#no i don't really want to read the old man and the sea pls try harder
ape-3scape · 2 years
I think I've decided I can't read a lot of "classic literature" unless something crazy is happening in it ala The Picture of Dorian Gray, The Count of Monte Cristo. Pride and Prejudice didn't do it for me.
I am now taking insane classic literature suggestions as I've been alternating between sci fi/fantasy and more classic options
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blublublujk · 1 year
young blood (3)
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part 1 part 2 part 3
word count: 4k
genre: established/growing relationship
pairings: vampy koo x vampy reader, mentions of vampy tae
Jungkook, the youngest vampire in your clan, wakes up from his last and final resting cycle and that calls for one thing, and one thing only, it's time for his first feeding.
warnings: jungkook's first ever feeding as a vampire so its gonna get crazy and messy, buckle up!! violent content (a deer gets slayed), swearing, sexual content (noona kink, pain kink, slut shaming, tears, cock stepping (YAS), multiple orgasms, jungkook comes in his pants it's kinda pathetic, he also has a big dick, fingering, clothes gets torn off, strength kink, come as lube (so wet and messy), biting (fangs), blood kink (blood splatters and blood drinking), animalistic instinct?? (jungkook keeps sucking on readers blood even after he is told to stop but trust me she wants it, he's just a vampire baby that has zero to no control pls forgive him) unprotected rough sex, overstimulation) really sorry if something is missing, i really did try
a.n: man i wish i had a better excuse to why i've gone missing so instead i bring this... the real ones will enjoy it. thank me later hehe. stop writing about vampy jungkook CHALLENGE FAILED :D
i promise i'll be back with more i have been re-writing old work and plan posting new ones since i don't completely feel satisfied with my writing yet, just believe me this once okie...
see you soon.
—> m.list
—> welcome me on ao3 & twt
“The boy has risen.”
Five days. It had been exactly five days since those sweet doe-eyes took their last blink. That was probably the hardest part. Missing the sparkle within his eyes. You could stare into that sea of stars for hours, if given the chance. Jungkook was the prettiest human you had ever laid eyes on, and you were more than confident he would be an even prettier newborn vampire.
Jungkook was facing the wall when you first walked into the room. His pale hands were slowly moving around, feeling everything around him, his neck stretching out. The younger was still on the bed you and Taehyung had set up just for his transformation. He had yet to turn around and face you.
“Jungkook-ah, baby.” 
Jungkook nearly snaps his neck in half at the sound of your voice. The boy runs into your arms, his new super strength takes you by surprise as he lifts you easily into his arms, almost squishing you to death. “It worked!” 
You couldn’t help, but giggle. “Of course it did, silly boy. Were you worried?”
“Yes.” He takes a deep breath, releasing his tight grip (but just by a little). “I just wanted to be like you and Hyung-ie so badly.”
“You are now, baby. Forever.” You drop a kiss into his hair, softly tugging the mess of curls, bringing him in close.
“Mm, forever.” 
The younger’s bunny smile was still the same. Not that much his human features would change now that he’s a vampire, he was still as beautiful as ever.
“How you feeling, baby?” 
Those words make Jungkook snap into realization. He palms his throat feeling a burning ache, he swallows harshly, the ache grows only more intense. Nearly burning his insides. He notices more things as well. Stuff he didn’t even know was humanly possible, which it’s not, but for a vampire anything is possible. His scent is strong, he swears he can taste the tree bark outside. He definitely feels stronger, he no longer feels soft or weak. As he feels around his newborn body, he feels tougher. Yet the ache in his throat defeats all curiosity, it burns and he’s— well, he’s confused. What’s happening to him? 
“You’re hungry.” You state like it’s a fact, because it is, even if you can’t necessarily read his mind. 
When a Newborn wakes up from its last and final rest, it realizes its new senses first, everything they knew as a human becomes ten times more interesting as a vampire. They no longer require food, they still feed, but now they depend on one singular fluid, blood, which to a human would be like air or water. They notice their new strengths and with that their very few weaknesses. Soon after though, that’s when the most excruciating part begins. 
The baby vampire will realize a scorching sensation that grows quickly in the back of their throat. It’s hunger, of course, but a Newborn won’t recognize that phenomenon, or feeling. It’s like learning to walk all over again. It is not a “natural feeling”, and most dismiss the pain, treat it as merely as insignificant as that of a sore throat. But dismissing the pain only triggers the pain to increase. Before they know it, they will be pulled out for their first feeding, usually led by the eldest vampires. It will be messy, ugly, and most of all a whole new experience. One that will lead to more frequent occurrences. 
