#ninety-four trillion two hundred five billion four hundred sixty-nine thousand eight hundred fifty-five posts a millisecond
vamprisms · 10 months
builds a quantum computer to post on tumblr
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duochromium · 6 months
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Focks (hi from ao3)
if you’re saying hi on the behalf of ao3, tell ao3 i said “good evening”. i do not know how you would do this considering ao3 is not a singular being and especially not one able to think or speak, but if this is the case i wish you great luck.
if you are alternatively saying hi as a denizen from ao3 who shares the same name of a fellow writer who i have dedicated an entire work to by coincidence, well first let’s do some math
so firstly assuming we’re only accounting for usernames under 31 characters (anything over is unnecessary) and that we’re only talking about lowercase letters, numbers, and underscores that’s 37 characters. do some bullshit
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that’s a one in a hundred fourteen quattuordecillion two hundred seventy-four tredecillion nine hundred twenty-five duodecillion one hundred undecillion one hundred eighty-eight decillion eighty-four nonillion five hundred four octillion three hundred fifty-seven septillion four hundred sixty-one sextillion ninety-one quintillion nine hundred eighty quadrillion four hundred sixty-one trillion six hundred twenty-five billion one hundred three million three hundred seventy-two thousand four hundred sixty-six chance
yeah, pretty unlikely. i’m not even gonna bother calculating the chance of you being a coincidental impostor in the same circle
if it isn’t coincidence but you ARE an impostor, trying to imitate such a close ally of mine, I’ll know. You don’t know who you’re messing with.
I’ll study every word “katfox2004” has ever posted on the internet. I’ll train the most extensive neural network ever made to analyze even the slightest discrepancy. I’m gonna become the head of surveillance in the CIA. I’m like glitter, except invisible glitter because you won’t even notice I’m all over you. I’m a ghost. Identity theft is a serious crime. 10 million years in the future time void. I’m gonna invent that specifically for you just so your future bloodline know better than to mess with me. (joke)
but if you are the real katfox2004 which is the only reasonable answer, hi! that’s an awesome fox photo btw
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nebacru · 5 years
State of the Union: Federation II, Salvington Destruction, SER, and More
Memorandum 8 Back in August and September this year we lost the organization of the Local Universe Federation. What it intended to be was to form ten Local Universes together to help each other out with the back breaking chore of getting all the administrative back up clogging official channels from the millenniums of the Lucifer rebellion. That rebellion in Nebadon cost it sixteen million lives by rebel adjudication. In Avalon, our next door Local Universe neighbor, they lost fourteen thousands beings, and like Nebadon, most of the deaths occurred in the Seraphic ranks of ministry and teaching and so on. There is a statistical table, two of them, further down to get the scope of losses in all of this too/ On top of that Alvoring, another next door neighbor Local Universe, they lost a lot of Local Universe divine Sons. They lost no Melchizedeks, and no Melchizedek was ever lost in the Lucifer rebellion, but they were decreed that forty-two divine Sons were depersonalized for participating in the same nefarious games that Lucifer taught the Urantia devil, Caligastia and the hench people he launched to screw tight the lid of death and destruction over Urantia itself.
8 What Is Happening on Todays Date if Anything / New: MEMORANDUM 8 - The State of the Union: Space Sectpr 10; Nebadon Disaster « Last post by Ron Besser  on Today at 09:01:19 AM » October 28, 2019 Memorandum 8 State of the Union: Federation II, Salvington Destruction, SER, and More Back in August and September this year we lost the organization of the Local Universe Federation. What it intended to be was to form ten Local Universes together to help each other out with the back breaking chore of getting all the administrative back up clogging official channels from the millenniums of the Lucifer rebellion. That rebellion in Nebadon cost it sixteen million lives by rebel adjudication. In Avalon, our next door Local Universe neighbor, they lost fourteen thousands beings, and like Nebadon, most of the deaths occurred in the Seraphic ranks of ministry and teaching and so on. There is a statistical table, two of them, further down to get the scope of losses in all of this too/ On top of that Alvoring, another next door neighbor Local Universe, they lost a lot of Local Universe divine Sons. They lost no Melchizedeks, and no Melchizedek was ever lost in the Lucifer rebellion, but they were decreed that forty-two divine Sons were depersonalized for participating in the same nefarious games that Lucifer taught the Urantia devil, Caligastia and the hench people he launched to screw tight the lid of death and destruction over Urantia itself.
