#nibbles (oc)
blackmarketvoices · 3 months
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From the talents of:
SSJTrinity | @late-to-the-magnus-archives Kraiva | @sepiabandensis Somniate | @sparklyandheroic Flamia | @flamdoodles Vmprsm | @vmprsm Jasper | @captaincravatthecapricious Igneousfrizzle LynnLarsh Isi | @eldritch-asmr Fish | @unsafewaters
(Poster by Jasper!)
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mlarty · 3 months
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for everyone who asks 💋
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makoyithewendigo · 22 days
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All of the lords in black for my masque of the red death hatchetfield au!
These are not in order but I’ve given up as I am currently in a wrist brace(I’m not injured my wrists are just really fucked and sometimes they decide to be a little extra fucked to mess with me, could I solve this issue? Yes, but I am poor, and getting a prescription in the American health care system is really expensive for some reason, and thus ends my ramblings)
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queruloustea · 20 days
Do u perhaps have anything to share about them or their world or something?? 👀
Totally cool if not!! I just think they're very cool :)
I'M GLAD YOU ENJOY THEM!! they mean very much to me and it's lovely to see other people liking them too :DDD here's another dust and bapy!
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they've got something of a worldbuilding project currently being made around them, which might be difficult to summarise!
however (dust information below cut) ↓
more or less, though, dust is something of a self-taught biologist/collector. priorly a scavenger-type creature dwelling at the near-bottom of the world, that was so plagued by curiosity that it decided to venture upwards instead of staying put. it enjoys dissecting the things it comes across, and will also stow items of particular interest away (hence the packs).
one of those Items Of Particular Interest may or may not be bapy. bapy is of a similar species, if not the same, that was Acquired by dust somewhere along its journey upwards. or perhaps the bapy acquired dust. it certainly has decided dust is To Be Followed, and dust has wholly accepted this (not without vague confusion, however. why is wriggly sample looking at me like this. why do i feel as though i must protect it).
in short: tiny disaster animal that enjoys Holding Things In Mouth and Scuttling with its very proud mama who enjoys Dissection and Unnerving Staring (these interests of theirs do overlap. teach bapy how to slice tissues. scuttle with bapy. and so on).
additional point: there is something of a disjointed System between other beasts of the world, but dust hasn't the foggiest how that works. it does its best by sneaking and skittering, or by babbling pleasantries when it cannot do the former. bapy attempts this also, by peeping expressively, to varying degrees of success
thankyou for the ask!
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invinciblerodent · 2 months
It's really interesting to me how apparently, if you flirt with Halsin at the party and don't then, like... dismiss it the next morning or tell him to forget it (my boy is, uh. not shy. about what he wants), his camp comments seem to change? Like I've asked how he's faring like five times now, in the Underdark and the Mountain Pass, and each time he's just said "With such stimulating company? Never better.", which is... different. I don't remember hearing that quite like that before, and I think I'm missing a line there.
I think usually, he'd have a short comment about how the Grove was too comfortable, how he was feeling a bit distant from nature in such surroundings, and how he likes sleeping under the stars again. I think. But this game, I don't recall hearing anything like that- asking how he's doing outside of the plot conversation, I don't really recall anything other than that easy, flirty compliment and reassurance.
I could be wrong or misremembering previous runs, and this could be because of something else, but I... really kind of enjoy imagining that if he knows you're at least physically attracted to him (like he clearly is to you), even if you're very obviously pursuing- or already have a romantic relationship going on with someone else (and he doesn't yet know if you'd be alright with a more open arrangement), he just... doesn't want to trouble you.
If he can convince himself that there is no future to these budding, one-sided feelings, he can be a bit more open and friendly- but if there's no denying the heat in your eyes and the concern in your voice, he... can't help but want to impress you. If he can't convince himself that there's nothing there to it, he just... can't help puffing out his chest just a tiny bit. Can't help wanting to come off as an approachable, gracious, warm presence, and not share too much about things he might think of as his personal weaknesses and insecurities; his less than perfectly cordial, happy thoughts.
Like he's... denying himself the idea of a relationship with you and feels that he must focus on the Curse, sure, but also can't bring himself not to at least try and present himself in the "best" light he can.
I really like this kind of yearning. Yearning is good. Make that man yearn. Make him earn his PhD in yearnology.
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mmothmanners · 9 months
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A Midnight Snack 🩸🕷️
Finally finished these two. A very indulgent picture started way back in August.
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chooh2 · 4 months
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New Lore Dropped: Sometime post The Sun ending, V and So Mi take in a brand new cat
He's a little bit of a menace :)
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tangledinink · 11 months
Since the Raph's Boyfriend poll is basically a tie can he pretty please have both? They all deserve eachother
sighs. yah ok fineeee. he can have two boyfriend.
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cardinaldust · 2 months
"The Lords in Black call us.."
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Drew them while binging Ink Master LMAO
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ghostoffuturespast · 4 months
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Electric Hearts
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blackmarketvoices · 3 months
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From the talents of:
SSJTrinity | @late-to-the-magnus-archives Kraiva | @sepiabandensis Somniate | @sparklyandheroic Flamia | @flamdoodles Vmprsm | @vmprsm Jasper | @captaincravatthecapricious Igneousfrizzle LynnLarsh Isi | @eldritch-asmr Fish | @unsafewaters
(Poster by Jasper!)
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kharonion · 4 days
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old men doing a snooze 💤
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breezypunk · 21 days
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good morning/afternoon & happy pride from these bbs ♥︎
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smalltimidbean · 20 days
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Queen Brie gets a new loyal knight chew toy
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zephyra-in-the-house · 3 months
Yaoguai Reference
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Here are my references for Yaoguai's unbalanced form in Second Chances
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cybersteal · 2 months
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𝟹𝙿𝙼 - 𝟿𝙿𝙼 - 𝟷𝙰𝙼 - 𝟽𝙰𝙼 - 𝟷𝟷𝙰𝙼
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