#no self pity! i got this out and i'm glad my writing is desirable
thecupcakeconsumer · 7 years
Seeing Red pt. 1 - Injection
A/N: Welcome to part one of a five-part series about the same Claybourne reader and Hi as my others. Enjoy!
Part 1 (You are here!) | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Request: @writers-block0o0​ asked for some more with the same Claybourne reader, with the question “what if she was a Viral too?” She's still Hi's girlfriend, but this is less about them as a couple and more about her!
Navigation: Masterlist is here.
Taglist: @writers-block0o0​. Tell me if you want to be added, because I’d love to add you.
Summary: Something's up with your half-brother, and there's no telling what it is. With his new job at Candela Pharmaceuticals, you expect him to be concerned with his work, but that doesn't explain how much time he's been spending in your father's study.
Warnings: There's no swearing in here! Not that I can tell, anyway, which is really quite surprising. However, it does contain needles, blood mentions, and vomiting, so there's always that.
Word Count: 2,345. Yes, really.
Other Notes: Female reader, and yes, this will have a part two! (Spoiler alert: it’s going to be a series.)
Something was up with Chance Claybourne.
Living almost alone with his half-sister, one didn't see him much around the house, but recently he had spent a suspiciously long amount of time in his father's study.
Our father's study, you tried to remind yourself, padding along the hallway in your socks, exhausted.
You walked by the door to the study, before pausing a moment and putting your ear to the door.
“Useless!” muttered Chance under his breath, the distinct thump on the desk what could only be him hitting it. “It makes no sense.”
Footsteps that started to near the door signaled not only that your brother was wearing shoes in the house, but that he was going to exit, and you scrambled away from the door, walking back so it would appear that you were approaching the study again.
The door swung open, hitting the wall with a loud bang, and Chance stormed out, startling when he saw you so close before starting to near you.
Backing away instinctively, you asked nervously, “Chance, why are yo- what's that in your hand?”
The long metal tip that was pointed out from his hand could only have been that of a syringe, and, terrified, you yelped as he pushed you against the wall.
“I'm sorry.”
He knocked you up the back of your head, sharply forcing your head forward and causing you to black out for a moment from the sudden loss of oxygen to your brain.
When you came to a few moments later, you were on the floor, your brother nowhere to be seen, and feeling the same as you had a moment ago but trepidation crawling its way through your skin.
What did he to to me?
Walking into the kitchen the next day after school, your eyes darted around the room, looking for what was out of place in the usually spotless room.
You saw it.
Raw ground beef, unwrapped but still on its tray, dripping.
Who would leave that out? Unless it was a subliminal message telling you to cook dinner, there was no reason to have such a thing on the counter.
It looks good.
You froze, your eyes focusing on it, the urge making you want to vomit.
No, no, no, that's disgusting, there is no way I'm eating that. Realizing suddenly how close you had come, standing in front of the counter before even knowing that you had moved, you backed away.
To the other side of the counter.
Out of the room, for good measure.
What was that?
You walked decisively to your room, closing the curtains, before sitting down on your bed and pulling out your homework, hoping to take your mind off of what had just happened.
It was a shame that algebra wasn't intellectually stimulating enough to absorb you fully and keep you from your thoughts.
What had just happened in the kitchen was most definitely not normal. While it was a tendency of yours to check what was in the fridge right after getting home from school, you never would have pulled out any raw meats, nor noticed them as you just had.
So what had it been that possessed you in that instant, to think that the globs that were useless unless cooked were something that you wanted to eat?
“Chance?” What are you doing home? “Buzz off.”
You were still mad at him over what had happened yesterday, though you still weren't sure of how much of that you had imagined. After all, since what happened with the Gamemaster, you had had far too many intrusive thoughts and imagined being knocked out by a stranger in a thousand ways.
It wouldn't have been the first time.
Then, “I thought you were working late?”
“I got off early.”
It seemed too convenient.
“When did you get home?”
“Just a couple of minutes before you.”
“You left something on the counter.”
“Did I? I'm surprised you noticed.”
You scowled at the door suspiciously before proceeding to ignore the person on the other side in favor of silently wondering why he had been acting so strange recently without his voice to prompt more questions.
Lunch had never been so awkward as it was here, sitting with Ben, Tory, Shelton and, of course, Hi, and it certainly wasn't because of the conversation.
Oh, no. While it wasn't always interesting, the attitudes of everyone made any discussion topic into something far more passionate than it usually was. That wasn't the problem.
The problem was that you couldn't bring yourself to eat the food in front of you, and the first bite of your salad had almost made you gag.
In fact, you'd been nauseous even before that, almost passing out in the hall and catching yourself just in time on your way to the cafeteria.
“He was too,” argued Hi, as you tuned in to the conversation, before pulling out his English textbook, turning to the page on which Shakespeare's portrait was and holding it up to his face. “Wherefore art thou, oh opium? A poppy by any other name would taste as sweet. Perhaps I doth need to eat some more of this.”
Shelton and Tory snickered while Ben groaned at his impression of the English poet, complete with a ridiculous accent, but you didn't even crack a smile.
“Y/N?” Hi poked you on the arm which was holding up your head. “That was hilarious. Why aren't you laughing?”
“Sorry, it was so funny I forgot to laugh,” you replied bitterly, glaring at the back of some random student's head for lack of any better place to look.
