#no id sorry. half asleep on the verge of death
nightfallsystem · 11 months
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How am I going to finish this I am half asleep I'm going to DIE
if I don't finish this today I'm going to enter the dark scary forest to never return
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miss-ali-lawliet · 4 years
Heyy!! I was wondering if you could do a L x reader where the reader gets killed by Kira because they were involved with L. If you aren’t confortable writing this it’s ok! Thank you~
Hello Anon and thank you for the request!! I'm comfortable with it and even though I'd rather see L being happy, I am a sucker for angst. So hopefully I do this justice!
Also note I have rewritten this way too many times to count 😭 I really tried my best, but I'm so sorry this took so long! Also there was technically two requests asking for the same sort of thing. I’ll get to the next headcanons as soon as I can, but hope whoever is reading this had a great day/night wherever you are!
CW: Death, angst, fluff, kind of long
It was yet another normal day for the genius detective who called himself L. He had spent a majority of the day working with the task force members on the Kira case, mainly in monitoring the cameras inside the task force headquarters as well. It wasn't just the task force and Watari he was working with though, he also had the person he called his partner, in both work and romantically. 
Being in a relationship was obviously nothing he sought out or even bothered thinking about as he grew up, mainly finding himself way too focused with his work. He never thought of himself as someone to ever be with someone romantically and it was something he didn't feel sad about, he just didn't see the point in such a matter and didn't have the time for it. Yet that all changed when you entered his life. 
You were something he never expected. You came in and even though he may have tried to ignore you or treat you as he would with any person he would meet, you were different. You had met him years before the Kira case and made it clear that you simply wished to be by his side no matter what. Something he never understood, but never doubted as you had proven to him time and time again how loyal you were and that no matter the challenge, you would conquer them together. 
So he has asked you to work with him behind the scenes and you accepted. It seemed to have worked out very well too, as you had remained at his side unknown to the rest of the world just how he planned. It seemed like no case could do anything to knock either of you down, and L had even asked for you to move in with him. It was great, and it felt like you two could handle anything together. 
Then Kira came to be. 
L didn't want you to get involved at first, but once again your stubborn nature would prevail.
"If you have to risk your life by going to Japan, I will do the same. I will not stand by and let you do this alone!" 
It was one of the things you said, and it was the main thing that stood out to him and at that point he knew you wouldn't back down. So he agreed, letting you join him and Watari in going to Japan to help with the Kira case.
L snapped out of any thoughts he had when his lover moved up from where they laid, getting into a sitting position and resting their head against his arm gently. 
"Is something the matter?" He found himself asking, raising a brow as he glanced over at them. 
"Of course not, me wanting to be close to you isn't a bad thing" they would chuckle, moving a bit closer to the detective as he couldn't really argue with that. 
"I can tell there's a lot on your mind though, and I wish I could do more than just let you get lost in your work." His partner would frown as their gaze looked up at him a bit more. 
L would stare at them for a couple moments, it wasn't surprising that they'd take notice of his behavior after all. If it wasn't Watari catching on to how he might be feeling, it was his darling instead. 
"Well I'd rather get as much done with the Kira Case as possible… but if you had to decide on what I should do instead, what would it be?" He'd respond in his usual calm manner, wondering to see how they'd respond and it seems they knew right away.
"Easy, I'd want you to take a break." 
"You know that could be a bad ide-" he would start but you quickly cut him off.
"It's never a bad idea to take some time to take care of yourself and recharge, so when you go back to working you'll feel even better." They must have been thinking of this for a while with how fast they knew how to react to his statements. 
"I appreciate the thought Y/N, but-" He would begin, but they'd simply shake their head as they turned so they were sitting on their knees facing them. 
"I've already discussed this with Watari, and even he agreed a small break could be beneficial for you and the case. It won't be long, maybe a day at least or something.. like tomorrow for example." 
Of course Watari would go on their side, what a traitor, but honestly a small break didn't sound too awful. 
"Hm.. what would I even do on this break?" Inquired the messy haired man. 
"I was thinking that me and you could just spend some time together and do whatever we want that doesn't deal with the case…" his partner would begin to say, looking up at him with an almost longing sort of way. "It's been awhile since we've been able to do that sort of thing." 
"... That is true." L paused for a few moments, his work centered mind battling the other half that wanted to spend as much time as possible with the person he loved. "I have missed spending more time with you like that.."
Y/N would give him a soft smile as they scooted closer, moving his laptop slightly off to the side of his knees as they tested their hand on top of them instead.
"So is that a yes to the break for tomorrow?" They'd ask, leaning up a bit towards L who at this point had moved the laptop off of his lap completely and to the side of the bed so he could have his focus on them. 
"Mhm, it seems you know what's best for me after all" he'd say with a soft chuckle as his lips curled up into a soft smile. 
His lover's eyes would light up as their smile widened as they moved closer, putting L's knees down so they weren't too close to his chest. 
"I'd like to say so at least" they'd say in a playful and low tone as they moved as close as they could without being on his lap. 
Their face soon being inches away from his own to the point they felt each other's breaths mingle together. Soon enough the space between them disappeared as they couldn't hold back and kissed the dark haired detective. It was soft and warm before they found themselves deepening it, as if showing how much they both longed to just be together. L would bring a hand up to cup their cheek gently as they kissed for what he wished could last longer, but they pulled away after a couple of moments.
His partner's gaze remained on his face, chuckling softly as they leaned in and hugged him tightly. L would accept it as they ended up on his lap so he could hold them better. He rested a hand on their back as his other ran through their hair gently. 
"I can't wait for tomorrow" they'd say in an excited whisper, causing him to chuckle. 
"I can't wait either, I can already tell it's going to be more than worth it." L would say in an almost purr as he rested his eyes, them both snuggling together more, enjoying the closeness and warmth. 
"I love you." His partner would say softly, their chin resting on him and their voice sounding as if they were getting ready to drift away into a nice sleep in his arms. 
"I... you too..." He would reply a little hesitantly as he rubbed their back gently, listening to their heartbeat and steady breathing as their grip remained around him. The word love was something he had trouble with saying, as it was something he wasn't sure if he fully understood, but even if he couldn't say the word just yet, Y/N understood and seemed content nonetheless. 
They would continue to enjoy their silence together, it was peaceful and just felt perfect. A great way to end a day and get ready for the day they looked forward to together. L wasn't someone who looked forward to the days to come too much as he had his focus on work to the point where he'd lose track of time, but when it came to Y/N, he felt like he could truly experience normalcy for once. He had so much to look forward to, even if he wasn't really sure what that was yet. It felt like a fairytale he read once, where even through the rough times the two love interests would get through it together to have their happy ending. 
