#do you think it horrified him to know nico loved him
happyk44 · 2 years
Nico’s love for Percy vs Percy’s guilt over Bianca
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xoxochb · 1 month
⋆·˚ ༘ * but daddy I love him!
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warnings: arguing, hades is a bitch here
pairing: percy jackson x daughter of hades and persephone
series master list
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horrified looks fill the room. hades stands from his seat. at first he struggles to find the right words to use and you were sure he would just end up killing percy on the spot
“what are you doing here?” was his first question
percy takes cautious steps towards the front of the room where your father stands
“do you want the long version or the short version?”percy jokes
“the explanation”
you throw your bouquet to the side, and run (or try your best with these damn heels) to your father and your boyfriend
“dad, don’t get angry” you throw your hands up in a ‘calm down’ movement
“It’s a little too late for that”
“okay- well, just listen before you say anything”
hades rolls his eyes. “just spit it out!”
you sigh. “percy is my boyfriend and-”
your cut off my malicious laugh from your father, your brows furrow and you turn to percy who wears a similar expression and shrugs. when hades’ laughter dies down he takes a deep breath before speaking,
“I’m sorry about that. did you really think you could hide your relationship from me?”
“what do you mean?” you inquire
“I mean I’m not oblivious, I have eyes everywhere. this is why I married you off”
“I am not married yet!”
“you will be. do you think because I haven’t said anything about you and percy means I will let you be together? I found a man much more suited for you. he even shares blood with your beloved”
you turn around and troy stands behind you. “this,” you point a finger at him with a disgusted look “is related to percy?”
“let’s take this out into the hallway, shall we?”
your father guides the four of you to the hall, at least here there won’t be nosy gods trying to know all your business. when you get outside you cross your arms and ask once for an explanation,
hades begins, “it was amazing that for six years I was able to let you sneak around with the son of poseidon. last year I came up with an idea, a genius idea. I tell you about being married at eighteen, you believe it. I threw a party to help you ‘find’ a man to marry. but I had one all along, another son of poseidon who would be more than happy to help me”
“I’m sorry- but what the actual fuck?” you say
“watch your tone”
“and what makes you think I’m going to? it’s astonishing that you think you can tell me all of this bullshit and expect me to stay calm!”
“it was for your own good. percy is not suitable for you. his brother however…” hades turns to ‘troy’ and they share a smirk “triton, don’t you think you’re a much suited husband for my daughter?”
“hold on,” percy holds up his pointer “isn’t he already married?”
“gods can get divorced too!” triton defends “and besides I couldn’t not take up the offer to marry the gorgeous daughter of hades”
triton wraps an arm around you, his hand landing on your hip with a squeeze. you pull away and allow your hand to collide with his face
“you are a thickheaded asshole! keep your fish hands away from me!”
“y/n I will not allow you to treat your husband like this”
you throw your hands up dramatically. “he is not my husband! I will not marry him! he’s a million years old do you realize how odd that is?”
“actually I’m-” triton starts, but you interrupt
“nobody’s speaking to you”
“y/n” your father begins with a calmed voice, “you won’t marry triton but I can assure you that you will not marry percy”
“why not?” you cross your arms again
“he is very impertinent. he will not be a good husband”
“okay- well maybe he likes to break rules but I love him!”
“love is silly”
“so when you kidnapped mom it was silly?”
“that was different”
“how so? you kidnapped her because you liked her, then you got married then you had four kids together? how silly is that? and may I remind you that bianca is dead, melinoe lives elsewhere and me and nico have to sneak around all the time!”
the hall goes silent. hades looks at his shoes in embarrassment and you take this as a win and a chance to finish, “father, if you don’t want me to marry percy then that is fine. I will move out so I won’t be under your rules and I can live as I please. I assume nico will be doing the same after this also. I hope your childless palace will be a reminder why everyone leaves you. now goodbye, I wish not to speak further”
you let a large breath escape your lips before walking away, percy following
“are you really going to leave?”
“would you?”
“I would’ve left a long time ago. you’ve got more patience than I do”
you smile and shake your head. “believe me, I know”
“where are you going to live?”
“I am not sure. maybe I’ll move with my sister, I do miss her”
“or” percy grabs your hand, forcing you to stop and look at him “you could live with me. I have this house up in montauk, right on the beach. we don’t have to get married if you don’t want to, I know I want to but whenever you’re ready of course”
“are you proposing to me right now?”
percy shrugs. “I mean, yeah but I know you just ended a non existent marriage so if it’s too soon that’s fine”
“perseus” you cup his face with your hands “I would love to marry you”
his worried expression dissolves into a wide grin and his arms wrap around your waist, pulling you in for a bone-crushing hug which you’re quick to reciprocate. maybe things won’t be half bad
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@azure-drag0ness @itzmeme @leathesimp @pevenxie @mp-littlebit @inclusivesimping @emryb
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witchhazelevesque · 3 months
Bianca had fire powers, or something related to fire, "she whipped out her hunting knife and stabbed the warrior in the chest. The whole skeleton erupted into flames, leaving a little pile of ashes" (Titans' Curse 169)
Nico did something sort of similar- “Flames erupted from the fissure, and the earth swallowed the skeleton" (Titan's Curse 308) But that seemed more like… something that was going on in the Underworld.
Maybe it's not meant to be anything, but it would have been really cool if she had fire powers and if she had lived and how she would interact with the prophecy of seven, and with Leo and Frank about fire business.
It's actually really funny to think about her and Frank interacting because Frank isn't scared of Hades or Pluto kids, I don't buy the retcon that Nico scares him, BUT he is afraid of fire so a Bianca with fire powers- hellfire at that- when he's like 'I’d set myself on fire for Hazel’ - well her sister might just do that to you. Plus, I love any opportunity to have Bianca and Hazel meet and be sisters.
Plus, I think that the Hunters of Artemis are under utilized in the plot, so it'd be cool to get to see one as a main, main character if she was one of the seven
Frank's losing his damn mind with all these fire wielders around and they aren't even doing anything-
She's still twelve! She's tiny and twelve years old and not even doing anything and Frank is terrified of her
Another hat to throw into the 'storm or fire' ring! I think that since she and Percy have like, history questing together and are like, ya know, cousins and friends and whatnot, they might expect to be the pair from the prophecy, I am always on my possible fire and storm alternates agenda, it's fascinating to me
So there's like five possible people and they make a chart, just because they don't know what else to do
Honestly I'm not sure we got enough of Bianca to know if she'd be scared of her powers, in general and of this theoretical fire, but her interacting with Leo would also be interesting. Because again, she's twelve and Leo's fifteen and he's like, horrified and of course he's gonna be like, uh, ‘whose sassy lost child is this’. Also Hazel and Leo are the best best friends so yeah, no way he's gonna let her sister die.
But yeah, them talking about their experiences, bonding over mom trauma, whatever stigma came from their parentage and this ability, it’s nice and also deeply unsettling to find someone who understands
Do I know how this ends- no
Do I want to decide how it ends- no
Oh also it’d be sweet for Bianca to be one of the three going to Delos and her getting to reconnect with Artemis
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loupy-mongoose · 10 months
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(Banished to the long dimension lol)
The two felines teleported into the mountains northeast of Lavender Town.
Akoya looked around for a moment, before pointing happily. Ah! There! Smiling, Lav followed her mother as she floated over to a crevasse in the cliff wall.
She was startled to find the entry blocked by a green bubble.
As soon as she noticed it, however, it burst.
Suddenly she was charged by a tiny, peach-colored pompom.
In her astonishment, Lav did a backwards flip in the air, propelled by the unexpected force. Hahaha ha ha ha ha! Momo! Hey, Lil Sis! She ruffled the little Mew's head, sending them both into a giggling fit.
Lav looked toward to cave entrance to see Midas crouched there, staying away from the edge but watching her longingly. Persim hovered protectively close, watching his little nephew carefully. Akoya approached the two and scooped Midas up. Lav felt a pang as she realized how big he had gotten. It's a good thing Momo can fly now.
The small collection of Mews gathered into the cave, which was barely big enough to fit their biggest member comfortably.
Before he could say anything, Lav managed to snatch her uncle up in a hug.
Sorry, Uncle Perzi. I know you're not really into hugs. But I'm so happy to see you!
I-It's fine! Just this once, for you, Lavvy. His voice was strained as he fought the urge to teleport away.
Soon Lav released him, and noticed Midas looking up at her with big, pleading eyes.
Instead of hugging him, she crouched down and wrapped her tail and arms around him. Hi, Midas. It's good to see you, too!