Your boyfriend looked from you to Ben. “She's behaving like you, Blue. Which can only mean one thing, and that's that you infected her with your updog!”
“Shut up, Hi. That didn't work the last fifty times, what makes you think it'll work now?”
At least I'm not the only person in a foul mood. Shame it wasn't as common for you as it was for the oldest of your friend group.
“I'm going to the washroom,” you announced abruptly, standing and ignoring how you almost collapsed.
“Don't fall in! I love you but there's a line!” called Hi as you left.
Though grateful for the quiet that started to bring back your appetite, it certainly wasn't a salad that you were hungering for.
Like the other day, all that you wanted was meat, and the very thought was disconcerting as you turned and entered the bathroom, going to the sink and washing your hands, hoping the coolness of the water would help to jerk you back into reality.
Looking up at the mirror, what you saw caused you to blink rapidly, not convinced that it could be real.
You leaned forward to try and see more clearly what you had thought you had seen – a fringe of vibrant red around your iris, the flecks seeming to fade before your, well, eyes.
I must be imagining things.
“Y/N?” Tory frowned at you concernedly from the doorway of the bathroom, startling you. “Everything okay? That time of the month?”
Desperate for any way to explain what was happening, you found yourself nodding in agreement.
“Want some chocolate?”
Chocolate. The very thought was repulsive for some reason, tinging your skin with green as the nausea you had managed to distract yourself from worked its way to the surface, and you scrambled to move into a stall before chucking up what little you had managed to eat.
“This isn't just your period, is it?” asked Tory, holding back your hair. “Does it have something to do with Hi? You’re not as you usually - did the two of you?” 
“Jesus Christ, no! I think it's just a stomach bug. Probably just a twenty-four hour thing. I'll stop in at the nurse's office and get some Pepto, I should be fine.”
“Can I grab you anything? Are you sure you want to stay the rest of the day?” If there was one thing that could be said for Victoria Brennan, it was that she cared – and while her compassion was a comfort on most days, right now you just wanted her to leave you alone. “Do you want to come back and sit with us?”
Shaking your head, you replied, “I'll be fine. I think I'm just going to walk around a little bit before class starts.”
“What should I tell the boys?”
“I don't care. I'm in a dramatic love affair with Jason Taylor and you caught us in a steamy make out session in the science lab,” you suggested sarcastically, before moving to the door and leaving to collect your thoughts.
What's Jason got that I don't? was the first thing you saw upon opening your phone, a joking text from Hi that he had sent at lunch.
You were seated in the passenger seat of Chance's car, the drive seeming excessively long, when it happened.
Time seemed to freeze for a moment and begged you to let it go faster, to give in to something distinctively animal, and without hesitation you embraced it.
Your vision seemed to clear, and you caught your reflection in the mirror, eyes gleaming red.
It wasn't just your imagination. Something was distinctly wrong, and you turned to stare pointedly out the window, desperate to ensure that your brother wouldn't notice.
The drive home was too short. You couldn't risk whatever sort of episode you were having not ending before you got there.
You needed a different destination, and quick.
What Tory had said earlier was what first came to mind.
“I need to go to the drug store.”
Even looking out the window, you could practically feel your brother's suspicious glance. “Why?”
“I need supplies.”
“What supplies?” he pressed.
“Supplies,” you emphasized, hearing the breath Chance sucked in as he realized what you meant.
It might make the awkward drive longer, but it would give you more time to try and snap out of whatever you were going through, the car's air freshener becoming so suffocating that you rolled down the window.
Whatever you were going through, it was suspiciously close to what Hi had described when he was talking to you about flaring, and that was what scared you the most.
How would he react?
How does he snap out of this? Once he had described how slapping Ben in the face had ended a flare, and experimentally, you lifted your leg before violently jamming it against the bottom of the glovebox.
Well, that worked well.
“You good?” asked Chance, voice tentative as if somehow the implication that you were on your period made you suddenly prone to lashing out at any given opportunity.
Eyes no longer red, you turned to meet his. “Yes. Just fine.”
As if. Something was wrong. And considering that it probably had something to do with whatever he had done to you the other day, it was probably best if you didn't tell him.
For some reason, the syringe didn't seem so much like your imagination any more.
Eleven o'clock, the numbers at the top of your phone screen read.
Late. Late enough that nobody would see you for several more hours.
Late enough that it was safe to slip out of bed and go into the bathroom, turning on the light and closing the door before turning to the mirror.
Before you lost your courage, you closed your eyes, trying to summon the feeling that had overwhelmed you in the car.
Animal. Letting go of what you thought was right, forgetting about school.
Forgetting about everything but your instincts.
It came almost too easily.
You inhaled deeply, the smell of the bar of soap in the dish on the counter sharp and bitter, eyes now able to distinguish the slimmest of cracks threatening to form in the porcelain of the sink.
It was exhilarating. It was wild.
And it was terrifying how easily it had come.
“Y/N Claybourne,” you whispered, your name seeming twice as loud as it should have been in the otherwise silent room, all of your senses heightened.
There was no hiding from it. Something was wrong with you.
Something that seemed suspiciously similar to what the Virals had been going through, but your eyes weren't yellow.
They were red as blood.
It hadn't taken several days. It had come on almost instantly, but with the same symptoms.
Just… more control.