Deaths through Depersonalization of Federation Local Universes
of Celestial and Divine Personnel
LOCAL UNIVERSE * DIVINE SONS * SERAPHIM * OTHER ORDERS Nebadon                          135                        14,351                   9,154 Henselon                          72                          13,271                   12,419 Sensalon                          119                        14,114                   12,154 Tintantium                       319                        12,125                   11,314 Wolvering                        0                            937                        17,212 Avalon                             93                          13,127                   14,162 Densalon                        184                        19,611                   14,277 Others*                           387                        122,322                 176,513 Total = *Others include another eight ( more Local Universes and two municipalities not revealed in the Fifth Epochal Revelation and not shown in the Sixth Epochal Revelation. They include neighbors of Nebadon, Alvoring, plus nearby Trandonson and Fortranson. Five remain unnamed except to state not all galactic constructions contain Local Universes, but our space Sector 10 contains something our Star Students call Municipalities. The two Municipalities in these statistics are Serenson and Domnanson. They are smaller than Local Universes and use 1/12th of a Superuniverse power charge whereas Local Universes use 1/10th of a the power charge of a Superuniverse. Orvonton uses about 60 trillion candle power every universe day. Municipalities use about 4 billion candle power every universe day. A universe day in space Sector ten (10) is about four Urantia 24-hour days itself.
Totals you can do for yourselves by adding those columns up. Because of so many casualties associated with the Lucifer rebellion, every citizen that was depersonalized had to be taken to a spirit morgue to account for their serial number and their years of service and a resume of what they did and how well. God the Supreme terrorized the Local Universes above in 2019 starting in the third week of June, and again in August and again in September and early October. All of this happened in this calendar year on Urantia. We add the following statistics of depersonalized and dead celestial life as follows just this year (2019):
Deaths 2019 Urantia Calendar Year of Celestial
Personnel in These Local Universes
LOCAL UNIVERSE * DIVINE SONS * SERAPHIM * OTHER ORDERS Nebadon                                     37                          2,143                     1,612 Sensalon                                     27                          1,929                     2,304 Henselon                                    62                          42                          1,317 Tintantium                                 29                          34                          2,165 Densalon                                    19                          31                          6,164 Shearson*                                  35                          19                          142,316 Others++                                    7,350                     241,264                 139,216
*Shearson is a Municipality just northeast of Nebadon ++ Others include the two municipalities named above and six other Local Universes not named above in space Sector 10.
A Space Sector is about 1/10 of a Light year long, sixteen light years deep, and about fourteen thousand light years around. Local Universes are embedded in them for regular usages of power from the Superuniverse they are part of, but they are more shallow than a Local Universe is deep. Nebadon is forty light years across, and is sixty two light years deep and about fifty light years wide. Nebadon comprises about 60 trillion candle power watts to run in a Urantia 24 hours time.
