#no I don't care about the dallas zoo's clouded leopard!!!!!
newl0ndonfire · 2 years
while it’s great that being at my mom’s means I don’t have to deal with my dad’s blatant bigotry, it also means that I have to listen to her prattle on about things that are incredibly irrelevant (and I don’t care about in the slightest) in addition to being around her messes with my already fucked eating habits while she says shit that fucks with my eating more. she’s also bigoted but not intentionally like my dad and doesn’t bring it up nearly as often
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littlesolo · 2 years
Kacy Drabble - Back in Texas: Dallas Zoo
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Kate and Lucy are in Texas.
A friend of Lucy's died and Kate had been very concerned until Lucy told her they first met the guy when she was eighteen and he was already in his seventies.
They go to the funeral, but don't stay.
"This isn't how he'd want me to spend today. He believed in living life to the fullest. Let's go do that."
So, now they're at the Dallas zoo. It's been a while since Kate's been to the zoo, Dallas or otherwise. The biggest problem are all the vendors. She's spent fifty bucks already and the gift shop is located near the exit. She has no regrets though. Not about the cap she bought because the sun is something else, not the stuffed tiger or dinosaur she bought because they were adorable. Kate see a coffee cup probably being her last purchase, but that's necessary. Lucy laughs and smiles the entire time and that makes it worth it too.
They're wander towards the reptile house when an alert is broadcast across the zoo.
The zoo has to be evacuate.
It isn't until they're outside with everyone else that it's disclosed that an animal got loose. Staff members are going around and handing out certificates for a free visit to compensate all the guests. Lucy takes theirs and tucks it into her pocket.
"Should we offer to help?" Kate raises an eyebrow. "We're federal agents!"
"Not animal control! We are not assisting."
"Look, the guy said it's a non dangerous animal out of it's habitat."
"We're going to leave it to the handlers that it's know all it's life."
"Field experience, Kate."
"I do not ever plan on being up against a clouded leopard in the field."
"No one does until it happens! It's the plot to Jurassic World!"
"If dinosaurs are loose, I don't care what kind, we are not staying." Lucy just smiles wider.
"You had fun today though, right?" Kate smiles.
"I always do when I'm with you."
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