Unfortunately, this wasn't a fairytale. 
After what must have been around 5-10 minutes, when L had found himself beginning to drift off himself something changed. Something he could have predicted, but with the circumstances this was something he hoped would just never happen throughout the case, something he had tried to prevent with all of his safety precautions. It seemed as if he hadn't done enough though. 
The grip from his partner's would suddenly tighten as their heart rate would increase and their breathing hitched, making them let out a gasp. L jumped a little at their actions, his eyes shooting open as he turned his gaze towards them. 
"Y/N?? What's wrong?" He'd ask immediately, looking at them as their grip on them began to loosen more and more as their head slumped down as if they were on the verge of falling asleep still. 
L didn't know why at first but he felt dread creep up on him as his heartbeat began to race. Then he remembered people like Lind L Tailor who had a similar reaction, right before he.. no. No. His mind felt like it was beginning to buzz as he kept denying that possibility, repeating his partner's name as he raised their head to look at him. 
Their gaze wasn't anything like earlier. The light and all the warmth they had, how L could tell how they felt with a simple look, was gone. It seemed almost glazed over, distant, and any form of light was gone and dull as they stared up at him. 
Many questions went through the man's mind, how did Kira find out about them? How did they find out their name?? Did he know their connection to him?? What went wrong??? Yet his thoughts were torn from the questions as his dearest would groan softly in pain. They still could react which meant this wasn't some ordinary heart attack like Kira's last victims, perhaps there was a way to save them. 
"Y/N?? I know you can hear me, please say something-" L would begin but he knew that if Kira had gotten to them that his time was limited and that he had to act fast. He moved over to his phone, pressing a button that would contact Watari or any of the task force members. 
"Watari!" L began, his usual calm tone beginning to show some sort of panic as he spoke into the device, demanding that the older man or any of the members get in her to help. He didn't have much time to say a lot, just saying that you were hurt as needed medical attention as soon as possible. He didn't want to even bring up the name of the bastard that he knew was behind it, simply because a part of him didn't want to believe it even though it was obvious. 
After talking into the device he turned his full attention back onto the person that meant most to him who laid in his arms, their struggled breathing quickly becoming steady but more faint as the minutes passed. They stared up towards him with their lost gaze.
"Hold on, Y/N, help is coming.. Just hold on, It'll be okay." L began as he took their hand as all they could do was simply stare at him. 
As they stared and seemed to be struggling against what was happening, their breathing was becoming more faint as tears began to form at their eyes. It seemed that they were unable to speak, every time they opened their mouth to speak, a look of pain washed over them.
"Keep holding on, it'll be okay Y/N.. just keep holding on for me." He tried his best to keep his voice calm, yet as he looked down at them he felt his voice beginning to shake as if he was going to break. 
The fact they haven't died yet felt cruel to the man who held his lover, as if Kira was doing this on purpose somehow. As if they didn't deserve the mercy of having a quick and painless death in comparison to last criminals. This was a way for Kira to get back at L directly, and it was working unfortunately. 
L frowned, wiping their tears with one hand quickly before he checked their pulse. It was slowing down. No.. no, this can't be happening. This had to be some sort of cruel nightmare, something that wasn't unusual for him, but he knew that wasn't the case here. Watari soon arrived in the room with Soichiro and the other members, who looked like they wanted to help yet as Watari went over to L and Y/N, they had a feeling that there wasn't much they could do anyways.
As the pulse began to slow down and their breathing began to sound more forced as they struggled to speak and breathe normally, but under the influence of Kira it was impossible. There wasn't much time left, Watari knew this and so did L. They all knew that the fate of Y/N was in the hands of Kira and he had chosen to make their last moments something for the others involved to remember, as if it was a warning. 
L watched their expression as Watari tried to do what he could to keep her awake, which wasn't a whole lot unfortunately. His hand was still on their pulse as it slowed down even more. L couldn't stand this. He kept speaking to Y/N, no.. at this point it was more of a plea. Begging for them to keep going, yet as he saw how much they were suffering he wondered if it would be better if Kira could just end their suffering once and for all, which hurt him to even think about in the first place as he still was in denial about the situation. 
It couldn't end like this. He had promised to keep them safe, but he had failed them. Yet they had a peaceful look on their face as they smiled, as if they had accepted it. They began to open their mouth again, and even though they couldn't actually speak it was easy for L to see what they were mouthing. It was them saying that they loved him, and the more he thought about it, it seemed as if this was what they were trying to say this whole time. 
"I.. I love you too…" He found himself finally saying. The phrase he struggled saying fully and the one time he can actually say it was when they were being taken away from him. What type of cruel joke was this? 
His lover's eyes began to close, the smile on their face beginning to slowly fade. He held them close, fighting back any sort of emotion as he could hear their heart beginning to beat slower and slower.. until it finally stopped completely. 
"She's gone." Was all Watari said softly, mainly to the other members who had remained silent. 
The shock of the situation had made it hard for any of them to react, not sure what to say or do, especially when it came to L who went dead silent. It was as if they were all trying to figure out what to do next, but no one seemed to know the answer at that moment.
What happened afterwards was a blur for L as he held them close, all he remembered was Watari announcing it in the room and the rest of the world around him became fuzzy. The person who was teaching him how to love and loved him full heartedly, the one person who he had let in to see a side of L that no one else dared to bother with, was now gone. Kira had taken them away from him. 
He didn't know how it happened, yet he knew it had to be his fault. If he had been more careful, they would have most likely been fast asleep together to prepare for their break the next day. His chest ached as if he himself was having a heart attack of some sort, and a part of him would have preferred that then the pain that seemed to consume him. He kept his face down and buried into his partner's shoulder for who knows how long in the silent room. 
He wasn't sure what to do or say as the loss began to wash over the room. Matsuda looked as if he wanted to go over and comfort him, but even he knew that wasn't the best course of action. So the task force members kept their space, just remaining silent as Watari sat close. After a few moments the older man had waved towards the door, meaning it would be best for them to leave. So they did, leaving L alone with Watari. Soichiro would get in contact with someone to handle Y/N, but they'd all be respectful as L took this time to process everything. 
Watari rested a gentle hand on his shoulder, something L didn't react to at first before he looked up and glanced at Watari, tears had managed to fill his eyes. A sight that wasn't common to say the least. He looked at Watari, as if asking his caretaker what to do next but he gained no answer. Instead Watari just sat beside him with his hand on him gently, a small gesture yet it was something the detective needed. 
