#nicely but also inappropriately like?? you can't tell me there aren't a number of guys who feel challenged by a pretty man
ravelqueen · 3 months
I really like the fact that everyone including total strangers keep commenting on how pretty Cloud is - it's his design but if someone with that face and a sword that huge runs around people should be making comments about it! Realism!!
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I wonder would Re destro like... Get impatient with the batista darling? What would happen if he sees that his darling is as nice to anyone else as with him? Would he be like can I hire you as our personal barista while the poor darling is like Oh that's a red flag right there how do I tell this creepy guy to get lost without like losing my job that's funding my college tuition?????
I think it would bother him a little when he sees them being so kind and accommodating to all the other customers, but he thinks THEN that they're just being a good worker. But for him it's something special and different, they're just too shy to admit it.
He'd definitely offer them a job and insist that they could make such more than the crumbs they're earning here, and they'd have way less customers to serve; just him mainly, and maybe some of the other MLA leaders when they order lunch for a meeting or something! Someone charming like them has to only be doing this job for the money, and he can provide that for them easily. The hours would be more bearable and he'd gladly get them set up with the perks of a legit Detnerat employee by hiring them as a personal assistant.
Given how prominent he is, I think his Darling might be too intimidated to refuse then and there, but they make the mistake of saying they can't really discuss that while they're at work. So he goes "Oh! That's fine. Here, take my business card and call or message me after you're done with your shift today so we can discuss it."
If they're such a stickler for rules then he figures they won't give him their number directly, so he manages to find it some other way like chatting with the manager about potentially buying the shop and glances at an employee schedule with their contact info on it.
He doesn't give up when he's under stress, and as impatient as he can get when they try to avoid him he isn't giving up at all. He'll be way too friendly though the whole time he's pursuing them. Like he'll find their social media completely unprompted and follow them, and leave all sorts of comments that SEEM nice but make you feel a little "??? Wait wtf" with how familiar he is when he says something. And he's also liked EVERY SINGLE ONE of your pictures when you're the only one in it/there aren't any men with you in the photo 👀
And if you confront him on it, he gaslights the shit out of you. It's not as if he's leaving any lewd or inappropriate remarks on your posts, and they're posted online; why would you put something up if you cared so deeply about who comments on it and likes it? He isn't trying to make you uncomfortable, but he says it's a bit unfair to act like he's being a lech when he's been nothing but friendly :>(
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