What is it? It couldn't be the same as what Hi and Ben and Shelton and Tory had gone through, but it was remarkably similar. It couldn't be the same virus - that had been eliminated along with Dr. Karsten.
It has something to do with Chance.
Shuddering as you felt bile rise to your throat, you turned off the light, the only thing you could see in the darkness the haunting reflection of the red eyes in the mirror, taunting you with questions that you weren't sure you could trust anyone to answer.
Frustrated, your fist reeled back, thumb on the outside as you Ben had taught you, before ramming into the glass of the mirror and shattering it.
Your amplified strength had caused it to break with far more force than anticipated, shards starting to fall into the sink and the sharp pain enough to kill your flare. 
What was that?
You sucked in a ragged breath, blood starting to drip from your hand, before turning away, unlocking the bathroom door and crying out as you find a breathless Chance on the other side.  
“Are you okay?”
“Fine,” you bit out, fighting the urge to look over your shoulder. “I'm going to bed.”
And with that, you pushed past him, ignoring his calls and idly brushing your hand to remove the shards of glass.
Breaking a mirror, you were alright with him finding.
Why? Not so much.
Let's hope he never finds out.
You could only pray that he wouldn't notice how much more force it took to make such a break than you possessed.
A/N: That’s done. And there we go! Thanks for reading. Leave a like or comment? Part two is here!
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anarchyincarnate · 2 years
I am thirstaay
Need Rubedo content NAO
We wants to make him feel good about himself. Make him forget all of the sht he's been through. I wanna give him things, like blowjobs and self-esteem
Just write comfortably in your on style, it doesn't matter if it's a short fic, I JUST WANNA MAKE HIM HAPPY.
I am a mad lass for not asking anonymously, but then I remembered everyone already knows I'm down bad for him lmao. Everybody would know it's me asking anyway
I- never thought I'd see the day my favourite artist asks me to write a fic for them-
A/N; I need a moment- I'm just speechless-
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C/W; slight Mind-break, slight temperature play, praise kink, handjob, mentions of overstimulation, marking, slight Dacrophilia.
I hc that Albedo and Rubedo don't produce body heat, since they're not technically human.
Spoilers for 2.3 Shadow Amidst Snowstorms
The group was already in high tension of you missing due to the avalanche. They couldn't begin to search for you given the Imposter started to attack the six.
Meanwhile, you awoke to find yourself in a small cavern. The sounds of crackling fire got your attention. You took in your surroundings, taking note of the coat placed around your shoulder, and the bandage on your ankle.
'This coat, similar to Albedo's...'
"You're awake," You flinched at the new voice. Turning your body around, you come across a familiar face. Rubedo. At least that's what you call him.
"Oh, How the sketches paled in comparison to seeing you in person, Divine one... I've been waiting for this day to come..." He said, his palm resting itself onto your cheek, you gaze up to see the twisted admiration swirling deep inside his ocean blue eyes.
You're very aware of that kind of look, you've seen it in Childe, Zhongli, Diluc, and Venti.
"Rubedo..." You mumbled, despite the cold, a bead of sweat trailed down your cheek to which he wiped it away.
"I'm glad you remember me, I have a question for you~." He cheerfully said, plopping his body onto your lap like a small child. This kind of physical intimacy was no stranger to you, yet the eeriness of knowing this is the same man who wanted to take his brother's spotlight through any means necessary caught you off guard.
"Tell me, was my existence for naught? Was I destined to merely be a prototype? Answer me, my dear creator." He stroked your cheek lovingly.
"I believe that every existence in this world isn't without a purpose, as bleak as that purpose is. You have a reason for existing, your mother was just blind to see your value." You explained carefully, taking notes of his changes in expression.
"You desire all that your brother have, right? Love, compassion, something you never had.. I can see it. What if I let you experience something He hadn't gotten yet.?"
"T-This feels In-Incredi- BLE~!"
"it does, doesn't it, my little gem? Such a beautiful melody coming from your lips, I wanna hear more~." You whispered into his ear, biting into the lobe.
You've spent a majority of your time biting and sucking every inch of his sensitive skin, singing soft praises that made his stomach coiled more times than he'd admit.
The intensity of your ministrations, adding to your eagerness to hear his voice, left his mind blank. Slowly, he's turning into a broken record, unable to control his tone and jumbled words spew out of his mouth.
Rubbing his sensitive tip send shivers down his spine, fueling the knot in his stomach and gets him releasing a clear substance as his body gave out.
But, no you didn't stop. You felt pity towards the poor boy, and so, you draw out more out of him, with him babbling until he lost all coherency.
You stopped when you felt his back slumped towards you, chest heaving up and down, struggling to stay calm.
You smiled at him, "I'm glad you enjoyed it, my dear❣️"
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whumpshaped · 2 years
Listen hear me out: Seth telling pumpkin to beg or grovel. Not for anything in particular, he just thinks it’s entertaining and he loves the power trip it gives him. ~🐸
trigger warnings: humiliation, pet whump, conditioning, meta setting, dehumanization
"I was looking for something on my blog today, and I found something quite cute." Seth opened the cage and sat down in his chair, pulling out his phone. He didn't need to tell Pumpkin to come out and kneel at his feet. That was common practice by now, whenever the cage was unlocked. "It's an ask you sent me way back. I didn't even remember it. 'You're writing a lot of humiliation drabbles recently... and you even said it was one of your favourite tropes to use... if I were to become your whumpee, would I be subjected to that?'"
