#no sock puppet rats were harmed in the making of ambition
Summary: In an attempt to escape imminent danger, Sarabeth (Beth) Jenkins finds herself debating face-to-face with the leader of the creatures regarding what brought them together in the first place:
Pairing: None/mentioned Boyfriend
Note: As part of the lore, all versions of Scout doesn't really have a same of her own, instead she and all her versions are referred as:
Scout 0.1 (Scout prime)
Scout 2.0 (Space buns Scout)
Scout 2.3 (Royal Violet Scout)
Scout 2.4 (British invasion Scout)
Scout 2.5 (Red Hair Scout)
So, in this universe Beth and O. Scout shared a small moment where Scout tells Beth that she never really had a name of her own. So Beth asks her what name would she like, Scout tells Beth to pick a meaningful name so she chooses Hannah (which I'll eventually reveal why it's meaningful) and Scout adores it. So Hannah is my Scout's name, but just to take baby steps she goes by the Nickname blue Scout)
This is also to explain the whole name your puppet thingy in the "Duality of AUs" which I share with @dolly-royal
Note 2: I'm very tempted to do a lore shorts (like this) for the main AU but is placed in the Alphabet, yet...I got another fic to give some background to another key player that doesn't start with a B.
Who knows, but I'll call it "Betrayal" BTW along with bashing Randy (who is just there in the game cannon but I'm bashing him for no reason djjdjdjdd)
Rhyming may not be that good (I'm bad at it )
Part 2 is in the process!!!
Sarabeth Jenkins held her breath tight while embracing her unconscious friend, Hannah (or blue Scout), within her arms. Her heart was thumping heavily as she glanced at the dark corners of the warehouse. She could see the dim white light of the sock puppets patrolling around. There were more sock puppets than the last time she and Hannah intended to escape after the scientist puppet, Riley Ruckus, (who also seemed to be the second in command of the warehouse) failed to murder them through her mutant-thingy dog. This was obviously due to the fact that Beth escaped her operation and took an unconscious Hannah when an emergency caught Riley’s attention. Now Riley was desperate-no raging over to find the duo.
Now Beth was walking on a thin fragile thread within life and death. She could already hear Anthony's teasing to make the situation less stressful with something like "Well, babe, now you're on the Muppet’s list of most wanted." That curled a little smile on her lips
Yet... the imaginary voice of her missing boyfriend (potentially dead) wasn't enough to ease her fear. The hissing and growling of the sock puppets were increasing by the second, and it would not take long until she was found. So, she armed herself with bravery and prayed that she could keep her profile as low as possible since any other "Handeemen" could be nearby.
“I'll get you and Tony out of this place, Kiddo. Even if I die..." She muttered as she accommodated Scout inside a pocket in the inner side of her jacket and making sure she was fitted safely.
Beth took a long side before stretching her legs wide open and bent her knees. She leaned her thin body toward and placed her hands on the ground and raised her head. Her headset a goal to reach
Run. Run as if the devil was chasing you, and don't look back until you reached safety.
Run as if the devil was behind you, Beth, just like your grandmother used to say…
Beth closed her eyes and muttered a little prayer, then she sprang and ran forward.
The former dim white light was turning into a furious shade of red along with that horrid "hisss" sound that plagued the place. Her steps started to dilute with the furious scratches of the sock creatures. Beth only increased her speed.
"DID YOU IDIOT CREATURES FOUND HER YET?" She could hear Riley's voice from the distance. There were some illegible sounds. "WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR THEN? GIVE ME HER FUCKING HEAD OR I'LL MAKE EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU PAY!"