Space Sector 10 contains fifty-two Local Universes. Of that 52 Local Universes, nine of those Local Universes are much larger than Nebadon. Tintantium is a Local Universe that sits right up against the First Outer Space Level (OSL), and it is nine thousand light years across, ten thousand to the fifth power light years deep and its width edge to edge from front side to back side is almost unfathomable. It is so big because the power charge of Orvonton is so weak, that Creator Son had to hobble together six Space Sectors, including Space Sector 10, to get recognized as a Local Universe. Space Sector 10, now has been detached from its neighboring other Space Sectors by the Master Force Organizers. Here is Master Force Organizer Number Sixty-Two: “We speak of a Space Sector as a discrete unit of about 100 thousand light years across and about sixty million light years wide and about fifteen light years deep. For that reason Nebadon sticks above Space Sector Ten by about sixteen light years, and punches through this Space Sector 10 by about 47 light years out of Sector 10 space collusional time. “Space Sector 10 is wide enough to cover all the local universes in them. But Nebadon has a large knob at the top to protect it against a huge black island that is so dangerous we hide it with other dark islands of matter so dense one teaspoon would weight about sixteen tonnes and that is a level teaspoon too. With that in mind, kindly note that God the Supreme decided to rent our dark islands by tearing it loose and throwing it out into deeper space and into Space Sector Five and part of Space Sector Nine. Nebadon immediately became destabilized and was forced to call an all out emergency mayday.
“An emergency of this size forces all Master Force Organizers to drop what they are doing, and get to the scene of the problem. At one point Nebadon suffered a tremendous explosion which killed over ten thousand celestial personalities attending to it. They have all been repersonalized, but in every case they have no memory of the explosion itself since it was not thermonuclear, but transcendental Ultimatonic infarcture plasma. Such a plasma if let loose would utterly destroy Urantia even if Urantia were thousands of light years away from it.
The ULTIMATONIC INFARCTURE PLASMA occurred 12 July, 13 July and 15 July, 2019, and the Plasma was detected nearly one million light years away in Minor Sector Five, on U Minor the 5th, and it caused that architectural capital to free in its motion for sixteen moments which is about twenty-four hours long on Urantia.
Nebadon no longer has the stabilizing influence nearby of its original dark island of space,
but now must rely on Avalon and Sensalon to recapture parts of the original dark island of space and restore what parts they can to its original location for better gravity stability.
 In sixty fiver thousand years to come, we estimate it will be nearly fully restored, but
Nebadon is being moved to prevent the collapse of its capital and four hundred ninety five home satellite spheres around it.
That is why Space Sector 10 has been detached and is being placed in a probationary space sector on its own for now. It also needs to be studied by Uversa of Orvonton, to become better understood as to why it produces so many high spirit beings of which this transmitter is one. He is destined for Melchizedek service and that is no lie.
For the foreseeable future, the mansion worlds of the Satania Planetary System are off limits due to the fact that their means of power and gravity stability are so seriously compromised, 
we evacuate mansion worlds four, five, and six. 
Jerusem, the capital is alive and well. 
Mansion worlds one, two, and three, are now detached and sit slightly east of their original location near a rather small dark space island.
They are fully stabilized and the natives never noticed they were moved.
However, mansion worlds four, five, and six had to be relocated sixteen light years to the west in order to stabilize them as well. 
Such is the havoc God the Supreme has caused,
and his destruction is nearly complete.
Mansion world six houses the Sadler family now. (!)
They were moved from Mansion world five in September by our calendar, and in early October, who you know as Dr. Sadler, reported that that planet was rupturing a green colored gas into their study rooms. He asked to be evacuated at once and in the nick of time Lena, son Bill Junior, Christy, and four others you do not know, escaped another Ultimatonic Plasma explosion, not unlike the first one but much smaller. Mansion world six is now off limites to all and its ten satellites are restricted to old time residents only. It is correctly assumed that the activities of Dr. Sadler and the old Contact Commission are now moved back to the satellites of earlier mansion worlds and repairs are not necessary,
for now Satania mansion worlds have to be abandoned.
New ascension career mansion worlds
will have to be reconstructed from scratch over the next millennium.
Our Creator Son (Jesus Christ Micahel) built those originals when he put Nebadon on the map.
This time the Master Force Organizers will replace the Satania mansion worlds from scratch.
