#niki rishimura x reader
mywons · 9 months
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❛ boyfriend!niki headcanons.
▸ ִֶָ tags [ boyfriend ] riki x reader, fluff + mentions of other members—heeseung, jungwon + use of petnames ( baby, sweetheart, my girl, pretty ) + humor + playful jealousy / possessiveness + niki being a little shit. warnings! && cursing. ✿ 0.5k words —
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one word. LIAR.
so, how you guys got together, you met pretty randomly
at an arcade, there was a two player game and niki couldn’t find any of the guys to ask them to play w him
you’d offered to play w him when you saw the frown on his face, and you guys exchanged numbers after that
at first, you guys were only best friends. calling eachother and gossiping, baking stuff (and failing) together, and going back to that same arcade you met at <3
eventually . . . you realized that your feelings for him weren’t only platonic. you found yourself seeking romantic attention from him, and it was beginning to make you feel guilty because you shouldn’t be thinking of your best friend in that way anyways, right?
time passes and niki realizes your feelings for him. mostly because he feels the same way, and you’re horrible at hiding how flustered you get when he calls you pretty :(
it gets to the point that you can barely be around him without avoiding eye contact and stumbling over your words. he thinks it’s the cutest thing ever, but asks you “what’s wrong? what’s been up with you lately?” as if he doesn’t know.. 🤨
you get tired of his persisting and eventually blurt out your feelings for him.
guess what he does?
“i know”
and with the biggest, stupidest smile on his face, tells you that your feelings are very much reciprocated
as for him being your boyfriend:
he’s the type to hold your hand in his hoodie pocket because he always wants to be touching you claims your hands are cold
also, once you’re dating him, he takes that as a sign to be the ONLY one that’s allowed to hug you.
you hugged heeseung for a millisecond once as a greeting and he literally peeled heeseung’s arms off of you
riki says it was a joke but we all know that isn’t true
he definitely tries harder when it comes to idol activities. not that he doesn’t already, but now he goes above and beyond just because he wants all your praise <3
definitely a winter boyfriend. snow angels, cuddling under 5 blankets, drinking hot chocolate and watching your favorite movies <3
calls you “pretty,” or “baby”
SOMETIMES “sweetheart,” but that’s when he’s sleepy or wants a favor 😭
loves sending you stuff that reminds him of you, mostly because he wants you to do it too—knowing that you think of him during random parts of your day is his oxygen
hides the non-scary games on his consoles
hear me out. whenever you wanna play games w him, he wants them to be scary games, because of the way you cling to him for hours afterwards
introduces you to people as “my girl”
also really likes teaching you enha choreos, especially bite me (you’re his dance partner <3)
if you’re close to any of the other members, he acts like everything is a competition. if jungwon mentions that he bought you icecream, niki’s like “well i buy her ice cream ALL the time 😐”
he’s so funny bye 😭
literally best boyfriend, i want him bye
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mywons © 2023 ## please do not plagiarize my works.
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someforzari · 5 months
Coloured Sky
Niki x black!gn!reader
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Genre: fluff
A/N: My first work where the skin colour was specified, I hope its up to your standards.
Ep.1 | Ep.2
You started listening to kpop in 2019 but it was more of a casual liking in 1 or 2 groups, rather than the only thing you would listen to. So when the group 'Enhypen' came out you peaked a huge interest in them. You biased Niki for his cute persona and how he always found a way to lighten the mood.
In little time, you found yourself listening to them often and even buying an album now and then. When all of your friends started talking about going to a concert together, you suggested Enhypen's upcoming tour.
"_____, we're not made of money and plus that's in New York, only you have a place to stay there, what will the rest of us do?" Jen retorted looking at the price.
"She's right, _____" Another friend agreed.
Sighing, you knew you had to meet them at some point in your life and why not now since it was your gap year before starting college, but seeing how you had £50 to your name, you knew that wasnt happening anytime soon. You chose to go to New York anyway since you had already bought plane tickets to see your family there, texting your mum to tell her.