Pumpkin's face went red in an instant. They remembered that ask. And they remembered the answer and the follow-up as well.
"Oh, what is it?" Seth grinned, lowering the phone. "Do you remember this exchange?" Pumpkin nodded, too ashamed to open their mouth and try to talk. "Well, let's make sure your memory serves you well. I said you would be, obviously, and that if you weren't ready for that, maybe you shouldn't even come here."
"I remember," they tried desperately, going as far as to interrupt their owner just to have it be over.
"Fine. Let's hear it from you, then. What was the very next ask you sent me after that?"
Well, this was even worse.
Pumpkin bit their lip, really not wanting to repeat that one. "P-Please..."
"Please what? Use your words, Pumpkin."
"Please, Sir, don't... d-don't make me say that..."
"Did you change your mind since then?" They shook their head, more and more embarrassed by the second. "So what's the matter? You were bold enough to send me an ask about it."
"Anonymously..." They were rocking back and forth a little, trying to get some relief from their anxiety. "Please, I... I'm s-sorry if it was weird-"
"It was, like everything you told me through asks. Like turning up at my house and offering to become my little whumpee. But that's not the point. I just want to hear you say it."
Pumpkin squeezed their eyes shut, too afraid to keep disobeying anymore. "I... I asked whether you would-"
"Just ask again. Don't tell me what you said then, I want you to say that exact same thing right now."
Another deep breath. Another five seconds spent wallowing in self-pity and shame that was threatening to rip them apart. And then they finally spoke, quietly, with a voice so shaky and high that Seth was glad he had the original question on hand.
"W-Would you let m-me kiss your shoes, S-Sir? I would b-be glad to... t-to-" They inhaled sharply, almost gasped as they got too choked up to continue for a moment. "To keep d-doing that for as long as y-you want. Until y-you think I'm humbled."
"So do it, then."
Even through the cold sweat and the burning humiliation, Pumpkin found themself just as drawn to the idea as they had been back then. They didn't know what the hell was wrong with them, but the desire to lower themself so much for Seth hadn't subsided. And now that he explicitly told them to do it, now that they didn't feel like they were disgusting and creepy for thinking this, because clearly, Seth enjoyed the idea just as much if not more, now that the burden of responsibility wasn't on their shoulders...
They bent over and pressed a kiss to Seth's worn out sneaker he used to come down to the dirty basement, relishing that feeling of utter shame for just a split second before they kissed his other shoe. Before they could straighten their back, their head was pushed back down against the torn fabric.
"You said you'd keep doing it as long as I wanted, no?" Seth asked with an amused smile, keeping their other foot hooked behind Pumpkin's head to keep them down until he was sure they wouldn't try to back away. "I didn't tell you to stop."
Without an other word of protest, Pumpkin went right back to kissing his shoes, making Seth chuckle. And just when they thought it couldn't get any more mortifying than that, they heard the distinct sound of his phone camera going off.
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hollyhomburg · 2 years
what is your biggest regret? (storywise and personally if you feel like it)
my biggest regret storywise as of the moment is not giving jimin that fucking tattoo in the first few chapters of bily- now you guys understand why he should have had a snake tattoo.
i have a few others- i feel like early in my career as a writer i should have been more careful about starting series that i had no intention of finishing. while i think certain ones taught me a lot about maintaining stamina as a writer I think I feel a lot of shame for both- not being able to finish them, and second for them not being good enough to receive love.
like with stories like bily- my enjoyment and yours is about 50/50 but that's the highest ratio it's ever been for a fic like- certain stories got discontinued simply because I felt like there wasn't enough love for the story left and the anxiety of living up to the love previous updates had gotten- got in the way of me wanting to update at all. my experience writing bily is the oposite of that.
this last weeks updates was EASILY the worst update like- it did about 3/4th's of what the previous two chapters had gotten, but i'm still planning on writing today, im still looking forward to writing today for it.
i remember when the same thing happened with ofal i cried for a good long while and decided to take a step back from writing for a while to get a healthy relationship with writing again, and of course bily came out of that downtime so i can't be angry at myself for it but yeah. im glad i know myself better as a creator now but i still regret getting peoples hopes up!
as for my own personal life, I regret two things the most- one is never learning how to hold onto people. like seriously- when I tell you that my own self-hatred and low opinion of myself has ruined virtually every single one of my relationships- it has.
After leaving someone (like leaving college friends or leaving other countries where I've lived) I've always default assumed that I mattered less to people than they did to me. It's to the point where I get immense anxiety about reaching out and maintaining friendships because I'm worried that I'm bothering people or that they love me out of pity- but almost to such an extreme point where it literally keeps me from ever considering reaching out or responding when people send me texts asking because i assume it must have been a fluke? or a mistake? or that they meant to send it to someone else?
somehow i've ended up in this intensely lonely place where i have no ability to maintain friendships simply because my mental scheme can in no way incorporate a world where I am desirable as a friend, companion, or otherwise. which is part of the reason why I think I love going on here and talking to you guys?
like I know that if a random person pops up into my inbox they want to talk to me, i don't have to second guess it, i don't have to be anxious about living up to their expectations because a lot of the time they don't have any expectations! and i know at times it's been a crutch, but a lot of the time- especially during the pandemic when communication got less and less frequent- it's been really comforting for me.