“Y-Yeah… I think I am.” Jungkook swallows, but it does nothing to ease the burning pain. 
You smile, kissing his nose gently. “Don’t worry Jungkookie, Noona will take you on your first feeding.”
“Okay. W-What about Hyung?”
“Taehyung will join us in the next one. He’s taking care of other stuff for now. Don't worry about him. We gotta worry about your thirst first.” 
The boy agrees with a light nod. You stick your hand out and Jungkook takes hold of it, following you out of the house and into the darkest parts of the forest. He followed you like a lost puppy, caressing his throat, but even that did nothing. His throat was ripping him apart from the inside. 
The journey isn’t far because you made sure that Jungkook had all he needed for his first feeding relatively close. Jungkook takes a good look around, and although he is not alone by any means, he sees nothing. Only the huge trees that surrounded you both. It's murky and slightly cold. What now?
“I-I don’t get it.” Jungkooks gulps. “How am I supposed to feed?”
More like what is he supposed to be feeding on? 
The Newborn wraps his arms around himself. He looks lost because he just is. He doesn’t know where to begin, unlike you and Taehyung, you have been feeding all your life and for him, this is much different than picking up food from his local fast food chain. 
You only smile. “You don’t smell that yet, hmm?”
Jungkook inhales through his nose as much as his lungs allow him. At first nothing comes, but then the slightest scent catches his attention, kissing the tip of his nose. It is a very faint taste of a metallic sweetness on his tongue, he assumes immediately that this is what you are talking about as yards away he spots a large deer. Then the impossible occurs, Jungkook swears he could taste the blood rushing through the deer’s body. This is impossible. 
He can hear the beat of its healthy heart pumping its sweet blood, it beats against his ear deliciously. His mouth nearly drools at the sight. He tilts his head slightly, ready to pounce and shred it to pieces. 
“Ahh… now you smell it.” 
“N-Noona.” You hear the boy say, he grabs his own throat roughly, making a strangled noise as if he’s in great pain, had his nails been sharper (you made sure to file them while he slept for the last time), he would have torn his own esophagus out by now. He must eat now. “I— I- I” 
Your hands are on his face quickly. The vampire gets extremely pale, faint. “What baby? I’m here. Don’t you wanna feed? Come on baby, I’ll show you.”
Jungkook shakes his head. His pink lips start fading white. He’s extremely starved, it’s normal as a Newborn. Everyone is usually scared of their first feeding. Typically, they try to avoid their new carnal feelings, it’s almost animalistic, uncontrollable. It’s a crazy sensation to crave something as taboo as drinking blood. Most of them starve themselves avoiding all sorts of craving, but it’s impossible to ignore. A vampire can only go so long without blood before turning wild leaing them feral, that then is when they feed on anything in sight with no remorse, humans and vampires included. 
“What’s wrong, Jungkook-ah? Talk to me, baby.” The Newborn barely holds himself together, his eyes start dropping, unable to stand on his feet any longer, he drops his ass into the ground instead, physically struggling to keep his eyes open. 
“S-Shit Jungkook-ah. You’re starving. Don’t worry, Noona will bring the deer to you. Noona will feed you soon, my thirsty baby vampire. I got you.” Though the deer started moving along, it can’t be that far away, you can still smell its blood pumping yards away, almost feeling it drain its precious blood into your mouth. As you turn to end his misery, a strong grip wraps around your wrist.
“D-Don’t. I-I don’t wanna be a-alone.” The baby vampire shivers, cold sweat dripping from his forehead. “N-Noona, I– I think I’m dying.”
You shake your head wiping him down with your jacket, not caring about getting it dirty. “No baby. You’re just hungry. I’m here. I’ll only leave for a second. I promise. I’ll be back.” 
Jungkook whines, dragging you tightly against him. “No.” 
“Fuck okay. I won’t leave you Jungkook-ah, but you have to feed right now.” You bring a hand behind his neck burying his face against your throat and you hear a muffled cry buried deep into your neck. “Bite down baby. Don’t hold back, but d-don’t take everything. I-I’ll tell you when to stop.”
His breath is hot, you feel his fangs barely graze your neck, not quite enough to cut through the flesh before he pulls off, with a strangled sob. “F-Fangs, they hurt. Really bad.”
“They’re just sensitive, my love. They won’t break off, I know it feels like that, but they won’t. You can do it baby, just bite down.” 
Jungkook furiously shakes his head. This won’t do. They fucking hurt. His tongue goes to massage his gums, but he hisses as soon as it comes in contact. It’s far too sensitive. “N-No. I won't be able to bite down, N-Noona. It hurts, ‘m so hungry. Please Noona.”
