#no one does this on my m/m ship art 🫤
gramarye · 6 months
not to be ungrateful but how does every single one of my judai/asuka arts have a reblog thats like "uwu theyre best friends" "umm theyre like siblings to me" or some other shoehorned way of the reblogger letting me and everyone else know its Not Like That and they would never like it. this isnt just one person btw its multiple
i wouldn't be pressed if it was one time but Every Time......come on... i am a lesbian and i am drawing m/f (well its dykes to me but whatever let's not get into that) do you have to no hetero me on my art or like imply its not romantic. cuz it is. i am implying it to be at least somewhat romantic. don't be a coward
idk what it is beyond "ew het icky" but its like.. i don't know...are you thirteen ... average ygo gx fan so so scared of being mistaken as someone who enjoys occasional m/f they have to make it known ON MY ART
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^ real
but it really is like lol. why do you think im so shy and take months to share anything :''') why do you think i have "dont be weird about my ships please i am a lesbian" on my art blog description aaaghhhh. its not a huge issue i upload art regardless and i dont think anyone does it to be Mean but its still kinda rude and tiring being a repeated thing
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