#no concrete promises tho..?? im still tryna figure out what plan i wanna do with this
theamalgaverse · 2 years
Helo, I bring question for all: what do you guys do on a daily basis?
OH HEY UH answering for all of them because it's pretty hard to sum *all* of their daily activities through art!
The best way I can describe it is that, many times, they do a lot of things that regular friend groups do. Drink, make up games, play games, gossip, contemplate the existence of life, and overall just… live!
Of course there are many spice ups. Some take in fights (like street fighter…..), music performances by many (gotta compensate for all the rhythm game peeps) and the occasional moments where blood is shed and there have to be emergency medical assistance in need. Not to mention, on some days they can volunteer to fight Voidstryders whenever necessary.
But the most common way I’ll draw their daily happenings is that it’s whatever scenario i want to shove them in. Example:
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