#no ''meaningful'' commentary on the rebelliousness of the Barbie movie
zorrxchicle · 1 year
i was going to leave it alone but i can't how do you type all of this down and don't realize what you're saying. yes maybe lately Mattel™ Inc. has tried to put a "feminist" spin on Barbie™ to appeal to a new generation of potential customers by modeling her body more realistically (no permanent heel feet!!), dialing it down with the Girl Color™ and making her "independent" from the man doll but like...??? not out of any genuinely held ideological position or any honest rejection of patriarchal gender roles cause Mattel Inc. does not believe in anything it's a company whose only true goal is making money how is it surprising that they singed off on the movie of the summer that will put their trademarked property on screens all over the world the one with every other actor in it. come on please
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