The little Mew gave her a lick on the cheek, startling Lav and melting her heart. She pulled him into a gentle squeeze, being careful to not overwhelm him.
Beside her, little Rosemary poked her face out of her daddy's pelt. Mee?
Hello, Rosie~! Lav carefully held her finger toward her. The little red Mew dabbed it with her nose before disappearing back into her orange shelter.
Persim flicked his fluff-tipped tail, a concerned frown on his face. Where's Randy?
Akoya settled into a crouch, tucking her arms under he chest. He went for a walk with our unexpected host. Something came up, and he's... having a rough time right now.
We thought we'd come check in while he's gone.
We're doing alright. Aren't we, Kiddos?
Momo and Midas stared blankly at him.
...Okay, so the kits have been a bit bored.
Akoya looked at her two Mew children. Midas was contently loafing beside Lav's face, while Momo was pawing a pebble around on the floor.
Her ear flicked thoughtfully. Hmmmm....
What's up, Mom?
Akoya turned to Lav. Maybe we could bring them to Fuji's place?
Persim tilted his head. Fuji? Is that that "host" you mentioned? Is... is it a human?
Lav sat up, earning a protesting Mah! from her brother.
Yes. She ignored Persim's horrified glare. He feels like a good man to me, and we already showed him that we're Mews. So that's one hurdle out of the way.
He takes care of hurt and mistreated Pokemon. So I'm sure he'd have the twins' best interests at heart. He'd love them!
Seeing Perzi's still uncertain face, Akoya went on. I'll talk to Randy about it first, of course. If he doesn't think that's what's best, I'll listen. But I think they'll be safer there than here.
You don't have to come with us, if we do. But I trust Mr. Fuji. I trust we'll all be safe there.
Persim still looked uncertain, but didn't argue. Well, you've met him, and both seem to agree. So who am I to say otherwise? Just... be careful.
We will.
The Mews settled around the cave, just chilling and chatting, or attempting to curb Momo's excitement.
As Lav waggled her finger for the little puffball to to follow and catch, Akoya turned to her.
Lav, has Nico mentioned Mo to you?
Lav thought for a moment, caught off guard by the question. She jolted when Momo bit into her finger. Ouch, gentle mouth, Momo.
Sowwy, Sisi.
Lav smiled and gave Momo an accepting head ruffle before turning to her mom. No, he hasn't. He didn't get to know Mo. He's told me that he remembers seeing his parent Mew float away, and that's all he knows.
Ah. Okay.
Lav didn't say the continuation of her thought; that Nico seemed to feel his parent--Mo-- abandoned him.
She drifted into her own thoughts as Akoya and Persim engaged in their own conversation. Thinking about how her dad was doing. Thinking about how she should go about approaching him.
Thinking about how she should approach Nico.
Lav hopped onto her hands and feet, her eyes wide and pelt standing on end. She scanned the cave wildly.
Lav? You okay, Hon?
The pale Mewtwo shook herself, attempting to flatten her telltale fur. I-I'm fine. Just one of those... falling asleep nightmares, y'know? She turned toward the cave entrance. I'm gonna go get some air.
Lav ignored the doubtful look on her mom's face as she walked out. Once certain that she wasn't followed, she sat down and took a few stabilizing breaths.
When she was calmed down, she carefully reached out, keeping out of her family's mindfields.
His response was immediate. Lavender!
Lav smiled. Nico! Jeez, you scared me! It sounded like you were right next to me!
You made it to Kanto, didn't you?
Lav struggled to not react to the statement, afraid that one of the Mews would notice.
How did you know?
Our connection is stronger...
Lav felt a strange thrill rush through her body.
So you must be closer to me.
Y... You're in Kanto?
Lavender took a moment to control her feelings, and the energy they might be giving out.
...We could meet...
We could actually meet. In person.
If my family would be okay with it...
Are they with you?
Yeah... They caught up really quickly... Impressively so, really.
Lav flicked an ear in annoyance. "Good"?
I'm glad they followed you. I told you from the beginning that coming on your own was risky.
Lav sighed quietly. Yeah, you did. Despite her best efforts, her ears fell back in guilt. And it ended up being for nothing anyway.
What do you mean?
I came alone to keep my family from getting hurt, but my dad's still the one suffering from this...
She stopped to consider how much she should tell him.
I... I don't want to tell you too much right now, okay? I already feel like I betrayed my dad's trust, and I don't want to do it any more. I want to talk some stuff out with him first.
I understand.
You're a sweet girl, Lav. Considering your family's needs.
Be patient, okay? I'm sure we'll meet someday, but I would rather have it be on good terms. With everyone involved.
Lavender smiled. ...Yeah... I agree...
We'll talk later, Nico. I hope we can meet soon...
I hope so too, Lav. Talk to you later.
Akoya floated over to her Mewtwo daughter in the cave entrance. She purred to make herself known, causing Lav to turn her way.
She nuzzled Lav's face before speaking quietly. You were talking to Nico, weren't you?
The 'two's tail flicked. H-How'd you know?
Akoya ignored the words of the question, and decided to focus on the feelings behind them.
You don't need to be shy about connecting with him, Hon. So far we really don't have any reason to say you shouldn't... She thought for a moment. Well, aside from you thinking what you know about him would make your dad more afraid than he already is.
Lavender's ears fell back as the words from her note were spoken to her.
Akoya's face grew serious. ...Lav, tell me the truth. Is there anything your dad and I should be afraid of about Nico?
Lav took a second to form the words. Once she was ready, she looked steadily into her mom's eyes.
As he is now, no. I don't think so.
But as he was...
Akoya raised an eyebrow at the hesitation, urging her to go on.
He was made to be a weapon... and... for a while, he lived it... He killed Pokemon and people...
But he changed. He's not like that anymore. Fuji helped him learn what kindness was, and Jovie helped him practice it.
He regrets what he did in the past.
The blue Mew kept her face even as Lavender spoke to her. Her thoughts tumbled in her mind as the little Mewtwo watched her expectantly.
After a while, Akoya sighed and shook her head lightly. I don't think your dad or I will ever have a clear picture of him until we talk to him ourselves.
All I can do for now is take your word for it, Lav. But if you start keeping vital information from us... We may have to put a stop to you connecting with him.
Lavender gave a solemn nod. I understand, Mom. I promise, I'll bring everything to you guys as soon as I can from now on. And I won't tell Nico anything until I get the okay!
Akoya smiled lightly, though her eyes were still thoughtful. She hovered over and gave Lav a kiss on the forehead.
We don't want to control you, though... We know you're your own person, and can make your own decisions... We just want to make sure you know how to make them safely...
I know, Mom. She gently butted her head against Akoya's with a warm smile of her own. I love you.
I love you too, Lav.
The blue Mew floated back from Lav a little bit.
I'm going to check on your dad. I'll be back soon~
Mom, wait.
She stopped and glanced back.
There's one more thing about Nico, that I just learned...
He's in Kanto.
I never had them talk about it on screen, but Lav did tell Nico that she was planning on coming by herself.
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dozyisdead · 2 months
I think your take on the whole Carlos to Williams situation is very interesting in many different ways, but your comment on Alex's role in Williams is just too interesting not to talk about!
I love how you mentioned that we really don't know how "good" of a driver Alex actually is. In F1 it's common to compare teammates rather than drivers for obvious reasons, so we see Alex as inherently a great driver! We see him constantly doing better than his teammate's and "outperforming" the Williams car---- and this brings out a whole butt load of questions.
Is the car that bad, and Alex a good driver? Or is the car okay and Logans just a bad driver?
We have seen Logan on pace with Alex in these past few races, and it really makes you wonder these questions! Like you said, Alex has consistently has these updates way earlier than Logan even starting from last year! Is Alex really that great of a driver? Or is Logan also great, just not able to prove himself in that make shift car?
Carlos to me, has already proven himself to be a great driver. We know what he's capable of in a not so great car, and he's solid. I think once we see Carlos and Alex driving together we'll finally see the extent of Alex's ability, and to me it's very exciting!
In my opinion, Alex is the number 1 driver in Williams, but he's definitely not the golden child! I think this is very important, and to compare it to Charles/Ferrari is different. I think Ferrari is almost ingrained in Charles? That's his dream team, and he was in their junior academy. To me, George seemed more "golden boy" esque before he left to Mercedes. The Carlos to Williams and Lewis to Ferrari are very reminiscent of each other though, with both having experienced number 1 drivers now finally being challenged for that spot! I think it's also interesting how both TP's seem to want that new guy to take over that role (Fred open about his feelings towards Lewis, and whatever the fuck James has with Carlos.)