About an hour later, Y/N was taken away and L was left staring blankly out a window. The atmosphere was heavy as the task members haven't said too much to L yet, and when they did it was them apologizing for the loss and trying to show that they cared and were there for him. L didn't respond though, avoiding their gazes almost completely and stayed to himself for the most part. As he stood by himself by the window, Matsuda would find himself walking over finally.
"Ryuzaki…" he'd begin, making his presence known and to see if there was a response but not surprisingly there wasn't. 
"Is there anything we can do tonight?" He asked, frowning as he looked at his feet a little for a few seconds. "Whether it's something for the case or to help you feel better-"
"No." L had finally spoken, cutting off the other male who looked up a bit in surprise. 
"Huh? What do you mean no?" 
"There's nothing we can do at the moment for the case, and there's only one thing that could make me feel better about this situation."
"What is that?" Matsuda asked, yet even he had a feeling what the answer could be. So it didn't surprise him hearing it. 
"Simple. Catching Kira."
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marvinswriting · 4 years
Meeting  borrower art freaks au
My head hurt so bad.
The world was spinning.
I'm gonna die.
I know that much.
I think I sprained my ankle.
I'm not stupid. Weeks without water, proper food, or shelter doesn't bode well. 
Has it even been weeks?
Maybe its only been days.
I don't know anymore.
"Janis, while you were borrowing we came to a conclusion."
"What conclusion, Regina? Did I do something wrong?"
I laugh bitterly to myself at the memory. It was slowly becoming day as I pushed myself through the tall grass. A new day, with the sky turning beautiful blues with some pink far off. Just like the day my roommates kicked me out.
"We think you're a lesbian. We can't live with a lesbian. What if you do something?"
That accusation made me feel dirty. I'm twelve, why would I even think of something like that? It didn't matter to Regina. 
"Gretchen and Karen agree. You need to leave. It shouldn't be too hard to find a new house."
Regina was my childhood friend. We were taught how to borrow together. Everything I learned Regina learned too. We found Karen and Gretchen together, we picked a house to live in together. I've never been alone before.
Until now. 
My stomach growls, it feels like its caving in on itself. 
My throat is dry but I know better than to drink from the dew on the grass. 
I'm following a fence. Don't know how long I've been but I am.
I need to lean on the white painted wood to walk.
My movement is sluggish and my limbs are heavy. 
My ankle is killing me.
Birds fly overhead and I freeze. If one of them were to swoop down I'd be done for. 
I don't have the weapons to fight back, let alone the energy. 
The fence ends.
Where do I go now?
There are two houses. Neither looks appealing. Besides, how would I find a way in?
Regina and I got lucky last time.
I'm out of house hunting practice.
I just want to lay down.
The word sways again. I'm gonna die.
I know a lot of borrowers don't live till old age. But I always thought I'd at least make it to my teenage years.
The sky is total blue at this point. The night time creatures are gone for the night but I don't feel safer.
There's a willow tree in front of me, I don't see it through the grass but its flower clumps are scattered around. 
Are they edible?
I don't test it.
Maybe it'd be easier to just give in to the exhaustion.
To fall asleep and not wake up.
Maybe an animal will find me. 
Maybe a human will and I'll be an internet craze for a bit as people try and debate what I am.
I push a clump of grass to the side. The tree.
It's huge, as most things are to me. I look up, ignoring the way the world spins, at the trunk that seems to go up for miles. There's moss at the base of the tree, in between the roots. 
I give into the exhaustion and sit down. It's soft. 
I lay on my side letting my eyes close.
I've reached the point of fatigue where my eyes burn when I close them. I squeeze them shut anyway. 
My body seems to catch onto the fact that I've given up.
Everything is numb, I don't even feel my ankle anymore.
"I'm sorry this had to happen, Janis."
No, you weren't, Regina. My health was never your priority. 
My limbs feel heavy as the need for sleep sets in. 
The rustling of plants around me is almost calming.
My brain is no longer worried about what caused the noise, or what potential danger I could be in. 
The calm I felt should be worrying. 
It wasn't.
There were footsteps. Not heavy ones like humans. Like a borrower.
Oh cool. I feel like that should connect in my brain, warn me of danger, tell me to get up and fight, but it doesn't. I don't have anything world stealing. If they want to kill me, they can.
The footsteps seem to walk past before halting. "Hello?"
Its a boy. He sounds young. Maybe my age. 
I don't respond. 
I don't even move.
"Are you okay?"
I don't say it though.
I don't want to de, I've just accepted the fact. 
I'm alone. My roommates kicked me out. My childhood best friend though I was a creep who would do something. Just the thought of the memory makes me curl in on myself tight.
The movement from me is all mystery boy needs to know I'm alive.
"Do you need help?"
He's walking closer.
I don't respond.
I can feel myself drifting into sleep. I don't think I could move if I tried. 
There's a muffled hello?
Is this what dying feels like?
It's peaceful. 
Arms are scooping underneath me, lifting me up. 
I can't fight it.
I don't try to.
The boy is warm. 
I'm cold.
This feels nice.
The first continuous thought I have is, I'm not fucking dead.
Too much pain to feel dead. Everything is sore. My head hurts.
My eyes are still shut.
I don't try and open them yet.
I try and remember what the fuck was going on.
Regina cut me out.
She made it clear I wasn't wanted.
I was left for dead.
That boy-
I sit up suddenly, my hand shooting to my head in a vain was to stop the world from spinning. I was in a bedroom. The matchbox underneath me was soft and the room looked decently lived in. 
Was I- in the boy's house?
Did he save me?
He didn't have to. 
"Hello?" I called out tentatively.
My voice sounded as awful as I felt. I froze, listening. Footsteps approached the room as a boy with brown hair stepped in. He looked my age, maybe older. 
"You're awake." He states. It's not a question but there's disbelief in his voice like he unsure it'd happen. "I'm Damian."
"Janis." I say, watching Damian hoover in the doorway. Was he scared of me? Or did he not want to scare me?
"You were unconscious for just under a week," Damian explains stepping into the room. "It's about eleven at night right now, sixth day."
Six days?
No wonder he was surprised to see me awake.
"Oh," I say softly. We kinda just glance at each other for a while. Damian's hair falls slightly over his eyes. His clothes look well taken care of, which is a sign of living pretty well as a borrower. I used to look like that. I probably look like a fucking mess now.
Damian coughed awkwardly. "Well, I gotta go borrow now. I'll make it quick but in the meantime feel free to explore around the area. I'd stick close with that ankle of yours though."
