#no i dont want manhell back
enbynextdoor · 3 years
Justifying monel being a slave owner by saying that he was raised among a family where slavery was okay is bullshit.
We have M'gann who came from a place where the entire community loathed the green martians. Yet we saw her not sharing that hatred and has been trying constantly to even get her people to become allies with the green martians.
We have Lena, growing up with her brother who has an unhealthy obsession with ruining Superman, and a genocidal mother....do i even want to talk about CADMUS.
Lena is now working with Supergirl, paragon of hope, to save the world going against the Luthors. May I also remind that L-corp released the image inducers that have helped a lot of the aliens to cope in their daily life without being wary &threatened by constant attacks from xenophobes like Agent Liberty
Mon-el is just a trash character who did nothing but standby because he was too comfortable in his privilages and luxury.
I also don't believe monel changed for the better in the future. We literally heard brainy say how microagressive he has been.
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melissa-benoists · 7 years
i dont think the cw is that stupid to actually bring back manhell in any of their DCTV show considering the amount of backlash his character had and almost everyone wanting him to be dead. bringing him back would be the stupidest move ever
yea, still wouldn’t put it past them tho
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