"Guys, I have to go pack my bags but I'll talk to you soon. Love you bye." You said leaving the café. A quick wave of goodbyes surging through your friend group.
Time skip: 11:34pm, Thursday 28th March
"Yes mum, I've packed everything. I know the trip is overseas, look, I'll be fine. I'm staying with aunt shay, I'll be alright." You explained to your mum, holding the phone between your ear and cheek. "The plane leaves at 4pm tomorrow. No, I'm getting a taxi. Look, I have to go I'll update you soon. Bye."
Putting your passports and luggage near the doorway and setting your alarm to 8am you crashed on your bed and slept soundly.
Time skip: 8:13am, Friday 29 March
Brushing your teeth slowly due to drowsiness and scrolling through instagram was a normal part of your morning, your eyes widening upon seeing a new post from Enhypens official account. It was a picture of Niki and Sunoo at the airport, nothing special except that the destination was New York. That left some excitement for your day, dreaming about running into him unexpectedly and becoming his friend. Of course, you knew your delusions were just that, delusions. But you were free to imagine, right?
Stepping into your room to double check that you had packed everything, you noticed that your nails looked terrible and decided to get them done later. A decision that would save you from embarrassment later on.
The nails you picked weren't too over the top, just french tips with a few charms. Looking at the time on your phone, you gasped. 2:09pm. You were going to be late for your flight. At your apartment, a taxi was already waiting for you as you had planned, pulling the luggage into the boot and sitting in the taxi, you sighed and hoped you'd make it in time for your flight as the airport was an hour and a half away, hopefully there wouldn't be much traffic.
Timeskip: 5:43pm, Saturday 30th March
"Yeah, I'll manage." You said as you left the house to go explore New York City.
Living in the UK, you never experienced anything close to New York, sure, London was just as busy, but the nightlife couldn't compete. Plus, you lived in Whitehall of all places. It was cold, and even though winter had finished, the sun still set by 7.
It was amazing. The street signs with vibrant colours and cute little pictures of cartoon characters and animals, the shops with the latest iconic trends and the souvenirs were so creative.
Looking around, you didn't notice the shouting and running around. It was New York, this was normal, right?
Wrong. You would've been able to look some more, if only someone didn't bump into you and both of you fell.
"Who the hell...?" You mumbled holding your ankle and looking at the person.
Niki Rishimura. He was the man who had bumped into you, making you fall and hurt yourself. The throbbing pain in your ankle was forgotten as you stared at him with your mouth wide open and eyes wide.
"I'm so sorry! Are you okay? Is your ankle hurt?" He asked frantically, clearly worried.
You couldn't even answer, you just sat there, staring at him. Once the state of shock took over, you were quick to reassure him that you were fine and asked him if he was hurt at all.
He offered to get you coffee as an apology. Being a modest person, you refused at first saying there was no need, secretly hoping he would take you anyway. Him being the absolute angel he is, he insisted to treat you to coffee and you agreed. He reached out for his phone and asked for your number, you blinked a few times in confusion but not wanting to pass up this opportunity, you typed in your digits as fast as your sore hands could.
"I'll text you later, I have to go now." Niki said smiling sweetly at you and picking up a call from his manager.
You couldn't believe it, you had just met Niki Rishimura and gotten his number! And, you were going to see him for coffee! The whole way back to your aunt's house, you smiled and some people even looked at you like you were insane, but they wouldn't understand. You couldn't wait.
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otptings · 3 years
Puppy Love
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☺︎Idol: Riki Nishimura
☺︎Requested: nope
☺︎Word Count: 568
☺︎Genre: fluffityfluff
☺︎Synopsis: You wished you could say the sight of blond hair splayed out over your pillow didn’t surprise you, that would be a lie. Today is no different, heart beating quicker at the sight. But below the halo of shockingly blond hair is the face of the boy you’d grown to love.