As for my second personal life regret; I really regret not dropping out of college when it became clear I was struggling, like after my first year when I was so so lonely and I was doing some very not healthy behaviors to cope, I should have just left- I would have been so much happier at a school that was less difficult.
take this from someone who went to a school that is literally harder to get into than Harvard- if you are struggling just leave. no one is going to think you are weak. What Yoongi said "giving up decisively also counts as courage" is so so so true. I am literally so burnt out from that place that I don't even want to take a 4-week course to re-get my TESOL certification T-T learning should never have become a place of anxiety for me but it really is.
yeah thats my regrets! it's okay to admit that you have regrets, it means that the past matters and that you're at least trying to make your future better. i think people get maybe a little protective when they talk about their own regrets when we shouldn't? regrets are things that keep us human and i don't think we should feel ashamed of them!
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frecklesdefelix · 5 years
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(revised) tutor!felix, badboy!changbin, rapper!chan, frat!straykids
Warning: swearing, sexual innuendos, drinking, drugs
Word count: too many, I didn't count
You trudge into your school library. You're not excited to be here but you're late for your tutoring lesson. You despised that your parents and teachers insisted you got tutoring for something as rudimentary as Russian history; just because you failed one exam by accidentally falling asleep while taking it didn't mean you needed help. You were fine, but no one else thought you were.
You rush into the secluded study room and are met face to face with Felix, the History nerd in school.
He was cute but not in the way that Hyunjin was. It was the type of cute where you would want to squish their cheeks and read them a bedtime story. While everyone else was into shaving, drinking and sex, Felix looked like his mom tucked him into his race car bed every night with a bedtime story that revolved around talking mice and sleeping princesses while he calmly wears his two piece pajamas under his childish spiderman sheets.
Felix was a glass of warm milk, soothing to the soul and familiar to the tongue. You were looking for something that made your throat burn, your skin itch and your heart race. You often described your personality as a lime; you were sour on your own. But together with tequila, you were an iconic balanced duo. You were searching for that tequila, that kiss in the dark. And Felix was not it.
"Sorry I'm late. Have you been waiting long?" You apologized half-heartedly.
"No, it's okay. I just got here too." He smiled softly as he put away his snacks. You sat down and tried to get everything over with quickly. You answered all the questions correctly and sometimes played dumb to indulge him. Before you knew it, it was time to go.
After the tutoring lesson reached it's time limit, you started rushing to put everything away quickly.
"Hey, so I, um, I know this is awkward but my friends, Chan and Jisung, they're having a party and they told me to invite my friends. The thing is, I don't have many other friends unfortunately. Would you be interested in going?" He asked shyly. You chuckled and stood silent when you saw he was being serious.
"A party? Han Jisung and Chris Bang Chan?" You coughed. They were some of the most exclusive parties of the school. You had never gotten the opportunity to go to one since you were never invited. Although you wished you were. Chan, Jisung and Changbin were notoriously popular in school for being troublemakers. Chan and Jisung were the only ones attending school at the moment because Changbin had gotten suspended. The cause was unknown, but the rumors were aplenty and ranged from highly illegal things to petty theft.
"Yeah. Would you be interested in going?"
"Well, I don't know any of the people there." You muttered.
"See, that's okay because I'd be going. And you know me, right?"
"I mean, Felix you're nice and all but you're just my tutor." You smile, apologetically.
"I know, I know. I'm sorry to try to put this on you." He smiles, but you can see the sadness in his eyes. You felt your heart start to hurt with guilt and pity for the poor boy. How he was friends with Han Jisung and Chris Bang Chan was definitely a question for conspiracy theorists everywhere. They were total opposite of Felix. They were the tequila you so desperately desired.
"Okay, I'll go with you." You agree.
"Like a date?" He gulped nervously.
"If that's what you want, sure. I'll keep you company." You shrug, grinning. He nodded and thanked you profusely before walking out. He rushed back in, scratching the back of his neck.
"I should probably let you know what time I'm picking you up, shouldn't I?"
"Yes, you probably should." You chuckle.
"Is 9 okay?" He inquired.
"9 is perfect." You state as he nods, writing stuff down on his agenda. Once a nerd, always a nerd.
The day of the party, you made sure to eat before you left, in case he asked you out to dinner. You didn't feel comfortable eating in front of strangers. You were pulling the last finishing touches on your tameless mane of hair before you heard the doorbell sound. You opened the door and were faced with who you soon realized was Felix. He didn't look like his usual self.
Felix was wearing a piercing, something that you knew you hadn't seen him wear or probably never noticed he owned. You weren't even aware he had the balls to pull a move like getting piercings. He had on a baseball cap that perfectly framed his now blond hair. He had dyed it since the last time I had seen him, from a very cute light scarlet red to a seductive blond that framed his masculine features perfectly. His cheekbones were high and his mouth was curled into a soft smile. His eyes were piercing into your own, the familiar and warm chocolate brown replaced by stormy grey that overflowed with electricity whenever he looked at you.
"Felix?" You asked, smiling.
"Y/N?" He teased.
"What happened to my Russian History Tutor? What did you do to him?" You chuckled.
"He goes into hibernation during the weekends. Ready?" He questioned. You nodded and closed the door behind you.
