#no those were maladaptive skills and if you knew that you wouldn't want me to go that
umberandmochaagate Β· 1 year
When people are like "Yeah you got mental health issues but you made it through undergrad though right?" And it's like... Gunfire and sirens and screams of terror in my head
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consequencesofargentdawn Β· 11 months
While this may be more of a historical question that has been asked time and time again. Why would people like Morsteth, Lunarglade, Fearless, Coalburnt, Gruggosh and Stormbinder etc commit themselves to serving under a vanity project for one person? Especially when amongst the named people you have some pretty big narcissistic egos.
When you look at it they all had their own power bases within the PCU. Lunarglade and their wacky Illuminati cultist, Morsteth and his edgy fascist shock troopers, Shewp/Coalburnt and his inquisitors. Are or were these individuals genuinely loyal to Perroy as a figurehead of their community?
Or was it something different. E.g they knew that their behaviour and antics wouldn't be tolerated in other parts of the community but perhaps they realised they could live out their power fantasies in the PCU. Perroy basically created a haven for a certain type of player to congregate.
Some of the above were always Perroy's enforcers, but others have been rogue elements and trouble makers that Perroy never really did much about. With that in mind, just how much control did Perroy have over his lieutenants - or did they in fact control him?
I do find the subject interesting, whether it was out of fear or loyalty or and I -hate- to say it was it down to Perroy's charisma that brought these various people together who may have been enemies? The curious thing about this is when Perroy departed some of those individuals were immediately at each others throats especially when they knew that there wouldn't be any consequences from Dear Leader.
The general allure of the PCU, like all fascistic organisations is to give a sense of belonging to those who otherwise would not be able to fit into the wider community because of their extreme and socially disapproved positions.
Perroy never made a move against 'rogue' parts of his community because they served two purposes:
"If I keep Stormbinder, Fearless, Lunarglade, Boush etc around it lets me look more reasonable in public while letting me send them out against actual serious opposition."
"I can use their maladaptive socialisation to my advantage and make them feel welcome and therefore they are loyal to me and anything I ask of them won't be opposed, even if they take the long way to do it/make a mess of it along the way."
Loyalty has always been more valued in the PCU than actual quality of personality as a player or skill at writing a good character. Narcissists surprisingly congregate around likeminded figures. They play off one another by showering each other in fake compliments and encouragement, nothing positive a PCU higher up says is factually or even subjectively true, it serves a purpose. Perroy has been caught on record, and we have posted chat log evidence of this that the PCU is not a democracy, it's not about personal freedom to play a character you want or to express opinions you desire. It has always been his autocracy and his will. Unity must be shown at all times publicly.
Now look recently. Unity is broken into pieces, something unthinkable even two years ago. Once Perroy is no longer on the scene, and definitively at that, the facade turns to sand. Once the genius of the great icon of the cult of personality is gone, the cadres and apparatchiks start to turn on one another, even if there is an official "new leader" i.e Gruggosh, that is merely a public face.
Question why the PCU has gone from 26 guilds in April 2022 to merely 12 a year later? 12, of which half have probably less than 10 active members. The more pressing concern now for us is these 'false PCU' guilds made to effectively act like ratlines for members to jump into to hide from the consequences of their actions.
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