That ankle?
I watch as Damian leaves without waiting for a response. It's quiet for a while, and I just lay there.
Why did Damian make sure I was okay? 
He could have just walked away and let me die.
I swing my legs over the side of the bed and I'm instantly reminded why Damian mentioned my ankle. 
I hiss, immediately lifting the pressure off it. 
It's banged which- it definitely wasn't before.
I only knew this boy for five minutes but- if he didn't have good intentions- then why go through all this to make sure I'm okay?
I leave the bedroom, using the wall to support the other half of my weight.
Damian is right, I don't make it far before collapsing on a chair in what looks to be the kitchen/storage area. I was still concerned about Damian's motives, but I wasn't exactly nervous. 
Why not just leave me for death if you don't care.
I sit in silence for a while, the sounds outside the walls and occasional creak keeping me company.
It's been a while since I've been inside. Damian's space was about the same size as my old one. But he lived alone and I lived with four other girls. 
"I'm back!" A voice calls.
"In here," I say. I can talk easier now.
Damian enters the room. "Ankle okay? I didn't want to mess with it too much before you woke up. It felt weird to like-" He turns up is palms but I get what he's saying.
I was unconscious and he was a stranger.
"Thank you," I say softly. 
Damian nods and begins unpacking his supplies. "Ever since I've found you, I've had one question. What happened to you? You're clearly dressed as you lived comfortably. So how do you end up on the verge of death at the base of a weeping willow?"
I shrug. A total stranger doesn't need my sob story. I can tell him later if it comes to it. "Long story short, I was house hunting. Roommates decided they didn't need roommates anymore. After almost a year together. It was sudden and I wasn't prepared to be outside with no food or water."
Damian's mouth forms an 'o' but he doesn't say anything. He silently passes me what I think is part of a grape from where he was cutting food. "Well, if you want- and feel free to say no, you can stick around here for a while. At least till that ankle heals. I wouldn't mind a roommate, it gets quiet around here. Even if it's temporary."
"Until my ankle heals." I agree.
I smile at the newly placed bed. 
After four months of carefully dancing around the topic of if I'll be staying, Damian and I finally agreed to officially be roommates. I bounce on my toes, ankle fully healed, as Damian pushes the matchbox into place.
"Yes!" I cross the room, throwing my arms around his neck. "Thank you."
Damian ug me back, his arms squeezing around my sides. "Of course. I'm glad to officially have a new roommate."
Even in four months, Damian has shown me more love and support then Regina had done since birth. The second my ankle was healed we started borrowing together. The arguments and tension I had borrowing with my old roommates was gone.
Damian could do a simple wave of his hand and I knew exactly what he meant.
I hug him tighter. "No, really. Thank you."
fun fact: i was writing this while giving bear ides for her most recent fic @realmisspolarbear @smallsoysauce @musicallygt @sourishlemons
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all-things-skam · 5 years
I don't know if you've seen the theories in which Ander could be sick It’s a little bit angsty hahaha (This is after what Guzman told him) Where Ander is in class and suddenly he starts feeling very sick and a lot of blood comes out of his nose, while the teacher calls an ambulance, Guzman calls Omar and warns him of the incident Omar immediately runs to him and idk HAHAHHA Sorry English is not my first language I LOVE HOW U WRITE
hi since ander and guzman didn’t really ended the season on good terms…(that moment was so fucking devastating omg) can you write something where ander is very sad and guilty but guzman doesn’t forgive him. but then something bad happens to ander and he gives in bc he still cares about him? or maybe ander is dealing badly with losing his best friend (drinking excessively,drugs etc) and omar is worried and he talks to Guzman about it and after seeing ander like that he forgives him?
aloo! Id like for u to write a fic about Omar bing worried for ander health! Thank youx
Title: It’s just a nosebleed
Ship: Ander Munoz + Omar Shanaa (Omander)
Next time you faint I hope you smash your head and bleed to death.
The words resonated in Ander's mind, Guzman's voice colder every single times. They haunted Ander's mind days and nights, the only way to shut them up being to drink until oblivion. Cert, alcohol wasn't the way to numb pain, but Ander didn't care. He just couldn't bare to hear them over and over again.
Although he deserved it, losing his best friend has caused so much more pain in Ander's heart than he was willing to admit. Guzman was so much more than a best friend; he was a brother to him. But, brothers don't stab each other's back. Brothers don't hide huge secrets like that. Especially when it concerns one's sister assassin's identity.
He couldn't imagine the pain he had caused Guzman by not telling him the truth. How he must feel knowing that, for months, he had partied, shared a bed and gone to class with his sister's assassin like nothing had happened.
Ander hated Polo for telling him that ugly secret. He had commit utter betrayal by killing Marina. And, forcing Ander to secrecy, forcing him to take his secret to the grave, was the most cruel thing he could possibly do. Ander didn't want to know, he didn't want to be forced to know about Polo's crime. Yet, Polo's selfish self decided he had enough of carrying this secret alone - along with Carla and Christian - and told Ander.
Ander also hated himself for not having the balls to tell his best friend that their other best friend had killed Marina. He had chosen to play safe, trying to not lose any of them, but learned the hard way that playing safe isn't always the best choice. Now, because he had kept that same ugly secret to himself, Guzman had crossed him out of his life and there was no hope for forgiveness.
''I think you should slow down on the alcohol, don't you think?'' Omar suggested as he brought his intoxicated boyfriend home after his shift at the club, praying that Mrs. de Munoz was sound asleep.
She didn't know about her son's drinking problem. It would break her to see that Ander had turned to alcohol to cope.
Ander wasn't heavy, but Omar wasn't Mr. Muscle. It didn't help that he was half conscious, making him, by consequent, heavier. He was hanging on Omar's neck as the latter struggled to make it up the stairs. If only he could help himself a bit...
Omar sighed as he deposed Ander on his bed and removed his shoes. He was tired of this. He was Ander's boyfriend, not his babysitter.
As much as he wanted to talk to Ander about his drinking habits, he knew the younger one would deny any alcohol problems. But, at the same time, Omar couldn't continue keeping things bottled for both his and Ander's sake.
He'd be lying if he said seeing his boyfriend drowning himself into alcohol didn't hurt him. It broke his heart knowing that Ander was hurting so much that he had to numb his pain with alcohol.
A bittersweet smile on his lips, Omar sat on the edge of the bed and watched as Ander was sleeping soundly.
