#no but it's crazy scrubs is a silly goofy show but then they Get Real
blitz0hno · 5 months
Dr. Shidou Kirisaki Milgram 🤝 Dr. Perry Cox Scrubs: Accidentally doing "murder" via organ donation procedures
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(Originally written on October 8, 2020)
🎵Bang, Bang Bangedy Bang
I said a Bang Bang Bangedy Bang🎵
My How I Met Your Mother Thoughts
I just spent the last nine seasons in New York with the gang that spends all their time in MacLaren’s Pub. SELF FIVE! I have to say, this binge of How I Met Your Mother brought me so much happiness. I started watching this show for the first time back in high school, and I ended up watching the last six seasons as they aired. I remember loving this group of characters, and now I am reminded why. There’s so much chemistry between the five, and it makes for one of my favorite Comedies/Sitcoms of all time. If you’ve read any of my previous Show Thoughts, then you know I’ve been watching several over the course of this lovely Pandemic That Will Just Keep Going. After this rewatch, I’ve decided HIMYM is my third favorite Comedy/Sitcom, right after Boy Meets World and Scrubs.
Now, I know that the Finale is infamous. It’s in the Mount Rushmore of Terrible Endings, and people end up getting a sour taste in their mouth when they bring up the show. Well, it’s been some years. There’s been time to reflect and look back. And, while I’m not in favor of the Finale, I also don’t hate it anymore with the passion of a thousand suns. I just loved watching and growing with the gang, seeing them experience their highs and their lows, their triumphs and their failures. It just hits harder as an adult, like most of these shows assuredly do, and I cherish so many of these episodes and moments.
And now, my rankings for the seasons!
Seasons Rankings
1. Season One
2. Season Four
3. Season Two
4. Season Six
5. Season Eight
6. Season Five
7. Season Three
8. Season Seven
9. Season Nine
My rankings for the girlfriends, purely on how much I like them as a character
The Girlfriends Rankings
1. Robin
2. Tracy
3. Victoria
4. Zoey
5. Stella
6. Jeannette
And now, a ranking of my favorite episodes. From 1-50, these are the ones that stand out above the rest. I consider every single one of these enjoyable.
Favorite Episodes
1. Slap Bet (S2E9)
2. Come On (S1E22)
3. The Limo (S1E11)
4. The Best Burger in New York (S4E2)
5. Ten Sessions (S3E13)
6. The Pineapple Incident (S1E10)
7. Bachelor Party (S2E19)
8. Game Night (S1E15)
9. Oh, Honey (S6E15)
10. Glitter (S6E9)
11. The Duel (S1E8)
12. The Pilot (S1E1)
13. Arriverdverci, Fierro (S2E17)
14. The Over-Correction (S8E10)
15. How Your Mother Met Me (S916)
16. Intervention (S4E4)
17. The Magician’s Code, Part II (S7E24)
18. The Autumn of Break-Ups (S8E5)
19. The Ducky Tie (S7E3)
20. The Best Man (S7E1)
21. The Leap (S4E24)
22. Blitzgiving (S6E10)
23. Three Days of Snow (S4E13)
24. The Scorpion & The Toad (S2E2)
25. Bass Player Wanted (S9E13)
26. The Final Page, Part 2 (S8E12)
27. Duel Citizenship (S5E5)
28. Happily Ever After (S4E6)
29. Farhampton (S8E1)
30. Bro Mitzvah (S8E22)
31. Robin 101 (S5E3)
32. The Magician’s Code, Part I (S7E23)
33. Last Words (S6E14)
34. The Playbook (S5E8)
35. The Time Travelers (S8E20)
36. Splitsville (S8E6)
37. Subway Wars (S6E4)
38. Showdown (S2E20)
39. Drumroll, Please (S1E13)
40. Front Porch (S4E17)
41. Twin Bed (S5E21)
42. Who Wants to be a Godparent? (S8E4)
43. Girls vs. Suits (S5E12)
44. Something Borrowed (S2E21)
45. As Fast As She Can (S4E23)
46. The Wedding Bride (S5E23)
47. The Bracket (S3E14)
48. The Sexless Innkeeper (S5E4)
49. Third Wheel (S3E3)
50. Spoiler Alert (S3E8)
And now, just some thoughts on the show and on the gang!
Ted - I know people don’t like Ted. I don’t actually like Ted all that much. And yet, I found myself rooting for Ted just like I did the first go around. He’s not the worst person in the world, and I would be scared to see half of the decisions we’ve made in the dating game stringed together into a TV show. I know people wouldn’t like me very much for those decisions. Then again, I also don’t get super crazy about details about buildings, I don’t pronounce encyclopedia that way, and he tends to stick his foot in his mouth with this White Man confidence that I just don’t have. With all that being said, I still find Ted being a great friend, a man who is just trying to find the love of his life, and someone who really drives this story with great tales and narration (Bob Saget is the Sixth Man of the Show for just always bringing it). I think Ted does stupid things and he pretty much admits it after the fact. He learns, sometimes, and also doesn’t much like most of us. When he finally found the Mother, when he finally found Tracy, I cared. I cared so much, and I still do. Even though they just shit on her character and don’t give us enough time with her, I almost wonder if that’s a metaphor for the fact that you won’t always have enough time with your loved ones.