Well, Riley's involvement would certainly take a toll on Beth's escape plans. It was just two hours ago, or it seemed to be, after she ran from Riley's surgery table. Beth was less than willing to risk getting caught again by Riley, since that was basically asking for Riley to do live surgery on her without any safety precautions (in order words submerging her into actual torture)
Running was still required for her survival, but now Beth had to take quick action before Riley found her or any of the sock puppets managed to get capture her. So, Beth simply relied on her instincts. She wasn't a CrossFit runner like her aunt Sophie, or the smartest gal like great cousin Sabrina, but Sarabeth Olivia Jenkins had the wits to use brute force out all the Kruber girls (probably it was from the Jenkins' side of her family, mostly her papa)
As she would love to think herself as a goodie two shoe girls, Beth got to admit back in her stupid Christian college she was no stranger to punch or wrestling. Of course, that she wasn't going around picking random fights, they usually related to someone messing to her temper enough or insult her to the point that her counselor suggesting she take some anger management sessions for fighting. Apparently, anger was a major cause of her fight response.
Sadly, Beth was more afraid than angry with the puppets to get her into fighting. It of course wouldn't take her far enough, but nonetheless it would feel nice to beat the shit out of Riley's experiments.
Well, leaving her revenge fantasies aside, Beth focused on an opportunity to cause a distraction idiotic enough to get everyone's eyes on her momentarily. Why did it have to be idiotic? Well, for starters she broke into the warehouse like an idiotic teen (or well an idiotic adult for that matter) because her, more than likely insane, editor told her it would make a great story. Let alone, Beth acting like an impulsive idiot also led her to gain the enmity of Riley herself.
Well, a bunch of impulsive idiotic choices let her here in the first place, so why not use it?
Seeing an opportunity on some tables nearby, Beth made a quick jump landing on the tables, causing the sock puppets to startle momentarily in confusion. Without hesitation, she flipped the table and pulled towards herself as she back down to the nearest door in hand and entering. To her dismay the door led to some destroyed corridors, along with some unpleasant hissing. In a quick thinking, Beth dragged the nearest cabinet to block the entrance that she came in. Her heart began to rage as she could see some yellow lights coming right at her.
Panicking, Beth started to scan the room in hopes for another safe exit, or something to prevent her to be found. There were mostly some old cabinets made to hold the old VHS tapes, some junk from the past glory days in the show's run, and one particular sparkling cabinet that caught her attention. It was slightly rusty but seemed one of those cabinets/lockers that were meant to store equipment like athletic or props; but also.... big enough to hide a human or two (depending on the height and space.) It was perfect, but across from where she was.
The sock puppets from the previous room started to violent push the door causing the cabinet behind her to shake and start to drop some episodes that it was holding. This was a slap from life that her time was running out short. Holding her breath as tight as she could; she gently started to tip toe her way to the cabinet, occasionally hiding behind some props or cabinets on the floor when she could see some yellow light. Slowly she was reaching her goal as the sock puppets were getting closer, and the ones that were initially following her began to calm down once they push the cabinet down holding the door.
Beth probably should be terrified of the last fact, but she couldn't help but smile at the idiocy of the sock creatures trying to open the door fully but being stopped by the cabinet on the floor. This frustration caused their eyes to change from a vivid yellow to a white light as they close the door in frustration, seemingly forgetting about their main target. So, there was something less to worry about.
As seemingly as smart as Riley was, her creations weren't the exactly smartest creatures in the warehouse or well the most patient…
Beth thought with a sly smirk before focusing on escaping the other group of sock puppets who just entered the wide space. Their eyes were shinning amber, and their pace was slightly faster by the minute. Thankfully bed was hiding behind the cabinets placed diagonally against each other. Still, it was far too dangerous to continue on her trail. In quick thinking, Beth turned slightly peaked from the little hole the cabinets made to see how actually close the sock puppets were.
They were far enough not to notice her, but alert enough to notice if Beth was tiptoeing to another hiding place.
Perhaps those folks could use a little deception. It worked in movies, and these guys aren't exactly smart...
There wasn't much to her current surrounding than some VHS tapes of some episodes. They weren't hefty and were small enough to be thrown. She picked the "Mike Master's something" and the "Marching band" episodes. She placed one under her right arm to hold, while the remaining one was to help with her left. Beth slowly began to slide, momentarily stopping for some light scanning on her direction, or some hissing increasing, until she reached the other side of the cabinet. She peaked to check if the way was clear before throwing the VHS tape as far as she could. This called the attention of the sock puppets who immediately ran towards the direction of the VHS tape.