"I hope you don't mind walking to the party. It's right outside campus in the frat house Jisung and Chan are a part of." He explained, looking at my shoes. You had opted for high top converse this one time.
"Oh, yeah no it's fine. I'm all set for the night." You lifted you foot off the ground and shook it briefly. Felix chuckled and waited for you to catch up with his pace.
"Thanks again for agreeing to come to the party with me. I know we don't know each other too well, so I hope it isn't too awkward." He muttered nervously. You chuckled.
"What?" He asked, curious as to your amusement.
"For a second I saw a bit of my tutor Felix again. I thought he went into hibernation." You joked. He burst out laughing.
"Well, we are still the same person." He stated.
"How did you become friends with Jisung and Chan? I'm sorry, but I still can't believe you guys are friends." You apologized. Felix sighed before chuckling at your question.
"Yeah, I get that a lot. Honestly I don't even know how myself. It really started as a simple tutoring session. Then they asked me if I wanted to attend a party and they kept coming up to me after that. Now we're buds." He shrugged.
"I'm not going to lie, I was shocked the first time I saw all of you together. You just don't fit the mold of what I would assume people like that are like." You breathed out nervously.
Before he could answer, you heard a commotion farther ahead on the block you were walking through. You saw a house, lit up with Christmas lights that flickered and loud heavy music that sounded muffled but deafening.
"So that's it, huh?" You gulped, hiding your excitement. He nodded.
"Before we go inside, because you agreed to come with me, doesn't mean that you have to stay of you don't want to. Just tell me and we will head out."
"But what about you? What if you want to stay?"
"No it's not about me." He shook his head. You nodded slowly, accepting the fact that you were actually nervous too. The idea of partying with some of the school's most notorious players and troublemakers wasn't something you thought through very much. And now that you were here, faced with the reality of the situation, you were nervous.
Felix saw this and grabbed your hand. You instinctively pulled away and he apologized profusely.
"I saw you were nervous. I was going to give you a reassuring squeeze. You're not alone, you know? I'm sorry though. I should've asked." He coughed.
"Sorry, it was instinctive. I don't mean to be rude. Let's just go inside before I make a bigger fool of myself." You sighed, chuckling anxiously. Felix started walking towards the house.
Inside the house, you had discovered that these parties weren't all illegal substances, as you had previously presumed. Sure, there were definitely people who were into the hard stuff, but you could point them out in the crowd and apparently everyone else did too. They steered clear of them. Going through the rumors you had heard in your head, you discovered that apart from it being a mostly drug free zone, Chan and Jisung, along with Changbin, provided the music for the most part. They performed and rapped live. Felix stayed beside you for the most part and didn't try anything else with you.
"You want anything to drink?" He asked, shortly after Chan, Changbin, and Jisung had gotten off the stage.
"Sure. But I get to grab my drink." You joke.
Felix led you to the kitchen, where he ran into Chan.
"Felix! Mate, glad you came! What did you think? Oh fuck, you brought A GIRL?! You fucking rascal!" He exclaimed, putting Felix into a hug before pulling him into a headlock.
"Um, excuse me but I'm right here. I'm not a fucking piece of meat." You glared.
"Feisty! Apologies, I got overexcited. Here, help yourselves to anything you want to drink and then come, let's introduce you around to the crew." He smiled sweetly. You followed him outside, a cooler in hand, to Jisung and Changbin.
"You fuckers, you will not believe who I met in the kitchen! There's Felix here, and he brought a friend! Wait, fuck, I didn't ask your name. What's your name?" He exclaimed.
"Y/N. Nice to meet you guys." You smirked.
"Felix actually brought a friend, who knew?! Welcome Y/N, feel at home. I'm Jisung and that's Changbin." He shook your hand.
"Nice to meet you guys formally. I've heard a lot about all of you." You sip your drink.
"Yeah, everyone says that. Don't believe everything you hear though." Changbin scoffed, smiling.
"Only the good stuff is true." Jisung winked. You scoffed and looked at Felix.
"Where's Hyunjin and Jeongin? They're usually out at things like these." Felix coughed, changing the subject. As if by magic, Jeongin stormed up to Chan and Changbin.
"Your stupid loud music ISN'T letting me sleep! I tried to study but I can't and so I'm trying to sleep but you won't fucking let me!" He yelled at the boys. They burst out laughing and Jeongin grew into a disturbing shade of red.
"I'm trying to fucking sleep! Keep it down!" He yelled, turning to look at every single one of the guys and then his eyes landed on me. His gaze softened before asking me who I was.
"This is Y/N. And she came with Felix." Jisung answered, the smirk plastered on his face.
"Oh, word!" Jeongin smiled, excited and extending his hand out for Felix to high five.
"He invited me and I accepted. It seems you have the wrong idea. We aren't together." You stated, clearing your throat.
"Oh, we know that. We're just excited to see him out with a girl and away from the books." Changbin stated.
"Jeongin, where is Hyunjin? Haven't seen him all night." Chan asked, changing the topic, much to your amusement and appreciation.
"He's tearing up the dance floor." Jeongin sighed, grinning lightly before walking away. They took this as a sign to follow him and started to slither through the crowd. Felix was standing beside you, his ears red and his fingers on his neck.
"Are you okay?" You furrowed your brows.
"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm sorry about that. They're-" he started before you finished.