Robin - Let’s go to the mall! Yeah! Robin Sparkles is a Canadian Treasure, and so is Robin Scherbatsky. She is one of the best things about this show, and I love her so. Played by Cobie Smulders who I need to see in more stuff, Robin is who we all wanted Ted to maybe be with first. Then we go through all the loops of the HIMYM roller coaster, and a lot of us still wanted them to be together. I was one of them. Yet, she was more than just a romantic plot line for Ted. She was a part of the group who we got to see join it and evolve into a member of their family organically. Robin is fun, loud, full of fun quirks that we get to learn over the course of the series. I was heartbroken when we found out she can’t have children. I was loving the back and forth between her and Barney (the first time), and kind of mad at Barney about being such a crazy ass prankster the second time. Robin shows us just how amazing some gun loving, hockey obsessed Canadian news anchor can be, and how much she cares for her friends.
Lily - Justice Aldrin ends up being one of my favorite characters, even if that gets some curious looks. Yeah, she left Marshall for a summer. Yeah, she had some hesitancy with the marriage and everything. That happens. Lily was also always there for her friends, even if she ends up going a little overboard. She wants Ted to find happiness, and does whatever she can to help. She is there to listen to Robin at all times, and her and Marshall are easily one of the best relationships in TV I’ve ever witnessed. Then we have Lily and Barney which is honestly super underrated. Barney trusts Lily, even though she can’t keep a secret, with all of his emotional problems. Lily is who thought Barney could change before anyone else, and I love seeing their friendship grow from eye rolls to eye tears.
Barney - Oh, Barney. He honestly brings so much annoyance and fun to the show. He’s the friend of the gang who everyone tolerates. He’s the one in the gang who everyone ends up loving just as much as everyone else. Barney shows such a terrible face to the world, sleeping with over 250 women and lying to most of them. He has all these rules that aren’t very ethical. He gives us most of the Misogynism in this show, which is definitely prevalent and makes the show not as strong as it was in the first watch. Still, we get to see Barney grow into someone who wants real love and a happy life. Sure, they show us that his marriage to Robin only lasts three years, but at least they tried. Barney just couldn’t make it work, and that’s honestly who Barney really is. A person who just enjoys sleeping with different people. I was very warmed to see the baby reveal and that Barney becoming a dad was what would change him more than anything. Barney is an underrated friend, and his importance to the gang is legendary.
Marshall - I. Love. Big Fudge. He’s just so fun, caring, goofy, loyal, and everything that I aspire to be in life. For some reason, when watching the show the first time, I related to Ted the most. I was definitely a bit more selfish then. But now, I see that I am a Marshall. He wants to do good in the world, and it drives him so much. He only loves Lily, and his loyalty to their relationship is just Goals. He is also the most fun to watch having a crisis. He gets the big eyes and covers his mouth and just gets obviously super uncomfortable. Some of my favorite moments of the show are also Marshall’s talks with Ted about his feelings for Robin. Any one-on-ones with Marshall and someone else are probably my favorite moments. And yes, I will always root for him over those damn machines!
Last Thoughts:
Sure, the writing wasn’t as sharp or as witty in the later seasons, but I loved the story lines and seeing the gang just live.
Tracy was an amazing character as The Mother, and I truly wonder what could have been if they had given us two full seasons of story with her instead of any episodes of Jeannette.
I really can’t believe Ted told his kids all those stories. A fun premise for a show, but really, not very realistic telling them all that jazz.
Ranjit and Carl are such fun recurring characters that I always enjoyed seeing every time they popped up.
Out of all the recurring jokes and gags, which there are many (y’all said Community has so many, but HIMYM really swings for it), I love the Major/General salute joke. Idk if I just didn’t care for it the first time around or forgot about it, but I just love how silly it is and how they kept it through to the very last episode.
Watching the gang sit at their table in MacLaren’s just hanging out will always make me smile.
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spideymybucky · 5 years
Little white lie
Fake Dating AU
Tom Holland  x Reader 
Warnings: lots of swearing and idk bullying, people being assholes, the usual
Summary: (Y/n) tells a little white lie, accepts taking her non-existing boyfriend, Tom,  to her class reunion. 
Word count:  3.2k+
@starksparker​ Birthday challenge. A bit late since its been a crazy week but still here none the less. Thank you for the opportunity and y’all should read her work, its a soo good. Seriously, everything she writes is a masterpiece. 
A/n: So this is a story all about how my life got twisted upside BECAUSE DORIAN DECIDED NO TO GO TO FLORIDA BUT STILL CAUSED DAMAGE, SPECIALLY AT MY HOUSE CAUSE OF STORM SURGE. I just got my laptop back after my sister took it to Alabama without my permission. She’s a fucking asshole, but i love love her.
“Thomas Holland, I royally fucked up!” (Y/n) screamed as she entered the small apartment they shared. She threw herself onto the couch screaming into one of the pillows. A door slams open and she looks up to see a wet-headed, slightly dressed, Tom. God, was he gorgeous.
“What you do this time, darling?” He asked entering their shared living room/kitchen. She sheepishly smiled and threw herself onto the pillow again.
“I might’ve told my classmates that we’re dating…?” She mumbled on the pillow. Tom sat on the pouch, and looked at the quizzically.
“(Y/n), I can’t understand what you’re saying, speak up.” She looked up and sighed. This was going to be epically stupid and hilariously fucked up. They were roommates, nothing more and nothing less. Sure, they had seen each other naked once-to her defense it was on set and the script called for it but she still had eyes and he was hot- and it had been awkward after but this was deliberate, she had told them a fucking lie to get out of being stupidly bullied.
“Remember how the all girls class of 2013 was today?” He nodded. “Well,… I might’ve told everyone there that were dating just because I didn’t want Amber and her stupid friends to judge me.” She rushed out.
“You did what?” He shouted in surprise. He didn’t mind fake dating (Y/n) at all. Hell, he was completely fine with dating her but tell her leeches of classmates was another level.