Beth took this opportunity to go as far as she could to get as closer to the cabinet as possible. She hid behind a chest of cabinets once the sock puppets lost interest in the VHS tape and continue looking for her from that direction. They were far enough to not noticed she was tiptoeing, but Beth was afraid entering the metal cabinet was going to make enough to give away her cover. So, she decided to wait a little until the Sock puppets calmed down to throw the remaining VHS tape.
Throw it, hide, wait. Don't hesitate or wait until they notice it. If you wait, they'll find you, Jenkins, and you're dead for good...
Throw it.
Stomp! stomp!
No hesitation or she'll be dead....
The amber colored light was changing directions...
Don't hesitate, Beth....
The pacing of the creatures was increasing....
Do it for Hannah. Do it for Tony. Do it for yourself if you want to stay alive, dumbass...
Her heart was racing, as her palms started to sweat...
This is your chance, Jenkins. Hold your breath and throw the tape...
Three....two...one.... THROW IT!
Furiously, Beth threw the tape as hard as she could before clumsily making her way to the cabinet as the Sock puppets rushed towards the last tape. She quietly entered the metal cabinet and gently locked the door. She covered her mouth and pulled herself together. Yellow and red lights were shinning around her direction. She forced her eyes open as she fought the urge to close them shut. Her heart was pounding so hard, that it seemed that in a manner of minutes it would jump out of her chest.
She could hear and feel the disgusting breath of the sock puppets nearby. Beth trembled in fear but did her hardest not to make a sound. The lights were getting closer, and she became pale when an amber light illuminated the small crevices of the cabinet. The sock puppets were right in front of her, and she was defenseless. The light remained there for a while and Beth felt like she was about to die in any second. Then...
The yellow light started to slowly fade into a creamy yellow color until it eventually turned white. It disappeared as the hissing dissolved. Beth allowed herself to breathe quietly and smile. She was alive. She was fucking alive and actually managed to not get caught. Still, it was far too early to celebrate victory as she was far from being actually safe. She had no clue if the sock puppets were still around or if it was even safe to leave her hiding place. One familiar voice pretty much summed it up.
"Did y'all find that Dolly around?" It was the questionable sweet voice of another Handeemen. Daisy Danger. Beth never actually got to see her around but was unlucky enough to hear her screeching after Beth and Hannah escaped Rosco. This time, Daisy was much calmer than before (or appeared to be.) Found that to be more disturbing than the mad scientist of the group threatening to cut her open. The voice of Daisy continued talking. "Well, let's round up the others this time, I think Ms. Sara went towards the east side of this ground."
Beth quivered at being called "Ms. Sara." In all honestly, she preferred to be called Beth...
Letting her annoyance aside, Beth focused on an important part mentioned by Daisy: The East side of the ground. What the hell did she meant by that?! The East side of this ground? As Beth was concerned, she was going South, so that meant that Daisy was unknowingly giving her a chance to escape? Well, there was a chance that it could be a trap. Riley was growing frustrated with Beth and Hannah's success on her tests to the point that she purposely made them fail with a test created for that purposely solely. That was enough to let Beth know these puppets were not about to play a fair game with her.
Or it seemed that Riley Ruckus was.
So, hesitantly, Beth silently waited in silence for a sign or a sound. She did think about leaning toward and peak around, but all she could imagine was Daisy waiting for her and dragging her around. It was best to hope for a sound in the now seemingly silent room to hear a sound indicating that danger was gone. Luckily, Daisy was once again nice enough to deliver good news.
"What are you, dim head buffoon, waitin' for Ms. Sarah to quit?" The voice of Daisy, now slightly upset, asked. "Don't you stand there waitin' to make a spin. Riley won't be too happy about this because she's pitchin' a hissy fit. So, I suggest that you move, or I'll have you buried down quick!"