"Frat boys. I know."
Before long you were inside the house again, in what would've been the living room if there weren't so many people dancing. In the center, Hyunjin was dancing away and beside him, Minho.
He was another frat boy who majored in dance, along with Hyunjin. They weren't bad at all. Hyunjin looked in your general direction and stopped, hitting Minho's arm and he stopped as well. They approached the guys and they yelled at each other in an unintelligible volume. They all headed into the kitchen where Woojin, the house dad, was throwing empty cups into a huge trash can they were carrying around. Seungmin, the last of the frat boys was mixing drinks and pouring away as if this was a bar. He even had a tip jar set up for people after offering his services.
"Hi Y/N!" Seungmin greeted.
"You know each other?" Hyunjin asked.
"We have biology together." You smiled. He was always helping you with your labs and helping you finish your assignments on time.
"Nice to see you around. Glad you came. Any drink you want?" He asked.
"What does it look like I'm in the mood for?" You teased lightly. He smirked, looking at Felix.
"She's a tequila person." He answered.
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heroes-writing · 7 years
Omg! You're back😆! I'm so glad you are, how have you been? I am honestly so excited to see you are writing!❤️❤️ Can I request a scenario where Saitama and his S/O are out doing the groceries or something and his S/O gets all riled up at something some random guys said and they end up in this awkward (yet funny) and embarrassing situation? Thank you so much😘😋
I’ve had a crazy year since I left! But I’m well now! 8D 
I hope this is okay lol, the idea I went with came out of left field, and I’m writing at 6am. Please enjoy!
Word Count: 1873
As you and Saitama grew as a couple, you experienced a lot offirsts together.
You were his first kiss, and he was the first guy you sawtruly and properly butt naked.
Only Saitama knew of your secret love for French fries dippedin chocolate pudding, and you knew just how ticklish he was between his thighs.
Saitama was your first long-term relationship, your first love…and while loving each other was something you both found absurdly easy. Youoften heeled your desires to conform to what others expected out of yourrelationship since the way you loved each other worked so well.
It’s a long story, but you knew Saitama before he startedtraining to become a hero, back when he still lived in that crappy apartmentcomplex filled to the brim with crooked people.
The two of you hung out at each other’s apartments for thelongest time, you spent the night often, squeezing next to each other on yoursingle futons and often laughing at how cramped it was.
Those plush shikibuton’s were all well and good, but it wastime for the two of you to move up in the world.    
Since Saitama’s home was too small, you decided (pretty muchon your own) that you would invest in a proper bed. You wanted at least, aqueen size mattress that the two of you could sleep in when you were at yourplace.
It was around Midday when you made your way to the huge mattressoutlet in H city. Big signs were plastered all over the storefront screaming “SALE”and “LOW PRICES GAUREENTEED”. It put Saitama at ease since he was a huge suckerfor saving money.
As you walked up the steps you continued your conversationwith your bald boyfriend—he was trying to tell you that he once fell asleep whilefighting a 4 eyed pillow monster.
“I guess in the end, you don’t mind what you sleep on huh?”You giggled as he held open the door for you.
“I could sleep anywhere I think.” He shrugged, and followedyou into the air-conditioned megastore in his usual nonchalant manner.
To your immediate right, a tall sales representative smiledat you, and only you.
“Hello miss—“ His voice was rather oily, and it made youinwardly wince. He stepped up to you real close, his tall height putting you atedge, “Looking for anything particulartoday?”
Almost out of second nature your hand shot out to the spaceSaitama always occupied at your side. You tugged him close without even lookingat him, till you could feel his heat at your hip and his hand settled against yourback.
Now that he was properly into frame so to speak—you forcefullyexpanded the world view of the man talking to you.
For some reason people pointedly ignored Saitama’s existence,and it irritated you to no end.
“Yes, my boyfriend andI—“ you raised your eyebrows assertively, “Are looking for a queen sizedmattress.”
In tandem, you and Saitama stared and smiled in a picturesquemanner.
The oily man snapped his eyes between the two of you, andobviously didn’t know what to think. Saitama looked like an average joe, so youcouldn’t be after him for money to buy you expensive things.
Was it pity?
After a moment of pause where he wisely chose to not say anyof his theories, he offered a confident hand towards the back of the store, “Rightthis way, please~”
Eh, he was still giving you the creeps.  
“Care to tell me the price range you’re going for today?”
You really didn’t have too much of an idea, “I’m not surewhat beds go for these days actually. We both have used Futons since getting ourown places...”
He hummed, “I see I see! I’ll keep that in mind for what Ishow you today!”
With a shake of your head, the two of you looked to the salesassociate as he took the lead. He seemed like he wanted to either gouge you ofyour money, or hover around to make sure you didn’t damage anything.
Oblivious to it all Saitama smirked to himself, “We’relooking for the cheapest mattress you’ve got!”—and you recoiled.
“Nooo, we’relooking for a regular mattress, to INVESTin. I’ll pay whatever!” You clutched onto Saitama’s arm tightly to remind himof what you had already told him before. The mattress would have to last thetwo of you for YEARS before you got another.
You served him your biggest pout and he wilted under it as healways did.
“I was just joking, [Name]~” He scratched his cheek with hisdark eyes darting away from your own quickly.
“That’s the thing, you are not joking! I know your game Tama!” You tutted.