“I’m sorry Tommy, I really am. It just happened so fast… They ambushed me about us and I didn’t know what to say…” She looked down ashamed to what was going on. She truly was ambushed the moment she stepped into the restaurant for brunch. Amber, Danielle and Janet and some other girls started spewing questions about her life, how it was being in Hollywood, some of her future projects and then Tom came into the topic. They started asking if they were dating, if she could introduce them, or if they even knew each other.
“you should’ve, I don’t know, told them the truth? That were mates and housemates.” He got up, went to the kitchen and grabbed himself a Stela Artois.
“It’s not that simple, they started screaming out all this questions and when it got to you, Janet started asking if we were dating. I swear to god, I was going to say no-” She followed Tom to the kitchen, grabbing a beer for herself.
“Why didn’t you?”
“Cause then Amber said, and I fucking quote her words, I’m not good enough for the Tom Holland” her arms where everywhere, nose big and cheeks enflamed.
“What the hell?” He raised an eyebrow, hating the Amber girl.
“I fucking know, right? She then proceeded to say the Tom Holland would prefer a model and not me, that I might be inventing even meeting you. God, I hate that bitch!” She plopped herself on the counter.
“What a fucking asshole, but what does that mean to me… us?” He asked, still confused.
“Ok, so when she said that I told them we’ve been dating since we finished filming Perpetual love…” She bit her lip and eyed Tom. He was taking it all too well, and she was happy about that but… she still had to ask him.
“Ok so ‘bout 8 months, yeah?” She nodded at him, taking a quick chug.
“Oh, and that we’re gonna go to the class reunion on Friday.” She sweetly smiled at him.
“What?!” He rolled his eyes at there and took a big sip of the bitter taste.
“I`m sorry, they didn’t believe me when I said we were dating, so amber said that we should go as a couple and I just okey’d it.” Her big (E/C) eyes looked straight at Toms brown doe eyes. She really was desperate.  “Look, I’ll even do your laundry for the month, clean the house by myself, anything Thomas!”
“Ok, Ok, I’ll help you, but you’ll do my laundry for a month.” He smiled back at her. She jumped into Toms arms, thanking him repeatedly.
“I do have one condition…” He said letting go of her. She untangles herself and puts her feet on the ground.
“What?” His face turned serious, eyes semi-dark. Her heart bet was erratical, making her scared. She had never seen Tom this serious and she never intended too but she also did something stupid.
“You can’t fall in love with me.” Her face ran cold, her heart stopped for a moment as she tried to fake a laugh out. She had been in love with him since they stopped filming or, maybe, before that.
“Oh my god Thomas, you scared me.” He laughed at her as he engulfed her into a warm hug. “By the way… we aren’t in A walk to remember you silly fuck.” His laughter became louder as he continued to hug her. She smelled his chest, a sweet smell of his vanilla scrub. Was this weird? Maybe, Did she care? No. She let go of him and looked up at his face. His smile was big and goofy, just like she liked it.
“Thanks Tommy, I owe you one.” She threw the bottle away and grabbed her phone from the couch.
“Whens this huge event? I need detail darling!” He shouted at her, as she entered the hallway towards her room.
“Its this Friday Tommy” She shouted back. “Its formal, I’ll text you the rest, cause right now mamas need sleep!” He laughed back at her and smiled longingly. He truly was enchanted by her, how could anyone not be?
“G’night Tommy, love you!” She said as she closed her door.
“I love you too.” He mumbled to himself, but with a completely different meaning.
The week passed by without much event from both of them. (Y/n) would come and go, as her job demanded and so would Tom. Both of them were in the midst of promoting their new movie, which would be released soon. But the lingering stares and awkward thoughts consumed both of them, making it slightly more awkward to talk to each other, specially now with the pending fake dating situation.
Friday came without a warning and at 6:30 pm,(Y/n) received her first call from Amber, making sure she was going to the high school reunion  party and that Tom was accompanying her.
“You know (Y/n) if it’s a lie, you can tell me and I won’t tell a soul, we’ll just say Tom got sick her something.” Her voice came 8 octave higher than normal, which meant she was lying.
“Amber, for the love of god, Tom is coming with me. We cleared our schedule and we’re free to go. Don’t worry ‘bout us, worry about your date.” Amber gasped and quickly hanged up, grumbling about her dog needing to go to the park. She didn’t mind, in fact she got out of her sweats and into the dress she bought, after doing her makeup and going to the salon. She had spent hours getting ready, as if she was going to a premier. (Y/n) knew she had to uphold her name, Toms name and make them see she was good enough. She looked at the clock and finished up her last touches, putting on her heels she left her room.
“Thomas, you ready?” She screamed, as she walked to the small closet where they hanged their coats and bags. She grabbed her small purse, putting her keys, wallet and lipstick, all the essentials she needed for the night.
“Just finished doing my hear love, grab my coat and we can go.” They both turn around and look at each other. (Y/n)’s eyes go wide as she checks Tom out without shame. His Burgundy checkered pants and mustard colored shirt made him look fucking good. He looked rich, expensive without even caring. God, please help me, she thought to herself.
Tom, on the other hand, felt bothered and hot. He couldn’t stop looking at her. Her tight red floral dress, framed her curves in an unimaginable form. Her heels made her legs look sexy, she just looked sexy and beautiful. He was sure that he had been staring a for more than it was allowed. He was completely and utterly fucked.
Thomas cleared his throat and spilled at her. She responded the same way, words not coming out of either of them. They turned off all the light and left the apartment without saying a single word. They both could feel the sexual tension, even the uber, as they sat next to each other-but as far away as possible-could feel that something was happening between them. They got out of the car, (Y/n) adjusting her dress as the both stepped a bit closer to the place she called school for part of her life.
“We should get our story straight, some details they might want to know or ask…” Tom broke the lingering silence they had.