I completely agree in the fact that Alex is less of a golden boy! I just wasn't quite sure how to word it, but I see the comparison to George more! I also am so happy that someone else notices the way that Alex has been pitted against two extremes almost his entire career, and that really skews his true results! I also totally am excited to see how he compares to Carlos, even in a Williams car! Because, the car, as long as it is generally the same, it really is a test of skill. The Williams is a notoriously difficult car to drive, I believe we've heard older/retired drivers say this (I want to say Nico or Jensen), so if their cars are equal, we're going to see a true test of skill between Carlos and Alex.
That being said, if Carlos can't do much and we see that the car was truly the issue, I wonder how that is going to impact the way people look at Logan's career in F1! I mean, no matter what he will be know as one of the best drivers in the world simply because he made it to F1. There is nothing anyone can do to take that away from him. He was the first American in F1 to score points in 30 years, he made it to the so called "pinnacle of motorsports" despite a rough start and was in for 2 seasons. That is much longer than what can be said about some other drivers.
Also, I am very intrigued to see how the Lewis to Ferrari move goes as well, and I agree with your point about Ferrari and Charles. My main concern with all of this is going to be the impact that moves like this will have on the drivers if the teams continue to handle them incorrectly. I didn't mention this in my original post, but I was horrified to see how Williams handled the announcement! I mean, one would think it's common courtesy to thank your leaving driver for their service and their work BEFORE posting about the new onw. Not to mention, the way that the team posts so much about it? Far from classy, rather ignorant and poor form really.
Anyway, thank you for your comment! I really appreciated it!
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notreallyanywhere · 8 months
What Tartarus smells like to the Seven + Reyna and Nico
I have not read Sun and the Stars yet. However, this is only partially based on what we've been told anyway. These are, of course, headcannons. Do with them what you please.
Nico: It smells like the day he found out Bianca was dead. Because he smells Percy's scent mixed in it, it's comforting. Which in and of itself is terrifying. He's in love, in the barest sense of the word, with what the body of Tartarus deemed his worst nightmare.
After HoO it smells almost the same but it also smells like the taste of pomegranate seeds and when you've been sitting in a car for too long that all you're really inhaling is your own recycled air. It's stuffy-er and hard to breathe. And yet it still feels like a blanket that's suffocating him. Like when he was six and Bianca and his mother wrapped him up in a heavy blanket and cuddled with him until he fell asleep after a nightmare.
Reyna: It smells like the day Percy and Annabeth released Black Beard and his pirates on Circe's island. It also smells like must and the forgotten attic in her home from before. It smells like grass and blood and sea water. It smells like her best and worst memories with her sister. It smells like betrayal and whispers of freedom that she can't quite reach. It also smells a little too much like the way the one person that Nico killed's ghost smelled with stone and cold mixed together.
Jason: It smells like a park. Wet woodchips and an old picnic blanket. It smells like the day he was taken away from his his sister. It also smells like the bath soaps of Camp Jupiter and like the metal of Reyna's dogs. Because even after everything, he's still afraid of going home; to call any place home lest he be pulled away from it again. Because twice is a coincidence, but three times is a pattern with only himself as the common factor.
Piper: It smells like her room back in the mansion she used to live with her dad in. Like spray paint and gasoline and the oils her dad always put in his hair and never kept the promise to show her how to use. It smells like ice, snow, and the coldest winter's day she could think of. Like she's twelve again and stealing her first car because her dad missed her birthday for the first time since she was born and she hadn't seen him in three months. It smells like Leo's death and Jason's last breath. It smells like losing everything she's come to care about.
Leo: It smells like motor oil and fire. So not only does it remind him of his mother's death, but also his own. He's one of the few who don't know that Tartarus is supposed to smell like your worst fears. Sometimes, when he's panicking and tired and far too deep into Tartarus, another layer of scent covers the rest. Like dust and mold and dirt and old leather. It smells like being forgotten.
Hazel: It smells like the first time she died. Like wet dirt and gemstones smashing together. It smells like an empty stable and Sammy's hair. It smells like cupcakes and "Happy Birthday"s and long lost love. It smells like her past but more bitter and distant. Because to her, going back to then, no matter how tempting it sounds, is too terrifying for her to even imagine. She doesn't want to know too much about what's going to happen, and she doesn't want to be exploited until she dies anymore. To her, going back to the past is far more horrifying because then, for the rest of her life, she'll be surrounded by living ghosts.
Frank: It smells like embers of a burned out fire. Like the material of his mother's army uniform. Like Lystrogonian breath and potatoes and a burning house, like burning memories. It smells like ibuprofen and headaches and dirt. It stings his nose like he just smelled something spicy. Because, at the end of the day, Frank is afraid of very few things. But what he is afraid of is tied deep in his roots, burning alongside him since he was born. No matter what animal he shape-shifts into, they're all afraid of fire. Because that's one of the few fears that isn't only human.
Annabeth: Tartarus smells like blood and gold and crumbling rock. Like the screams of her campers and the cries and pleas for death. It smells like spiders and tastes like cobwebs. Because sometimes, when a smell is so strong, it's like you can taste it. It smells like, just barely, her stepmother's perfume and like the detergent her dad used when he cleaned her sheets. It smells like Luke and cyclopses and the golden shower of monsters she once dreamed of. It smells like Thalia's scream of indignanance and defiance as she died. It smells like lava.
Percy: Aside from what we know, to Percy, it smells like gunpowder and blood. Like beer and smoke. Like every person he couldn't save. Like every moment he watched the light fade from someone's eyes just so he could continue living, continue being useful. To Percy, it has more of a physical experience. To him, it feels like water going up his nose and burning his throat and sinuses, but it never really goes away.
Along the lines of what we know, in comes a question. Why did the monsters never smell him? Simple, really.
Monsters tend to avoid other monsters. Or, what smells like them, at least.
Because Rick told us that Percy's Tartarus smells like Smelly Gabe, we can assume that The Pit, to Percy, smells the closest than any other demigods' idea of it.
So, not only does it smell like every time he blamed himself for another's death, but it smells like his old room. Like old beer cans and BO. Like nasty porn magazines and new decks of cards. Tartarus reeks to Percy of every moment he was alone with Smelly Gabe. Reeks like every moment he's ever doubted himself and something terrible happened.
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thekissofaphrodite · 9 months
HIII ^—^ !! good morning/afternoon/evening to you I hope you're doing alright and well today! So I came across your Luke Castellan FF and... 👀 IT WAS SO GOOD! and it got me thinking maybe you could do a Nico Di Angelo fic? wherein theres a lot of fluff & angst-comfort (maybe some kissing on the side), I would really appreciate it if you did!
That's all and Have a great day &new year !! 🎆
- 🍵
Midnight Rain
Nico Di Angelo X Male!Solace!Reader
Summary: Comforting Nico after his terrible Flashbacks..
Warnings: Kissing, Death, and cursing :P (Remind me if I missed one!)
Author's Note: I haven't read the books!! so please forgive me if I made a mistake!!
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He remembered it perfectly.
He doesn't know why or how, Maybe the Gods wanted to punish him, But he hasn't done anything wrong.
It was a rainy night in Italy, His older sister, Bianca, was with their father, Hades, Currently ranting about a porcelain doll she saw on a window shop they passed earlier, His dad smiled and just listened to his sister, His mother, Maria was in the vanity, Fixing her beautiful black hair that was already sprayed with hair products. Then, there was a loud thunderstorm, It made Bianca flinch, which caused her to scream in fear and hug her dad.
Maria just chuckled and peaked at the Father and Daughter.
"I'm thanking the Fates that thunder and lightning never became your domains, or else," joked his mother, Her thick Italian accent echoing. His sister, Bianca, then frowned jokingly, She seemed offended, and Bianca huffed and wrapped her arms around her father's neck.
It all then happened so fast, a happy family once...Broken by a tragedy.
Hades saw it first, in a distance, someone holding a thunderbolt aiming at them..His family.
Hades tried, he really did. He grabbed Bianca and Nico, shielding them from the upcoming blow, but then, from the corner of his eyes, he saw maria, Until it was too late.
A powerful thunderbolt was shot in the hotel they were staying, a loud explosion making them all cry, Biana and Nico held onto their father for dear life, until there was a loud thud.
A body dropping.
