#no hate to them tho I love mlm rep but ofc I am gonna be bitter that they were like infantilized for the fans amusement
apple-jorts · 1 year
Look if no one else is gonna say it then I’ll say it:
I didn’t really like Gary and Marshall’s relationship portrayal.
Like, don’t get me wrong, I personally love Gary and Marshall and have nothin violently against them; I loved their meeting in ‘Winter King’, it was a cute and lovely side plot-! same goes with ‘The Star’- even if it was a little rushed it was generally cute.
But as in ‘Casper & Nova’, I started to have the same issue with them that I have with bubbline- where everything is abandoned in favour of one another.
It’s just kinda.. lame? Especially when Gary says like “We just met” (signifying NO time skip) and still being SO sure him and Marshall were made for one another… it’s very middle school romance cringe vibes. And when you look into it more, the more issues kinda arise from the pair.
Like… for example here,, Marshall and Ellis are clearly besties; they’ve been shown hanging out on multiple occasions, and are presumably pretty close. But since Marshall got with Gary, he has NO further interactions with Ellis? There was even a brief moment in ‘Cheers’ where the viewing party thought Ellis was just killed, and Marshall had no further emotion about it?? Like??? Dude that’s ur homeboy??? Also, with this being the second time Ellis has burst from a clothes pile in Fionna’s apartment, wouldn’t it occur to Marshall to maybe check for him?? This is clearly a reoccurring issue???
But abandoning social aspects in favour of your relationship isn’t necessarily the worst thing in the world.. but then there’s Gary.
It’s a sweet sentiment that in ‘The Star’ Gary sacrificed something near and dear to him just for Marshall’s well being, but let’s think about this for more than a second.
He had JUST met this guy, and this was his life’s DREAM he threw away. At the drop of a hat no less! His dream, which he has been planning out and perusing for god knows how long. This gives me generally the same vibes as Simon and Betty’s case, where something really special gets thrown away in order to peruse the relationship. It’s kinda icky.
I dunno, maybe I’m just a sick Marshall & Ellis fan who’s starving of interaction and am being bitter ab it, but I really didn’t like how Heart-Stopper, middle school romance cringe those two were built up to be,,, like those are two grown ass men and Marshall’s like “hold on, let me defeat this cosmic entity with a love song!” DUDE PLEASE I HATE U
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