“Yeah, like we’ve been together for 8 months, that ok?” He nodded and intertwined their fingers, she slightly jumped and looked at him.
“We should do a bit of PDA, holding hand, cheek kissing, hugging, all that.”He said pointing at their hands. She nodded and smiled, like the warmth of his hand on hers.
“Also, lets just keep the story as real as possible. Truly tell them how we met, or how we ended up living together, it’ll be easier for both of us.” (Y/n) said smiling at him. He nodded and took a step forward.
“Ready, darling?” She bit her lip and nodded, taking his hand and, slightly, dragging him towards the entrance. They passed a few classrooms, she showed him which one she had studied music at, or where something happened. She then dragged him to where her locker was and how it still had the small star he painted.
“… and then Mr.Wilder started crying, I wasn’t even acting good y’know? I was a terrible performer, no one expected me to become this big star…”She laughed with Tom, as they entered the gym class, where the party was located. “It was hilarious, I think my mom still has the video of me tripping on sta-”
“Still blows my mind how you became an actor.” A voice said behind them. Tom turns around and looks at an orange-tanned girl with a fake smile.
“Amber, hey” (Y/n) greased her with he same fake smile. “This is Tom, my boyfriend.” Amber licked her lips and flirtatiously tried to kiss his cheek. (Y/n) took a step back, forcefully, and sighed.
“I’m Amber McDonaghew.” He slightly pushed her away, making her annoyed.
“Nice to meet you, Tom Holland.” He extended his hand and she rolled her eyes, accepting the greeting. Tom grabbed (Y/n) by the waist and pulled her towards him, making her smile. Janet, a brunette girl, came walking towards where they were.
“(Y/n), you came!” She squealed and hugged her, eyeing Tom. “And you must be Tom Holland, himself.” She smiled, showing all white teeth.
“It a pleasure to meet you.” He smiled, still holding (Y/n).
“My sister loves your movies, after dinner can I get your autograph, she would freak out. Oh and your too (Y/n), she lov-.”Tom nodded, laughing at her.
“Get a hold of yourself Janet, he’s just a normal person.” Amber rolled her eyes, trying to get Toms attention.
“Don’t worry Janet, we WOULD be HONORED to take a photo or make a video for your sister.” (Y/n) smiled at her, making Amber angrier.
“WE should all go sit down, come (Y/n) they put you at our table.” Amber said rolling her eyes. Tom looked down at her. (Y/n) was frowning, not expecting that to be true but Amber was the coordinator, she could’ve done anything. With a deep sigh and a reassurance squeeze from Tom, they both walked to the table where (Y/n)’s worst memories were held
“Guys, remember (Y/n)?” Amber asked to the table, bringing all the attention to them. They sat down, (Y/n) next to Tom and Amber beside him. They all nodded and eyed her suspiciously. “Well, she’s now dating the Tom Holland, spider-man himself.” She squealed as if she was the one dating him.
“Damn (Y/n), didn’t know you had it in you.” Nick shouted, making her laugh.
“(Y/n), congrats, How’d you meet?” Danielle asked, looking at Amber. You slightly heard her telling whispering to Amber “Thought you said she was lying?” “Wait and see Dani, ask her something.” (Y/n) rolled her eyes and smiled, naturally leaning into Tom, like she always did.
“Actually, it's not that great of a story… I just met him on set of this indie film we were making.” She shrugged.
“You can be a bit more specific than that love, cause I still remember the first time I saw you.” He said, looking at (Y/n).
“What? How?” She looked at him confused. “That was ages ago…”
“Oh, please tell us…” Miri, one of Amber posies said.
“We were supposed to meet before filming started, but the idiot that I am mixed the dates and had to cancel on our coffee outing.” All the table looks at him with the upmost attention, even Amber wasn’t missing a bit of the story. “…So then, I accidentally roll out under the car and bringer her down with me. She was pissed, I had ruined her hair, mudded up her dress, it was hilarious.” They were all laughing, even Amber smiled a little bit but (Y/n) just stared at him. She didn’t understand how he could still remember that.
“You did it un purpose, you saw a pretty lady walking to her trailer and said ´hmm how can I ruin her day` and did just that to get my attention.” He sheepishly smiled at her and brought her closer. “Holy shit, you’re not even denying it. Thomas, you fucking creep.” She laughed with the rest of the table.
The party kept on going, the lines between friendship and more kept on blurring. The alcohol was taking its effect and most of the guest were dancing to the beat of the music, remembering the good old days. Tom and (Y/n) kept on talking, much to Ambers dismay, they would respond everything she asked. They actually seemed like a couple but still something was off with this. There was no kissing, and every touch was calculated or fearful. She caught to this quickly and was going to use it to her advantage.
“Have you guys voted yet?” Amber nicely asked, she smiled and looked at both of them.
“Voted for what?” (Y/n) asked, confused at to what she was saying.
“You know, for King and Queen of the reunion.” She stated matter of factly, rolling her eyes at (Y/n) as if it was the most obvious thing.
“Yeah, no, we really aren’t into that.” You answered casually.
“I never understood why choose a king and queen, like do they get benefits? Do they get a prize? Fame and fortune? I don’t get it. Americans are so weird.” Tom rambled on to (Y/n), smiling down at her.
“You know what guys? Lets all go dance!” Amber screamed pushing (Y/n) and Tom to the dance floor.
They all moved to the rhythm of the music for a while, jumping up and down and trying to grind on each other. (Y/n) awkwardly danced with Tom. She couldn’t keep up with his extravagant moves, or his beat. She had to left feet. Suddenly, the DJ changed the song to a slow one and he instantly placed his hand around (Y/n).
“Hey, Tom. Dance with me?” Amber said, trying to push (Y/n) away.