Ander sat behind his desk in class, filling his exam sheet when he felt something wet dripping on his face. Instinctively, he wiped it with the back of his hand and realized it was blood. He sniffled, thinking it would go away and stop, but, seconds later, blood started dripping on his exam sheet, creating a couple red splatters. Shit.
He alerted Mrs. Cortez of the bloody - pun intended - issue and she gave him permission to go to the bathroom to get tissues and clean himself.
Left hand covering his bleeding nose, Ander rose from his seat, the chair screeching on the tiled floor as he pushed it back. Maybe he stood up too fast or maybe it was because of the previous nosebleeds he got that week and the loss of blood was catching on him, but he suddenly started feeling light headed and drowsy. By reflex, he gripped the edge of the desk, fingers trying to grab at something to gain steadiness.
In the row behind his, Guzman lifted his head, furrowing his eyebrows at his old best friend's behavior. ''Ander?'' said Guzman's voice worriedly, ignoring the silence during exams rule. ''You okay?''
At the moment, Guzman didn't care that he and Ander weren't on speaking terms. He still cared about him deep down and, although he meant his words back then, seeing Ander on the verge of fainting had terrified him. When he had fainted at the Christmas party back in December, it was because of alcohol. Now, given that they were at school during exam week, it couldn't be that which worried Guzman.  
Ander didn't have time to answer Guzman's concerns that the latter was reaching out for him, grabbing Ander before he could fall and hit his head.
As Mrs. de Munoz got in the ambulance with her son, Guzman did what felt right and called Omar, informing him of the incident. If something like that had happened to Nadia, he would've liked to know.
When Omar made it to the hospital, he saw Ander's mom in the hallway. She seemed surprised, but not shocked to see him. On the contrary, she would have been even more surprised if he hadn't showed up.
Omar had been living with them for six months now and Azucena had grown very fond of him. Unlike Ander, Omar was a better help to the house. He knew how to clean, do laundry and cook - with guidance. He also deeply cared about Ander and she could sense it. His presence at the hospital was a proof.
As soon as Omar saw her, he gave a her a tight hug, knowing that they both needed it right now. ''What happened? Is he okay?'' Omar demanded, a little in shock. He pulled back, trying to search in her eyes for reassurance.
''He gave us quite a scare.'' Azucena took a breath, trying to control her emotions. ''He got a nosebleed and fainted in class. The doctor said it's iron deficiency anemia. We'll know more when he gets back with the results.''
When he got the call from Guzman saying Ander had left in an ambulance, Omar hadn't been surprised. He knew that if Ander continued not taking care of himself, something would happen. And, it did.
''Is he okay?''
She nodded and smiled at him thinly. ''You can go see him.''
Hand on the handle, about to open the door, Omar paused. He didn't know what to expect. Hospitals were never good news. They always gave him an uneasy feelings in his stomach. The last time he came to the hospital, his father had a heart attack and, when he glanced at him in the bed, he didn't look well. He was attached to wires and tubes and Omar felt sick. Although Ander's situation was less dramatic, Omar couldn't help but imagine the worse.
Exhaling a breath, Omar pushed the door and walked in. The room was dimly lit, the curtains pulled to make it easier for Ander to rest.
Having heard the door open, the younger one turned his head and pulled his eyebrows. ''Omar?''
His face was pale and he looked exhausted. There was an IV attached to his arm, giving him nutrients he was lacking from his alcohol diet. A part of Omar wanted to scream at Ander 'I told you so', but another part just wanted to pull him in his arms and thank the sky that he was alive.
Ander wasn't expecting to see Omar here. He thought he could get off easy and somehow hide this trip to the hospital from him, pass it off as some stomach bug. But, now that he was here, there was no point in lying. Omar had enough shit going on, the last thing he wanted was to get his mind preoccupied with this.
''Who told you I was here?'' he asked. ''I thought you were working today.''
Omar approached his bedside, huffling a small laugh. ''You're gonna have difficulty believing me, it's Guzman.''
Ander frowned, having difficulty to believe him. ''What? Guzman? I...'' He shook his head, denying the information he wasn't capable to process. ''Why would Guzman do that? He doesn't even care about me anymore...'' The last words caused Ander's voice to frail a little.
There was no way that Guzman would've cared. He made that clear when he spoke those cruel words to him the day they arrested Polo. As cruel as they were, Ander knew that he deserved them. He didn't deserve his friendship, he didn't even deserve Omar. He was such a shitty person, a shitty son, a shitty friend, a shitty boyfriend-
The heart monitor was starting to act up, the line making rapid jumps as Ander was getting worked up. Seeing this, Omar sat on the edge of the bed and cupped Ander's face with the other, fingers grazing his curls. ''Ander? Ander, look at me.''
If he didn't calm him quickly, a nurse would come in.
The younger one's eyes finally looked up, gazing into Omar's. ''Ander, baby...'' Omar held his gaze, trying to prevent his mind from going back to what he was thinking, what got him worked up.
Once Omar felt like Ander had calmed down, he sat on the small chair beside the bed.
''Do you know when you're getting out?'' he asked, changing subject.
''Hopefully soon. It'll depends of the test results.''
Omar nodded. ''I talked with your mom. She said there's a high possibility you have iron-deficiency anemia. I knew those nosebleed were serious. Especially when happening so frequently...'' He pushed his face in his hands, blaming himself.
Ander reached out, putting his hand over his boyfriend's forearm. ''You couldn't have known, Omar-''
''I should've worried more! Fuck. I could've prevented this if I hadn't left you drink so much alcohol.''
''Anemia has nothing to do with the drinking. I have a high carence in iron.''
''Still. Alcohol mustn't be good for you. Especially at the pace and frequency you're drinking.''
Ander looked down, admitting defeat.
Omar had kept his mouth shut for so long, but he had enough. What happened today scared him and he felt partly responsible for the incident. Maybe if he had spoke up instead of carrying Ander to his room every nights, he wouldn't have fainted in class.
''I get that you're hurt and sad because you lost your best friend, but life doesn't end because a friendship is broken. You've got to take care of yourself, Ander. I get that you lost an important person, but I'm here, and your mom is too. Don't you think it's hurting us to see you destroy your health? I haven't told your mom about your drinking habits, and I'm not going to, but I think you should reflect on it. I don't think she'd like to find out that her son is turning into an alcoholic.''
Ander's features hardened, jaw clenching at the harsh word. ''I'm not an-''
''You are! Alcoholics drinks every day and, since Christmas, there's not a day I haven't seen you without a drink in hand.'' Omar sighed, gaining control of his emotions. He didn't want to scream at Ander, he just wanted to get his point across. ''I'm not telling you this to hurt you. I'm telling you this because I care about you. Because I love you and I wouldn't forgive myself if something were to happen to you because I didn't intervene when it was still time.''
