#nico's love for percy is rooted in worship and percy's love for nico is rooted in guilt
happyk44 · 2 years
Nico’s love for Percy vs Percy’s guilt over Bianca
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moa-broke-me · 2 years
Here are my headcanons for some PJO character's favorite dessert flavors, some of them I've thought out, some of them are just based on vibes.
Annabeth: Strawberry, because nostalgia for CHB's strawberry fields, and peppermint, because peppermint is a natural bug repellent and is especially effective against spiders, so her subconscious associates the scent and taste of peppermint with safety.
Frank: Orange and mango. He just radiates those vibes, and you can't tell me otherwise (also, can we talk about that time everyone went out for ice cream and he just had a freakin apple because I think that was a little mean-spirited, like damn at least offer to get him a slushie or something)
Hazel: Caramel. I think she'd like sweet potato pie and gingerbread a lot, too. And not the hard stale gingerbread you make houses out of, but good, soft, chewy gingerbread. She also strikes me as a root beer or cream soda kind of girl, definitely worships at the altar of the PSL, and we love her for it.
Jason: Green apple and lemon lime. Refreshing and simple if not a tad basic, just like him. Also peach, because he eats those brownies with peach preserves. On the subject of chocolate, I think he's the kind of guy to not go for it normally unless there's something to tamp the taste down a little (like the peach preserves) because he was raised by wolves, and even though he knows nothing bad is gonna happen if he eats chocolate because he's not a wolf, he still isn't too keen on it by itself.
Leo: Chocolate (I think this is actually canon, it's at least canon that he prefers hot chocolate over coffee), also cinnamon flavored anything, not just because cinnamon = fire in my head, but also as like, a nostalgia sort of thing because a lot of Mexican desserts have cinnamon in them.
Nico: This is gonna be controversial, but I'm gonna say black licorice. Also adores caramel just like his sister, as well as chocolate (but only the very dark stuff), cream cheese, coffee flavored anything, and hazelnut flavored stuff too, because it reminds him of his sister. Like, he's always got a little hazelnut brittle in his bag, puts hazelnut creamer in his coffee (when he stops drinking it black out of a desire to look tough and manly, that is), he's a little obsessed but that's ok. One last thing, y'know how everyone thinks of McDonalds as one of his comfort foods? Well, so are oatmeal cream pies. In fact, I like to think that's what ambrosia tastes like to him now.
Percy: I mean it's pretty much established that he's going after whatever's colored blue, and I also think cookie dough ice cream is an automatic yes for him. This isn't very hard.
Piper: Marshmallows, and oddly enough, lemon lavender flavored anything. Also watermelon juice, but not watermelon candy because it dries out her mouth.
Reyna: I don't think she's the type to indulge her sweet tooth very often, but when she does, you bet your sweet ass it's those queen anne chocolate coated cherries that look really fancy but you can get them at pretty much any CVS.
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medusas-stylist · 3 years
No Nuance November, the sequel:
because there is no way in hell i am getting this out before midnight so let’s pretend i live in cali
Athena is racist, stop giving her poc children
So much sex happens at camp. Stop acting like it doesn’t.
On top of that, camp isn’t band camp. It’s a 24/7 training facility for teenagers. People have literally died in the practice arena.
Percy can’t make friends to save his life. He isn’t friends with people at CHB he’s just their leader.
Annabeth does not struggle in school, she struggles to stay in school
Percy and Jason were at odds with each other more than they were friends with each other
Percy became praetor at CJ without having made more than two friends there. Once again, he can’t make friends he’s just their leader
Centaurs can get drunk off of root beer. How.
Chiron raped girls back in the day why does he care about teenagers doing the dirty.
In ancient Greece, (around) 12 was the age of sexual maturity (go see the Hymn to Demeter, Persephone is like 12 there). In ancient Greece, satyrs were symbols of sexual promiscuity (and rape; trust me, go look up the term ‘ithyphallic’). To the ancient Greeks (you know, the people whose stories Rick based his entire work around) demigods “finding out” they’re demigods (you know, maturing) at age 12 and being found by a satyr (bringing them to a centaur just to make it all worse)… well hopefully you can do the math.
Also, by the way, the ancient Greeks weren’t gay. They also weren’t straight. They also weren’t bi. Please don’t headcanon rapey gods as LGBTQ heroes please and thank you. If you want to do that go use Kevin Spacey.
Okay, back to PJO. Piper is a canonical “I’m not like other girls” girl from 2010. She’s a pick me girl.
Leo hides his pain behind toxic masculinity and incel-ism.
Frank is
Hazel is
Just kidding you can’t say anything bad about Hazel and Frank
Frank shouldn’t have become buff. It’s a poorly adapted mythological trope. It’s also fat shaming.
Hazel is black and it doesn’t matter what tone her skin is. Also her hair is black. Her eyes are brown. No more of this fucking gold shit.
Should I keep going?
Fuck it yeah.
Jason is Madison Cawthorn (I got kicked out of a discord server for saying this but we all know it’s true)
Why was Reyna so love-focused. Why.
Annabeth is very social. She’s been at camp since she was 7 the girl has connections
Everyone forgets that as much as Percy would die for Annabeth, she’s proven she’d die for him too.
If Demigods were designed by the gods to be perfect soldiers they shouldn’t have PTSD.
So why is Nico the only character with PTSD.
Why is everyone worshipping a relationship of two 13 year olds with like two lines of dialogue.
Did I fail to mention that NICO IS THIRTEEN AT THE END OF HOO??? THIRTEEN???
I’m calling the FBI on y’all.
Like actually please stop fetishizing a thirteen year old gay boy. It’s kinda gross. Also on that same note Hazel is 13 too. 16/17 yo Percy and Annabeth is enough of an issue.
Poseidon and Percy barely interact. Percy isn’t going on a fucking vacation to Atlantis.
On top of that, the gods don’t care about their children unless something really terrible is happening to them. None of them are good parents stop trying to force them into being that.
New Rome is dumb. Cut New Rome out of your own canons. #nonewrome and I will not explain myself.
Percy and Annabeth are not going to the same school.
Also what is it with slow burn senior year fanfictions where they get together right before they go across the country to separate schools? Just make it happen in Junior year.
Frank is the himbo, not Percy
A ‘swimmer’s body’ doesn’t mean what you all think it means.
All the demigods are like superhuman athletes but that doesn’t mean they have to be shredded. Abs ≠ performance.
Wow I’m on 49? Okay a few more and I stop.
Percy should not trust Paul until after TLO.
Percy doesn’t want to be a hero. He’s like Spiderman. He just wants to live a normal life. dark!Percy is hot and all but it ain’t who Percy wants to be
Luke should have waited in his reveal. He could have groomed Percy into joining him.
The demigods on Kronos’ side are literally terrified of Percy to the point of nightmares.
Percy killed demigods in the Battle of Manhattan.
My final hot take: Annabeth didn’t not join Kronos because Kronos was evil. She wanted to achieve the vision she had with the Sirens, but she knew that she’d have no control over creating that vision with Kronos. For clarity: If Kronos had convinced Annabeth she could create the Sirens’ vision, she would have joined him. He and Luke just failed to make their case.
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happyk44 · 2 years
Nico’s love for Percy is rooted in worship, and Percy’s love for Nico is rooted in guilt.
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