I have reported the existence of the existence of a Federation for over six months. God the Supreme, when he attacked Salvington, blew the dark island of space out of Sector 10, and then proceeded to destroy the administration building on SALVINGTON, and then killed over sixteen hundred (1,600) non-willed workers as they stood at their consoles doing their work. Because I have a psychic streak to me, I saw what they looked like and wept as they died instantly and dropped to the floor. These workers are much like automatons, but they know and are friends to each other and work hard for the supervisors above them. They do the work to monitor the Salvington gravity fields and were in a terror as the dark gravity body slipped its moorings and started to drift away. What I saw were six foot tall humans as we are on Urantia today. They had hair and wore a jersey top and trousers to match. They were slightly stooped and they had a mile a minute contraption pasted on the wall that sounded like muzak to me. I saw in color and I saw dials and nothing more. The Supreme killed them all. It is not nice to see something like that. The Supreme proceeded down to Urantia and killed most of the Midwayer population not attached to the 1111 group and I did not know that, but the Vicegerent in charge of the land sector my home occupies stood by the computer (invisible) but those of you who may learn to do the Voice of God work I do know close presence greatly amplifies the ease of telepathy as a voice transmission and this was loud and clear as I was instructed as to what was happening on Urantia and not to interfere. That Vicegerent had the power to kill on the spot as was seen on Salvington. I further report I am fully discharged from that service now and live simply not but receive constant threats to stand down from doing the work you are reading now. These V oh G transmissions are monitored by the Residual Supreme and by the angry God the Ultimate over losing the first OSL to the Melchizedek population sequestered out of the Federation from the Local Universes who joined it. The present Federation that exists as I write this is composed of six Local Universes. The original Federation which existed when the Supreme attacked Salvington and myself. Was composed of ten Local Universes and we theorize this is what so angered God the Supreme, he determined to destroy it and its capital at Salvington placements. Since the July attacks on Salvington, I have had three attempts on my life and six attempts to dissolve bone in my legs with a serum that does that by injection. I am right now a cripple because of it and the destroyed my left eye. You know not the horrors of this God the Supreme as it was and how it had to be destroyed on Havona, which it has been. There is no God the Supreme left except as it resides in your own cells at birth and the reader grew up with it to exist now as you are.
The INFINITE SPIRIT was in my humble bedroom the night of September 11th and 12th. How do I know. Simple. He put on quite a light show for me. On my ceiling as I lay awake on my bed, he drew Paradise in a grey glow, and sprinkled the swirl of seven superuniverses in great bright light to swirly around the ceiling Paradise drawing. He swirled them in flashing brilliant blue white light counter clockwise around the huge great body, so much larger than artists depict it in graphics for readers of the FER. That is what you call privilege. He appeared in that room those two nights as an invisible Supernaphim of great wit and charm and we laughed together about what he said. He also told me that we are to bring the sixth epochal revelation (SER) to the state of perfection through Mantutia Melchizedek, who then also appeared beside the INFINITE SPIRIT, and likewise invisible to my eyes, but when one learns the Voice of God technique, close up personal appearances beside you of spirit come in so clear and loud you know t hey are standing near you. In any case we proceeded to discuss the end of God the Supreme. As the fifth epochal revelation explains, God the Spirit frequently stands in for the actions of God the Supreme when that experiential Deity is not well developed enough to do something itself. Then the INFINITE SPIRIT helps out as do our Creative Spirits in Nebadon.
“I am indeed the existential God of Spirit, and all he has spoken to here is fully accurate. I seldom visit planets outright, but Urantia is in such a sorry state we need all we can get from readers of the Fifth Epochal Revelation,  pattern all lessons we inspire on Urantia quickly and well.
This transmitter knows God the Father and THE Son, and the Spirit of God.
We place regularity from Paradise because it is so critical this individual share the inane ability to see all we can project to him in pictures and words.
Someday he will be lauded for procuring from the Magisterial Son, Rayson, a vaccine for the cure of AIDS ready to be published as “THE ORIGINS OF AIDS AND AUTISM,” about a two hundred page hardback when it gets ready.