“Sorry Amber, but (Y/n)’s my date and I wouldn’t want to leave her alone, maybe next one.” He smiled sweetly. People around them heard and snickered at Amber, as she stomped out of their view. The music abruptly stopped and an annoying voice came out of the speakers.
“Hello class of 2013, hows the night going?” Amber said as everyone screamed in response.
“Well, we actually have guest of honors this year. Two famous people and love bird, (Y/n) and Tom Holland” Everyone clapped, some hollered and others just eyed them. “Now guys, come closer, don’t be scared.” (Y/n) and Tom moved a few steps closer to the stage, until they stopped in the center.
“Know that we have our famous couple here” Amber said into the microphone. “Why don’t you bless us with a kiss?” She smiled maliciously at them. No one was going to embarrass her, not even Tom Holland himself.
“Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!” People started chanting as (Y/n) and Tom looked at each other uncomfortably. She hated this, the unwanted attention, the pressure to do whatever these people wanted. Tom didn’t mind kissing her, hell he wanted to, but (Y/n) looked scared, uncomfortable and annoyed. His heart broke a little as he sighed, looking into her eyes.
“I can tell them off you know, we don’t have to kiss.” He bit his plump lip. She nodded and looked at his lips then at his brown marvelous eyes. She was scared. This was the first time she was going to kiss Tom as herself, without any acting-ok, maybe a little acting-involved.
“Tommy, I don’t mind…” She mumbled out, getting closure to him. He slightly nodded and pressed his warm lips to hers, for a few seconds before being suddenly pushed back.
“For fuck sake, you aren’t supposed to kiss her. God dammit, you aren’t even dating, are you? It’s me your supposed to be interested on.” Amber screeched trying to grab (Y/n). “Let fucking go of me” she screamed as Nick and another dude held her back.
“What the fuck is your problem Amber?” (Y/n) said seeing red. “Why the hell do you care if I date Tom or anyone else? Get a fucking life already.” She glared at the mad girl.
“(Y/n), you fucking tool, you were supposed to bring Tom, and he was supposed to like me.” She said, pushing out of the boys grasp. “Don't you get it? Im perfect, I’m beautiful and you’re you, a weird, ugly, wannabe stupid little girl. I’ve always been and will be better than yo-“
“Enough Amber!” Toms stern voice  shut her up. “I would never be with you, not because you aren’t pretty but cause you’re a fucking bitch. Listen to yourself, you don’t even compare to (Y/n). She’s perfect in every fucking way, even when she gets annoying, uses all the hot water and refuses to help around the house. I fucking love her for who she is. God dammit, she is everything you will never be able to achieve,. Do you even have a career as big and important as hers? No. She’ even been nominated to talk at the UNICEF, you should be honored that she puts up with your shit.” (Y/n) looked at him, her mouth slightly open as he grabbed her had and pulled her out of the room.
“Tom, stop. Wait, Tom” She kept trying to stop him, as they entered the pool area. “Thomas stop!” She planted her feet, making him stop abruptly.
“What (Y/n)?” He looked at her, all traces of humor gone.
“What was that?” Pointing to the other room. “all of that?” She whispered gently.
“I don’t know, I-I just couldn’t stand Amber saying those things and-”
“You said you loved me?” She said wide eyed.
“Oh shit, look (Y/n) I just I-well you see- Its- Yes, I love you” he ended out of breath. He closed his eyes, not really wanting to see her face or feel the disappointment.
“Are you in love with me or just love me?” She asked, stepping closer to him.
“The first…?” He answered quietly,
“Tom, I’m in love with you too.” He opened his eyes and looked at how close she was. She was inches away from his lips, as she grinned.
“Really? That explains all the breakfasts and awkward stares.” He goofy smiled.
“Fuck you, Holla-“ He crashed his lips to hers, as they laughed happily. It was the start of something wonderful, something they both needed and wanted.
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mappinglasirena · 4 years
Mapping La Sirena
Welcome one and all to the Mapping La Sirena Project!
If you are a fan of Star Trek: Picard and you would like to know more about the show’s most prominent ship, to check out floor plans and screencaps, and to discuss theories about the layout of this magnificent vessel, this is will be the place for you!
(Long, slightly rambly introduction and masterpost after the cut ;] )
Hi! My name is Lili and I’ve been a fan of pretty much all things Star Trek ever since I started watching Voyager at the tender age of 6. Besides the sometimes goofy, often brilliant storytelling and the wonderful characters, I always loved the worldbuilding of these shows - and in particularly the starships.
When Star Trek: Picard started airing a  few months ago, I was immediately drawn to the main ship, La Sirena. The mixture of the monumental physical set, judiciously used CGI, and sheer attention to detail made me fall madly in love with this little mermaid, and I wanted to find out every little thing about her that I possibly could. And since I imagine, I’m not the only one who feels this way, I decided to take you all on this journey with me!
What am I doing here?
As a reader and writer of fanfic, I know how helpful it can be to have a clear sense of the location your story is set in. When I realized that a good month after the final episode of ST:PIC season one aired, there still was no floor plan of La Sirena easily found on the web (easily = using my very limited googling-skills), I figured somebody had to sit down and do it. And apparently, that somebody was me. (May the gods help us all =D)
So, I sat myself down, and over the course of a few long days screencapped every single last scrap of Sirena that appears on the show. I now have a library of reference images and will post my progress as I work through them, trying to determine questions about the general layout of this ship, the details of its architecture and furnishings and all the questions that still remain. By the end of it, I am pretty confident that I will have a mostly accurate floorplan of the set that was used on the show (at least the parts of it that were shown to us thus far). We might even end up with the basis for a plan of the ship as it would exist in-universe (more on the movie set vs. “real place” issue later).