As if tho the Fates chose for him to live miserably, He saw a pool of blood near the broken pillars, and sure enough, there was maria, Ever so beautiful, She was dead, But her beautiful face said otherwise, It all seems like she was sleeping peacefully, then Hades screaming, Horrified —
Nico shot up from his nightmare, Sweat trickling down his neck as he panted. You felt a body jolting beside you, and there was nico, panting heavily.
You got up and rubbed your eyes, checking the clock.
2:45 am
Nico looked at you with his eyes softening, but his expression still horrified.
"What's wrong?" You asked, Your palms caressing his pale cheeks.
"Nothing" His raspy voice replied.
But you knew something was wrong.
Being the son of Apollo, You were blessed with healing, but you sucked at archery.
Immediately sensing a nightmare, you kissed him, your soft lips touching his chapped, cold one's.
You can taste the saltiness of his tears running down his cheeks, but you couldn't care less.
After pulling away, he laid his head on your chest, The peaceful silence engulfing you two.
Then he spoke, as he started sobbing again.
"I can't unsee it— I swear, It kept replaying over and over again, I can see my mom's dead body—" Nico sobbed, His sobs muffled by your yellow shirt.
"Let it hurt, nico. Then let it go" You whispered as he sobbed harder.
"I can't accept that they're gone, Forever" He said as his dark eyes looked up at yours.
"I spent my nights wondering if they're missing me as much as I'm them"
"They're proud of you nico, Every single thing that you've done was for their honour and glory" Those words made him smile a little bit, Your heart softened, As he kissed you again.
As nico dozed off, you caresses his pale cheeks, once stained with tears coming from his painful eyes.
"I love you, I love you until the very last star in the sky burns into oblivion"
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linskywords · 2 months
linsky i have BINGED the new wyl instalment and it has occupied 95% of my brain capacity at all times ever since. it's sooo good. SOOO GOOD!!!!!
i would love to know your thoughts on jack's POV during the lakehouse bits. do you have any tidbits to share on what was going on in his and nico's heads? quinn standing up for him like that made me feel some kind of way
Ooh great question! I think Jack was having a tough week from the start. He knows more or less what's going on with Trevor, it's not like Trevor was subtle about it, and Jack feels bad for him and doesn't want to cut him out of the friend group, not when he so obviously needs help that Jack doesn't know how to give him -- but also, what a nightmare, including someone like him when you're trying to be out for the first time as a sub around your most important peers. Jack probably needs to kneel SO much more than usual, really lean on Nico to help him get through this.
And then Trevor went off and said all that garbage and almost got himself punched. I think both Jack and Nico were angry in the moment -- but Jack isn't very combustible, and I think after Trevor left to go upstairs, Jack was probably really shaken but also just...really horrified for Trevor. Like, what must he be going through, and he won't let Jack reach him, and Jack doesn't know if he could actually be helpful anyway. At first Nico is too angry to be interested in feeling bad for Trevor, but he's willing to calm down when he sees that that's what Jack cares about. After all, Nico knows what's going on, and it's not easy for him to see a sub in that much pain, either.
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twoidiotwriters1 · 8 months
The Curse of Oenone (Leo Valdez xFem!Oc)
A/N: Don't you love it when you realize your sibling is not the person you thought they were -Danny Words: 2,218 Series' Masterlist Previous Chapter // Next Chapter Listen to: 'Orange Juice' -by Noah Kahan
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XI: Would I Stab My Brother for a Million Dollars? I Would Stab Him for Free
Ara wants to rip Percy's head off.
She'd been looking for him and Annabeth for a whole hour thinking they'd been kidnapped, only to find out they'd fallen asleep in the stables like some star-crossed lovers.
It shouldn't be a big deal, but she hadn't eaten yet, therefore she was pissed. Leo, on the other hand, was cracking up. Now he can't hide his sly smirk when he locks eyes with Ara, pleased that they're sneakier than Annabeth and Percy.
Hazel gets scandalized to an extent that feels exaggerated, but Ara remembers she's only been in the modern world for about eight months, so she decides not to tease her.
"Never in my life!" Coach Hedge hits all he can reach with his bat. "Against the rules! Irresponsible!"
"Coach, it was an accident. We were talking, and we fell asleep."
"Besides, you're starting to sound like Terminus," Percy adds jokingly.
"Is that an insult, Jackson? 'Cause I'll—I'll terminus you, buddy!"
Percy glances at Ara and presses his lips together to avoid laughing. "It won't happen again, Coach. I promise. Now, don't we have other things to discuss?" 
"Fine! But I'm watching you, Jackson. And you, Annabeth Chase, I thought you had more sense—" 
"So grab some food, everybody!" Jason intervenes. "Let's get started."
"You guys are losers," Ara teases her friends as she sits down beside them. "You should've set an alarm to wake up at dawn."
"How was I—wait," Percy kicks her foot lightly. "You've done that before?"
Ara eats a mouthful of her waffles and winks at him. Percy looks at Annabeth with a horrified expression, and the girl sighs. "Just let it go, seaweed brain..."
The boy glares at Leo—seated far from his reach—and scoffs. "Fine."
The next hour ends up being worse than the prior one. Percy tells them about the dream he had, the giant twins are indeed guarding Nico in the bronze jar. He tells them he's still alive thanks to some pomegranate seeds. Hazel sinks on her chair, sick with worry, and Percy tries to ease her.
"We'll rescue him. We have to."
Hazel turns to Ara. "So you weren't wrong... any ideas?"
Leo raises his hand. "Uh... One thing. The giants are expecting us to do this, so we're walking into a trap, right?"
"We have no choice!" Hazel exclaims.
"Don't get me wrong, Hazel. It's just that your brother, Nico... he knew about both camps, right?"
"Well, yes."
"He's been going back and forth, and he didn't tell either side..."
"You're wondering if we can trust the guy," Jason says. "So am I."
Hazel jumps to her feet. "I don't believe this. He's my brother. He brought me back from the Underworld, and you don't want to help him?"
"Nobody's saying that." Frank scowls at Leo. "Nobody had better be saying that."
"No one's gonna throw threats at the people on this table either," Ara scowls. Frank looks at her defiantly, but he stays quiet. "Jason and Leo don't know Nico, their concern is as valid as your worry, Hazel."
"I remember Nico from Camp Jupiter," Jason continues. "Then I find out he also visited Camp Half-Blood—and he doesn't have a good relationship with Ara, the leader of that place. That does strike me as... well, a little shady. Do we really know where his loyalties lie? We just have to be careful."
That is partially true, Ara thinks. Nico doesn't have a good relationship with her, but that has nothing to do with her position. Nico betrayed her brother and tried to play her for a fool, that's a sore spot she's never been able to heal and she's never trusted him fully ever since, but she knows he wouldn't stab them in the back like that.
Despite what everyone back home thinks, she still looks after Nico. Ara was ten years old when her life changed for the better, but Nico's changed for the worse. She feels that she ought to protect him given that she got the better deal out of the two.
Ara tries to de-escalate the argument happening before her. "Listen—" A plate flies across the table and hits the wall, barely missing Jason's head. "Hazel!" She reprimands.
"You..." Hazel only has eyes for Jason, she's fuming, "the great Jason Grace... the praetor I looked up to. You were supposed to be so fair, such a good leader. And now you..." 
The girl pushes her chair back and storms out of the room. Every metal around her vibrates as she passes by, but nothing else goes out flying. Ara looks at Jason with a scowl.
"You're always saying the wrong things."
He gets even more upset. "But you agreed!"
"He's not working for Gaea," she states. "Nico's never been interested in what she's got to offer."
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After we leave Quintus—Daedalus—fighting for his life in the workshop, we head to town and split into two groups. I'm going with Annabeth and Nico.
While Annabeth's paying for the gizmo she bought for an Iris message, Nico approaches me. He's grumpy, but his attitude is less hostile than at other times. "You saved me." 
I cut the chains around his hands and ankles back in the workshop (so he would help us), and killed a giant before it could step on his head (so he didn't die before he could help us).
"You saved all of us," I bow with amusement. "Ghost King, sir."
He makes a face. "You're not funny."
I chuckle and stand straight. "Alright. So... Minos betrayed you, Luke knows you exist now—"
"I'll go with you," he crosses his arms and pouts like a kid—he's eleven, after all. "Just this one time."
I have the theory that the more he uses his power, the more he ages, 'cause now he's as tall as me. I would hug him because I feel like doing so, but at the same time, I'm angry at him for scaring us by leaving camp.
"That'll make Lily happy," I notice the cut on his cheek, so I seize my T-Rex and offer him wipes and a bandaid. "Fix your face."