“…Did you two just recently get together?” The Sales Repchuckled to himself, “You two have a freshly hatched love bird vibe aheehee~”
“Um…” You looked at Saitama thoughtfully, “It’s been around 4years actually?” You weren’t the greatest with dates, and you looked to yourboyfriend’s doughy face for help.
His eyebrows tented, “It’s been that long huh?”
You nodded, “Well it was around my birthday when we gottogether. I know that much.” You gave him a knowing look and a sweet smile thatmade him tug you a little closer.
The sales rep stammered to a halt, “A-Ah—4 years? You surefooled me!”
You tried to play along for his benefit, “I guess we stilllook like a new couple?”
He laughed, but his expression was strained, “Don’t you thinkit’s time for you to get married? Or maybe move on from each other? Your manneeds to make a move before you get swept away by someone else~”
Oh goodness, he was not giving you a flirty look.
Was he implying you should break up with Saitama??
Did he mention marriage???
To Saitama’s wonderful credit, he did not freak out, and hedidn’t miss a beat.
“Ah I guess I should ask [Name] eventually. We’re basicallymarried anyways.” He said bluntly—as you blushed and sputtered.
One half of your heart was so utterly moved by Saitama’swords, and the other was flaring to the bait the Sales rep had placed at thelatter half of his sentence. Would you have to hang all over Saitama for him totake a hint??
“Tama…” Was all you could manage, as the Sales Rep finishedleading you to a corner of the store filled with discounted beds.
“Ah, I didn’t want discount!“ You began to bite off acomplaint before Saitama ooh’d at thenearest plush bed (conveniently 50% off) and fell into it.
“This one is comfy.”
You sighed in defeat, your tone softening, “I guess I’m notpicky either but..” You crossed your arms and implored to his prone body, “Wehave to find a bed that can take a beating you know?”
Monsters tended to gravitate to your man, you knew that much.If your house got wrecked you wanted to be able to salvage your bed from therubble and still use it, damnit!
The Sales Rep sat down on a neighboring mattress as youstood, STILL wanting to get out of the discounted section—The man only chuckledhaughtily as he pinned you with a knowing wink.
“Aheehee! That’s a new one dear, but I know just the thing!”
“Huh?” What was he saying? Did he have an extra durablemattress for sale? You got your hopes up for just a moment, before his nextwords bewildered you further.
“You two won’t want a spring mattresses, they make far toomuch noise! Foam will allow you get down and dirty without the neighborshearing. I’m also sure you won’t make a dent in memory foam even if you get toowild aheehee!”
You went dead silent. Dead still. Brain waves stalled into stagnantlines.
Saitama sat up on the mattress, like a vampire out of acoffin, a confused expression on his face.
“What?” You both squawked.
“Oh!” The man raised a hand to his mouth, scandalized, “Forgiveme if you two are, perhaps not yet sexually involved--YET! I just figured, 4years—Oh don’t worry! Silly me!” The Sales rep was trying to play some ditzycharacter as he laughed to himself at your expense.
“That’s not—we- we—“
“Waiting for marriage maybe! I get it, really! But goodnessyou two have such self-control to be sleeping side by side~”
He turned to Saitama, the first time he focused on him sinceyou both walked into the store.
“Sir, we need to find you a mattress that you can break inwith your girlfriend here! It’s the least I can do~ I can even give you a fewtips for your first time together.”
You didn’t want to sayit!
Your firsts clenched into balls of irritation. To admit thatyou and Saitama weren’t huge virgins to this man was nasty, but your pride waskilling you—You loved Saitama with all your heart, you seriously adored him, andsome people just made assumptions off the cuff cuz they were—
Extremely stupid? Or rude?
“Sir, I’ll haveyou know, my boyfriend and I bone a ridiculous amount!!” Your voice was louder than you expected to bein the cave like store. It echoed and reverberated, and what little sound therewas from other customers hushed to listen to your incoming tangent.
“[NAME]!!” Sputtered Saitama, shocked, with a little bit ofblush on his cheeks.
“It’s true!” You insisted, “I don’t know where YOU get offMr.—“ You finally took a gander at his name tag, “Burei! But I need to make onething clear—my boyfriend and I need this mattress for SLEEPING, not JUST OURRAMPANT SEX LIFE, so I don’t want a discounted BED, and I want it durable ANDstain resistant! PLEASE AND THANK YOU!!”
…Next thing you knew, you and Saitama were sitting outside afew streets over. Your butt’s squat on the curb as you hid your face in yourknees.
“I’M usually the one who gets kicked out of stores [Name]!”Saitama, with a very amused smile on his face cracked open a perspiring soda hegot from a vending machine. He set your can down in front of you as you shiedaway.
You were rather ashamed of yourself, and embarrassed. “…Hewas really pissing me off—“ Just the thought of that man’s face was making youseethe.
“I could tell.” He chuckled good naturedly.
His arm curls around your shoulders in a sweet gesture. It’swarm, familiar, and comforting.
“Why don’t we just stick to Futons? We can splurge on a bigone and get a dozen pillows. Then just keep it at your place like we wanted.”
..You tried to hide your grin at his thoughtfulness. Theblooming of love in your chest made you sway into Saitama. You kissed his cheekgratefully as you picked your head up from your slump.
“Okay…Butonly if we can break it in as soon as we get home~”
He choked on his drink.
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