The following soon-to-be-links might give you an idea of what I plan to post over the next few months and I’ll keep adding links to this post as I go. So, without (even more) ado: Have fun exploring La Sirena!
Schematics & Floor Plans
A very crude first sketch
Official Set plan
We finally have an official set plan from the Ready Room!
A First Deeper Look at the Ready Room set plans
Centred Floor Plans from Set Me Up + cross section & more designs
Layout of the Captain’s Quarters
Shape and size
How large is La Sirena as seen on the show and is she larger on the inside?
Upper Deck
The Bridge
Where is the Holodeck?
Picard’s Study
Transporter Pad and Engine
The Trouble with Locating the Quarters/Conference Room
Crew Quarters
Captain’s Quarters
A closer Look at the windows
Conference room
The Mysterious Back End of the Ship
Crates, Tanks, Boxes, and Miscellania
Lower Deck
The Mess
Sickbay: Pt. 1: Size and Construction; Pt. 2: Furniture
So Many Nets
The Wall Problem, aka. Mysterious Nonexistent Corridors
Cargo Bay and other Speculative Spaces
Is there a dedicated cargo bay at the back of the ship?
Where are the rest of the crew quarters hidden?
Overall Design and Technological Aspects
A quick rundown of the Engine placement and history
Some Considerations
Tv Set vs . Starship
The set of La Sirena is just that, a tv set. When building a set, there are many constraints of time, budget, and practicality that will force the creatives to make decisions that will not always make sense when mapped onto a “real” starship. Take, for example, the fact that the Captain’s Quarters and the Conference Room were likely filmed in the same physical set, just redressed for the occasion.
Of course, there can always be Watsonian explanations for these kinds of incongruities and I’d love to hear people’s takes or read fics about them (after all, the entirety of La Sirena is apparently equipped with holoemitters, so I suppose technically, anything is possible).
But I am sticking with the Doylian “it’s a movie set” approach and will generally ignore these kinds of problems when trying to draft an in-universe-accurate floorplan of what we can know of the ship so far. I will be very diligent about pointing out whenever I handwave anything, though, so if you want to stick as closely to what we actually see on the whoe, you’ll know which parts of my analysis/headcanon to disregard ;)
Questions about “silly little details”
I have spend a ridiculous amount of time on this little project so far and in the course of it have gotten pretty familiar with a lot of aspects of the interior and exterior of this amazing starship. If you have any questions regarding details about what we can see of La Sirena on the show, please ask me and I will do my best to help! I absolutely love digging into the really nitpicky, tiny little scraps of information, and at this point, I can probably tell you straight away which scene might provide the info you’re looking for or whether there likely is no answer and you’ll have to get creative. So if you don’t feel like scrubbing through the entire 10 episodes of Picard to find out, say, the colour of the plates produced by Sirena’s replicators, please shoot me an ask, I’m always utterly delighted to help! (They’re white, btw.)
And just to make clear what I mean by “tiny little details”: in the course of writing some of my stories, I have collected answers to such important questions as
On which side of the desk does Rios have his chair? (Both)
How many cups are on the shelf next to the replicators? (4, even when one of them is currently in use)
Could a football roll under the railing on the upper deck and fall down into the mess hall anywhere but where the stairs go down? (No, there is a raised edge all around the rim that would catch it. Bouncing would work, though, since the space between the railing bars is large enough.)
Could I just say “Fuck it, I’ll just write it however, because it really doesn’t matter at all?” Yes. Would it be better for my sanity? Probably. Will I still keep trying to figure out as much about this crazy little ship as I possibly can at every turn? You betcha! So, no question is too silly, please ask away!!
A Quick Thought on Fanfic and “Accuracy”
This whole project started because whenever I write fanfic or make up stories set on La Sirena, my brain keeps insisting that we need to know which side of the mess hall the replicators are on! We need to know where exactly the holodeck is located and whether a football could fall to the lower deck through the railing. I would never hold anyone to these standards of “accuracy” - in fact I frequently don’t hold myself to these standards. Fic is for creative expression, so if in your imagination, La Sirena is twice the size of what we see in the show and has a ton of additional rooms and features, I would love to read that story! I want to create a resource for anyone looking for Sirena references to get inspired, not to point out inconsistencies or canon-divergence in lovingly created fanworks. I hope it comes across that way =)
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bowlsister75-blog · 5 years
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend: The 24 Best Songs, Ranked From Great to Spectacular
Even without the songs, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend would still be one of the best comedies on TV: a sharply insightful, wickedly subversive, riotously funny rom-com that is fully aware it’s a rom-com. But the show’s original songs — all 150-some of them! — have elevated it into something wholly unique and unmatched anywhere on TV.
With Crazy Ex taking its final bow with Friday’s series finale (The CW, 8/7c) — no, we’re not anywhere close to being ready to say goodbye yet — we’re honoring four seasons of musical comedy genius by ranking the very best Crazy Ex songs from the entire series. To be clear, there are many, many worthy songs that it pained us to leave off this list. (Sincere apologies to the likes of “Maybe This Dream,” “F—kton of Cats” and, um, “Period Sex.”) But these are the absolute cream of the crop, the essential songs in the Crazy Ex-Girlfriend canon. And what’s great is, even if you’ve never seen the show, you can enjoy these songs as one-off musical comedy sketches. They’re that good!
So grab a Rebetzel’s Pretzel and join us as we waltz, tap and Soul Train our way down West Covina’s memory lane and look back on the very best Crazy Ex-Girlfriend songs from all four seasons. Hey, if we keep singing, the show can’t really end, right?
