#no seriously he is a little FREAK I don't think I can underline this enough
apothesized-moth · 2 months
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God I hate this Freak (Newest Hatchetfield OC)
He works as a Forensic Scientist for the Hatchetfield PD, closely working with a Certain Conrad (Linked under the Cut ;) ) and loves his job a little TOO much.
Maybe keep an eye out for a Blog for him sometime?
Vauge Backstory and Tidbits under the cut!
Mick didn't drift into town so much as he sprouted up in it, like a weed, spreading his roots across the town far before he peeked his head above the surface. He lives in an Apartment in the Downtown area of Hatchetfield, and for a while, his apartment was Rumored to be vacant. Nobody went in, and nobody went out. Still, the apartment seemed in perfect condition, and sometimes people swore they saw lights behind the sectioned blinds. It became a sort of Haunted floor, a Haunted Apartment, where The Hermit lived. Though, that's only what was seen from the inside.
Michael Vescor was born a regular baby, he had a regular childhood, apart from being Transgender, something which caused him to have an innate fascination with flesh, which led to a fascination with Crime and Murders. He'd spend months researching, gathering information, creating threads from hoaxes, theories out of thin air. He breezed through his academics, his sharp mind and observant nature lending well to landing him a degree in Criminology and Forensics, and an eduaction as a Forensic Science. Of course, the next step was to, albeit slightly against his will, join the Force. Mick has no respect for Rules, or proper order of things, unless he orders them that way, he is selfish in his worldview, and posessive of everything he sees. He is a man that has trouble seeing others as equals, or even as human, especially if they're dead. He has a tendency to speak ill of the dead, or make remarks in the middle of a Crime Scene. Mick also has a tendency to put down the people he works with, criticizing them for every little thing they do, mocking them for their lack of observational skills. Generally, not a pleasant guy.
Wonder how he keeps his job... . .
CONRAD (Give Ghost a follow NOW!!!):
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