butterpony100 · 2 years
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Mmm samurai au for the soul
Walking backstage after the concert, Nya definitely felt out of place.
In a huge music festival for indie artists, it was definitely an event with people from all walks of life.
There was even a group that had based their entire band’s theme on one of the fritz donagan movies.
In the end, she was stuck following behind Lloyd, one of her best friends, through the crowds until they spotted a familiar streak of green hair standing by a booth.
“FSM, finally! How the hell do you guys work in these crowds??” Lloyd asked his cousin with disbelief. Morro just wore a smug grin.
“When your in the music industry, you get used to it kid.” He turned to face Nya. “Your this brat’s friend right? Name’s Morro.”
Ignoring Lloyds protests at the namecalling, Nya shook the older man’s hand with an excited gin. Lloyd has showed her some of Morro’s demo tracks afterschool durning band practice, but it was a whole other experience seeing the man behind the music. Ripped leather jacket covered with various colorful buttons and pins matching a black and yellow color scheme with the rest of his outfit.
Of course, he wasn’t the only person Nya was interested in meeting.
“Uh, if it’s ok that I ask-“ Nya starts. “Who was the singer during your performance? I thought you guys had Tox on vocals?” Nya remembered clearly the obnoxiously neon senior from last year with a strange taste in fashion.
“Eh, she quit on us.” Morro commented. “Great singer but she moved out’a town to go to collage with her girlfriend. The new chick is Pix.” He says, pointing over his shoulder.
Behind the desk of the booth they stood at was the same singer Nya couldn’t take her eyes off of. Sleek silver skin with chrome dreads and curls tied high up in a bun. A cyan, tuxedo dress making her emerald green eyes pop like starbursts.
“Full name is Pixal Borg. She’s an android who actually just enrolled at school.”
Nya took a moment to pick her jaw up off the floor. “Wait- she’s going to the same school as us!?”
Lloyd let out an obnoxious snicker at the flushing girl who returned the laughter with a sharp punch to his shoulder.
“Why not just go talk to her like a normal person?” Lloyd teased, cat like eyes gazing at her with a knowing look.
“Garmadon I swear to god you do not want to keep this up.” Nya threatened under her breath, marching over to the booth and prominently ignoring the jeers from her ‘friend’ behind her.
‘Course, many things are easier said than done, as walking up to the desk, Nya could get a much closer look at the robot’s features and felt her face heating up by the second.
Pixal lifted her head up with a polite smile. “Hello! Welcome to the StarWire booth! Would you like some merchandise or an autograph?”
Calling this au StarWire AU and might write/doodle more for it later
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