He grabs the items hastily like he's scared to get burned if his skin touches mine. That makes me realize that all this time, he's always going out of his way so I don't accidentally touch him. He knows about my empath touch, and he doesn't want me to know what he's feeling.
"Do you need help?" I eye him with curiosity.
"No," he turns his back on me.
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"Ah, jeez," Leo pushes his chair away from the table. "We should—"
"You've done enough," Frank snaps at him, but Piper stops him.
"Give her time," she turns to Jason, Leo, and Ara. "You guys, that was pretty cold."
"Cold? I'm just being cautious!" Jason argues.
"Her brother is dying," Piper insists.
Ara sighs heavily. "Nico is part of a prophecy that needs to be treated with care, if we make the wrong move, we'll end up killing him anyway."
"I'll go talk to her," Frank tries to leave again.
"No," Piper pulls him back. "Let her cool down first. Trust me on this. I'll go check on her in a few minutes."
"Here's what we're gonna do," Ara claps once to get everyone's attention. "We'll leave Hazel alone, and later you two will apologize for being mean—"
"You were mean too—"
"I was arbitrary, there's a difference." Ara turns to her right, where Lily used to stand during meetings. She freezes, realizing no one on this ship keeps a to-do list for her. "We uh..."
Their dragon speaks, saving her the embarrassment of having to remember what she was meant to say. 
"That's Festus," Leo announces. "I've got him on autopilot, but we must be nearing Atlanta. I'll have to get up there... uh, assuming we know where to land."
"Right!" Ara remembers what they had planned for the day. "The sea god!"
Everyone looks at Percy, and Jason vaguely points at him. "You're Captain Salt Water. Any ideas from the expert?"
"I'm not sure. Somewhere central, high up so we can get a good view of the city. Maybe a park with some woods? We don't want to land a warship in the middle of downtown. I doubt even the Mist could cover up something that huge."
"On it," Leo replies before leaving.
"When we land, I'll scout around in Atlanta," Percy continues. "Frank, I could use your help."
"You mean turn into a dragon again?" Frank grimaces. "Honestly, Percy, I don't want to spend the whole quest being everyone's flying taxi."
"No. I want you with me because you've got the blood of Poseidon. Maybe you can help me figure out where to find salt water. Besides, you're good in a fight."
"Sure," Frank sighs. "I guess."
"Great. We should take one more. Annabeth—"
"Oh, no!" Hedge barks. "Young lady, you are grounded."
"Excuse me?" Annabeth makes a face.
"You and Jackson are not going anywhere together! I'll go with Frank and Mr. Sneaky Jackson. The rest of you guard the ship and make sure Annabeth doesn't break any more rules!"
"Ara comes with us too," Percy adds quickly. "Aphrodite has a connection to the sea as well, and my sister has her blessing, maybe that'll help."
Ara wants to say "No thanks!" but her brother is staring at her and she can practically hear his thoughts. If I'm being punished for spending the night with my partner, then so are you.
"Fine," she gives in. "Let me get my T-Rex."
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After the nicest lady on earth drops them off at the town's Aquarium, Ara opens her dino bag and pulls out her cloak from it. Percy scowls at it. "You have to take that everywhere?"
"I'm doing what you asked me to," she replies casually.
Percy spots the embroidery at the back and leans a little to see it better. "Those are all the blessings you've gotten?"
"Yeah. Anyway, are we going in like everyone else, or..."
None of them brought money for this, so Ara's already thinking of a way to sneak into the building when a young girl approaches them with a big smile. "Ah, VIP visitors!" 
Ara almost draws out her sword, but that might be the nerves from last night's encounter with the Eidolons. She doesn't appreciate strangers standing this close to her.
"You have your payment, I see—Excellent!"
The girl snatches the few coins Frank pulled out of his pocket and turns on her heel. "Yes, that's fine. Right this way!"
Percy nudges Ara's arm. "A trap?"
"Probably," Frank says as she nods silently.
"She's not mortal," Hedge agrees. "Probably some sort of goat-eating, demigod-destroying fiend from Tartarus."
"No doubt," Percy sighs.
"Awesome." The satyr chuckles. "Let's go."
Ara makes sure Almighty's in her pocket, and while the other girl guides them through the Aquarium, Ara elbows Percy's arm. "Do you know what Hazel and Frank's deal is with Leo?"
The face he makes is answer enough, but he replies out loud too. "Sorta."
"Should I be worried?"
The boy lowers his voice, making sure Frank doesn't hear them. "I don't know. Maybe."
Ara frowns. "Leo didn't do anything, Percy. This has to be a misunderstanding."
"Something tells me it isn't," her brother replies in a way that irritates her.
"So Leo is still the bad guy, is that it?"
"Are you being serious right now?" Percy looks at her with annoyance. "Ara, you don't understand—"
"I understand that you don't trust me," she presses, her attitude abruptly switching from casual to stern.
"It's not my story to tell," he frowns. "And it isn't any of your business either, General. This is between Hazel and Leo. Not an army matter."
Percy's starting to realize just how much Ara has changed in the few months they were apart, and he can see why Lily snapped after all those years of being Ara's most loyal partner. Something is deeply wrong with his sister, and he's afraid they might not figure out what it is before it's too late.
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I know Calypso's myth, but for some reason, I never imagined that she'd still be around.
"Annabeth kissed you." 
It's the first thing that comes out of my mouth. I can't help it, the scarlet explosion has been stuck in my mind for days. Now that he's back from Ogygia, I have to bring it up.
Percy blushes. "Yeah, I remember."
"Calypso kissed you?"
"Okay, don't answer that," I change the subject. "You're going to ask Rachel to join us now?"
"Do you like her?
"Ara," he glares at me.
"It's not like that." 
"Maybe not, but I'm curious," I stick out my tongue.
"I don't like Rachel," he replies, and I believe him because he doesn't light up when he thinks of her.
"But you like Annie," I grin. "I know."
"You're a nightmare," he groans.
"Jeez, looks like you're the real charmer of the family," I tease him.
"One day you'll crush on someone," he mumbles. "Then I'll laugh."
I take a moment to stop giggling, then ask the one thing I truly want to know. "Were you... Happy... in Ogygia?"
He tenses. "That place is meant to feel like a home..."
"Yeah, I guess. And you had no one to talk, except Calypso," I pout. "Imagine being alone for thousands of years, constantly getting your heart broken. I wonder if she still feels at home there."
"I don't know..." Percy shakes his head. His skin dimly lits in its scarlet glow. "But she asked me not to forget her. I don't think I can."
He's not the kid I befriended three summers ago, the boy who saw me as an equal when we were both clumsy and lonely. Now Percy's a young man, and I'm still a little girl.
A wall has been lifted between us, and it's not the kind that I can climb over.
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Next Chapter –>
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wyattjohnston · 2 years
Yay for end of year prompts!! I love that you’re doing this 😊 could you please write number 7 for Nico? Happy for it to be reader insert and if the holiday vibe fits then go for it!
Your appearance at Christmas lunch isn’t entirely unexpected, you’re sure, the invite having been extended by a horrified Kristen when she found out that you were planning on sitting in your apartment alone with some Chinese food. You weren’t fussed, had done it for a couple of years already, but hadn’t been able to say no to the company.
That being said, Nico was evidently surprised by your appearance. You were surprised by his, truthfully, having expected him to be somewhere with Jack and the rest of the Hughes family—not sitting on the Haula’s couch. It makes sense that Kristen invited you now that you know about Nico.
“Merry Christmas,” you say, sitting down on the empty cushion behind and trying not to remember exactly what it feels like to have his mouth sucking hickeys into your collarbone.
“Frohe Weihnachten,” he responds seemingly without any of your concerns.
The conversation that follows is easy and typical for what you’ve come to expect from Nico. That is, when he’s not pressing you up against a wall hidden away from view. It’s always jarring, to get this polite and quiet version of Nico.
When Nico gets around to asking what you would have done if Kristen hadn’t asked you to come, he’s visibly shocked to hear it. He says, “If I’d known I would have asked you earlier.”
“You’d have to have asked me about my Christmas plans first. You know, have to have cared.”
“I do care,” he says, defensive. “Of course, I care.”
“Hell of a way of showing it.”
“I’d shout it from the roof if I could,” he says, bold and sure, “If I didn’t think it’d scare you off.”
“I haven’t been scared off yet, Nico. That wouldn’t be the thing that does it.”
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wrens-garden · 5 months
Episode 58, Magic's POV on Owen's channel. After this I'll be moving onto Krowfangs POV, so stay tuned :)
Acho, Bek, Soup, Gracie, Magic, Kyle, Krow and Spidey are the only ones to make it out of the clearing and dark maze.