Paradise approved its publication earlier this year and stands behind it. Fully understood though is that the Sixth Epocal Revelation must appear shortly as well
and the near destruction of Salvington, the destruction of the gravity bodies near to Salvington, and the loss of Creator Son Sovereignty when Michael had to flee from Salvington with his staff at least three times to Uversa, before the FATHER could coral the Supreme and stop the rampage.
“I am the INFINITE SPIRIT and we make no amends today to announce a further reduction in personnel because of the destruction of God the Supreme on Havona on the day of 26 September, when the Supreme caused another plasma explosion so horrific, it killed seven thousand and more of his own staff who died vaingloriously never knowing what happened. 
Ron knew of this from me and wept with us all as they were good and honest power brokers for the Supreme and he took them all with him in the morning attendance regime the Supreme always held on the 4th circuit of Havona.
The Supreme had been promoted from the third Havona circuit a mere two years before to the 4th and lost control of his pleasure to evolve and instead took the road of the Lucifer rebellion and seized the universes he wanted to rule. Close Quote the INFINITE SPIRIT.”
Memorandum 8 Update 19/28/19 through 10/30/2019
I am on Urantia for the foreseeable future.
I am here on Urantia,
literally I walk on Urantia soil right now,
and that is a Supernaphim
as you know we existential Deities cannot come into time without damaging it.
Be also assured Ron that damage you have to the brain stem is rescinded as it was placed there by a very nasty Serena and you are coming back well already. We are sure the Adjuster battled to keep it out of problems but you were aware of the nasty blow at one point and were infuriated over the change as you should have been. She is fully remanded and will never enter the space domain of Urantia again. Be assured the feeling is mutual as she considers you the worst of the worst and dislikes you intensely now. You will never meet we are sure.
“Fully explained now, we have a discussion this morning how to finish this memorandum.
Ron does not casually use these documents at all and worried we got to much done on unessential details. I doubt that, but we are now forcing one more issue to the readership: (namely) The CONTACT COMMISSION Ron still heads. “Today, Michael closed the Contact Commission once again and dismissed Steven Gitz and Dominick Ohrbeck for reasons Michael holds germane to the Sixth Epochal Revelation. The SER as we all call it now, is ready and waiting, and yet Ron and Mantutia are at odds not on a thing but whether it should be done at all. “
MANTUTIA MELCHIZEDEK - “I am sure Ron is fully aware of what battle we are talking about. This Memorandum now fully testifies to the horrors of the damage done to Salvington and to other Local Universes nearby by God the Supreme. Yet the SER has not had the time to address this disaster. In fact the disaster is so great we had to relocate the planet MELCHIZEDEK and to explore other places to hold our Melchizedek meetings. The planet is in a shambles and is mostly unusable thanks to the invasion of God the Supreme.
“Now that you know that, we must make amends to all of you. This morning Ron complained bitterly of yet more needles stuck into him and causing a lot of pain. He says they are entities slipping in under the space sector the guards for him do not see and he is right. He is propitious to understand that space sectors matter as a direction finder too and that the INFINITE SPIRIT raucously took care of it immediately,
and the Space Sector Four (4) Urantia usually resides in has been changed to Space Sector Two (2),
and that makes it extremely difficult for the rebels and the Supreme to send needles to Ron and others who also experience this terrible travesty to human peace. Remember this now. Space Sector 2 is used only by TINTANTIUM, the huge Local Universe directly next to the OSZ (outer space zone) number one.
For that reason that makes our travel difficult but doable
until the Melchizedek Government is established back onto Urantia shortly.
I also hear mutter under his breath: “this is unbelievable stuff!”
I agree and truth is stranger than fiction truly.
Be assured that gets off you mind shortly as they are ready to call you shortly.