Omar's words put Ander into deep thinking. He didn't realize what was happening - not to this extent. He knew he was drinking more than he should've, but not this much. Maybe Omar was right. Maybe he was an alcoholic. The possibility brought tears to his eyes. Fuck. He can't fall into that rabbit hole. His parents had just finished signing the divorce papers, he couldn't do that to his mom. She had been through enough.
''I...I'm sorry. I didn't realize what I was doing. I just kept drinking and didn't think of the side effects of alcohol binge. I just liked not thinking about anything, forgetting the shit happening in my life,'' Ander explained, ashamed of himself.
Omar reached out and grabbed his hand, showing support. ''I know, but don't you think it's time to try another solution? Instead of trying to numb your mind to forget the sad stuff, why don't you focus on the happier stuff? Do things that make you happy to forget about the sad stuff.''
Ander nodded, liking the idea. ''Like what, though? I don't know if you've noticed, I don't have friends anymore.'' He let out a dry laugh.
''You have me,'' Omar reminded, nudging him. ''I could take a night off every week and watch movies together instead of going out? Or we could get dinner, just the two of us?''
''Netflix and chill?''
Omar snorted, cheeks flushed. Of course, that's what he's thinking about. ''If you want.''
''I'd like that. But, I don't want you to take days off for me. You need the money-''
Rolling his eyes, Omar sighed. ''One night off won't cut me that much money, Ander. And, you've been there for me when my father kicked me out, it's my turn to be there for you.''
For a relationship to be healthy, one can't just give, give, give and never take. You have to accept your partner's help and stop thinking you're a bother. Omar wouldn't have offered to take a day off to spend time with him if he hadn't genuinely wanted to.
The curly haired one sighed. ''Okay.''
''What movie do you want to watch first? Your body is still weak from the blood loss and fainting, you should take it chill tonight.''
Ander nodded. ''It's been so long since we spent a night just the two of us. I miss it.'' He bit his lip, glancing at his boyfriend.
''I miss it too.''
Omar stood from his chair, reading Ander's mind, and leaned for a kiss that quickly became inappropriate for hospitals. Hands slid on each other's body as tongues slipped in, almost forgetting where they were.
A squeal escaped Omar's lips when Ander's hand squeezed his ass through the denim fabric, taking him by surprise. He broke the kiss, narrowing his eyes. ''What are you doing?! We're at the hospital. Your mom is right on the other side of that door.''
Ander shrugged, laughing.
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bulletproof-heaven · 8 years
Wings Cafe - Chapter 1
Chapter: prologue 1 2
The clock had just hit one in the morning and the streets were deserted. No late-night joggers, no crazy house parties, and no teenagers wandering on the streets looking for an illegal drink. All cars were parked in their respectable driveways and no lights shined through the windows of any of the houses. The town was dead asleep.
A black van with tinted windows was parked on the side of the road, in front of a tall expensive-looking office building. Two young men sat inside the van while two stood behind it, hidden, blending into the darkness.
"Taehyung, are you sure we are at the right place?" The shotgun rider, an adorable young man with round eyes and baby fat filled cheeks, whined into the earpiece he was wearing. The twenty-one-year-old brunette was on the verge of falling asleep, eyes unfocused and blinking slowly. “It looks nothing like the picture”.
A bass toned scoff was heard on the other side, "Are you doubting my skills, Jimin?".
Jimin opened his mouth to retort but the twenty-four-year-old with pale skin in the driver’s seat, beat him to it, "Taehyung, he’s just asking a question”
A pout could be heard, "but he started it! He thinks I'm weak because I do all my work from behind a laptop".
Jimin's eyes widened at the accusation and turned to the pale man with his own pout, "I never said anything even remotely close to that!"
The two best friends started arguing with each other, back and forth through, the communication device, forgetting that everyone else in the group of six could hear them.
"Guys!" An authoritative voice cut through the banter, "Can we please focus?"
The fighting pair both quietened down immediately, "sorry, hyung".
Namjoon sighed before asking, "Taehyung, are you sure they are at the right building?"
The sound of fingers flying on a keyboard could be heard, "Yeah, I'm sure. I have clear visuals on the entire place. They should really consider upgrading their security system".
"That's good”. The whole team could practically see the leader nod his head in a manner that they’re all familiar with; no facial expression, dyed platinum blonde hair bouncing along with a single curt nod.
"Okay, guys" he started, "I want it to be nice and clean, I'm talking to you, Jungkook-"
"I repeat: nice and clean. Then a big finale, okay?"
A chorus of okays came through.
"And also, no play fighting with the security, and no treasure hunting until the job is done, okay?"
Another chorus of okays.
"Party pooper." Jungkook muttered, even though everyone could hear it clearly.
Taehyung laughed teasingly, "You're just salty cause he called you out".
"You too, Taehyung. No wild goose chases just because you feel like messing with them”.
"Party pooper".
Namjoon simply ignored the hacker, “Jungkook, Hoseok, go”.
The two young men casually walked out from behind the van and straight towards the entrance of the building. Even though both of them were dressed in their best business attire, none of them looked like actual business men; multiple ear piercings, Hoseok had short black hair styled upward, while Jungkook had dyed reddish-brown with a side fringe.
"Stage one," Taehyung's voice rang though, alerting them but they didn’t reply; opting to just walk straight towards the two buff security guys with confidence. They nearly walked past them too but was suddenly stopped. "Excuse me, do you have ID?".
“Yeah, sorry” Hoseok laughed, “my bad”.
They both reached into their suits to pull out a lanyard with a laminated ID card attached to the end, before handing it over. The two watched one of the security guards scanned Hoseok’s card before handing it back. Hoseok muttered a quick thanks before heading towards the door, leaving the other behind. Jungkook waited patiently, slightly annoyed at the fact that Hoseok just had to give him a ‘ha, I’m first’ smile before entering the building and disappearing from his sight.
"Huh," the guy stated after scanning the ID. All the hairs on the back of Jungkook' neck stood up as a chill ran through his body. His heart started to race; Taehyung assured him that there would be no problems with the ID. He couldn't get stopped now. It was only the first stage; that would be so embarrassing.
Jungkook raised an eyebrow, "is there something wrong?"
The guy looked back at him with a questioning gaze, "your name is Jihyo?"
And at that moment, Jungkook really wanted to just abort the mission in favor of driving an hour back home to punch Taehyung in the face.
He forced a smile and faked a laugh, "Yes, my mum really wanted a girl.”