Bek's sword can deal with the creatures
They've made it through the next challenge/trial. They've made it to another maze, canyon version. They've found the exit! Wow! That was quick! I wonder what the next 30 minutes is gonna be about :)
Wow! Another wall! Who would've thought? Into another maze, a library maze this time.
There's a chest with Mohwee's goggles and a book 'in a blind feverish trance, the girl sprinted into the maze, through the corridors she ran she stumbled upon two levers, she wasn't herself it was as if someone had a control on her' is that about Squidney?
Another chest. It has broken headphones in, it was signed for Acho.
They can hide in the floor.
Another chest, seemingly to Red. A substance and a book called drunk man's tale. 'It has been intriguing to see what has become of the hybrid. At first, I believed we were simply going to witness another repetition of the prior 4 cycles. However, something peculiar has occurred this time…'
They've found the exit to this maze. Kyle and Bek have jumped into the water. Someone is up at where they jumped. They're swimming through a water maze. Wow! They sure love mazes. Who TF is that? Oh no, he's delirious. Is this Nico? He really doesn't want anyone going into the water, he says something's in the water. Krow jumped into the water, something is in there. They've gone into the water
They've found a platform? The platform is being surrounded. Bek got hit by the creature. Spidey shot a rope up so they can get away. Bek cut the rope, she's fallen and taken the sword with her! Hold on! That's needed to defeat the creatures!
Into a stage? There is a pressure plate. Ooo story time. I can't be asked to type this out, long story short there needs to be a sacrifice to open the door and get out. Great, well I know Magic isn't doing it.
Magic just stepped on the pressure plate. It's opened the door. Soup has taken her place on the pressure plate. Magic is right, a lot of people have died in place of her. Soup fucking blew up!!!! Dammit! Why are all the good ones dying? Krow better not be next or I swear
Another maze. Great. Another pressure plate. Krows stepping on it. If you die I will cry Krow. Don't test me right now.
The doors have opened and Krow is fine. Thank fuck
Krow is a lot harsher and colder now compared to before Owen trying to kill it. I mean, understandable, but I don't know. I don't think it was Owen that killed the demons, or at least not fully, so I'm not too sure about this being fully Krow. Oeca felt like it was a similar situation, Oeca not being fully in control when he attacked Gracie. I mean, is mind control completely out of the question? Actually, has anything been said outside these streams or videos that is canon to the series?
A fully white room. Pleasant. A book? Krow's memories? The memories cut out. Something's gone wrong. Krow sounds so sad! Bad memory! Very bad memory! Baby Krow nooooo! Why did his dad make him do that! No, don't be a dick everyone, Krow doesn't seem to enjoy this memory either. Krow?
KROW JESUS!! YOU KILLED KYLE!! HOLY FUCK. Kyle, no, you didn't deserve this! None of them did. I couldn't tell, did Krow smile?
All their memories are coming back, I think. Kyle and Acho were close outside the maze as well. Acho's dad was abusive. Were any of the dads pleasant? Kyle, don't do anything rash. Did Kyle stab Acho's dad? Why's Acho being punished?
Jumpscare, people with guns have appeared. Magic has been taken else wear. The other are being taken to stage? Is this a reality TV show? That is horrifying. Magic seems to be meeting the boss of this operation. Why?
Acho killed his dad? Gracie was sold? Spidey killed her town's mayor? Krow was a cannibalistic cultist. What a collection of people. Eryn survived, good.
Well that was a ride. I'll be starting Krow's episodes soon
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baiyunli · 1 year
Oh Jack, leaving Nico to wake up alone, leaving him on read, that’s cold! And poor Nico, giving in to Jack, letting him into his space after all that time, he’s a better person than all of us.
I’m so intrigued to see how you get them back to a good place. I hope it includes a lot of groveling on Jack’s part.
Curious as to who caught feelings first?
i hadn't really considered the ending because i'm not really a planning kind of person, but yes! i had imagined the second chapter to be from jack's pov, where we find out why he had come to see nico in the first place - because he'd realized he was in love with him and panicked, so he had to go find nico to decide whether or not it was fake and he’d just loved the idea of being in love, as much as it horrified him.
i think less than apologizing, necessarily, the resolution is about growth and self-reflection and realizing the person you want may not have been the right person at the time, but they still can be now!! when jack first arrives, he spends all this time and energy trying to get his shit together and turn himself into the person he thinks nico needs him to be, rather than just recognizing all the things he's been trying to keep buried.
what i have written down for this is quite long and convoluted but tldr; jack tells nico he's retiring and so he's forced into this whole period of coming to understand himself by also finding out who he is outside of the sport he's played and loved all his life, and by then he's realized that he's never needed to be anyone but himself in order for nico to love him! and nico can see how much he's changed for the better, too - i think even though he's been hurt, nico's only ever been looking for a reason to forgive jack, so that definitely adds a little bit to the dynamic there.
re: the last part, i spent like five minutes thinking "oh god who DID catch feelings first?" before remembering that i wrote a vaguely tangential scene that mentioned it, so the answer is nico, but i also think realistically it was probably both of them, jack just couldn't put a name to it and that's why it took him like fifteen years to get it together. said tangential scene below:
Jack smiles at him, tentative. Nico takes too long to figure out if he should smile back, and by then Jack is slipping past him into the apartment. “Went to get breakfast,” he says. 
Nico nods, pushes the door closed. “I’m meeting some of the guys for lunch at one,” he tells Jack. “If you want to come.”
“Sure,” he says. “Why not?” Then he spots the ice-pack in Nico’s other hand and winces. “You okay?”
“Fine,” says Nico. “Just—” he lifts his hand to show the bruising across his fingers, and Jack sucks in a sharp breath.
“Looks bad. Here, let me—” Jack takes a step forward, without seeming to realize it, and reaches for Nico’s wrist. Nico is too surprised to jerk away, and Jack brings his wrist up, cradles Nico’s palm, fingers threading into Nico’s. He lifts it to his mouth and Nico has one moment of lucidity to think, what is he doing, before Jack presses his lips to Nico’s knuckle. 
His mouth is softer than Nico remembers. 
Jack’s lashes flutter as he looks up, lips brushing over the bruises painting Nico’s knuckles, and Nico feels like all the air has been belted out of his lungs. “There,” he says, raspy, eyes flicking up to Nico. “All better.”
Nico swallows, throat closing, wrecked and wet and desperate. “Jack,” he starts quietly, at a loss. Voice creaking around the shape of Jack’s name. 
The only thing he knows how to do right now is draw his hand away, so he does. Jack lets it go without a complaint, but the warmth lingers.
And suddenly Nico is twenty years old at training camp again, meeting Jack for the first time, silky hands and pink mouth, this boy who knew success like the easiest, most obvious guarantee of his life, lips splitting into a smile, more confident than Nico could have imagined being at his first camp. Suddenly he’s caught in the crossfire of every moment he ever spent with Jack and every moment he loved him, all the times Nico looked at him and wanted him so much he didn’t know what to do with the weight of his own desire. 
He takes a step back.
Jack snaps out of it, pasting a grin back on his face. He runs a hand through his hair. “Okay,” he says. “Uh—sorry. I’m just. I’m gonna go. Call me out when we’re going for lunch.” Before Nico begins to process what came out of Jack’s mouth, he’s gone, the guest room door clicking shut behind him.
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ramblingandwritings · 2 years
V fluff alphabet
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A = Activities (What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?)
V is a sucker for museums, graveyards, and art galleries. If you can take him to see Blake's art in person, he'll be tempted to marry you then and there. He's never been so happy in his life
B = Beauty (What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?)
Your patience with him. He's having to adjust to being his own person while still being half of someone else and adapt to being in a relationship on top of it all. He knows he's not exactly easy to be around some days
Plus dealing with Griffon is it's own thing. Even he struggles with handling him from time to time
C = Cuddling (how do they like to cuddle?)
Face to face or half spoon. Falling asleep together, you're likely to wake up tangled in the blankets, fully pressed against each other. He really doesn't mind, it's warm and cozy
D = Dreams (How do they picture their future with their s/o?)
He wouldn't mind getting out of demon hunting and helping Morrison with background work or maybe opening a bookstore
No matter what he ends up doing, he'd like to have a home together. He's not picky about choosing a house, he just doesn't want to spend another night in Nico's van
E= Equal (Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?)
It's a partnership through and through. Most decisions are made together unless they're just petty choices, then it defaults to whoever is more interested in it
F = Family (do they want one? If they do, when?)