Then some hissing and steps followed until they became illegible into the distance. Beth couldn't help but grin knowing Danger was finally gone at last. She took Hannah out of her pocket and gave her a big embraced as she did her hardest not to laugh or make another loud sound.
"A hissy pitch indeed!" Beth muttered humorously. Although she was born and raised in the North, she was no stranger to Southern slang (Since her late Gradmama Rosemary was from the South) to know Daisy was saying Riley was having a temper tantrum of some sort.
After letting herself quietly chuckle a bit, Beth stared at Hannah momentarily and let a sigh she was holding into. There were lucky to survive that round up, but who knows what other trick upon the sleeve those bastards had? Or what other disgusting creature was lying there, in plain sight at the studio. The warehouse was basically a shop of horrors, or some sort of haunted house, but the dangers were actually real
Let alone the fact that it was the place part of the Vox Veritas crew: Kelly, Mike, Roger, Veronica, and Randal (Randy) disappeared...along with her Anthony...
"We better keep moving, Hannah..." Beth muttered as she gently opened the cabinet door. She gave a quick peek to make sure it was safe, before proceeding to leave.
Daisy was going East, who knew where the others went. Riley was near the North, so it was best to avoid that sight. In process of elimination, which meant that either Nick was West or South, so it was a 50/50 chance to encounter him. Beth decided to continue her way to the South since she was basically going that way when she hid in the cabinet, so why not just continue her way. This time, she made sure to be more silently than ever.
Definitively not wishing to stay long in the open destroyed corridors, Beth began to scan around looking for some sort of room or exit. It was really hard to tell the names based on the weird puppet language they developed, so it kinda felt like that unsolvable puzzle of the two guards and the door. There was no guarantee that she would cross a safe room, but it wasn't as if she actually had a choice.
She took a peculiar metal door and entered it. She closed it by turning some wheel, then she took a nearby metal pipe on the floor and forced it into the little hole in the door. That would prevent others from reaching in from the other side. Well, that also would make an escape through that door impossible, but it was a risk worth taking.
After making sure the door was lock, Beth turned around to see the new room she found herself in. It was wide, and slightly dark but not enough to make it hard to walk. She noticed there were a lot of tables with sewing machines, needles, and threads along with some felt and cotton. There were also some mannequins, the ones that were used to make clothing or costumes. It didn't take a genius to figure out she was in the sewing department, or what was of the sewing department considering the puppets changed a lot of the abandoned studio.
"This is actually a pretty decent area." Beth muttered to Hannah as she looked around. No taxidermy drops, no blood. It was tranquil. "We better stay alert if a puppet is nearby, but let's also take a moment to rest. All that running and close deaths made me lose my breath."
Hannah, of course, didn't response. She was unconscious (as far as Riley mentioned), so there were no quick comments or cursing from her part. As much as frustrating it was to keep her friend quiet, Hannah did make the whole escape to the scientist bitch and her creations for fun.
Hopefully, Beth would find a way to figure out how to wake up Hannah. Until now, she would just have to sit in a corner of the room as she regained back her energy and think what she would do next. Hiding was a good survival tactic, but how the hell was she even going to escape with a whole army, or whatever those sock thingies were meant to be, were after her.
Let alone, how was she even meant to explain a living puppet?
Or well...how was she going to keep Scout alive without taking Beth's life force as well?
Well...how did those puppets work anyways?
Rosco didn't necessarily rely on having a hand shoved inside him to work, or that dog, crap thing she previously saw at Riley's lab. Well, they did have human parts of course, but to what extent? The puppets did rely on a living creature to live but...she hardly believed that those creations were made out living creatures.
"You guys just keep making your whole "Being alive" thing more confusing, you know?" Beth chuckled as she examined Hannah. "I do wonder if you could actually live without...you know being stuck in my hand..."
Well, if Hannah was unconscious, that meant that she could actually live without Beth. Still, she never really saw any creatures with their half body. The only creatures that walked without the use of humans (hosts) were Riley's monstrous creations. Well, they were the ones with a whole bo-
A whole body.