The two security guys laughed along with him before handing back his ID. Jungkook walked into the building as fast as he could without looking suspicious.
"Are you serious?” He hissed, “Jihyo?". And all he received was Taehyung's laughter along with Hoseok’s loud snort.
"I've got to admit," the leader piped up, “that was pretty funny”.
Jungkook just rolled his eyes as he walked through the building briskly, turning left and right, knowing the layout like it was the back of his hand. Just as he reached the elevators, he looked up at the security camera and winked, knowing that Taehyung was on the other side watching, “Stage two”.
He could hear Taehyung’s fingers tap against the keyboard and within a couple of seconds, the elevator doors opened. After looking around him to see if he was being followed, he slips into the elevator and sighed as it slowly took him up to the top floor – level 50. He leaned against the wall and fingers drumming against the railing; the elevator music slowly eating away at his soul. He looked up at the camera again, “Can you change the music?”
“Sure can.” Taehyung typed away, only pausing temporarily to push his thick-framed glasses further up his nose, “Any requests?”
Suddenly, the elevator rumbled to a stop, lights shutting off, leaving Jungkook in the darkness.
“Taehyung” he growled, not impressed at how this night was turning out.
“I swear, it wasn’t me. Give me a sec”.
Jungkook shook his head in disbelief before grabbing a mini flashlight that was stashed in the pocket of his pants among other tools. He turned it on and tried to press all the buttons on the elevator. He was stuck.
“Taehyung, update”. Namjoon decided to step in after a few moments of radio silence.
A rustling sound came from the other side, “Um, the power grid of the whole area was shut down and I can’t turn it back on, must be a manual malfunction. So-”
“I have to crawl out of here.” Jungkook seriously was not impressed, already pulling off his expensive suit jacket, “You owe me a new suit”.
He gripped the flashlight between his teeth before moving a ceiling tile. He climbed out of the metal box into the pitch black elevator shaft and shined his light upwards, “What level am I on?”
“…45?” came the meek answer.
“45”. This night just gets worst and worst. Jungkook tucked the light between his teeth again before hurling himself up by the cables. There were a few moments of silence, save for Jungkook’ occasional grunts.
“Are-are you there yet?” Taehyung asked, curiously. All he got was a grunt in reply. “Well, are you?”
Another grunt was heard before some shuffling, “Yes, I am. Can you please open this stupid door?”
And the only answer that Jungkook did not want to hear came out of Taehyung’s mouth, as he is dangling 50 floors above ground with one hand clutched onto the cable and the other holding his flashlight.
“Oh. I can’t”.
“You what?”
“I can’t. The power’s cut off. I have no access to anything right now”.
Jungkook blinked, his arm getting slowly sore from holding up his body weight, “And you didn’t think to tell me this before I started climbing?!” He didn’t wait for a reply as he swung himself to the elevator door and stood on the tiny ledge, gripping on the side for his dear life, “Don’t talk to me anymore”.
Ignoring Taehyung’s whine, Jungkook balanced himself on the ledge and forced the door open, dropping his flashlight during the struggle. “You owe me a new flashlight”. He tumbled through the door and sat the ground to catch his breath from his almost death.
“Didn’t I tell you to not talk to me anymore?”
“I’m sorry to interrupt this lovely couple moment” Hoseok huffed, out of breath, “but can we please hurry this up?”
Jungkook lifted himself up from the ground and walked through the door on his left, straight into the room containing the huge safe. Hoseok stood there, among a couple of gym bags, smiling when he sees the other approaching, “About time”.
Jungkook was taken aback, “How did you get up here? The power was off”.
“I found the stairs. You know how I feel about elevators”
“Of course.” Jungkook rolled his eyes, “Only you would climb up fifty flights of stairs and still have a smile on your face”. He strolled to the safe, noticing that it had already been blasted open by the chemical engineer. “Stage three complete”.
The two of them continued packing all the valuables and just as they finished, the power came back on, temporarily blinding them with the sudden change of lighting.
“I did it!” Taehyung cheered from his side before his tone changed, “Uh oh”.
“Uh oh?” Hoseok zipped up the last bag, suddenly alert, “What ‘uh oh’?”
“Hyung,” Taehyung called out to the leader, “need a new plan. A silent alarm was tripped and a team of guys are on their way up now. They’re on the stairs, 45th level. And when I say a team, I mean a team”.
“Okay” Namjoon’s no-funny-business voice rang through loud and clear. It was rare for missions to not go according to plan but it doesn’t mean they’re any less prepared. “Taehyung, elevator, top level, now. Hoseok, Jungkook, grab the bags and get in. Taehyung, make sure it doesn’t stop until they get to the ground floor…”
“Yes, sir” All three of them got to work.
“…Yoongi hyung, start the van”
No reply.
No reply.
Jungkook huffed as he lugged half of the bags into the elevator with Hoseok, “Don’t bother, they’re probably in the back of the van, making out”.
A high pitched screech could be heard followed by a low groan. Namjoon just laughed, “start the car, please”.
“Yeah, yeah” Yoongi drawled, ruffling his dyed mint green hair like he just woke up from a nap and not in charge of a get-away car.
“We weren’t making out!” Jimin yelled, clearly embarrassed, but everyone just ignored him.
Jungkook and Hoseok stood in the elevator with three gym bags each, filled with gold bars, important documents, jewellery, and bundles of cash. They suffered through the annoying background music and were ecstatic as the doors opened…but they weren’t on the ground floor. They were on the fifth.
“Taehyung, what’s going on?” Hoseok asked, pressing buttons, trying to close the door and get to the ground floor.
“Tonight’s just not going well” Taehyung huffed in annoyance, “to the person who is trying to hack my hack, stop. I don’t have time to play with you”.
Namjoon’s giant headache could be heard through his sigh, “Yoongi hyung, west side. Hoseok, Jungkook; window. Taehyung… just continue what you’re doing”.
Everything happen all at once. Yoongi pulled the car into gear and sped to the west side of the building. Before he could put it into ‘park’, Jimin jumped out and looked up, waiting. Hoseok and Jungkook grabbed the bags and ran out of the elevator towards the window. Jungkook tried to find a latch but realised it was one of those that don’t open.
“I got it” Hoseok stated, but just as he pulled a tiny bomb out of his pocket, Jungkook punched the window causing the entire thing to shatter. Hoseok shrugged, “That works too, I guess”.
The two boys then proceeded to throw all of the bags out the window, carelessly. They heard small squeal, a couple of loud thuds before Jimin’s sarcasm, “Thanks for the warning, guys. You nearly just killed me”.