24. “No One Else Is Singing My Song” (Season 4, Episode 1)
Rebecca started out the final season in prison, and sang this mournful ballad about how alone she felt — not knowing that Nathaniel and Josh were feeling the exact same way. (And singing about it, too.) It’s one of the least overtly comical songs in the Crazy Ex songbook, but it packs a huge emotional punch, especially when the whole cast touches hands in a 12-way split-screen. (Even the creepy grocery guy.)
23. “I Could if I Wanted To” (Season 1, Episode 16)
Whoop-dee-frickin’-doo. Back when Greg was still an alcohol-soaked sourpuss — and looked a lot different than he does now — he delivered this Weezer-y anthem for cynical jerks everywhere, boasting about all the great stuff he could do in life if he actually gave two s—ts about anything. Like it, don’t like it, whatever… not like he cares.
22. “Santa Ana Winds” (Season 2, Episode 11)
This insanely catchy doo-wop ditty is a perfect example of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend finding laughs in a highly specific subject: the gusty Santa Ana winds that plague southern California each year. Here, a Frankie Valli-style vocalist — bravo, Eric Michael Roy — sings of the fierce winds of change blowing through Rebecca’s life, which bring with them “whimsy and forest fires.” Good luck getting this one out of your head.
21. “I’m the Villain in My Own Story” (Season 1, Episode 14)
Here, Rebecca goes the Disney route for a tune where she realizes maybe she’s not the beautiful princess in her love triangle with Josh and Valencia… maybe she’s the cackling witch. The music on this one would slide right into the soundtrack of any Disney cartoon, it has fantastically self-aware lyrics that touch on one of the series’ major themes… and Rachel Bloom’s evil witch voice is just impeccable.
20. “First Penis I Saw” (Season 3, Episode 7)
Donna Lynne Champlin has given us more than a few memorable tunes as Rebecca’s trusty pal Paula, but none can top this upbeat, ABBA-esque tribute to her first real boyfriend… and, well, his distinctive genitalia. (You never forget your first, right?) Bonus points for Paula and her bandmates singing into cucumbers and eggplants in the “Suggestive Vegetables” aisle.
19. “A Boy Band Made Up of Four Joshes” (Season 1, Episode 3)
Along with playing lovable dummy Josh Chan, Vincent Rodriguez III is one hell of a dancer, and he gets to show off all kinds of moves in this charming boy-band number, where he — well, four of him, really — reassure a smitten Rebecca that she can let all of her childhood traumas go. (They are licensed mental health professionals, after all.) It’s sneaky emotional, too; that moment where Rebecca hugs her younger self and dances with her gets us every time.
18. “We Tapped That Ass” (Season 2, Episode 4)
Josh and Greg team up for this snappy tap-dance number where they exchange notes about their, uh, intimate encounters with Rebecca. The lyrics are jam-packed with naughty wordplay (“On the ottoman, you took a lot of men…”) and double-entendres that we’re surprised made it past the CW censors. They even finish on her chest… of drawers, you sickos.
17. “Where’s the Bathroom?” (Season 1, Episode 8)
God bless Tovah Feldshuh. As Rebecca’s supremely judgy mom Naomi, the Broadway veteran unleashes a whirlwind of passive-aggression while visiting her daughter in this rapid-fire tune, demanding to know where the bathroom is while still dishing out backhanded compliments. (“You’re looking healthy/And by healthy, I mean chunky…”) She even judges Rebecca’s bathroom once she gets there! Anyone with a Jewish mother — or any mother, really — can relate.
16. “I Go to the Zoo” (Season 3, Episode 3)
We can’t stop giggling every time we think about this supremely goofy Drake-inspired slow jam about… Nathaniel’s love of going to the zoo? (Hey, it makes him feel better, alright?) The silky smooth beats are a strangely fitting accompaniment for Nathaniel’s ode to his beloved zoo animals. (“My favorite’s probably the cheetahs/But I ain’t f—king with no zebras.”) Just another hyper-specific, hyper-hysterical Crazy Ex tune that we’ll probably hum every time we go to the zoo from now on.
15. “The Sexy Getting Ready Song” (Season 1, Episode 1)
Right away, in the very first episode, Rachel Bloom let us know what to expect from Crazy Ex with this sultry, silly chronicle of all the plucking and scrubbing women do to get ready for a date. (The back-up singers are there to help Rebecca get into her shapewear, at least.) We couldn’t agree more with the rapper Nipsey Hussle (RIP), who has a cameo midway through: This is some “nasty-ass patriarchal bulls—t.”
14. “Let’s Have Intercourse” (Season 2, Episode 11)
Scott Michael Foster joined the Crazy Ex cast late as cocky corporate guy Nathaniel, but he made a great first impression with this Ed Sheeran-esque ballad in which he gets very specific about what he’d like to do with Rebecca. It’s not terribly romantic — he just wants to “see what [her] nipples look like,” really — but the admittedly gross lyrics make for a hilarious contrast with the lilting, sensitive-dude guitar. And the ballroom dancing’s not bad, either!
13. “Settle For Me” (Season 1, Episode 4)
A song for guys and gals everywhere hopelessly stuck in the friend zone, Greg tries to convince Rebecca to forget Josh and give him a shot with an elegant, old-school number complete with tuxedos and gowns. (“Like two percent milk or seitan beef, I almost taste the same!”) As with a lot of Crazy Ex songs, the buoyant music and snappy dancing help to mask the crushing sadness of the lyrics. So twirly!
12. “We’ll Never Have Problems Again” (Season 2, Episode 10)
Who’s ready to disco? This relentlessly peppy dance track is a hilarious examination of the comforting lies young lovers tell themselves about their future — “No more ups and downs/It’s just ups and ups and ups!” — and it also happens to be ridiculously catchy. Besides, any song that gives Heather an excuse to “Soul Train on outta here” is a keeper in our book.
