reality-refuge · 2 years
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Marcus: "Okay, Mom-secrets...where would they be..."
Marcus: "In here!"
Marcus: "...oh, no."
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reality-refuge · 2 years
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Minnie: *whispers* "why are we here?"
Morticia: *whispering back* "I don't knowwwww."
L: "You understand what Dissolution means, Lavinia?"
Lavinia: "Yes. The decreased energy, the memory loss. I understand."
L: "Alright. And you swear to take responsibility for making this choice for your children?"
Lavinia: "Yes. I have already declared the oath before we even got here."
L: "Alright."
L: "Alright kiddos, your turn."
Morticia: "For what?"
L: "...nothing much. Don't worry, it won't hurt a bit."
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reality-refuge · 2 years
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Matilda: "...wait, so Mom minionize-d me to bed and then fucked off?"
Marcus: "Yeah, and we've been waiting here ever since."
Matilda: "Fuck this. I'm done with this family. Over it. I'm leaving the second I age up."
Margo: "But-aren't we moving out together? I want to see Minnie and Mort age up..."
Matilda: "Rrrrg FINE."
Margo: "...because then they can come with us?"
Marcus: "Nope. If we want Mom off our tail, we just cant."
Matilda: "But maybe we can keep in contact! And then when they get old enough, they can move out, too."
Margo: "Okay, I like that idea."
Matilda: "It's a plan."
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reality-refuge · 2 years
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Shasta: Well. Death is inevitable and soon we will all go back to dust.
Shasta: Guess I better stop chickening out and do something about my wants and goals, huh.
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reality-refuge · 2 years
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Lavinia: ...you did NOT just do that RIGHT in front of me. Right in front of our wedding setup that hasn't been dismantled yet!
Shasta: No, Livi, it's not like that, I...I was just thinking of you?
Lavinia: ...you can't expect me to believe that. Right? Right?
Lavinia: I do not want to see your face for the rest of the night.
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reality-refuge · 2 years
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Lavinia: Bold of you to show up now.
Shasta: I literally didn't hear you! What am I supposed to do, be psychic?
Lavinia: No, but you are supposed to be better than this, by this point, for kids you wanted...I think we can agree this isn't working.
Shasta: You're right. I don't think it is.
Margo: Nice to be home from school! Sure hope our parents' relationship didn't blow up while we were gone :)
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reality-refuge · 2 years
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Lavinia: SHASTA! It's TIME!
Shasta: did I just hear something? must've been the wind.
Nope, just the sound of MY GAME THINKING IT'S FUNNY
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reality-refuge · 2 years
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Lavinia: What are you doing.
Shasta: ...going to bed?
Lavinia: Nope. Couch.
Shasta: What? Babe, I cannot sleep on the couch, it's so uncomfortable -
Lavinia: I think that's a fine consequence for not giving your wife the one thing she's wanted for months and instead fulfilling your own wants first.
Shasta: I told you, I didn't want to overcharge! And I will be sleeping in our bed tonight!
Lavinia: FINE! *stomps out*
Lacy: ...sure sounds fine.
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reality-refuge · 2 years
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Since the dorms were too "basic" for Lavinia, she used some of Mom's money to buy a townhouse for her...and Shasta, of course.
Lavinia: I feel like I have to tell you that uhhhh...I have already gotten myself cursed lol
Shasta: oh babe, classic newbie move. We'll get you fixed up soon!
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reality-refuge · 2 years
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Happy Birthday Lavinia, Minnie, and Morticia!
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reality-refuge · 2 years
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Matilda: "You excited to be a teen, Mins?"
Minnie: "You bet! I'm excited to be the best she/they this save has ever seen!"
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reality-refuge · 2 years
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Marcus: "...so yeah, basically, Mom atoned for her transgressions by stripping herself and our little sisters of their magic and all memories thereof."
Matilda: "Hmph. So Mom of her."
Margo: "So...do Minnie and Mort actually...even remember us?"
Marcus: "I'm sure they do. Just...not anything magic-related. Based on what I've researched, they'll still have the positive associations and the same level of fondness, just...not the specifics."
Matilda: "So I don't know if we should even extend the invite to live with us later."
Margo: "What?! Why not? They can just become spellcasters again!"
Marcus: "No they can't. Not that easily."
Matilda: "But maybe we'll figure out something, and when we do, we can invite them then. Deal?"
Margo: "Ugh. I hate when you make good points."
Marcus: "Okay. Now, let's get going, we have a birthday party to attend."
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reality-refuge · 2 years
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Matilda: "Watcher, there you are, Mom!"
Lavinia: "Yeah, I was at work, on the grind. Like you should've been."
Matilda: "Literally aged up like 12 hours ago, but whatever."
Matilda: "Wait, where's your necklace?"
Lavinia: "What are you talking about?
Matilda: "Your necklace? Y'know, the failsafe we all keep on ourselves all the time?"
(reality-refule spellcaster lore under the cut)
I basically treat gemstones - usually worn on the person as a necklace, but also as another piece of jewelry or clothing item - as familiars. The idea is that when a spellcaster comes of age where they can overcharge (i.e. teen life stage), some of their magical energy is channeled into a gem so they can call on it when needed.
It's not always necessary, especially for a caster who knows their energy well. But for a family like the Locklear-Moonglowe's, they take that security very seriously.
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reality-refuge · 2 years
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Matilda: "Goooood morning, my beautiful, made-over siblings!"
Matilda: "Any sign of Mom or our little sisters?"
Margo: "No..."
Marcus: "To be fair, we all slept in pretty late."
Matilda: "Yeah, but it's still weird as hell."
Marcus: "Agreed. I'm gonna get dressed and then make some calls."
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reality-refuge · 2 years
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Marcus: "...can you not watch me cook?"
Matilda: "Nope. Clinically impossible."
Happy Birthday Matilda, Margo, & Marcus!
Marcus: "I'm gonna take a nap. I'm gonna take a nap right here."
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reality-refuge · 2 years
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Matilda: "Moooom, we're home!"
Matilda: "...Mooooom?"
Margo: "Minnie? Mort?"
Marcus: "They must be out."
Matilda: "Ugh. Whatever, we can celebrate on our own!"
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