#no me atrevo
loopscereal · 1 year
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¿Y si fueran familia? ¿Y si tu situación fuera peor? Sería cool, no?
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darklight-owl · 3 months
A la verga he estado pensando en esto desde ayer tengo que hacer todo yo
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mmyashas · 11 months
la vrd con el mensaje q le dejaron a mariana cubito solo puedo pensar en el rey azul
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cacaitos · 10 months
again i repeat if someone gets their hands on the MW movie hit my line i will watch it even thru google drive if necessary i just wanna know...
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spyderschaos · 1 year
Earlier a roach just out of nowhere showed up in my bed and now I’m just
What if there’s more
There probably isn’t but man what if
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poesiadealmohada · 1 year
Cuando nos despedimos no te llevaste nada,
fui yo quien se quedó con los recuerdos, las sonrisas,
un par de camisas, una rosa y tu pulsera,
con las caricias, las lágrimas y una promesa,
los besos aún los tengo guardados para que no desaparezcan,
te vi marchar, como lo vi tantas veces antes, pero esta vez fue diferente pues no regresas;
esta vez sabemos que no podemos continuar, que aunque duela y ninguna quiera llegamos al final
Y tal vez pasa, tal vez nos encontramos nuevamente siendo mejores para la otra,
tal vez te encuentro y nos queremos como siempre, incluso más.
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henessy · 1 year
tengo miedo de preguntar qué pasó con messi
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panda-001 · 11 months
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generaldavila · 1 year
NO EN MI NOMBRE: YO EL REY. Rafael Dávila Álvarez
Partamos del artículo 99 de la Constitución: Después de cada renovación del Congreso de los Diputados, y en los demás supuestos constitucionales en que así proceda, el Rey, previa consulta con los representantes designados por los grupos políticos con representación parlamentaria, y a través del Presidente del Congreso, propondrá un candidato a la Presidencia del Gobierno. ¿Y? Claro que ante la…
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elizabethbcnnet · 1 year
these people are so boring who on earth considers jlo latam royalty 🫤🫤
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sinsentisblog · 6 months
Hay dos cosas en el mundo que pueden destruir cualquier tipo de relación, me atrevo a decir que incluso el amor y son: el silencio y la indiferencia.
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tiffy1603 · 7 months
I'm sorry for the inactivity here, life sometimes brings obstacles that usually get in the way but we're still here :D
lamento la inactividad aqui, la vida aveces trae obstaculos que suelen estorbar pero seguimos aqui :D
After a long time I dare to make a fanart of my favorite Au created by this wonderful user: @frillsand <3
Despues de mucho tiempo me atrevo a hacerle un fanart a mi Au favorito creado por este usuario maravilloso: @frillsand <3
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poesiadealmohada · 1 year
Te escribí un par de cartas que nunca te voy a enviar,
pero las coloco junto a mi pecho y lanzo un pedido al universo
para que de alguna forma, en algún lugar, recibas el mensaje
de que te quiero y te quiero y te quiero un poco más.
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adrienneleclerc · 4 months
Wrong Name
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Hispanic/Latina! Reader
Summary: Charles pranks Y/N by calling her the wrong name to see how she would react, it did not go well
Warning: spelling and grammatical errors
A/N: inspired by @23victoria post “what did you call me” also I figured Y/N put Charles through two TikTok pranks, it’s only fair Charles pulls a prank on her. Same universe as “say it back” and “can you get out?” Also, super sorry if your name is Romina.
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Charles was on TikTok because he couldn’t sleep and saw a video where a girl called her boyfriend by the wrong name. He decided to take it upon himself to pull this prank on his girlfriend. He just hopes she doesn’t get angry.
“Muñeco, im getting groceries for dinner, I’ll be back soon!” Y/N calls out.
“Okay, Mon ange.” Charles said, getting off the couch to say goodbye to his girlfriend properly. “I love you.” Charles kissed Y/N.
“I love you too.” Y/N said before leaving. Charles decided to play video games and when he heard the door open 30 minutes later, that’s when he decided to put his plan into action. Y/N was putting the groceries away in the fridge when…
“Hey Romina, what did you buy?” Charles said and Y/N closed the fridge and the bags that were on the counter were long forgotten because she was now in front of the TV.
“What did you say?” Y/N asked.
“I said ‘hey Y/N, what did you buy?’ Are you feeling alright?” Charles asked, pausing his game. He felt so guilty for the gaslighting.
“The hell you did, you just called me Romina. Who the fuck is Romina?” Y/N asked in a louder tone.
“Romina, calm down.” Charles said and that’s when he knew he fucked up.