The younger is not even sure what he’s begging for, but he knows he’s in the best hands. He’s gonna be okay even if right now he feels his throat has been lit on fire. He knows you would never let him die straving so he closes his eyes for a second allowing himself to rest against the tree.
“S-Shit Jungkook. Okay. Sit up baby, Noona will feed you now.” Your fangs come out quickly as they pierce through your wrist, you bite down as hard as you can so the Newborn’s only job will be to place his fangs through. The blood instantly leaks down your wrist before you rush it over his mouth. “Here baby, bite.”
Jungkook attaches himself immediately to your leaking wrist, his fangs fit perfectly within the gaping holes. He moans with the first initial taste, he sucks with a lot of force, you know you should tell him to slow down, but you don’t even have the heart. The Newborn stuffs his fangs (they are a bit longer than yours) even deeper into the soft flesh, the sensitivity in his fangs finally dying down a bit. 
You groan at the feeling and he continues to suck the life out of you. He was gonna definitely leave a mark, maybe even permanently. Taehyung wasn’t gonna be too happy about that, but it was far too late to tell him to stop anyways. Jungkook fed from you as if you were the tastiest meal he has ever had. The sweet tangy taste was fucking addictive Jungkook never wanted it to end, he could definitely see himself getting used to this. He knew it wasn’t going to be easy when you finally tell him to stop. He doesn’t even know if that’s gonna be possible. This is what he was missing out on? The rush… it’s indescribable, but fucking incredible. He has never felt so alive. 
“O-Okay suh–slow down, baby.” It’s as if you told him to do the opposite. Jungkook continues to lick and bite into anything he can get his mouth on, his tongue coming out to collect the drops of blood that escape from your wrist and leak down your arm. 
You should really, really stop him now, but it feels soooo good, you were always a slut for pain.
“Noona t-tastes so good, so sweet.” A moan rips from your throat as he peels himself off, this time he bites into your neck, the blood instanly hits his tongue and he’s addicted, evermore. He’ll never stop now. He bites down into the vein and the blood rushes into his mouth. Nothing compares to blood directly from the source, he has learned this lesson very early on.
“J–Jungkook...” You are really struggling yourself now, your eyes struggle to stay open, he’s starving you. “Okay enough. Stop.”
The Newborn shakes his head, whining and whimpering into your throat. 
“Stop.” It comes out as a whisper and he denies your calling again. Forcing himself onto you, he bites harshly not giving a fuck about how you tremple and desperately whine below him. He’s killing you and he doesn’t even realize it. Stupid baby vampire. “I said, stop!”
Jungkook is nearly sobbing full on tears when you force him off, tugging his hair back with great force. “N-No, puh– please Noona, ‘m sorry. I’m still so hungry. Please. Feed me!”
He shouts at you like you hadn’t been the one helping him from starving to death. “Control yourself, Jungkook-ah. You almost just fucking killed me!”
The boy's eyes soften and he cries harder. “‘M so so sorry, Noona. I don’t want you to die because of me. I’ll be better. S-Sorry.”
The younger one starts to leak pretty tears, decorating his face quite nicely. You sigh lighly, allowing your emotions to simmer. “Stay here. I’ll bring us the meal.” 
Jungkook doesn’t hold you back this time, not like he was given the choice anyways, this was an order. He manages to keep his position on the cold gravel. It doesn’t take you long to find the deer, you wrap an arm around the deer and put it down with a quick blow to its chest. This was your least favorite part when you first turned, watching the sweet creature fall to its knees and eventually its death, but it got easier with time. Now, you take them down without hesitation or care, it’s in your nature after all. 
You settle the deer at Jungkook’s feet when you return. His eyes widen when he realizes what’s expected of him next. “N-Now what?”
“We eat, my sweet baby vampire.” In the moment, he almost thinks you look cute, but he watches you dig your sharp nails into its wooly hair and tear it nearly in half. The blood rushes out like water and splatters everywhere, some landing on your face and Jungkook’s cheek. Jungkook would be lying if he said this wasn’t the hottest thing he has ever seen, even with blood tainting your perfect face, you were fucking beautiful. Without hesitation you lean in and drink the blood while it’s still fresh and sweet. 
Jungkook hesitates for a bit before he leans in on his own side and slurps up. The flood of red liquid cools his burn almost instantly. At first, Jungkook didn’t understand it. Why slash a deer in half when you can just drink from the source directly? It wasn’t convenient, not at all. It's messy and more blood gushes onto the floor than anywhere else, but he gets it now. He understands. The sight of blood splattering across your face, the way your eyes dilated, mouth drooling… he’ll never forget it. He’s so fucking hard. He moans into the deer's skin, sucking it dry. 