Jungkook stuck his head out of the window, “You’re welcome”. He watched as both Yoongi and Jimin filled up the van before they slammed the back doors shut and hopped into the vehicle. He turned to Hoseok just in time to see the man jump out of the window with a giant smile, “Bye”.
Even though, deep down, he knew by instinct that Hoseok was abseiling using a secured the rope, the sight of him jumping out of a window was, nonetheless, terrifying. Jungkook sighed as he recovered and grabbed the rope, preparing to make his exit.
“Hello, hello” Hoseok greeted the not-couple cheerfully as he hopped into the van, leaving the door wide open for Jungkook.
“Where’s the other one?” Yoongi asked, after a few moments.
Hoseok furrowed his brows, “he should be right behind me”. He stuck his head out of the van. No Jungkook. He got out and looked up at the window he abseiled down from. No Jungkook.
“Taehyung.” He asked, “Where’s your boyfriend?”
“He’s so sexy right now” Taehyung let out a love-struck sigh, hands off the keyboard, in favour of watching his man.
“…What?” Hoseok stated, a bit taken aback with a disgusted look on his face. ‘Jungkook’ and ‘sexy’ were something he never wanted to think about in the same sentence.
Namjoon was not at all surprised; the youngest always loved physical brawls. The leader simply cleared his throat and stated, “Jungkook, if you come home with another black eye because you wanted to have fun, Jin hyung will be pissed”.
And with that, the boy immediately started abseiling down the window, knowing from past experience that an angry ‘mother’ of the house was not fun to deal with, “They threw the first punch, I swear”.
He landed on the ground with a huff and got in the van before Yoongi drove them away from the site and onto a nearby street where the building was still in clear view. Everyone in the vehicle leaned out the window to watch the building. Hoseok smiled as he turned on his phone, “Ready for the big finale?”
With a press of a button, the top quarter of the building exploded, shattering the windows, and setting the top half on fire. They watched as people run out of the burning structure and in the far distance, they could hear the fire brigade along with the police. They laughed and cheered, giving themselves a pat on the back for another successful mission, as they started their one-hour trip back home; knowing that, by the time the authorities got there, the building will be reduced to nothing.
Namjoon congratulated the boys one final time when they said they’ll be arriving in five minutes. He sighed, running a hand through his blonde hair, before taking out his earpiece, slipping it into his pocket. His leather shoes clicked against marble flooring of the mansion as he walked into a room used for meetings; carpet flooring, filled with a long table in the middle and a projector attached to the wall.
“Ah, I’m guessing the mission was a success?” The lady in red, sitting at the end of the table, asked. She was not the youngest client who wanted their service, at age twenty-eight, but she was one of the most demanding. The CEO of the company was her sugar daddy, and the man met a younger girl, leaving her broke and bitter.
“The boys will be here around…” Namjoon checked his Rolex watch, “two minutes”.
The two minutes went by fast and soon enough, the van was heard pulling up into the driveway. The boys’ rowdiness increased in volume as they got closer to the room. And just as they opened the door, the client pulled a gun out of her purse and pointed it to Namjoon’s forehead. Jungkook, Jimin, and Hoseok froze at the unexpected situation, underneath the doorway with the bags in their hands. Yoongi just strolled past the room entirely with a shrug, continuing down the hallway and up the stairs to his room.
“This is what’s going to happen” The lady hissed, “you guys are going to put all the bags in my car and I’m going to drive away with him”. She shuffled Namjoon and herself closer to the door, “one step in the wrong direction, he dies. You try to follow me, he dies. You alert the police, he dies. Understand?”
After the three finally processed the situation, Hoseok let out a giant snort. He tried, but he just couldn’t hold in the laughter. Jungkook was also trying to keep a smile from his face.
“What’s so funny?” she hissed again, getting angrier by the second.
“Look lady,” Namjoon stated calmly, “The contract -which you sighed- clearly states that you get what you need and we get the rest. You said that you only needed the document, so here they are”
On cue, Jimin tossed a folder onto the ground in front of her.
She scoffed in reply. “Screw the contract, I have a gun to your forehead”.
“Indeed you do.” Namjoon sighed for the nth time that night, wondering why this specific mission has so much extra drama then all the others. It definitely wasn’t the first time a client had tried to threaten them, one way or another, to gain the upper hand; but it had never been a girl. He was so ready to just call it a night and go snuggle up with his husband in bed for… a movie, maybe; he hasn’t decided yet.
Then, everything happened within a split second; Jimin pulled his own gun out from his belt and shot the woman dead, right between the eyes, before she even got a chance to say another word. He immediately locked the gun’s safety, ejected the magazine and the bullet from the barrel. Stepping around the corpse, he placed the pieces on the table with his head down.
Fat droplets of tears started falling from his eyes as he sniffled into his sweater paws. Suddenly, Jungkook and Hoseok were pushed into the room by a tall, charming man, “I heard a gun shot! Didn’t I say no murder in the house?”
Namjoon gulped nervously, just praying his husband didn’t realize that the corpse is bleeding straight onto the new carpet.
“And on the new carpet as well!”
Of course, he noticed; his husband was a smart man. Now he just hoped-
“And you made Jimin do it? Shame on you” The oldest man walked up to the crying boy and pulled him in for a comforting hug, stroking the top of his head.
Namjoon opened his mouth to defend himself, “The gun was pointed to my forehead”.
“Oh…never mind then” Jin let out a sheepish smile, a little embarrassed about his rashness, before focusing his attention back on boy who was still letting out quiet sobs, “It’s okay. You’re okay, go get some rest”.
Namjoon felt his whole starting to relax as the day was finally over, “Hoseok, can you-”
“Yeah, I got it” Hoseok immediately left the room to retrieve a body bag. Right after the door shut behind him, it opened again. Taehyung walked in, half asleep; dressed in sweatpants and a giant grey sweater hanging off his lanky figure, glasses still perched on top of his nose. He grabbed Jungkook’ hand and simply guided him out the room, wordlessly.
Jin watched the door close in incredulity, immediately pulling it open and yelling, “You two better go straight to bed! I don’t want to hear anything other than sleep!”
Namjoon chuckled at his husband as he stepped forward and held him by the waist in a back hug, “You know their both consenting adults, right?”
The twenty-four-year-old turned around with a cute pout, “they’re still my babies”.
“Taehyung is twenty-one and Jungkook is nineteen. They’re not babies anymore” Namjoon laughed before leading himself and the man he has been in love with for the past seven years, towards their bedroom.
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