“First of all, you never tell a woman to calm down, have you learned NOTHING from watching TV or having other girlfriends? Second, you just called me Romina AGAIN! So please, calmly tell me…” Y/N said as she went to their bedroom to get one of her chanclas 🩴 “who the hell is Romina before I become like my mother and beat your ass with this chancla.”
“There’s no need to get violent, Y/N.” Charles said.
“Really? Then tell me why did you call me Romina.” Y/N said.
“It was a prank.” Charles said. “I saw a TikTok of girls calling their boyfriends by the wrong name and I wanted to see how you would react.” Charles confessed shyly.
“You chose THAT prank, specifically THAT one, to pull on me, a girl who has been cheated on before?” Y/N asked rhetorically.
“Yeah, I didn’t think it through actually.” Charles admitted.
“Menso, i was actually gonna hit you.” Y/N said.
“You love me too much to hit me.” Charles said.
“That’s true. Anyway, I have to finish putting the groceries away because someone decided to be a pendejo and prank me. Like why would you prank me? I’m a freaking delight.” Y/N said, walking save to the kitchen
“You pranked me twice, ma Belle!” Charles exclaimed, following her.
“Okay but those were cute pranks, that prank would have ended up with me in jail.” Y/N said, putting the groceries away on the fridge, freezer, and pantry.
“I would never let you go to jail.” Charles said,
“Hey, so while I’m cooking dinner, I’m gonna put on some music, okay.” Y/N said.
“Yeah that’s fine.” Charles said and they kissed. Y/N out her phone on full volume to CUIDADITO by Becky G and Chiquis, singing out loud and specific part.
“Yo no soy celosa pero si eso pasa me transformo en otra. Te poncho las llantas dormirás afuera y esa misma noche le marco a mi suegra para que recoja a la cochinada que un día parió. Te rayo el carro te quiebro los vidrios y voy a llamar a todos mis amigos para que me ayuden que en un pisteada lo arregló yo. Nomas cuidadito con ponerme el cuerno que todo eso lo hago y hasta más me atrevo y no mas te advierto que cuidadito con ponerme el cuerno de la que te salvaste da gracias a dios que nomas fue una broma.” Y/N sung, changing the last two words (which are originally ‘un sueño ’ which means ‘a dream’). I’m not a jealous woman but if that were to happen, I become a different person. I’ll slash your tires, you’ll be sleeping outside, and I’ll call my mother in law that same night to pick up the piece of shit she gave birth to. I’ll key your car, break your windows, and I’ll call my friends so they’ll help me, I’ll handle it in one good beating. If you cheat on me, just be careful because I would do all of that and even more, I’m just warning you to be careful if you cheat on me. You got lucky, thank god it was only just a prank
“Mon ange, what’s that song about?” Charles asked curiously.
“The song is about a women who dreamt that her husband cheated on her. She would have done some crazy shit if he actually cheated her so he’s fucking lucky it was only a dream.” Y/N said with a smile.
“But you sang ‘broma’ and that’s means ‘joke’…” charles said,
“Or prank.” Y/N said,
“You sang that for me?!?” Charles yelled.
“Yes I did so you know, cuidadito.” Y/N warned.
“I Don’t know whether to be scared of you or attracted to you.” Charles confessed and Y/N laughed.
“Both work, mi Amor. You want lomo saltado or tallarines saltado?” Y/N asked.
“Whats the difference?” Charles asked.
“Lomo has French fries and is served with rice, tallarines is pasta.” Y/N said,
“Pasta please.” Charles said,
“Of course, muñeco.” Y/N said, chopping the steak into little strips while humming the music to CUIDADITO and Charles stared at her because he found himself humming too.
“You know I would never cheat on you, right Y/N?” Charles asked just to make sure.
“Of course I know you’d never cheat on me. But the song is so catchy.” Y/N commented and that made Charles feel so much better. He walked up to Y/N and hugged her from behind as she continued to chop the steak, he kissed her shoulder.
“I love you,” Charles said,
“I love you too.” Y/N said,
The End
Hope y’all liked it! A silly little one shot for giggles 🤭
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Soy tímida y a veces sangro, sólo que nadie suele notarlo, tengo una voz fatal y a pesar de ello aún canto, me gusta cantar, y a pesar de no tener talento me gusta dibujar, no soy buena en ello pero a veces me gusta vivir, a veces me atrevo a amar, no lo hago mal pero a veces eso me hace sufrir; soy tímida y a veces sangro esperando al valiente que quiera venir por mi.
Efimera Lunar Intemporal
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mividaenversos · 11 months
Sé lo que tengo que hacer, pero por alguna razón no me atrevo a dar el paso. Y es jodido no entender a qué le tengo tanto miedo, si permanecer dónde estoy es lo que me está hundiendo.
— Recovecos de mi alma
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