#nimbleclaw adept
niuttuc · 1 year
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Today’s recent budget commander sleeper is a common from Baldur’s Gate that is hard to match at what it does. It’s powerful enough that this 4-mana common needs an extra line of text that does nothing in most cases except stop it from generating infinite mana with just another copy of itself!
Untappers that can untap any permanent are already usually found at three mana at the least, getting another untap for just one mana more on your initial investment is quite the upgrade, particularly considering untapping any permanent also includes lands. This means the floor for this is a mono-blue card that double ramps you as long as it sticks around, and with bouncelands, sol rings and others, might ramp even more than that, which turns this into at worse a Thran Dynamo on a body if you have those reliably.
More than that, tap abilities of all sorts are relatively common among cards in commander, alongside ETB abilities and death triggers. If your deck has enough of those, be it in the manabase in utility lands, on your commander or just in general, using this as both a not-great ramp spell with a lot of synergy and utility can be quite powerful, much more than it looks!
I wouldn’t use it in any generic blue deck, but any that can do more than just ramp with it will find it quite useful, particularly for the handful of pennies it costs. It won’t go infinite easily, it’s quite specific about that, but that only makes it less likely to eat a removal.
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