He can't see kids being in the picture. Putting up with Dante, Nico and Nero is enough as it is and they're grown
G = Gifts (how do they feel about gift giving? What are their habits when it comes to this?)
He understands the importance of a good gift and he'll never get you a bad one. He pays close attention to the stuff you like and chooses carefully
When it comes to receiving gifts, he loves chokers, jewelry and books of course. The things he cherishes the most are things that belong to you that you give to him
H = Holding Hands (when/how do they like to hold hands?)
He doesn't always want to hold hands, but he'll never reject you if you reach for him. He understands the need for human touch too well
If you're in a crowded space then he'll grab your hand just to make sure you don't get separated
I = Inspiration (Did their s/o change them or the other way around?)
You've helped him solidify himself as a unique person fully separated from Vergil. His identity is a confusing mess to navigate, but atleast he doesn't have to go it alone
J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?)
Occasionally, but he knows you aren't responsible for his feelings. He'll just let the issue go unless someone is deliberately hitting on you and then he'll passive aggressively respond to them. If push really comes to shove then it's time for Griffon and Shadow to come out
K = Kiss (Are they a good kisser?)
His kisses are slow and sweet, he's in no rush, neither are you. He might leave you with a few marks on your neck depending on how he's feeling at the moment
L = Love Confession (How would they confess to their s/o?)
He says it in the back of Nico's van while everyone is out. He knows it's not the most romantic place or circumstance, but there was a worry pressing in the back of his mind that he could lose you at any moment. Maybe it was just anxiety or the horrifying knowledge that he's always in danger and so are you. Either way, he couldn't ignore it. He quietly urged you to sit next to him, so he could say what he needed
M = Marriage (Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?)
He's all on board with marriage once he makes sure he won't disintegrate into nothing, he doesn't want to get married and die soon after. Seems rude to marry someone and then widow them immediately
The proposal is fully private, V only wants to hear your answer and no one else's comments on it. He'll tolerate the questions from the others later
N = Nicknames (What do they call their s/o?)
Beloved, love and angel
O = On Cloud Nine (What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?)
He sneaks glances at you when he thinks no one is looking, Nero immediately recognizes the looks he gives you but says nothing. Griffon isn't as kind and will ruin the moment damn near everytime he sees it happening
He goes out of his way to be a gentleman, opening doors, pulling chairs and offering his hand if you need to step off of something
P = PDA (Are they upfront about their relationship? Are they rather shy when others are watching?)
He's fine with light touches and hand holding, maybe a light kiss or two. Truthfully, even without all of that, it's obvious you're in a relationship just from how close he stands
Q = Quirk (Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.)
His affinity for magic comes in handy frequently
R = Romance (How romantic are they? Cliché or rather creative?)
He's an absolute hopeless romantic. He's planned a number of picnics for the two of you, if that says anything
S = Secrets (how open are they with you?)
He doesn't exactly see the point in hiding himself after it came out that he's the human side of Vergil. He's honest about what he's feeling and what he wants, he expects the same from you
T = Time (how long did it take you to get together?)
Not long. After you went out on about four dates, he was comfortable committing to a relationship
U = Understanding (How good do they know their partner?)
V is incredibly capable of manipulation which requires a certain knowledge of how people work. He's got a pretty good handle on how you tick because of that alone
V = Value (How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?)
You're his number one priority and Nero 100% encourages it. Quite frankly, so does Dante, but that's because he doesn't want to deal with Vergil 2.0: Heartbroken Boogaloo if anything happens to you or the relationship
W = Wild Card (A random Fluff Headcanon.)
He kisses the back of your hand every night before sleeping. It's a habit of his, something that reassures both of you that neither of you are going anywhere
X = XOXO (Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?)
V basks in all the attention you can give him and returns it gladly
Z = Zeal  (Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of?)
While not as destructive as Vergil, he's still willing to go to extreme lengths to keep you unharmed, including black magic
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Sanders sides theory: Logan's eyes turning orange when he got angry was a misdirection and orange is actually guilt/shame/embarrasment
Allow me to explain:
Thomas posted a picture on his insta story from a ted talk and said he was "doing research" and fanders found out what it was about.
The ted talk was about how vulnerability and weakness are not the same, we are taught that being open about how you feel is something to be embarrassed about and that guilt is natural but shame is not.
What is the one consistent emotion thomas has felt talking to nico other than love or joy? What feeling do you think Roman gets whenever patton points out his poor thinking? Why didnt thomas just talk to lee and mary lee about the wedding? What's the main symptom of constant low self esteem (something Logan said thomas struggles with all the time)? Why do the sides struggle to admit their flaws and talk about their feelings? How does thomas feel when he asks himself if he's truly a good person? Embarrassed, Humiliated, guilty, ashamed.
Now how do you feel when you are ashamed or guilty? Do you feel like the whole world is watching you, almost like a giant pair of glowing eyes are watching your back? Hell, even in the great gatsby the eyes on a billboard are meant to represent the eyes of god watching down on everyone.
Thomas himself has said hes a religious man and its clear that shame he felt for remus's thoughts permanently seperated the parts of his imagination.
But how could this possibly tie into logan screaming at remus? If the orange side isn't wrath why did he even show up when Logan got angry? Well hear me out, it wasn't the anger that made him show up.
It was logan's shame at the anger that did.
Logan has consistently shown he prides himself on being calm ans collected compared to everyone else, he is logic, he is reasonable, and he is meant to be taken seriously.
So if you were Logan and you found yourself being so upset that you have an out of control out burst from something as petty as not being given any attention, as if you were some crying child on an airplane who needed to be coddled. ESPECIALLY from remus, the side who literally thrives from attention and can only be beaten by being ignored and absolutely no one would ever take seriously, how would you feel? I reckon you'd feel pretty ashamed of yourself.
Heck, what is the common ground between intrusive thoughts, anxiety and self preservation? shame.
Virgil is afraid of the humiliation you could experience from any number of horrifying social faux pas you could do and remus's intrusive thoughts are a huge cause of thomas's guilt.
Now this is all great but if Orange really is shame then what greater function could he serve to thomas? All the sides have good in them, even remus, logan even says that at one point.
I believe orange would be there to show that Thomas's action have consequences, if there was no guilt or shame imagine how well Patton's morality would work.
Would thomas even want to apologize anymore? Would he even care to stop somebody like remus? You can teach some one as many morals as you want but if you don't have a reason to have them then they won't work.
Heck, what was the episode we got the secret hello message? The episode all about feeling bad when you don't put others first!
I imagine the season finale will finally confront thomas's guilt and low self image and all the sides will finally come clean about how awful they truly feel causing orange to show up, then when orange shows up we can properly explore two very important things.
1. When properly and fairly holding yourself accountable ends and hating yourself begins.
2. What really happened when remus and roman became distinct identities (i'm not saying king creativity is cannon, i'm just saying it would be an exploration of what ever happened when remus was sent away.).
Hell, if the spit was a real thing that really happened and orange is guilt than its fairly reasonable to assume HE caused the split, not patton or Logan like most people think.
Remember the old hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil theory?! Well you know what pose people usually strike when they're embarrassed or humiliated, they cover their eyes in shame and wince at the thought of seeing their own cringey bullshit.
It's literally perfect.
I could always be wrong though of course, but i do think this is a relatively sound theory with some evidence on it.
As much as i love the idea of wrath/greed orange, guilt orange would be such an interesting character, but more importantly, imagine the fucking angsty uwu soft boiness we will get.
But thats just a theory, a sanders sides theory! Annd cut.
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let's be real, we all wanted to talk about Nico's old people habits but didn't. so imma take the bullet.