How those things worked was still a mystery, but it seemed to be far related to how humans actually work (Beth did not wish to remember those felt organs in the operating room lying around.) Well, looking back and the function of humans...if they were cut in half, they wouldn't live enough due to rapid blood loss due to the wide-open space. They didn't necessarily need limbs to live, but areas functional enough for their survival.
Sock puppets were functional without limps, so there was that similarity to humans.
"Since you have organs or seem to do." Beth muttered wincing at the slight memory of the felt organs. "That means that space you have for a hand to be in place is leaving our organs or whatever is inside you is leaving you vulnerable unless you have something that closes it."
Hence, why she was originally sewn to her hand, and of course to avoid the puppet living the host. Still, Beth was not going to sew Hannah back into her hand...
Yet...there was some material around that could lead them to a more satisfying and safer solution....
"Well, it appears that you and I are safe at the moment." Beth commented glancing around the room. She rose herself and walked up to a nearby table. "How about we calm ourselves down and let me give you a hand, not in the literal sense, when you wake up. You have been through a lot, and I think you deserve some help as well..."
Back in her stupid Christian college, her counselor suggested that Beth took into a relaxing hobby to deal with her anger positively. Beth ended up being placed in the costuming class for the theater department. So, she got some alright sewing skills, not the best, but good enough to patch up her clothing. Hopefully those skills would be enough to patch some legs to Hannah (in hopes they were functional enough for her to the point that she would live without having to rely on Beth)
It took a couple of trials, but the end result was pleasant. Hannah had some tiny legs and a pair of blue shorts sewn permanently. It wasn't perfect, but it was cute enough for Hannah, and a reliving activity to ease Beth's fears. Now, with an upgraded Hannah. Beth proceeded to carefully continue her way. She slowly started to figure out she was in another portion of the studio, so each puppet was probably patrolling in search for her. Why the sewing department was not patrolled as quickly responded when she noticed it was shorted that it seemed.
In a matter of minutes, Beth pretty much reached the end. It was a close room, and the other exits just led to open corridors, or rooms without any particular doors. So, this was some sort of trap for intruders since they would be easily surrounded by all sides.
That was a hit to Beth's survival, but thankfully she got a hand on the "game" the puppets usually played with her. Giving a quick glance to each door and hearing for the least amount hissing, muttering, or steps, Beth proceeded to the door to the right, which led to what it seemed to be an old stage. She took a nearby chair and placed it against the door. It wouldn't do much, but it would be helpful enough.
"I wonder why these guys bothered to keep the stages. I know Mortimer wants to bring his show back but...but like...That is not going to look pretty." Beth huffed as she walked around, avoiding some broken props, and trash.
She started to look for something she would defend herself, or something useful to distract any enemy nearby. She could improvise something for her advantage, yet there wasn't a lot for her to use, or something that wasn't loud enough to call the attention of her enemies. Still, still she had the hiding spots of her Tony so she could use and figure out what to do next. Now, she had to focus on keeping her, and Hannah alive.
"There must be something here..." Beth muttered as she walked around carefully examining her surroundings. "C'mon, Mr. Gubberson. I am sure you had something useful around here..."
What the fuck was that?
Thomp! Thomp!
It couldn't be a sock puppet.... Sock puppets were lighter than this...
Sniff... Sniff...grrrrrrr...
That growl... Beth heard that growl before...
"Rosco, calm down my pet!" A more than unwelcoming familiar voice muttered in disapproval, which caused Beth's skin to go white as shivers ran down her spine. "Be patient, my boy, we will find and make her pay..."
That was the undeniable voice of Riley, and if she was scolding Rosco that only meant that he was around too. That just added up to Beth's numerous problems, let alone a great disadvantage of her survival. Dogs had great sense of hearing and smell, what...what could make a living puppet dog any different? If Beth was able to hear him smelling, that only meant that he was-
Woof! woof!
"She must be nearby, lead the way my pet and let's get her dead!" Riley laughed in delight.
