my lips, tasting the vestige of the kiss I had shared with my roommate and closed my eyes. He was gone now, and I had no idea if he'd ignore me the next day. The truth it, it was driving me insane, but there was nothing I could do about it.
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