☺︎A/N: Just an edit of an old drabble that I did titled '10 Month Love'. same premise just a cutesy drabble of puppy love with Niki. if you liked this requests are open for Enhypen, Seventeen and Treasure. please like, reblog, or donate to my ko fi in my bio thank you and hope you enjoy
You wished you could say the sight of blond hair splayed out over your pillow didn’t surprise you, that would be a lie. Today is no different, heart beating quicker at the sight. But below the halo of shockingly blond hair is the face of the boy you’d grown to love. Slowly you moved your hand toward the halo, slowly running your fingers through the silky mess. Riki only pouted as he wrapped an arm around you, letting out a content sigh as he placed his head on your chest.
Who would’ve known his courting would be successful?
Back when you both attended the same school, it almost feels like it’s been years instead of mere months. He’d bring you flowers - white carnations, you couldn’t ignore the way your heart fluttered when he told you they stood for pure love - and your favorite sweets everyday. You can still picture him waiting beside your locker for you to arrive, cheeks bright red as he handed you the flowers with a shy smile before racing off to your shared class. He put in so much effort to court you, despite being pulled from class early for practices or recording.
He owned your heart. You can’t say it hasn’t been a challenge though.
You’ve witnessed him almost fall apart due to stress. The show had been awful on him, he’d almost left multiple times due to his own fears. The late hours as he studied Korean until his eyes crossed, red eyes as he stumbled over his words, reverting to muttering Japanese curses before rereading the lyrics for the 20th time that night. Nights spent confessing how he wishes he could quit, just go back to Okayama. Texts became scarce as he worked himself to the bone. You hated witnessing him like this, but he’d worked too hard, and you weren’t going to allow him to quit. In the end if all paid off.
He debuted. The stress stayed, but it got easier to manage.
Soon you’d have to leave, making sure that their manager didn’t see you as to not get the boys in trouble. For now, being able to admire Riki as he curled into your side, holding you tightly as if to keep you there, was all that you could ask for. Letting your hand drop down to his cheek, cupping it softly before placing a kiss on his nose. You giggle seeing Riki scrunch his nose up, before nestling further into your hand.
These moments are rare. What better time than to confess?
“Happy 10 month anniversary. I’m so proud of you Riki, you’ve accomplished so much. I’m happy it was you that spent the better part of two years courting me, everything we’ve endured seems like distant memories when I lay here with you. I love you unconditionally.” The words seemed to disappear into the air as you prayed the others didn’t hear you. Slowly sliding out of Riki’s grasp you press another kiss to his temple, grabbing one of his hoodies.
Staring out of the bus window you couldn’t help but reminisce on the past 10 months you’ve spent with Riki. The vibration from your phone tore you out of your thoughts, pulling out your phone you saw it was a text from Riki.
Niki 💞- Happy 10 months love, dont forget about our reservations tonight
also I heard you this morning, I love you unconditionally too 😉😘
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mywons · 10 months
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❛ texts with boyfriend!niki when jealous.
▸ ִֶָ tags [ boyfriend ] riki x fem!reader, fluff + mentions of other members—jake, jungwon + use of petnames ( baby ) + humor + jealousy / possessiveness + niki being a little mean + jake provoking him 💀. warnings! && cursing, kys jokes, mentions of violence ✿ 0.4k words —
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mywons © 2023 ## please do not plagiarize my works.
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mywons · 7 months
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❛ texts with boyfriend!niki.
▸ ִֶָ tags [ boyfriend ] riki x fem!reader, fluff + mentions of other members—jake + use of petnames ( pretty girl ) + humor + playful bickering + niki being a shit head + jake provoking him 💀. warnings! && cursing, violent jokes ✿ 0.5k words —
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a/n: made this specifically for my bae @yunkize, and her name is put directly into one of the texts, but you can imagine it’s yours ofc 😮‍💨 after all riki is her man and i had to make it as real as possible!
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mywons © 2023 ## please do not plagiarize my works.
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