Well, there was just one thing to do, and it was run and hide. Without even thinking twice, Beth was already sprinting trying to hide herself in the process as she would hear Rosco's claws scratching the floor. He was far faster than she was, and Riley knew it. Afraid, Beth began to make wide turns pushing everything she could to delay Rosco. This was slightly helpful as she could hear Riley getting frustrated.
She decided to increase her distance, while losing her breath at the moment, until Riley made a frustrated comment that she lost Beth and Hannah.
Feeling like she was about to faint at any second, Beth took the quickest turn to her avail. This ended being a dead end, but there was a cart covered in a cloth with sufficient space for her to hide behind. She carefully jumped inside and attempted in vain to catch her breath without being too loud. Rosco's steps were getting closer, and Beth basically ran into a dead end of a labyrinth. Things went just downhill when she heard some hisses.
Carefully peaking she forced a hand against her mouth to keep her from screaming. A group of angry rats were approaching her, causing Beth to clumsily back down and pull the cloth off the cart. It was either God's mercy or her luck that the action did not get Riley or Rosco's attention, or how Sarabeth even managed not to scream when a human hand dropped in her lap.
Ironically, this disturbing act of mercy, proved to be helpful enough as when Beth automatically threw the hand away, the rats went for it.
The fate did also give her the middle finger, since that called the attention of Riley who ordered Rosco to go to the corner Beth was. Let alone, that unluckiness was not enough for life, since one of the rats decided that Beth was a far better snack than the hand. Beth was so not going to touch another hand, but she was too terrified to even do something.
That was went her brain activated her fight sense, and she took the disgusting creature of hell with her bare hands and covered with the cloth so it could not sink its teeth and bite her. The animal of course fought, but Beth was too afraid to even do something about it.
Until Rosco reminded her that he was a dog after all, meaning that when the other rats sense him and started to run, he well...
She could hear a struggle within Riley and Rosco, but also some exciting barking from the canine and the terrified squeaks of the rats. That only meant that Rosco wanted to chase off the rats like any dog would do, and since Riley often changed from her host to work on the lab to using Rosco....that gave Beth a devilish idea
"Sorry not sorry" Beth told herself as she carefully took the rat and rose herself up. Riley was thankfully just too blocks away from her, trying desperately to get Rosco's attention.
Beth put the rat down and apologized to God for what she was going to do (although she didn't really felt guilty) She gently tiptoe her way out of the corner, while making sure the rat was silent before placing it on the ground. Then with as much force as she had, she kicked the creature flying up to Rosco and landing in front of him. Riley turned towards her and was about to say something well then...
"WOOOF!" Rosco barked in excitement as the rat began to run as fast as it could. Riley froze in horror when in the blink of an Eye Rosco was already chasing off the rat with all the force he had.
"ROSCO STOP! BAAAAD DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-" Riley's panicked cries dissolved into the distance and Beth started to chuckle maniacally in both terror and amusement.
Her plan actually worked, but also it was hilarious as fuck.
"I am so fucking dead..." Beth muttered to herself as her laughter dried down.
If Riley hated her for escaping her TWICE, Beth pretty much earned an arch nemesis because Riley would want to tear her apart after making Rosco dragging her. At least there was a use to those godawful experiments. A pretty hilarious one in fact. That actually made her wonder if this was not the first time Rosco leaned into his dog's instincts and fucked up any of Riley's research or experiments?
She could probably ask Hannah once she found a way to wake her up. In the meantime, Beth opted to look for a safe place to make a good plan and hide from the Handeemen and its creatures.
Knowing that Rosco would eventually return into finding her, Beth turned entered another door near her. It had some scribbles or puppet language, she couldn't even figure what it was, but at this rate she was willing to even go back to human resources again (The fact that the puppets had a sick sense of humor as beyond her) Anything would just be sufficient. As long as she didn't have to make a run from another pu-
"This is a restricted area, you know? Well, it was in plain show before." A vaguely familiar British voice spoke. Beth froze in place as the door shut behind her. Mortimer humorously took a sip of his cup. "Oh, you look so much like your dear late great aunt! Come and take a seat, I promise not to taunt."
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