11. “Friendtopia” (Season 2, Episode 6)
Most musical comedies would be happy with a note-perfect Spice Girls parody, but Crazy Ex had to take it several steps further: Rebecca’s cheerfully sinister girl-power jam is actually a full-on military manifesto, with her, Heather and Valencia plotting to take over the world. (“All agriculture will be diverted/Into making us rosé!”) You’ll never hear the term “squad goals” the same way again… and you better like watching Hocus Pocus.
10. “Remember That We Suffered” (Season 2, Episode 10)
In true Jewish mom fashion, this jaunty dirge is eager to remind listeners that the Jewish people have had a rough go of it for, oh, a few centuries now — so don’t enjoy yourself too much! It’s the perfect distillation of morbid Jewish humor, Tovah Feldshuh continues to be this show’s secret weapon — and bonus points for including the legendary Patti LuPone and her even more legendary voice.
9. “A Diagnosis” (Season 3, Episode 6)
One of the least comical Crazy Ex songs, but one of the most emotionally resonant, this triumphant showstopper sees Rebecca celebrating the fact that she’s been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder after years of struggling with her mental health. We’ve been struggling right along with her, so it’s cathartic to see her so full of hope here, and Rachel Bloom’s vocals positively soar. A beautiful tribute to a major turning point in Rebecca’s life.
8. “Love Kernels” (Season 2, Episode 1)
We all know Rebecca could live for days off a single compliment from her beloved Josh Chan, and she puts that poignant desperation into song here with a Lemonade-esque torch song. It’s probably Crazy Ex‘s most sweepingly ambitious music video, with plenty of costume changes — our favorite is a tie between “sexy fashion cactus” and “hamster slurping from a water bottle” — but of course, it openly acknowledges how wildly expensive it must be, too. (Hi, Broom Darryl.)
7. “It Was a S–t Show” (Season 2, Episode 4)
Greg’s farewell lament to Rebecca sheds light on a frustratingly familiar romantic situation: They liked each other a lot, but they knew full well they were just terrible together. (“Chernobyl, next to us, looks like a campfire/Hurricane Katrina was just bad weather…”) Like many great Crazy Ex songs, it’s hilarious and heart-wrenching, all at the same time — and man, Santino Fontana can sing, right?
6. “You Stupid Bitch” (Season 1, Episode 11)
Crazy Ex has had four different theme songs, one for each season (we’re partial to Season 2’s “I’m Just a Girl in Love,” for the record), but this ballad is truly Rebecca Bunch’s theme song. Deeply scathing and cleverly meta all at once, Rebecca harshly chides herself for all of her many mistakes… and not for the first time. (Her audience knows every word!) It’s a stunning depiction of the self-hating voice inside all of us, and probably Rachel Bloom’s best vocal performance of the series to boot.
5. “JAP Battle” (Season 1, Episode 13)
Yes, Rachel Bloom can rap, too: This hilarious hip-hop showdown between Rebecca and her sworn frenemy Audra Levine — a pair of Jewish-American princesses, you see — is a treasure trove of cutting insults (in Yiddish, of course) and references to tony New York hometowns. Guest star Rachel Grate proves herself a very worthy opponent as Audra, and the mean-mug faces that Darryl, Paula and Josh make as Rebecca’s backup crew are just priceless.
4. “Don’t Be a Lawyer” (Season 4, Episode 3)
Burl Moseley’s Jim has been a background player for most of Crazy Ex‘s run, but he hit it out of the park with this spotlight number: a sizzling ’90s R&B throwback jam about the perils of pursuing the legal profession. The vintage fashions and dance moves are perfectly on point, and the lyrics are quite persuasive, actually: “The job is inherently crappy/That’s why you’ve never met a lawyer who’s happy!”
3. “The Math of Love Triangles” (Season 2, Episode 3)
This is probably the pinnacle of the classic Crazy Ex formula: Start with a spot-on recreation of a classic song genre — the ditzy-girl tune, a la Marilyn Monroe in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes — and add a brilliantly meta twist to it. Here, a dolled-up Rebecca wants to understand the elements of her love triangle with Josh and Greg, but keeps getting adorably confused by all the “man math,” and Rachel Bloom’s over-the-top breathy vocals make it all even funnier. Whee, a swing!
2. “Let’s Generalize About Men” (Season 3, Episode 1)
The genius of this Pointer Sisters-inspired toe-tapper is that it’s both a “yas, queen” girl-power anthem and a parody of those anthems, pointing out the flaws in painting all 3.6 billion men on this planet with the same broad brush. (“Let’s take one bad thing about one man/And apply it to all of them!”) It’s catchy enough that you could fool us into thinking it actually made the pop charts in the mid-’80s, and the twist ending, when Paula remembers that her sons are also men, is maybe the most brutally funny punchline of the whole series.
1. “West Covina” (Season 1, Episode 1)
Could Crazy Ex-Girlfriend‘s very best song also be its very first song? Yes, we believe it could. Rebecca’s dizzingly romantic ode to her new hometown — and the guy who just happens to live there — manages to set the tone for the entire series: delightfully clever (the visual gags at the start still make us giggle) and heartbreakingly earnest all at the same time. There’s a giddy, go-for-broke magic to it, and it all builds to a massive dance number featuring dozens of extras and one giant pretzel, as if to say, “You’ve never seen anything quite like this on TV before.” And they were right: We hadn’t… and we never will again.
Did your favorite Crazy Ex song not make our list? Sing it out in the comments below.
Source: https://tvline.com/2019/04/01/crazy-ex-girlfriend-best-songs-list-music-videos-watch/
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