#no one gets Tomura angry like Kotaro does though he's the big elephant in the room for both Tomura and Nana....
super-paper · 1 year
So body!AFO has an ace up his sleeve that he's planning to use to reestablish control over Tomura, and the question of the hour is: What exactly is he planning to do? If it's something he specifically needs his body to do, then logically, it most likely has something to do with the fact that he is still able take and pass on certain quirks. His plan may involve either taking a certain quirk from Tomura or giving him a certain quirk that's currently in body!AFO's arsenal....
Ha ha, imagine if it was something completely insane like him having Kotaro's quirk + vestige tucked away or somethin', specifically so he can trigger Tomura's rage and trauma all over again--
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>The Kotaro Apparition splits apart, revealing AFO. > Tomura approaches AFO, and the Kotaro apparition suddenly emerges from within AFO and tries to stop Tomura from approaching while looking visibly distressed
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