For the first time ever, Jungkook thinks you look like a monster. After all that really is what vampires are, just monsters trying to survive in a world built for humans. Though you prefer the term creature, monster is a bit too extreme for your liking, you can’t help your kind for being. 
Either way, in Jungkook’s eyes, you were the sexiest monster he had ever laid eyes on (not that he came across much), but he would genuinely let you do anything. 
You both keep feeding and it's the hottest thing ever. In fact, you’re so focused on feeding that you nearly miss a grunt rip through Jungkook’s throat. But that isn’t what distracts you, no… it’s Jungkook’s hard cock against your thigh. 
The younger starts rutting against your thigh like a dirty fucking animal, a bitch in heat if you will. 
Eventually, the deer runs dry. 
Your mouth comes off and you lick the leftover blood dripping from your lips. Jungkook, well, he’s still rubbing himself on you. 
“Jungkook.” Usually, the boy comes to a halt embarrassed about the situation but no, this time, he’s desperate. So fucking needy and horny. “Hey.” 
Jungkook hums, finally popping off the deer, he looks down at his little (big) problem. Shamelessly he keeps grinding hands besides you to support himself, but not for long. You shove him off you. 
“I— Noona.” 
“You’re so fucking dirty. So fucking nasty. But you know that right baby? Hmm? Good for nothing besides leaking come.” Your words go straight to his dick, only making him harder, if he didn’t know any better he would have sworn he has already come from how much he’s leaked into his boxers. 
He softly whines, feeling his stomach stir in heat. “Yes… yes Noona, I am. So so dirty and nasty. Please Noona, I wanna come so bad. ‘M so horny.” 
“Yeah? You wanna come.” The pretty vampire nods, looking dainty and fragile, even if it is far from the truth. “Okay then, you’ll come on my terms.” 
You stood up, all tall and mighty, without warning, you stepped on his crotch enough to feel his length beneath your foot. Jungkook yelps, feeling the pressure build on his hard cock. “Like this. You’ll come like this. Move, my baby vampire. Take what you need.” 
And that is exactly what he does. Desperately, Jungkook grinds against your heel. He didn’t imagine himself ever being into cock stepping, but he isn’t even surprised or one to complain. You bring the worst out of him. He grunts and moans without holding back, feeling more heat coil in his stomach, he’s so fucking close. Of course you know this, so you step on him harder and the boy comes undone beneath you with a strangled cry. 
“Oh! Oh my fucking god!” Jungkook comes so much, he’s sure his briefs are a fucking mess, he’ll most likely throw it away anyways. “So good Noona, s-so good.” 
“Yeah?” A smile grows on your face, watching blush start painting his pale cheeks. He somehow manages to look small and embarrassed as if he didn’t just fuck himself agaisnt your foot. God, he could be so adorable. 
“Yes. Always ‘s good.” Jungkook pauses, he looks shy before asking. “What about you Noona? I wanna please you too.” 
“Yeah? You think you can handle me right now?” 
The younger exhales a scoff. “You know I can.” 
“Yes… yes you can, my pretty slutty baby.” The younger’s lashes flutter as if it’s a compliment to his ears (it is), he feels you land on his lap, hands take place on the swole end of your ass, like they belong there (you both know they do). “You gonna fuck me now? Huh baby?”
“Yes, Noona. I’ll fuck you so good. Just how you like it.” He’s breathless, yet that doesn’t stop him from reaching behind your neck and locking lips with you. His tongue comes out shyly, before forcing your mouth open with a bite. He sucks and licks into your mouth, still savoring the faint taste of blood on your tongue. With syched moans, he forces his lips off yours kissing down your jaw and neck, nipping at the tender flesh, God, he could never get enough of you.
“Kook…” Your voice is light. “Just fuck me already baby.” 
Maybe you should have let him continue at his own pace because the second he hears your sweet demand, he literally tears your bottoms in half, just enough to slip a hand below. His fingers tease your soft puffy folds, easing one finger inside them. The younger’s middle finger toys your clit, he feels a bit rough to the touch, yet the stimulation causes a whine to slip from your lips. He focuses on the gasp forcing your mouth to fall wide, the blood splattered on your face is now dry, but it paints your face beautifully. Anyone else would run in fear, but Jungkook feels he has always belonged here, he’s really home. 
The younger one sticks his tongue out and attempts to lick the dried blood off your face. He fails, but the attempt is very much there, ignoring the slobber on your face. 
