#no time to be the timelord victorious when the doctordonna are trying to flirt and eat and party their way across the universe
captainsupernoodle · 9 months
an absolute travesty we only had the DoctorDonnax2 for like half an hour total. can you Imagine the chaos. the doctor is all like "he was born in fire and blood and war" because hating himself and his choices is his oldest pastime and lookee here! free doctor he can blame and boot out of the tardis! i think they were indicating that blue had donna's memories, but i adore the concept of them having a twin telepathy thing.
the doctor is right to be scared. there are now two people in the tardis who have ALL the context to call him out about his decisions. one is him, who we already know he Despises. one is his best friend, who's literally carrying a piece of him right after he's had the idea that he turns everyone he lets close into the worst parts of himself planted in his head. both of them are part donna and therefore categorically incapable of letting him comfortably retreat into his drama persona and avoid his problems. both of them are also part timelord and therefore he can't "i'm a 900yo alien from the most advanced civilization in the world, i am Unknowable" his way out of it. there's two of them, so they're ready to tag-team him into oblivion.
picture it. we get another donna season. it's just the doctor trying desperately to run away from his worst nightmare of being Known and Loved and Called Out On His Bullshit and the DoctorDonna twins chasing him down with cheerful bloodlust. incredible.
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