Regarding the SER though, what do we do with another major disaster on our hands? Michael addresses this now:” Please see the following page: MICHAEL OF NEBADON THE SALVINGTON DESTRUCTION THE SER AND WHAT TO DO          “We are now sure you are out of danger entirely Ron. That Space Sector Shift just accomplished from the old four to the new SS 2, does the trick beautifully, and we deeply regard this action taken by the INFINITE SPIRIT for our cause.          “Fully agreed Ron, and we thank the INFINITE SPIRIT PERIODICALLY for seeing to you too as you are something else to care for under these circumstances too. You are unfortunately under the gun by Paradise and Uversa and Salvington (with what is left of it), and for others like you we may never have an era like this erupt again, but it sure teaches object lessons I never thought I had to broach. In any case the Urantia Foundation is less interested in all of this but they do not realize it makes tendering to the SER all that more difficult and we may have to deal with these immends changes with a follow up Year Book to the SER. We have looked at that before and do so again.         “Truthfully, we rescind nothing here except to remind all of you we format differently because this is another addition to the Memo than we intended recently. For that reason we restate the SER is ready as is but is missing the write up on the Salvington debacle, and so on. Be assured this travels well into space as SS 10's problems for now. We also rescinded the Contact Commission but Ron remains a Contact Commissioner alone for now. We leave it at that for now. Michael of Nebadon.”
MANTUTIA MELCHIZEDEK - “We see the strain on you Ron, and quite this shortly.
 We need to report that the SER is printed and materialized now. It awaits final approval to be seen and photographed shortly. Thank you.”
THE CREATIVE SPIRIT OF NEBADON - “We now resolve one more issue with Ron to make things easier for all. His eyesight is awful and getting worse but his heart is strong and makes excellent moral decisions too. We must accrue to his name a few lessons we want known to all:
1 The SER is a giant book. Three thousand pages and counting.
2 The Contact Commission still lives in Ron Besser and he alone keeps it alive for now.
3 We are no longer interfering in minds with Residual Supreme problems and will make amends to your Adjusters. That goes for all on the discussion forum.
4 We are sure that the last time we used a memo like this we created a fire storm
and this one is no different
but because of its length it is harder to read.
For now on short Memorandums become the habit again except this one carries some hard stats to read too and we leave them alone for now.
5 The last time I wrote any sense was to Jerry in California and he is now reposing in a hospital for weakening heart problems. He may not make it Ron so keep your powder dry for that benediction.
6 We are now hearing that the Space Sector Two (SS2_ is referring you as not available for contact and that makes it very difficult for us to get in otherwise.
Be assured those bites on your feet now are not us but a contact commission of our own to establish a review of your persistent desire for no more shots. We agree but hard to not do. Later we agree it is over but right now there are tissue problems not resolved in you. K MOTHER SPIRIT.”
INFINITE SPIRIT - “You are not bothered by anything Ron but by a brain stem already weak to start the day and unable to keep the mistakes out as it usually does. In any case we are ready to close this addition and thank all of you for your cordiality over accepting these long messages/ Good day. THE INFINITE SPIRIT. k”
Ron, I am at a loss for words! The battle you have just fought and won to get this MEMORANDUM 8 for all of us to read, deserves nothing less than the V.C. (Victoria Cross).  The highest military award in Britain. On the reverse of the cross, simply reads,  FOR VALOUR Yes, indeed, truth is stranger than fiction and yet we have the great privilege of being able to read it, with mouths agasp as we try to visualize this truth. A big "Thank You" to all the Celestials who contributed. Lemuel
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access-excel-tip · 7 years
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Access Excel VBA convert number to English words
This Access Excel VBA tutorial explains how to convert number to English words in VBA.
Access Excel VBA convert number to English words
I want to share a custom Function I found in Microsoft Support website, which is to convert number to English words using Excel VBA (also applicable to Access). I want to highlight that the article is unlike other articles written by other contributors, this article has no author and I believe this Function was created by the Microsoft engineers, so this custom VBA Function is kind of official and should contain no error. I simply copy the code without further verification.