Finally, two fingers gather your juices before carefully sliding them into your tight hole, which selfishly takes them both. Your arms wrap around Jungkook, pressing moans into his neck as he fingers your pussy with skill. He doesn’t go fast, just enough to open you up before he takes you on his cock. 
“Oh– right there, Jungkookkk.” The Newborn pushes his fingers deeper, finding your g-spot with ease, you coat his fingers nicely. He can taste your slick on his tongue, it's driving him insane. Jungkook contemplates adding another finger, but he does it anyway and you clench around his fingers, breath hitching against his ear. “Fuh–Fuckkk…”
Slolwy, you start to ride his fingers, feeling them stretch your walls. “K-Kiss me.”
He leans in without hesitation and kisses you sloppily, on demand. When things start to escalate, tongue deep in your mouth, saliva coating your lips, he pulls out of you gently and pushes you towards the floor with a cut–off yelp, ass up face down. He brings his hips to yours, letting you feel just how hard you made him. He feels unnecessarily big and heavy behind you, this alone makes you shiver in anticipation for what's to come. He waits no longer. Jungkook thinks if he doesn’t stuff your pussy full of dick right now, he might just pass away at this very moment. 
Jungkook unzips his pants, dragging them down, along with his messy boxers. He blows a harsh breath out, watching your folds glisten in the natural light. He wishes things were different, that he could eat you out, that is if he didn’t feel his dick was about to explode in his hand. “R-Ready baby?” 
“Always. Don’t hold back, baby, fuck me how I like it.” The younger wastes no time further, he gathers just enough of his own come off his boxers and uses it as lube (with all the intention to just fuck it back into you). He coats his length before he’s burying himself inside you. Even after three fingers, Jungkook manages to stretch your walls to the brim, fucking you deep and consice. You feel as tight as ever. “Oh my, fucking god...”
He slows down, allowing you to adjust, your eyes close feeling him thrust with care. The boy carrases your arching back, feeling your heat tighten against him. “So fucking good for me. I love your pussy so much, Noona. You always take me so well.”
His praises bring heat to your stomach, squirming below him. “Y-Yeah, baby? Fuck me like you mean it then.” 
“Don’t worry, Noona. I’ll fuck you until you forget who truly owns you.” His words breakthrough like glass before he’s pushing you further into the ground, shoving his dick as deep as he can go, fucking you like the slut you were. 
I’ll fuck you until you forget who truly owns you. 
Taehyung… you belong to Taehyung but here you were, getting fucked like some whore and by the youngest vampire in your clan. Pornagraphic moans escape your mouth, as you attempt to hold onto anything below you but nothing works, Jungkook is fucking into you and holding on like you’ll escape. 
The grip on your hips is bound to leave bruises, but that increasingly excites him. The hot pit in your gut starts to twist, you’ll come in a second if he keeps this pace. Nevertheless, Jungkook moans shamelessly, keeping his brutal pace, watching you make a mess of his dick every time he pulls back. 
“J-Jungkook… I’m gonna fucking come, slow down.” You quietly demand, but this does nothing for you, he increases his speed, grunting as he feels you pulse around his cock. It’s messy and fast, just the way you like it. Felt so perfect wrapped around him. 
“Y-You asked for this, Noona, now take it.” The younger fucks into you at an alarming rate, his hands grope your ass cheeks apart feeling him dive further. Your eyes roll back, skin clapping on skin with no desire to end.
“Fuh–Fuck, Jungkook. Baby, I– I’m gonna come.” Goosebumps rise on your skin, feeling a cold breeze wrap around you. He watches as his cock disappears inside your sex, he’s so fucking close himself. 
“Come on my dick Noona, make a mess out of it, hmm just how you like it.” The Newborn bites his lip attempting and failing to hold his moans, so instead he embraces them and nearly growls feeling you become tighter every thrust. 
“C-Coming.” Is the only word that manages to make it out before you tremble under his sensitive touch. The knot inside your stomach breaks, releasing your juices all over his thick length. The sensation of you coming on his cock never gets old, he groans holding back his own release. 
“F-Fuck, just like that Noona, so good for me. Always so good. I’m gonna come too.” Jungkook whines, doing everything in his power to stop from milking you full (he will most likely do it anyways). 
“Inside baby, i-inside.” He feels you melt under him before he’s pushing his warm seed inside you, nearly collapsing on top of you, still fucking his release deep into you. 
Jungkook manages to slip out carefully, placing you on top of his chest, his harsh pants manage to calm you regardless of him fucking your thoughts away. The younger calms his breathing before speaking above a whisper. “Thank you, Noona. Thank you.” 
“Anytime my baby vampire, anytime.”
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