#no lesbian ive ever spoken to has subscribed to the goldstar lesbian shit either
madohomurat · 1 year
convinced that this person has never in their life been around lesbians specifically. like they went to a gay bar and saw that that as being a "lesbian space" when its just a fucking gay bar and anyone goes there. yeah theres men at gay bars. yeah theres bi women at gay bars. no it does not mean all of them are lesbians.
go talk to a lesbian. genuinely talk to a lesbian. lesbians online are still real people and they count.
lesbians are not "entitled" for not being attracted to men nor being proud of it. this vision that you seem to have of these 'evil lesbian gatekeepers who will shun anyone who has ever touched a man or has ever had any connection to men'
that isnt real my guy. where are you getting this from? genuinely what are you talking about? who are you quoting? why are you demonizing us like this?
we just want to exist and have meaning to who and what we are. we love non-binary lesbians, we love trans lesbians, we love lesbians with complicated relationships to genders, we love lesbians who thought they were bisexual once, we love lesbians who thought they were men once. we just dont love men, and that's an important part of who we are
im actually begging you to listen to us. give us the time of day instead of merely seeing that we dont love men and assuming we are demons. nobody is trying to hurt you
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