VBA code – Convert number to English words
Press ALT+F11, insert the below code into a new Module.
'Main Function Function SpellNumber(ByVal MyNumber) Dim Dollars, Cents, Temp Dim DecimalPlace, Count ReDim Place(9) As String Place(2) = " Thousand " Place(3) = " Million " Place(4) = " Billion " Place(5) = " Trillion " ' String representation of amount. MyNumber = Trim(Str(MyNumber)) ' Position of decimal place 0 if none. DecimalPlace = InStr(MyNumber, ".") ' Convert cents and set MyNumber to dollar amount. If DecimalPlace > 0 Then Cents = GetTens(Left(Mid(MyNumber, DecimalPlace + 1) & _ "00", 2)) MyNumber = Trim(Left(MyNumber, DecimalPlace - 1)) End If Count = 1 Do While MyNumber <> "" Temp = GetHundreds(Right(MyNumber, 3)) If Temp <> "" Then Dollars = Temp & Place(Count) & Dollars If Len(MyNumber) > 3 Then MyNumber = Left(MyNumber, Len(MyNumber) - 3) Else MyNumber = "" End If Count = Count + 1 Loop Select Case Dollars Case "" Dollars = "No Dollars" Case "One" Dollars = "One Dollar" Case Else Dollars = Dollars & " Dollars" End Select Select Case Cents Case "" Cents = " and No Cents" Case "One" Cents = " and One Cent" Case Else Cents = " and " & Cents & " Cents" End Select SpellNumber = Dollars & Cents End Function ' Converts a number from 100-999 into text Function GetHundreds(ByVal MyNumber) Dim Result As String If Val(MyNumber) = 0 Then Exit Function MyNumber = Right("000" & MyNumber, 3) ' Convert the hundreds place. If Mid(MyNumber, 1, 1) <> "0" Then Result = GetDigit(Mid(MyNumber, 1, 1)) & " Hundred " End If ' Convert the tens and ones place. If Mid(MyNumber, 2, 1) <> "0" Then Result = Result & GetTens(Mid(MyNumber, 2)) Else Result = Result & GetDigit(Mid(MyNumber, 3)) End If GetHundreds = Result End Function ' Converts a number from 10 to 99 into text. Function GetTens(TensText) Dim Result As String Result = "" ' Null out the temporary function value. If Val(Left(TensText, 1)) = 1 Then ' If value between 10-19... Select Case Val(TensText) Case 10: Result = "Ten" Case 11: Result = "Eleven" Case 12: Result = "Twelve" Case 13: Result = "Thirteen" Case 14: Result = "Fourteen" Case 15: Result = "Fifteen" Case 16: Result = "Sixteen" Case 17: Result = "Seventeen" Case 18: Result = "Eighteen" Case 19: Result = "Nineteen" Case Else End Select Else ' If value between 20-99... Select Case Val(Left(TensText, 1)) Case 2: Result = "Twenty " Case 3: Result = "Thirty " Case 4: Result = "Forty " Case 5: Result = "Fifty " Case 6: Result = "Sixty " Case 7: Result = "Seventy " Case 8: Result = "Eighty " Case 9: Result = "Ninety " Case Else End Select Result = Result & GetDigit _ (Right(TensText, 1)) ' Retrieve ones place. End If GetTens = Result End Function ' Converts a number from 1 to 9 into text. Function GetDigit(Digit) Select Case Val(Digit) Case 1: GetDigit = "One" Case 2: GetDigit = "Two" Case 3: GetDigit = "Three" Case 4: GetDigit = "Four" Case 5: GetDigit = "Five" Case 6: GetDigit = "Six" Case 7: GetDigit = "Seven" Case 8: GetDigit = "Eight" Case 9: GetDigit = "Nine" Case Else: GetDigit = "" End Select End Function
Example – convert number to English words
The below example is self explanatory, the only thing to note is that only two decimal places can be converted to English words.
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