#no i havent read sympathy crime yet i need to get on that
dankmaths · 6 months
was going to make rarepair propaganda post abt how yosuke/adachi would actually be based but then i remembered that spinning my thoughts into anythinf even resembling coherent is like making my brain eat nails
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stipulatedconflict · 7 years
Band interview with Purple-X(Oslo/Norway)
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Pic is taken by My Scene Sucks(https://myscenesucks.com)
I got to know Turd through Skunk at the Lubricant show at Blitz. Skunk told me that Turd got a new(?) band called Purple-X and I grabbed the chance to get an interview for Purple-X. Their sound is like intricate emotional expression of depressive Norwegian winter. The guitar sound is remarkable which incites anxiety by its relentless riffs and vocal is groaning like from hell on sometimes quirky but very tight rhythm section.
They gonna release their demo by tape on Byllepest Distro. And they are having their release show on August 26th at Barrikaden. Listen to their songs and check their show.
Bandcamp: https://byllepestdistroofficial.bandcamp.com/album/bpd031-purple-x-demo-2017
The interview starts from below;
-So,who is in the band?is there any band which any of you have played
or been playing or currently playing beside Purple-X?
I play with mathias in another band called Terrorstat been playing for some years.
me and adi been jamming for years but never had the time to play together, also been playing with tone in our old house-collective-band Internt Oppgjør. so jee its like a big soup of incest.
Just to be clear: Turd plays guitar, Tone sings, Adi plays bass and I play the drums. Incest is good, because then you get to play with your friends.
-Is there anyone who is deeply involved in any DIY punk activities like running label,writing zines,taking pictures,designing,organising shows etc in Purple-X?
hmm been working/living in barrikaden for some years now. fixing backline, making food, playing shows etc..
also been printing merch for bands ive played in.
-Is there anyone who is deeply involved in any activities which is not any relation to DIY/punk thing? Art, Other type of music, publication,extreme sports or any other?
I go to the swimming hall and jump from the diving board to practice stage diving.
-How did Purple-X start in the beginning?how did all of you get together?Did you know each others before it started?
We knew each other, yes. Can't remember how it started. I would guess it probably had something to do with alcohol.
Known adi for maby ten years or somthing.. and we wanted to play together and mathias is a kick ass drummer soooo we started to jam. we had another vocalist for some time but did not work out.. then tone came along and it was perfect!! woooh
-Why did you want to form Purple-X?
was abit tierd of playing shitty punky punk and wanted something that was a bit more challenging.
No shrink.
-Was there any specific idea of sound before Purple-X started?
Hmm i was listening alot to nuke york stuff and wanted to make something that is not so traditional oslo..
but also been litsening to alot like post punk stuff.. dunno, hard to be so strict about how we should sound.
I read in a magazine that if you're a strange anti-social loser, you can just form a band and you will get attention and you will get laid. So that's what I did.
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Pic is taken by My Scene Sucks(https://myscenesucks.com)
-How do you describe the sound of the band by your own words?
Native Americans chasing and killing cowboys. Not our own words though. Somehow I keep picturing people playing frisbee when I listen to our demo.
-Is there any specific bands gave influence/inspiration to Purple-X sound?
too many good bands these days!
-What kind of elements/influences do individual members bring to the band to sounds like Purple-X?
For me, I take inspiration from different stuff. As a drummer I'm inspired a lot by jazz drumming and Zach Hill from Hella as well as US and Norwegian hardcore. I like to incorporate beats and rhythms from different genres like surf, jazz, salsa, 70's rock/pop, bossa nova and reggae etc. into punk.(not that we sound much like any of those genres though) Personally I don't believe punk or hc is limited to any type of beat. Just play it fast and hard and you're good.
-How did you decide the band name?is there any special meaning?
its a wordplay on perplex
-I heard that you guys were staying in the practice studio for 2 years before you had first gig. It is very long! Why did it take so long?
jee we all had different bands and this was kind of a side project in the start and we did not want stress it
We had trouble finding a singer, so we basically made the first set list without vocals. Then Tone came in and changed our lives. She of course had to go through our special band ceremony where she had to eat a live baby goat. After we told her it was just a joke, she quickly left the band, but we kidnapped her back and so now she's a slave for rock n roll for all eternity.
-How was your first show at barrikaden?any good response from crowds?
it was super fun! got a lot of good feedback! cant wait to play our next gig the 26 of august!
Very good. We were pretty good. Only good feedback and everybody liked us.
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Pic is taken by My Scene Sucks(https://myscenesucks.com)
  -How's the punk scene in Oslo?
it goes up and down. now its a lot of new good bands tho!
We are all happy and everybody's on welfare. We don't need to riot or squat houses because govt just gives it to us for free. It's just like Cuba only we can choose what we want to eat. And also our nazis make very low quality stickers, so they're easy to take down. It's basically utopia.
-How do you think about playing in a band in Oslo? comparing to playing a show in abroad?
Its always nice to play abroad and meeting new people of the punkrock family and old friends. Also to see the reaction of people at the gigs. we havent played abroad yet with Purple-X but planning a tour in January. looking forward to freezing our ass off in the car.
I think I understand your question!
I haven't played that much abroad, but we were in Ireland with Terrorstat. Met a lot of good people and got to drink a lot of Buckfast which is an awesome and rare life-enhancer for us europeans.
-Which bands are you playing together a lot?any bands you feel sympathy as in a same scene?
Haha only had one gig so far. but we been quite active with Terrorstat (me and mathias other band) and i like Båndtvang and Negativ maby the coolest new bands we have been playing with.
-Is there any bands you feel sympathy for the sound/attitude in abroad?
Dawn of Humans from NY is a good one. They played an unforgettable fucking brilliant show here in 2015. Crazy and good people as well!
I'm also looking forward to us playing with Urochromes in September - one of the better bands I've heard lately.
-Is there any good bands out there in Oslo or Norway which we should keep our eyes on in these days?
Terrostat!! haha we are releasing a split 7" with Surge from ireland in september. just some shameless selfpromotion
Negativ and Båndtvang are two of the best hardcore bands from Oslo that are playing at the moment. Negative have an awesome energy and innovative playing as well as keeping it somewhat primitive. All good people. Båndtvang is like a mix between VOID and Die Kreuzen. The snarling vocals and fast chaotic instrumentals is the exact type of hardcore we need more of.
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-How do you guys compose songs?some specific members are dedicated to it to bring completed song?or more like bring some riffs and developing it by jamming?
Usually Tord(guitar) or Adi(bass) bring some riffs to the rehearsal basement and we form the structure together. Tone writes all the lyrics and vocals. Everything comes very naturally and happens in between a cluster of bad jokes.
I think its important to bring riffs to the rehearsal for jamming and improvement and also to get all the personalities in the band to the song.. we are all doing this together!
-You guys will release tape from Byllepest Distro. How did this happen?
been playing with daniel (byllepest distro) in other bands before and also been partners in crime for some years. he heard our rehersal and wanted to put us out!
-Why do you choose tape as format of release? was there any attachment for tape?
I LOVE TAPE! Also i think its a good format for releasing our first demo. And also just wanted to put out the songs we been playng to much for ourself in the gloomy basement of Barrikaden..
Turd loves tape.
-What is the further plan for Purple-X?
We already started making plans for a 7" with new songs, a tour in January and print some merch!
Play good music, develop, release albums. I want to release a 12" LP, 'cause then you don't need to flip the record all the time and I'm lazy.
-Is there any specific goal/aim for Purple-X to achieve?
Get weird or something. want to get evil as well.
Tour in north korea.
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