Nico di Angelo headcanons that i often think about whenever i watch my grandma yells at my dad
if he had a camera, he would take a whole picture book about anything or anyone except himself
he would leave voice mails and check for letters, in a goddamn summer camp
he would carry candies around for people, mostly for young campers or Will
the good thing about that is he has different kinds and the bad thing about that is they are all from the '90s
like Will would ask him for minty candies and Nico would look at him, annoyed but concerned, saying who tf eat minty candies these days, such psychopaths, and give him some Mambas or Runts, receiving a more horrified and concerned look from Will
he would wear slippers in his cabin
he would find joy in playing bingos and crosswords
he takes naps every time he can
he would reminisce about the past or childhood or literally just, ten minutes ago
"ah...Oreo O's. i used to eat them raw back in the days. you know, whenever Bianca and ma—", "they are just...emo Froot Loops that prefer to be in a closet or something, ironic"
he would look at Will's iphone for the first time and slowly, oddly ask if that's a calculator and can he borrow it for a minute
the same thing happened to Will's laptop or any kind of technology except for TVs
he would call it television tho
"i slept like a baby last night"
"you go ahead, im just going to sit for a minute"
he would cook and make Will eat a whole festival
he would have a fountain pen and an ink jar
he would write in cursive and it's so beautiful, everyone asked Nico to write their names or some cringe ass quotes or puns (which he politely declined) in which he traded for changes and coins
he would write love letters in Italian and give them to Will, but no translations
he would keep a wall calendar for decoration
he would cut out some interesting newspaper stories and keep them in his notebook
fricking votes
he would scold Will for not folding his blanket when he himself sleep with lots of pillows and use them for blankets
"do you know? in trends these da—", "trends? wh—what is that? are you swearing?"
unexpectedly, he would love football lives
he would scare people by simply telling them his daily life stories
"omg this kid is so old, he just like my grandpa i cant kill him"
Will accidentally made an old people joke to Nico and instantly regretted it
"g—grandma is that you...?"
he would knit a very nice and warm scarf for Will ("there, it looks great on you! what? it's not? hmp, it's beautiful, Will, what do you mean? you look so soft and cute. you could even wear them to sleep. in exchange for your unfolded blankets")
"dear me, Will, you look like a pickle", "im sorry a what?"
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littlesniggy · 3 years
Hi! Love your writing my dear ❤️ I was wondering if I can request head cannons with Marco, thatch, crocodile and Rayleigh with fem readers (separate) . They are having sexy time and then there crew mates walk in during the sexy time and fem reader is in a certain positions (any positions ) reaction from both parties.. thank you so much ! ☺️
Hey Anon! Thank you for requesting! This was a very interesting request and I enjoyed writing for them. I'm also a huge Rayleigh fan so glad to get a request for him this time!! I have no idea what Thatch was like since I never really cared for him (sorry) so I hope it somewhat fits what I wrote.
Warning: 18+, nsfw
Characters: Marco, Thatch, Sir Crocodile, Rayleigh
Marco usually has not that much free time to fool around with you but when he does it’s always quick but intense. He loves to make love to you even when it’s just a quicky and he is usually pretty careful as to not get caught. But even he can be forgetful, especially when your legs are wrapped around his waist so perfectly, giving him the perfect angle to drive his dick into you.
Neither of you hears how the door to the small room opens, too occupied with panting and quiet moaning. Your forehead rests against his strong shoulder and his hands are gripping your thighs tightly, pushing his member inside of you over and over again, the dirty sound of skin on skin filling the room.
It takes you two to realize your new audience simply because he is just standing there in shock, not knowing what to do. Ace always has something to say – just not right now. It doesn’t happen often that he catches the two of you in a compromising position; to be exact, it’s the first time!
But as much as he is in shock, you are terrified. I mean, it’s a pretty intimate position and most people like to keep this part of their life private. Marco is also shocked but it doesn’t take long for him to get his composure back. Good thing is, he is covering your body with his, so Ace doesn’t really see your naked form and he doesn’t really care that Ace sees him naked.
“When you’re done staring would you please leave yoi?” he’d ask, voice even and with no embarrassment. Is it awkward to face Ace after this again? Yes. Does Marco really care about it? Probably not and neither should you. Ace, however, will probably avoid the two of your for the next couple of days but it’ll go away.
He’s a very open man when it comes to most aspects of his life and if both you and him would be okay with it he would have no problem someone watching (no sharing though!!). He likes to show you off to his crew mates, not in a tasteless way like “oh, look at how hot my partner is!” but rather in s more subtle way like moving his hands along your curves while he is talking to someone, diverting their attention to your body (you probably wouldn’t even notice he dies this on purpose sometimes).
I can also see him being the kind of lover to give oral rather than receive it. So, when the two of you are alone in a room, he probably coaxes you into allowing him to give you head, telling you that he wants to spoil you for no reason. In reality, it’s all just self-serving since he loves your taste and especially the sounds you make while he tongue-fucks you.
He likes to tease you a little while giving head and one of the things he does is have you stand on one leg, the other one is draped over his shoulder and you have to keep balance and not collapse onto the ground. He just loves to see your thigh quiver right next to his face.
This is also the position you two get caught in; him on his knees in front of you, his tongue eagerly fucking your core, one of your hands tangled in his locks and your mouth biting down on your other one to muffle your moans. So, given your position, you’re the one to see the intruder first and you’re horrified, to say the least. A loud squeak that sound unnatural coming from you in this position has Thatch alarmed and one quick look over his shoulder has him cover your body immediately.
“Don’t you ever knock before entering a room, Marco?” he asks, a small scowl on his face. Marco is not as shocked as Ace in this situation and he finds his composure rather quickly. “Sorry. Didn’t know this room was already occupied yoi.” He says with a grin before he leaves the room, not looking at you to save you from more embarrassment.
“Did it just turn you on when he saw us like this?” he asks, of course noticed you clenching around his tongue. This doesn’t deserve an answer and you push him down between your legs again, wanting him to finish what he’s started. You wouldn’t tell him weather you liked it or not – at least not yet.
Sir Crocodile
It would be very difficult to actually catch the two of you in a compromising position. Sir Crocodile is a man who likes to keep most of his live to himself, even Nico Robin doesn’t know half of it! So, naturally, he also only has sexy times with you in his private chambers. But there are times which are rare and far in between, where he lets you seduce him in a more ‘public’ area (still inside his private domain!).
In the contrary to Thatch, he likes to receive oral rather than give it and every time you seduce him in starts with you between his legs while he sits in a chair, smoking a cigar. He makes sure not to drop any of the ashes onto your head though. It’s dirty and nothing else. Plus, he doesn’t want you complain to him about it.
He loves hearing the lewd slurping sounds you make when you take him between your lips, the small choking sounds when you try and take him in even deeper and your small, muffled moans while you do. He can’t help but get turned on by it even more.
He probably knows that someone is approaching the door way before it actually opens – and he does nothing to stop you. Don’t get me wrong, he doesn’t like being walked in while you deep throat him but you just had to seduce him so you had to live with the consequences.
“Nico Robin. Can’t you see that I’m busy?” he asks in his usual dragged tone, a small simile on his lips. When you hear her name you instinctively try to get off of him but the hook on the back if your head doesn’t let you. He is not too keen on Nico Robin seeing his dick so naturally, he has you cover it with your mouth. You feel the heat come up in your face and you want nothing more than to just disappear but you have to sit through.
“Oh my, you should’ve told me that in advance. Now I’ve caught you two in a quite compromising position. I apologize.” You hear her say but you know she doesn’t feel one bit remorseful and neither does Crocodile. They have just a way higher tolerance for embarrassment than you do. When the door clicks, indicating she’s left the room, the man lets you come up again, letting you take in a deep breath. “Next time, maybe you should think twice about wanting to fuck you anywhere else but the bedroom.”
Silvers Rayleigh
Rayleigh is an open man and he rarely, if never, feels shame when it comes to his personal life. He doesn’t go around telling everyone about him and his sex life but if someone (he knows) asks or more likely wants to have some tips or advise he is glad to give it to them. When it comes to details about his sex life he is like a book with seven seals. He can talk about his experience in general but not what he does with you in the bedroom. It’s just common decency.
He loves to flirt with you on deck in front of the crew and he also kisses you from time to time but anything more intimate is reserved for the bedroom (or anywhere else, really). He’s quite some experience, even during his younger days. He doesn’t sleep around a lot but if he wanted someone, he usually got them. Because of this, he got to explore some kinks and his most favorite is you in blindfolds. It’s nothing special but it really does it for him.
He also likes the reverse cowgirl when you’re wearing the blindfolds. Given, he doesn’t see you wearing them but the knowledge that you’re completely relying on him turns him on. When he can hold your hips while you move on top of him, your ass always in sight; that’s just the best.
Just like Crocodile, he knows when someone is approaching the room but in this particular moment he wasn’t fast enough to bring you underneath him to cover you with his body and Roger just marches in, wanting to tell Rayleigh something. When he sees you two in this position, he’s already out of the room, not uttering a single word and Rayleigh has never been so glad that you were wearing blindfolds.
You’re confused as to why he stopped thrusting up into you. “Why did you stop?” you pant and he just chuckles a little. “No reason. Just appreciating the view.” He lies, not wanting to bother you with the thought of your captain not only seeing you naked but also you fucking yourself on Rayleigh’s dick. He knows Roger will never mention it and like hell he would bring it up. It will cause nothing but trouble
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